TIIE SCEAKTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 12, 1894. 8 MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 34 WYOMING AVS. y.mra, PI! AW, emkkson, m:venoland FINEST LINE IN THE CITY I'OK TUB F'KICE. Ml'W AKD E('OND UAKD ALL l'ltltl S GOOD BREAD -USE TIIE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AXD FOB SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston il Co EEWARB C? COUNTERFEITS 1 THE EFWUINE POPUUR Punch CigarG HAVE THE IMiTUtS G. B. Se Co., finppin'1 on Fanh C'rmr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. luiur HulMi uua.;k. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 406 SPRUCE STRE3T, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL. Walter E. Gunster yesterday registered as a student at law in tlie office ot Attor ney (J. PI. Welles. Mrs. Gelger and William Ingle, of New Yrk, are visiting Connty Commissioners' Clerk Wagner at his home la the Tenth ward. W. II. Taylor, manacror of the Scranton city dirtctory, has been seriously ill from a third attack of hemorrhage of the f-tcmach. Under the treatmeut of Dr. H. V. Logun he is now on the road to re covery. William Powell, son of County Treas urer Powell, went to Clifford, Susque hanna comity, yesterday to attend the wedding festivities incidental to the mar riage of his consin, Frank Davis, to Miss Lizzie Itimron at that place. WORK OF AN ELECTRIC CAR. It Killed On Horn., Irjartd Another and Stnaihtd a Wagon. An action to recover d amazes was Virousht yesterday bv the Ilincliffo L'rewine. and Milting company of I'al eHOti, N. J., against the Scranton Trac tion company. On Juno 5. at Taylor, a wajoa ownod by the plaintiff company was run into by one of th defendant's electric car. The wagon whs smased, ono of the horses killed and the other permanently injured. To be recompensed for the loss caused by tho accident the plaintiff brought suit Dr. C C LAMAcrr, dentist, Oas and Water company building, Wyoming ave rue. Latest improvements. Light years in tscranton. The Flcnio of th Eaaton. The greatest event of tie Reason will bo the picnic of St. Paul's Piortoer corps, which will bo hold at Laurel Hill park on i-aturdny, July 14. Great preparations fur the same are now complete.. There have been many enjoyable picnic held ot this rojort, but this one will excel them nil f.ir pleasure. It is the intention of the com mittee in cl.argo to make this an enjoyable affair for tho thousands of people who will lit tend. Jfefreshments of nil kinds will lie served on the grounds ftu j nlnro will bo (fames of all kinds. The event of the day will ,v mi exhibition drill givou by the corps at 7.30 p. m. ferae ton' Bualn Intsreits. Tm TmnuNB will soon pnblish a rare fully compiled and classilird list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing ana professional interests of fccranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound tn book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogi avure views of our pnblic build ii.Ra, business blocks, streets, etc., together With portraits of leading citizens. 2fo similar work has ever given an equal rep. refutation of Kcranton's many Indus, tiies. It will be an invaluable exposition ot our business resources. i-ent to persons outside the city, copiii of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nu nneqnalld advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fall of gond results to those concerned as well as the city et lrge. Representatives ot Thb Thihunk tvPl tall Upon TUOHK WUOSR NAMK8 are hkhirko iu this edition and expiaia lis nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please have notice at the oOku. FucklaVs Arnica Balvs. The bet salve la the world for Oat Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Bait liheum, Fever bores, Tetter (.'happed Hauds, Chilblains, Corns and all fekin Eruptions, and posi tively eures Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monoy refunded. Price Hi cents per box. For tale by Matthews Bros. A Foe to Dyspepsia SI0W WE 118 ELECTRIC RQfiDS Plans of the Scrautoa North End Street Rail way Company. THE CARS WILL RON TO WINTON Ideals to Furnish Means of Transpor tation for the People of Winton, the Low;r Part of Olypltant and Throop Borough Road Will Not Bo Leased, Mr. Ammerinan Says Extensions South of the City. Tie EUctrio Street Railway com-p-.uy, of which Attorney Lemuel Atiim rmnn, Lieutenant Governor L. A. Wiitrew, II. II. Arcner, l S. Pae and Kobert C Adams lire the directors, which was mentioned in yesterd iy'a VitiMJNB as having boen granted a charter by the stnt department under 'he corporate title of the Scran ton North End Street Railway company, illowiui; tho privilege of buitdiut; l nicks mid all other necessary ap purtenances on certain streets in the northern part of the city. Is ready to 1 i;iu operations as soon as the. right of wav is grunted by the city councils. A Thuiunu reported visited Mr. Am meruirtn at his office yesterday. The charter which was granted to his com pany on Tuesday is only for the con struction of a space of track about a imleiu length beginning at the pres ent termiuusof the Green Ridge Peo !.iw's line of the Scranton Traction company and ending at the eity lin on tho border at Throop Uorough. But there was addod to thu application for the charter a rt quest for a franchise for ajibort lino o finning at North Main avenue and terminating at Dick ou i, venue. This lino will not be built for the preseut, n it is to seive the purpose of connecting tho Providence line of tilt) Scranton Tractiou company with tho proposed Abinstou Electric vnad. Tho combined length of the lines granted iu Tuesday's ch'.irttfr,thori'foro, is not more than a mile and u half. As loon 'he right of way is granted by councils for the building of what is really the extension of the Green Ridge line, the task of constructing a line denr through to Jessup will at the same time be undertaken. FK.VSCHISr.S ALREADY SECTltHD. The company has been graulol fran chises by the authorities of Wiutou, Olyphant, and Dickson City boroughs. The route by which a person will reach Jessup when the line is completed will '.) as follows: Along the Green Ridge People's line to Delaware street, on Penn to Electric- nveuue, to Washinjt tcn avenue, to the Olyphant road, through the borough of Throop along Main ro.id to Olyphant to Jesstip. From the city liuo the new road will run ptirallel with the present Provi dence and Peckville road of the Scran ton Traction compiuy, being divided by the Lackawanna river and runninj a half-mile, or thereabouts, npart. The new road will furnish nccom tuodations to the people of Winton 1 orougu, the lower part of O'yphaut, and Throop borough that are practic ally now without anything but train service. Mr. Ammorman.who is tho president of the company, sid that bids are ad vertised for and that in a weok the con tract will probably be let The com pany will not lease the line to the Scranton Traction company. They will operate it and own the power houje and rolling stock. The power house will be located at Olyphant. An f ffort will be made to arrange a track age grant with tho Scranton Traction company by which the use of the Green Ridge line may be secured for running the ears tb.roo.gb to Lickawanna ave nue to avoid subjecting the passengers to the inconvenience of changing cars at the intersection of the two lines, EIGHT MILES OF TRACK. From the presunt terminus of the Green Ridge People's line, at which point the lines of the new compnuy will begin a length of eight miles of track will bs laid, terminating at the fnrther end of Winton borough. The line will be built and cars run ning.in Mr. Arumormnn's judgement, by Nov. 1. The reporter asked Mr. Am mereaan if it was the intentioD, as he Is interested in those roads also, to extend the Minooka and Taylor lines this summer. "Yes sir," he answered, "we expsct to let the contract in a week; and ooth lines will ba run through to Pittston." The Taylor line will be extended along the main road through Old Forge township until it reaches the tracks of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad at the Lacka wanna station. It will be turned to the right along the railroad tracks as far as Connellton, where the Lacka wanna will bo bridgod, over which the line will cross and connect with the Dnryea line of the Wyoming Valley Traction company. T.tis will make a quick route to reach Pittston. There will be a switch off on this route at Fallon's hotel in Old Forge und n line run along the back road to Monttic, where it will converge with tho exten sion of the Minooka and Greenwood lino. PLACES IT WILL PASS TIIROUCJII. The latter line will he extendod through Oak hill, through Mocsic, Stark's Patch, Avoca, Florence. Smith vills and liauitown, until it reaches William street in Pittston, aloug which it will run until it ends down town at the Water street depot. All this work will be finished Ly the latler part of September. MAGGIE WILLIAMS' SERIOUS CHARGE. Warrant Issued f r the IL'an in ths Cast. Maggie Williuws, of Taylor, a Rirl of nineteen summers, has caused u war rant to be issued against William John Williams, of A ven uo 1), ISellevne Heights, ou a serious charge. The young man was acquainted with Mi-s Williams bnt two mouths when ho wronged her. Special Constable DeLong went with a warrant to aervj on Williams but was not ablo to Incite him. ANOTHER SCR. UrON ENTERPRIZE. Company Will Kt Incorporated to Deal la Oil. Application will he made at Harris burg next month for the incoiporation by Scranton parties of the Wyoming Oil company. Th purposes of ths company include the mining, storing and soiling of oil. Tho incorporators are Samuel P. Biyar, George W. Barnes, Joseph B. Dickson, O. ii, Johnson and Colonel II. M. Boies. ONE HALF OF BUILDING DOWN. lira. Leah Jones-Davis Still Holds the Fort in R.malnd.r. One half of the old Red building on Wyoming avenue, which oceupies the ground that will be covered by the pro posed Hotel Jermyn, has been torn down and last evening the work of clearing up the dubris and escnvatiug deep enough for tiie cellar of the cow hotel had boeu practicully couiplotm!, Mrs. Leah Jones-Davis continues to retain possession of the other h.df of t: building, for which ahu has a lens?, and thus far has refused nil overtures to vacaw, that the work of tfnriug down the remainder of tho building and routing the hotel walla miyht be proceeded with. NORTH END. The North Knd elllci of tho KciiANTon Tiiiiu-nk is Wut'd i.t tuo lewis Id-UK Mtoru anil Jehu's Stm-e, Wnyiin avenue, where sub Her ptiens, ulvrtn"m 'nu und eoiiiuiuinculiuu will lvci.lve prompt uttuntioii.l Many Mines Said t Ka.ploy Boys Under the Legal Ag'. Many remarks uiv nude daily about the boys of tender g-. who work down in tho mines and in taa breakers. Some of them cannot b-i ovr 8 years of ago and there is a c- inc -mis of opinion that the law prohibiting the employ ment of boys nnd.'r a certain ngu is disgracefully neglected. To sue the youngsters of tender yenrs consigned to sucil white slavery, is a slur both upon the avaricious parent and those suppos-' l to carry out tho protective law. A strong feeling is growing in tho North E nl that meas ures should bo taken to uuforo the law and inveBtigato the reason why matters should be in such a deplorable condi tion, There is no doubt that very soon something tangible will be accom plished to open tho eyes of the public to the pitiable atato of affairs. NORTH I 'HO JOTTINGS. Miss Kato Moran is vi-Hing her sister, Miss Mary Moran, North Main avenue. Mis Mary ProdricI; is the guest of hor uncle, Doiuiuick McAudrew, at lirowns Ville. Miss Kntlo Murtach, who has spent a pleasant two weeks' holiday at Avuca, re turned to Provideuuo yo-derdny. Nicholas Jenkins is a candidate from tho third district, First ward, tor delegato to tLo Republican County convention, William G. Thomas, of Market street, who for some time had been sulloring from diabetes moliius, died yesterday morning. Mrs. Ira Tripp, of PHI North Main ave nue, is entertaining hor old friends, Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. .Miller, of Fort Plains, N. V. Master Miller accompanies the la dies. Mrs. O'Malloy, of West Market streot, is erecting a new cover over tho ball alley which will bo ready for tho players today, H will be an excollent alley wheu com pleted. The funeral of W. G. Thomas, of SCO Market etreet, will take place Saturday afternoon. Services will be held at tho rosideuco at a p. m. and interment will be made at Dun more cemetery. The funeral of Beatrice, the little daugh ter of Alfred and Seliuu Hartshorn, of -104 Hast .Market street, will take place tomor row. Service at the residence at 2 3 ); the interment being at Forest Hill comotury. The j jint excursion of the Puritan and Welsh Iiaptist churchos to Fairview will tako place ou Saturday, for which about 600 tickets have been disposed. There is no doubt that this will bo tho excursion of the season. Every provision has boon made for the visitors in the shape of re freshments. Mrs. Gardner, of North Main avenue, entertained n large number of the mem bers of the Women's Foreign Missionary socioty iu connection with the Methodist Episcopal church, at her resideuce last evening. Interesting business in connec tion with the society's affairs was dis cussed and the visitors enjoyed aa in teresting and instructive evening, There is a growing sentiment iu favor of Tripp's woods for a public park, and the yoting-r people are especially enthusiastic, as there is an excellent spot for a base ball diamond, It is not too fur from tho North End, as many would bo ablo to roach it in a fow minutes down the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western track. Tho seneral wish is to see the schomo carried out at an early date, and there is no doubt that Councilman Lauer is pursuing a commend able course. A warrant has beou issued by Alderman Ilorai at the instance of Nichols Jenkins, of UH Spring street, against John King, who, it is alleged has decamped with some valuable articles from Mr. Jenkins, ns well as a two-months' board unpaid. King went to receive his pay, which amounted to about $ i at tho Cayuga miuo on Tues day, after which no mwo was seen ot him. The loss is somewhat heavy to Jenkins, who is a miner at Von Starch's slope, and cannot very well afford tho loss. A free circus was givon yesterday aflcr noon on North Mam avenue by a very clever cowboy mounted on a "buck jumper" belonging to William Eldridge, teamster. Some timo ngo a firm of west ern dealers brought abuut forty prairie hnrs'is to McGroovy's stubles, and Mr. Eldridge socured a team for isij. One has submitted to his fate with good grace, but the other is a terror. The rider displayed splendid tact in rotaining his seat and supplied amusement gratis to a large num ber of interested admirers. LE TTERFfiOMTHE PEOPLE Under this heading short lot-tor of interest will )o published wle-n accompanied, fnrpuh lieution, by tho writer's name. Tiii'.Thiiiiink will not ho held responsible, fur opinions here expressed. I ImmSDSo Ston Aich Suggested in Place of Linden Strsnt Bridge, Editor of The Tiiiii'm: Tlie plans for placing a bridge over the Lr.cKawa una river at Linden or Mulberry streets have been long under considera tion and have progressod so far that It is supposed the people of our city taunot wait much longer, beforo some ono shall be adopted and bridif.i thus made. Jiut would it not bo well to tnovri slow enough on tlie subject and to adopt thy best plan F It 1ms occurred to me, as well us to oth ers, no doubt, that could tho proper'y owners holding rights immediately ndjoin ing the rivor, combine their interests with tho city and place an arch of stone over tho river of sufficient capacity for tho How of water, and sido or coping walli of proper grade height, nnd fill into bring up tlie gi ado for rondwny, and then have an asphalt or stono paving, making a per manent roadway. It practical to use atono for tho full dis tance across the sparo to be spanned on nc couut of railroad trucks it might bo a composite structure of stone and steel. Such a plan might bo adopted if the city alone should build a bridge for public travel; but in tho event of adoption of the suggestion, owners of laud and the city combining their iutorests, a long distanco, even from tho Doiaware, Lackawanna and Western bridge tip tho stream, could be covered, so as tn be used for buildings to be located thnrooii, it is believed to mako a paying inve-dment. it is probable that steel bridges may, tn many instances, bo erected at. le-s cost, but with the nbuu.lanrn of good st"iie at hand and arches built of only snlliciont for the tlow of water, nnd then filling up to proper grade, nnd besides saving the renewing of plank roadway so often there may be economy, if not iu tho first cost, which could bo'determiiied when proper estimates are made, Wm. n. Richmond. Scranton, Pa., July 10, lb'Jl. vino. TIIOMAS.-July 11th. 1991. William G. Thomas, at his home, at West Market stroot, Providence, aged 6U years, 1 month and 'i dnys. Funeral at the house on Saturday, July 14th, at p. m. In terment in Dunmore Cemetery. IIARMEY At the residoncoof his brother Thomas, at Glenbnru, July 11, 181)4, Alichael Llarney, agod 83 years. Funeral will leave Uloumiru Friday on the 7 a. in., Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train for East Stroudsburg, where the remains will be interred after a bigb mass is celebrated, ill OrWEST SHE Kany Scranton Stockholders Interested In tin Hjiult. POTTSVILLS COAL IS TESTED Specific Gravity and Weight of tho Specimens Are a Source of Gratifi cation Election of St. Paul's Pioneer Corps' Officers Wedding of Miss Lizzie Armstrong to E. S. James, of Taylor. Tho West Ride offlco of tho Pprantox Tnuii NK is located at 113 North Main ave nue, whein Hiib-criptloiis, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attoutiou. Benjamin IIu:ie, inside superin tendent of tho Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mines, made a test yes terday of two specimens of red iisli coal which were t iken from the L-rwis v.-tn of the Thonnm Coal company at Pottsville. The test wm made at the above gentleman's residence on Wash burn slroet.and was witnossed by many of the stockholders atid other gentle men interested Iu the company. Tho specimens are those which have been on exhibition in the Star drug store for somo timo. They are very beautiful of their spocies, and have bedn the subject of much comment, Ono of the specimens had a i pccillo gravity of l.O.Vi and weighs 05 G pounds to the cubic foot; the otlp r l,,ul tho same gravity and weighed 07 pounds to the cubic foot. The gentlemen Interested were much doliguted witli tha reault of their tost and have great fai lit in tho prospects of their colliery, which is now boom ing. Several well known Scrautonians were presont at tho test. ST. PAUL'S PIONEER OFFICERS. Nswly Electsd Officials to Serva the Coip9 One Year, St. Paul's Pioneer corps have in stalled the following officers for the ensuing term: President, Timothy McCoy; vice president, J. P. Murruy; recording sec retary, A. J. Martin; financial secre tary, J. J. Sweeney; tr'a-urer, P. F. Giiffia; auditors, U. Early. F. Mc Claiu, P. J. Welsh; boord of directtr-1, John Shea, Michael Coleman, P. F. McCoy. J. B. Reilly and T. Ruddv; investigation committee, J. Roche, E. lvirley, M. Coleman; sergeant at arms, John Shea. ARMSTRONG-JAMES WEDDING. Wsll-Enown Wist Side Couple Ilarrlsd bv Riv. J. T. Morris. Elias S. James, of Eynon street, and Miss Lizzie Armstrong, of Taylor, were married on Tuesday evening by R-v. J. T. Morris, pastor of the Bellevni Welsh Calvinistlc Methodist church, at bis home on South Main avenue. The young poople are well known and will go to housekeeping on this side, where they have numerous friends. LITTLE WEST SIDE LOCALS. 31rs. Edward Bertine, of Farview ave nue, is ill Miss Carrie Thorpe and Mamie Willnnr, of Chicago,are the guests of friends on this side. Evan W. Williams,of Ktiigston.roturned homo from a visit with friends on this side. A larco number of West Side people at tended the excursion of the Elks to Lake Ariel yesterday. Professor J. Parson Price, of Now York city, is visiting Undertaker Will Price, of South Main avenuo. Mis. D. D. Evans and family, of South Main nvouue, will go to Lake Winola on Monday for a week's sojourn. Contractor Edwin G. Hughes has a gang of men nl work laving a new Mooring in the third floor at No. 14 school. Mrs. Daniel V. Phillips end son, Charles, and daughter, Carrie, of Academy street, are visiting friends in Plymouth. Mrs. William 11. Hull and son Arthur, of South Main avuiiue, hnve returned homo from a visit with friends at llonesdale. John Williams, of Eynon street, was in jured on Tuesday by being nquoPZ.)d bo tweeu tho cars aud the doorway of a gang way in tho Hampton mines aud baaly bruised. John Lavello, In the oinploy of Contrac tor Edwin G. Hughes, bad his baud lacer ated by a circular saw while endeavoring to stop it in bis employer's shop. Dr. J. J. Roberts dressed the injury. The excursion of the members of the First Welsh Congregational church to Lake Ariel will leave the Erie and Wyom ing Valley Railroad depot this morning at 8.U0 o'clock. Special cars will leave ouch Hyde Park terminus at 7.45 o'clock. The funeral ot Benjamin Tiiclt, of 22 Fifth street, occurred yesterday morning. A solemn high mass of requiem was cele brated in St. Patrick's church. Key. Fa ther Golden was celebrant, nnd Rjv. Fa ther Millaue, deacou. A large number of friends attended the services, interment was made in the Hyde Park Catholic cem etery. Miss'Llz?,io Skerrit was pleasantly sur prised by numerous friends last evening at her borne ou LiiKtmo street. The house was prettily decorated with flowers, end a most enjoyable evening was spent. Pi ano music was f iirnishud, and dancing and gnup s were the principle features which served top.iss uwuy many enjoyable hours. Refreshments were served at midnight. A case of slander, which attracted ft motley crowd of spectators, was lisard last eveniug in tho court of Alderman Johns iu the Fourth wurd, Mrs. Hicliard li.uaue, who resides nt the corner of U nitbburn streot aud Morris court, was ar rested lust evening on complaint of Mrs. Lizzie Griftlitb, of Morris court, who nl lcgos that ill's. Kuano called her vile miiuesaud threatened her bodily harm. Mrs. Uuane was bouadovor to court In tho sum of fi)0 bail. SOUTH SIDE. All advertlsingniattor, news Hems and now subscriptions, if lelt nt tlie following business iiliicus, will bo promptly attended to: Zulu's barber shop, West plaid's store, D. W. lluiupll ley's pharmacy and A. J. MulUurlg's. JamM Ullbrids Lijur.d la Counell & Co. '4 Mint. James Gilbride, a young man 19 years of ago, employed as a driver in Counell & Co.'s mine, bad ono of bis feet badly crushed while at work yes terday morning by falling under a car. Ho was removed to bis home ou Pitts toon avenue where lie received medical attention. The attending physician thin lis the iujutei member can bo saved. FUNERAL OF A RLSPtCTED LADY. Mrs. Bridget Hum Laid at Etst In Hrds Park Cmtrr. The funeral of Mrs. Bridget Barns was held from her home on Moosio street at 10 o'olock yesterday morning and was attended by large number of sorrowing friends aud relatives. At St. Peter's cathedral a solemn high muss of r.qnieui was celebrate:! by Rev. J. A. O'Reilly. Rev. P. J. Guided being deacon and Rev. Father Mangan snb-deacon. 'Interment was made in Hyde Park Catholio Cemetery. SOUTH SIDE BRIEFS. Mrs. J. Micbns, who baa been ill for a couple of weeks, is recovering, Oflieer Dnirtrsu went on night duty last night and OlUcer Dyer takes bis beat on day duty. Chief Ferber, of the flrn department, has supplied District Chief Schwaaz with a fireman's uniform. A number of young folks from' th Twentieth ward will picnic at Mountuiu Lake this afternoon, Tho funeral of tho infaur. child of Mr. and Mrs. ilauelmaii, of Willow street, 111 tako place today. Interment will bo In Pittston Avenue cemetery. Among the South bidcrs who attended the Elks' picnic nt Lake Arte yesterday were County Commissioner Demuth, J. Geiger, jr., U-icar lleliiegi.l and Charles lluester, Mr. and Mrs. Messner, of Moltke avenuo, lout a child yesterday morning. Tho fun eral Will take place tomorrow afternoon and the interment will bj iu the Washing ton Avenue cemetery. lU paiis are being mndo on the trestle of tho Meadow 1'rooU bleaker. Many were led to bt-lleve that these, ropnirs m- nnta resumption of wmk. The object of fixing the trestle is because tho trip of coal for the locomotive to haul to the N.uiounl breaker is made up nu the trestle, 'Ibo Sunday school of tho German Pres bytoiiau church on Hickory stn-ot, will have tbelr auiiunl pi' iiio at Central Park garden today and a splendid time it ex pected. Tho children preceded by the dram crops of the Patriotic Order Hons .f America of the South Sid , will march from the m hool to the park at 0.110 o'clock. All kinds of games, iiicluiliinr runniinr. jumping, climbing tho pole, will be in dulged in and prizes awarded. Refresh ments of every kind will be served. The picnic will be tinier the supervision of Professor Lont.es. A Can o;' I!el'.lgerncy. Mary Murphy, who is omployed as cook at the Windsor hotel, wns arrested yester day afternoon by Officer Edwards und Hurke, on complaint of Proprietor Drock. The woman wus given a leavo of absence Tuesday morning, nnd did not return until yesterday afternoon. She bad dipped a little ton deeply in the well of Uacchus, and the effects had not worn off wheu she appeared aud demanded wnges oil Mrs. Brock that were not. uue her. On being refused, Mrs. Murphy became very angry and was about to do Mrs. Brock bodily linrm, when the oflleers appeared and put a stop to tho trouble. The case will le heard in today's police court. ,r . - - - --"v We have REDUCED prices ou BABY CARRIAGES. w our stock is loo large. You eau buy a good 1'aby Carriage for tlio price of a cheap oiio. For Wedding Presents or Fnr- ni3liiug for Summer Cottages, we hare a full aud complete Hue. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive M; Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SKUVTCES FREE TO KVKJIYRODY. FOR ALL DISEASES AND ALL lWIIEXTS. The great. English Kraff of Physician. The Most DlSTlif'M'I-'HBU Bl'I'.ClALISrS ON THF. CONT1NKNT The 1'ro'ident and C'hiof Diagnostician can bo fouud daily in the parlor at tho conway house: 132 and l.'U 1'KNN AVMNLT.. Tliev enmo reeoiuin neled by royalty aud the lira phvM rians of Kurope They treat all liis'-ascs. Huiitiiies oui eil hy a new provesw. A P, si '1 1VK cure guaranteed ill all SliXUAL D1S-KA-SliS und WoaliiiesseB of EITHER SEX hy our new treati. o-it. ration s treated by eorrospondene" a. id medicines with fail di rections Hunt by , express. B.it. when 1 osl bio, a personal reii-ultalinn is preferred. All coliKiillalion-i are II--lit in strict prtvuey. N. H. -These Specialists can euro all recent as W Kl.Las all long -standing ehr.mic.dillleiilt and olMeuni eases that have been negleetod or unsklllfnlly treated Calls made py ap pointment nil I patient i! tientcd at tle li- homes when d'.'siroiL Honrs, U to 4 and 7 u 8 ;W. For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW brand of 'FLOtM $4.00 PER BARREL $1.00 PER SACK C. DITCHBURH 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE CELEBRATED PIANOO r tt FrcMnt the Hut Popnltr and Preferred by Lmdief Arums. Wararooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 303 Washington Av. Soranton, Pa. y fiLL Special iele You Seed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Doublevbreast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. ISartin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. 'eaJ 1 Glear -AT- vrt a- 338 Lackawanna Am This week all I Summer Goods sold regard- w 2 53 I less of cost to make room for our fall S I 5 S and winter stock. Corns Early and Secure First Choice. :9!:i:tlECZ2E3S:iCEE:&3E2EEIIBBBEISBSIIElEIIEE3aSE3S!l3gri3E:SI5ISIlfi;aHSBiaillllEIIb? Scientific Eye It'3 a Great Shock tMV ... V to the folks who are elatmtnj they undersell 111 others to find thot without th least fuss or bluster we are sivlnft custom-rs the benf ifit of such opportnuitle as tbese. A StrleMv Hlrt Grade I.lnht-welgU W ho I, 1804 pattern, f. rSHO tnh, 181)3 paltnrn, 150 Wheel, for 75. 1894 pattorn, SlOO Wheel, for 885 osi These prices ni ko ths business at our store FLORBY C HOLT V. M. G A. BUILDING. SASH. St is Correct!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. Conrad THE HATTER, Sells Them. NATIONAL CIRCUIT ALL DIAMOND PRIZES. This circuit includes Wash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. SCMNTON'S DAY, MONDAY September 17, 1894 r t VICTOR BICYCLE BACES to keep you cool. ing Sale 308 Lackawanna kn s Spring and I Testing Free est n n " lis i fl a By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vousnei-g relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses aud Spectacles at the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for $3. 303 SPRV'CK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. N. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, fcTFTjnVAT SO DECKER BROTHER in IHAMOH & BACK Vi'llliXZ UAUKK kMOB JJca tang Mock at anMaaj MCSIOAIi MEKCHANDiaa UVbIC, fc.10, Eltt Another Advocate of Aiifflsthene OltS. HENWOOD WARDEIX: GENTLEMKN-Jt affurds m area pleasure to state that joor sew proeesj of extracting teeth was grand (nceoss IS my ease, and I heartily recommend Hti all. I sincerely hope that other will test It merit. Yours respectfully, CAPI. 8. E. URVANr. Soranton, P Henwood & Wardell, DENTISTS, SI6 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Slav SI make a (treat redna Hon Ml the prices of plates. All work guar anteed flrst-cLsa In every particular. A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCL1CS AND 6PORTIXQ OOODS. Victor, Genilrnn. Ei-llpse, LovelL Dlamonl and Other Whaela. ROOF tlnnln and solderfnpt sll dons awsr with hy the use of HAHTMAN'8 I'AT ENT PAINT, which consist of ingredl'iita well-kDown to all It can ba applied to tin, galvanized tin, shoot iron roofs, also to brick welllnns, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, orackinK or breaking of th brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yenrs.and It's cost does not exceed one fifth that ot the cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contract taken by AKTOMO UAUl'AIAMK, W7 BlrohSt ORGANS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers