. THE SCRANTON TRIBUXE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1894. S OF The increase in anthracite shipments for the week ended Jan iii).n otllcially reported, aroountod t 808.505 toua, the flffor being 1,873.704 ions, against 974,289 tons for the corresponding period last year. These shipments have increased the total for th year to the dute named to 19,132 365. or only 1, 085.693 ton less than for the same period in 1893. The Wyoming repion led in the iuerease for the week with 214.976 tons, while shipments from, the Bchnylkill region increased 141.374 tons nud from the Lehigh region 42,155 tons. This increased tonnage is a good thiol for the coal carrying railroads, as tuy receive their rates whether sales lire effected or not. The statement for the week in detail follows: . June SO, 1SU1. July , 180a Dif- Ilopious. Wyuiniiig... .LcliiL'U Bcbuylkill... Tons. Toiih. frn'ce. fttl.SiW Iue 214,1)7(1 14.",.s;n lno 42,1"5 277.112 iue wi,;i;j Ikmm 4I,JS0 Total.... 74,a!) Deo 3 8,543 Total for ver todute IIUIH.IJOS 2l.ll8,tK8 Doc 1.958,610 The prodnction for tie month of June will, it is believed, reach uearly, if not quite, 5,000.001) tons, the largest output of any uiomli on reaonl, and tbjB, too, in the face of the fact that demand has fallen to the minimum. The greater part of newly luitmd coul is, of course, going into stock ut vari ous points for distribution later in the season, tut there is no question in the mind of the Philadelphia Stockholder it bout the cnrryinn of such large stocks being an injudicious policy. Prices already reflect the barm that has been done. For prepared sizes prices are fairly well maintained, but tnose for small steam sizes are materially weaker; and the supply of pen and buckwheat is now in excess of the de mand. It is doubtful.accnrdiug to oun authority, whether a single new order has been booked at the July circular; as a rnle the cireular is not bsinz ob served. Attempts have been made to enforce it on the line trade, but with very Uttle sucoess, and many of the atnaller interests are making deliveries on the orders taksn under the May cir cular. A Bethlehem dispateh says: A com mittee representing the employes of the northern division of the Lehigh Valley railroad met General Superintendent It. H. Wilbur, this afternoon aud bad a two hours' consultation with hi in. The chairman of the committee stated that their visit was to settle some local questions about travelingenglneers and master mechanics aud bad been re quested by Mr. Wilbur. Both denied the visit had any connection with the western troubles. The total anthracite tonnage carried over the Reading railroad in June, 1894.. whioh reached 1.217.207 tons, was the largest ever transported by it in any month, being 77,173 tons more than tbe tonnage of the largest pre vious month, which was November, 1803. A considerable proportion of ibis tonnage originates on other rail roads, and is by them deliverey to tbe Heading railroad at various points. The anthracite tonnage originating on tbe Reading railroad and carried by it dnnnir tbe last two weeks in Jnne was 557,200 toot. This was tbe lareeat ton livge so originating ever carried in the same period and was 21.7 per cent, of the total anthracite production for the 'm time. During tbe early part of Jnne seventeen of the Coal and Iron company's collieries were not workiug, principally because of the heavr rain fall of tbe latter Dart of May had over powered the pumps, preventing work at one time at alt bat five of the com pany's fifty-two colleries. During the lust two weeks of June, in which all of the collieries were working except fix, tbe proiuction of tbe Coal and Iron company's collieries was about 24,000 tous in excess of the production of any previous period of two weeks. . ' A Suquehanna dispatch says: The Brooklyn oil well men, having gone down 2,000 feet and completing their contract, tbe drillers have ceased op erations without striking oil. At the depth of 1,800 feet "second sand" was fonud about 00 feet thick, and tbe in dications of gas were excellent. Mr. Nash, tbe chief projector, and the dril lers unite in saying that the indica tions have at all times been excellent. In Hopbottom Monday the share hold ers held a meeting which was attended 1V the principle officers from New York city. They discussed plans fr.r the future. The people of Hopbottom desire that the company sink a wetl in that place, and are willing to take a big block of stock in the company. In several places in that vicinity oil and natural gas bave made their appear uce; and in creek, where cattle were wont to drink, a elimv substance with a petroleum odor has appeared, and the cattle refuse to taste it. Scranton capitalists attended tbe Hopbottom ineetiujf. Brooklyn people still have firm faith tbatoil and gas exist there, and if the present company will sur render its leases, the Standard Oil com pany, which will soon begin operations in Bradford county, stands ready to take tbe leases and begin vigorous op erations. Oil may yet be discovered iu Saiquehanna connty. The directors of tbe Pennsylvania "ormwestern Kuiiroart company met at Philadelphia yesterday and de cided that it would not be expedient to H"' somi-nnnuai aivdend .upon fj.Aiu.uuu or capital stock. The road ruus from Bellwood to Horatio, a die- ioiiwo ui sixty-one mues through the bituminous coal region and tbe post ing oi me oivmend is directly due to me miuers stntte. Practically no coil has been shipped over it since April Lost year the oompany paid a dividend of 6 per cent. . . . Minor Industeial Notes: The majority of Coxe Bros. & Co 's col lieries are working three days this week. The water in the Merriam mines still reaches an elevation ot seven feet and one inch. ' The Southern Railway, and Steamship association has fixed upon Aug. l to re store rates. Wages of Panama railroad omployeshave been cut 10 per cent and those of tbe ca nal employes 20 per cent. Joseph Wood, -the general manager of tbe Pennsylvania mines west of Pittsburg Is spending most of his time iu Chicago. Tbe Central TrafQo and Chicago and Ohio River Traffic association (passen. ger nieu) will meet in Maokinaw, Mich., July 11. ' Passenger men express the opinion that the strike bat cut down tbe Asbury Park business 75 per cent, only 25 per cent, of the number doing expeoted. L. A. Riley & Co. have found tbe Back Mountain vein in good condition at their rjermantown slope. The diamond drills bave cat into a fine vein of eoal nine feet hick. The eirnings of tbe Western New York id Pennsylvania for the third week iu June amounted to $51,900, a decrease.com- GENERAL EW STIES pared with the same week last year, of Tbe Schuylkill canal is agaiu open for navigation, and boats are beiug received from New York for regulur service bo' tween points in the anthracite cual region ana rmiudelpbiu. ' The fire in Packer colliery No. 6, belong Ing to tbe Lehigh Valley Coal company, has not yet beau extinguished but is still Riving the comi uuy a great deul of aux iety aud expenso. borne years since, Eugenn Debs, now at the bend of the American liuilroud union, with four others, ori'nuized the "Broth erhood of Railroad llrakemen," in a ca boose in the 1'ort Jurvisyurd. Sam n el M. Downs, has resigned as train dispatcher on the Delaware, Sns quohttnna and Schuylkill at Hoau Junction aud is bark at his old desk in the Central railroad ofllue, ut ilaucli Chunk. David Jouos, wno has been shafting for the 1'enn Anthracite Miuiug company, hui nnearthed some very fiue veins ut places where coul was not expected. Tbe property in consequence bus become much mora valuable. The work of pumping tho wator from Mid Valley slope No. 'i elope has been commenced. A railroad is to be con structed on which the coal, an abundance of which exists, will be taken for prepara- uuh iu no. i ureaicer. Tbe Lehich Vnllnv Kill. has now returned to the Heading company all the borrowed eDglues, the coal trade having Bottled down to its normal propor- , eimuiing iue alley to UauUle It with its own motive power. The Montour Iron and Steel company, which had been compelled to close a part of its works ou account of the tenrcity of coal, started this morning in full. Coal fcns commonced coming agaiu and no trouble Is anticipated from this source in the luture. The Baltimore and Ohio llailroad com pauy aud the B iltiiuore K-al E tate and Improvement company have filed in the liecordor's oillce at Baltimore a mortgage foi $15,000,000 to tun .Mercantile Trust coinpuuy, of New York, to secure the issue of bonds. A delegation of old Pennsylvania rail road employe.', ail members of brother hood organization, have uotitled Ueneial Manager Provost that under no condition would they strike, and further they would at once notify him of the prudence of any labor agitator among thorn. Isaao Christ, superintendent of tbe Ta maqua Manufacturing company, vptmt last Friday iu Jit. Carnicl formulating plans for a complete transformation of the coal cleaning system at the Mt. Car mel colliery. It ib Operator Itightor's in tention to make this what is known as a wet breaker. i nomas u. 1'iatt. wtio lias been ap pointed receiver of the Southern Central railroad, bus taken pos-cs-iou of the nroii erty. He lias issued a circulai order to fluents and employes instructing thera to obey all ordeis of officers ot the Lehigh Valley Railroad company, which is ageut lor tue receivers. James Drutuinond. outside foreman for tUe .Morns Kulge Coal comoanv. has re signed and returned to his former homo nt burantun. says the Shamokin Dispatch. Iiis position is now tilled by Jacob ilowen- Btein, who has bei-n a carpenter at this colliery lor a number or years. The work ot remodeling tbe Delaware, Lackawanna and Western station at Bloomsbiirg has been started. Tbe build ing is to be cut in two, the upper half, or ireigui uepartment, to De moved further up the track toward Center street, and the omer nan, or paseuRer aim ticket depart ments, to be moved on a line with Market street The coal traffic on the Philadelphia and crie anu rnnaaeipnia anil Schuylkill Val ley divisions of the Pennsylvania railroad still coutinnes very heavy. The trainmen are kept busy iihlit aud duv. The Phila- uulphia and i.no division officials are able to Handle their traffic with their present tores, um a new crew win oe put on too Philadelphia and Schuylkill Valley divi sion tliU week. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on aud carried ovor its lines east of Pitts burg and Erie for the week ended June 80 was 237,334 tons, of which 201,393 tons were conl and 85,001 tons coke. The total tonnage for the year thus far ban been 6,.r)ia,30 toes, compared with 10,310,330 tous iu mo correxpouuiug period of 181)3, a decrease of 3.727,008 tons, of which 5,319. 329 tous were conl, a decrease of 1!, 103, SO!) tout, and 1,203,401 tons coke, a decrease of 458, 797 tons. . FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds. New Yoiik, July 10, -The tendency cf prices at the Stock exchange was down ward today, notwithstanding advices that the roads were makinc some progress against the strikers in Chicaso. - This did did not turn the bears from their purpose, however, these operators lavins consider able stress on the ability of the Chicago iruuea unions, wno uave tRKeu a nam I in the tight, to bring about a condition of af fairs which will surely lead to liquidation in the general stock market. Chicago UaB decliued frow 75; to 12 with final tran sactions at the lowest point. The Gran gers, Louisville and Nashville' and West ern Union were all heavy at this time. London refused to respond as was ex act ed, and showed more confidence, buying moderrtely, and the whole market subse quently displayed mora stondine.s. Pull man declined 1 point. Net changes for the day in the prominent is.ues ho-,v Iosfrs of Y'to 2 p--r cent., Chicago ias leading. Total sales were 103,500 shares. The follnwinifcompieto talile showinsr the day's fluctuation In active stocks Is supplied and revised daily by Lallar A t'uller, stock brokers, 121 Wyoinlnir avenue: Open- Hiifh- t,nv in, er. est. Clos iitir. till Am. Cot Oil Am Hukm-. A.T.&8.K , ('an. So. Cen. N. J Chic & N. W V.. B. A Q CUIc. lias. C. C. C. & St. L. w U7 ,-, u 5 BJJ & 104 ioi" ltti ''KIk Col., Hock.Val. A T. D. 12(1)1 D., h. & V. D. & C. F... Krle (. E. Co.... Lake Shore. I,. AN Manhattau., 21 i;it 12HU iii u7-4 ii (l 1M mi 2i u" uh 1IH mi KM w.i ::::: ;:)iij vr. H ifi" w mi mi mi KM 37 II mi u m t mi 41 24 ii-H ii IHI l..-4 t" mi 114, Ui llu Wi )4 'mi M ml Mis. Pac Nat. I,ead N. Y. ft N. E.. .. N. Y. Central... N. Y O. ft W.. N. Y..8. & W (J. S. C. Co North Pao North Pac. pf... Omaha Pac. ilsil Headlnv Kork Island , K.T v IHI ii M. Paul Mi T., C. & I Texas & Pao 8 Union Pai'Itlo Wabash p Jil Western Union KM W.&L. K W. A L. . pf 41 Chicago Grain and ProvUlons. Scrantoh, July 10. -The following quota tions ara supplied aud onrrootod daily by La liar Sc fuller, stock brokors.121 Wyorolait ave uuo. WHEAT. Jnly. fH t'i m 414 Rept. sa iW K Mi sm 1272 127 JS70 170 . Wi t-tt! m rro . tiff WW m Deo. m Opening tliKUent Lowest,,,. Closinn coi OnOlllUR, HlKhest Lowost. CIosIiik 4) OA'IB. Opening , M Hmlli'Kt ilH Lowest , lit Closinir 18 rUKh, Open ng., 1CM tllKliest Ijowest ;,. yu& Closllii . LARD, Opening,, Highest,, Lowest,. . r.n IV-2 1177 m era ot iioo wo V. losing. HHOKT RIBS. Oneninir Highest , Loweat Closing ,,. New York Produce Market New Yokk. July 10.-Frxim-Dull. easy. V heat Fairly uciive, flrme.'; No. 3 red store aim elevator, 6l)c: afloat, O'JiU'o.: f. 0. b., OlaOlJi'c: nneiaded rrd, D7uClc. ; N". 1 northern, G8Jai&; uptioiu were dull yMo. higher; Nu. 2 red. July, 00a: Aug- 1. Ht,60jc.; September, 6.'i;.- December, 03ic. cOHit Active, firmer: No. 2, 4Ka47Ji'c. ; elevator, 4?H'c. afloat; option uuil, irreh-u- July' 4ti-H"-i August, 47c; September, 4'Kc Oats Dull, ilrmor; options dull, steady; July, 40c: August. t4ac; September, iHc; No. 2 white, Juli-, 47c; spot prices, No. a, 61Vh51c: No.2 white. ..; No. 'J thicugo, WeJ.; No. 8, 50c; No. 3 white, 5io.; mixed western, Sl'a.W'c.; while,do. 02a'-'8c.; white state, friaobc. Bkkv-Q iiot, Hteady. Tikiickd Bkkf Quift. Cut AlKATS-guio.,lirmer;pickled bellies. Sc.; do shoulders, 0ia7c; do. hams, 12j. LardDiiII, steady: western steam, f7.4(); city, 0a7c; July 17.40; September, ?7.85; refined, quiet; coutiueutul. 7.70; South America. 7.00j eouipouud, C!i0c. PouK-Q,;iiet, firm. Bcttkr Kirni, light receipts; state dairy, lialHc: do. creamery, 13i2iic.-; Pennsylvania do., 15a2Uo.; western dairy, lOJaM.c.; do. creamer', 14i20c: do. factory, lOaHc: elciiis, 19!a20a; imita tion creamery, 12nl5c. Ciikkkk Fair demaud, firm. Euus Dull, loss linn; state and Penn sylvania, iflalOv.-., western, llaloa; do. per case, $Mi. Philadelphia auIiow Markat. Philadelphia. July 10.-Tallow was dull and unchanged. Prices were; Prime city in hogsheads, 4Ka4c; prime country, iu barrels, 4,lc; do. dark m barrels, SJia 4c;. cukes, itc; grease, 3e. Eysptpalu end Indignation In their worst forms ar cured by tbe use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a tonio to regain flesh aud lost appwtite, strength and vigor, take P. P. P., and you will be stroug aud healthy, t or shattered coustltutions and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash. Poke Root aud Potassium) is the king of all medicinev P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by alt drueejsts. A VMS RE3IEDY Tor nearly fifty years this wonderful roir sdy has proved itself the best, quickest, saf SBt and surest antidote for pain in be world. THK TKUE K ELI El'1, EADWAY'B READY RFLIEPIs safe, re llnble aud effectual bucauso ot the stimulat ing action i f the bod-, adiliuK tune to the one mil inciting to renowod and increased vUor the sluuiberiiu vitality if the physical struc ture, and tli roil gti this Healthful stimulation ud iiiireasod action the cause or the PAIN is dnveu away and a natural condition re stored. It is thus tba' the KEADY KHLIEK is so admirably adniitud for tho CURE OF PAIN and llhont the risk of injury which Is ture to result from the US3 of mauy of the so-called pain remedies of the day. Jn using medicines to stop pain we should avoid such as infl ot injury on the system. Opium, Morphine, Ether.C icaine and Chloral stop pain by destroying ,ue senso of percep tion, when tho patient loses the power of feelinif. 'this is the most destructive nrac tico; it masks the symptoms, shuts up, and, lasti'ad of reinovimr troubl", breaks down tue sn macn. uver am Oowols. and. if con tinued toraleugthoi time, kills, tbe nerves ano nroaucos local or genural paralysis. mere is no necessity for usinu these un certain airfnts, when a positive remedy like HAD WAY'S KEADV BELIEF will stop the muni exoruciHMiiK nnin quicaer, WHUout en tailing the lout difficulty iu eltuer iuia'it or BUUll. A CLUE FOIt ALL Summer Comiolaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. Ahalf to a teasromftil of Ready Relief In a nait tumbler or wator, repeated as often u me uiscnaritea conimue, and a flannel sat urated with KoHdy Relief placed over tha stomach and bowels, will afford immediate renei ana to in enect a cure. A half toa tfoapoonful in half a tumbler of water will in a tow minutus curd Cramps, Bpasm, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nervous ness, (Sleeplossness, Bick Headache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency und all Internal pains. Malaria Li ANI I'KVUt, I EVER AND Atit K ( ONOUKItEl). RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Not only euros the patient selznd with this terrible fo i to settlers in niwlv-settled dis tricts, whuro the Mularia or Ait le existi, but if pooplo expose 1 to it will every morning, on Ktttiiig nut or lieu. isKH twenty or tinny drops of the Heady Relief in water, and ent, say, a cracker, they u ill osonpe attacki. This must bo done bcfnro poing out '1 here is not a remedial aent In the world that will cure Pever and Ague and all other Malarious, 1111 ous aided by RADW Y'B JV.iv80 1uick BS RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. 50c. Per Bo'.tle. Sold by Druaoiafs. The Great Liver and Stomal Remedy Tor tho cursor a'l disorders of the Stomach, Iiivr, Bowels, Kidneva, Bladder, errous IiiseisoB, Los 1 of Apjiotite, Head"'liH, Cos tiveneKS, IndiKostion, Biliounneai Paver, lu lliinnnation of Ilia Ilowuls. film and a I other d -ranwmentH of Ih ntornnl V srera. Purely e'talile, containing i o nurcury, minerals or dlc:e-ious 1i uks 1 rice, 2j couts por box. Sold by all drug irlsts. DYSPEPSIA Dr. Rod way's Pills aron onra for this com plaint. Thoy restore strength to the stomaoh and enalde it to porionn Us function. Tuo svniptoms of Dysptnsia dinppuai', and with them tholiahiliiy of tho sti-in to contract diaeasni, alto the niodioiuo accordi-"? to dii'octiuns.an 1 observe what wo soy of "F.ilse and True." respecting diet- Iflr'Bflnd a li-itor stump to DR. RADWAT & I'd., Lock Box iWo, New York, for "False aud True " BE 8. RE TO GET RaDWAYU Endorsid it thi Wiour a. SjEriTIIOLlNHflLER firATARRH HEADACHE M avntflf 1NTIAI.RR will mire Ton A wonderful boon to siirTererf from t ol,li, HoraThrant, Inflnenrn. llrnnehllla. orllAK FKTI(. Afonh immritlatertlirf. An enlclent . . , remeiiy, conrenlent to carry in poeet.rea1y to U'S on Brut Indication of cold. Jonllniied lfte tirecte I'ermnnent Tnre. fS . S niirnicea ormoney re ru ruled. Price, Irlal freo nt llnnuimti. lteidmorod mull, B0 cents. I, J. CUSHMiH, Mfr Ihw Rireri, Midi., U. S. L a. ...... OTT8HKAW S MENTHlll Thn "irfdt and safest remMy for kJ7 allslilndlieaaes. Kctema, lieb.Hiili Khmimnld Sores, llurns. I'm. Wonderful rerr (lyforPII.K. Price, sr.eta. nt Droit-n A I gilts or by mnll prennlil. Aililrenn aboTn. DM L For sale by Matthews Kros. aud John IL IMielps, JHfiftOO Given On. August n pill? Gail & Ax's NAVY Long Cut TOBACCO. ALSO 50 ELEGANT GOIjO WATCHES. 75 HANDSOME MANTKL Cl.TJClta 100 ELEGANT NICKKLi WATCHISS. Save your Empty Paper Wrappers. ' Your Dealer can furnish full particulars. Cholera Infantum and Children's Stomach Troubles Physicians by the thousand recommend Space will not permit the publica tion of one per cent, of the names of eminent physicians who consider BOVIN1NE indispensable in treating all such cases. Here are only a few out of many, just to show what a great food BOV1N1NE is:- L. n. Swnrmstedt, J. R. C. Gowell, I). llanton, J. W. Bell, J. E. While, J. W. Couliilgo, T. W. Hcrbeit, W. J. Martin, S. II. Dewey, W. S. Morrison, S. H. Moore, W. W. James, M. D. Washinston, D. C. Wilmington, Del. Waterloo, la. PillsburR, Pa. Toronto, Can. Scranton, 1'a. Washington, D. C. Pittsburg, Pa. Richmond, Va. St. John, N. It. Indianapolis, lnd. Philadelphia, Pa. These and twenty-five thousand others have taken the trouble to write us stating how they depend upon BOVININE in all children's illness. Sold by all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK, Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL. $200,000 SURPLUS, $250 000 TMn Imnk ofTers to denosltnrs positors even lactiuy wurraiitrd b ny tiielr balencei, busl- utt ami rmiiialbilitT. llll biieclul attention gtven to business ao- vwuui. autui-vHt ,uia ou tim aeposlte. fflLi.TAM fONNKI.T, President. iKO. II. C'ATLIN, Vlce-l-realdent WILLIAM U. 1KCK, tu.ble DIItKCTOnS. William Tonnell, Goorje H. Catltn. Alfred Hand. James Arelibald, Henrv TRADERS National Bank of Scranton CHGANIZED 18 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30000. FAMTJEL HIN'ES.tPresldent. W. W. WATSON. Vico Prosident A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS, PAMITRL IIlNFS, JAMES M" EvERITART, 1KVINO A. KlNCR, PlEllCE B. FlNLEY, JOSKPH J. Jkumvk. li. . Krukiier., Cuas, 1'. ilAiTHEwa. John T.Pohtm. W. W. Watmo.v. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the put r on age of business Dion and firms generally. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man V 1 ttn.1 ll tOl IVU.Tt It Ui .,i 18th Day. of Me. 1 uiiLni ;0th Day. procluc eH t lie above results In 30 dnvs. It a-tr poweriiiiiysndqulekly. Cures when all other fail Young meu will reunni their lost moiibooil aiul old nieu will reeovcr tlioir youthful vmor by lining It li VI TO. It (illicitly and surely ronton?! Nervous ness, Loi-t Vitality, Impotent?, Nightly Emllons. Lost Power, failing Memory, Wanting Dlneases. and all effects of self-ahum or excess aud iiidiscretiou. which uufitnono fors'iuly, biminesn or marriage. It not only cures hy Rtnrtlinr nt the neat of disease, but In a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing buck tho pink glow to pule checks ami l-o stilling tho fire of youth. It wards oft fimnnity and Consumption. Insist on having HKVI VO.no other. It can be carried tn vent pocket. By mr.il $1.00 per package, or nix lorS5.UO, with ll post oBy ror o wikiuu Kuiirmiitit? w ture or roiuiiu money. Circularlreo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL. r ante by Matthews llros., Scriintmi, I'a. Druggists, yHL. 7R B"Tr ! Nilural Fltl-h Bully Corrllite l ZVtt I J cumi-lew iib I'lntwl iImI wlw.li, axiii, f TlaVr r --1 -irpn-r t-Tm"rl hinlln U.il. olbMlnum uDrirQni,Dcu.ru.iii,.ivai(uiu.UMnrll,fan. AI-r.o uBludajtr:i.l. t'lltt'lHY I'AIDiDO nnn.r r.nuii.10 bdtuioo. 7.UU) In UM. .kr. Ilia obl,t knil bed known ftc, ra ofrur kml. rt'iabl. trd rtiinnKlti.. lutftrtifti ifuntl.lK'Ul.nTtira.. 11k..wImU i!iktitbut1fb.tit )lu.raotr.tnb,Mnrr.Nntt,told hlth, lni.,,1 Ortnr rprtr. Vhmi TO-)AT lot ovir Urtn PKKK UllubMri tatl -ffii. all.i.itil.'l-M .nil It, I.I Dulili.K.il. OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabash Av.i., Clifcano, III. What Is More Attractive I Than a pretty face vflth a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Pozzonl's Powdor. Away fg 15th, 1894, to consumers of Third Nafiona rbotflprapliwl ! Good Ellen Deserve Good Glot 0 NE of the strong points of The Trib- une s equipment as a hrst-class printinor es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to- date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Hnl tichromes Oi'itly The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated . Series Multicnronie Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so horoughly that you will simply be d( ighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES lies DO COOO BUSINESS AND t'HVtiUlAN;; AMI bU ItU k.UM.1 I'JR.O. EDGAR DEAN has removed toH a-' bliruoe 8treet, bcramon, Jra. (Just op rosito Colin-homo bqura) 1)K. A. J. UUiNELL, Otlice 201 Washington avunue, corner Hpruo Btroet. oror f raucke s drug tiora. Kosidenco, m Vine sc. JJflice taours: )0.aitol2a. m. aud K tot and zJJizP-m1oaHtlay, X to J ja. 1)1'- W. Ii Al".LEN. offlca' cor. Lack , wanna and Wnshiiieton uves.: over Leon ard shoe btore; oUic-e hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and u- i p,im-i vmuiw at residuuee, iltH. yaahiunton yvo. I li. U i, FKEY, I'ractlco limited to Dis. m "f.1 tUo El Er, Nose aud Throat; olMco, U. Wyoiuiu ave, Kuaidenoe, 5a Vins 1) 'A,M ATE8. 1S6 Wuahiniftou Avenu Otlice hours, 8 to V a.ui.. l.au to 3 aud X JLT-rn. Koldeticodli9 Madison avinu OHN U WE,v Z, M. V., OUioos Ut aud SI f .. M . wul,l,III(o roHiueuce ii t Cliniiinnwul tl. fit ...uuunave; oiuce nours. W to 12, II to 4, T to t, bundays 2.80 to i. eveulnits at resideuot. A iprciiilty made of diFoas;s of the eye, oar, nose snd tUroat and eyneoologK I.AHVKRS. T M. I KAM-h. 8 Law and Collection of. . lice, No. 817 bnruce sr., opposite Forest li oune. Koran ton, Pa,; colltctioiie a epocfalty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable corrosuonif entajnevory county. IKtitiUPS & hAAlI AttornevM and (iimbmI. " iora at Law, Vv asluugtoo av toinnionwenlth bulldiujfj . u. jam VP, Hohack E. Hand. W. H. Jksbup, Jil lf ILI.AKD, WAKREN & KNAPP, Attor. l,,iMeySn,1wOU"Rolol'sst Law "epuulicao !il!llJ?K! aslilngton ave.. Hcranton, Pa. l)A;i"ltt,bN & W1LCUX. Attoinoys and X touuseUora at Law; otlkoa ft aud H Ubrary liulldiii bcrunton, Pa. HoaWELb H. PATT1RSO " 11.1.1AM A. VVIMlOX. A LKKEDHAND, WILLIAM .. HAN D. At. jia. uirnoys and Counsellors, Commonwealth build "'k. iioms w. and 'ii. 1JOYLE. AttnPni..t.T n. V It, . un u..T'..,r;;. "'.."':"""'"us-, " 111 r uuiiiiinar. vv aalniiKton avenue. I I , -,- M- ,BKKL.Y Law offi.es in Prica - -- uuiiuiiiir. jn vv uait iiitrn . ... .. ' " "IHHIWII VCI1UJ U i" . V ULLH Attorney at Law. Koom i.ai-uniiKR. ccranton, I'a. . ." ,V,OAK,l ohD- Attorney at Law, ' rooms 83, ndJ.'ommonweilth b'l g SAIiUE,'- EL,liA. Attorney at Law. L. u' i ,,,, wu, . n. A. WAlKrJb, Attornoy at Law, til Lackawanna aue.. StTanton. Pa. I m5'iTS' ,'roui""!llor Rt L. Office, rooma SI. SS, M Commonwcnlth hnii.n... I ' n. J IILHLK. Attorney at Law, Com- v. monwna.th l,lln.. c....... C. COMKOYB, it!l Snrtine st. J).Ut KKPLOULK, A f tnrni... t lt,i!J?aJj!statejecOTitjrJ088 1 r . KILL AM, Attornevut-Law, 120 Wy uuiiuK avenue, rranton. CCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares hoys and girls forcollegs or busineKa: thorouprhly trains vouug cluldrea Catalogue at request. Rev. Thomas M. Can Walter H. Buei.l. MISS WOKCKSTEH'S K1NDEKUARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, pupils all times. Next term will open Snpte'iibor 3. lhN I IMS. WM. A. TAFT. D.D.S., 101 North Wash iimton Ave. t'peclnlty in Porcelain iieiicoi'iuions. Crown nnd liridgo Work. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentist. No. 115 Wyoming ave. I,' M. s'l'HAT I'ii.V. ofn,. r al Fyrln" IliA.NS. rpHB REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso- A ClatlOU Will loiin vnil m.,nnv n Uul.. ami pay you bettor on iuvostmunt thim any other association. Call on h. N. CAlLlN 1I'H. Dmie Rnnk buildln" r-i:i:i)s. GR. CLARK & CO., Boeilsmon, FlorisU and Nursorvmcn; store 140 Waahinirrnn avenue; green house, law North Main avenue; store telephone 7K-J TKAS. OHAN1J UNION TEA CO.. .Innes Hros. WIRK S RKI NS. TOS. KUETTEL, tf Hcrnnttm. Pn.. 5i5 Lackawanna avenu ii'iinnf'r nf Wiro Screens IIOTKLS AM) KKSTAITRANTC, HE WESTMINSTER. 2I7-21!! Wvm,n ave. Rooms heated with ste.nn: all mml. ein lmprovom, uts. C. Ji. Thiiuah, Pron. HMIE ELK CAFE, 1ST, and 127 Franklin ave A nuo. Kates roasonnblo. P. Zieoi.er, Proprietor. Lsl'illi&XEH HOTEL. v W. (i. srifr'.wr-tr vr Sixteenth street, one block oast of Broadwav ul ITinn V.. V .. American plan, S3. 50 per day and upward. CiOYNE UOUStl, Europoau plan; "good rooms. Onun dav aud ni?ht. Ui.'.,. plied witu the best. J- p- COYNE, Proprietor, OCRANTON HOUSE, near D I. w ... i.j acuger uepot. Conducted nn tViw Kiir,,ui.n Plan. Victoii Kont. Proprietor. J HAND CENTRAL, The" iargos't and bUt M enuinnei hutol in Alltmtoivn. Pa , ..r.. J2 and i2.oO per day. VKToit D. Ba rnfr, Proprietor. AIU'IIITEI'TS. J) AVIS 110UPT, Art'.hltet ts. Rooms 21, 25 and 211 Commonwealth h'ld'g. Scranton. ,1 L. WALTER, Architect, Library build- ing. Wyoming avenue. Scranton. J? U BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price 1 building. 12H V itsliinirtoi) Ave.. Scranton. lis i:i.i.am:oi s. IJACF.R S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR Mi balls, nicnica. nartion. reeentintta dings and concert work furnished. For terms addresa H. J. Bauer, conductor, lir Wyoming ave., over Hulbert's music store. UOHTON D. SWAItTS-WHOLESALE lumber, Trice building, Scrnnton, Pa. Ml'.GARUEE BROT11ERH, PRINTERS' slltinilos. enveloTip.i. nmui, l.nm, ,;., Warehouse, lo0 Washiugtou ave., Scrauton, HOUSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE at 1:311 Capousj evonue D. L. FOOTF, Agent MtANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealers in Woodware, Cordngo aud 'h iiuiu, i .u n, ijiii'KHwauiia avenue. IZUA i i N N & SOiSS, biiihlers and coutrac-J-J tors. 1 arils: Corner Olive st. and Adams avo.; corner Ash at and Penn ave., Scranton. The GENUINE New Haven Mathushek " Pianos li ESTABLISHED 18C0. New York Warerooma No. 80 Fifth Aveiiuo. E. C. BICKER & CO, Bole dealers in this taction. OFFICE 121 Adams Avo,. Telephone BTd'g Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Coubt Bouse SquAkb, All binds of Laundry woik gnarantoe t tha beat. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCRANTOJJ AND WILKES-BARRE. PA, MANUFACT0RER8 Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ' General Office, SCRANTON, PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF 1 1 LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleauliuess and comfort. TIMK TABLE IN EFFECT MAT 20, 1801. Trains leave 8cranton for Pittston, Wilkes. frn,?t5',-at,?aJ' a. m., 12.60. 100, lift ?- I t' U u p' m- Bundaya, ll.UU a, m, l.WI, 2.1.1, 7.10 p. in. For Ailantio City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.50 (expross with Buffet parlor car), aw (exprewi) p. m. Bunday, 8.15 p. m. " Foil Maiich Chunk, Ai.i.intown, Betrli FAKT.1' tui Philadelphia, 8.30 a. m.. U0O, ,3.(10, B.U0 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. bunday, 2.15 p. m. .? 0 fil,AcH, Oceaw Qrovb, etc, at 8.20 (with tnrough car) a. m., 12.S0 p. m. For Roadinfr Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Bunday: 2.1.1 p. ra. For Pottoville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. Returning, leuve New York, foot of Liberty ",,r'";t.vJ'""tl1 river' at lU0 (express) a. m.,' l.lo, 1.J0. 4.:i (express with Buffet parlor ear) p. m. Sunday, tail a. m. Leave I'hilatlolphia, Reading Terminal 8.09 a. m 2.00 and t;& p. m. Bunday, 0.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at loweat rates may be had on application in advanoa to ths bit&ui, uyeufc at tue stution. H. P. BALDWIN, tien. Pans. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. 8upt. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 29, 1892, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts- t.in Wllkos.Un.. Din 011.07, 9U7, lO.tia. m.. iili? i-'JO, v.tu, 0.1J, e.J and 11 85 p. m. For New York and Phlla- 2 38, 110 and 11.30 p. m. ' ' For Honeedale(trom Delaware, Laokawanna and western dopot), 7.00, 8. U0, 10.10 a.m., 12.UD ni., 2.17, 6. 10 p. m. lor Carboadalo and intermediate stations. tUO, 7.00, 8.U0, 10.10 a. m 12.00 m.,2.17. 8.io,5.10, li 20 and 0 ; p. m.; from Bridge Street DodoL 2.10 a. in.. 2.1;and 11 36 p. m. " Fast cxprcHi to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England po.nts, 5.40 a. m., arriv.n at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2.20 p. m..and leaving Scranton at 2.17 p. m., arriving at Albany at 8.50 p. m., Sara toga, 12.55 a, m , and Boston, 7.00 a. m. Tue only direct route between tbe coal fields and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Routa of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re sorts. Lakes George aud Champlain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket offices. H. ii. YOUNO, J. W. BUR DICE, Second Vice President Gon. Pass. Agt IAV 14. Iw4. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia anil New York via. D. Sc H. R R. at 8 a-m., 11.10, 2.8H and 11.35 p. m. via D , L. & W. H. K., 8.00, H. W. 11.20 a. m.,and 1.30 p. in. Leave Scranton for PitUton and Wilkes Barre via D.. L & W. R. K 6.00, &03, U.aj a. m, 1.80, 3.50. 8.07. 8.. Op. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Eazleton, Pottavllle and all points on ths Beaver Sleadow and Pottavllle branches, via E. & W. V.. 0 40 a.m., via D. & H. R. R. at 8 a.m.. 12.10, 2.38. 4 10 p.m., via D., L. & W. K. B, 6.U0, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., l.ao, aOOp.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Eaaton, Reading, Harrisburg and all intermediate points via D. Ss H. R. R., 8 a.m., 12.10. 2.38, 11.8) p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R.,8.00,8.08. 11.20 a. m- I. 30 p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhannock, Towanda, Eimira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermeditte points via D. it H. R.R.,9.07 a m., 12.10 and 11.31 p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R 8.08 a.mM1.30 p. ra. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, "i"i agara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points west viaD. & H. R. R., 9.07 a.m.. 12. 10,9.15,11.0 p. m., via D. L. St W. R, R. and Pittstoa Junction. 8.08 a.m., 1.30, 8.5V p. m.. via E. W. R rt.. a. 41 p. m. For Eimira and ths west via Balamanot, via D. A 11. R. K. 9.07 a.m., lilO.s.ia p. ra.. via D. L. & W. R. a, ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. Si B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia. Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. East Div. CHAS. 8. LI'.E. Gin. Pass. Ag't, Phila.P. AW.NON'NEMACHER.Aai't aen.Paas. Ag't, South Botblt-hem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and ah points East L40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.6o a. m. ; 12 56 and 8.50 p, m. Express for Easton. Trenton. Ptuladelohla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.5o a. m.; M5 and 3.50 p. m. wasnington ana way stations, s.&3 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodatfon, 8.10 p. m. Expr ss for Bingbnmton, Oswego, Eimira, Corning, Bath. Dansville, Mount Morris ana Buffalo. 12.10. 2 16 a. m. and 124 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in ths West, Northwoat and Southwest. Da'.h accommodation, nam. Binghnmton aud way stations, 12.37 p. m. NicuoLou accommodation, at t p. m. and 6.10 p. m. Blnghamton and Eimira Express. 6.05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca. 2.15 and Bath 9 a. m. and 124 p. m. For Nortbumberland.Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Williamsport Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington aud the South. Northuuiberland and intermediate stations, 6 (Hi. 9.55 a. m. and 1.80 and 6.07 p. m. Nauticoae ana intermediate nations, 8.01 and 11.20 a. ni Plvuioutb and intermediate stations. 8.50aud 8,5: n. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. , ... For detailed information, pocket tlmi tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket otllos, 32 Lackawanuaaveuus, or depot ticket othoa. KEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS RAILWAY CO. TIME TABLE IN KKFEC'T SUNDAY, JUNE 24. Trains leave Scranton (or Carbondale at 8.30, 111.55 a.m. and I) 1'p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 6 10 p. ni. Trains leave Hancock Junotlon for Scran ton. (lam. and 205 pui. Trains leave Carbondale for Scranton at 7 24 a m. and 9.34, 6.34 p.m. srnAXTniN itiio. In Kllrct Juae21ih, 1804. North Round. Mouib Bound, 205 203:201 s & a b Stations J s. s w P M, .... 7S.', (Trains Dally, Ex. I cent Mmdny.) Arrive Leavei N. Y. Franklin St. .... 1 M) VVesc 4iind street weeliawken P l M Arrive Leave! 8 Siii 1 15 . 8 1 0!) . Tuila' nil . llaucnck" Junction Hancock starll(lit Trenton park como 7 10 A M 4I P 1 5(1 1 4 50 i W 4 55 8(11 8 05 8 0D 6( S ID, 8 18 8 3li 8 84 7rrtii'.'ii:io ioi Poynlello Belmont PlPHsanr. Mt I'nliuidBle Korset CUT Carbondaie White nildtre Maylleld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Pcckvllle Olyi bant Dickson Turnop Providence Park Place tcrauton 7S:i IS INIMUII 7 in fii-iit 7 .-) 1 1 4!) 0 Mill 81 (1-fsflltO ft; 4;)J .... IMS DM 015' 1J 7 ar ts 381 5 87 (uo; 11 fl (illlll IM DIM, 7 81 7 4i 8.S.V11 lSi 8 easfinrii hm ea.i II 11 HTiO 0 '.'A 6 VI 11 U7, 8 44 11 U'ii N41 e i!) ii oi; s:;iii 6 14:11 l 8 fO ih f I0M"; 8 a.'l 6 10 10 58; P U'A MA Leave Artlve' air All trains run dally except Sunday, f. signifies that trains stop on signal tor pas sengers. ecure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day an4 fcllit JCxiiress to the West. J. C. Andorson, Gen. Pass Aft, X. Flltcroft, Dlv, Pass, Agt. Scranton, Pa, 1 J 1 J