THE fCI-AKTOX TEIEUXE-FIirDAT MORNING. JULY 13, 181)4. FULL OF GREAT GUNS WHERE UNCLE SAM'S RIFLED CAN- NON AP.E MANUFACTURED. Srltini; lianily to link.) h (ireat Navy Our Xijr Tan' Interesting Relic i'f Historic Oi.lli.-ta-TIie JAW if Vr IifrVatrlolfe Vj mIc. CorrfisponuoiiM.j Washington-, .Tnly 0. Tho navy yard ron of th'1 sdvlc si-ht-i uf Wasliiii ;n:i. 'Din ci.nv-pimili'nt puts in a day i'v-r.; soi'M Ki'r-T Ills fii.'!!11l'lir hero um .'i ; :i rnli' ivvrr jjivs in-:tr it nt;;iiii. I'iio nwr:it;n tiistfniuii visits it oneo !or liis c u s;i!:. and urc.i-iontilly thorn iftor to smi'iw it to visiting coiistii'iiciiK I'lu! visitow wli'i ivally enjoy it nro t!io imiris's from t!w proat in tori or, nino of t. ft (if whom u" vr kuv an ocean rtvl in ti'.cir lives or a cannon larger ;!nn tin' ordinary lieldi.'ieeo whiell soanlvy t"v.-iis nflli-'.n for tlui Fourth of Jn'y and other patriotic invasions. Av.ft how thry do enjoy it ! The litlUi lvptiv iiiir t-lii and it.-t neatly uniformed ret miiM till them with admiration. They v,ll with pvido ovor 1 ho c;i;itunxl rau- I 'I - : V -. : ! ' cy'i.-J: --t: HA'h" tr:'" (lATi'.WAY TO T1IK N AY Y Al:D. rirti, look -villi curiosity on tho pT".s ra;:"d to illustrate- tlio prepress of the cmntry and aro spo with nstun i'niiie.'it at the wondnial niachineiy wiiieh l.or.s out the rif:?J cannon m;t uhin.?r whieii suuiw to move sa easily and yet i-oin:irei e j many l.housr.uus of liorsopowi.v. tY-i'.iIrvo-K l iUni", "Till ride t) the navy yard is finite n plea.uic in irself. The eahlo liiie on jVuusyivaiiia avenue turns south ' u East Eighth strtvt and temunates at tlio') t tile yard. The visitor is at tirst imanned witii tho mapiificeut gateway which looks monolithic, but is not, and is really awed ly tho sentinel, w'no is impressive in Mao and white and stands a." s;ii)ly as if lie had wal lowed one of the rammers. The p.meral sileneo about tlio plm-y is almost op pressive. Th" rules gownilng the yard amount, to quito a code, and in addition lo sti-inywit reiilations uuiiwt loud talk or swearing or erncevssary noise the'-o is an t.-ynl Soft insUrucfinu to every one a duty to hold hd couvi.Tsation v.-iiatrvei' except in th line of duty. Even in most of the workshops there is cmp irntivfcly little noise, everything running wirh what niirht he called a por.oerous suionthuess. The ouo execp ticii i -. in tile reat hall whore tho rifled ratJion ar" iia:':fae;uri.d. It i'l the !.iiuvii of man roVisp.-et j):wer whethvr in the machine or the huDau Loin;,', audi kiuv of no other ,la::o vhere ovrryi lrii seems to move v.'ith such n- . s force. 0 . ' th preat train cir, withitu m '-.'!.;. jr tntacloH of iron h' nnd che.ii;'- and girder loops, moves back ward nnd forward with an energy which frviah as if it Were beyond control, ntd yet liio ecprineer who sits in tia iron ca,'e atKi-,he.i cu stop or start ?t with a touch of his finger. I sL:.ll not vt iry tho reader by describing tiin Ion fe'uus of stoei and nickel, weighins' over so many tons, v'nch aro so easily raised and hW'ired by tho machinery rf tins tram car, nor the rre'.ii an!;er, if I may c, 11 them Miih, whih boro out the Km is, sK!miii(? to movo with ths tnest (,'entio persnaiv?niiss and yet tearing oii' tho delicate shavings of hteel nnd nickel with a power which realty fas ciaaCes the beholder. iTor shall I at tempt a description of tho process for varioiis realms. It would take mo at least fhreo lnont'us to master fiORubjeot and probably tinoliier lmmth to pnt it iurb simple English, after which thoor (linary rear tor would require three lit'.utlis or so to understand it, by which time some of us would bo dead or pros trated with brain fap;. I nrlii Sin' Nnvy Yar.K The noted nayyavls and: tations are at Norfolk, Brooklyn, island, near fan Francisco; League island, near Phil-r-delphia; Portsmouth, N. 11.; Boston, New London, Conn.; Port Hoyal, S. C, and Seatrle, the last thrr-o being roarard ed as mere n.ival stationn. There uro a training ship and- torpedo station at Ncvpivvt, R. I., and minor wtab'ish ruyitii (1-ewhere: Tim Naval War col lcti' at Newport, R, I., w.ah formally r,pen"d a few week's fir;o by Assistant Secretary of thi Navy William McAdoo. The general resnlt of all tho work done at u!l there places and in tho various Fhipyards to thus snr:ned up by jMr. JlcAdooal; tho close of tho fiscal year liiiit: "Tiionnrrfd States, while it does ui;t p.wsrss a great navy in tho number of Unships, has within its limits colossal plants, hoih pnbha and juivate, and great tirades uf skilled workmen, led by contractors, designers and inventors of marked ability. It is therefore essen tially and Hiibstnntially oapablo of na tional defense, and, if need be, of offense, operations." Tho general summary of every naval report of this year is that, wo are juii. -ready to make a roat navy Bud to niako it quickly. Histjiry is taught at this navy yard by object lfssotw, and tho lessons nro fa-iciiiatint; indeed. Firr.t. is tho progress in ordiianco making Khown by tho old gnus ranged in their order from tho old est piece hammered out by tho black s.nithsiof colonitil times and coming down or up through nil tho changes wroudit by tho Kevolution, tlio second V.T.r with Great Lrilaiu and tho ltarba rv. Jfn-siean and civil wars. Potun of tlu; old pnm look like mure nnwteldly lumps of metal, bearing a ludicrous re s ".nblancu th the "toy gnus which boys sometimes niPiuifactnro of load on tho Irishman'!) principlo "take a hole nnd pr.ur tho :u around it." Tho old mor tars whieii firod hot tthot into tho cities of tho Barlnu-y const look like big ket tles with somewhat raised sides, and to tho ordinary civilian eyo it would seem impossible to givo any designed direc tion to. a shot from ono of them. Tho Algerines had captnred various pieces from tho French and, Spaniards in the e"i)tmy before wo went to war with them, and it was onr good fortuno to cayturo some if thoso pieces.' which are hero to excite tho pride of visitors. Tho qneor old inscriptions on them can still be ciphered a::d indicate that ono was regarded as a terror to tho foe, another destroyer, aud so ou. Historic Mntten. Every avenue and square in tho yard boars a historic name. Tho first nvenuo is named for Hear Admiral John A. Dahlgren, tho second for Commodore Lew is Warrington of tho war of 1S12, tho third for Commodore Charles Mor ris of the same war, the fourth for tho immortal Commodore Hull, and so on. Tho list of commandants of tho yard is also fdlof interest. Theth'st appointee, Captain Thomas Tingey, took the placo Jan. ISOO, held it. :!'.) years and died in office. A melancholy interest attaches to tho record of Captain Beverly Kill lion, who was appointed by the first Pres ident Harrison, and two years later was killed by the bursting of the Peacemak er on tho Ptimvlon tit tlio time when two members of the cabinet and various other persons were killed. The sixteenth commandant was Captain Franklin Buchanan, appointed in May, 1H,V., who went south when the civil war bi g;.n and became famous in the Confederate navy. Rear Admiral Il.ihlgrcn was the twenty-second and died inolHcoiu INTO. The present commandant, Captain J. A. Howell, is tho thirty-third ;ufl took tho place Feb. 1MK!. A Hern!! Saber. Our navy department is rich in relics nnd memorials of many kinds, but the only ones kept at this yard tiro the old guns mentioned. By somebody's awk wardness the I'nitid Stales failed to be come tiio owner of one very interesting relic, which was, however, a few wee ks ago presented to tlio Annapolis Naval academy, and that is doubtless as well. This is the famous battle saber of Cap tain Samuel Chester Keid, who com manded the brig-ol'-war (lemral Arm strong and won the astonishing victory at Fayal, Azores, in September, lsll. With this saber Captain Reid, inn hand to hand fight, killed tlio tir.-t lieutenant of the British frigate Rota cud wounded several others. Tho blood of that com bat was never wa.-hed oil" tho saber and is st ill .-lightly visible. At the ball given to Lafayette in New York in IN'.'-I Cap tain Reid woro this sword for tho lust time, it is believed, alter which ii was laid away as a precious memorial. His son, Colonel Samuel ('. Reid, tendered it us a free gift to the United States, and in March, Js'.IO, Senator Voorhees of the committee on the library e'Veied a joint resolution providing for the ac ceptance of tho sword and tho striking of memorial gold medal to be pre sented to tile son. The latter part of the resolution was opposed so vigorously that the matter was delayed some three years, wh-n Colonel Reid grew indig nant nnd vithrrcv tlio olfer. A year lab r he presented it to the ac idemy. It is the judgment of our naval historians that, "tlie injury inflicted on the British forces at I" aval resulted in such delay that they diil not r 'ach New irloans till after General .T:!eso:i ha I had time to prepare for them. . .bin r.ri.v, says Cooper, it. is likely the city would have fallen without a blow and possibly the whole history of tho west liavo been changed. Life nt a Ship. Of the floidittj; memorials of tlm.hc roie ago of our navy there are few in deed, as it is a melancholy fact that the .A J? ''"?1 '-v 1.' ' i' ' 3 SO.VIT AN'Ctl-'NT OpD.'iA::. E. life of a ship, so to speak, is generally very short. The old sailing frigato Portsmouth is still afloat e.s a training ship, with a crew foinp--ned mostly of apprentice boys. With her black hull low in the water and square gun ports for the old style battery and high ma she is an oddity indeed among our mod ern ships. Yet naval here say that with nono of these molu'u improve ments and obliged to tnist to wind and tide tho old wooden vi ssel is stiil al most as comfortable as any of tho new ones, for there is no smoke or dirt from engines and boilers, and -in warm weather her decks are much cooler than those of a steamer. The Constellation after many years' service as a practice ship has gone to New-port us a, receiv ing ship, whole she will be roofed in, and her hitdi mtlsts, which made her for years tho fastest sailing warship in tho world, will bo seen no move. The oiteo famous Jamestown now lies at Hamp ton Heads dismasted nnd dismantled as a floating qnnrantino hospital. As ta the often sung and celebrated Constitn tion, everybody knows that, li'rt.o a fa mous old wnrhorse or men horse, she is kept for tho good she has done at-.d to pral if v American pride nnd sentiment that, most honorable pride in the na tion's past, without, which no nation cau havo an honorablo future. j. ir, r.RAm,K. Separate the whites and yolks of 2 eggs and beat light. Sift a pint or more of flour in u bowl; add salt to taste, 2 t aspoonfuls of yeast powder, enough milk to makoivgood batter, nnd then put in the half cupful of cub I rice, tho yolks and lastly tho whites wt 11 beaten. I'nko in but v0t 1 irons. AS A CLEAK3ER of tho bliiorl, not.hiiiR sweeps ns clein Its Vf. Tierce's Golden Medlcnl Ilbeovery. K at tacks all scrofulous, hkin mid scalp disease in the riKlit way by purifying the blood. Kcrofuln in nil its' vnrioiia forms, Kezcnft, Totter, Snlt-rhi'iiiil, Krvsiprlns, Hods. Car buncles, CnliM-gcii tUaiuls, Tumors and Swell iiiKS, nnil every kindred ailment, aro rur fuotly ninl perniaue-.itly curai by it.. PIEBCS CURE!. I)H. Tif.hck: r;rnr willo In record to your irrent (iold 'it Medienl Iiiscovcry. 1 had la.oinu And ulcers on tho li irs. Trevioua to this ftlli utlou I hud hud Iii'opf.v niter tho (Irip. I now feel per fectly well Fined 1 look tho u Dir.covniy." My lolls nre nil hciiled up nnd I fuel ltku n new. man. 1 enimut bothnnlt lnl onoiieh to yon for your "(ioldon Medienl Illseowry" has saved my life. m U HUl.U - I 1,1 I., Jin. r. Fi:sTu:ia ItfiUHiicr, Utntsco Co., fl. i'. . A. i ' FAULTS OF BEGINNERS. Kupld 1'laylie; In I'rlinury Cn'.(lpfi-I'ly Slou ly ir iu Hoii) t i'lny 1'iu.t. One of the faults of piano pnpils in primary grades is too rapid playing. Once acquired, great difficulties will follow. This is the fault of tho teacher. It is surprising how few teachers fully appreciate the necessity of nlower prac tice or playing. Tho foundation of runs ttnd passages of velocity is slow practic ing, and t ho beauty can be. obtained in no other way. "Play slowly if you ever hope to play fast." It is tin easy task for a teacher to start out w ith beginners on the slow movement, but decidedly diU'icult to make fast players over into slow' players. Pupils lind it irskoiue to play every note slowly nnd surely al'ler having played them as fast, as the lingers could work. It is not safe to allow ft pupil to play otherwise than slowly dur ing the iirst three grades, except a few pieces that are especially well learned, and iifter this only by degrees. Scales and exercises are the most im portant for beginners", and they should bo taught without notes, (o allow tho pupil to watch the position of tho hand and movements of lingers. If nny finger is found weak, it must do twice the work of fho stronger ones, sons to ac quire an even touch. In four months a pupil of ordinary ability should play and understand fully all the major and perhaps also the minor scales, and yet not one out of ten r.ceoniplishes thus much. WhtiM fault; is it? The teacher's wiihout doubt. To know how to teach scab's and to exorcise the grcate-t strictness aro two t seellent rules. hm word in regard to b aebi.ig: A thorough knowledge of the teaching art js requisite, and certain fundamental rules must be uphold. No " v-on is any more lilted to (each muio un t lit; foundation of having learned the notes and "a few pieces," than ono having mastered A 15 C and read a few books is littid to fetich school. With few exceptions all pupils com mence their lessons with local nma teur teachers, with whom they stndy until a "liual finish" is necessary, then, going to a high school or conservatory of music, lire greatly surprised to find they must be;;in at the foundation a::ain ia order to be "finished oil'." T!u- J nilit Ittuiil Ten Itatl. Tea drinkers will appretdiito a new comer in (ho world of inventi l, which is nothing more or less than an individ ual tea ball. As recently illustrated in The Jewel ers' Circular, l his is a decidedly dainty novelty, with its pretty silver handle A I'AINTY TltA lUI.U j modeled after that of a teaspoon. For line caravan teas, for instance, where a I minute's longer sleeping makes a mark ! ed difference in fhe infusion, this spoon ! will prove invaluable. Filled with tea ! mid inserted in the teacup of boiling water, one may tit will have tea strong J or weak'. The article is ouo which will ' surely lind a place at every ton table and become more popular each day. Tlie rn.iiionalle ilncltlo. Tlio dainty shirt waists are in n mens responsible, for the Vmcklo craze, which just now-I'lTocts the maidens of Ciotham. The shirts require a licit, and the belts require a buckle. Thu silver buckles aro fhe most popular. They are long and narrow or round and much or namented. Some are of filigree, while oliiers are plain or oxidied. lhickles of black enamel inlaid with silver or gold are ell'eclive upon a delicately tinted ribbon belt. The gold buckles aro beau tiful enough to warrant the prico at which they are sold. One represents a gold hoop, around which a snako has twined its body. The ryes aro glisten ing emeralds. Flain gold buckles havo the owner's monogram cmnavedupon them. Among ti'o newest silver hti.-kkjs are those in laid with paly blue enamel. Delicate buckles of torluii'O shell aro also seen tins year inlaid with gold or enamel. Ji:e buckles Wiiieii adorn the temns belt arc sure roim ,!ieie io show a racket. A liov.' buckle fo be worn with a yachting frown is of lioiuan gold shaped like an anchor, with bronzed cords coiled about it. A dainty buckle atlaehi d to a white ribbon belt was formed of a wreath of Lino cn.-iniol forgolmonots. I'ln Money and Divorces. A correspondent 01 the Kansas' City Star writes: "Instead of eliatiging the divorce laws, or having- the slnte dentin on the qualifications of landidales for matrimo ny, have a law enacted by which the lins binid must, settle oniiiioji money on the woman at, their niaiTiiige far her future pin money, (lei amount to bo gauged by the posbiiiii in which f hey will live, lu case Hie husband lias only his salary a cer tain per centum should be given Utilities tiond lo the wife, for if she gives herself to the man, and all her time to the home, is she not enti'led Ionium-thing more tliaii plenty to cat ami 11 place to sleep? (iivi woni' ii their independence, thereby allow ing them to ret-iin tie ir self lepect, nne I grant, you there are few but, who wil! innka effect innate nnd faithful wives." Ho Was All f.le.tit. An Ar.;yleshii(! cider, v.hen nsl.ed how the kirk got along, replied: "A wool, v.e had lol) member.;. Then wo hud a divi Sinn, mill tin re were only :':'() left, then e. disrn;)tieii nnd only lo of tin left. Then we bud n heresy trial, and new there hi only me anil ma brillicr Duncan lei, nnd I ha' great doot tof DuneiiL'sorthoiloxy." Liverpool .Mircury. EIrctric Bi'.tnrs. This rcnirdy is bee.ouiia .; so well known unit so popahi.- ns to need no special men tion. All wlu liavo u-od Electric Hitters tile.- the sumo miiij of piaise. A puror liicilicino does not exist nail it is iruiu an toed to do nll Hint H illumed. Elect rid iMl tors will euro nil discuses fit the Liver mid Kidneys, will remove Pimpled, Hull, Halt Hlioiini nnd other ntTectiotis c.iuseil by iinpnro blood. Will ilrivii Inlurin from the system nnd prevent ns well lis euro nil Malarial fevers. for cure of lleiuliuiip, Centispniioii 11111I liuli:estiou try Electrio Hitters Kill ito Mitiiifiietioa gu mini tend, or money ref niideil. Pi ico 5(1 cts. mill $t prr bottle ut Hal thews Hios., Dtu Pturj Hknuv f-'ciaiKNiiAis, foreiiitin Henry Kntg Parking Co.. St. .Inseph, Mo., uses l)r. Tlioinas' Eiiectrii: Dil, with his moa for Kjiriiins, cute. briiisM, cbappud hinds, etc. It is tho best. Vilien Piliy was r.lcfc, wo pare her Castorts, Wlien sho was a Child, slio cried for Pastorla, When slio hecnino 51lss, she clung to C'ustoria, When sho had Uilldruu, she gave thorn Custorhk WEAK MEN Y0UR attention , JO L.'kj.bU iu 111" ,,, TT..III. Tl .1.. Gray's Spiciflc Medicina IF YOU SUFFER fronNiir- i TOIU 1)0- b.lity, WenknuHS of Bwly and Mind, biormu turruPA, una lnqiotoucy, and all dinoasw thut nrlHt- frum nvi.riudulifoncu utid wlf -ubuHo, as Lens (if Memory u nd Power, Dlnuiaua of Vis um, l'roiimiiire Oil Au nnd limiiy otliurdis ensi'S Unit trad to humility or I'niiMiiiiptloo and nnoarly iravo. write lor a pamphlet. Mill-pan UltAY MI DII'INE CO., Uulfiilo, N. V. 'J'ho Speniflo Midieiiio ia Hold liy all drtiifeiKU nt f per puckimtt, or aix pnekuirua lor ? j.or hunt liy mail on reeeipt of money. nnd Willi every JIUKI order Wf. (d'ARAMTFE a ein u or nionoy ri'f umleil. IV'On account of counterfeits wo Imva adopted tlio Yellow Wrapper, the only euu me. Sold in Kcrauton liv Alulthe .vs lirol 'vmwitt. itu iui. Dr. E. Grewer The riol'Hl. lphh Ppne!:iVt, nnrt Ms nosodntod i "taff of KiilM! mi Onrtnnn plivnieinnt, ; nro now iienuanontly Incited at tl SI'IUVU ST., Sf'H NTON, ! Til" doctor l (i eradnntn of tho ItnlvBriiity of re!innylriiiiiii,forinnrlvdeiiiiiNt rater nt phvsi filoi'y nnd iiii'.tv at. 'the JledieoCliinirKieal to'l.iro of lliiliideltdila. A speeialty of J' ininin. Nervous, Bkiu, Heart, Womb ami Itlooil dis 'iisos. , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Tho ivmptomn of wliich nro dizziness, laek of COIlllllellee, m xuul Wenkness In uion and wo , rniiii. Kail risini! in tlio throat, k.oIb llniitliic i lint'oro tho eyes, loss of memory, una Lie to eon ! rentratn I ho mind on ono mitijoct, eaHily ' Btnrtled when suddenly at 'ikcn t. and dull, ilii-tiTKded mini, wldi li iinlltH them tor per foriniiiH t lie to t n ,il duties of life, mnkinctliap IinesH; ilUtrnssiiiK Ilia aetion of the heart, cnusiint fln-tl of lu'ai, dopru&sion of Btiiritn, uvil foiel)ii(liiii;3, cowaidieo, fear, dreuniK, nielaiu'lioly, tiro oiitiy of company, fiwliiiK us tired in the iniirtiinu na when retir ine:. Jaek of piieruy, ncrvotinin-iis, tremliliiiK, ; coiifv.Hion of thonirlit, de'iOH.sioii,ec)iiHtip.'itioii. ! veiikneps of tho limlis, eto. 'J'iioso 80 nlteeted fhniild eoiiMilt iih immtdintely and bo rostor : ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you hiivo lieen in'von up by your physician call upon tho doctor und Ijo examined. Ho cures I lie worst eases of Nervous Del iility.Kero f uhi.OM Kei'es.l 'atnrihl'lles.I'Vmalii Weakness, Afi'eetions of the Kyo, Knr, Noso nnd 1'hruat, Asthma, Di'iifness, Tumors. Cancoru and Crip ples of every description. C'onsi'.ltatioiis freo nnil alrietly snrrnd nnd contidenliid. tim'oM hours daily from U a. lu. toll p. ui. riunday 8 to . iSfilOlLEY SOAP TRAD: MARH. rn re , m ' "l ow ? fw, n r ..... r , p..,- r m Is an. Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Sonp leaves the ciothes suct and dean and lasts lomrer than other soaps. Ask Year Grocer for It, If he docs not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Ilox too. cakes 75 pounds f (.50. Joseph $.ThcmS2 Ellrinlion, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT 111 TAIL. OnMf.f tho txst onality fjr domostlo no,and Of nil, delivered lu any part of tlio cit) el lowest price. Orders loft at my offloo, NO. 118, AVVOMINO AVrXVR, fiesr room, first floor. Thlr.l National Bank, or Kent liy mail or telephone to the mine, will recuiv prompt attention. Sleonil contracts will hit m.ido for the salt Old delivery ut iaa ltwheat Coal. mi. T. SMITH. rialonsy Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warer O0H13, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE KUMBER, 8031 nr:'Tf.n Riiou ro.. inr,p.cnpifi,$i,o' m;si' Ol.fto MIOK IN lltF. VMtl.l. ".I tloihir stiieti itti itcllur mmtrf.' This t.llilies' Solid rrem ll IkonK'lIll lUdTtllt tunnootdtilverid freniinywI'iTn In llns U.S., on ---a receipt of Cimli, Money Oolcr, I'imul Nulu for Jl..-i0. KiiooIk every way tho hciU nulil In nil retail atom for Wo muko till baot ouriclvrn, thereforo wo antec tlio fl'.itU and idm,-. and If nny ono in not saiimlrd wu viii I'oiiinn inn tnnney omfndanotlierpalr. Opera Toe or t'eniiuon Heme, width! V, 1 E, ft KK, . ...,a I tn S bii l,nl i- 'ILnt.Ofl. &nd unuviite: JtJtiJJ i2- ' FREE Dexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. MASS!' Svtcial ttrmt to IHaltrt. .W)ijf iJirii '; .fijkuv3i.'ih'iiirul'ii''ui .'JrAili-At I prroDBU,euiid Rl ISLItlkSU HUJMIba ml fHOdun b. f?i . . , MngloR-n. Sj hislliw tirool. tad mil-pipe bjok, llluitrtlml tnm iirerrum rwoplaetiraHTm by mtn. niionHotsprlnp nd Mnmrjril, Out Mnttlo Bemedy win i cum. I'DIH KMlitUI CO., UiImm, lll bf " j. MM. V : i :!,rvnV.J . "..v J E, Robinson's Sons' Laqbh Beer Brewery ITsmifactursrs of tho Cclobrator PiLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbfc Por Annum, DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SrORTINO Manufactured ut the Wnr.wallonon Mills, Lo luriio eonnty Pa., and at Wil mington, Delawaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scran ton Pa. Third National rtank Building aflFVCirit TITOS. FORD, Pittston. Pi. JoUN H SMITH & HONiPlymonth. Ta. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Hiuro. Pn. Acents for tho Kcpauua Chemioiil Coin pauy'a Eiuh Lxplouivea. Atlantic Refining Co. llRnufncturers and Dealers in! Illuminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil, Napthas find Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Com pound ; lso, a Inrje line of. Pur ratline Was Candles. We ftho handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only fnmily eafety burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, Mantig3n. Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Aye. Works at Vine UrooK. eeds and Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELLCO. kmi 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid's BCllANTOX, VX MINING andB LASTING I'Mo at tho MOOSIC anJ KUSII DALE WOUICA Ltifllin & Ennd rowder Co. 'a ORANGE GUN P0WDEB Electric Dntterloi, Fuse? for eiploi log blaata, riafety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives Removes Frtoklen, PImplst Liver Moloi Olsokhoidt, Sunburn and Ton, and n s BUiruB lliu HK1U IU 119 prigl' prist- -Xvfej 11 fm a " ...... uai iremincss, pniouciiiK rionr and hcullhv cm plexfon. Superior to all fiu e rrmiarallong and nerfwtlr harmless. At all itug8lsts,or mailed for SOcts. tlciid for Circular, VIOLA 8KIM SOAP l tmpty liwmnni tHn p.rll. lnn Soft nuaqiinlnl tin MM, nd wlUKiut HTiu II ill" uunwry. jin.inirir pun, aau uw."v cum. At iiniii, moa 25 Kuan. G. C. BITTNER ft. CO., Toledo, O. For Hale by Matthew ltrol. and John ti, raeipa Fertilizers MOOS C POWDER CO POWDER Complexion Pressrvad DR. HEBRA'3 i feV:p 1'M)lliV7, P- TvV I i Al'i!p'-,Avy SUPERLATIVE AND TV m nVnva, AP il . V .,.r,v imp ut iiour can tb iiau Whft Wilt IlCCltllfc TlTR Tninnwn- r-rr r. rtiTTw of flour or 60 on each barrel of flour. Fcriinton-F. P. Vr,i Wrwhlnfftun nvenuo I Uo)d Jleiln' Ilninrt. Punmoru-F. P. l'rium, Gold Modul rtrnml. I'uuuioro i I), llmiluy. Superhitivo JJnm'l. llyilii I'.ii k CurKon dS IJiivn, Washburn Ht. (lohl Mcdiil lli-i.inl; J Hfili A. iIc.irB,Min avenue, riiipoilat i vo l'-nu: J. Oii'fii Kiiltfu A.l.Si.irii'oi-.(lnld Medal rtmud. J. iklt lo. Supi-rl.-itivo. l'loviili-ni-o I'l'iinur & Chnppcll. N' Main avo- nno, Kupnrhitivii hraud;iJ. J. Uilln.pii W. JUrkot trnnt, Ootd Jli d d liriind. Olyiihnut JuiniiB Jurduii. Hupnrlativo Brsnl J'frKVlllO WIllltliT It li lH T Hupol llltlVi). Ji-rnivn C, U. Winter it Co. bupuralativa. Arch bald Jones, H mpson &('o., (fold Modal, t'arhmulalo U. H. Clark, tlold Jludal Hnuid, Hiiiii Bdiilu--I. N. ''untHr iSj Co. Gold Modil. U;uonk.i-M. H. L:ivcllo mmsmm. 71 v. - n LOUIS B. SMITH) in Ciioics Confections and Mils'; Dealer BREAD AND CAKE3 A SPECIALTY. . FINEST ICE CREAM I 1437 Capouse Avenue. NORWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SIIiVEIi lCXTRA SrECIAIj SANDICHSO.VS ENGI.IS3 JKSSOI-S KNGL1SU CAST STKEL HOUSE SHOPS TOE CALtt TIKE MACIIIXERY SPKING SOU STEEI ANVILS UKLLOW9 HOUSE NAILS AVILKY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS CUTXING MACHINERY. iifteieiider&B Wholesale and retail dealers' In Wagonmakers' and Blacksmiths' FUPPLlFa That we will GIVE you beautiful new paty terns of Sterling SILVES SP00N3 anl FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce of your silver dollars. All elegantly en- graved fres. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at E$ercere&u 307 LACK A WA "No star was ever lost we once have seen, Wo always may bo what wo might have been, A HAPPY PATRON OP aRa Scranton, Pa, 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building ' TRY US. I Hi U-'t oawK.nui'haiiWrali Memorjr, Lnmof Uruln lnwor.lliuilache,Vakefulni"J Wl j,usi Muriho. nl, Nliflitlr Kiulwloiini, Kf rvousiip,alldrnlnanrt lo ot powl lnii('uoratlvoOri.niioroiim'reJciiiooiyoyori'xiiruiin;yon.i..tu".--j (4Av cxivlvi' hm of tiil.iicco. uiliinioi-iillmlont, which lead to Iiinnultr.ifJ k AMuiiiiiloiiorInBiiltT. fan bocnrrlpitln vent pnekot. P'"0'e4'-?2 ilT , ii i.i u'llh n .t nr.ln. ka.Iv . n.ill(n vnaranteato CUtl &' iVjftaai.ft,'-;, r,,,,i miiii-v. tfORNOAFTtHUSING.uooi.l.or. Aililrom MJUVK NKKOC'O., ilawnlo Teniuie, For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Prugfjist, cor. Washing ind SnrucH utreets. . . n PENNYROYAL PILLS. wES . . Mn ..AMmia wtnrw r-wr t mtt T.S3 n n ti tflkn ma a.1ia. Vt txr Send for circular. Vrico $1.00 por box, to boxca for $5.0 DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., - Cleveland, OlUa l'orKalo livC. M. 11 AltltlS, llniufUt, EVERY WOMAN 6omeMmeneeilmmlliiriU',monthly,munlatlnit modielna. Onlf hamlMta the j.urcst drugs should be uaod. If yon want th boat, got Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills ThoT are prompt, af and certain In reaalt The lennlnp (Dr. Peal'e) oorar diaap, .noiut. Boat any where, li.OO, Addreua taaL Maniwaa Ce Uovaland, 0. Foraale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. From the K 7. Tribune, Kot.1, U9$. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oot 81. Fhe first offlolalj annonncement ot World's Fair di plomas on flonr haa been made. A' medal has been Awarded by tba World's Fair juitees to the flonr manu fiictnreil l y the Waahbura, Croshy Co., in the great Washbrirn Flour Mllla, Minneapolis. The committee reports the llonr strong and pure, and entitles, St to rank as first-claes put eat flour for family and bakers' se." MEGARGEL & CON NELL 51ESALE AGENTS. GOLD MEDAL l . a n xi - n i . I. 4.- c any 01 ids joiiuwiug njercutuiLi, - .u vf OK ..ah nna ItiinAfarl nAivtiU1 Taylor Judpe & Co., Gold Medal; Athertoa i Co., Huporlativd. !ury;'-uco Hroro Co., Gold Modal Mootic John McCrlndlo, OuldModaL -M. W. O'lloyla, Oold Modal Chu k'H Grii"n Krxce & Prker, Huporlatlvik Clark'H urlmlit-'. !iL VonriB, Gold Modal. Itolton-tt. E. Finn A Hon, Uold Medal Bruud. Mi hoi on-J. E. Hiirdinir. Wansrly-M. VV. Jjlimi & Son, Gold Mfd:iL l acti.ryvlllo Charlon Uardimr, Gold llcdil. Hnnliettoiu N. M. t'inn & Bon, Gold Mvdal. Tobyhaima-TobyhJiina Leniaa LumbJf Co.. Uold Modal Brand. OouldHboro-8 A. Adrus. Gold Modal Brand, It'ixcow Oalne & aemunta, Gold Modal. Lake Ari. l-Janios A. liortree, Gold Meda!. Koreat City-J. L. Morifaa k (V, Gold Mods r PARI.OT19 OPFTN FROM T TO U P.H hPr'.CIAli 'ATTENTION OIVKN TO SL'ft PLYI'vi FAMILIES WITH ICE CREAM, T WAGON W3EEL3 AXLES -SPRINGS HUBS &rOKE3 RIMS STEEL SKEIN3 R. R. SPIKES SCREW o.,Screnton, & onneSI NX AVKXUJi 3 NERVE SEEDS ' Thl.wmi4.rlhl r.m.dr Mlim t cure all acruo. oi. Clr.-iilrir fro... Hold br all drunaut. Ask torlt, ta 1S7 Avsnno. Pharmaclat, cor. Wyoming Avenue an( rmm
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