All the news of the strike in THE TRIBUNE. Agents should order extra copies at once, EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. KCRATON, PA., THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 12. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINES THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER THE THE STRIKE AT Master Workmaa Soiereign Fails to Paralyze All Industries. GENERAL TIE-UP A FAILURE Trains Are Coving and Business Is Booming at the Stock Yards. TELLING WORK OF THE GRAMD JURY Indictments Brought Against Riotous Strikers It Is Hinted That Actions of the Railway Managers' Associa tion Will Also Be Investigated. Quiet ReiRns About the City, and Troops Have Little to Do-Citizens Display Patriotic Emblems and Places of Business Are Gaily Dec oratedThe Limited Response to Sovereign's Manifesto Is Taken as an Indication That the Crisis Has Been Passed Encougaging Reports Elsewhere. Chicago, July 11. TEE most important developments in the labor situation daring the pnst twenty-four hours is the nu nonncwinent urnd tonight from tl'.s headquarters of the American Rail Way Union that a determined effort is to be made to invoke the federal laws against the members of the General S auagers' Association, and that, with tl is end in view, a conference will be bdd tomorrow between W. W. Irwin, or Minneapolis, tbe principal counsel ft r tbe men arrested 'for participation If tbe Homestead riots, aud a number o." local attorneys who tiave made the li ws of the United States relative to a lczal combination and conspiracy a lecial study. Mr. Irwin, 10 it is authoritatively stated, is now on bis way to Chicago iu company with a prominent meinour of ti.e Knights of Laiior wbo was sent this city in order to enlist his cer vices in behalf of tbe union. This move on bobalf of tbe striking element receives additional weight from the general impression that , prevailed around tbe federal court section of the government building today, and which was tentatively indorsed by Jul tie Grossccp and District Attorney Mit el riat, that Justice would be meted out impartially to all violators of the fed eral statutes, whether they were rail road presidents or railroad brakemen. A JUDICIAL HINT. When Judge Grosscup was asked to day whether tbe special (rand jury was impaneled simply to inquire into the offenses of the employes or whether It was within Its scops to inquire into probable violations of the law by mil road malingers, Judge Gross cup signifi ciintly replied that be bad no doubt that when the body should have fin Isiied the particular matter it is now li vestigating, it would turn its atten tion to others who may have vio lated the law, and that it would so v iden the scope of its inquiry as to in clude all persons who may have inter fered with or obstructed state com rierce or the United States mails in any way or by any means. This reply is regarded as a diplomatic hintso framed not to violate the judicial dignity ti: wt tbe grand jury has only commenced Its work aud that it may be sealed to c nidder the question as to whether or not railroad mami g-rs have committed any offense f ringing tbera within tbe pale of the statutes tbat have been invoked against the leaders of tbe strike. It is known, moreover, tbat this question was very vigorously debated in tbe session of H e grand jnry yesterday tbat preceded tho return of tbe true . bills against LAis and bis associates, and that at least two of the body insisted vigorous ly that George M. Pullman himself Ihonld be included in the lndiotment. Counsel for the strikers, as well as 11 r. Dili sand his colleagues, are secret concerning the actual grounds upon which process will be sought against those whom they characterize as their "opponents" in a general way, how ever, tbe claim is made that tbe oh itruction of the United States mails and the interruption toiotsr-state com merce has been dae, quite as much to the general inauagers.HS to the men re sponsible for the ordering of tbe strike, snd tbat while it is trne that the bovcott whs ordered, it is also true that the general managers agreed among them it Ives tbat no trains should he run on sny of the roads until all had gained Ibe points in dispute, and that, as a consequence, many roads that were in Dlined to deal direct with their em ployes, and thus bring nbont a resump tion of tbe trnfHo on their own lines, were whipped in:o tbe traces. MANAGERS COCRT INVESTIGATION. The indictments returned yesterday against tbe union men, were, it is tin 3' ritood, based almost entirely upon the contents of certain telegrams tbat l telegraph company was com pelled to produce, and a charge is made, and tbis form a por tion of tbe statemeut to be made by the federal authorities in behalf of the ar rested men, tbat another enforcement of a similar order will bring to light telegrams sent out by tbe gen eral managers' association, that on tlitiir face points to legal methods, if ny sucb methods bavs existed, as the dispatches which wore produced . before tbe grand jnry yesterday. These ire tbe straws, as they come from the ' .linkers' headquarters, but which have ' not been embodied in an official state ment, Tbe members of the general managers' association claim tbat they CHICAGO ABOUT 1R aro willing that their every action should bo titoronghly and impartially investigated. They contend that thy were not the aggressors, that the fight was forced. It is on them and not by tnem, and that they have done nothing more than to protect to tbo best of their ability the propurty over which thev hav control. They have neither violated the statutes relating to the transporta tion of United States mails or those governing interstate commerce, but from beginning to end they bave sim ply acted on the defensive with the aid and succor that bas been affords 1 by tbe United States government. QU1KT REIGN'S ABOUT THE CITY. Peace and quiet were mamtaiued throughout the city today. It was a welcome relief from the tension of yes terday, and especially in view of the fears that bad been entered that the general tie-up ordered by the various trades might result in filling the streets with sympathetic strikers and serious disorders bein possibly provoked. There were fewer white riubons to be seen today and ten timos as many patriotic emblems. Many banks and other institutions and buildings, not content with hoisting the Stars and Siripes on their fronts, decorated their grouud fl or fronts with monster flags. Tbe military encampments on the lake front and at the government building attracted large crowds, but they were eminently good nnturod nnd chatted socially and with heartiness with tbe the regulars tbut were off duty aud mixed with them. At the stock yards the blockade was effectually broken. Business was re sumed on every road and all was hustle and bustle in tbe miles of pens along the tracks. The fust incoming cattle train iu two weeks steamed into the yards at daybreak and by 4 o'clock sixty-nine cars of live stock were brought in by the Darlington, forty by the Northwestern and fifty by the Santa Fe. Tne military was on guard at every important point, but there was no need of its servicss. For the twenty-four hours euding this evening not a single lire or police ulartn was turned in from the district and Polica C plain O'Neill, who is in command 6f tue district, officially re ports that tbe polio) are iu full com mand of the situation, and that there uppears to be no further use for the troops. At tbe same time any attempt to withdraw the 1 itter will be met by the general opposition of the packers aud other bnaiuaes interests and even if present conditions should continue for several days to Come, it will be re garded as necessary to hold the mili tary in reserve. SOVKREION'S TIE CP A FAILURE. The anticipated tie-up of business, a result of the sympathetic strike order issued by the representatives of the al ii! trades and the appeal of the Knights of Labor of Mr. Sovereign did not materializa to any visible extent. Tbe most radical reports keep tbe total that has so far responded within la, 000, while conservative estimates do not go much behind that number. It is claimed, however, thst many of the unions are so situated that they cannot Bhut down at a day or an. hour's notice and tbat the full effect of the tie-up will not be apparent before the end of tbe week. Considerable discouragement was ex pressed over tbe reports from other large cities that Mr. Sovereign's app al had met with but a limited response and fears were expressed that this tniitht induce President Gompers and the executivo officers of the American Federation of Labor who will assemble here tomorrow, to take a more conser vative course than has been expected at their hunds. THE GRAND JURY'S WORK. When the federal grand jury ad journed this evening, after two ses. sions occupying iu the aggregate about six hours, District Attorney Milchrist was banded fifteen indictments that represented the work of the afternoon session. Judge Grosscup, however, bad left court for the day and tht indict ments cannot therefore be formally re turned until tomorrow. The names of tbe defendants were not made public, but it was stated that no prominent labor leaders were in volved but that tbe trne bills affected the men arrested at Blue Island and at points on tbe Pan Handle, Lake Shore and Rock Island tracks wbo partici pated in tbe disorders of last week. Some seventeen men concerned in the burning of ears and stnniug of trains in the earlier pirt of tbe trouble were brought in by deputy marshals and es corts of military during the day, but most of the number were released on small bail. United States Marshal Arnold today rednoed his force by 800 raon. These were withdrawn from ontlyiug points where no further necessity exists for their service. The situation tonight is that of an armed trnce. The railroad men, by watohing every move of their adver saries, say that they are satisfied with tbe situation and that their policy is absolutely "no surrender," The union officers and directors also profess to be tqaally satisfied and adopt the same motto. Esch side is waiting for the other one's move, while the public also is waiting and wondering how long this condition of affairs can possibly con tinue. Meanwhile, with a sufficient force of military to command the situ ation, lmuinuity from serious riot or disorder may be regarded as literally assured. THE GOVERNMENT IS JUST. and Mall Belong-In? to Deb Or dered Beturned by Oeneral Olney. Wahington, July 11. The action of Judge U-rosscup in Chicago today iu directing that Debs' papers aeizsd last night be returned him was the result of a telegram sent to Special Assistant Attorney Walker. Attorney General Olney, npon reading the Uuited Press dispatch of tbe seizure, immediately indicted this telegram, took it over to the president at the white house aud filed it himself by 11 o'clock. It reads: Dkpartmknt op Justice, I VabminT(jn, D. u., July U. f Edwin Walker, counsellor at law, Chicago: Seizure of Debs's papers, If not accord ing to law, should be publicly disavowed and papers nt once returned. Even if Beizure, strictly aud technically lawful, papers should be returned. The gov ernment in enforcing tbe law can not afford to be itself lawless, nor even if they be within its strict right, should measures bo resorted to which are unusual ami come danger ously near invasion of porsonal rights. The government is too strong and its cause too righteous to warrant or require any thing of that nature, l'lense wire at onco what has taken ptaco and what is done iu pursuance of these instruction. (Signed) Oi.Nitr, Attorney General. MAPPING THE CAMPAIGN. Qrand Master Workman Sovereign Con ftra with tbe A. K. U Officials. CmCAtio, July 11. American Rail way nn ion official:) were busy today conferring witn Grand Master Sov ereign and Executive Committeeman Kinney, of the Knights of Labor, and the local chiefs of the trades unions. A decisivo plan of oampaign was mapped out, aud in substance tbe re sult of the meeting was a general and positive agreemeut to call out every laboring wan in the city und country, if possible. The general strike which began to day was not as complete as expected in some quarters. As bas been foreshad owed in these dispatches tho aotion of the committee attending the meeting Sunday night, while unanimous in sentiment, was not so iu fact, ns a number of the committees have not re ceived the proper instructions, or the actual power to strike. Grand Master Workman Sovereign had received no oflkial reports from tho Knights of Labor assJiublies to night of actual strikes and the major ity of the messages received by nim announced that meetiugs were to be held tonight, tomorrow night and Sat urday and Sunday to take united ac tion. Mr. Sovereign said this evening that his committee hud estimated that over 500,000 msn would respond to his call. At the most not over 5,000 men have struck so far, not counting the Knights of Labor. Meetings are being held tonight by fifteen or twenty different unions iu order to decide upon ac tion. As yet the street car men have shown no signs of going out, although tbe South Side men are holding their socond meeting tonight. There is a general feeling among tho men that the street cars and the type setters should be kept going for politio reasons, but the leaders seemed deter mined to call out all orders irrespective of policy or sentiment. THE PEACEMAKERS FAIL. Pullman Officials Reject the Over tures of Mayors of Fifty Cities and Refuse to Arbitrate. Chicago. July 11. The Pullman company has rejected tbo kindly over tures of tbo mayor of fifty of tbe lead ing cities of the country, and still re fuses to arbitrate. At 4 o'clock this afternoon Mayor Hazsn S, Pingree, of Detroit, accompanied by Mayor Jobu S Hopkins, of Chicago, and Erskine II. Phelps, of tho extensive loot and shoe firm of Phelps, Dodge & Palmer, of this city, called at the Pullman building. Mayor Fingree carried with him telegrams from fifty mayors call ing upon the Pullman company In the name of peace and good citizenship to submit its differences with its em ployes to arbitration and at once oud the disastrous strike. There were present at the conference on behalf of tlie Pullman company, Vice President Wickes, General Man ager Drown and Chief Counsel Jobu 8. Runnels. Mayor Pingree presented tbo telegrams be had received from all parts of the country, nnd in a manner most earnest urged that the Pullman company accede to the expressed wisii of the people and at once submit all matters in question botween itself and itsemployes to arbitration. He pointed out tbe disastrous condition which bad already resulted from the strike, and tbe results which seemed inevitable un less it was settled. Tbe officials of the company, on tbe other band, denied responsibility and repeated the oft-reiterated statoraent that there was nothing to arbitrate. They declared that the works had for a long time previous to the strike been run at a lots, and if they were again put in operation it could only be nt still further loss. They declared in conclusion, "tbat the question at issue, whioli was simply that of reopening the works and carrying on the business at a ruinous loss, was not a proper sub ject for arbitration." The conference ended with that em pbatio decision of the offlcsrs of tho company, and the party of peacemakers withdrew. THE COMPANY SATISFIED. Pullman's Action In RjfiKlng- ti Arbi trate Approved by Sttokholdirs. New York, July 11 Henry G. Hnl bert, one of the directors of the Pull man company,and a closo friend of the president of that corporation, was asked today about tbe Chicago dispatch published this morning to the t fleet that the stockholders of tbe company were preparing to revolt against Mr. Pullman. "I have yet to learn," said Mr. IIul bert, "of oue single stockholder who is opposed to the course Mr, Pullman has pursued in this strike. From every side be has received lotters commend ing him for his action and urging him to continue in the same way. The an nual meeting of the stockholders will take plaoa in October. Why, if such a stop was contemplated it would require twenty millions worth of stock to oust. Mr. Pullman, and I am certain I could in forty-eight hours rally enough votes to support Mr. Pullman in any step he may desire to take. I can say with knowledge and authority that there is no movement on foot to oust Mr, Pull man from the control of the company." IMPEACHMENT TRIALS. Little Hops That a Case Could Be Made Ag-alast General Olney. Washington July It. Artioles of impeachment against any cabinet of ficer for ''high crimes aud misde moanors," must be adopted by a ma jority of the bouse of representatives, and it requires tho iiQlrmatlve vote of two thirds of tbe sonata to oonviot. It is estimated that articles of Im peachment against the attorney gen eral of the Uuited Slates for his course Continued on Page 8. I1CE The Strikers In tho Golden Mate Are Belligerent. TRAIN WRECKED ON TRESTLING The California Strikers Are Deter mined Not to Yiold Without a Struggle Many Sharpshooters in Their Ranks An Engineer and Two Soldiers Killed Near Sacra mento. . Sacramento, Cnl July 11. TATE troops have been at the river bank and will probably be kept there throughout the day. They observed no signs hostility until shortly after the regulars reached the depot, when sev eral strikers made their appearance in the bushes on the opposite bunk and be gan firing. The first to reply whs tho First bat talion of the Third regiment. Then Companies A and D of tbe First join ed in the fire. Dullets whizzed over the heads of tho militiamen. About this time several of the Third regiment saw one of the strikers fall, and it is believed that be was wounded. . Tho supposition is that tho strikers thought the militiamen were regulars when they opened fire. Shortly after the shooting Gen. Dickinson notified Col. Girnhain of the presence of tbe strikers on the other side of the river and the latter promised to send a com pany of cavalry to disperse them, Ihe belligerent strikers are said to be sharpshooters from Dunsmuir. A TRAIN WHKCKUD Sacra iiENTO, Cal., July 11. A train was in ado up here this morning con sisting of six mail cars, four express, two day conches and four Pullmans. The start was delayed by tho discov ery that the nlr brakes bad beam cut, but it finally palled out at 12 05 p. m. Later reports state that it was wrecked on a trestle about two miles from here. Engineer Clark was killed and a soldier was drowned. Another soldier was dangerously injnred. The list of casualties in tbe bridge wreck: Killed Privates Burns, Lul berden and Clark, and Engineer Clark. Injured Private Dnirgan's arm was amputated. Private Ellis was internally injured; Private Wilson, injured about bead. . f It is said tbat martial law will be strictly enforced at 10 o'clock tonight. It is announced that no more trains will bo moved today. Dakersfield, Cal., Jnly 11 The strikers say no train shall pasB under any circumstances. Company G has been under arms since 6 o'clook this morning. Tbe determined stand of the strikers here evidently deters the Southern Pacific compnny from send ing trains north from Los Angeles to San Francisco. TO SUPPRESS DISORDER. The California El.mant of Disturbance to Be Crushed. Washington, July 11. Again to night tbe president and bis advisers were ia consultation at the white bouse over the strike situation. At 0 o'clock Mr. Cleveland returned from a drive with Secretary Lamont and Private Secretary Thurber. Postmaster Gen eral Dissell arrived nt tho same time, followed shortly uftor by Secretary Grcsham and Major General Schofield. Later on Secretary Herbert and Attor ney General Oluey came in. There was only oue exception to the general gratifying character of tbe uews and tbut was the Uuited Press dispatch about the derailing of tbe train and the killing of soldiers near Sacramento. It emphasized what the president and his execu tive officers bave believed all along, tbat the diameter of tbe disorderly element in California is even more dangerous than that of tbe Chicago mobs and placed a sub stantial chock on tbe hope borno of the absence of unusual violence on the coast that the president's proclama tion and the prompt action of the gov ernment in calling out sup press the trouble in Sacramento qnd Oakland had bad a deterring effect on would-be-violators of law and order. But before taking action on thn mat ter it was decided to a wait the official r'portofthe occurrence from Briga dier Goneri.l linger at San Francisco, The general tenor of the official dis patches received from Chicago and elsewhere was of a reassuring charac ter. General Miles sent a report par ticularly gratifying, lie said there Had been no disorders (luring the day nnd he looked for better things from now on. Many more letters and telegrams ex pressing approval of tbo course of tbe administration were received at the Whits house today. A number of these are from labor organizations, Promi nent men from all parts bhve sent con gratulations to the president for bis stand, apd well known business men in Chicago have sent words of praise. VACCINATION IN SCHOOLS. Important D.ol.ion Upon the SutJ.ot Rendered by Judge William.. Philadelphia. July 11. The right of school boards and oity councils to establish a rule requiring all pupils to bo vaccinated was established by Jus tice Williams in an opinion handed down I iday in the supreme court. It was in tho case of Andrew Dnffield, ap pellant, against tho school district of Williamsport. , In 1872 the councils of Williamsport passed an ordiuanoe pro viding tbat no pupil "shall be per mitted to attend any publio or private school in said city without a certificate of a practicing physioian that such pu pil bin been subject to the process of vaccination." Subsequently, smallpox existed in Williamsport, and was an epidemio in nearby towns, The board of health called thn attention of the sohool board to it, and requested tbat action be taken by it, Thereupon, the sohool UU MM board adopted a resolution ia accord ance with tho ordinance of the coun cils, and the plaintiffs sought to secure a writ of miindumus from the lower court to compel tho admission to the public school of his son, notwithstand ing the resolution. The lower court refused the writ and tbe supreme court nflirmed that refusal. Justice Williams ia his opinion, among other things snys that this was a matter within the discretion of the school board, Tbo only question was whether the regulation was a reasona ble one. He held it to be so, and said that it wns only in cases of abuse of discretionary powers that the court would undertake to supervise official discretion. UNREST AT PISSLLIPSBURG. Miner. Are Not Sattiflsd with Com promise Rat. 9. PniLLiPsnuita, Pa., July 11. Several mines at which the compromise rate bas been paid for a week past, sus pended work this morning.and at Wig ton's Troy mine the men went on strike nntil all the miners bave been offered tho same rate. The situation is more complex than at any time since tho beuinning of the suspension, Three hundred men from Munson marched to Morrisdule, where Wigton's shaft is located, and which bas been running at the compromise rate. They told the men that wero working that if thoy did not quit nnd stand out with them until they were offered the same price, that they would go to work at 10 cents. District President Bradley and W. B. Wilson will be iu the region tonight and will try to better the situation. An air shaft at the Baltic mine was burned today. THAT SUICIDE OF MRS. PAUL. Some Statements In the First Bsport Which Were Inaccurate. Fpccial tothe Scmnton Tribune. Honesdale, July 11. In lust Mon day's Tribune appeared a conspicuous article beaded. "Strange Death of Mrs. Paul," in which it wus hinted tbut Mrs. Paul's donth, which had been due toself administration of morphine, had been influenced by the occult influ ences f Rev. John W. Harrison It charged that Mr. Harrison bad de clined to call assistance while Mrs. Paul was dying and that afterward he fled. Inquiry into the facta convinces us that Mr. Harrison bas been misrep resented. When Mrs. Paul was found by him in the. advanced stages of mor phine poisoning, he worked at her bed side for several hours trying to antidote the poison. He tried repeatedly to get strong coffee down Mrs. Paul's throat, aud desisted from his efforts only when he perceived that they were hopeless. Tbe assertion that he had fled was un true. Thri press dispatch from which the earlier narrative was obtained must have been been penned in ignor ance or malice. COLONEL WASHINGTON OEAD. He Was a Great Grandson of Gsors Washington's Eldr Brother. Washington. July 11. Colonel Thorntou A. Washington, one of the direct lineal descendants of General Washington's family, died bere yester day. He was a great-grandson of Colonel Samuel Washington, the oldest brother of the Father of bis Country. Colonel Washington was born near Charlestown, W. V., was graduated from Princeton college and West Point, and after service in the regular army.resigned to join the Confederacy. He was employed in the general land office at the time of his death. YOUNG GIRL'S SUICIDE. Ehs Was in Lve Wlih a Man Who Sid Not Rto prooati. Sherman. Tex., July 11. Miss Addie Harden, aged 10, banged herself to a tree six miles east of this city. She bad been in love with a young man by the name of Bailey, and ber last writ ten message to ber mother indioated that he bud deceived her. A warrant was sworn out and he was lodged in jail yesterday. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. An authontic Napoleon shirt was recent ly sold at the Hotel Drouot for t30. The price aeked was fSO. Hanburat and Milllgan, the Canadian militiamen, each made clean scores at tho first dny's shooting at Ilisley, England. Mr. Natnlll recently bid $'J, 175 for a copy of the third impression of tlie folio edition of yhakespeato, ot date of 10l):i, at a Lon don sale. Colonel Jacques, tho American claimant to tho To wnley estates in England, was yesterday remanded to jail on a charge of swindling tbo subscribers. One of the features of the impending mnrrini;o of tho (irund Dnrhvss Xenis to her cousin, the Grand Uuko Alexander Michaelovitch, will bo a procession of court citrriages. Thousands are still being swept nway by thn great plague in China. Up to date 1,800 deaths nrn acknowledged by tho Hong Kong authorises, which Is about one-third the actual nnmneror dentus. Maria De Felice Giuffrida, the 10-year-old daughter of the Italian deputy who has lust been sentenced to eiubieon years Im prisonment for instigating tho lata riots in elcliy, nas Deen coiuiemueu to exile. Tbe French courts have granted tho Anglo-American Cable company's claim for damages ncrnhiBt the French Cable company for broach of contract In connec tion with the fusion of tbe two companies, and have appointed experts to fix the dam ages. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Tbe strike that bas been pending in the Trenton potteries Binco Jan. 1 lout, was settled here today through the interven tion of Senator Smith. The bill exempting mining claims from tbe annual assessment work for tbe pres ent year has uow passed uotn nouses or congress, and only awaits the, signature of the president to make it a law. v The testimony taken by the Sugar trust investigating oommittee has been printed complete. Tne tostlraony covers vii pages, and tbe index, giving a synopsis of testi mony, and containing a complete refer ence to tue proceedings, luirty- two pages Even if tbe Nicaragua canal bill should pnss tho bouso it would still find consider- auie opposition' iu inn senate, runaior Dolpu is in ravor or government am ana tbe government control of the canal, bat Is not satisfied with the provision in the bill wblob gave the company (7,000,000 of paid-up stock, and thinks it is too urge a bonus. QUIET REIGNS CONGRESS Even Populist PtfTar Is Powerless to Awaken Serious Strife. APPROPRIATION BILLS PASSED The Debate on Senator Peffer's Strange Resolution Not Character ized by Excitement An Effort to Place the Senate on Record as Condemning Pullman Company's Refusal to Arbitrate Is Opposed by Republicans Progress Made by the Tariff Conference. Washington, July 11. THREE of the uunual appropria tion bills were passed by tbe sen ate to-day. They were tbe dip lomatic and consular, the inva lid pension and the Military academy bills. The pension bill appropriated a round $150,000,000. Iba debate on Senator Feller s, resolution declaratory of Populis- tio ideas about tbe government control of railroads and kindred sub jects, and on Senator Daniels', Vir ginia, substitute lor it, endorsing und commending tbe course of the presi dent and tbe administration dealing with the great railroad strike was short and free from any exciting inci dents, Mr. Daniels proposed today an addition to bis substitute declaring tbe adhesion of the senate te the prin ciple of arbitration and its condemna tion of the refusal to arbitrate, given hy one of the parties to the struggle. meaning the Pullman Palace Car com pany. lins proposition met such warm op position and resistance from the Re publican side of the chamber, which wished action confined to an indorse ment of the executive, that Mr. Dauiel withdrew it, aud even modified tbe resolution so that it simply indorses the prompt and vigorous measures adopted to repel and repulse the inter ference ot lawless men with the due process of the laws of the Uuitad States, with the transportation of the mails and with commerce, and declares that tbe action of tbe president and his administration bas the full sympathy aud support of the law abiding masses of tbe people and will be supported by all tbe de partments ot the government and by the resources of the entire nation. LAND GRANTS BILL PASSED. Acting under the operation of an order reported from tbe committee on rules, tbe house this afternoon, after two days' debate, passed the bill intro duced by Mr. McRae. (Dein., Ark.), to to amend the act of Sept. 20, 1690, pro viding for tbe forfeiture of certain rail road land grants. The new measure Increases tbe scope of the present luw by including 54,000,000 acres of land within its operations. Tbe tariff conference adjourned for tbe day at C o'clock. Members on the part of both honses admitted that good progress bad been made and that many amendments bad Deen agreed upon. It is understood that the senate confer ence have yielded a little in some of the higher rates ot duty in the metal and woolen schedule and that they have been warned tbat this policy is likely to lead to trouble. One of tbe house conferees said this afternoon that there would be an agreement on all matters but coal, iron ore and sugar, sod that in these items a disagreement would be reported. DECKER STILL ON EARTH. A Supposed Vio'im of the Johnstown Flood Turna TJp, Stroudsduro, Pa., July 11. Frank Decker for several years past has been mourned as dead by his brother, Mor lou Decker, president of the Standard Cash Register oompany, of East Stroudsburg, and by friends. Decker was supposed to have perished In the flood at Johnstown, bnt he fans been living tt Wells, Minn., engaging in business. Morton Decker reoeiv.d a tele gram a few davs ago stating tbat his brother was very sick, being the first intimniiou that he bad in five years that bis brother was still alivt. QUAKE AT CONSTANTINOPLE. The OrUatsl City Terrorlaia by Four Freeh Quake. CoNSTANTiNori.E.July 11 Four fresh shocks of earthquake wore felt here to day. Up to this morning many nouses have fallen at Stainboul. At the grand bazsar the jeweler-' quarter fell this morning, occasioning tne greatest confusion. Tbe merchants fl id in terror, leaving tbeir valuables behind them. Many shop keepers and passers-by were buried beneath the ruins. It is impossible as yet to give the number of people killed and injured, but it is known that over 130 people are buried beneath tbe debris. COLLISION OF STEAMERS. Azoff and the Chiosg-o Are Injured Above Their Water Line. Antwerp, July 11. The tank steamer Azoff oame into h collison at 9 o'clock this morning with the United States steamer Chicago in the roadstead bere. Both vessels were injured above their water line. Tlie Chicago was anchored at tbe time of the collision. It appears that tbe ohaln of the Azof! was carried away and that she drifted against tho Chicago. Tbe dumago done to tbe cruiser is not thought to be serious. WEATHER FORECAS1. Washington, July 11. Fortcast for Thursday: i'or Eastern Pennsylvania, fair, followed by local thunder tlorms during the evening, loulhweet windt, slightly warmer during the day in southern portion. For Wes'erA Pennsylvania, local shower, southwest winds, warmer in Sovthwtst Pennsylvania, H FILETS GREAT OFFERING OF 150 Full Eleven Quarter Marseilles Quilts at .25 Each These we consider the best goods we ever sold at the price. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Da?ies Comfort-Giing Shoes The only kind that give it, for the summer, is our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Next THURSDAY and FRIDAYof Weichel's New Jewelry Store. Every lady caller will receive a souvenir. Everybody welcome. The Jeweler, 408 Spruco Street, MARSEILLES tUIILTS Vsi ty& Opening Day I. j. n