The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1894, Page 5, Image 5
THE SCTtANTON TIUHUNE-F RID AY MORNING. JULY 13. 185)1. .1 , 'One rounded vV if teaspoonfulof j l does more and better work J V. than a heaping . iV 1 v teaspoonful of others. :Fjj ' Cleveland E.-iUnj Powder Co., New York of uccetsor to ClevelndBrothe Norrman&MooreiyiEllOin FIRE INSURANCE 20 Wyoming Avenuo HEW GOODS-iH DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, PRINTED ORGANDIES. fflears A Hagen ' 415 LACKA. AYE. DON'T Have your COLLARS starched in the old tray, when you can have thorn done with sofU pliable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or . Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line ol goods, and our prices are very low. I'll' 127 Wyoming Ave. Williams iAnulty CITY NOTES. Trjlmno reaitin lnnvliiK for thrlr Mimner'i vacation can have thoir favor ite paper unit to tliam nltliniii extra cott, by notlfvlu? this (ifttco of the de sired change In too paper's addrei-n. ' A diamond stud valued at $110 was taken trom Alexander Dunn, jr., at Lake Ariel on Wednesday, Patrick J. Mahady, a young man who resides at Archbald, U at the Lackawanna hospital suffering from paralysis caused ty jumping. The classes of '04 and '95 of the Uigh school will go to Mouutain lake on nn ex cursion today. The party will leave Liberty ball at 8. 30 a. m. sharp. .Iu court room No. 2 yesterday after noon Attorneys T. P. ilobau, B. A. Zira merman, and W. J. Lewis,sat as a board of arbitrators and gave a hoaring to the rlnim of James J. Lawler acainot E. P. Bates, a boiler manufacturer of Syracuse. Lawler alleges that Bates owes him a bal ance of $356.(10 for commission on the sale of boiler. J Elliot Rota appeared for Lawlor and W. A. Wilcox was the attor ney for Mr. Bates. The arbitrator did not render any decision yesterday. Bireet Commissioner Kirst is sending the following circular lettor to teamsters, builders and contractors: "Yon are hereby notified and required to desist from the drawing or thecartiug of wuste.aahei, KarbaKe, cobbles or other loose Hubstnnces on or over the streets in any vehicle but t . dose-bottomed carts or wagons, wirb end boards. By ordinance approved April 10, 1885, such drawing or carting is made a ' nuisance of the first class, with a penalty of not more than $'25 Tor each offense. The said ordiuanco will be strictly enforced and the penally collected, If you fail to comply therewith. . Open All Night at Lehman's Spruce street. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Izadore Petrack, charged by Annie Pas tas with assault and battery, gave bail In court yesterday in the sum of $200, and Vinceuzo Antenucct, on the same charge, In wbicb L)omenioo Cerabassta is prosecu tor, furnished bail in the same amount. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant ed by Clerk of the Courts John 1. Thomas to (Jharles Matteru and Christina Moser; llajk Bhamkuus and Franceska Lapuska: George Dumbroski and Kale Yonrkanka, and Waeka Kadick and Bridget Katafska, 11 of this city. Court Usued an order yesterday to the ' custodian of the ballot box in the Third ward of Olyphant borough directing him to turn over the box, keys, papers and ballots to D. J. Davis and J. F. Murphy, the commissioners In the contest now pending in the rase of James J. Flynn. Zfuilo Boxes Kxoloslvely. Seat made.' Play any deelred number of tunes. Oautscbi 4s Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street PhiladelDhia, Won- (r rtrful orcheatrial organs, only $5 and $10. aircim; um music Doxes cureiuu pairea ana improved with new tune. " Therefore Couslable Lowry Concluded Must Be Murderer Medali TOOK HM TO THE COUNTY JAIL Sheriff Faiiey Refused to Accept Lowry's Find Because There Was No Committment and the Sup posed Murderer Was Then Taken to the City Police Station, Where He Was Heid Until 7 O'clock. Constable Charles Lowry has added nnotnergeiu to his crown already bril liant with glofy, This time it was by milking the ar rest of the murderer (?) of Emuuuel Loro, He walked into police bondnunrtera yesterday afternoon his face beaming with smiles, its if cognizant of the fact that he hud wrought u great work, and announced that he had succeeded in capturing tho long sought ANdula, the cold-blooded Oid Foriru murderer. lie toiled unceasingly, lie said, ever since the reward had been .fife rod, to bring tu j culprit to justic ) nud at last bis ifforts hud beau crowned with suc cess, He told a long 6tory of bow after arduous search ho bad louated bis man, who gave hi name as Stove Baker, employed as a farm hand over near Duud.iff and had goue thetM and ar rested him. THE CAPTAIN ONLY SMILED. Ciiptaiu Edwards, who was ut head quarters at the time, heard his story to the end and then smiled a cruel. heartl"SH smile, that chased the sun light from Charley's face with the rnpldity of thought. "I'm afraid," said the captain,' "that you have got the wrong man." Poor Lowry stood for a mom nt as if benumbed at the thought that be could have made u mistake. Impossible," he said. "S.'e that scar on the buck or bis head?" But that was the only mark that in any way answered the description of Ma dnln. According to the description given m The TiiiiiiNE on June ;iD. Medala was a sum thick set man. with heavy dark mustache, and about 3.") years or age, while Lowry s prisoner. was an innocent lookiug lad, not over M years years old. a feet, 11 inches tall and hud only a few hairs, tue prido of lis youtti, ou ins upper lip. The captain at first refused to hold the man but so earnest was Lowry mm tue captain consented to detain him until Lowry could furnish unde niable proof that ho had the right man. LOWRY WAS INDIGNANT. He left the office quite indignant that there should not be more spirit of co operntiou p'uown on the prt of the c.iptain. xi e went to see an alderman to have proper pipers of detention mado out, bnt at 7 o'clock, when the man was released, he had no: returned. Previous to taking his man to notice headquarters, Lowry took him to the county t ill, bnt on account of buviu no ommitraeut papers Sheriff Fahey would not receive mm. Since the reward was offered for the cup'.ure of tho murderer, no one bus been more ardent in the search for him than Constable Lowry. He brought bis prisoner to the station hons . heavily handcuffed and the young man complained that be sufferod great indignities at the hands of Con stable Lowry. ORDINANCES ALL RIGHT. Tba. Is What Members it Select Coun cil Believe. Previous to the meeting of select council lust evening several members discussed the reasons udvauced bv Citv Solicitor Burns why the bridge bonds cannot be legally issued. Mr. Bums is quoted ns saying that the Linden street bridge ordinance is technically faulty in not stating that tho bridge shall begin "ut tho loot or Linden str.-et. and that no tiro. vision has been made against damages aocrning from property which has not yet been condemned. Two ordinances which were passed in 18113 and amoudol last spring are said to cover theso points, us follows: File of Select Council, No. 75, 1893, amended in select council March 8. 18114 "An ordinance appropriating private uro perty for the purpose of securing and con structing approaches and abutments for a hnde proposed to be erected over the Lackawanna river at tho foot of Linden street. File of select council. No. 70, IS!);), ameuneu in select council JUarph 8, IS'Jl "An ordinance annronriatinir nrlvate nroi). erty for the purpose of securing and con- kwuuwuu npproaciiesann.auutmeuts to tno proprosed bridge over Koarlug brook, from tspruce street to f ront Btroet; providiri for the ascertainment of damuite-t and mak ing an appropriation for the same." Several members eiDresied tluir opinion that there are no fliws in either the 'Roaring Brook or Linden street bridge ordinances which will of themselves permit a nullification of the measures. THE BICYCLE IDENTIFIED. It Will Be Eoturoed to Edward Leonard at Auburn, N. 7. Jame Frouoh. of Auburn. N. Y. reached this citv yesterday mornina and immediately went to the ofiice of Alderman Fitzsimmons. where he iden tified the bicycle which was stolen ori June o from Edward Leonard, of An burn by a man natntd Hnirh Finriev. The particulars of the theft w re heretofore given at length iu The Tri BCSE French, before eyeing the wheel in the alderman's offiee, tol l "of he several marks bv which he could identify it. llo lln n tooU h wrench nud separated ,the parts of the wheel ex plaining the murks. Alderman Fiiz- linuioug was couvinoed that French was: the proper person nn'l ho delivered tie wheel to him to bring it buck to he owner. The reporter called ut the store of Fiorey & Holt and asked if the firm had unv hope of cnnturitia tho thief or of getting back the" bicycle which they gave him in the t.urier. Mr. Fiorey Ruid that they exp-'Ced to have Finney aptnred today. Ulu.-er KjoIio is now on bis track. MCNIY 15 ROLLING IN. St. Luke's Summer Home and Out- ins for Women and Children. Since lust report the following con ributions have been received: j M. U fi 00 5 OH 00 00 CO 00 Arthur 1). Dean From a Fneud In memory of L. U. D $110 00 . 05 Previously acknowledged.. Total 82'JO 05 Further contributions may bo sent to the rector of tlm parish or to his as sistant, the Rev. A. L. Urban, or .to William A. Avery, chairman of the committee on general charities, or to A. D. Holland. Applications for admission to the hniiii or for tickets for the free outing ut Like Ari"l may bo sent to A. U Holland. DUO Sprue street ; C. B. Del imit, 'iol rranklin avenue, or Miss Eliz iheth Sherer, Ti'3 M i lisou avenue. Tickets caunot be supplied to any ex cept to those known to be needy nud wortny. ANOTHER SLANDER SUIT. Georg Jone', if Petersburg1, Called Mrs. Frai cU a Vile Name. George Jones, of Petersburg, an in increet youth of 20 yenrs, uiied nn ex pression, concerning Mrs. Catherine Francis, his neighbor, a married wo man with four children, that would not he proper to use in polite company. The husband of Mrs. Francis, through Attorneys Jlulslander & Vosburg, be- ;an a trespass suit witu a damage ilaitu of $2,000 iigniiist Joues yesterday n the office of Prothonotary Pryor. Thrt folliH on both Hidpe mnvn in tha upper strata of Petersburg society. iiie uuurueyi win uave iue case suu mitted to a board of arbitrators. Mrs. rrancis is not so much desirous of se- inrinrr npMlnlarv rnnmanniififin fnr tha attack upon her charactor, ns she is of .1 T . .... I ... i.: .: couiuuHg tioues nun uiauiug uim fe rae l ms siauaerous words. CGRR'S BILL DUST BE PIADL Supreme Court Decided That His Claim Against the County Is Legal and Proper. In the case of Patrick Corr against the county of Lackawanna the supreme court yesterday reversed the court of this county. Corr was one of the auditors Of tbe borough of Dickson City and charged the commissioners of this county JO for receiving the nomination papers of the borough, filling out certific ates of watchers, arranging b illots, correcting proof and distributing ballots prior to the municipal election of February, 1S93. This bill the commissioners re fused t pay, contending that they had nothing to do with the comnensation of borough auditors. A case stated was then ngreod upon to determine whether tbe county was liable for the payment of the bill. Judge Archbald held that while Corr might have recovered from the county the expenses of getting the ballots into the hanils of the proper election officers, such us cartage, expressuge, etc., and any necessary traveling expanses by rail, carriage or otherwise, if any such expenses were iucnrrnl, bo could not recover from the county anything like n per diem compensation, and entered judgment for the defendant with costs An nppeal from this judm-nt was taken to l lie sum-erne court which bus reversed Judge Archbald and decided tiiat the county must! pay Mr. Corr's bill. This will mean considerable ad ditional expense to the county in the matter of conducting elections. In ti.e cas of Lmce against tho L hign nud Wilkes-Barro Coal company. an appeal trom the common pleas of Philadelphia county, judgment was affirmed, and in the case of Finnegaa against tho township of Foster, from the common pleas of Luz rne county, judgment wus ulo alhrmei. CONTRACT FOR DESKS DIVIDED. Each of the Companies Will Furnish One Thousand. The building committee of the board of control met last evening in the rooms of the board at the Municipal building. Mr. Davis, of the firm of Davis & Honpr, architects, was present mid submitted plans for tbe new No. 1!) school building on Kebecca avenue The plans of this firm, with slight modifications, will be reported favoru Uy to tho board of control at the next meeting. The representatives of the school furmluro companies were present ana each had a sample desk with bun. Ten luiutites was allowed to each ugeut In which to unfold to the committee the merits of his special article. After all the desk ngents were given a hearing the committee took up the lids and after thoroughly deliberating divided the contract between the lianey S :hool Furniture company and the United States Desk company, both of New York. Each couipai y will supply 1,000 desks or Ao. 1 quality. The EoraatoO liunlneas Collns. The new building is progressing rapidly and will be a buudmuio htrui-lurc wlieu completed. Buck, Whittuore JSi Co. have their office, tompornrily.tu Uaruey, Browu & ( o.'e store r. nit, corner Adams avenue una LiliiUen street 640,000 School Hourb No. 27. E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened tins month, to Do mint on tolumolu avenue. Lots for sale on this avenuo at low prices lor n unel period. AllIllUIl Fhotuinuhax. Buy Ihe Wtbir and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Meubeus of Sunlllor lodge-. No. 345. F. nud A. M., are n -quested to meet at the lodge room Mituniuy at l.'.sa to attend the funeral or urotiier Julius wellner. .Mem bers of lister lodges are cordially Invited, J. C. Lanob, W. U. That tirrd feklinq which is so common and so overpowering is eutirely driven oil bv lioous carsaparina, the best blood purifier. Hood's Snrnaparilla overcomes weakness. Hood's are tbe best nfter-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c, a box. 1J11II IS ENDED Gisand Wa'.cr Company Agrees Hot to Stut tho Wato? Oil from the Mills, ATTORNEYS REACH SETTLEMENT But the Arguments on Doth Sides Woro Heard Before tho Conclusion Was Arrived At President Scran ton Denied Firmly That Ho Made Any Threats and Is Corroborated by Mr. Reeves Who Was Present. The important proceedings in the petition of the Lackawanna Iron and Sleel company to make the prelimin ary injunction permanent restraining the Scranton Gas niiiT Water coinpnny from shutting off the water supply rom the mills and property ol the plaiutiff were given the attention of Judges GutiBter and Eiwaria in court vtsterduy. The attorneys for tho Lackawanna Iron and Steel company were M. E. 01 instead, of HarriBburs:; Hamilton Wallace, of New York and Joseph O'Brien, of this cily. For the Gas and Water company Attorneys Alfred Hand, nud I. II. Burns ap peared. Mr. OlniBtead opened the case by be inning bis argument to continue the injunction. He reviewed the contracts between tho plaintiff and defendant companies and sn Emitted them iu ar gument. In 1371 it was mutually agreed betwcn the Scranton (ias and Watet company nud tbe Lackawanna Iron and Coal company that $1,800, the price exacted by the Gas and Water company for water service to the plaintiff, would be promptly paid each year. This contract remained in force until 1HN1, when h disruption occurred be tween the officers of both companies, which resulted in the water being stopped from the mills and furuacos of the steel company at n time when heavy contracts for rails were being tilled. THE SECOND CONTRACT. Another bargain was tlun arrived at and it was stipulated that from the late of the contract the u is and Water company agreed not to shut off the water from tue plum till a properties in case of dispute. The contract price was the sum of $10,000 annually, Three years iiuu the Lackawanna Iron and Coal company and the Scran ton Steel company merged into one under the uew title, the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company. All the rights of contract with tho Gas and Water company reverted to tbe new concern; mil at the time or the purchase of the South work, tho Uas and Water com pany brought suit against the old com puny for a little over :f(JO,000,und later a it suit was instituted against the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company for $30,600. These suits were brought for water bills for the consumption of water by the steel company to which it was not entitled, it is alleged, by any provision iu the contract. Tho Gas and Water oompany repeat edly sent bills to the steel company for these claims, and niter waiting a reas onable time finally brought suit Chief Euinneer Henry Wehrum, of the Lack awanna Iron and Steel comnanv. as serted to have had a conversation with W. W. Scranton, president of the Scranton Gas and Wuter company, in which that gentleman threatened, un less these bills were paid, that the sun ply of water would be shut off from the mills. Tbe threat alleged to have been uttered by Mr. Scranton was re sponsible for tbe bringing of this in junction. Mr. Wehrum was called to the stand to testify to tbe fact or Mr. Scrauton's threat. OUJKCT TO THE TESTIMONY, A legal battle nro?o at this point be tween the attorneys relative to the ad mission of oral testimony. The con tention of tbe attorneys for the defend ant was that all testimony should be produced in aOidavit form. Mr. Wehrum was allotted to testify and he stated that he met Mr. Scranton on Lacka wanna avenue on March 14 The lat ter accosted tbe witness in this form: "Well, Wehrum; how about the water money?" Mr Wehrum said, "I don't know anything about it." To this Mr. Scranton replied, "Why don't you tell your people to pay their bills. I ilou t want to make any threats, but you can tell Carl not to be surprised to S.-e the water shut olt Mr. Wehrum communicated the re marks to General Manager C. W. Mc- Kinney, who was put upou the witness stand and testified tu the fact of being so told by Mr. Wehrum, and he added that about six weeks ago Mr. Scrautou complained of the waste of water at the blast furnace and threatened to cut oft' the supply uulesa the wuste was stopped. ElwitiF. Ilallieli?, president of the Lackawanna Iron una tneel company. was tho next witness. He gave a list of the properties owned by the com puny and also testified that in 1830 the Gas and Water company bad put in claims for nmoilnls that the Steel com pany did uot consider it entitled to, consequently the bills were uot paid and the Gas and Wuter company re tallatcil ny shutting or the water, caus lug the mills to BUipeud and doing in calculable damage to the Steel com- paiiv. At this point the different con iructs and papers were offered in evi dence. J. E. Higuinson, secrotary-treasurer of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel com pany, gave testimony of the monthly payments made, lor water, aggregating a total sum of $10,000 u year. The aiguuiein of the defendant was begun iu liiH afternoon. W. W, Scran do we sell it so cheap? Where do you get it? How long will you sell it for 25c? It's just as good as the tea I paid 50c. for. Such ex pression.3 are constantly heard from those who have been fortunate enough to secure some of our "Yoko hama" Tea. Some take 5 pounds for $1. Twenty pounds is the limit. E. G.-COURSEN, j 429 Lacka. Ays. ton was callei to the stand. He said that the daily consumption of water nae.1 at the mills nud properties of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company averages 1.500.000 gallons, for which the sum of 10,000 is annually paid to ue water company, the price, Mr. Scranton thought, was a rednood one. The Sttel company was given the bens- fit of special rates because of the enor mous iiiuount of water used. Mr. Scranton denied t'.iat he nndj any threats to Air, Weiii'um. What he s ild was that his compmy considered it it right, which it hud the privilege of reserving, that the water unuld be shut of from customers who lo not pay their bills, nud he aUo said I hat the and Water company claimed an a right the priviloge of shutting oil water when it is uot used according to contract. In the original contract there was no provision, nor has there been any luc uded since, of sup plying water to the mule burns, or for supply condensers, boshes and tuyers at the mills. Superintendent Robert Reeves wue tho uext witness for tbe defense. He said that be was present when the conversation took place between Mr. Scranton and Chief Lngineer Welirum. there was no throat made by .Mr. Scranton regarding the shutting off of the water supply from. the mills of the Lackawanna Iron und Steel company, THE INJUNCTION DISSOLVED. With the testimony of Mr, Rueves the case ended and the attorneys on both sides got togother and agreed to dissolve the injuuetion, with the un derstanding that the water supply will not be Bhut off until the two suiis brought by the Gus and Water com pany are settled. These suits are ou the list for the October term of com mon pleas court, but it may be two years before the cases nre called. Thus euded one of the most impor tant cases ever brought in the courts of Lackawanna county. REV. DR. COLVILLE'S CHANGE. Acoepted a Call from the Presbyterian Chuioh of Jameitcwa, If. Y. Rev. G. M. Colville, D. D who eight years ago was pastor of the Simp son Methodist Episcopal church of the WeBt Side, bus left the Methodist fold and become u Presbyterian, having ac cepted a call from the First Presbv teriun church of Jamestown, N. Y. When Dr. Colville left this city he went to Biughumton, N. Y., to accept the pastorate of the Centenary Metho dist Episcopal church, and has been there ever since. Concerning his re cent change the Binghamton Republi can iavs: It is stated that Dr. Colville .has had the offer under consideration for some time, Last Sunday ho preached in the Presby terian church at Jamestown and was siven the call, wbicb be decided to accept, A few days ago he informed the presiding elder or this district and the oiticinis or tue Centenary church of his determination, to leave tbe Methodist church and accept this call. Who his successor will bo in the Ceuteuary church is not yet known. The auuouucemont to the officials was so sud den and so unexpected that they have uo one in view. Next Sunday the pulpit will bo supplied by the kov. iiuaui Lai gar, of Curuondafe. It is understood that one of Dr. Col ville's main reasons for leaving the Metho dist church was the time limit, lie ob jected to this because bethought it did not give tbe miniHtor a tair chnnce. Dr. col ville is a Scotchman by birth uud his early life was speut in 'roughing it.' Some of the time he was a sailor, lie came to this couutry while still a boy and after a time entered the Wyoming seiuinarv.Kint;stou, Pa., from which he graduated, lie was ordained and eutered the .Methodist minis try in the Wyoming conference. Since bis ordination he has followed the conference, winning friends and fame, not only among those ot his own denomination, lint with the general public. As a public orator he has few siiDei iors. He was particularly nop - ular wherever he went. Ue is a man of broad views ou all subjects, aud is well in formed. TEtCHERS NOT APPOINTED. Committee Waitlne; for tha R.-tura of Superintendent Phillip. "The teachers' committee of tbe board ot control has not yet taken any actiou concerning tbe appointment of teach ers for the next school year, said b. L. Warmer, of the teachers' committee of the hoard of?coutrol, last evening. "Superintendent Phillips hag been out of the citv attending the meeting of the State Teachers' association and we will take no action until he returns as we will not know just what work there is for us to do. Mr. Phillips will return to the city next weeK and then tho committee will come together and be prepared to present its report to tbe board when it meels one week from Monday night." Liwa Rnzsrs, Eefrlveratorr, Ice Cream Freezer;. 1 have now on hand nud will sell at cost prico: 10 Lawn Razors, IU Relrigeratore, 15 Ice Cream Freezors. Come aud pet one before they are all gone. 1IIOS. f . LEONARD, fii)5 Lackawauna ave. The secret nrt of beauty lies not iu cosmetic, but is ouly iu pm- blood, and a benlthy perlormauce or the vital fuuc lions, to bo obtained by using Burdock uioou tuners. ' And Right -Up to Date. 'STERLING We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the -Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA, AVE, Best Seta of Teeth, $8-. oo Including the painless extracting ot teeth by an eutirely uew pro cess, .. t S. O. Snyder, d.d.s. 189 "WYOailNU AVU. SILVER y B FOR JUDGE Attorney Janus Malion Says it Will Be the Slogan of Els Friends. NO PLAN OF CAMPAIGN YET Mr. Malion Declares That as Soon as the Proper Time Arrives Mr Chase's Namo Will Be Brought For ward and the Campaign in His Fa vor Inaugurated He Is Willing to Make Sixty-Two Mora Speeches. "A. A. Chase will be a candinata for judge this fall," said Attorney James .Mahon to a Tribune reporter yester- iny. ' In just what form his campaign will be conducted I cannot "ay, but there is a demand mi tbe part of bis mends in all parts of the county that he again allow his name to be used in connection with tho juliciary. "iho campaign bus not begun to cryatnliz yet, but there are dozetis of earnest men in this county ready to set the ban in motion ns soon as the proper time arrives to bring his name forward ns tleir candidate for judge. They recognize in him a man of the proper impulses who is actuated by the spirit of our institutions ns set forth in tbe declaration of independence and the constitution of the United States. "Personally, I do not know what part I will be assigned in the Chase campaign this fall, but I am ready to serve anywhere tho boys may see fit to place me and use every honest effort to elect Mr. Chase to the bench of this county. Last fall I was the secretary of the campaign committee aud made sixty, two speeches throughout this county. I am willing to do it again or anything else that is fair and honorable to assist my friend Chase to a position I believe, be is richlv entitled to" Mr. Chuso was seen by a reporter but declined to talk politics. He Inti mated that Mr. Jlalion was doing the talking for him these sultry July days, S00 1100 OOO'S SECOND FIRE. It Was Caused by the Exploding- of a Lau p. Yesterday morning while Soo Hoo Doo the Chinaman was cleaning up the debris in bis cellar, caused by the re cent fire, the lamp which bad been lurnlshiug htm light, vxploied. There was great excitement for a few minutes, but the flames were quickly put out by a few pails of waUr. No alarm was sent in, and there was no damage done, save great fright on tbe Chinaman s part. THE INVITATION ENGROSSED. It Will Ba Presented to Mr. Dtp:w by Mayor Connell. A resolution of last week's select council meeting adopted in the com mon council last evening confirming the invitation of tbe Sheridan Monu meat association to Cbaunony M. Do pew to address a mnss meeting in the city, has been engrossed on heavy parchment by V. W. Costello, of the city engineer s department. The resolution contains the names of FIRE!;. KING The Best for Summer Cooking. NO. 1- NO. 2- KO. 8- $1.25 m $3.75 Window Screens ONLY 20c. EACH H, BATTIN & CO. 126 Penn Ave. STOWS Don f 0 That we are in the Shoe Business. Step in some day and see how well we can please you, both as to quality and price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's $3.00 SHOES are marvels of style and quality. Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. ia I. .. i e I BANISTER'S, c HJSioW km Discount off Straw Hats, Millinery, Ladies' e Suits and Shirt Waists. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA A"E, the councilmen who voted for its pas sage and has been elgned by the presi dent and clerk. It will be presented to Mr. iJepew ry Mayor Uonael wno li one of the committee appointed to con rer the Invitation la behalf ol tbe Monumeut association. Single Fare Rate ta Toronto, Oat., Tla Lehigh Valley Railroad. Special Tickets to Toronto on account of convention Baptist Young People's union an rnto or single tare lor round trip will be ou sale at tffice of tbe L. V. R. R., 309 Lackawunna avenue, Scranton, Pa., July 11 ana IP, good f'ir return to July 81. Routn vlaLedish Vallev to Niaeara falls. New York Central to Lewiston, thence by Niagara Nav. Co.'s steamer. The Bone of Lackawanna will hold thAir lAAAnd annual t,1.n(A ak Central park, South Washington avenue, on luuruuay, tiuiy xu. All arrangements are being made to have thj most success ful picuio ot the season. Oo td Poyntfllf, Excursloa Bates One Dollar. New York, Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wednesday and Saturday. Train leaves Scranton 8.30 a, in., returning leaves Poyntelle 4.50 p. m. (Jood fishing. From 8 to 8 each evening, visitors will be shown Woodlawn Park lots. Fok Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cramo and Colio there is no remedy su perior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclec tric Oil. BE SATISFIED with nothing but the best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. BOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fine BlackClay Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladies' Capes.all shades, for 98c. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.75, worth $9. Furs STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGB During the Summer. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. SLAMD'S 128 Wyoming Ave. MARSHALL FIELD ft CO.'S 8 BUTTON ABBOTT, 1 4 BUTTON' ABBOTT. IT 7R fatih 4 BUTTON GENEVA, .al'"VtiUU 4-BUTTON NEPTUNE, a Pair. BIARRITZ, In White Blaok, Tana and Grey. Former Priaes, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. DUNN'S 'fcli HATS kill - verlook the Fact PER ppmt