The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 13, 1894, Image 1

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    1K1HVM! M lIStUini KS going
out of the oity fi.r 1 lie slimmer can
have their favorite paper lout to
tliem without extra charge.
tho adilrc plcaso give the paper'
old as well as lu new destination.
other horning
is j i ei
Indications Ttat the End cf
The Strike Is Not Far
Eusincss About Chicago Begins to Show Signs
of Returning Vitality.
Yet at the Stock Yards All is Lire and
Activity Ths Situallsn Improving
Daily From PrcscnJ Appearances
tho City Has No Further Need of
Troops Trains aro Moving With
Regularity and Business, Which
, Has Deen in a Stnto of Stagnation,
Degins to Display Signs of Life.
Tho Work of the Grand Jury is
Continued and Many Witnesses
Ter'ify President Agrees to Ap
point an Investigating Committee.
CmcAfio, July 1"
"T IS the opinion of lmivIuI ami con
j tcrviitivo "observers to'ii'lit thnt
I ll.e labor far as Chicago
L hiiJ its vicinity is eoncern J, aro
d;-; (il; by inches In this o;.ii)ion tho
n tberiti-s at army hi.'iidqu.irters, at
t. govr:n:ieiit building mid ut tho
j. siict ilt'p ii-tiui!r:t are practically
li HtlilllcUS.
Unit' tl Stutes Marshal Arnobl, who
1. -a kept his finder upon tlio key of tint
s. u iliou from the moment the author
i.y of hid ofiice was invoked, said this
a.ier::oon to the United Press, us lui is
sued orders for tho calling iu of StiO of
l deputies: "The strik or revvdt, or
vi luiti'Ver it in iy b called, is pruc'.;
c lly a thing of tlio p lot. Order pre
v ilii everywhere within his jtirisdic
t a, and it is my cpiui.ui tu it the
t ops might be withdrawn tomorrow
i. boat iippr-l-eiision of the pis ability
o' further disorder. The crisis run
b '"ii passed mid with safety.
The sam impression prevailed
t: rwugliout the city, liusiness of all
k 'ids, and which hns been in a state of
p rniysis for over a week, commences
show symptoms of returning vitnl
i:y. The retail stores were thronge 1
.jMi customers and country buyers bu
tt m to Dhow their fae-s at the whole
s' lw establishments. Tile tickt sellers
li the v.iriaUa depots weri kept busy
a J ut the box offices of the theaters,
v 'lich have done a beggarly business
f rit week or more, advance sales weru
actually roported. Everywhere there
v T ' indications of tua g-n-r 1 belief
U it even if the trouble was not abso
lutely over, the word hud been seen.
The railroad managers were espec
ially elated. R"ports from every rjtnr
ti - show that mem, by the thousand,
I nkers as well as those unemployed,
by no fault or nction of their own,
were applying for work, and that busi
n ss of all kiud.i was being rcsuiu-d hh
n vidly as could ba expcted,
ti ruler the circumstances. Some of the
ri ails that have been moat directly af
fected, posted notices in their down
tewn ticket flice to the (H-ct that
tl y wero prepared to receive freight
a,d to forward it with reasonable
jjnmplnefs. At the same time tl.oy
(i ivf it out that the cuinmi'rcia! com
B iinity could not expect normal con
3. ions to be resumed in a day or nven
At the headquarter of the American
P ii'.way uuion. ther wng no falling
t f iu the enthusiasm or in the claims
o ultinii.te victory that has been mani
ft st jii since the boycott was declared,
'i'ne reports received from theoffi
c rs cf the various local trade- org4ui
t tions placed the number that hud
c ne oni in response to the call at 15,
(i 0 or 20,000, but at the B.ime tinm no
authenticated figures were prodU'N-d to
justify the claim. Tlio officers
Hi d directors of the union held a
btief conference during tho after
ni on with W. W. Erwin, who has berni
p tained us epecinl counsel, but no defi
nite line of policy either in regard to
the threatened prosecution of the raii
wiy managers or tbt) defend of tho of
h its and others arrested under the in
dictments found by the federal grand
jury, was mapped out. Tho questions
ii;olved will be further diseased to
D ghl or tomorrow morning. Tliotoit
U Hon from the strike standpoint een
terod mainly today about tne spicial
ir oeting or the executive conncil of the
American Federation of Labor.
The radicals were in hopes that Pres
ident tiompors and his associates would
furor general request to ell the uuions
iffiliaUd with tho Federation to lend
Ibeir aid to tlio sympathetic strike al
ready inaugurated, but the early ex
piesulons of the New York labor load
n fulled to give them any great en
couragement. He waa anxious, be
laid, to do whntevor could ba doun ta
biiug order out ot what threatened to
htcouiu chaoa, but whether this conld
b' nccouiplished by a general strike
iraong the members of the Fedeeation
n is an open quo?tion, and the mem
bi rs of the council were equally cou-
Up to a late hour no response had
hi mi received to the telegram sent
Pi'ldent Cleveland.
Everything was quiet throughout
lli f lily today cxc-spl at the stock yards,
Micro a few hundred striking butchers
ktucked nn Incoming tr iln of of cattle
Hid by tampering with a switch de
milnd tho eugine. Two companies of
u.litia were brought to the scene In
nick time and the moD was just as
julck in scattering.
Several heuvy trains wera sent in and
out during the day. Of the 5.011 )
butchers in the yards less than 500
went out in oiiipliiincn with the up
peal of Grand Master Workmaa
Sovereign, the remsiuder continuing
at work,
The federal grand jury examined a
large number of witnesses today con
criiing the sayiugs and doings of tho
ffllcers and directors of tho Railway
u:,iou. Some of those wero liowspapur
reporters who wero tiskod to testify con
cerning the accuracy of interviews
with I'lvsident Djbs and Vice-rreid-dent
lloward that hud been printed in
their pupr& In ou. case a reporter
declined to iifRrm nn interview which
he had written ou the ground that it
had been mangled by tho blue pencil of
tho copy reader, whila two others ro
fusod to respond to tho iutorrogatoro s
on the ground that statements to tbeia
in tlio renertoriul capacity wero privi
U'KO i. The correMpond.ints havo been
ordered to re-nppoar bjfore the grand
jury tomorrow.
Many of the questions put to the
witnesses today relat 'd to What wis
dekiguated a "tr.msoiiable utter lncl,'
on the part of Debs and other ollicers
of tiie union. Tiiis give rise to the
rumor that indictments for treason
iniyht be supplemented for thos,i al
ready found airainst the ofiiicsrs of the
organization. District Attorney IUU
christ, however, denied that anything
of the kind w;is contemplated.
a cosiissia'sEcoiiED.
President Will Select Committee to
Investigato Labor Troubles Whon
the Strike Is Over,
WAStnsciTOS, D. C, Ja'y 12 Presi
dent Cleveland informed a committe'.i
repreent iug organized labor tiiis after
uoou that Ue would iu tho iuar future
aiipoint a commission coinpos"d of
thioe nienibtrs of whom the United
States commissioner of labor wiil I "
the chnirtu ni, uml-r 'hapti:r 1, L.
of the laws of lbij0 to inquire i ,to mid
investigate thoroughly the caus.-u lead
ing uu to the present l.ibor liisiiu'bauc s
of the country. This iiniinniieemeiit
was made at the executive rn insiun at
5 o'clock to J, V. li .yes treto ral sec
retary of the Knights of Labor; T. 13.
McGuire and O. A French.
Tluse gentlm"!i called by an tip
pointmeut arranged earlior in the dav.
They were shown into the president's
working room, where they presented
their credentials and made formal ap
plication to tne president to appoint a
t rd of arbitration under the law of
lhe presi'ient listened to the labor
men as tlioy rresoi.te I tlielr views, and
then toid tliem that as a con lition pre-cd-nt
to maUingsiiciran appointment,
all strikes must be called olf by ornan-iz-d
labor an I all violenc.) and mob
rule cense. 11-5 informed them that
law and order must be restored before
he took any steps looking in tho direc
tion of ascertaining tun causes that
produced tli present condition
of affairs. United States troops
would bo still retained In
the disturbed sections to see that
the orders of the United States
courts were enforced, interstate trpfiic
must be resuinad and pence restored
throughout the country. The labor
committee was given to understand that
this commission would be appointed
apart from miy demands made by
the Btrikers for arbitration. In fact
the commission would have under the
law no power to arbitrate, but simply
to investigate and report its conclusion
do the president and to congress.
Private Secretary Thurbor late to
night authorized the following state
ment in regard to the president's in
tended appointment of a commissioner:
"Sjnator Kyle introduced to the presi
dent, ly appointment, this afternoon
a committee representing various labor
urgatiiz itions, who applied to him for
the appointin.-nt of a committee to
investigate the CHlisesof tho late strike
and the occasion of the controversy be
tween certain railroads which wore
"fleeted thereby and their employes,
Tn law passed on the first of October,
188, especially authorizes the ap
piintmeutof such a commission and
dofjni-s fts duties. It provides that the
comniimioner of labor shut! be chair
man and that two other commissioners
shall bo appointed by tho preiideut.
It appearing to the president that tl,"
parties wtr. entitled to sucil a com
inbsiou. under the law, he determined
to organize it for investigation. Tun
crminiissioners to be by him
have bjen selected and it will prob
ably be a num. tier of days 0-foro the
appointments are announced "
He Eways a Cr. wd Wlih Wild Utter
ances at Conpgr Union.
New YoitK, July 13 The labor
demonstration at Cooper Union tonight
was ou of tho most extraordinary out
pourings of pooplo ever seen in this
oity. It was a meeting which expressed
its convictions in tho loudest ways
hissing nod hooting tho name of Presi
dent Oloveland so vohemently that
Henry George, who was speaking, bad
to cry "what's the use?"
Dmiel Harris, who presided, in a
brief speech, introduced Mr. Georgu,
who proved tho star spRgtr of the
evening. He was mora than usually ve
hement in ('enunciations of the
use of federal troops to put down
the strikers. In the stand tlioy
took, he said, Governor Altgold and
Governor Waits ware right aud tho
action of tho president in sending
troops was nn arrouunt .assumption
of authority. Hj would rathor
see all the railroad property in the
country bur.-iod all the rails torti op
than to see them preserved by force of
amis. The inilliouiares had made
their money by rubbery and dobauch
cry by tho purchasj of judges nnd
legislators -and now they wanted to
preserve them by the bayonets.
Then Mr. Geort'o entered into a
lengthy condemnation of President
Cleveland, who he said, from the first
had taken the part of the capitalists
against the striirs.
Every mention of the presi lent'b
name was greeted with n storm of
hisses. Mr. George further condemned
the president for bis appointment of
federal ofilcers in the west. "What
are yon going to do nbont It?"
he siked. "impeach him." shouted
cms voice. "Hang him," another
Nearly everybody seemo t to have a
remedy. Mr. George, however, differed
from all tboir suggestions. He said
tiie system would have to be funda
mentally changed.
When Mr. G-orge sat down tho
chairman read a telegram, from M iiniiel
(lumpers fro'ii Chicago, which united
that the voice of labor should bo hoard
from New York, advising them to bo
calm, and assuring them of final suc
eesB. Whetlmr Mr. Gompers meant
tho success of tlio strike or the causa of
labor tho telcKi'utti did not state.
lvsquosla the Pi'ildunt of the TJuited
Slates to ( ' mi to Chicago.
CiiK AUO, July 12 The only action
taken at tlio aft rnoon session of the
1-ilxir conference called by President
Gouiper of the American Federation
of lahor, was the sending of a telegram
to President Cleveland earnestly re
questing him to como in perso.i or si nd
a representativ to intend tho confer
once. Tho telegram was as follow;
To the l'residei.t of the United States:
Tlio uravity ot the industrial situation of
the country demand! extraordinary and
exceptional action of a conciliatory char
acter at tho hiiiids of all limn. this fact tli executive
council of tne American Federation of
Labor, and tlm undcrsigiiril, executive
olllceis ot the National and International
trader unions ami biolherlioods of railroad
orgnniza ions of America, aro lu confer
ence in t li is city.
We ask yon, m the name of llio working
peoplo and the entire citizenship of our
country, to load your inlliieiico and give us
your nid, i-o tluir, the present industrial
cris-is may be brought to an end nlilcoto the
advantage of the people ot tho couutry aud
the institution under which wo liv.
We therefore a-k you to como to Chi
cago. or if the state uf public does
not warrant such a course, that you will
deputize Home nue as your representative.
Signed: Samuel tiompors, President of
the American Federation of Labor and
the lour vice presidents of the federa
tion, Secretary Chris Evans aud Treas
urer John il. Leonard und other execu
tive ollicois of national and international
unions, brotherhoods and associations.
President Cleveland Refusts to Ee
Interviewed by Labor Leaders Un
til the Strike Is Settled.
Washington1, July 12 J. W. Hayes,
tho gen-ral secretary of the Knights of
Labor,!'. B. MoUuiM and C, A. French,
members of tne oxecntiva board, who
have been in Washington for tho
past throe days in consultation
with members of congress and
local labor loaders will leave Wash
ington tomorrow without accom
plishing anything definite. Messrs.
Hayes mid French will r-turn to Phila
delphia, while Mr. McGutre ha boon
called to Chicago by General Master
Workman Sovereign. Since bo has
been hero Mr. McGuira has bad daily
tulks over tho long distance telephone
with Mr, Sovereign. McGuira declared
bis belief this evening that the strike
might last three months longer. "It
will cost the railroads a good deal of
money before we got through." he
addod. "and they certainly will not bd
able to make auy dividends for some
timii to como."
McGniro further said that Senator
Gtorgu'a bill, which declnres that
whenever a prnposision for arbitration
shall bo made by the employes of a
railroad company, mid the same shall
not be accepted, it thull not be lawful
for any United States court or judge
to grant any injunction against the
said employes, or any of thoiu, or to
maks any order requiring or authoriz
ing any United Stuios marshal to con
trol or iu miy manner iuterfero with
the conduct of the emloyes will be con
sidered by tho senate judiciary comiuit
teo at its nfXt meeting on Monday.
Mr. McGuire tiiiuits this bill will be
reported to the senate, hut no cue
around the senate chamber shares iu
his belief.
It is understood that a number of
attempts were made by these three la
bor leaders to obtain an Interview with
President Clevtlai d for the purpose ol
putting their arbitration views before
iiim. but these efforts were entirely
inefiactual. The president is deter
mined to enforce obedience to law be
fore he will iii'iu'go iu auy parleys,
Thousands of Young Christiana Swarm
tho Strnt of Cluvelund
Cleveland. July 12 The Christian
Endeavor cotiventioi managers mo
filled with enthusiasm tonight over
tho unexpected success of the moot
ing in point of numbers. Evi
dently the p'nple hnvt recovered from
their panto over the railway strike nnd
are coming on to Cleveland as rapidly
as the railroads can earry them. Spe
clal aud regular trains have followed
each other into the city nil day loaded
to ovei (lowing with young people wear
ing bo budge of the society.
The line boats also brought hundreds
from east, nnlwett until the streets
were crowded with them. Tlio mim
h'l'S now in the city nre variously
estimated at from 2",():)0 to HO,
000 At leant 40,000 people at
tended the opening meetings this
morning, tho tent, hall nnd two
churches being crowded. At the even
ing session tho annual address of Pres
ident Clark was rend at both tent nnd
Saengerfest ball. There was great ra-gr-t
at the absoncs of the president
and his illness, but his words of inspir
ation were received with gladness.
Interesting Readlngr for Labor Agitator
Fnrni-li'dby Mr BulWs.
IlAMURiiUita P.i , July 13 The
forthcoming report of Albert S. Holies,
chief of the bureau of industrial sta
tistics, contains complete statistics
of the strikes that occurred in the
state during the year. There wero
fifty-three strikes, or twico 11 s many us
occurred iu 1S03. Thirty -four of
these were by tiie coal minors in the
bituminous coal regions, 0 among iron
and steol workers, 4 among carpet
weavers, 2 nmui' cottou weavers, 1
otnOBg ohinawat 0 munnfaaturors' em
ployes, i 3ionf; cloakmikt'ts, aud 1
among journeymen plasterers.
Noc one of these strikes succeed"!
The number engaged in them was 030;
tlm number of persons involved was
17,308, and the estimated loss In wages
was $1,81)5,423.
County Cjntrollcrsliip Law Is Declared Un
constitutional by tlio Supreme Court.
The Act Pronounced Invalid Because
It Achieves Things in Its Body That
Are Not Clearly Specified In Its
Title Tho Sentence Passed Upon
Ex-Banker Rockfcllow by the Lu
zerne Court Is Affirmed by the
Higher Tribunal.
Philadelphia, July 12.
preme court today rendered an
nil important decision in the cases
of the commonwealth x. rcl.
Attorney General vs. Samneis et 11I.,
appellniits from the common pleas
court of Schuylkill county. The opin
ion iu full follows:
The net of July 8, 1S!, P. L. i'.W, while
it does not iu express terms abolish tint 11I
lice of county auditors in counties having
111010 than loL'.di I) inhabitants, does so iu
ifl 'Ct, transferring their duties and pow
ers to a county controller. Tills is the
manifest intent of the net, as gathered
from all its provisions, and as especially
indicated in section I which dir- tts the
olcctioii of a controller "in place of a
county auditor," and section 15 which
exprcs.dy directs how the duties thereto
fore devolved on the county auditors shall
thereafter bo performed. Such moreover,
even without an express legislative intent,
would be tho result of the net. Tho
powers, iiuthority and jurisdiction of an
ollicenro the essence of tlio ollice it?olf,and
are inseparable 1 loin it. To take them n way
totally is to destrnv the oliiee. Com. V. S.
(Ininlile, 3 Pa. old; lieiU vs. Sutoiilter, V.'S
Pa. 1.
Tho titloof tho net under consideration
is, "an act creating the office of county
controller-in count ins of this common
wealth containing 15ll,t0l) inhabitants and
over, prescribing his duties." In this Micro
is no indication ut the purpaio and effect
of the act t ) nbolMl the ollice of county
auditors. So fur as apucars in the
title, lhe act is merely cumulative,
in providing an additional county
officer, it is true that, the consti
tution m eiiuuieiating county officer, art.
M, Section 1, puts the two oliicos together
in the disjunctive, "auditors or controll
ers," nnd those who lire familiar with
the duties of controllers, as existing 111
Philadelphia and Allegheny, would know
that, they are mainly the same as those of
auditors in other canities, and, therefore,
that the creation of the r-flic? of controller
was lik- ly to interfere with, if not to abol
ish, tlinother. but this is not the notice
which the constitution requires the title
of the act. to give of its cubjoct. Tiie ob
ject of that requirement is that legis.
lators, and otiiers interested, shall
receive direct notice in immediate
connection with the act itself, of its sub
ject, so that they may know or bo put
unon injury as to its provisions and : heir
effect. Suggestions or inferences which
may bo drawn from kuowledgo dehors tho
language used, aro uot enough. The con
stitution requires that tho notice shall bo
oonii.iuod in the title itself, lu re, Kond
111 Plicnixville, K'fl Ph., 44: Ridgo Av. K.
li. Co. vs. Philmlelphiu. U'4 Pa ,"21!l; Phil
ailelphia vs. Kidge Av. K. W. Co., 14'J Pa.,
As this defect in tho title is decisive of
the unconstitutionality of tho entire act, it
is not necessary to discus-, tlio other ob
jections raised to it. Judgment reversed.
Judge Fell bntiiled down tho opinion
of tho court in the case of thetvin
nionweallii vs. F, V. Hockafellow, in
which the judgment of the quarter
sessions of LuzTiio county in sentenc
ing tlio defendant to two years for
embezzlement is 1 flirmed. Iu disposing
of tLe caso Jndgo Fell said:
The only exceptions that required notice
rolato to the snllii iency of tho indictment,
which was drawn under the act of Jiav p.,
J'J, The net provides that any banker
who shall receive money from a depositor
with the knowledge that ho (the banker)
is at tho tiuio insolvent, shall be guilty of
embezzlement. Tho indictment charges
that the defendant, being a bunker, ami
knowing that ho was insolvent, received
money from a depositor. T110 averment
in the indictment follows the lauguagi) of
the act, and is iu substantial compliance
with the rules nf criminal pleading.
Tho offence clearly unit distinctly defined
is the Irnuiiulent rociptof the money of
adopoHitor. The ace is not to bo nulli
fied beet-.uso this is called embezzlement,
and by a construction which reads into
the provisions the definition of that of
fence. The won! is not well chosen but
tlm Intention is clear. The ciso was care
fully tried and properly tubuiittod. The
judgment Is continued.
Rockaf-.dlow Will P Taksn to the Peni
tentiary N xt Wok.
Wilkes Hahiie, Ta., July 12 Ex
flanker F. V. Kocksiellow, who was
convicted some time ago of embezzle
meut, was committed to prison for the
second time this aft- moon. At tho
January session of the criminal court
ho whs sentenced by Judgi Lynch to
two yenrs and two months in tho East
ern penitentiary. His counB.d took nn
appeal to tho snprems court later on.
Tod iy the court handed down a do
cldon sustaining the lower court.
Tho county detective went to the ex
banker's home and notified him to pre
pare to be re committed. The parting
between the agi-d banker aud bis fam
ily was a very effective one. He will
be taken to the penitentiary some time
next week.
Viciously Assaults a Defanooleia Woman
at Chiatnr.
CiiKSTitit, Ph., July 13 A brntnl as
sault that will probably resnlt in tiie
death of Mrs. Annio Drivers, was com
mitted by a supposed tramp this after
noon at her home, Third and Ileanty
streets. Mrs. Deavera, who Ib a widow
55 years of age, was nlouo in tl:n house
and went upstairs. A rough looking
fellow met her at the top
of the stairs and demanded
money, at tho same 1 1 1110 throwing a
cloth over her head and twisting
it tightly urouud her throat. With his
disengaged hand he struck the woman
over the head with a hoavy china toilet
piece, kuockiug her fljnseleul to the
fl tnr, where ho pressed bis knees upoa
her breast and gagged and bound her.
Neighbors found Mrs. Deaverswitb
n broltcn jaw, her head cut in several
places and otherwise injured. Her
i' bailees of recovery nn doubtful. The
fellow escijied, but tho polica and a
crowd ot excited citizens are soarcbiug
for him.
Serious Crimes Laid at the Door of Con
sul to Mexico.
Washington, July 12 Clmrtes pre
ferred against Mr. Crittenden, tho
Unitod States consul iu the city of
Mexico, by Captain William Elgar, of
Texas, a former employe of too con
sulate gomral, ara uuler invostiga
lion by Secretary Gresham. the charges
aro goner illy that Mr. Critt"ndu ap
propriated to his own use the money
and effects of Americans who havo
died iu Mexico uud in a specific case
Captain E lgar Rays that consul general
divided with him the estate of 11 dead
Elgar admits, according to informa
tion obtained ut tho state department,
that ho received tho Watch ot tho de
ceased, and says Lo is williug to return
it because he bolioves Crittenden is a
dishonest man. it is learned ut the
department that Mr, Crittenden was
responsible for tno dismissal of Cap
tain E !gai from tho consular service.
The investigation has not reacliod the
poiut of ri fero to Minister Gray.
prekdergast hang.
All Effoits to Eava thu Murdorer cf Car
ter Harrl&in Ilovo Falltd.
CmcAfio, July 13. Prendorgast must
dio on the gallows tomorrow. The last
loophole of CHCipo from capital punish
ment was closed today for tho murder
of Carter II. Harrison, Oct 2 j last. A
more protracted uud shrewder effort to
save a murderer from death has never
been made by lawyers for a clioat in
the history of American jurisprudence.
At 4 20 o'clock this ufternooii the at
torneys for the state and pri loner ap
peared in Judge Grosscuu's court, be
informed thorn that he had decided to
overrule tl' motion for au appeal to
tho Igniter1 jlates supreme court, which
carried w Ai it a retusal to issue an or
der for a bUy of execution, This in the
last Btraw which will brimk Preuder
gust's neck, us Governor Altgeld had in
tho morning telegraphed to the attor
neys for the defense refusing their ap
plication for a reprievo
Promlergast was removed in the
morning from his cell in murderer's
row, which he him occupied since his
incarceration, to a small room back of
the jailer's ollice, where he will remain
until ho walks out to his dath tomor
row morning. Two bailiffs, known as
the death watch, were nut to watch
every movement of ths condemned
man. Tho only visitor whom he re
ceived with auy djgree of grace was
his brother, who stayed an hour.
When Rjv. Father Carry, of tho Holy
Name cathedral, called, Prendorgast
said he could coma in, but he watito.l
it uudertood he did not send for hi 111.
The priest talked and prayed with tho
felon for au hour aud left him in better
humor and spirits. Prendergast'd aged
mother was iu tenrs when sho called to
leave bouio clothing for her son and
later entered the chamber with a
shudder to take the last lenv. Tiie
carpenter erected the gallows tonight
at a late hour and the test of tho rope
was satisfactory to the jailer and
Preudnrgast received the news that
titer was nothing more to look fcr
wardto, but death and spiritual conso
lation with almost indifference, nnd
relapsod into his usual silent mood,
except to reiternlo that he had not
committed murder with malice afore
thought, and would dio au innocent
Tho Carneeis Haiveyizid Curved Steel
Is Easily Perforated.
Washington, D C. July 12. Naval
ordinance ollicers today fired two 12
inch prej ictiles at tho Carnegie 17 inch
tiarveyized curved steel plate, typical
of !507 tons of urinor, constituting one
of tho barbettes protecting the 13 inch
battery of the battleship Oregon. The
plate weighed 16,(100 pounds, behaved
under fire in a romarkable way, resist
ing the first shot, had a velocity
of 1,410 feet per second and utterly
failing to stop the second shot, which
went entirely through ami pierced the
UO inches of oak plunking.
The first shot penetrated thirteen
inches an 1 rebounded twenty-five feet
without breaking up to any considera
ble extent, Tlio second shot, a Wheeler-Sterling
projectilo, had a muzzle
velocity of 1,813 feet, mid when lc w is
recovered from tiie sand bank it was
scarcely injured. The pl.U was not
cracked, Kxcept slight radical brealm
at the points struck by tho shells. It
behaved in all respects us if it had not
been bnrveyiz id at ull. The entira lot
or nrmor will bo rojeotnd by the gov
ernment unless Bnls qnont tests give
very much better results.
Twenty-Eight KoKinnnrs K.'fuia to Qr
Outwl'h Non-TJnton Crbws. '
CoLUMiiun, O., Jnlv 12 Twenty-ei.:lit
engineers on the Columbus, Hocking
Valley and Toledo havo rebelled
npaiiist Chief Arthur's orders and re
fuse to go out with non-union crows.
Two trains left the Hocking Vulley
yards this forenoon one the regular
freight to Athens and the other la
ppecial train manned by twenty-five
polio to break the coal blockade nt
The State fair at lleadvillo will take
place Sept. it to 8 instead of 24 to L'tf, as
previously announced. Premiums to the
value of S'HUM) aro offered.
John 11. Tucker, nged CO, a woll-known
tailor of Johnstown, committed suicide by
drowning in tho tswarntarii creek near his
homo yesterday. An execution for n small
amount was served upon him and ho was
to liavo been sold out tomorrow. This it
is supposed led to the act.
Albeit Wondloy, the murdorer of Mrs.
LUiclmuiri, his sweethenrt, was found
guilty of murder ia tlio first degree at
Pittsburg yesterday. .The jury had been
out since Tuesday evening, The
f ense in the case was drunkenness. Wood
ley is woll connected in Brooklyn aud
Washington, D. C.
Tho huckleberry crop of the Pocono
mountains will bo one uf tho largest ever
harvested. Skippers coniinenco packing
iu a few days nnd by the latter part of the
mouth will ship nearly 8,u.)l) quarts por
day, and later on 10.000 quarts. The pro
duct, notwithstanding tho damage by
forest fires, may reach 6,000 bushels.
Business Rusfcd Through Without the Usual
Extended Dsbutas.
Republican Senators Are Excluded
from Tariff Conferences Sundry
Civil Appropriation Bill Presented.
The House Makes Its Cost Record,
Passing an Even Dozen Important
Measures Post Office Appropria
tion Bill Awaits President's Signa
ture. Washington, July 13.
THE progress made by tho senate
today in the msttor of the an
nual appropriation bids was on
a par with that inaugurated by
it at the beginning of the present
week, bills which in previous con
gresses have provokud long de
bates and occupied the time of
tho senate for days nnd weeks
have glided through during the
few days, meeting hurdly an impedi
ment. And if the same shall be main
tained, thuro is no reason why the last
of the great appropriations should not
be cleared off the senate calendar with
the close of this wuwlc or early next
week. No less than live of them were
passed before the adjournment on
Wednesday aud tire now in the hands
of conference committees. These were
the naval, pensions, military academy
aud diplomatic and eonsular, and one
ths post office bill has gone to the
Today the army and the fortifications
hilts were passed and progress mado on
the river and harbor bill. Those stiil
on the calendar are the District of Co
lumbia, Indiau, legislative, sundry
civil, agricultural aud general d-fl-ciduoy.
The unusual, if not unprecedented
cirenmstAnees of having the confer
ences on the tariff bill, far,
to the Democratic mutiugers of the
two houses, excluding the Republican
conferaes. was called to the attention
of the senate in a resolutiou off ired by
Mr. llulo.of Muine.directing the chair
man of the senate conference, Mr.
Voorhees,to inform the senate whether
full and free conference is being beld.
Ttie resolution went over, under tho
rule, and will come up in the morning
hoar tomorrow.
An amendment to ths sundry civil
r.propriatiou bill was presented by
Mr. Henderson, of Nebraska, aud re
ferred to the committee ou appropria
tions to pay to the families of the
twenty clerks who lost their lives
through the falling of the Ford's thea
ter buiidiug 5,000 each. The select
committee 011 that subject will not,
Mr. Mandorson says, be able to decide
at the present session what compensa
tion should be paid to those who were
injured or to the families of the tsree
persons who died some months after
the accident.
The house made its best record, ex
cept upon th passage of private pen
sion bills, today, whon It passed an
even dozan bills of general character
and agreed to satiate amendments to
two others. These latter were the
tnoro important, however, being tho
bill to provide for tho admitsion of
Utah into the union, and the pott of
fice appropriation bill for the year end
ing Juno 30, 1893. They now go to the
president tor his signature, nd if be
acts promptly tho post ofdeo bill will
be the first to become a law.
Eleven of tho twelve bills were re
ported from the committees ou foreign
affairs which was given today's ses
sion after tiie morning hour for their
consideration. Most of them were to
nutliorizj naval officers to receive dec
orations and medals presented by for
eign governments iu recognition of
various services, others were directing
tho secretary of of Btate to accept for
the United States tne ploturs, "Love
mid Life," from G. F. Watts, roval
academician, and to distribute the Vir
giuius UWUL'd.
Driver Boy J Im I.n Iistantly Crushed
to Usaih at Twin Bhnf.
Sjiceinl to the Scrunton Trihune.
Pitts ion, Ph., July 12. Two serious
mining ncclm-ul, one of which bad a
fatal result, occured hero today. John
Le", aged 1(1. drivr boy in the Twin
shaft of the Newton Coal company
was killed just at quitting time this
-vening ly being crused between cars.
Leo's body was takou to tbo family
residence, on Lambert Btrcet
The second nccldout befell Michael
Cnrnisli, a ltusnir.n, aged 33, ut the
Pho-nix colliery. It, too, was the re
sn'tof a t-queez between cars, Car
nisli, when examined at the hospital,
was found to have sustained serious
but not necessarily fatal injuries about
bis ribs and chest.
Shatters Ills Swontheart's Jaw and
Thn Commits Butdil.
New Havkn, Conn., July 13, Frank
Dime, aged 31, a painter, this moruing
attempted to murder his sweetheart.
Miss Georgia Allen, during a fit of
jealous rage, and then shot himself iu
tho temple. Tbo wonld-bo murderer's
bullet passed through Miss Allen's jaw,
knocking out several teeth. The
wound is not snpposod to be fatal.
Dame when found was unconscious
and died shortly after 11 o'clock with
out regaining consciousness. Miss Al
len's jaw is shattered aud there are
fears of blood poisoning.
J Washington. July 12. Forecast
' fur Friday: For Eastern
JeniMjirnnio, fair; continunt
warm southwest winds; warmer in Notifi
em New Jersey. For Western Fcnnsjil
rani'a, yeneraUy fair; continued warm
west winds.
mm wM
150 Full Eleven
Quarter Marseilles
Quilts at
These we
consider the
best goods we
ever sold
at the price.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
5 m
Wholesale and KM
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Dailies
Gomfort-filTing Shoes
The only kind that give
it, for tho summar, is our
"Servica & Kumfort" Shoes
in colors and black.
Lewis, Reilly ot Davies
FRIDAY, of Weichel's
New Jewelry Store.
Every lady caller will
receive a souvenir.
Everybody welcome.
1 Ul
The Jeweler,
8 Spruce Street.
M.Ld V !ts.iu J f
ipesisii lav