The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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t'OS THE I 'Kit 12,
ft Foe ta Dyspepsia
-UKE Tan-
And always have
Good Bread.
Ilie Weston Mill Co,
Punch CigarG
B. 8t Co.,
nnrl'tnil rn Firih C'(ttf.
C-arney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a.
removed to
back of Dime Bank.
Tha Domeslio Troubles of Mr. and Mrs. Duvlea.
With retrard to the rumors of the do
mestic affairs of Reese Davies and his
v.ifo, a Tltllil'NE reporter intervi -wed
lira. Davies last evening, who informed
I'm thht a warrant had been issued
f' r Ueeso Duvies yesterday to appear
V -fore an aldermHti to show causa why
ho should not contribute to her eup-
In furtlwr explanation! Mrs. Davis
ii funned 11 Tkihuse reporter that she
!f-'t her husband few ve.irs ato,as she
v is i:i iiiin?;or of her liie, i-.n 1 re. urn- d
ahont a wet-lc no to ProVl., and
o i Wednesday ove. inn, accompanied
I,' livr sister, ,Mr. Thomas, of Wayne
p'-eiiue, she went to her husband's rc.ii
d uco to attempt i reconciliation in
i:. which, however, aim was nasuccesf
fid, Mis. Davie) gave as reasons
f'T returning that she heard thattne
housekeeper who is another Mr. D i-v:.-,
had been married to hr husband
and v-ai making a boast of the tact in
Mis. Davies is very indicnant with
b r husband, and stated that after her
di.pariure her mother acted as her bus
toand's honaeksppr for ten months.
v.'hon Bho was suddenly dismisjod and
the Mrs. Davies ISo 2 was installol the
fame day. Mrs. Davies No. 1 alleges
that Mrs. Daviea, the preBent house
keeper, has a husband living in Wales.
both parties are well known in Prov
idence and are respectably connected.
J:rs Davies is of a very attractive np
p --.r mce, and stated that she was de
t rmined to obtain her just rights.
TTho North Kml t.flifo of the SciiAntov
Tiiiiirsn is locatml at the Lewis Dnitt Store
Bi.'l .Ii'hu's Store, Wayne avenue, wlicro sub
6i -t ptions. advortisemonts and communication
will ice Ivo prompt attention.
jMrs. William Pierce and Mrs. John F.
Bruadbent, are spending a week at Way
n.nrt. The Kev. Simpkin, of Moscow, will ex
change pulpits with Hov. M. I). Fuller on
fcn inlay.
Mrs. W. L. Jones and son have returned
home itf tor a three weeks' visit to Bing
liarutoii. . Martin Walsh, of West Market street, is
entertaining his sister, Miss Mary Walsh,
of Pittstou.
The ttev. W. F. Davis will ocenpy the
pulpit of the Puritan Congregational
Church on Sunday.
Miss Mamie McCarthy, of Parsons, is
l;sndlug her vacation with her parents ou
Kay Aug aveiiu.'.
The Providence division, No. 6. Ancient
Order of Hibernian, has arranged an ex
cursion to Lake Ariel ou Aug, 8.
D. S. Bobiuson, Silas C. Robinson, Aaron
XcDouald and families loft for Lake Wi
nola where they will enjoy thoir Hummer
The Cayuga and Brisbin shafts will not
be working tomorrow. Several of the
- n:iners are going with tho joint excursion
to Farview.
The joint excursion to Farvtew tomor
row will leave the IJrigde street station at
7. 45: Providence at 8 a. m., and will stop
at Peckville and Olyphant.
Mark Moran, who ha been a successful ball player with the Knston teaui, has
been engaged on his return liero as bur
ti nder at the (J'Malley House.
A game of alley ball will be played at
the U'Malley court ou Saturday aftornoou,
bring the first gnme after the improve
ment o! the court. The electric light is
being installed.
The Park Place Methodist Episcopal
church has appointed George 14. Clark
snd John Simpson representatives to the
I0;wouh LeHguo district convention at
hunosdale for which place they left yesterday.
Great Volume of Public Busicoss Transacted
by City Law Makers.
It Pnsscd on First ancl Second Read
ings in the Select Council Paving
Ordinance for West Lackawanna
Avenue Passed Finally in Same
Body Asphalt Pave for Pcnn Ave
nue From Spruco Street to Lacka
wanna Avenue.
Select council met in sp cial session
l.,st evening mi 1 a stated nt otitic of
the common body was hold. The de
liberations of the latter continued tor
only three quarters of an honr.
Select council was In sonaion nntil
1) oil o'clock and transacted a couaider
itl lu volume of business, the passage of
tho West Lackawanna avenue paving
ordinance on third and filial reading,
mid the polo tax measure ou first and
second readinur, being the moot import
nut measures. The absentees from se
lect council were members Iloss, Wil
liams, Saudevsuu, Fellows, Kellow and
('lemons. A half hour was consumed
in the reading and adopting of minutes
of three previous meetings.
Tho report of the lire department
committee recommending tho purchase
of a team of horses fjr the Ncpiuno
company was received and the. ordin
ance ord-Ted printed. The adverse re
port uf this committee on an increase
in the nuuiial rental of tho building oc
cupied by the Cumberland Hose com
pany was adop o I.
Mr. Thorn is, of the streets and
bridges committee, submitted a recent
m.'iidation of the mayor that th) street
commissioner repair the Providence
und Ahington turnpike, in accordance
with til J legal opinion of ex JndiiJ V.
H. Jeesnp that the city is responsible
to" tU" s uite.
Tlie report of the auditing committee
recommending the p-iyment of u large
number of bills was adopted with the
exception of a bill for siiO from John
V. Jordau. This t.-il. was stricken
from tiie roll ou motion of Mr. Mc
i 'nun, who said Chief Ferber, of the
fire department tin J overstepped his
authority in hiring Mr. Jordau to nil
iiydrants at so large a rate of p ay as 0
per lay.
A concurrent resolution was adopted
directiug tiie city clerk to give notice
ot the petition far tho paving of Frank
lin avenue betwoen Spruce and Mul
berry streets with the bost qnulity of
vitrified brick.
An ordinance providing for the pur
chase of the tire enciut" belonging to
the Citizen's Engine company was or
dered printed.
A concurrent resolution directing the
street commissioner to relay the sewer
pipe on South Hyde Park aveuue from
Washburn street to near Jackson street
was adopted.
A resolution presented by Mr.
Thomas providing for Thirteenth ward
Mdewalks was received and ordered
printed, if reported favorably. by com
mittee. The potition of Penn nvohue property
owners Between Lackawanna avenue
and Spruce Btreot, that Penn avenue be
paved with asphalt, was received and n
resolution passed directing the city en
gineer to prepare an outituata of the
A resolution of Mr. Lauer was
adopted directing the city solicitor to
submit a written opinion as to whether
or not councils can include in its con
tracts with bnilders of the proposed
bridges tlie provisions that only citi
zens of S-Tiiiiton be employed tlier.'on.
JVlr. Koches pole tux ordinance
passed first and second leadiug after
Mr. Latter had inqnir-d wny it was
stipulated that tbe poles should bo
painted green, and Mr. Roche had re
plied "because it is a popular color."
A concurrent resoluiion was adopted
permitting the congregation of Jewish
Brothers to construct a private sewer
In the court northwest of Washington
avenue, between Kiver and Hickory
Ordinances passed third and final
reading as follows Providing for the
appointment of a i-tiuauent fire
man for the Coulury IIoso cempauy;
providing for tiie paving of Wet Lack
awanna;, troin the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western tracks to
Nint h street, with Belgian block; au
thorizing toe mayor to execute con
tracts for wator tor fire hydrants with
the Peoples Water company tor thy
term of one year; providing for the
purchase of horses for Mm fire depart
ment from tho fund of :JolO iu excess of
an amount previously appropriated for
such purpose.
After the session, which was ad
journed to meet next Thursday night,
tlie clrrk was d.rected by Mr. Thomas,
chairman of the streets und bridges
committee, to call a joint meeting of
that committee next W ednesday even
in for the purpose of considering the
Linden street and Jlonrinir broyk bridgo
Dl'iiiR, which will probably be com
pleted by that time.
Whatthe Lower iiody of
City Wlsla-
tors Did.
Tho meeting of common council last
night was not productive of much bus
iness, but it was a tirei zy nession.
Chairman P, J. Neulis called the meet
ing tho order and after roll call left tli
chair, calling Ms. Koliathau to talcs his
place. The reason for this was to give
Mr. Nealis a cuauco to attach his sig
nature to a large batch of documents
tiiat had passed tho council.
There was nothing important in the
roports of committees except the report
of the paving coinmittoe. The roport
of this committee recommnded favor
ably the passage of the ordinauce now
pending in councils providing for thu
paving of that part or Franklin avenue
between Spruce and Mai tarry stroets
with vitritied brick. Tho report rec
ommended that the city engineer be
instructed to prepnro plan, sptcitiiM
tions and estimate of cost and serve
notice according to law upon the abut
ting property ownera
The report of the chief of police.
William T. Simpson, waa read. It gave
a detailed statement of the police de
partment forthe month of June. A
total of $181 50 was collected in lines.
A number ef concurrent resolutions
were read and passed upon favorably.
Mr. Noone, from the Eighteenth ward,
introduced the resolution which was
iutroducod and adopted at the recent
meetings of the select council and
board of control rotating to the invita
tion extended to Cbuuucey M. Dopew
by the Puilip II. Sheridan Monument
association. Mr. Noone moved that
in the adoptiou ot the resolution it be
done by calling the yeas end nays.
Every vtnember presont voted for the
resolution. '
Mr. Howe introduced a resolution
providing for the erection of two ad
ditional electric lights in the Thir
teenth ward. Mr. Robatban intro
duced two resolutions, one instructing
the street commissioner to relav the
sewer pipe on South Hyde Park avenue,
near Washburn street; the other pro
vided that the joint streets and bridges
committee be instructed to visit
Twelfth street, and it possiblo compro
mise the (liliijulty now existing be
tween the city engineer and the con
tractor. The following ordinances passed
third reading: Providing lor the lay
ing of 5-foot Halftone sidewalks ou the
easterly side of Mousey avenua be
tween Delaware street and the south
erly curb linn of Sin set avenue.
Ordaining thut the off ir of tho Citi
zen's Fire association of Scranton to
sell to the city tho third double pump
piston steam fire envino at the price ot
$3,000 be acccpfed. The engiuo is now
in use by tlie Nay Aus Two exonera
tions of dog tax wore lend and pass d.
Mr. Haul introduced the ordinauie
which has passed tho upp-r branch
providing for the abandonment of that
part or tho Pittstou aveniw turnpike
between Oibbons and Sanders streets.
Picnic of the Hickory S'rsat Presby
terian Sunday School.
The Hickory Street Presbyterian
Sunday school held a picnic at Central
Park garden yesterday, after parading
the principal streets on this side. The
weather aided in making tho affair a
great success and thoroughly enjoyable
to tho hundreds who attended.
The usual games of such occasions
were indulged in. The base ball game
between the Sunday school members
ami the Manhattans was won by the
latter. The children's races were ran
in class:'?, tho following boys aii'l uirls
winning prizes : Will Kirst, Fred
Schnuk, Will Dusser, El ward Rihr,
Lizzie KMl.-rnmti, Lizzie Wirtry, Lilliu
Trester, I la Chase, Mabel Lohmutin,
Minnie Neuls an.l Annie Meister. Miss
Maggie Millar worked very hard to g t
subscriptions ou a cake, and collected
quite a la.igj sum.
I ne children ut about 7 o clock as
sembled and partook of ico cream, cake
and other rvfreliments, and then
formed in lino and marchad to Cedar
aventio, where tho little ones separated
for their homes.
This Sunday school is the largest in
tho city, and th picnic nronse.i a groat
dal of interest ou the South Side.
Among tho gentletnou whose efforts
contributed to a great degvei
toward tho success of tho af
fair nre llev, A. Lango and
Proftssor John Letites, assisted by
(x.'orgo S.-lieuo!), Philip Kirst, Philip
Schetir and others. A iargo number of
rroniiueiit South Siders were on the
ground, one being old Mr. rreuliau,
who is over M year of ago.
The grounds were occupied by the
elder members of the church during
the evening. The Moztrt baud was in
Miss Lizzie Kirst. of Philadelphia, is
visiting lriends here.
Company A, Patriotic guards, will hold
a picnic at Central Park garden on .Inly i.
Jiiss Mrio llasehon, of Hawley, is visit
ing at the homo of A. C. liempe, on Cedar
The Patriotic Order, Sons of America's
Drum corps has four engagements to till
this month.
Tho Bavarian I.'oneficial society met in
regular ec-sion at Storr's hall on Alder
htreet Inst evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Syplmrs have gone
on a visit to Washington, N. J., and also
to Ilenryville aud Stroiidsburg.
Tho services at the Smth Side Young
Women's Chri-tiau association looms will
begin at 4 o'clock ou tiiiiiday, instead of
o.-t.i as formerly.
The Pati iotic Order of Son3 of America
will install their new ofliecrs next Monday
pvcuing. Altfiward an important meet
ing will be held.
A T-m inths-olil child of Mr. and Mrs.
Pa '.rick Cnulati, of Prospect aveail1, di d
We luesd av afternoon. The funeral will
take place tomorr ivv,
Joseph Frank, the 3-month-old child of
Mr. and Mrs. John (ireeuiield. of Pittstou
avenue, di-d yoitorday m,'rninj. The
fuoeral will take pi ice tomorrow.
Henry C. Sci oj-r, Charles Mirtz, Theo
iloro Lowert, and August It "lnpe, of this
tide, were fishing at lr.,u!iUboro Wednes
day and had a lar .'e catch of ti ,!i.
The wedding of T. II. Jackson, of tho
Wyoming House, and .'.liss Jennie Jones
took place at tlm home of the bride's
parents on Pittstou avenue yesterday
morning. Ailor the ceremony th happy
pair lett on an extended trip to Hjl'l'al.)
and other cities. On their return they
start housekeeping ou on Washington av
enue. Frank Kauo, a resident of Newark, N J.,
who formerly lived in this city on tlieSonth
Side was run down and killed by a tram
ou tho Pennsylvania railroad Wednesday
wliile at ins work. Air. Kane was em
ployed as a trackman and was driving n
Miike when dent h overtook nim. l,'i)uth
w.m instantaneous. He wa was nn uni te
cf Will J. Clifford of the Scranton Kxpress
and he hail many other rola'ivei in tlm
city. He was n man of upright character
and was hiehly reg irdeii b,- evcryb aly
wlio knew him. Tim funeral takoi phieo
today at Newark whero intoi iiieui will Ii
made. ' Juitn a number of'rehi'.ives from
this city are at tending the funeral.
Euckloti'd mnlca alv. '
The best wilv in the worid for Cut
Bruises, Soros, Clo-is, Salt liheimi,
Sores, Teller, ( happ"d Hands. ( liilbl.i.iH,
Corns anil nil Shin i'haipuons, .-mil posi
tively cures Pile.-, or no pay uipiirod. It
If rjiiarauti ed to give pel tect i-atis taction
(a money refunded. Price !iT coiila per
box. For Bale by .MiiUhewi Bros.
I. X. (iiier,
of Danville, Is stonpiii
the Wyoming.
E. J. Dimmick, of
friends in t his city.
Chicago, i-i visiting
Mrs. Y. II. Case, of Tubylninna, is visit
ing friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bennett, of Houos
dnlo, are registered at tho Wyoming.
Mrs. Jane L DoWitt. is spending the
summer with New Yoik state friends.
Dr. H. E. Liitziiinl O. U. orden spent
yesterday ou a pleasure trip at Wiilies
Barre. Mrs. Frsnk N. Hnllstsad and two kous
am snen ling this month at West Hamp
ton, Ii I.
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Connoll left Weiliies
day night on a trip to B iston and through
the east.
Professov (rosi, of New York city, is th"
guest- "f P. J. O'Dounell, of the Exchange
hotel, Duninore.
Miss Clara Scott, of Binghamton, is vis
iting her sister, Sirs. Willis I). Kniumuror,
at her home on Franklin aveuue.
Messrs. Ward and Howe, station ngents
nt Hallstead, Pa., mada a living trip to
Scranton yesterday on business pertaining
to the company. ' "
Wilber F. Sadler, jr., general -manager
of the Carbondule Traction company, was
in Stroudsbiirg Wednesday ou eleclrio
ruilwny business.
J. P) Ackor, chief clerk of the Dataware,
Lackawanna and Western Coal depart
ment, accompanied by bis daughter Ruth,
is visiting friends at Stroudsbiirg.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. McAnnlty and daugh
ter will leave tonight for Bouldor, Col.,
where they will spend a few weeks with
Mrs. O. W. Fulton, Mrs.-McAnulty's sister.
Recital Given by the Pupils of Miss Anna
Ansley at Her Home.
A Young Son of Painter F. J. John
son Caused the Trouble A Bur
glar Secured $475 in a Trunk in
tho Residence of M. E. Wheeler.
Richard Moxey Was on His Muscle,
and Displayed an Ugly Temper.
The West Side office of tho SimiantoN
TuiM'NK is locati d at llii North Aluiu ave.
nue, where subscriptions, advertisements
and coiiiuiuuicatiinis will receive prompt
The homo of Miss Anna Ansley on
Meridian street was the scene last
evening of her . third piano recital
given by her pupils. The house was
beautifully decorated with Japanese
lanterns and bunting, while tho inte
rior was tastefully fitted up for the r -
tceptiou of the giicBts. About fifty vis
itors were present.
Tho programme opsned with a piano
selection by Misses Jessie Smith and
Etta Duiikerly, an 1 wois followed by
selections by MUa Etna Stevens, a
young lady whose work is something
phenomenal. She excels in tone and
expression of a piece. "L t lVtit Hal"
was the selection which followed, and
was excellently rendered by Miss Inn
Whetstene. Miss (iurtrnde Gilhool
rendered a selection iu a neat manner,
and the 'Spinning Song" by Clarence
Do bow was well received. In place of
Miss Grace barber, who was too ill to
be present, Miss Lelia Porter, nn elocu
tionist of marked ability, gave a reci
talion entitled 'Tit for Tat" with a
piano accoinpauimeut. Tnis was loud
ly applauded.
Tun Misses (Irace and Anna Rose,
known as the twin vocalists, rendered
a very beautiful s-lectiou in a unarm
ing manner. Miss Susie Fuhr responded
next, and Miss Henri'dU Dunkerly
rendered ''Fragrant Violet." Then
came Miss Jessie Smith, after which
the Misses Uraco and Anna Koso again
delighted tho audience w:th a vocal
selection. "Ciurer U-il" was the duet
rendered by Misses Alda Atkinson and
Pearl Porter, and it was received
with applause. The lust and crown
ing i'caturo of the evoning
was tho ''Jagers Giurs," and
"Caprice," rcn leretl by Miss Ethel
Porter. S he displayed great ex;ires.uion,
snd the manipulating was particularly
fine, Miss Porter is an accoinulished
young lady in every seiiso of tho word.
After the recit il, ice cream ami cake
was served to the guests, und an enjoy
able ti mo was spent. Miss AnsUy's
third recit:;l was sno:ossfiil in every
way, und she may well feel proud at
the success of her pupils.
Causod b7a Child Who Started a Firs
in a Close.
The alarm of fire which sounded
from box 23 at tlie corner of Laiayette
street ami Garfield avenue nt 10. lo
o'clock y 8terday morning, was caused
by a blaze in the two-story frame
dwelling owti"d and ocuupied by Frank
J. Johusun, tho paiuter, on North II -lieccu
avenue. The fhmcs were dis
covered by a lad nanu.l Georgo Phil
lips, who saw smoke issuing from tlie
window iu tue upper story, and au
alarm was promptly sent iu.
The fir unlimited in a closet ou the
second 11 .or, and was caused by a
young sun of Mr. Johnson, who set firo
to some paper in au old utovo which
stood iu a corner of the small apart
ment. As tho stove had no connec
tions with tho chimney- the smoke be
gan to fill tho roum 'aud tho sparks
set fire to tho clothing hanging on tue
wall. The Franklin nud Columbia
Hose companies promptly responded,
and a stream of water from the pipe oi
the former soon extinguished the
dimes. Ti " bouse is damaged to the
extent of ijttto, covered by insurance.
The room is i. ui n id and the shutti-rs
and flames will need replacing. No
istiinnte could be given as to the
amount of clothes and other articles
which succutnbo 1 to the (limes.
A Good Haul Mud.) ut U. . Whsoler'd
Kestdnt c
Upon awaking from Ii is slumber yes-t'-rday
lnorniii';, M, L Wheeler, en
gineer on th Delaware, L (CKawaima
and Wist-ni railroad, who resides at
the corner of Oxford and Tenth street-',
found thai during tlie proceeding night
burglars had I Token ium tlie house and
stolen fn.m a trunk in bills, gold
and silver. After tue intruder mid
gained all entrance lie unscrewed thu
lock from thu door of a closet which
opens into the room where the money
was hidtl'ii. lie then forced the trunk
open, thereby obtaining Ihn Valuables.
Mr. Wheeler's watch and other vain
abli-a laid on the bureau, but were i.o.
taken, showing that it was money only
that I ho burglar was after, Hiiti'ance
was made through a basement window
near tho ground. Mrs. WnWler whb
aw.ikoned by a sound at tin early hour
in H:o morning, but sail nothing.
Wiiiinm Axon, a neighbor, benr :
voict outside llio house, yet suspected
nothing. Tho intruder lias nut been
fun ud.
Daniel J. F.vans, of South Hyde Park
nvemio, has rotuviud from Uiusoii, Sus
quehanna c unity,
jYiiss Jessie Crane, of Washington, N. J.,
is tlm givstot Miss Il.i ll.i.h'lt, of South
Hyde Park avenue.
Miss Mary June Kiehards, of Plymouth,
is visiting at th hom- of Miss lwcliie Da
vim, 11 Byuoii street.
Mis, John I'nelilev and daughter CnMie
iue, of Summit avenue, leave to ay for u
Visit with leialives iu Carlioudan..
Henry Williams and Henry Utter, far
mer resident of thin city, but now of One
until, N. Y., are viuiimg their parents
here. .
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williamion, of Bel.
fn-t, Nortliiimpton county, nre miests nt
tlie home of Professor 11. J. Bauer, on
Bromley avenue.
'I ho members of the Fust Welsh Congre
gation church ran a ni"st successful excur
sion to Lake Ariel yesterday. A delight
ful day was spent at tho lake Hide.
Miss Mary Walters, tliB 18 yonr-old
daughter of Mr. nud Mrs. William Wal
ters, of Smith Lincoln avonu". di"rt at l
o'clock yesterday morning. Miss Walters
had been ill for somo timo past, but, bud
siifllcieiuly recovered to make n pleasure
trip ou July 4. She then became ill again,
this lime witii fatal result. Mm was one
of tho moat popnlnr nud estimable yonng
ladies on tho West Side very well known
and atnnding high iu social circles. She
was connected with the Welsh Ciilviuistio
Mothouist church.
Card of Thankf.
Tiro nnderslRnod wishes to express
through this nnnouncement his sincere
thanks to all who rendered sympathy and
aid during his recent bereavement iu the
death ot his dauchter Gussie: '
Chaules J, P. Wbicuel.
Scran ton's Easiness InLrents.
Thk TntnuNE will soon publish a care
fully compiled aud classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing aud professional interests of Scranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
in book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure views of our pnbbo build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
timilar work has ever giveu au equal rep
resentation of Scrantou's inuny indus
tries. It will be au invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Sunt to
persons outside the city, copies ot
thin handsome work will nttract
new coiners and be nn unequalltd
advertisement ot the city. The circu
lation is on a plan thut cannot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as thy city
at large. Kepro -entatives of Tun TimtUNit
Will cull upou TlluhU WHOSE NAMICS
aro HEKiitKO iii this edition nud explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of thoir residences
in this edition will please lmvo notice at
the ollice.
The Tlcnio of the Season.
The greatest event of the seasou will bo
the picnic of St. Paul's Pioneer corps,
which will be hel l at Laurel Hill park ou
Saturday, July 14. (jreat preparations for
the same are now complete. There have
been many enjoyable picnics held nt this
resort, but this one will excel them all for
pleasure. It is tho intention or the com
nntieo in charge to make this an enjoyable
Ml'air for tho thousands of people who
will attend, licfrcshmoiits of all kinds
will bo served ou the grounds ami them
will be games of all kinds. The event of
the day will be au exhibition dull given
by. the corps at 7.U0 p. m.
., I 'L "H'sJ
"Ye have REDUCED piiccs on
BAD' CARRIAGES, as our stock
is loo hinre. You can buy a
o;ooil Jiaby Carriage for tho price
of a cheap otu.
For Wedding Presents r Fr-
nisliiti"; for Suiiiiiut Collates, vc
have a full ami complete! Hue.
Lamps, Dinner and Toilet
Ssts, Etc.
n6 Wyoming Ave.
Sick to Receive Medical
Services FREE OF
to i:vi;itvi$oi)Y.
i on all i) and all
The cren! Iverlish Kraft of rhrsiehns. Tin
MOST lUSlT.N'.ifl-Hi:i SI'I'.l'iALISi'S
ON Till-, CO TiNr;X 1' The l'roid.-iit una
In let i)Ki(.;ii"ii" can Lo found daily in
thu parloi- at tli'i
COM way house:
i:K unit l"l I'KN.N AVKXUK. They rouio
ri'comm Miilinl by royalty and the tirs' rdiv
cians of iaii-opv Tliev tn-at. ell lijs.'iiM's.
ftuoturi's cui"'il I) v a lieu- iiro'-.-s. A P SI
'IIVK enii' t."iai-anli'i'il in all SLXLTAL Di.S-
CASKS ami i u.iUin-.-s s ot
liv our now
T'utinn" s trrntod lv
u, il :ti''iiic.t:i'- wiMi I u.l di
I'cl't.lHtyt KfMt ly
coiisnli;ii'U" nr
M;r(-ss. J in t: when o si
i ii t:ii ion is i rt'it rrcil. Ai
iN.B. -'l h s-i pm-iaiisfs can i-ai'e ail vt-ei 'it
us V BIX a!! Ion;' stand. n chi-.iiiie.iliilienlt
nnd oli-euri- '-asiiM ilia: havo Ih-oii ni-idn-ted
or iiiiskiiifiillv tivit-d Calls n.:id liv
IMiintintint and palieiiti.trii;itiilat Ih'-ir hi rajs
v hou desa-eiL liours, tl to 4 nud i lo b i. I.
Specie! Safe
For Ten Davs
only to introduce "
our NEW brand of
$1.00 I-'UR SACK
J. V
Ms circuit includos Wash
ington, Denver, Chicago,
Philadelphia, New York,
Boston, etc.
n fl Ud it BdfSSSIIltD
sr 17, 1894
You Meed Them
And a visit to Martin & Delany s will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool.
Our novelty in summer goods is a
Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and
Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for
Custom Tailors and Clcthier3,
208 Lactam Ays.
week all
less of cost to make
s and winter stock.
Great Clearing Sale
! Coma Early and Secure First Choice.
Scientific Eye
Great Shock
rViMiA roth wtinnraelalminir thev nnilcrsi
ill ni iters t.) Cad Unit with nit the loist tus
nr ula-iti r we ar giving en 'torn, is the boa
lit of sui'li opiiortuaiims ai t'-csc.
A Stvlc-ty Hicli iride l.lcUt-welsti
Wlii el, U'.:4 putlei n, I i' St 10 iiesh.
1KII3 putterii, -l.".0 Wbeel, for "S.
1KSM piill-jril, fc.1'10 illici-1, lor .",.
rheso prices uiako tho busiueta atourstoriv
G o n r a &
Sells Them.
lotor, Gondrmi, Keltpie, LovolU Diamonb
and Othor Whuula.
5t is
3C8 Lataana Ave,
Sioring and
Goods sold regard
room for our fall
Testing Free
The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner
vousness relieved. Latest nnd Improved Style of
Eyeglasses nnd Spectacle-i at the Lowest Prioes.
Best Artificial Eyes inserted for fa.
!505 SPltVCM ST., Opp. Old Post Office.
City Musio Store,
kHAMdli S- BACli
VlbliXZ & UALtlt
t!r a tar r toek of CriVelnjf
Anollr Advocate of
GKNTLKMliN It nflordu me greitl
pleftstire to utitto thut your ncw prorew
f extracting Irrtli rn n irrnnd vurcess Is
my case, nnd I heartily ri commenrt It t
nil. I slmiercly linpe that others will
tuttlU mrrlU.
Yours rrsr,'l''',lly,
CAT!. H. V.. UltVANr. Scranton, Fa
Henwood k Wardell,
316 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and aftnr Mnv 21 mnke a creat rodna
Hon in the prices of plates. AU work gnat
antoet flrst-cLms la every oartlcular,
' re it ProKBt tl Mm Populrr ud l'rfferrfd hT
WiOAMia a nun
Warsrooms: Oppcriite Columbus Htnament,
''OB WaDhlniton Av. Scranton. Pn
ROOPtttinlnn and iolderlnpr all done away
with by the use of HAUTMAJTB I AT.
ENT PAINT, which conslsU ot inerefll-nts
well-known to all. It can be applied to tin,
Kalvauized tin, shot Iron roofs, also to brick
dwelling which will prevent absolutely any
cnimblini?, cracking or breaking- of the
brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by
many yenrs.and it's cost does not exoeed ono
firth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pound. Contracts taken by
AMOMO UAUIAIANS, 627 liiroh Si