TITE SCKANTON TI? IE UN"E Til 13 R S D AY MOUNINa. JULY 12, 1894. ASE ALL Allentown Wim from Scrinlon In an Excit ing Eleven Inning Qjme. HODSON'S REMARKABLE PITCHING Pottsville Defeats Harrisburg, Hazle ton Superior to Philadelphia, and Lancaster Takes a Game from Read ingStanding of the Clubs State League Schedule National and Eastern League Results Notes of Interest to Base Ballists and Bicy clists. LLENTOvVN added h not her game won to its record by de feat in g Scranton yeaterduy iu an eleven inulutf guino. Pottsville defeated Harrisburg witb the "only"Mennyiu the pitcbur'a box. nnd 0 Lancaster and II'iz- letou were the other rictora of yesterday's State League guinea. The following table giTei the per centage, number of guinea won and lost by each club, and their standing in the league race: Won. Lost. PorC't. .. 3 0 1.000 ..a l mi ..a l .o7 ..a j mi .. 1 2 .ana. .. 1 B .J3 .. i a :soi .. 1 a .833 Jjnncaster.. Pciauton .. Harrisburg, Heading..., Huzleton..., SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Scranton at Allentown. Hazleton at Philadelphia. Lancaster at Heading. Hun ibburg at Pottsville. THAT TIRED FEELING AGAIN. You Will Qet It, GrntU Baader, Wbtn You Scan This Scar. Fveeial to the Scranton Tribunt Allentown, Pa., July 11 After holding the heavy hitters of King Kel ley's tram down tp three hits in eleven inning, while his own nine made eight, Hodson today had the sutisfao tiou of seeing the game lost to bcran ton through stupid base running and a general lock of ginger. The zame that Hodson pitched would have won any where in the United States except in a team that felt that tired feeling like Scranton feels it when away from home. The score : ALLEXTOWN. K. H.. P.O. A. S. Wood if...; , i i a o o Wife 2b 0 0 8 3 0 Kelly lb 0 0 13 3 0 aicCoach cf 0 0 3 0 0 Mulvey3b 0 0 3 3 0 Mulligan c 0 0 7 O 0 fosteliorf 1 0 0 0 0 Sweeny bs 1 2 4 ti Baldwin p 0 0 3 4. Totals 3 3 S3 17 1 SCRANTON. R. II. P.O. A. E, Wetzel, s. a o o a 3 o Hogan, c. f 0 1 4 0 0 Patchen, c 1 1 t 0 0 JliiRney. lb 1 8 8 0 0 Phelan, 2b 0 2 4 1 1 Htaltz, It 0 0 3 0 0 Rogers, r. f 0 0 1 0 0 Wextlake, 8b 0 0 3 8 0 Hodson. d 0 1 0 0 0 Total 2 8 33 8 Allentown 0 000200000 13 Scranton 0 000000020 0-8 Earned rutin Allentown, 1: Srriinton, 2, Two base hits Masey. Three base bits Patchen. Home run Wood. Sacrifice hits Wood. Bill wind, Wetzel and Alnssey. Stolen bases Kelly, 3: Patchen, 1. Struck out Allentown, 4; Scranton, 0. First base on balls Allentown, 3. wild pitches liodson. Panted balls Patcbeu, 2. Time 1.50. Umpire Mitchell. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Philadelphia- Philadelphia. ..O 0030000 0-8 Hazleton 3 1000400 x- 8 Hits Philadelphia, 10: Hazleton, 11. Errors Philadelphia, 1, Hazleton, 3. Bat teries Tuylor, Smith and Clarke; Fee and Juoore. Umpire v alee. At Reading Reading 4 2010010 1- Lancaeter 2 4 0 1 5 1 2 2 x-17 Hits Reading. 12: Lancaster. 21. Er rors Reading, il; Lancaster, 2. Batteries Kiioada and f ox; Schuible and Cote. At Pottsville Potteville 2 0 0 3 0 2 3 1 0-11 Harrioburg.,,.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hits Pottiville, 15: Harriaburir. 2. Er rors Pottsville, 1; Harrisburg, 3. Bat teriesWilson and Digging; Aleany and wente, THE SCHEDULE ADOPTED. List of Game to Ba Played by Stat League Club The following is the schedule adopted by me reuneyivanis oiuie league: PHILADELPHIA AT HOME, With Scranton, AugUHt 22, 23. With Hazleton, July 11, 12; August 20, 21. witn Allentown, juiy . la, 14, yu, ai. With Lancaster, July 23, 24; August 24, 25. With Harrisburg, July 25, 26; September 7, 8. With Reading, July 80, 81; September IV, U. ALLENTOWN AT HOMB. With Hazleton. August 22, 23. Witb Scranton, Jnly 11, 12; August 20, 21. With Harrisbnrg. July 23, 24: August 24, IS. With Lancaster. July 21 26; August 27. 23. With Readine, July. 27. 28:Aueust 29. 80. Witb Pottsville, July 80, 31; September B, 4. I With Philadelphia, August 13' 14; Sep tember L a. so,, p. m. LANCASTER AT HOME. With Harrisburg. Jnly 14, Aug. 13, 14, Sept. 1. a, m. With Reading, July 16. 17: Aug. 20, 21. With Pottsville. July 18, 19; Aug. 22, 28. With Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 2,: Sept. 5, 6. Witb Allnntown, Aug. 3, 4; Sept. 7, 8. With Hazleton, Aug. 6. 7; Sept. 10, 11. With Scranton, Aug. 8, U; Sept. 12, 13. II AUKISBURO AT nCMB. With Pottsville, July 16, 17; Aug. 20, 21. With Reading, July 18, 19; Aug, 23, 23. Willi Lancaster, July 20, 21; Aug. 11; Bept. 1, p. m. i With Allentown, Aug. 1. 2; Sept. S, 6, Wiih Philadelphia, Aug. 8, 4, 27, 28. , With Scranton, Aug. 6, 7; Sept. Id, IL With Hazleton. Aug 8, 9; Sept. 12, U HAZLKTON AT HOMB,, ., With Scranton, July 13, 14; Aug. 14; Sept. 1, , p. m. Wltu i a: llentown, Jnly 16, 17; Ausr. 17. 18. Witb With With With With Philadelphia, July 18,19; Aou. 15,10. Readiug, Jnlv 23, 24;Aug. 27, 28. Pott-vrlle, July 25, 20; Au. 24.25. Harrisbnrg, Julv 27, 23; Sept. 8, 4. Laucaster, July 80, 81; Aug. 29, U0. POTTSVILLE AT HOMB. Laucaster, Aug. 17, 18. llurrlsburif, July 11, 12; Aug. 15,16. Reading, July 1.0, 21; Aug. 11; Sept. With With With 1, a. m. With With Philadelphia, July 27. 20; Artg.29,30. Hazleton, Aug, L V; Sept. 6, 0. With Scranton, Aug. 3, 4: Sept. 7, 8. With Allentown. Aug. 0, 7; Sept. 10, 11. READING AT HOME. With Harrisburg. Aiig. 17, 18. With Laucaster, July 11, 13; Aug. 15, 16. With Pottsville, July 13, 14; Aug. 13, Sept. 1, p. m. Witn Kcrauton, Auit. 1, 2: Sept. 5, H. AVilh Hazleton, Aug. 3, 4; S. pt. 7. 8. With Philadelphia, Auk. 0, 7: Sept. 8, 4. With Allentown, Aug. 8, 0; Sept. 12, 13. SCRANTON AT HOME. With Philadelphia. July 10, 17; Aug. 17, IS. w ith Allentown, July 18. 19: Aug. is, io. With Hazleton, July 30. 21; Aug. 11, Sept. 1, a. m. VV It il Pottsville, Jnlv 2;), 21; Auir. 37, 8. With R ading, July 25, 20; Auk. 24, 25. With Lancaster, July 27, 28; Sept. 3, 4. With Harrisburg, July 30, 81; Aug. 29, 30. A disnatch from Harrisburs Hays; There is grout dissatisfaction hero in base bull circles, becaune tile State loairue sche dule committee changed the order of games this Week after they had been ad vertised. Pottsville was to play two games iu tbis city ou Friday and Saturday, but tue now scueuuie roukes no provision for a game on Friday by Harrisburg, and requires it to play iu Laucaster ou Satur day. E. K. Aieyers, owner of the Harris burg club, will insist on playing games here ou F'iday and Saturday iu accord ance with an understanding that the schedule for this week should not be changed. . NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Cleveland WahiiiBton...2 02008210 010 Cleveland 2 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 6-15 Hits Washtneton. 13: Cleveland. 18. Errors Washington, 0: Cleveland, 4. Bat teriesMercer and Dugilale; linfllths, Cunpy and Ziinmor. Umpire Enislle. At Chicngc Boston 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Chicago 1 0 3 0 4 0 0 6 013 Hits Boston. 10: Chicago. IS. Errors- Boston, 8; Chicago, 3. Batteries Nichols and Ryan, Grlfllth and KittriJge. Umpire McQuado. At St. Louis- Philadelnhia..O 0 0 2 3 2 0 5 0-12 St. Louis 0 4 3 0 0 5 0 1 018 Hits-Philadelphia. 15: St. Louis. 19. Errors Philadelphia, 2; St. Louis, 2. Bat teries Weyliiug, Harper and Grady; Cliirkson, Huwluy and filler. Umpire Hartley. At Cincinnati New York....0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2-5 Cincinnati ....0 0121020 x 0 Hits New York. 8: Cincinnati 13. Er- rors New York, 0; Cinciuuati, X But teries Westervelt, Clark and Wilson: Parrot and Murphy. Umpire Uallnoy. At Louisville Brookh-n 0 3000000 0-3 Louisville. '....0 1 1 80002 07 Hits Brooklyn, 0: L-misville. 9. Er rorsBrooklyn, 5: Louisville, 3. Batter iesStein and D.-iiley, Hemming and eaver. L mplte iiural. At Baltimore- Pittsburg 3 0208100 x 8 Baltimore..... 0 2 01011UO 5 Hits Pittsburg, 10; Baltimore, 9. Er rors Pittsburg. 2; Baltimore, 1. Batter ies Gumbert and Mack; Inks aud Clark. empire L,yucii. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Eddie Burke is playing the game of his life in left neid. And now Boston, barring accidents. should never be headed. It is said that Joyce would like to set away from Washington. Duffy made his one hundredth hit last Monday, being the first playor in the country to reuch that figure. The James Boy aud the Eurekas of Providence will play a game of b ill in Hogan park today at 4 o clock for $100 a side. The West Side Stars challenge the El roys to a game of ball on the Little Woods' grounds Thursday, July 12, at 10 o'clock. Louis Davies, manager. Left fielder Jesse Burkett is on the outs witb the Cleveland management and wants to get away from that city. New York would gobble him up in a minute, but Manager Tebeau will not let him go. A challenge is issued to any fire com pany lor a game or base ball and a tug-of-war at Hook and Ladder company's picuio on July 23. Address manager of the tug-of-war team, KranK Roebling, and of the base ball team, Harry Myor; J. J. Martin, cuptain. - The Blue Bells defeated th Wyoming Stars yesterday by a score of 23 to 9: Bine rii-llv battery, biieppleman and Campbell; Wyoming Stars' battory, McWilliams and Norton. Courtright aud Kollv of the No. 9 School nine occupied the poiuts for the stars during tue last lumug, during which five butters were hit with the ball, The Actives of Green Ridge took another game from the .Mixtures by a score ot 21 to la yesterday, uaven ana lining, battory for the Actives; Evans and Manlev. bat tery for the Mixtures. Tho Actives chal lenge the Union Stars of Dunniora for a name on tbe Stove Works grounds. E. Yountr. Manauer: Gavon. cnutain. W. also cballenge any club under 18, First come nrst served. The Philadelphia Times says of Tues day's Ranie b.'tween Scranton and Phila delphia in the Quaker City: The Colts, ns tho local State leaguers havo been dubbed, to prevent confusion with tbe National leaguers, got even with Scranton yester day and won their initial victory. The team played much better together than they did on Mondny, aud batted hard. It was essentially a pitchers battle, iu which Bradley, of Fiankford, demonstrated that he is up to tbe tn.ks of curving the ball. In fact, so good was his work -that it was decided to let Mm finish out the game in stead of ullowing Taylor to pitch the lst five tunings. Flanagan proved a stumb ling block to the Colts at the start, but weakened considerably. Ten men were struck out by liiin, but he gave seveji basts ou balls. Hard catcher by Rogers nnd liogan were the features, but Bastiau, Clark and O'Brien, for the locals, fielded well. Lauer's batting wus also a feature, nnd O'Brien's hit iu tlie eighth inulng, a two-badger, seat in the winning runs. ECHOES FROM MANY TIRES. Country roads are in fine condition for riding. A Rochester, N. Y., turnpike company charges 5 cents for wheelmen. Johnson has grown considerably during the last year, aud weigh?, wbeu in condi tion, 105 pounds. The patronage of cycllnts is so profitable tn tho keepers of places of amusement in New York city that durinff a recent, roof garden party at Ktster & Dial's a portion of the garden was reserved for wheelmen. There is a wheelroom regnlorly attached to the establishment. It is now stated in connection with the recent rumor that Zimmerman will bring back a number of professional In the fall tor tbe purpose ot Holding ludoor toui uu mentsthat tbe backers of tbe National Cycling- Association, which inaugurated professional raolng about a year ago, are behind tbe scheme. Still those who aro well posted are disposed to doubt the ac curacy of the rumor. Sanger was on the scratch in the two mile handicap at Fort Wbvuo, with a field of oiaht ahead of him. It took a mils and a quarter of bard riding to catch tho bunch. On tlie home stretch Sanger was leading by aleneth and looking back when little Gus Steele, a Chicago lad, flew out and gave Hanger a herue battle, Steele was little and quick ot motion, Sanger largo and cumbersome. Steele passed him and in a most exciting finish won by six inehov A. A. Zimmerman, the American bicyc list, made bis first appearance at the Buff lo Velodrome yesterday. He wss mutched for $500 a side against Edwurds, the Eu lUh rider. In the first race, distance one kilometre, Edwards went to the front, closely followed by Zimmerman. On tbe third lap Zimmerman let himself out aud won by several lengths. Tbe final lap. one third of a kilometre, was covered iu 23 2-5 seconus, beating the record. Zimmy also won the second race. Wheeler scoured the third. Arthur W, Porter, the holder of the world's Cln A record of 2m. 3s , wbo has been suspended neudinc an iiiveotitration into his nuinteur standing, bus filed an af- ' lidavit with Chairmua Raymond, ot the LiCnguo ol Auimuau Wbeelmeu racing boar, I, to the effect that he bought and paid for his own wheel and never received a cent for liditii;. The manufacturer of ttie wht-el whioh Porter ridfs corroborate Porter's statement iu un allidavit. Buffalo has the ropntation of producing somo of the fastest cyclers, taudoms and quailruples iu the country, and now a trip. li t Is to b added to this list. W. U. Schuck, V. Faulkner aud C. Volger were mouutod uu the Emblem triplet Saturday uiglit. It weighs only 05 pounds, is geered to 90 inches, and runs like a top. Mr, Hi haack will put a fast R mbler trio on the machine and send them for u mile iu two minutes. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Jerry Marshall has found a backer to match htm iiRainst George Liixon at Yii pounds, the men to woigh iu ut 8 o'clock on the day of the flijlit. Marshall's back ers will put ud f 1,000 that he will weigh in or forfeit the money. Joo WalcoH added another to his long list of victories at Boston last uight, by knocking out Dick O'Brien, of LewiBton, Mo., in the twelfth round iu one of the best glove contests ever f eeu iu Boston, nnd he now stands at the head of his class. The work was bot ou the part of both men from start to finish. Nearly il,(J00 peiple were wrought to a hiijh pitch of ccito meut during every round and a majority seemed to more favoinhle to O'Biinu, al though the colored man did not luck ad mirers. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's Now Discovery know its value, and those who bnvenot, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist aud get a Trial Bottle, Free. Keud your name und address to 11. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Pre, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Hou-ehnld Instructor, Free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. In thousands of cases the jmre of a rouj-h is tho preventive of consumption. The Burost cough mediriuo in the world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pina Syrup. ; Sold by ull dealers on a gaurantoe of satisfsc tlon. Notice to Property Owners, J. ers of propoity, bounding and abnttinr n both hid s of West Lackawanna avenue from the D. L. it Vv . U. H. northern division to Nor h Ninth avnuo in tho Fourteenth wind of ti e city of .Seiiinton. Pa. Bite notion, that under tho direction of councils, 1 wi'l ui'ike tho assessment for curb 1 i;, uNo for piiviiiir with si. ne b'oek pave ment. West Lackawanna avenue hetw en tho po uts named above, ou Monday tho Kith ilay of Julv, A. U, 1M'4, ut in o'eloi-k u. m., ut my otlice in tho new niunicii al buildinir. at which time und pi an - you may appear and Le heard if you so desire. josr.pii p. rniLMPH. City Knrinoor. Legal. STATE OK DAVID 1. THOMKo, LATE I J of tho city of Scranton, county of Lucka wanna, statu of Pennsylvania, deceasud. Letters of administration upon the above nam ;d estate having been granted to the un UersiKuod, nil persons having claims or de mands aninst tho said estate wid prusunt them for payment, aud those indebted thorbto will please muke hnmdtate payment to MEiUiON P. I'UOMAS, Administratrix. lSOaChnnli nvouue, bcruutou, Pa. W. Gayi.ouu Thomas, Attorney. Ropubln-au Buildine. Proposals. SEALED PKOPCHAL3 WILL tiE Kf ceivuil at th) otlice of the Street Conimls. s oner, era nt n, Pa , r.util 7. W) o'clock p ut. i hursday, .1 uW IV, 1SH4, lor tho luylntc of 11 ustoiio Bidewalks aud tho sottintf of curb stones on South Main avenue. Iietwoon Lu n i ne and Il iinptiin streets, said work to bo doneinacco dauco with plan and ieciti cations tiled in the oth'ce of t ie iUy Clerk Bidders are required to state teparate price for lay inn of tlai;stiiu sldewaks aud sotting of curbstones The city reserves the ritflitto reject nny and all Ills. By order of Oity Councils. PHILT.' KIBST, Street Commissioner. Scranton, Pa., July hi, IStiL CJ BALED PK"POSAL8 WILL BE KE IJ celvod at the oltlco of th Street Com missiono'. Scranton, Pa., until. 3 1 o'clock p. in Thursday, July ID, 1HJI, lor tho laying of flairs tuna si tealks pavel gutters, aud the N'ttiu-' of urlstoues ou the west rn siiioof Seventh street, f inn Lackawanna avenue to Scranton street, said work to he done in uo conlaacn with plans and s ecitica ions filed in thu office of tlm fity Clerk Biddurs are required to state separate priee for lafinpt of ll iirstone iddowalks. paved cutiois, and set tin of curbstoiiuH. 'Ihe city reerve tho riKlit t o reject any and all lids. By order of City Councils PHILIP K1RST, Strnet Commissioner. Korantmi. Pa.. July 10, Wi CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BR RE O ceived at tin otlleo of tho City Clark, Scran on. Pa., until 7.;) o'clock p, in. Thurs day. .Lily HI. IWt. to construct a Rton" arch cnlvo' t on North Main avenue ovor I k rett s oi e k in "ceoivaur.') w .h the plan and si eci llc.tii n iherelor fl'cl in tho oftlco of City Clerk. Binders shell s a-o price for which tney will coinplo'o th i i)'k as sliowu ( n piaa a id sp c'ilcat mis, i n I shall a s ati 1 1 a price f r w.rcli they w 11 perforin any extta work that n.l I t lo neosl a el, n mug a tir es tor nio-oiiry. with and wit.i ut cu nioiit: uUo for ucavitlon and illlin,'. Holders l;a'l enclose, " ith eicli pr po ul, t'ue s un o: o ie hui d ed dol'ars. cash or i erti fio 1 ulna k, ' hi h sum is to I) J o;-lc to t to the city to.' th rsi of tho city of Scran ton In ease o; onil sii n toexec tto a coitraot in i c otdauco Willi tl o proiios ils if ewurt 'd thesnn". The work Is to bo completed withm futy ovs from i ato of award 0J cont act, 'i he ei.t;inat d io.t of tho work is S2,:U1.(I1 Tnu c ity reserves the right to reject any and nil bills. By orilor of City Councils. M. T. LA VKLLE, City Clerk. Svranton, Pa , July , im. OEALEI) PHOPOS LS WILL BE RE O ceived ut tint office of the city clerk, Scranton, Pa , until 7,:iil o'clock, p. in., Thurs day, July le, imi, to do flllini; and f eucm; re. ipiired at tlui Proseot nvouue culvert, over the Stafford Meadow Brook, in acordano with plan and specififntions filed in the oftloe of the city (dork. Bidders shall state u price for which tl ey will complete tho work. Hi dors th ill encl se the sum of fifty dollars cash or certified cheek, with each propoa.l w hich sum i to I 0 forfeited to the ut.e of the, city of S ranton in o iso o contractor omit. imt lo ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from date of award of the same. Th work is to ln comploti'd within sixt days from date of execution of contract. 1 he city ri serves the right to reject any und all bids, By order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, city clerk, Scranton, Fa.. July U, 1M. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL Hi RlT ceived at tho oflloe of the city clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7,;M o'clock, p. in.. Thurs day, July l, INH. to do filling, construction of masonry aud returning wall, also the puttiiiK up and painting of one hundred and oljhty font of iron fence, all at l'itiston avenue cul vert. 'I ho work is to be do; o In accordance with plan.aud spei'ifioalions tiled intheotliee of city clerk. Bidders shall stnti price lor whioh they will complete the work. Bidders shall enclose the sum of fifty ( ill) dollars, ensh or co titled chock, with each proposal, which sum is to be forfeited to the use of the city ( berauton in case of contractor omittltiK to ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from dato of award of the same. The work Ib to be completed within thirty days from date of execution (if contract. Tliu oitv reserves tho riifht W reject any and all bids. By or der of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, city clork. Berauton, Ph.. July , 1WI, DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT 1 the oltleii nt John Ji rmvn, Piididiuruh, Pa., until July IB, lsut, for drivinit a rock tun nel In Jormyn, No. It, from the 14 foot vein to cut tlie Duumoro vein size to be 7x14 feet in Hie dear and about, 1.500 fuot lonift Also to sink a shaft from surface tu Dnnmoro vein, Uo to be Kxli feet Iu the olear and about ir0 feet deep. Siiecincations may ue soon et PrlcehurKli. We reserve the rltflit to reject any or all bids. W. M. JliHMYN. Supt. Situations Wanted. WANTED-A WOMAN WANTS WORK by tho day Address ti. M., 011 Map: streot, Scranton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O ludyta o out to do dr s makln? or plain sowinK oy tho day. Ad rossU, Tubune Olllce. Advertise in The Tribune. UK A Word. IPantt of alt hinds cost that much, ea fj)t .St'fuatioiis B'aiiied.uiici art insert fluents Wanted. yu'lTLin'r?rAnrvni I u:,)ronce, w I'll 'l LO aotioil. Illy wtrnn wi url: Hilary, from $2 to ftl nor day puid to the riclit parties Audreys or calt u on J. P. . iv '".ii.ia, itoom u, on nprueu buuci.ouiwu tin, Pu. Q73.Hi) PER MONTH, CITY OU COUNTRY y to coinpotont, wide awake insuriinco solic itors; well established porinanent businest AddrutiH or inouiro scoud lioor, 5'.'4 Lack wanna avo., Serantou, Pu. Help Wanted-Malc. 7 A N T VA)- KToiTXuiTTCTIIi )hfv, ' uneiuplovnd nd will work for fl8 per week, write, Mucl'imnull Bios., 11 Kruuklin street, Boston, SliisS. For Rent. L'OR RENT-STOKE 511 LAI KA WANNA A Avo. Inquire of HENRY F r.V", 4-1 Laeliawanna Ave, ,"0!t HE T-8B lOM HOUSE ON HA I I 8 in arcnun b 'tween (Ireen Uidite und Delaware Stno t', furniahed or unfurnished, liniuii u of J. H. HOLT, 2S2 Wyouiiiu avenue. For Sale. TrETTtaTuRiJCEi J I a Rood b.isiness; irooil reasons for 8 dp ills'. Call on or uddre: s J. O. ACKLK.MAN. rHIii SALE-MY (IBAY SADDLE HOUSE. 1 Can i.eie 'iiut"'! Nortii Maiu uv . CHAH. A. BL'KR. Special Notices. 1 1 LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA J zinea, etc., bound or rebound at Till! TitiiuiMU ollico. (jiiiek work, heuaonublu I rices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty moid tickets lor jj&iWl Uood talilo board. Boarding. CUMMER liOAUiING-FOUU RESPECT alilo persons cull llnd first class board with small family In la ko. itiry house. Hot and cold hatha. Free carriage to depot and church Threo quurters of a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality. Addr. sa box U3,Clarks' Summit. L06t. T OST-A GOLD HAIU PIN WITH WHITE Ji nronirs. Finder will be suitably re warded by rotut'liiiiir the samu'to Colonel E. ji. hippie, t hird National liauk building. Summer Resorts. yAlliVlEVV HOTEL, FACTOUYV1LLE, 1 Po.. is uow on n for summer boarders. first (lass accommodations. Good lishiug eloso to Hotel For terms address 1L STARK, Propriotor. . Public Sale. WVAWWV" T WI I L OFFER AT PUB IC SALE ON X Wedno.dav. .ulv -'.. 1KL at 10 o'clock a. Ul., on thu proo fs 's, tho leasehold estate and term or years cie toj iy indenture rrom . G. H. hoonmak r to Arthur 1'rotbiiighim und Laura FrothluRhatn, dated June 1st, lSa, re corded iu MortisiiL'e Book Nu. :-)!. pace ',12 i. etc., as by reteronio thereto had wilt fully I,''uttt, in lot .in. o in m,,uio ui i.iuun xio. :ill. on Wvominif avonue, on whioh the ''Frothinnhaiu Arcade" stood. The lot is 40 feet wide and lu" fwt (loop to nn lin y. Terms will be made known nn day otsnle. CHAH. H. WELLES. July 11, 1801. Incorporation. VTOTICJIS IS HEKtBY GIVEN THAT AN il appli atiou will boniHtlo to tboUovornor of the Stuto of l ennbylvun a, on Kriday, tho tontli (lav of Auuiist A. 1. lMt4. Iiy W. . Con mill, W.W.Van Dvke, 8. V. H ibi rta, Haimon Car) entor and Iloraco E. Hand, n 1 1 1 1 . r t m Act of Asai'inLly of tlio Cuinmouwvaltli of I'vnr.Hvlvnnia, ontitled "An act to provide for t b ' ini orporntiou and ri'fiilation of cer tain corpiiaaii ns," approved April Slith, 1 i: 4. and tho tmpiiicmontu tlu ruto, for the charter of nn iiitndi'd c rporntlon to bo callo l "Tho Nay Auir Shale lirick Company," tlie (-harm tor und object of which ii the manufacture i n I sale ot building brick, par ina bi icl-, tilt s and othor articlos in d. trmn clay, sand em th, rm k ai d niinoruls.or oithor or ail ol them, and for these purpose") to have and pinuuaa mid onjoy all tho lights, benefit and pnviliiKex ot Hail a :t of Hboem bly una IU npiili'iiient:). Jt-liSlU'S & HANI), Solicitors, TOTICE IS HER ''.BY GIVEN THAN AN li npplicalion wi.l bo niude to too Gover nor ot I'ennsylvania on rridny. the third day of AuUMt, lblll, bv Sant'iel 1'. lloyor, Georg.i W. Barni-B. Jos ph B. Ul ksmi, t). 8. Johnnoii and 11. M. Koies, under tie Act ot Auseinbly entitlud "An act to provi lo lor tho in corporation and roffiilaion of crtain corporatfonn," approiud April 2Uth, 1N71, nnd tlioHiipplcinonta tlieroto.fort c cliartor of un Intended corporation to bo called "The Wy oming oil Company," tliu charucinr and oh ject of which )b tlie mining, producing, soil Inir and storinK F nil. and for t icko pui poses to Iibvo, po3 s und 1'iijny ull tliu rik'htH, li'iu fitH and privileges ol o io'i uct of HKaem blv and Bupplementi) theteto. Wli.LAhlJ, WAktliEN Ss KNAI!, Bolicitoro, TOTICEIS HI'.HEBY GIVEN THAT AN x at plication will l e made to tho Govor nor ol reiinsvlvania on Friday, Jiiiv 1S1II, by William H. Taylor Gooru'o I f'r.indal, Charles E. Titct.enor. Lucia II. Met?ley, Ira J. Mcaley, Wtlliam S. lioyd, jr.. aud Edward 1J. Ktnusbury, under tho net of ms Mnbly entitled "An act tn pro- ido for tliu incorpor.itiou and roKttliitlon of certnin corporations," npproved the '.".lib day ot April, A. U. li7f, anil tho several supple meulH thereto, for tlio eh irtor of all Intended corporation to be culled the Fraiikl n Coal oninpany, tlio i'hnrnetr and objoot of which I "in mint;, to' puriiij uu I (lOllitn; coal aud dulnu such otli'r businens liocessurily cnlliierteil tliorowltli," und for ihosn purposes to havo, powHs atid pnjoy ull tlio ritdils, b n-lltsnnd privilcR a of Bald act of assembly aud supple ments thereto. WATSON Sr lUEHL, Solicitors. Scranton, Pa., June, 1!7, 1SIU GROS! lie great urea Tho Groat low Ynrk S Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments. GROSS: FOSTER & CO. Sweeping Reductions Prior to Our Semi-annual Inventory. FOUR GREAT LOTS FROM ODR DRESS GOODS DEPT. NO. 1. About thirfcv thopaq oil fnM A hip Cord Suiting in about ten shidcs, and Scotch Mixtures in five colors. 12 l-2c. a yard for anything in tho pile; never sold un der 23c. XO. 2. Price hero is 23c. per yard. Assortment is unlimited. Wo might Bay that we have Checks and Tlaids, Striped Goods and Plain Goods, Mixed Ellects and Novelties of every description. In fact, it is an aggregation of our entire stock of 50c. Dress Goods. You'll bo very apt to hnd somethino- You will save about 50c. on all right for nest fall. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-class Bar sttuchefl. Liepot for Iiemuor A Envoi's i'annLatuiwr Lear. It Col 15th tnd FUbsrt SUM Ptilali Most (Josimlils f r resident of N.K. Penn' lylvmil. All conveniences tor travelers' to ftr.il from BrH(l Street stiflou and tho Twelfth aud Market Htront ttatiou. Lie lirabls for vlcltinir Harantonlann asd po Ho in tbe Anthraclto Kagioa. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. CONNOLLY & WALLACE UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which ftnnnrrairl Sli nrrl a tt nirrVit Tnna Iff? in tVia etnrft ftfrti tl oi flr rl VlrtTH MflSRrS. Mjg UllUliUU MailUiUUJ n tt i n S, flT-iffiri TVio d i AUV log XJ J)A111JLU. 1 UU UUlUUgVIIJ U11U n )u WJT imu lAl iuww wamuvmw f - to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All good3 are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be- jP iore. SALE MOW Q and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tsrXUXT DOOK TO tiir iiirned davits & GRIFFIN building. FOSTER & CO. Bankrupt Sale AND STOCKS FROM THE t Hew fork 0 c ii ciiuuug tnese You will also the dollar. 209 WARNING. n'ehace lately had Feather Beds and Pillows broug?it to ut by strangers who wished to dispose of the same and from, whose actions we believed the feathers didn't belong to them. Ws will have no tleaiinin with such porliei. We wish to caution people ayainst giving into th hands of strang ers who claim to represent its, any feathers, Carpets, etc , which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call al our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deuvor to merit the confidence of everybody. the kv.XAToy ukorAsa co., IV3 and box Lacka. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try us. ull 205 AMD 207 JL i-3 230 Lackawanna Avenue. UigUU) VUUO X V) U UUU UWVAW V) wu vww m a oraa olInTirorl no liTr tlio inctnraTlPO rftrnnaniPCI nfirmit. 119 OBNG I Meckwear Given Away. 1 Boys' Snits, 74c. NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW 52 NOW $1.35 leriffs Sale learance Sales CLOTHING allace NO 3. We are especially proud to speak on iliia lot, for the value is unprecedented. Take your choice of G- 4 Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Granite Cloths, Beiges, Storm Sergos aud Novelty Mixtures. There are about 3,009 yards in the collection, aud every yard is all-wool. Tho price is 37 l-2c. NO. i consists of short lengths. By that wq mean the remnants of our stock. The pieces run from one yard up to six. Style: everything. Worth from Tile, to 81.r0. Price. FiOa. a vard. . - f V r 1.1.-1. i. iour ions inai you want. get something that will be WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. 4 Co. MCuUG i'E. WATER Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all goods that an damaged at your own prlca. ' HOUSE Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. We guarantee our Watches to be TRUE TIME KEEPERS aud uphold them as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. D1AM0NDSARE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Have you Been the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on theml Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun in tha daytime. FREEMAN, tealor tor Csh in Wttches, Diamond Bilverwaro, eto., Cor.Fenn Ha. and Fprace St. A Handsome Complexion la on of tho greatest oharmi woman can posatsa. i'ouotu'a Oomkjxiqx Powsm give. it.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers