THJ3 SCltAKTON TlUliU AJU-VVlSUKJSSDAr MOKrUJNtt. J 11. I4. 5 rounded spoonful Woes better work kthun a spoonful. others. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo NEW GOODS J DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, P&INTED ORGANDIES. Hagen 415 LAGKA. AVE, Bare your COLI.A1IS starohod In the old y, when you cm have tumn done with soft, Minble Buttonholes tor TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. iUiams & McAnuity 127 Wyoming Ave. i CITY NOTES. At 8 o'clock this afternoon the directors of the St. Joseph's society will bold a meeting. The annual picuic of the Hook and Lad der compnuy will be held at Waaler's grove ou July 23. The will of George Schautz, late of this city, was admitted to probate yesterday by Kecister of Wills Koebler and lettor tes tamentary granted to Catharine Schauta. The young son of Warden Grimes, of the county jail, who was shot in the eye on Monday on North Washington avenue, is not seriously injured and the attending physician thinks he will be around in a few day. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Thomas Kelly and Bridget Regan, of Scranton; Clarence Hull and Marcella B. Ferry, of Luntnore, and John 8. McCaffrey and Jane Carbrey, of Scranton. Yhe Dtlaware, Lackawanna and tu excursion to Pleasant Bnch and Maple Bay on Saturday, July 14. will be the only one run to well known summer resorts of York state this year. The ex cursion' will be uuder the direct super vision of George M. llalstead. Opto All Night at Lehman's Spruce street. BOLD, BADJOTAYIllEN. An Officer Must Guard the Ecranton and Ptttaton Express. Albert Slyer, proprietor of the Scranton and Pittston express, and driver of the team wbicb makes the d'dly round ttip between this city and FittstoD, will today nave for a Dassen- ger a deputy marshal, or some other legal ruuotionary empowered to aot if necessary, in the county of Luzerne, Eold, bad highwaymen have been plotting to deprive the pilot of the Scranton and Pittston express of his teni, or rather one of thospirited pair. The knights of tbe road are not of the Dick Turpin stamp; they are of the av. erage calibre of Ameriean citizens, and tbe necessity of a gnard about tbe lonely express Is occasioned by tueb an nnrouiBntlo fact as a "hoss" trade. Several weeks ago Mr. Myers traded horses with a party from Pittston, wbo was the authored agent of another person. Mr. Myers gave $10 difference between the two animals, but after ward learned that the third party had only received $3. Now the Pittston iao has sonred on the bargain and has evinced tbe desire to waylay the Scran, ton expressman and secure tbe traded "boa." Last evening Mr, Myers was hunt ing for Dxputy Marshal Scanlon to guard him along tbe dustv highway and put the bad robbers to flight. Meanwhile tbe "hoss" world is hold ing iti breath and wondering if today's trip will end in disaster or glory. Lwn Baaor, Refrigerator, Ice Cream Freeitrs. 1 uavo now on hand and will sell at oost prices 19 Lawa Razors, 18 Refrigerators, 15 Ice Cream Freezers. Come aud get one bnfore they are all gone. Thob. F. Leonard, ' &JS Lackawanna ave. Excursion of First Presbyterian Sunday Bcuool to Lake Ariel. Friday, July lain. Train leaves E. & W. V. depot at 8.80 a. m. Tickets for sale at Sanderson's Drug Store and on tbe train. Adults, 76c.; chif dren under twelve years, 40c. Of Bfcur mnfl's heaping fe- J lea 'S His Premising Trotter, Ciraz), Buraed to D;atQ at M.dford, Mass. ITS RECORD FOR A HALF MILE It Had Made It in a Minute and It Was Expected to Make a Mile in Two Minutes Mr. Jermyn Says the Death of the Animal Means a Loss to Him of $100,000 The Trainer Is Almost Crazed with Grief. Frank Jertuyu, of this city, sustaiued a seveie lose Monday nig lit through tbe burning of a stable ut Medfotd, a suburb of Boston, wbicb contained his promising trotter, Ctnizo, which he hud on Monday refused fS.i.OUO for. Tbe dispatches received by Mr- Jer rayn yesterday do not give the details 8 to tbe cause or the tire simply con talning tbe announcement that tbe nu imal was burned to death and that the trainer, a young man namod Wilson. was almost craz-d with grief over tne unfortunate nftair. The manager of the stables besought Mr. Jermyn to telograpli Wilson thut tie neia mm blameless rur tbe burning, for it was feared that the young uiau's reason would become dethroned through brooding over the matter. He bad been Caruzo's constant attendant for two yearn and was mucb attached to the animal. TUHCIIASED TWO YEARS AOO. The hore was purchased by .Mr. ,iermvn two year' ago as a yearling in Kentucky for ." 000. Carazo's dam was Happy Sluliuui, whose mother produced JUasey Loo, bince ne De cline owner cf the horse, Mr. Jermyn baa given it the m st earful truiuing. It developed wonderful speed and eh durance, but nothing was noised abroad of its wonderful performances. Tbe intention was to astonish the world when it made its debut on tbe mce track. In private the horse had made a half utile in a minute, and it was confidently expected that it would make a mile ou the track in two min utes. Carazo was being prepared for ship ment to Grand Kapids, Mich., to take part in its nist race when the nre oo curred that ended tbe career of the noble animal. There was a small in turunce on Ctirnzo, but not anything liko enough to compensate Mr. Jermyn for the treat loss he has sustained. V UAT Jilt. JERMYN SAY'S. "The death ot Carazo is not only a loss to me hut l brruly believe it is a tfreat loss to the turf sitid frank Jer myn last evening when questioned about the horse by a Ikibukk reporter. "It was a really wonderful animal and I am satisfied tbat its work would have created the greatest furore in trotting circles of any horse for years. 1 don't believe its equal lives today. That was the opinion of everyone wbo saw 119 performance on tbe track. 'I inn sure that within a week it would have held all troting records aud Scrautou would have had the dis tinction of being tbe home of tbe king of the tnrf. Its death means a loss of $100,000 to me. I have telegraphed to Wilson, the trainer, not to let this at fair weigh heavily on bis mind for I will have another horse like Carazo if money can obtain him " MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETING. Interesting Faptr Bead by Dr. Connor on the Human Emotions. Although it was the Lackawanna County Medical society that met there, which organization is generally sup posed to bo exceedingly grave, digni fied and serious, the gloomy walls ot the coroner s olhce last night resounded with the merry deliberations of that society. President Williams called the meeting to order and after tbe adoption of last meeting's minutes, tbe preliminary order of business was taken nu and passed. Drs. Miller and Mutchler, ofStrouds- burg, sent in their applications for ad uiUaion to the society. There is an ar ticle in the by-laws whiah says that only those physicians who are reiidents of Lackawanna county are eligible to membership. This section wss amended at last night's meeting si tbat physi cians from outside counties can be ad mitted. Dr. Connor, the secretary, read a paper on ''The Human Emotions," whicu received mucb praise from those present. It treated of the effect of f x ternal tens ition on the nervous sys tem and tbe effect that it produces upon a patient. A discussion followed which whs engaged in by Drs. Weblau, Rea and Heath. Two bills were read and ordered paid. Dr. 3. II. Kierstead was balloted for aud unanimously ad mitted to membership. Dr. Parke read a communication from Librarian Carr, of the Albright library. At the last meeting of the Medical society, Drs Gardner, Burnett, Parke and Gates were appointed a com mittee to tender to tbe trustees of the Albright library the use of tbe collec tion of books in possession of the medi cal society, known as tbe "Throop Li brary, Tbe communication read last night from Librarian Cifr accepted the gift of the meilicul society. The commu'ii cation BtAted that tbe society could place among the books in the Albright Memorial building the "Throop LI brary" and any subsequent additions to it which may be wade. Tbe gift was acceptod for a period of three years with the privilege of renewal for the next two years. The said books are for ref -renoe only and can be re moved from tbe building only npon an order from tbe Medical society. The question of deciding who shall be en titled to tbe privilege of removing such books from tbe library and also other matters pertaining to tbe sub ject, were laid over until the next meeting, Dr. Rea introduced the matter of the annual summer onting of the so ciety. Several places were suggested and finally all agreed upon holding it at Farview. . Through courtesy to ward four members wbo belong to tbe Thirteenth regiment, wbicb orgauiza tion will be at camp dnring the week in which occurs the date of tbe next regular meeting of tbe society, tbe second Tnesday in August, tbe date of tbe next meeting waa changed to the date of tbe first Tuesday, August 7, so tbat those four members can have an opportunity of attending the outing, wbicb has been arranged for tbat date. The following committee was ap pointed to perfect the minor details of the outing, such as arranging a place for meeting, and if possible an excur sion to Honesdale afterward: Drs. Gunster, Parke, Connor and Bnrnett. It is the intentention to leave this city as near noon as practicable, go to Darvlew and after holding a meeting there, tnksa trip to Honesdale. return ing to C.rbondale to dine at tbe new Hotel Autbracite. ' An invitation will bs extended to the medical societies of Luzerne and JERMYN GREAT Wayne counties to accompany the Lackawanna Medical society ou the oc casion. ANOTHER STREET RAIlWAlf. The North, End Company Granted, a Charter by the State Department. ' A charter wss yesterday granted at the state department in Harrisburg to tbe Scrantou North End Street Hail way company. The route over which the tracks of the company will be laid begins at North Main avenue and runs westward on Market street to Dlcuson avenue. Tlie other branch begins on Penn avenue ut Delaware street and runs to Electric avenue, along Electric avenue to Washington avenue, to tbe Oly pliant road, to Tiiroop borough, ro turning over the Olyphant road to the Boulevard and along the Boulevard to the starting point. Tin company has a, capital stock of fv'i.000. The directors are Lemuel Ammrrman, H. H. Archer, P. S. P'K" L. A. Watres and Robert C. Adam, all of this city. At the last meeting of tbe select council un ordinance grant ing a franchise to this coinnauy was introduced in select onuucil and re ferred to committ-e. If the franchise is grunted those who are Interested in the company say the work will shortly begin toward building the trucks aud putting up wires. WORST TROUBLE IS OVER. Wholesale Meat Dealers Believe They Will Have no Further Trouble in Supplying the Demand. The outlook among the local whole, sale und retail meat dealers was some what brighter yesterday. A visit to the'offl -es of the Scranton aud Stowers Packing companies found that each concern bus a supply on band iquivalent to the demand. They nre not receiving any shipments from Chi cago; their orders, however, nre being filled by firms in Kansas City and Omaha. It takes two days louger for the shipments to reach here, and it also enthils more expense iu freight. This makes the price of their products deurer by from li to 3 cents per pound. These bouses expect no trouble in sup plying the dwnian !s from their trade. Ti e wholesale fresh meat dealers are not receiving any meat from Chicago. Their orders are filled at Kansas City, St. Louis, Hammond and Omaha, and they are not worrying over tneir abil ity to supply the demand from retail butchers, Tbe wholesale men nre more or less governed by the prices in the New York and Philadelphia markets. At the latter places the price of meat per pound has advaucsd 2 to4cenls per pound. The wholesaler bave raised tbe prices an average of 3 cents per pound while tbe retail butchers are still keeping the old prioes. Some of tbe smaller retail dealers are not buying much meat, because there is no profit iu it for them. This is noticed more in tbe suburbs where tbe butcher wagons make two or three road trips a week. Tbe retail butchers are scouring the surrounding country for native beef; but tbe owners are holding out for high prices. The sentiment of tbe wholesalers is to the effect that tbe worst trouble for tbem is over and unless the strike lasts some time and tbe tie-up be comes general, there will be no further trouble in meeting the demand. A ROYAL GOOD TIME. The E)ki Offer Many Attractions at Lake Ariel Today. There was a stir and activity among Elkdom last night which betokened a right royal time for all who participate in their excursion to Lake Ariel today. In view of the large crowds anticipated arrangements have been made for ex tra cars and trains so tbat all may go in safety and comfort. To mention all the attractions which the Elks will oifar after tbe lake is reached is almost impossible; it is per haps sufficient to say tbat there will be all manner of races and contests, planned and impromptu, a clam bake, dancing under the management of J. Frank Siegel and a boat ot other amusements. Trains will leave the Washington avenue station of the Erie nnd Wyom ing Valley railroad at 8.15, 9.15, 1 30 and 3.27. The fare for the round trip is $1 for adults and half fare for chil dren, TWO SCRANTON COMPANIES. Thej Will Apply to the Governor for Charters. On Aug. 8 Attorney Thomas F. Wells will upply to tbe governor for a char ter for the Scranton Electric Construc tion company, tbe obj-ct of wbich is to manufacture and furnish eleotrie plants of all kinds to those wbo desire them. Among those wbo are interested in the company are E. P. Sturges, F. E Piatt, O S. Johnson, W. T. Smith. F. J. Piatt and Joseph C. Piatt. Attorney H. M. Streoter will apply to the governor for a charter for the Scranton Chimney Cap company wbicb proposes to conduct a manufacturing business. Charles McMulleu. G, R Clark, W. C. Carey, M. W. Finn and W. J. Rennim tn are the incorporators. WANT TO TEAR UP PAVEMENT. What It Will Cost the Steam Heat Corn Company to do It. Yesterday tbe Economy Light, Heat and Power comp iny made application to the city authorities for permission to tear up the pavement on Washing ton nnd Lackawanna avenues. The estimate of the cost ia as follows: Washington avenue, from Larkawanua avenue to Mulberry street, 650 square yards at f2.65-$l 74!J 70: Lackawanna avenue, between Wyoiulnu aud Frank lin avenues, 874 squure yards at $3,65 t'JOl.10. The Fpworth Lue of Coranton Aud vicinity will join in an excursion to Honesdale Thunduy morning, July 13, thus affording nu opportunity for those who wish to join thorn in oue of the Quest rides' in the country, over the Gravity road with the delightful scenery at this season of tbe year. Trains leave the Vine street station, D. & li. railroad, at 8 o'clock. Tickets, one dollar; children, fifty cents: good to return on any regular train, al lowing a stop off at Farview. Persons finrchasing tickets, wishing to go nu a ater train, can do so by exchanging their tickets at tbe depot. , Tickets on sale at Third National bank and Powell's music store, $40,000 School House No. S7, E, L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month, to be built on Columbia aveuue. Lots for sale on tbis avenue at low prices for a brief period. ARTHUR FROTfilNQHAIf. Pill, MERIT ! rlmrantarlatln nf Hnnrt'l Rurminiirllln. and If 4a manlFoataH every day in the remarkable cures that mamnlna ArnomnllutlAB IT (V. u.nt.n.. rills is the kind. Try it Hood's Pills are the best family cathsr- tic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, care. THEIR STATION Directors of Delaware and Hudson Hire to Inspect IL THE MEMBERS OF THE PARTY They Expressed Themselves as Much Gratified with the Appearance of the Station and the Substantial Character of the Work Building Will Be Completed in a Week Con tractor Schroeder Says. At 0 30 last evening the first pas senger train atesmed into tbe hand some new station of the Delaware aud Hudson Canal company on lower Lack awanna avenue. The train was a special and contained tbe following directors of the company: R. M. O.y phant, James Roosevelt, Commodore Vm Sautvoorth, II. G. Young and Kenaett Olyphant. Superintendent C. H. Mauville, of Carbondale, and Archi tect Harney accomuanied the party. The directors lett Albany yesterday morning on their special traiu on tboir annual tour of inspection and their visit to tbis city was primarily for tbe purpose of inspecting the new station of the company. When the train arrived at the station the members of the party were met by Contractor Soiroedr and shown through the building. The directors expressed thems-lves as mucb gratified with the appearance of tbe building and tbe handsome and substantial character of the work. After spending a half hour in inspecting the structure tbe party left for Wilkes-Barrre. BUILDINU PRACTICALLY COMPLETED. The station is now practically com pleted, only a few details remaining to receive tbe last touches. Mr. Schroe der said yesterday that in another week the building will be entirely com pleted. In the rear of the station a long, cov ered platform has been constructed by which the trains will be reached. There are tracks on each side of it to accommodate tbe various passenger trains. Nine tracks hve been laid in tbe vard space in the rear ot tbe station. Those on the west of tbe platform are already in use for freight, and bave been for soma time. To avoid crossing the tracks an entrance to the freight yard has teen obtained by tearing down tbe building tbree doors west of the pisseuger station. The building throughout is complete ia all its ap pointments and an ornament to architecture. The greater part of the first floor is taken up with tbe general waiting room, the floor of which is handsomely tiled. The entrance to the building is most imposing. EXAMININuilSs MINERS. They Want to Secure Certificates Showing They Are Competent to Act as Mine Foremen. Twenty-three applicants for mine foreman's certificates were examined yesterday in tbe council chambers at tbe municipal bnilding by Mine In spector Patrick Blewitt, of tbe Second Anthracite Coal district, assisted by James Young, of Dunmore, superin tendent of the Pennsylvania Coal com pany; Benjamin Griffiths, of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Hyde Park mines, and Philip Mnlderig, of tbe Minooka mines of William Con Hell & Co. Those examined were: Robert E Owens, John Connolly, Henry S. Davis, Reese Thomas, Cburles Hainswortb, Edward E Davis, David H Price, Isaac Watkins, Evan Walter, Thomas F. Jones, H. G. Reese, John Dever eaux, Frank J, Campbell, Henry Davis, Samuel C. Jones, Francis E. Cosgrove, Alfred Powell, Daniel Mathias, Ed mund Davis, Lswis P. Davis, John T. Davis, David A. Jones, Michael Mc Nulty, All the applloants are from the Second district, which extends from Drinker street on tbe north to Dnrysa on tbe south of Scranton. Tbe examination will be continned until 5. 80 tbis afternoon. It cannot be ascertained what ques tions are included in the examination until after it is finished today, the rule beiug to gather tbe papers as each question is answered and then submit ting another question. The men nre examined on topics which include tim bering, gas, ventilation, etc, IT WAS A MUSICAL TREAT. Entertainment Given at the Y. W, a A. Room. List Night Those who attended the sooial held at the Young Women's Christian asso ciation rooms last evening received a rare musical treat, These socials are held weekly, but last evening the pro gramme was of a mucb higher order tlinii usual. It was given under tbe direction of Miss Florence Richmond, who succeed ed in procuring soiuj of the finest ama teur talent in the city. Tnose wbo contributed to the evening's entertain ment were th Havilen string quar tette, composed of Fred Wldmayer, R R. Weisenflue, Harvey Blackwood and Herb-rt Waters; Mrs, W. J. Hand and T. Curbing Jones, Mr. Jones has a rich baritone voice and his solos were received with rounds of applause. The programme opened with Hayden's minuet by the quartette, rendered in masterly style. It was followed by the solo of Mrs. W. do we sell it so cheap? Where do you get it? How long will you sell it for 25c? It's just as good as the tea I paid 50c. for. Such ex pressions are constantly heard from those who have been fortunate enough to secure some of our "Yoko hama", Tea. Some take 5 pounds for $1. Twenty pounds is the limit. E G. COURSES, 429 Lacka. Ave. J. Hand, who sang Faure's "Sancta Maria" 1 T. Cnsbing Jones ssng a solo entitled the "Muleteed of Farrngona" remarkaby well, and was obliged to re spond to an encore, when he sang De Koven's "Past and Future." The entertainment was a most de lightful oni and was thoroughly en joyed by all present. At the close of tbe programme refreshments consist ing of ice cream and cake were served in tbe parlors. CHARGES tGMNST A WOMAN. Those Who Made Thorn Arrested on a Charge of Slander. Mrs Mary Sauderovienz, of Lacka wanna township, yesterday begun ac tions in trespass against Anthony Nr-zciewski and John Moritzkl of the same place. She alleges that on June 20, 1894, near bar home in the presence of a number of persons tbe defendants did publicly proolaim that Mrs. Sanderovienz bad been unfaithful to her husband and al lowed other men to usurp his place at her si te. The plaintiff therefore claims dama ges in tbe sum of $1,000 from each of her defauiers. She is represented by Attorney M. A. McGinley. WYOMING SnArT EXERCISES. Will "'. Held on the Camp Ground Fru July 30 to August 10. Those Who Participate. On July 81 tbe Wyoming Camp Ground assembly at Wyoming camp ground will open and continue until the evening of August 10. Rv. O H. MoAnulty, R-v. J. B. bummer, Rev. H. C. McDermott, Rv. M. D. Fuller, aud Rev. J. G, Eckman have prepared the following programme of exercises for the occnslon : On Thursday, July 81, at 7.30, Eov. E. L. Rautee will conduct tbe opening Bervice, Revs. UcAnulty, Fuller und Place will speak. Wednesday, Aug. 1, devotions. Rev. G. C. Lyman; organization for Bible study, Rev. H. O. McDermott; 2 p. m., class iu music, Rov. J. 13. Humner; 3 p. m., ad dress, '"Relation of Superintendent to Teacher," Proreesor F. E. Wood; ".Methods of Teaching," George Forsythe: 7.80, opou ing service. Rev. W. B.Westlake; address, "Pou Pictures of Romo," Rsv. Dr. O' Boyle. Thursday, Aug. i Bible study; music; Eoworth league addressee, bv Rev. L. 0. Alurdoch, Mrs. Q. T. Price, Mrs. F. B, Swau; 7.80, lecture by Rev. George P. Eckman on "Tbe Mission of the Humor ist." Friday Educational. Addreises by Rev. Dr. Goucber, of Baltimore; Rev. Dr. Sprague, W. A. May, A. F. Chaffee. Saturday Temperunce. Mrs. B. Down lug, Mrs. W. N. Jennines, Mrs. H. W. Palmer, Mrs. Dr. Hard, Mrs. Frank, Mrs, O. H. Cool. Mrs. Henrietta Moore, of Ohio. Sunday observance, Rev. F. A. Dony, Mrs. A. M. Holvey on the "Christian Rela tion to the Government." Sunday Peruions by Ravs. A. W. Coop er and A. Wrigley. Monday Addresses on Sundny school work by Rev. Q. T. Price, W. H. Peck. W. H. Hiller; "The South," Floyd E. Ful ler. Tuesday Bible talk, R. B. Doherty, of New York; "Polity of the MethodiBt Epis copal churce, A. A. Faulkner; "Our Coun try," Dr. Doherty. Wednesday Address by ,Dr. Doherty; musical meeting; address by P. M. Car hart; concert by the conference trio. Thursday Bible study, H. C. McDer mott; missions, S. L. Baldwin; missionary address, Dr. Baldwin, of New York. Friday "How to Control Unruly Schol ars," W. H. Hiller; "Fruits of Sunday School Teachinc," Rev. Dr. Webb; "The Passiou Play at Ober-Ammergau," by P. R. liawxhurst. Camp meeting begins Aug. 14 and will last to Aug. '21. Rev. Dr. Buttz, of Drew, will be present. WORK FOR THE CITY ENGINEERS. Improvements for V hlch Councils Have Ordered Flans aud Sp.oificUlone. Ordinances bave been introduded, und are now pending in the councils, providing for the Nineteenth aud Twen tieth ward sewers, also for the running offence line, curb line and grading tbe Providence road, and North Main avenue. Tbe city engineer is now pre paring an estimate ot assersment, aud plans and specifications for tbe paving of Franklin avenue from Spruce to Vine street. They will be submitted to the councils at their next meeting. Oo to Poyntdle, Excursion Rates One Dollar. New York, Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wednesday and Saturday. Train leaven Scranton 8.30 a. in., reluming leaves Poyntdle 4.50 p.m. Good fishing. Mu.lo Boxes Exclusively. Best made. Play any dcMred number of tunes. Gaulscbi & Sons., manufacturers, ll;30 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derful orrhestrial organ, only fj and tin. Specialty: Old music boxes carofully re paired aud improved with new tuuus. Buy the Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. The secret art of beauty lies not in coBiiielic, but is only in pure blood, nnd a healthy performance of the vital func tions, to be obtuiued by using Burdock Blood Bitters. And Right Up to Date. . . . STERLING We have Artistic Designs' in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE. Best SetsofTeeth,$3t00 Including the painless extracting of teeth by an entirely new pro- ml DECK SILVER S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 185 WXOJdlNU AV1& CLEVER BICYCLE Ba Appropriated a Machine In Auburn, N. Y., and Brought It to This City. TRADED IT FOR ANOTHER WHEEL Represented to Florey & Holt That He Was the Owner of tho Bicycle and Traded It for a Wheel of An other Make Bicycle Taken from Auburn Was Then Leased to Harry Stock The Owner Coming. Constable Joseph Woelkers last even ing seized a Columbia bioyole in tbe possesion of Harry Stock, an employo of tbe Scranton Illuminating Heat aud Power company, which it is alloged was stolen from Edward Lonard, oi Anhnrn, N. Y., on June 5. Tbe wheel came innocently into tbe possession of Mr. Stock, who was one of tbe most surprised men iu the city when the search warrant was served on him. After tbe wheel was stolen from Mr. Leonard at Auburn, be notified the Pope Manufacturing company, who make the Columbia bicycles Tbe com pany in turn notified lts'agents through out the country of the theft and told them to keep a lookout for a model 34. No. 7,023 bicycle. THE AGENTS NOTIFIED. Fred C. Hand, agent for the Pope company in tbis city, located the wheel aad informed the officers of the company at whose instance tbe seurcb warrant was issued. Tbe wheel was leasd by Mr. Stock from Florey & Holt. About two weeks ago a young man entered their store on Wyoming avenue and said he wanted to exchange a Columbia bi cycle he claimed to be the owner of. He said his home was at Factoryville, aud after some negotiating a deal was arranged by which tbe wheel was ex changed for one of auotber make. Aftor tbe Columbia bad been over hauled and put in good shape it was leased to Mr. Stock by Florey & Holt, who bad no knowledge tbat it had been stolen. MR. LEONARD WILL BE HERE. On Thursday morning the wheel will be produced ia Alderman Fitztimmon ' court, when Mr. Leonard will be pres ent to identify bis property. A reward of $50 will be paid by the Pope com pany for the conviction of the tblef. Florey & Holt say thev have a alne by which they thiuk they can trace tbe man wbo imposed upon them. They will be tbe losers by tbe operation when tbe wheel is returned to Mr. Leonard. THOSE PULLMAN COACHES. : No Demand Mad on D. L. & W. to Have Them Withdrawn. General Manager Halistead of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad bad not returned from Buffalo at a late hour last night. It was in timated by officials of tbe road that I e wonld return today in tbe event of co new developments in tbe western strikes by noon. A rumor which bad prevailed dur- FIRED. KING The Best for Summer Cooking. NO. 1- NO. 2- KO. 3- $125 $2.25 $3.75 Windoy Screen; ID ONLY 20c. EACH H. BATTIN & CO. 126 Penn Ave. STOVES Don't Overlook the Fact That ve are in the Shoe Business. Step in some day and see how well we can please you, both as to quality and price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's S3.00 SHOES are marvels of style and quality. Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. BANISTER'S, Cof- ILSoJ!!! ta Discount off Straw Hats, Millinery, Ladies' Suits and Shirt Waists. BROWN'S'BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. ing Monday night tbat tbe Erie nd Delaware, Lackawanna and Western companies had been notified not to draw any Pullman cars from Buffalo, could not be vrifixd yesterday. Train master George M. Halstead told a Tribune reporter tbat no demand had been made on either of the above lines relative to tbe use of Pullmans. It could not be learned tbat any trouble xits or ia anticipated along tbe Lack awanna road. Several Scranton railroad offlolal gave their opinion that the atrike would not extend ai far east as Buf falo. Lackawanna trains have been run ning from Buffalo on time and with out linternption since tbe trouble be gan. International Convention V. B. Chris tlan Endeavor. Special tickets at low rate of single fare for round trip will be on sale by the Le high Valley Railroad to Cleveland. O. These tickets will be sold from all stations, July Uth-lltb, good for return on July 81st. For full particulars apply to agents, or 809 Lackawanna ave., Scrautou, Pa. For Riikumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Cranio aud Colic tbere is no remedy su perior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Ecleo tric Oil. Here we Are Again Thi3 time we offer a $2.00 Leghorn Hat for 89c. Remember tbis is the finest Leghorn Hat made. Silk Poppie3 for 10 cents a dozen. 50 different styles of Flow for 10 cents a spray. In our CLOAK DEPART MENT we will sell a $6 Coat for $2.98. Capes for $1.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.98, worth $8. Furs STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGB During the Summer. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. OSLANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. MARSHALL FIELD & CO.'S 8 BUTTON ABBOTT, 1 4 BUTTON ABBOTT. T 7R fprtf? 4 BUTTON GEVEVA. - 1 tCUU 4-BUTTON NEPTUNE, a Pair. BIARRITZ. In White Black, Tana and Grey. Former Prices, fl. $1 23 and $1. 50. if BI I!' uc rreia HATS AT DUNN'S CENT. Iff PER