TI1E SCI? ANTON TIIIETTNE FRIDAY MOHNIiro, JULY 13, 1894. GENERAL NEWS DF The exports of Amcrioan runnnfao tores during May reached $15,190,403, ami constituted 25.72 per cunt, of oar total exports. . Tha exports for eleven months ending with Mujr have been $168,500,571. or 20.71 percent, of the id till txports of tbe period. The ex ports for the corresponding eleven inonthu'endinj in May, 1S93, were only $1-12. 08a. 633, or 18 7 per cent, of the lulu! exports. The exports for the en tire twelve months of the fisoul yeiir will Teach about $183 000 000. which will be larger by $13,000,000 than the highest previous yer, and larger by a much greater amount than any o'ber year of Auiericuu exports of manufac tures. The percentile of manufac tures to other exports will also re lar ger thiiu in any other year, unless pos siuly in 1S77, whn the toUl exports were only $532,080,854, against a proh nl'lo total lor the prtsentyear of !?8T3, 000,000. Shipmeur of cotton cloths udvauci.il from $8,112,124 in eleven months of 1803 to $10,507,404 iu eleven months for 1804; ecietitihV and electrl cnl .ipparatm. from $l,'.38,29S to $1. 412 023: honsahoM furuiiure. from $'V 818 201 to 1553.001,128. and books anil primcil matter, trom $1,583,720 ti$'), 413,200. The total loss on dutiable nr tu-it-a for eleven months is from $389, 031,071 to $253,820,743, whilo on ar ticle free nt duty it is only from $107, 005.307 to $319,301,351. The appearance of u galaxy of Read ing officials at Tresckow Tuesday is reported to have aronsod a great deal of excitement in that quiet neighbor hood. The party weut over tho Jersey Central rod from Silvor Brook aud tueir errand to the place above named is puzzling many, inasmuch ns they hal never any business in that neigh borhood to claim their attention. Bat from what can be learned it is possible that the Heading intends extending a branch to Hearer Meadow aud Van Winkle's Coleraine collieries. The party embraced all the leading officials of Uio Readiug and the private cur "Transit" was their mode of convey aace. J, II Warg, the Jersey Central dispatcher, piloted the party from Sil ver Brook to Tresckow. Work on the uew slops of the West Sldo Coal company, wccordinar to the Cnrbotidale Lender, will be renewed in a few days. The sinking of the elope has been suspended for some time for mint of a hoisting engine, and an en tine has cow been put iu place and od erations beg. in aguia yesterday. Tue slope has already been sunk Jo the depth of 110 feet, aud coal was reached at this poiut. The rock and dirt has boen deposited along the interior of the slope, aud as soon as this can be re moved witu the recently placed engine, the active mining of coal will begin. Three shifts will be put on and the work will be pnsued rapidly forward. It is estimated that there is at least 100,000 tons of coal in the tract topped by this Dew opening, and employment will be given to a number of men and boys as soon as the place is put in op eration. Concerning t;; return of Arch F. Ltw, or this city, from a brief pleasure trip to Liverpool, the Pittston Giizolte note the fact that while in Liverpool Mr. Law had an interview with James Bain, chief engineer of the Cunard line, iu regard to his father's patent elec tronic cartridge, and received an order to ship by the Campania, which sails in xt fc.iturday, some samples of the improved cartridge to be tried on the Lucauia and Campinia, as they have been tried iu other places with grdat success. One of the unpleasant possibilities of the use of culm as a railway ballast is thus illustrated in a Huzleton paper which notes that a portion or tuo lin ing under the Lihigh Valley railroad east of AudonrieJ was recently discov ered to be on fire. Road Foreman Cur- liu and Outside Superintendent Hayes, of the Yorktown colliery, blended forces ami bean at once shovelling tie burning calm and ashes from be neath tho track. The tire had already burned to n depth of twenty feet and extended for a distance of fifty feat uluug the roadbed. E igine 79, of Di luno, with a good supply of water, was dispatched to the scene and the greater portion of the horning uului having been shoveled out, water to the thou sands of gallon was poured in the opening until not a spark of fire conld be seen. The fire originated from a number of ties that were use 1 as crib bing being ignitol by sparks from pissing locomotives. Hud Hie fire re mained uudiacuvered for a week or a lew days it would doubtless have made its way down to the crop of the vein for the filling where the iuciplent sparks multiplied extended into tlie ininej and was used to block a large breach. While tho traveling salesmen have a committee at Washington trying to In duce congress to tiass a law to permit the railroads to issue interchangeable mileage tickets, a half d zjn roads in Iudianna and Ohio which have had such tickets on sale for several years have gotten tird of it and are aban doning the practice. The only line ab solutely sure of its revenue, it is de clared, is the one selling the ticket. The roads are inclined to be incredu lous concerning the promise of tho commercial mon thiit if allowed the tic- !5!W .I'. '. & a 1 Without the Sun the Earth Would Be a Waste, . Ita genial raya mean life. Soino times, though, the heat disagrees with you. Maybe it will ha only a triiiiug ailment may bo ex haustion and most serious. A lit tle care would avoid this. Tho taking of Johann UofFs Malt Extract would "set you right" would "keep you right. " It is a nutri tive stimulant, but not an intoxi cant. It exalts tho energies,' aids digestion. Beware of imitations. Look for signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck label. NDUSTR1ES v. ii. n1 ii1 f-t, . "1. -r-v kels they will (top the dealings with soalpers. Such tickets would open a wtilo held fur the scalpers u tne com mercial mon should deal with them Superintendent Graham, of the Wilkes-Barre and Wyoming Valley Traction company announces, in conse quence of the completion of pending negotiations, that the worlc or putting the trolley line through Pittston bor ough will be begun next week. A meeting of the Pittston Citizens ad visory committee is called for tonight, wlieu the Traction othcials will be present, and the questions of the grade of Maiu street will be decided. The burgoas and rcmuiittee of council have engaged Civil Engineer Bartl, of this city, to give tho grudo of the street ub directed. Potter & Folwell, sanitary engineers of Qotham, estimate that the cost of sewering Pittston borough would be $108,373 00 This estimate includes a newur on every sireet in the borough i m its, and it is estimated that there nre twenty-four miles of street in the borough. Ihe estimated cost or build ing a sewer on Main street, from line to line, is S10.083, aud for a sower from Union street north, to Railroad street south, under that portion of the street that is pavod. $7,030 is tho estimated co.it. The sewers on the side streets will be of pipe, from 8 inches up to 30 inches. The sewer ou Miin street will bo of brick, except in one district up town, wh?re pipes will answer the pur pone, nud it will be tiino feet umlei ground. There will b three other sec tions of the sewer ott Mnin street built of brick. .The maps and specifications huvi been given to Engineer B.irtl, of this city, for examination, and when he lias gone over thorn, they will be presented to the I'ittston council for adoption. A number of well known eoal mae nates and Pennsylvania mining oflicials inspected th collieries of the Mineral Railroad and Mining company and the Union Coal company yesterday. Tuey are milking a tour of the mines iu which they nre interested throughout the Shatuokiu section of the state and ata Iminii n:i:irt,rMil In Ortm-rnl Xiinoi - intendent Frank Shepherd's private car ami I'niliuan sleeper loiutitue, which it rminir ilruwn hv n Ktu'pial nnirim. Among the momhers of the party are ueucrai tniperiuteihient i-ranic onp- lu rd nf Altnnna? V IT .Tin-it, funeral freight agent of Pennsylvania rail road, of Philadelnhia: Joeiih Stlck- ney und Mr. Boyd, of the New York coal farm of Stckuey, Cunningham & Co. : Y. H Lwis. Btineriiitendent ol the William Penn Coal company; Mr. Stickuey and son, and D.iniul El wards, stiperiuteiulHiit of the Kingston Coal compauy ut Wilkes-Birre; Irvin A. Stearne, general manager of the Pennsylvania Coal companies, and Morris Williams, superintendent of tue Mineral Railroad and Mining com pany. They had already inspected the Priinrosp tuillierv at Mineraviila as well as the Lytio colliery near tho same place and the William Penn colliery. The engineer of the locomotive was Andrew Chambers, probably ono of the best known railroad mon in the united States. Ills fir. 'man was Mr Mirhnplj Mr. Cham linrs in the favor. ite engineer of Roberts and has been on nearly every railroad ia this coun try iu the capacity of engineer of Pres ident Roberts' official tours. "An order has gone into effect on the Lehiib Valley roal," says tho Pittston U.izute, "whicii is not very encouraging to the old employes. A number of long ssrvica engineers of first class trains have b?en transferred to second un 1 ovuu to third class run?, such as freight, coal and gravel trams, the first flats runs being given to the new nun-union eugineers who camo to the company's rescue during the strike last lull, it is understood that the chaugo is uiadeiu onl r to keep tin nou-uuion men from accepting the in durements offered them to go to the west. Among the engineers so far ra duced ii Mumford Nonuemachcr, of this place, who yesterday completed his htteenth year or service as engineer on tho Wiley road and who has been running one of the fast express trains. 1'urdell and benrfoss, aisj old time en gineers on the Wyoming division, have been reduced, and others are expecting similar orders any minute. The man urd not doing much kicking. They say It would be useless. They did uot blame Superintendent Mitchell iu the least, know ing him not to be respon sible for the order. llo hag told th men that he is but obeying the order of higher powers, and that he opposed it as inuob as possible." Minor Industkiai. Notes: Tbo Delaware and lludfoa has bnen as sessed $4,GJC, 120 peraowil property in Xew York. The Society fur the Promotion of Engi neering education will hold its first animal meetitgin Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aug. 'M tu'JJ. E'lward Hughes, who whs Inst year bur gess of lluulii-stown, near I'ittston, has been appointed superintendent of Johnsou & (Jo.'s mines. The Kuiployes' Insurance association started on tho Reading road whuu Austin Corhiu was its prosidunt, is still maintain ed and highly approved by the receivers of tho toad. Justice Brewer has rendered a decision at Omaba declaring unconstitutional tho Nebraska mnxium freight law. Tim law hns been under test since its eoactniout two yuurs uuo. President Tuttle says that Boston and Maine earnings are from 10 10 15 per cout. behind what they wi-re a year ngo. Up to August the coiupariion is with montns of big earnings last year. The strike has created quite a boom in business with the express companies, Not in many years, It is stated, has their busi ness been heavier than sinco the strike was inaugurated and stopped freight trains. Eyscapila and Indigestion In their worst forms ar cured by the use of P. P. P. If yon are debilitated and run down, or If you need ft tonio to regain fhshnud lost oppolite, strength aud vigor, take P. P. P., and you will bo strong and healthy, k or shattered constitutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) is the king of all meilicino'. P. P. P. ia tho greatest blood purifier iu the world. For sale by all druggists. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Etosks and Kondi. New Yojik. July 12. A quiet condiflmi of affairs prevailed at tue stock exchange today, Early transactions in the general railway list were at concessions of yt to per cent, due to the announcement of a strike on the St. Paul road. The report gniued more credence in London than it did hero. As a matter of fact the streot hns about come to the conclusion that the .labor troubles ns far as the i-tock market is concerned have about run their course. The reports of the strike ou the St. Paul road not being confirmed, tho shorts began tover the fractional loss noted was recov ered. The feature of the day was tho activity in American Sugar, of which 55,000 shares changed hands out of a total of 114. (too shares. The stock declined to 07, ralllod lo and recoiled to 07!f The early decline Was dim to the decision of Judge Barker, Of the Massachusetts supreme court, in the suit brought against the company for not filing Its aunual report with the state au thorities. Chicago Gu, attcr decliuing to rallied to 77Ji'. Lead, Cordage, and Geuaial Electric were iu better request. In th tinid dealiugs American Suitar de veloped renewed weakness, but too geu trul list held tolerably Arm. Tho parsing of ihe L itiisville and Nashville dividend, the failure of L. Dale Alexander & Co., members of the Stock exchauga and ru mors of heavy gold shlpmouts had no ef fect. Tub foll.iwini: comDieto tahla unnwinu the day's fluctuations in actlrn ntneks is suuolird anil rovisril dully hy Lulitr A Fuller, stock uroKors, 1.1 vt yommif avenue: Upon- HUn- Low est. Clos la(. iiu. est. Am.Cnt. Oil.. Am Kuirar. A. T. & S. F run. Ko. On. N.J Chic & N. W 1II.-I HM's el'H lir. H, 74-n VlH B. & O Ji'iii Clile. Ohb, CO. V. & St. It..., Col., Hook.Val. T, D. H 115IW ..'J MX 11 :i7t m 117 la W.& 'hi it's Mi ini, 4 nu ll? ma iu;h, KM ir,iK H lira wni lr-'s i! m L'l'lt m (HilZ 1M ii" Willi 1U4 W's lf'l "s 11 11 iii;i IM114 l.v.a.j -'!' 11! (, IIU1 4 '.''li-i lis ',4 am ! iit. 1)., L. & W... I). 4 O. F Krie (1. K. Co Lake Kuoro... It. ii N . i?s Manhattan Miss. 1'ao Nat. Lea; I N. Y. & N. E N. Y. Central N. Y (. V N. Y..B. St W U. . C. Co N orth Pno North Pao. pf OiiihIih Pac. .Mail Kenilimr Ko' k Inland It. T St. Paul T V. I Texas Jt Pan I'nion l'aeilio Wabash p" Western Vniou W.& L. ! W. & L. E. pf m Hit's ir M if" ll4 ,Mi.i 14 Hi si 4! Mi We(i fi'-'s 1M4 !8 1 1 H iuh Chlcsao Oram and Provisions. "ScnANToN, July 12. The following quota tions aril aupplioa ami C'irroiti'-t daily by L llar& Kullei'.stock brokurs,Ul Wyominx avd nuc. WHEAT. Onenimt UiKliust Lowest ,,, Closing CO US. Opciiiuir lli'lient Lowest , Ciosinjr , OATS. Opening , Ilillllest Lowest , Clesimr , 1'OHK. Open nit Highest , Lowest , Clositi LAUD. Opeliimj , Highest Lowest I losing SHOUT 11II1S. Opeiiinu...., liiulivst Lowest Ciosinu , Jnlv. Sept. Doe. &S'$ HI 10 M'i Ki'ii (KHi ,',in,i 5.SI.J .H lli.'i H!a il6 m .... 4:iii 44 .... f-'i ..... 4 Kii .... "';!s uii at; 4 m 1270 .... KV 1.70 l'.'M PJ.-.7 .... vsA i:m .... no n: li-x) I,s7 7.1 -' Ii7a l3 f.'.l (ft! iv. mi (I5S I.V.' Hi J 115.' .... New York Produce Market. New York. July 12, IrLoun--Lefs na tive, steaiiy. Wheat Less active, eaior, closing finuj Jfo. 2 red store aud elevator, WJiic; nllont, OO.c: f. o. b., COuOOc. ; un graded red, oTuClc; Ko. 1 northern, Ciu I'S.-,; option" closed weak at Jfac. under yesterday; No. 2 red, July, fiDc: August, OUc. ; Soptember, 6lc; Decern hor, (!5?. Coiin (jnipt, flrnier; No. 2, 47Ji(a4i;ic.I 'elpvntor; 4S)in4t.,,.jC. afloat; options were dull and firm at He advauc;Jnly, 47Jc.; AiiBiist, 47c: September, 47Jc. Oats Dull, steadvj options, dull, lower, Bteady; July, 45c. j August, 1:4 He; Soptem bur, 32J4CJ No. a white, July, 4()i:; spot prices, No. 2, 82c: No. 2 white, 5'fc; No. 2 Chicago, 6:ic; No. 3, 51c; No. 3 white, 50c; mixed western, S3a53o.; white do. and white state, 52a3Uc. Berk Quiet, firm. Tikiiced Beef-DuII. Cut MEATR-Quior, steady. Laud Quiet, shade wealtor: western, steam closed J7.35; city, OJ.inlic; July, S7.3U: Septemlar, f7.3D; rcliued, easier; contiuent, tl.Xi; SouLh America, 87.65; compound, flnOc Poiik Qiiiot, Arm. Butter Dull: state dairy, 12al8Jic; do. creamery, 15 1 1Ul; Pennsylvania do., 15a l'Jc; western dairy, lO'iali.c.; do. creamj cry, Kal'Jc: do. factory, lUaI4c; nlgius, 18!i,'al3c.; imitation creamery, 12al5c Cheese Fair demand. Egos Quiot. lower; state and Penn sylvania, i3al3c, western fresh, lpja 12c; do. per case, tl.50a2.50. Fhiladelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. July 12.-slliiw was dull and unchanged. Prices were: Primo city in hogsheads, la4Ji'c.; prime country, in barrels, 4.'c; do. dark lu barrels, Sa 4c;. cakes, 4'ijO. ; crease, 3c. S r.;X REST0HES VITALITY. Made a Well Mar, of Me. 7Htt.KE.AT SOI h liny. T'niaT'j'ciT xs.ixiivii3x"x" produces (lie nlinve results in .10 d:js. It a l( powerfully oiiil uuiehly. Cures w!:on nil 'ulhers fml Vimii:ineuHMiv.-m thcMi- lost luanlitio.l.aiiil old ;,ii'ii will recover tin ir yoinlilul vikih' hy uini; K;VI VO. It nuickly nml surely natures Nervous ness, Lost Vitiiltly, liiiiu.ieiiey. Nightly Knnssinus, Lost Power. Failinir M. innry, W'astnui Diseases, and nil efl'i eCs ot wir-nbiiM. or exee.snml indiseri tion. liieh unfits one tor s'luly. business or marnaKu. It not only cum hy sturtinir nt tlieseiit of disease, but isanrent nerve Ionic and blood bultiler. hrinii ini! hack tlio pink Rloiv to pnlo elieelis anil ro stnriiiK tho lire of .viiulh. Ii. wards oil Insanity in' Consumption. Insist on having- Iti:VI Vo.no other. It can ho carried In vest i.oeki t. I;y mrll Kl.0 per iiarkaite, or six furWO.OCI, wltlin posi tlvo vvrlitcn k'oiiranieo to core or rotund I he money. Circular Ireo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., C3 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Matthews llrt.a., briiKnUts, Scruiitoii, l'n. M3ds a well Man of Me." mm mi -j cult HINDOO REMEDY 11. iliI'Ll u Tilt' K UVMLT in at) I)AV. Ctinn nil NiTVutu ltl"ii(t titliinff hi i!ory,V 1 to rihninki'ii nriruti-;. ami qulrkly luit KUi-flv rcstnri," l.wt MHnhmid in oli I oi'.voiintr. Kollvi-nnh'tl hi vr.-.t n'-i;.'t. I'lirc 1.10 npiu'kixr". Si; im- tt.YOO with 1 wrltlrtt ifiinriiiitrr tn vnrv or money n-rumtrd. Hcm'l Jut nny iiiiin-lnchtlod (Ir.nrci' i nfil you ntif khui vj itttitiitimt. jukI ton liiivlim .MAIM noiir othrr. il iw han not rrottl. wo will f.-ti-i it hv nmll upon r'fii' o) pricft. I'anipliNa in horIuiI cnvflupp fri. A tiling 4rtii1nl JUedh 1 Co I'ropt, I'liW-a-fo, 111., oronrosemii SOLD hy Maithttwa Brnn., Whulosalc nml Rflnil DniKqUis, SC KAN TUN, I'A., and oihjr Lead ing Druggist. What is Mot e Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For It, uso Potzonl's Powder. wAAmm nx,n IJH 1 ijy IV" On August ,.1 a r 1 Gail &Ax's NAVY Lon? Cut TOBACCO. ALSO 50 i:i;KU NT com watchks. 75 HANDSOME MANTKIj clocks. a 100 .KLtitiArU' MCK1X WATClIKS. iavo your Empty Papar Wrappers. Your Dealer can furaish full particulars. Mothers Look Has your Baby any of these symptoms? Are its cheeks wan and pale ? Is it losing weight ? Is it puny and feeble ? Does its flesh lack firmness ? Is it fretful aud peevish ? Does it sleen too much ? Does it pass its food undigested ? is it not doing well ( Does it throw up its food ? Is it backward in teething ? Is it recovering from illness ? In all these conditions will produce the most beneficial results Peerless for infants, and recommended by 25,000 Physicians. For sale hy all druggist. TUE! EOVISIXE CO., XEW YORK. mm national Eank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS. $250,000 Tills tmnlc ofTem to depositors everj fnellit y WHrrHiit. d by tlielr balances, buil uess and ruNpuimllillity. Kpevlul atiuiitlun Klven to bustnau ao couuts. lulerest pnld on time dapoalta. WIL7.IAM roNNKt.t, President. OlSO. II. PATI.IN, Vico-I'rcsldant WILLIAM U. FUCK, Cullies, DIKKCTOBSL Wllllnm roDiiell, Genrero II. Cntlln, Allied llnnd. JiiDies An hbnld, Henry lielln, Jr., Wlllliiiu T. Kuitbr Lntliar liell-r TII13 National Bank of Scranton CI1QANIZED 18W. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FAMUFIi niNES.rPresMont. W.W. WATSON, ViccProJidont A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. ElHECTOnS. RAMret niNC, JAMM M' ErRHrtART, Ihvinh A. KiNcit, PieikeB. Fin ley, JOHKl'll J. Jl.llUY!. Jl. H. KEMUHK.lt., CllAd, e. ilAlTHIIWS, JoIIM T. l'ullllilL W. W. Waison. PROMPT, ENLR6ETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tbln bunk Invites tho patronage ot business men unu 11 rum Ketieriuiy. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susqinhaniia Co. U. 13. CltOI'LT Proprietor. rrlUS riOUSK la Htrietlv tmnnornri. is new I uul well rurnisli I tind OPK.V'.l) To in.-; p;;hi.io TUIO YEAH KoUND; is loniteii miun-.iy mtwuou iUoiitrmenn 1 riermi tun, on .Miintrns j and liioxavviinint Huilroail. six miles f rum I).. I,, Se W. It Ii. nt Alturd Sla.inn, un l li-o niil.M from ,M .ntrovi; en i iieiiy, Hitlity-livo; tln'cB inmates' walk f rom 11. n. station. GOOD ItiiAT'. UHINfi TACKLE, Sic; J 111 K T , UIKSIS. Altitude, nlii.itt. "'UK) font, eqniillinij in this lonpuct mo Adiruudni'R iu uatiniu Motin taiiiH. 1 ino (trovof. plonty of shftlo anil bountiful seenery, in.-iiani; a Miminer liosort unex celled in beniilv and clienmesn. Liuni-niK piiviliini, H-iii in, cro U3t r minds &e. Cnld hriiliio WntL-r and ilJiity ol Mlik lliitci, 7 in jl( per eek. 1.6( per day. I.xeuriii n tiekdts Bold at all atatioui ou D. 1j. : W. limn Port, r meets nil trains. EtlDCIHCO T thi Hiohkbt MfOIMl Authoi r y.nr.linw.il. Thin MENTUCT imi.m.er win euro y..u. A ffolMlerllll boon tl.ni.fTen.rt Ur4 I'n.w, wum i iirt.iir. Iv.imnliulliriiitl. AlinHiolnnl 1 rer.ieily, convenient to onrry In porleet, roadr to f n on Hint Inillenilnn of clii. i 'oncinueu le. I nfiil I'rtrr.ianent; rnrt. H:.tl.ffietion nmrnnteeil or money rei umlfHl. Prlee, r. el. 'in il free nt UnivKiKts. Uoelmorcrl nmll. i;u ccuk, ii. u. kUMiAn, air., im tuitrt, aid, U. 8, riTTfiTrMAVirira MTNTHirSI Tlio nureiit and iinfest remiMlT for W,ln I nut, nil skin dlsoanca.KriiMna, Itch Hull juienni. ..") ,-ii.niB, uiiriis, . ii'. wonflmrnil rum edyl'nrPII.V:!. Irlee,fi.ola.fit llruv-r a rj jlst or hy mull iireenlil. AiUlrenianiiote. QKL" I'er by Matlhowt llroi. and John II. ri.i Axaw in cash Mvvay prizes 15th, 1894, to consumers of ! 1IWK ' The Original Raw Food .-tSSSIastk catarrh -ti. bt,i Good leo ieserve ONE of the strong points of The Trib une s equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to- date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Hnl ticoromes Fhem eat 05.9 51 'd The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multichrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULffiG AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES ood Clothes BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYSH 1ANB AMlhUUUIiO.Na, "I )K. O. KUGAH DEAN has removed to Gil -a-' Buruce atreot, bcrantou, l a. (Just op 1'OBito court-bouse Square) "I)K. A. J. CON NELL, Ollice 2U1 Waalungtoo - avenue, corner fcpruce street, over rancke edrug atoro, Itesidenco, fit Vina at. Utiles houra: 10.au to 12 a. m. und to and !L. &.." Bunduy, S to 3 pja. 1)K. W. E. ALLEN. Ottloo" cor. Lack A- wanna and Wuabinatou uvea. : over Leon ard alius atore; olboo houra. 10 to 12 a. m. and to 4 p. m. i eyeninKS at rubldeuoo, &U N. wasliinitton avo. 1)K.UL. FKEy, Pruvtica limited to Dlv i f cases of tho Eya, Ear, Nosu and Throat; ollice, la WyouiuK ava Iteludenc oJK Viui atreot. I Ut. L.1I. UATK8. 12S Waahinirton Avonua. V' Ollice liours, Htoa.ni., l.UOto Ii aud I to 8 p.m. Kosidoiico 'M Madison avenua I011.M L. WEN'iZ, M. U, OIHom Id aud it (ommonwoalth buililinit: roBidonco 711 Madison avu; ollice hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to II; Btindays 2.1M to 4. eveniiiKa at reaidonoa. A Iieciulty made of diroaaes of the oye, ear, now aud tlirout and KyneooloKy. I.AWYKUS. IM. C. KANCK'8 Law and Collection of . lice. No. 817 Bnruce t., opposite Korest IloUBe. Bcranton, la,; collections a specialty throughout PcnnHvlvunia: rulinblu on is iu uvury cuuitvy. T ESSlil'S & HA.MO, Attoruoys and t'ounaul ''. ,r? gt Law- toiumonwcaltU bulldinz Vi'uahiuktoa av W. H. Jesri-p, lioiiAcu K. Hand, W. U. Jkshup, Jn. W1LLAKD WAltKICN & KNAl'l', AtWr neya and ComiBelors at Law, Kopublkaa MvmlmiWashiirton nve., Kcranton, J'a. pATTEKSU.Nf & WlTTtTix. Attorneys and X Counsellors at Law: urllces o aud a Librarv building, bcruutou, l'a. IfOBWnr.t, IL PATTBI130 Wilmam A. Wilcox. ALKUK1HIAND, WILLIAM. I. HAND, At torneys and C!ounollors, Commonwealth bnilditiK. Hooms 19, 20 and 21. F E. BuYLK, Attornejr at-Law,Nos.l and 20, Hurr bulldinif, WaahliiKton avenue. 11 bl( Y M. KEELY - Law otllces iu trie iiuuuing, U'U WashiiiKton avenue. lBANK T. OKtLL, Attorney at Law. Uoom oajjytelinn uw. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. LOWKY. 7 Att'viTit7 v.h,. ('. II. VON HTOKt'H. f t.m v C. n ,r; I AMES W. OAKKoltb, Attorney at Law. .1 rooms 6.1, (H and 65M.'orninonweiilth'ri. (JAMUEL W. EUtiAlt, Attorney" at Law. VJ Ollice. 317 Spruce st.. Scranton, l'a. A. WATIIES, Attorney at Law, til Lackawanna aim, Kcriiuton, lJa. ) 1'. SMITH, Conusellor at Law. Ofllce, . luwT.ia.H. iw. ,u lominnnwesitti bnlldimr. C It. 1'ITt 11 Kit. Attorney at Law, Com ' niOnWeS tb btlilninir Mr-ni.lt.nn Pn f. CUMEOYH. :l Spruce st. 1 . .hP'-OOLE, Attorney-Loans neo- . limn un reaiesintB security. 41W Spruca 1) V. KILLAM, Attorner-afLaw, 1M Wy ominitavonne, Hcrantnn. S( IKKII S. t'CHOOLOr' THE LACKAWANNA. Scran. O ton, !'., prcpnres boys and girls forcollum or uusineusi tuorouKUiy trains young cmlurea. Catalogue at request. Rp.v. TnoMAsM. CANS, WALTF.lt H. HL-EI.L. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and t-cbool, 4U Adams avenue. tupil received at all timos. Next term will open Hnpte'nber '1. bl.X 1 1STS. fM. A. TAFT. D.D.8., 104 North Wash- inuton Ave. Kpccinltv in Porcolain Restorations. Crown and Bridge Work. c ('. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, 115 , Wyoming ave. H. M. WTKATTON. nfflen (nal KTehnniw. I HANS. pUE HEPiThlTc" Bar5ugs and-LoanA A cintiou will loan you mmioy on euKier torms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Call ou S. N. CALLbN l'KR. Oime Bunk bnildinir sei:ds. CI K. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen. Florists J. and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington nventio; croon house, IUjJ North Main aveuuo; ftore teleplion Tkj teas. GRAND L'NlO.V TEA CO.. Jones Bros. WIltK KCHKI'NS. 1 OS. KL'ETTEL, Di5 Lnckawanna avonus, ft Sernnton. Pa. mannfr if Wire Screens IIOTKLS AMI KKSTAl ItAXT. 'iniE WESTMINSTER. 2I7-2I9 Wyoming steam: all hkxF X avo. Rooms heated with steam: ern Improveuients. C M. Tri;man. Prop. rpHF. ELK CAFE, 13 and 127 Franklin ave X nuo. lintes reasonable. P. ZiKUl.Eit. proprietor. T LSTjilAbTER HOTEL. ' ' W. G. SCHENCK, Manager, (sixteenth street, ono block east ot Broadway, at Union Square, New York. American plan, J3fi0 per tiny and upward. COYNE HOUSE, European plan; good rooms. Open day and night. Bar sup plied with the best. P. TT. COYNE. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. & W. pas. longer depot Conducted on the European plan. Victoii Kocii. Proprietor. RAND CENTRAL. 'Hid fanjeac aud bjsT II equipped hotol in Allentown, Pa.; ratsj 2 and per day. VK Toit D. Ha HNF.it, Proprietor. 4ltCHITi:CTS. DAVIS & HOUPT, Areliiteets. Rooms 21. 25 and 28 Coiiimimwenltli b id's. Scranton. 1 L. WALTER, Architect. Library bund inir. Vvninin-j avenue. Scranton. ? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prica hmidinz,l2i V ashinelon Ave., Scranton. MIS4KI.1.AM.OIS. lJAUI'.lfS ORCHESTRA - ML'SIO FOR J) balls, picnics, jwrtios, receptions, wed dings and oonrort work furnished. For tormj address R. .1. Bauer, conducior. 117 Wyominj ave., over Hulbort's music store. II ORTON D. SAY ARTS WIIOLESALJ5 luiuoor, i ncu uiiiiuiii peranum, ro. MEGARGEE BROTHERS, PHiNTEHS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington ave., Scranton, Pa. 11 OKSEH AND CARRIAGES FOR BALE at l.'tlj Cnpous) n venue- D. L. FOOTE, Agent l.'HANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE salo dealers in Woodwaro. Cordaire aud Oil Cloth, 7-0 W. Lackawanna avenue. lZKA FINN As SONS, builders and contr 1 .j tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Ada avo.; corner Ash st. and Penn ave., Scrunti trac ing and Penn ave., Scranton. The GENUINE Now Haven "Mateli11 Pianos ESTABLISHED 1808. New York 'Wareroomg No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bole dealers in this section. OrriCE-121 Adams Aye.. Telephone B'l'd'g Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. tOUHT HOV SQUAlli. All binds of Laundry work gniirimtoe i the best. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. BCRANTON AND W1LKES BARRE. PA. MANOFACTORERS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Bote?, ! HOISTING AND 'PUMPING MACHINERY. ' General Office, SCRAKT021 Pi CENTRAL RAILROAD OF E J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA PIVISIOFI Anthradta coal nsed eiclusivelv. iniurlnt cleanliness tnd comfort. T1MF. TABLE IN EFFECT MAT 20, 189L Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wllkns r.nire. etc.. at 8 2. B.la. 1L30 a. m. 12 HI '2 iVl 8..'i0, S.nn, 7.2r., 11.05 p. m. Bundaya, S.UU a. m- l.oo, 2 ir. 7.10 P. in. 7 ror Aiiantio city, u.ai a. m. For Now York, Newark and Elisabeth, .a (ezproas) a. m.. 12.50 Ceznrosa with Rnffai parlor car). 8.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 2. 11 Foil Mauch Chunk, Ai.lentown, Detiim hem, Eaktoh aud Philadelphia, 8.ai a. m.. lli.50, 3.30, 5.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. Siindny, 2.15 p, m. For Long HliAwrn Orci nnnn ! .t 8.ai ( with turougii car) a. m., 12.50 p. m. For Roiidniff, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m, 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Buuday. K.Ki p. m. ror I'otuvnie, B.'JOa. m., I2.Mp. m. KeturniiiK. leave New York, foot of Libert) airni t. North river, at IWO (express) a. m., 1.10, !.:. 4.Su (express with Bullet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. in. Leave Philadelphia, heading Terminal, S.0O a. in., 2.00 and 4.:U p. m. Sunday, 8.27 a. m. 1 lirouifh tickets to all points at lowest ratal may be had on application in advanoa to tut ticket agent at tho station. O. P. BALDWIN, Qe-1 " Agent, J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gou. Supt DELAWARE AND HTJD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 29. trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station, Scranton, for Pitta ton. Wllkes-Barre, etc, 8.00, J.07, 9 37, 10.42 a. id.. 12.10, 1,2.1. 2.38 4.10, 5.1j, 0.15, U.li and 11.86 p. m. For New York and Phila elnhia. 8 00 a. m.. 12.10. lii. MH. f 10 and 11.50 p. m. For llouusdale (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7.0U, 8.30, 10.10 a.m., 12.09 in., 2.17, fi.10 p. in. For Carboudale and Intermediate stations. 6.40, 7 00, 8.30, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m., 2. 17. 8.26,11 8 20 and V 35 p. in.; from Bridge btreet Depot, a. m., 2.17and 11 c6 p. m. Fnut express to Albany, Saratota, the Aal rondnck Mountains, Boston and New England points. 6.40 a. in., arriving at Albany 12.46. Saratoga 2.20 p. in. .anil leaving Scranton at 2.17 p. in., arriving at Albany at 8.60 p. m., bora tcKH. 12.55 a. m , and B .ston, 7.00 a. m. '1 no only direct route between the coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Rout of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lukes George and Cbauiplain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Liala ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware aud Hudson ticket ofllces. II. O. YOUNG, J. W. BUKDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Pass. Agt m MAY li. im. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia ant New York via. D. & II. R R. at It a.m., UIO, 2.8H and 11.35 p. ra. via D, L. 4 W. R. R., i.W, b.08. H.!W a. in., and l.Uu p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkss Barre via D.. L. & W. H. K., 8.00, 103, H al a. m., 1.80. a50. ,07. 8.1O p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hatloton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E.4W. V.. G 40 n.m., via 1). & H, R. R. at 8 a.m., 12.10, 4 10 p.m , via D., L. & W. B. B, S.00, t.Uj, 11.0 a.m.. l.M. l.iOp.m. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Uarrixburg and all intermsdlate poinU via D. & H. R. R., Ba m .12.10, 2.3b, ll.U p.m., via D., L. Ss W. R. K,t .OO.b.08, 11.80 a. l.itu p.m. Leaye Scranton forTankhannock, Towand Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all lntermediite points via D. & II. R.R.u7 a.m., U10 and 11.31 p. in., via D. L. & W. R. R.. 8 0s .mM1.80p. ra. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west viaD. & H. It. R., 8.07 a.m..l2.10,e.l5.11.l p. m . via I). L. & W. R, R. and Pituton Junction, s.08 a.m., 1J0, 8 o0 p. m., Tie E. A W. H R.. 3.41 p. m. For Kim ra and ths west via Salamwet. vU D. A H. K. It V.07 a.m., Iil0.ti.16 p. m., via D, L. & W. H. K., .B 08 a.m., l.W and B.97 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping orL. V. chair cars ou all trains between LIB. Junotioa or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. KOLL1N H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt East Dlv. CHAS. 8. LKE. Gen. Pass. Ag t, Phlla.Pi. A.W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't aan.Pasa. Ag'k, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERS RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for Now York and all points East. 1.40, K.50, 5.1. S OU and 9.6;i a. m. ; 12 56 and 8.50 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.53 a. m.; U&l aud 3.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. ra, Tobyhanna aocommoUation, t) 10 p. m. Exp'r as for Binshamton, Oswego, Elmlre. Corning. Batb. Dansville, Mount llorris and Buffalo, 12.10. 215 a. in. aud 1 24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all point) In the West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, U a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m, Xicnolion accommodation, ill p. m anf 6 10 p. m. ' Binghamton and Elmira Express, 8 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Ctica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. and La P'ltliaca. 115 and Bath 9a. m, and 154 p. m. ForNorthnmberland,Pittston,WilkesBarre, Plvmoutb, Bloomaborg and Danville, making el so connections at Northumberland for Williainsport, Harnsburg, Baltimore, Waaa. lngton and the South. Northumberloud nd Intermediate stations, 6.00. V.M a. m. and l.a and 6.07 p. m. Nanticogo ana intermediate stations, .ue aud 11.91 a. m Plymouth and Intermediate stations, 8.50 and 8.5'i p. m. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all 'Yordt'v'lod'information, pocket tlmsUbles, etc , apply to M. L. Smith, city ttck.tofflca. Sis'La'kawannaaveuue. or depot ticket office. XTEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS l RAILWAY CO. TIME TABLE IN VFECT SUNDAY. Jl'NS 2. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at 8.30, 1(1.55 a.m. and in p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 8 10 p.m. Trains leavo Hancock Junction for t cran ton. tia.m. and 2 05 pm. Trains leave Carbondale for Scranton at 7 21 a m. and 8.1U, 5.34 p.m. St'UATlN , I VISION, la I'llfct Jnne Sltb, 1SI. Kortli Bound. soi'ioatdtT ouih Bound, 20 204 208 Stations n si 5 SfiSa.8 (Trains Bally, Kx- 2 &lj fi r5 cept Sunday.) f g Arrive wavei A Ml , N. Y. Franklin St. ., . West 42nd street ., Weehawkon Arrive Ltave'A 7 4" 7115 810 7 10 I 7 00 Ml' 8 2! 1 15i .... HlOl 1 0W .... 7 5;ISM1 .... 7 61 12 Irt .... 7 4M2 40A u Uaucock Junction! 8 001 II i5. .... Hancock ore a ii Starlight Preston Park como Poyntslle DnliDout PleosaDt Mt. Cnlondale Forset CUT Carbondale White Bridge Muyllfld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Peckville Olyphant Dickson Throop Providence Park Place Kornnton 6181 n , eu til .... 6 8 2, S 41 p li 84 I 2M 4 W 8 45! 2 68 4 5S fl 0.1 1 8(6 6 05 7 is is sr.'io ioi 7 S.').I2 ikIiooi 7 22 12(i,1 9 Mil 7 10 II2.M' U A 7 0M1 4U un; C 01 1 11 illl 9 15' n4.sfnao! 12 T 111 8 IB 1 18 7 Ml I84 (ti 72713 m til fll 4Si ....IIIIO flx2.i8 48ffiti 0 41111 23 9 01 7 81 8 45 5 B1WI1 19i 8 57 6 Mini 15! 8 54 8 29:11 11 8 50 0 2MI 07' 844 0 21 II 0.11 8 41 OldillOHi tV a u'u mil 8 80 8 Ooj 4 lil 8 1 81 14 17 6 la ti ia'dM.7, 8 ss o iOio:5i s 8 0S 4U"8W A M r at P II 'A MA M Leave Arrive' All trains run dully except Sunday. f. slgnlhcs that trains stop on signal tor pis 8l"ecure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets add save money. Day sh4) NlUgt Ki press to tho West. J. C. Anderson, Geo. Pass, Agt. X. Flltcroft, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Scranton, Ps, 740 8 61 151 74 851 f 1a1 a' iff haa 1 rwi 4 lal in