TIIE SCKANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JULY 13, 1594. ASE BALL Scranton Mealed Again by ths "Ancients" Located at Alleiilowu. FLANAGHAN HITJ3ITE FREELY Harrisburg Shut Out With Only One Hit to Her Credit by Pottsville. Hazleton Again Defeats Philadel phia and Lansaster Wins Another From Reading Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Results Base Ball and General Sporting Notes. ,s, HE heal of the State fsTTi I"""' league procession is :r&2-i A still held by Alleu ii AJv' 1 1 town, with four vie 5 torirs aud no de- 3 f-nta. Lancaster nnd ry PotUvilU are a tie VYy' for -second place, "43?''" ' woa an tn" '0,t' r respectively, while IlazMon, with two victories and two defeats, stands alone in fourth placo. Scranton, Hurrisbur;, Rending and Philadelphia are all a tie for fifth place, with one game won aui three lost to their credit. At Pottsville yesterday Hurrisburg was shutout by ths Pottsville team, being able to obtain only one bit ill' Fox's pitching. Allsntown took the second scheduled came from Scranton, while Philadelphia lost to Iiazleton aud Rending to Liucaster. The following table gives the per centage, number of guinea won and lost by each club, aud their standing in the league race: Wou. Lost. PerC't. Allentown 4 0 1.000 Lancaster 8 1 .750 Pottsville 3 1 .750 Iiazleton 2 3 .B0 Scranton 1 3 .-30 llarrisburg 1 'C .'JiO Heading 1 3 ,'J.jO Philadelphia.... 1 3 .'J50 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Scranton at Iiazleton. Allentown. nt Philadelphia. Pottsvilie at Reading. llarrisburg at Lancaster. ANOTHER DEFEAT FOR SCRANTON, Allt ntown Shovod Ua Furthsr Sown in the L-asua P.ac. Spctiai to fit Scranton Tribune. Alixstow.v, July 12. Scranton suf fered another defeat at the hands of King's Kelly's meu toilny. Flanaghnn pitched well and received good support until the sixth inning when the Allontowu insn began to Una lu ball oat nnd bring in the runs. Five runs were scored in that in ning aud thereafter tue rsult of the gtitue was not in donut. The score: SCRANTON. n. H. P.O. A. E. Wciz.'l. b. s o a l 1 o Hop an, c. f I 4 0 (J PalcLen. c 0 14 10 Mnsstv, lb 0 2 11 1 0 Pliplau. lb 1 1 2 5 1 Stnltz, L f 1 2 2 0 0 Rogers, r. f 1 1 1 1 0 WVstloke, 3b O 2 2 3 1 Flacuagau. p 0 0 0 4 0 Total.'. 4 11 !7 10 2 alle:;town-. R. II. P.O. A. E. Wood, If 0 1 3 0 0 Wise, 2b 2 4 7 5 0 Kelly, lb 2 4 8 0 1 JlcOoucb, cf 1 0 0 0 0 Mr.lvey.ab. 1 3 3 4 0 rdnllican, c 0 1 1 4 o Costrlio, rf: 2 4 10 0 Sweeny, es 0 1 2 3 3 Douogbua, p 0 0 2 1 1 Total 8 18 27 17 4 Allentown. ...0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 18 boraaton 0 1100020 04 Earned runs Allentown 4. Scranton 1. Two-base LiU Co9tello, Wise, Wood, Mulvey, Wetzel, Pbelan. Three-base bit htnltz. Sacrifice bits llilligau, Sweeney, Donobue. Pdtcheu 2, Westlaka, Flannigau. Double plnys Pnelun and Massey. Struck out Allentown 2, Kcrauton 1. First base on balls Allentown 1. (Stolen bases Cos telio. Time 1.53. Umpire Mitchell. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Philadelphia r'liiladelpbia...O 00001 00 28 Iiazleton 2 0 0 0 5 3 0 0 x 10 Hits Philadelphia, 10: Iiazleton, 11. Errors Pliiladelpbia, 2, Iiazleton, 1. Bat teries Hnllman and Clark; J. Ely and IJoore. Umpire Valoo. At Reading Heading 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 0-8 Lancaster 4 0 0 1 0 8 4 2 x 14 Hits Reading, lfi; Lancaster, 18. Er rors Reading, 14; Lancaster. 2. Batteries -Cumming, Eustace aud Goodbart; Mayer and Cote. At Pottsville Pottsville..... 3 1001010 17 liarrir.burg....O 0000000 00 Hi' Pottoville. 17: Harrixburg, 1. Er rors Pottsville, 0; Harrisbnrg, 2. But teries Fox and Potts: Sprogeland Wente. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Plttsburg New York.. ..4 0008200 09 PltUbnrir 0 1 050000 0-6 Ililp New York, 13: Pittsburg, 7. Er rorsNew York, 2; Plttsbni-ff, 1. Batter iea German, Rusie and Wilson; Killen and Merritt. Umpire Emslle. At Cincinnati Boston 1 0008001 16 Cincinnati.... 0 22000000 4 Hits Boston, 13: Cincinnati, 6. Error Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 3. Batteries Kttvetts and Ryan; Dwyer and Murpny. Umpire Gaflney. ' At Louisville Wnsblngton.,.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 Louisville 0 1008008 x 7 Hits Washington. 6: Louisville, 9. Er rors Wasbington, 6; Louisville, 9. Bat teriesSullivan and Dugdale; Knell and Grim. Umpire Hurst. At Cleveland Philadelphia.. 0 1 6 0 0 0 2 1 010 Cleveland 1 5 114 18 1 8-20 Hita-PlilndelDhia, 15; Cleveland, 29. Error8-Pbiladoliihia, 1: Cleveland, 4. Batteries Carsey, Callahan, Harper and Grady; CUrkson, Cuppy and Zimmer. Umpire Lynch. At Chicago Brooklyn 1 00f4000 0-0 Chicago 3 1 2 3 0 1 9 0 011 Hit Brooklyn, 15; Chicago, 17. Errors Brooklyn, 2; Chicago, 2. Battories Kennerly, Gastrlghtann Dailey; Ntratton, fcchrives aud Weaver. Umpire McQnad. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Ppringfleld Bnffnlo, 8; Spriugtleld, 7. At Troy Troy, 6: WilkeB-Barre, 0. At Providence Providouce, 7; Erie, 6. JAMES BOYS THE VICTORS. They Defeated the Eartkas la an Inter eitlair Contsat. An interesting and exulting gamo for the championship of Lokawann county and $100 a aide was played at the ball park yesterday afternoon be tween the Jnraes Boys, of Pine Brook, and the Eurekus, of Provldenoe. The former won because of superior battery work. Nolan, late of tbe Soran ton aud Altoon.i teams, was in tbe box aud bad the Enrekus practically at bis mercy. Iiegan brothers, the Eureka' battery, did good work, but as a pitcher Frank Rpgnn does not belong to tbe same class as Nolau. Harry Hop wall was umpire, He gave the Eurekas by far the best of the bi:se decisions, but still thore was much kicking by the Providence boys. At one siaue of the irame Pitcher No lan and Shortstop K.tTferty cauie al most to blows througli a dispute over one of Umpire Hopewell's decisions. When the gamo was over, a large numbtr of Eureka enthusiasts gath ered around Hopewell and entered loud protests, but there wore no hos tile demonstrations. Soure of the game; JAMES BOV8. I EUREKAS. it. ii. i. A. r.. ii. ii. o.A. r. Wirth, s.s.1 2 1 1 1 M'M'y, Sb.o 0 S U ll tVm'h'n.:Jbl 0 2 2 2 P. I.'ivr'n.cl) 0 II (I 0 Xo'.an. ..tl U I ;l 0 P. Krj'n .0 12 3 0 Mult'ky.e.O I) M 1 1 Mmuii, lb.l 1 1 0 i-mith, lli.O :'. 10 1 I llnraii, 1. r.O 0 3 11 WhIsIi, Sb.O II 1 5 OUMiVr, Ub.l 1 1 ) 0 Uolb t, ef t 1 2 (I 0 Uiif'tv, S.S 1 1 0 3 2 M'ld'iR.i-.rtl 1 0 1 (I'M'NTy.rf.O 0 1 II 1 1'usuer. I.f.2 3 0 0 0 .IVkIi'ii, i t.U 2 3 0 0 Total.. ,.3 1U 27 11 a Total. ..3 27 12 4 Jam s 15 ys rt 0001081 0-5 Kureliin 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0-3 Karneil runs -Jhiiks Buys, S. Twu-baso hits -Suiilb. 'lUr. o hue liti- Wiitli-i, (lullnMt l'.i'-sod balls - Jlullarkv, 2; Kol'iui, 1. liavHon balU Nolun, ;i: i.eRan, 8. lilt by p t her Ktwui. 2. Sir.uk oit-Xclan, V; l.o an, 4 Ddiib o til.iys-Wlrllw, Walsh, Smith; Hailerty, Cail ihor. Jlnraii. Tiuiu 2,10. I.'nip:iu Jluriy lb pow oil. MR. MYERS HAS RESIGNED. A Hasting of tk Schedule Committee Called for S unlay. IIaiihisbuho, July 12. On necouut of the many coinpltuutu relative to the rtcent schedule adopted. President Meyer bus called a meeting of the State league at Lnncastor, Suuday,July 13, at noon, at tbe City hotel. .Mr. Meyers has also tendered his resignation as president, which will take tlloct at that time. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Buckles and Ko'.h have been released by Pottsville. Carrier pigeons are utilized at Pottsvillo to report tne score by innings. The llarrinmrg management has decided to play out tuo season at Harrisburg, The new Pliiladelpbia State league toam wia wear suits ot gray witb black caps, Delts and stockings. Mahoney, the college pitcher who was given a trial by Manager Swift, bas re turned to his Lome. Howard Valie. of Philadelphia, a popu lar ex-ilurrisburg outlielder, bas beeu ap pointed a btule league umpiro. George Cross, the pitcher loaned to In diaunr olis early in tho season, bas beeu recalled ou account of the disabling of Chamberlain. I Jack Tiirhe is still suffering from the ef fects of his late knocitout by a ball while playing at iiazleton. Dizziness attacks hiin at limes. Broilie, of the Baltimores, broke the league buttiug record of the year Monday by muhiug a bit each ot the six times be went to bat. Arthur Irwin charges that the Pennsyl vania league, like the Southern, is padding up the averages of its players for the pur pose of selling their releases. The Philadelphia Slate League club, ac cording to the new schedules, will play thirty consecutive days away from home. After that they piay one straight month on tbe heme grouuds. Lancaster bas igned Shortstop Toman, of the kheuandonh club. The price paid for his releaso was $250. Pitcher Scheible tbinls'i be is one of the greatest bborstops that ever wore a uniform. Manager Swift telegraphed borne after Wednesday's game at Allentown that he had beeu robbed of it by the umpire. In Mr. Swift's judgment the score should hnve been 2 to 1. The game may be pro tested. Center Fielder Jimmy McAlcer, of the Cleveland League club, is on a skirmish tour among State Loaguu clubs for pitching material tur the Spiders. He has bis eve on Wilson, of Pottsville, aud Uodson, of scrap ton. Proprietor Bentler. of the Altoona Club. said on Monday that be bad lost $1,250 ou the first half of tbe season, aud be could not keep the club at Altoona when threw miles of Pennsylvania locomotives were lying idle at that point. That is why he truu.iffnod bis team to Lancaster. Here are two speuimon "roasts" on our Larry, cuiled from tbe cruel Springfield Union: "There is n popular impression to the effect that Umpire Kettrick missed his calling" "Hasn't Spring ri"ld had about enough of Kettricx, Mr. Powers? Give us Suyder or Doescher for a while, aud lot the patrons in our cities have achauce to see what kind of umpires they kill the game witb in the Pennsyl vania league." Manager Randall, of tha Philadelphia team ot the State leaguo, is after some new players. Ho is well satisfied witb his infield, but needs two or three bard hit ting ouiilelilois, another catcher and pos sibly au addition il pitcher. Koine of the men ne i;as uis eyes ou are lienor Mont gomery, of the Hnmiltons; Jack Lei per, of the Leipervilles; Jansen, ot the Hivertons; "Tip" O'Neill, of the Gloucester; "Dummy" Stephenson. All these men are bard bitters. Philadelphia Press. A shakmg-up is to bo accomplished on tho Pottsvillo team. An executive com mittee Composed of Puilip J. Connell, George Oraeff and C. N. McUinnes ha9 been appointed to act in conjunction with Mr. Smith in managing tbe team during the ensuing series. Tbe programme de cided upon, as to the arranoinent of play ers, subject to tligbt change, is as follows: Kllis, third; Nyce, short; Hill, second; Tigbe, first; Potts and Digglns, catchers; Golden, center Moid, nnd Smith, right fluid. Tbe pitchers will alternate each other. Fuller will be placed on the bench for the present. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Attilla, teacher of r?nndow, the strong man, and now a bitter rival of the latter, has been held for trial on the charge of sending scurrilous letter through the mail to Sandow. A number ot yearlings, the property of J. II. Lewis, Jr., were sold at Brighton Beach, ou Tuesday, most of them the get of Tattler. Tbe prices realized were small the highest figure being (ISO. Patrons of tbe Brighton Beacb track seem to be well supplied witb money. "We can make more money here In a day than we could make In two at Hheepshead Bay," said one of the seventy bookmakers there. DELIGHTFUL LOVE SONG. FhUaileliMu Record. Among tbe yet unpublished poems of tbe late Charles Henry Ludars, the following delightful little love song will be printed in tbe forthcoming Pegasus club volume of verse; ; "Blow! winds, and break the blossoms; Parti cloudsl that bid tbe sun; For the timid feet of a maiden sweet Adown the valloy run. The thorn of tbe wild rose wounds ber; The hem of her skirt is torn, Where the cool gray dew bas wet it through , With the tears of a summer morn. No foot Is heard to follow. No eye her path may see, There is no ear ber steps to bear, As she hastens unto me. O, wild, sweet banks of roses, O, fragrant fields ot dew. My darliug's kiss is more, 1 wis, i Than a thousand leastiiMot von I" NOTES OF THE WHEELMEN. Lee Richardson, ths lS joar-old who rode halt a mile backward while seated on his machine in tho usual position, is unex celled at that kind ot riding. The Massachusetts law requiring ths carrying of bells and limiting speed to ten miles per hour coos into eft'oct next Suur ii ay. The day vwill be eelobratud by Mass achusetts riders, as will its anniversary. Now that Raymond McDouald has joined thoClats B riders, i"Fred" Koyco, of tbe Tourist Cycle club, who recently bruiio Zimmenimn's world record for a quarter mile track, will probably take bis place as champion ot Class A. Arrangements are being made by the as sociated cyclmi! clubs of New Jersey to hold a twenty-live mile road race over the Elizaboth-Crauford course In .September. Twenty-11 vo individual aud several team prizes will be offered. Chicago will bo represented In tho bicy cle tournament at Anbury Park on Friday and Saturday by Bliss, Lumsdeu and Uitb eus. lilies was out of form in California, but is in gix.d condition and iutouds to do sumo lull tiding at the Anbury Park meet. Tho twenty horses to be used by Iloury Bremininger and "Jark" Alexauder in their hix day race with Albert Scbock and "Jack" i'li nee, tbe bicycle lidorn, at Man hattan Field next week, have been select ed, and are receiving their preparation for tho contest at the Central Park Riding acddumy. All the crack class B men are rusticating for ten days at At-bury Park. Bald, Titus, Miller, Duke, Knunodv. llelfort, Young, Wludlo, Bodu. Taxis, MacDonald, Stceu si n, C. M. Murphy, Culver, Sauger, Tyler, W. F, Murphy, are among thu mini ber. Training is done each day on the local track pivpatory to Saturday's races. In discupning tbo present condition of affairs In I ho League of American Wheel men, President Luscuiub intimated that within a year tbe league will ceaso to have two classes of riders. Class B men will probably bo declared professional, and only Class A, or Simon Pure amateurs, will be allowed thu privilege of league membership. In response to a telcurnm from tho edi tor of the American Wheelmen inquiring as to the authenticity of tbe report that J. S. Johuson wus about to turn, profes sional ii ik I go to Fiance to participate in tlm bicycling contests there, T. W. Eck, Johnson's trainer, replies as follows from Toronto: "Johnson bus no thoughts of turning professional, lie is perfectly sat b llod w'lib clabs B aud tue L. A. W." improvements are being made on bi cycles every year, but the latest novelty, and one which bids fair to become univer sal iu its use, is an inexpensive arrange ment for providing bicycles with electric lamps, the electricity being gouerated when tho wheel is iu motion. Tbe device consists of a small dynamo, inclosed in a trnu.e and fastouod beiiealb the seat of tbe wheel. This frame also contains a train of gearing mechanism operated by a spurotet wheel and endless chain connected when the rider puts the bicycle in motion. Cir cuit connections lend from the electric generator to the lamp and a brilliaut light is furnished. All Free. Those who have used Pr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who havo not, have now tho opportunity to try it Free. Call on tho advertised Druggist and get u Trial Bottle, Free. Send your n.uno and address to LI. E. Buckleu & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Froe, as well as a copy of Guido to Health and flou-ohold Instructor, Free. All of which is g.iarua teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthows Bros. Drugstore. Proposals. SEALED PKOl'OiALS WILL 13K BK eel veil at tbj oiiieo of tho Street t'onimi b oii'T. -cr.iut ii. Pa . until 7.MI o'elork u.m IhiirsJay, .July 19, ISM. lor thu laying of n intone BioewaiKO ami tno seuins oi euro st mes on South Main avenue, hetweon LU-z-rni' and IlimpU.n ktn-ets, sa'd work to bo den linacco dance ith plan and siiecilleutlons filed ill tno ntline cf t is ( ity Clerk Hidden are required to state separate price fur lay of ll.itfit.mii Hid.ivva k and setting ot curbstones The cty reserves thi riuhtto reject any and o.l Ills, by order of City Councils PIULI ? KIR ST, Street Commissioner. Scranton, Pa., July la, ls'Jl OliALED PRuPOSALB WILL, BE RE ij ceivud at the oflico of Ihi Street Com. missions-. Srrantun. Pa., until 7.3 o'elock d. m 'ihursday, July 10, Ml, lortho laying of thiKstono si tenaias puvel gutters, ami the s 'ttlneof eur In: ones on the west rn side of Si ven th street, f om LacUawHnna avenue to Sernuton street, said work to be done in ne rordaaeo with plans aud s ecillcn'iims filed in the eflii e of the City Clerk Bidders aro reouirod to state separate urico for laving of flagstone sidewalks, paved nutters, and HOt- tinir ot cui-itniies. ino cuy reserves tnc rlxht to reject uny nnd all bids. By ordor of Cuv Cimneils "PHILIP KIRST, Street Commissioner. Scmnton. Pa., July 10, MH OEAIT.D PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- 0 ceived at lhr otllen of tho City Clerk, Ki:rnn:on, Pa., until 7.D0 o'clock p, in. Tburs daw .July IN. l'.l. to construct a atonn arch culvert on North Main avenue over 1 eg.'dtt's cie-k in accordance w.ih the plan andsfeci ficition theiofor fl'e l in tbe olllco of Cirv Clerk. Bidders Rhall S'ate prion forvlttoli they will romploto tbn wok as 6' own c n plan andsp client mis, mj-J shall as.stnti ainlo f r w.iu'h they w.ll perform any extra work that ml jlit le iicc!si:a'el, n hhi k a ore lor ina'o'iry. ith and wit!iont co mont; al-o for esc.ivi tion and lil! nu. Ilidders hl a'l cnclofo. itli eteri pn po al, the a im ol o'n hui died dollars. c;ish oriorti I.o I eliei k. " hi 'ii sum is to l3 lorfe.to I to the city lor tb i rs. of the city of Seri n ton in ease of omi sien to execute a ro itmrc in ncordaiiee witii tl o pro;i:is ds if tivva'ded 1 he same. The work is to bo completed within lilt.y nays from c.aio of award of contract. 'I hii evfrmnt d o.t of tnowoik is $2.:iiH.(yt 'l'h city reserves tne right to reject uuy and all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVKI.LE, City Clerk. Bcr:.ttnn, Ta, July 9,1 SUi. (jliALKl) PRDPOS I,S WMjL BE HE D tened at the oftico of tho city clerk, Hcranton, Pa , until ":.'M o'clock, p. in., Thurs day, July In, 1MM, to do filling iiiid f eno iii re (mircdattho Prospec t uvenile culvert, over the Stafford Meadow Brook, inacoiilancw with plan and specifications llled in the olllee of I lie city clerk. IMdders shall state a price for which tl.oy will cinnpleto the work. Bi dors sh ell encl. 'so tho Hum of fifty dollara cash or certified check, with each propos -1. which sum Is to he forfeited to tho uo of thu city of Seraiiton in ccso o. contractor oinitdux to ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from dato of award of the same. Tim work ia to lie computed within sixt days from date of execution of contract, i ho city reserves the riKht to reject any and all bids. By order of city councils. M. T. LaVEU.E, city clerk, Hcranton, Ta.. July I', 1HIU. (JEALED PROPOSALS WILL BS RE II colved at the ulllco of the city clerk, Scranton. Pa., until 7.:t(l o'clock; n. in.. Thiirs day, July 111, lHH. to do lllllni;, eoiiHtruetion of masonry and retniuimt wall, also the puttiiiit up ami pniniiiiit oc one nuniiroii and cljlitv feet of Iron fence, all at l'ittston avenue cnl vert. '1 he work is to bo done in accordance with plan and Bpciflcatinna filed in the office of c Ity clerk. Bidders shall statj price lor which they will complete Iho work. Iliddors shall enclose tne sum oi iiltv ( hi; dollars, cash or co-tilled check, with ench propositi, which sum is to 1 forfeited tn tho line of l he city of Keraliton in case of contractor omitting to ex ocute a contract for the work within ten days from dntn of award of the name. The work I to be com pl tod withiu thirty days from date or execution ot contract. i no cuy reserves the riirht to reject any and all bids. By or der of city councils. M. T. I-AVF.LLE, city clerk. Bcrnnton, Pa.. July . IKii. PROPOSALS. WILL BE RECEIVED AT X tue omco oi jonu ucriuvn, i-rieenurira, Pi., until Julv IV let'J. for drivinir a rook tun nel In Jermyn, Na II, from tho U foot vein to cut the Dunroore vein tee to be 7x14 feet In the clear and ubout 1.500 feet loinr. Also to sink a Mint t from surface to Duuuioro votu, size to bo 8x1 feet Iu tho clear and about 1",0 feet don. Speclllcatlons maybe seen at Pricoburah. We loser ve tlio light to reject any or nil bids. W. M. JEKMYN. Hupt. Situation Wanted. LMTUATION WAN'lEi:-BY A VOUNQ O lady who pnnks derm in and Engish. In cilice or at l ooks preferred. Address H. A. M., (ielierul Deli vrry. AA'ANTKD-A WOMAN WANTS WORK VV by tho day Address S. M., 511 Maple street, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNU lsdv to co out to do dr. making or plain etviiiK by the day. Ad .res C Tribune Olllco. Advertise in The Tribune. CERT A Word. JTmfj of utt hind) eoti that much, ea ept Situations WuuUd,whicJi art insert Agents Wanted. (Jj75.(iO PER MONTH, CITY OR COUNTRY O to coiiiiietHnt. wtde-uwnke iusui'snco tiolie itors: well estuhlfshed tierinauent liuaines. Address or Inquire second tluor, 5-1 Luek wanna avo., Bcranton, Pa. Help Wanted Male. T A nTe D-llYlllTTrtirTC ' unemployed : ud will work for J13 I'r week, write MucCounell Bros,. 11 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. For Sale. PLT.AU, (IBOCKKY l'Oll i-M:; UOINO 11 ii (food b.isliicHS; 1,'ocel reasons for n il iiilf. Call nil or addreis J. O. ACKEUMAN. IOIl SALE MVtlHAY SADDLE HORSE. I Can ne ie.'U at -'l North Main av . ( HAS. A. BURR. Special Notices. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zinea, etc., bound or rehounci at Tin Tiiiuuns olllue. Quick work. Kousonable irices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BB HAD AT HI, corner spruce street and Erniiklln ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.00. Good tuble board. Lost. 1 OST-A CHILD 1IA1U PIN WITH WHITE J J proline. Finder will be suitably re warded hy returning tho same to Onlonul K. II. Hippie, Third Natiuual bank building;. Public Sale. I WllL OFFER AT I'UB IO SALE ON 1 V',l.w...l..u ...1.. ''. 1KI1 of til r.,.l.. a m., oil the preinis s, the leasenold estate and ii-iiu oi years ere ten oy jmienxure ii oiu U. Sch.ionniak r to Arthur Frotblnabum tnd l.auiu Frothimthuiu, dated June 1st, lSvj, re corded in Jlortitnge Book No. ill, pane X't, etc., ns hy relereiice thereto bud will fully appear, in lot No. 8 in Square or Block No. 8ii. on WvoininK avonue, on which tho ''Frothinghim Arcade"stuod. The lot is 40 feet wide uud 107 ft . t deup to an idli y. 'lornis will bo made known on day ot sale. CHAS. a. WELLES. July 11, Wi. Legal INSTATE OF EZRA DE W ITT.DEC'E ASF.D. 1-J Notice is hi reoy (jiveu that a rule has been granted to show cause why Jane U Do Witt, executrix of tho last will and t staiiient of said decedent, shall not be discharged from the duties and liabilities of her appomtraeiit, Application will be made to have said rule made absolute a net tho executrix di"etiara'ed, July lS'JI. S a PRICE, Attorney for executrix Financial Statement. NJtTcULfiO X t in Independent Kchool District for the year ending Juno I, lil. TAXKS. Amount levied for school pur poses $701 93 Amount levied for building pur poses , 3M U Total amount of taxes levied... $1,052 07 IlUCEIPTS. From state appropriation for lhe year ending June. 1MH....J0H 08 Balance on hand from last year Mi (IU From North Abiufjton township for tuition 71 0) Fr. m O. A. Ony for tuition re ceived from paid pupils 8S0 From collector for tuxes col lectcd 992 70 Total receipt S'2,070 21 EXPENMTURtS. For repair on buildings $ 07 fi6 For teachers' wages WXI ,5 For to s ot collector ($iz.7Uj and treasurer (:B.7B 76 40 For reel and contingencies i 95 For salary of secretary 20 llil For debt and interest paid 300 50 For other expenses m CO For school text books and sup plies as 74 Total expenditures $1,704 46 Cash on hand $ 305 75 RESOURCES. Cash on hand S30 75 Amount due from collector 45 17 Total f 350 IB I.IAI1I.1T E, Amountof bonds outstauding.$2.600 00 $2 (100 00 Liabilities In exc ess of resources S,l (M it nets our band this sixth day of July, 1804. EDWARD MILES, President; A. BALL, Secretary. Look Here! There are a great many cards, pamphlets, circulars and other advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by some thing catch t and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. is able to please you in cveiy Pect- MM. The Great The Great B Great New York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is. any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments. GROSS, FdSTER &. CO. Connolly & Wallace Ladies' Black Hosiery QUANTITY ioo dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLORDyed by "Hermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. i Taffeta Moires 12 c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 15 cents. CONNOLLY & WALLACE Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Flrst-olas Hr ttnehea, Depot tor Borttuer A lingel'i Tanubaiuwr Boor. H. I Cor. 15th MdFilktSts, PbllaJi Most doiirsbl. for residents of N E. Porn lylvunla. All convenlniieoH lor travelaii to and from Broad (Street itation and tbii fifth snd lisrket Ktre.it station. De tlrable for vlcltiug Keruutonlaas and Ki tie in tn Anthracite Hstfion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. 'UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which occumd Saturday Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no 3mell of smoke or fire about thorn and they are equally as good as be fore. SALE iWW QOIMQ Oti$ and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gentr Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold fcr $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tSF-NKXT DOOH TO THE BURNED U.WIES & GRIFFIN BUILDING. FOSTER & CO. lankrupt See Hew York AND STOCKS FROM THE 209 WARNING. Wt have lately had Feather Ueda and I'illowt brought to v by stranyert who wished to dispute of ' the tame and from whose action we believed the Jeathert didn't belong to them. We will have no dealings with such parties. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers tiVio claim to represent ue, any Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they H i's' rMiorafcci. Any of our agents can easily identity themselves, or if uny one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, u e will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCUXATUX liKftlilSU CO., CU:! and box Lacku, Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. ul! 205 AUD 207 iJ K&err', v 230 Lackawanna Avenue. night, June 16, in the store Neckwear Given Away. Boys' Suits, 74c. NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 MOW $2 NOW $1.35 Sheriffs Sale WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Co. MCHiKG AVE. of our neighbors, Messrs. I Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all cods that art damaged at your own pricj. Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. Wo guarantee our Watches to bo TRUE TIME KEEPERS anil uphold thoui as such accord ing to tho terms of our building warranty. PMOHDSARE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Hare you seen the heavy tariff the Wilson-bill imposes oa theml Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Eealer (or Cash in Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, eto., Cor.Fenn Ave. and Jprncs St. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the oom plezlon, nothing equali Pozioni'i Powder.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers