TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 11, 1594. BASE BALL foiladelphia Pioved loo Strong for Scranton in Yesterday's Game. ilLENTOWN WINS FROM HAZLETON Lancaster and Reading the Other Winners of Yesterday's State League Contests Standing of the Clubs. National and Eastern League Re suits Base Ball Notes Sporting News in General of Interest to All Out-Door Amusoment Lovers. LLENTOWN Is the only State LenRue club that bus been nble to win two straight KHines as n starter for the sec ond season. At ihilnOelpuia the now club yesterday took a gnuie from the Scrautoni, und Keadiug and Lan caster turned tbe tables on their op ponents. Ia consequence. Huzletou brings tip tbe rear iu tbe prconUe column. Tbe following table give the per eeutagea, number of games won und lost by each club, and their standing in the league race: Won. Lost. U I 1 Per C't. l.ooo .Mil) ..WO .5(h) ..MM) .GDI) .!M .OUO Ailentown 'i Scranton 1 FottsvUI , Heading llnnisburi;.... riiiladiinliia... Lnnrnster Ii;i7.ietoa hCHi:iULE l'OU TODAY. Pcranton at Al'ontown. Uiizleton at Ph.lmlrlphia. Luuca'ter at, Keuding. Han isburg at Pottsville. MOTHER ATTACK OF HARD LUCK. OutW.ted and Ou'.aildsr Oar Opjonanta Yet Lut the CUm. Special to the Kcrmiton Tribune. rnjLADKU'fin, July 10. Scranton was very unfurmnat in today's game. Although the Coal Borons outbatted and ontfieMud the Philadelphia, they lost the L'HUie. Bradley pitched for home club nnd Fliiuagtian tor the visitors. The latter did clever workstrikiti;; out nine men. History of the buttle in detail: PI1ILADKLPUIA. li. li. I'.O. A. E. O'Biien, .;.... I 3 1 a 1 l-'oulkroJ, lib 0 a 3 8 !) l'locis cf 1 0 S 0 a J.uuer. lb 1 3 '.) 1 0 liradlov. p 1 0 i 1 0 Taylor. If 1 I U 1 0 (SnvOer. rf.. 1 l 0 0 u Cliirk, c 1 0 o i Enstmii, ib 1 0 i 8 0 Totals S S 27 15 EtflAXTOX. II. II. P.O. A. E. Wetzel, 8. s 1 u 'i 0 Hag an, c. f 0 1 3 0 u Patchen, c 0 2 10 1 1 Jlawiev, lb 1 2 S O 1 1'beiun, 2b 2 B 3 1 1 HnlU, li 0 1 3 0 v Boners, r. f 0 1 3 1 0 Westlake, 3b 0 0 110 I'lnuuagan, p 0 3 I) 3 1 Total 4 11 27 8 4 Philadelphia. ..0 1002008 3-S Pcruuton 0 0020110 04 Three base hits Lauor, Hogan. Two base bits Lauer, Foulkrod, O'Brieu, Patchen. btolen bases O brien, Foulk rod, Patchen, JJassey, Staltz, Phelan. Double plays Bradley, Foulkrod, Laner and Konlkrod, Clarke and Bastian, Bastiun nud Laner, Rogers nnd Plielau. Left on bases Pbiladelphia.8; Scranton C. Struck out By Bradley, S; by Fianaghaii. 0. First base on errors Philadelphia, 3; Scranton, 4. Wild pitch Flanaghau. Passsd ball Patehen. Tinia 2 huurs. Umpire Valee. OTHER STTE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Aliontown Ailentown. ...0 5 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 IS llnzleton 0 0 3 01030 07 flits Ailentown, 15- Hizletou, U. Er rors Allen towu, 1: HazletoD, It). Bat teries Kdry, 5ii;Iigan and Costelloj Jor dan and Monro. . At Keadai'g IiendiDj? 4 1 3 4 0 2 1 0 1-16 iliirrir.V.r.K....3 UO3100O1 7 Hits Kendiug. 2; Karrisburg. 14. Er rors Rending, 4; Ilurr.shuiir, 4. Battnrios Cuiaminga nud Soodlmrt; Sorogel, Hus ton and Wente.- , At Pottsvillo Pottsrllie 0 0000100 34 Lancaster U 1 4 4 3 0 0 0 x 11 Hits Pot tsvilie, 7, Lancaster, 17. . rois Pottsville, U; Lancaster, 2. Bat te:les Slayer aud Cote, liuckel, Diggius una Claire. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Cincinnati New York. ...0 021 0000 0 !) Cincinnati.... 0 0300131s 7 Hits Now York, 0: Cincinnati, Vi Er. rors Now Yoi fc, 1; Cincinnati, 1. Eat-teries-IIeekin and Farroll; iMryer aud Murphy. Umpire Ctaffney. At Obicsgo Boston 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 1 x 12 Chicago 1 0000200 03 Hits Boston, 18; Ckicngo, 10. Errors Boston, 2; Chicago, 4. Batteries Stivetts and Krai); ilcUiil aud Schrlver. Umjiire McQuaue. At St. Lonis Philadelohia..O 0000401 88 tit. Louis 8 0 4 4 3 0 23 x 17 Hits Philadelphia, 12; St. Louis, 17. Errors Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 8. Bat teriesHaddock, Caliahan, Carsoy, Buck, ley md Grady; Breitenstein and Miller. Umpire Hartley. At Cleveland Washington ..0 0010101 14 Cleveland 0 2 7 0 9 0 3 8 023 Hits Washington, 10; Cleveland, 23. Errors Washington, C; Clevelaud, 3. Bat teries Esper, and Dugdalej Young aud Zimiaor. Umpire Emsiie, At Baltimore Pittsburg 0 1 3 3 1 3 6 5 x-19 Baltimore... 3 0311101 09 Hits Pittsbur?, 21; Baltimore, 19. Er rors Pittsburg. Sj Baltimora, 6. Batter iet Ehrot and Merritt; Jltillana, Mc Hahon and Clark. Umpir Lynch. At Louisville Brooklvn 0 0030802 0-7 Louisville 5 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 x 13 Hits Brooklyn, 13; Louisville, 13. Er rorsBrooklyn, 6: Louisville, 5. Batter iesDaub, Gastrigbt, LOchance and Alona fee aud Weaver. Umpire Hnrst. , EASTERN LEAGUE. At Buffnlo-Erle, 13; Buffalo, 8. At Bmchaniton Binghuniton, 12; vvunos-iiarre. l. . . At SyrhigUeld Springfield, 8; Provi dence, 0. At TroyTroy, 15; Syracuse, 9. In TtiouBAxns of cases tbe cure of a rough is the preventive of consumption. The sorest comb medicine in the world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Byrnp. ' Sold by all doalers on a gaarantes of nutlsf fic NEW STATE LEAGUE SCHEDULE. Dates on Which fioranton Wilt flay on tho Home Ground. Philadelphia, July 10 According to the new schedule adopted by the State Base Ball league Scranton will plsy at home, 1 -' With Philadelphia, July 16. 17, Aug. 17, 18: with Ailentown. July IS. 10. All-. 15, 10: with Hazleton. Jnlv 20. 21, Ans. 11, Sept. 1, a.m.; with Pottsville, July S3, 24, Aug. 27, 28; with Heeding, diuy -':, su. Aug. 24, l!5: with Lancaster, July 27, 28, Kept. 3, 4; with HarriBburg, July 30, 81, Aug. 2t, 3J. , A TENNIS TOURNAMENT. It Will Held at Farvlsw on Aug ust 10 At a meeting held by the Carbondale Tennis club Monday evening, it whs decided to hold the sixth annual tour nament of that organization at Far view on Tuesday. Aug. 10 First and second pri.es will be given to winners in sinitles and doubles, but the great interest will center in the battle for tbe handsome Delaware and Hudson silver trophy cup now held by II. Torrance, jr., of Carbondale, and and which must be won three succes sive seasons before it becomes the prop erty of tho holder. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Gus Schmeltz says that whenever Cham berlain pitches against a club he is man aging he is a world beater. An old griev ance is the explanation. There has beeu a slight change in the personnel of the stockliolilcis of tho Scran ton Bao Ball arsoclation, C. J. Swift has retired, his stock having been takon by Luward Wade. Manager Edward ITanlon. of the Balti more club, has made u wagur of $100, evon mouey, wiiu :wannger irwia, oi mo run arielphiss, that the Baltiiuores will wiu GO per cent, of the gauio3 on the Western trip. ISonton Is making au effort to secure a good pitcher. Nichols has begun to show signs of weakening, but Stivetts is once more in good shape. The champions are not, however, putting out (jlO.OUO these uays tor butteries. Allen, Philadelphia's captatu.has gone t uis nome in UWo. Irre leuviug ne stated that be had not made up his luiuJ whothur or not to unit the diumond for good. He is not, however, altogether partial to having his cheek boues broken. Piny was snsnend'-d at Ciuclnuati last Vi euueuay while Burns, Daly aud (Jriltin chated a falling hot air balloon. Grillln leaped into the air and came down with tlio trophy, wun-u caugut lire nnd faded into ashes at the feet of tho trio a moment later. lhe downward courie takou bv Balti more is attributed to Cnther Robinson's being injured. Bobinson is laid up with a broken linger. Up to tho tiuio of being nnrr, ten uays ago, he uau causzlit every game which his club hud played this srasou. The pitchers who give few bases on balls are the ones who are wiuuiug this year. Nothing lessons the assurance of a bats man more than the knowledge that tho pitcher ho facos will shoot t hem over every time regardless of circums'taucos. Sport- i-ig L.i:e. In the afternoon came at Providence last Wednesday Eassott throw Burns, of tho cpnugtielus, cown and held htm as he reached third base. Later, when Bassott scored the tioing run, Leahy, the Spring field catcher, knocked him senseless aud whs nned. The Elroys and the Hydo Park Avenue Stars played a came of ball on Oram's woods grounds iVouday. the former win uing by the score of II) to 0. Tho Elroys challenge any club under 14 years of age. ii. vudner, manager; It. Powell, captain, Answer through Tub Tribune, The National league has last declared its lirst dividmt. For the first time in the history of the national came the leaeno has been able to meet all of its Indebtedness and has a sufficient surpluson hnud. The amount of the dividend is expressed in lour ugures, nut for the present the exact amount is withheld. Up to July 1 tbe at tendance niis rxceeded all previous records, Ton League heavy hitters have ham mered out tU home runs this season in eluding games played July 4. Boston has inude almost as many as any two other emus, oi ;u au; Cincinnati fol lows with it. (. bloign with 25. Washing ton 24, St. Louis 21 Brooklyn and Pitts- h'.irg Its each, Cleveland 1(5, JNew 1 org and Boston 13, Louisville 11. Philadelphia onuguig op me reur nirn only i. On Thursday afternoon at Hogan Ball park, the James Boys, and Eureka, of Providence, will play a game of base ball for t'l a side and the championship of Lacicawunua cormty. xr.o game called at 4 p. in. The following art the positions of tlio James Boys: Mullnrkey, catcher; iNolan, pitcher; Mnltn, lirst base. &lu derig, second buse; Wirth, short ston Cougl.lln, third base; Mallott, left field Mahoney, center nold; juurpny.rigut Hold. The came between the Electric Social club and the Scrnnton Athletics Saturday proved to be one of the most exciting and interesting amateur games or hull Mayed this SHiiion. Tho Hollow grounds on the South bide, whoro the pame was played, was crowded. Alter a hard rouclit battle victorv rested with thi Electrics, tho scoro b ing W-14 in thoir favor. The batteries were: Kontscnlernnd Hettler, for Llec trie?, liobinson aud Scholl, for Athletics. Umpire, OttoElkus. Tbe Bovals of Pine Brook defeated the Actives by a score of 10 to 0. The batter ies of tho Iloyals, (tauguan, Campbell, Mc Cann and Dougher; of the Actives, Igoe aud i nomas. I He ..ovals challenge any club iu the city under 11 years of age. The members of the Royals are ns follows: Anthony l arr, s. c. ; Charles hhepplomau. c; James -McC.iun, p.: Joe Campbell, e. s. ; Chnrles Leuthuer, lb; John Camnoll, 2b; Robert Donglier, 3b; James Campbell, r.f ; John Barrett, c. f. The Philadelphia Press said of Mon day's game: "Tho Scranton team in cludes such wo'.l-tulued-oi players as tiogHU, I'atcuen, Aiimey and llod?on. Hognn is very fast on his feet and covers a great deal of ground in tlio om field. If he can bat at ail he should he able to size up with speediest company next season. Hodson, who is considered by Jack Milll gsu, S:in Wiso and George Wood to be the best pitcher in thp fitnto leagne, was watched closely by the cranks, but even considering the soft game ho was up against be did not impress thorn as being a wonder. Scranton won becauso It played the better ball" GENERAL SPORTING MOTES. Articles of agreement have been for warder to England for Frank P. Slavin to sign for his fight with Jake Kilrain.to take place beforo the Olympic club of Now Or leans next month. The tennis tourney now In progress at Tuxedo park is a big event. All the cracks of the country, including Hall, Footo. Chare, Ilobart, Wright aud many other sotod players, will compete for tho valua bio prizes offered. Monb irs promises to be as sensational in tbe pacing world as he was at the trotting gait. As a 2 year-old h. trotted ill 3.10k! and as a 3-year-old he took a record of 3.11. He has won the only two pacing races be started In and taken a record ot 2.17. He is auother specimen of the high ly trotting bred pacer. His sire. Eagle Bird, has a trotting record of 2.21. Ills dam, Lady Hand, has a trotting record of 3.I8&. .lay Bird trotted in 2.3I and George Wilkes in 2.23. Here is the host ot trotting on both sides of tho Hue, He will probably pace faster than he ever trotted. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and thoso who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on tho advertised Druggist and got a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to rl. h. KucKlen K Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy or uuids to ueaitu nna iioa-enuui Instructor, Free. All of which Is guaran teed to do you good and cost you nothing. Matthews Bros. Drugstore. A Word. K'anttof all kinds cost that much, to etpt Situation WantetlfWhich or insert Agenta Wanted. O75.1I0 I'F.lt MONTH, CITY OB COUNT1U O to coumotent wiilo-awnke insiirniu'e solic itors; well established permanent IjUHimsf. Address or inquire s('oml tloor, iK4 Lselt wanua live., Rcrauton, I'm. Help Wanted Male. WANIKD-IK YOU ARK A CATHOLIC, unemployed nd will work for Sfls per week, write MacCounell Rros., U Fraukllu street, Boston, Miium. Helo Wanted Females. (Htij WANTED-TO DO GENERAL 1 1 housework. Mood cook inotorred. Ap ply ISl AUuu B avenuo. For Rent HANDSOME FRONT PAttl.OH, ALSO oi-ond story front r oui aud other rooms, (111 Washington ityenue. TOll RE ' T-8IMOM HOUSE ON MAI 1 1 8u nvenun b.itween tirwu Ridtro and Delaware stre. i fnrnisiied or nnfuruistied. Inquire of J. H. HOLT, Wye ndm.' oveuae. "i;01l REaT-FURNISH KD COTTAGE AT 1' Ocean (irove, fiom July t to Ketciiilfr 1. Apply tn U. R. Clark, So. SJl Wasliingtou avenue, city. For Sftle 1 'Oil SALE MY GRAY .-.ADDLE HORSE. X Can oe ion at Xurvi .(luni av . CHAW. A. BURR. Special Notices. in.ivi- unilVS PiMPHT.KTS. MA A I ilniu. etc.. bound or rebound at TUB TliJliL'NB ohlce. Quick work. Reasonable 1 rices. EAlTlnCKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141, , I c.iiii.n Bii-onf uml Frinklin ave nue. Twenty inual tickets for $3.00. Good taoio Doaru. Boarding. CUMMER liOAl-.DlNG-FOUK Kl-.SI'hLT-r ul,i.. n..ru,nw mn l.iul Hint class board vith sinall family in la ge. airy houso. Hot and -old baths. Free carriage to depot and church Three-quarters of a mile rrom sia- lion. llcaHoy locality. iwuuD.wi,vn.ii.u Summit. Strayed or Stolen. f 'ROM MY HO E, 1121 UIAMOND AVr 1 iiu., a vahiablo St. Boriiard doir, rouifh coated; h is nil tu guriuiue marks; i year anu 10 mouths old.w iglit about Sin pound; named Colonel. A rowai-d is ouereu i.T ma return. Any Iulor matiou thiinkfullv received. P. II. HEU'F.TT. Lost. T OST-A GOLD HAIR FIN WIT'T WHITK Jj prongs. Finder will lo suitably re warded by returning tho same to Ciilouol K. Ji. liippie, imni ian''ii:ii oiuik iJinnnoK- Summer Resorts. nAIRVlF.VV HOTEL. FACTORY VI LLE. V Pa.. Is now on n for summer boarders, lirst cias accommodations. Good nshiug eloso to HotoL 1 or terms address 1L STARK, Proprietor. Proposals. .urr-r PRfipnim Wit I. UK DP O reived at tho office of tlm Street C'ommlS- B nnr. ..fQ,t. Pa t nli 1 T HO n Vlock ton '1 hursday, July l'J, 1N94, for the laying of fl gstnne sidewalks and tho setting of curb stones on south Main avenue, hetweon Lu e rne and H impt in streets, sa d work to bo done In ncco' Aaucau Ith plan andpecillcatious mcu in iuo oiuceort.io vuy cir- in oiers In? of flagxt'iii'j hidowaks and setting of curlwtonos Tlio city resorvos the right to rej-Jc any anu a.i iitu uy orour oi viiy PHILIP KIR ST, Stroet Commissionor Scranton, Pa, July hi, ftHL OEAI.ED PROPOSALS vVILL BE RE Ij ceived st the olllco of Ihi Street Com- in ssiono-. Scranton. rti.. until 1.3'i o clock n. m Thursday, July H, 1h:U. for the laying of H:iKntunn si lo nlkx, navol cutters, and the suttint'of cnrlsioues on tho west rn siileof Seventh street, f oin Lackawanna avenuo to Scranton strcot. said woi k to I o dene in ne eorilaacn wkh ulaus and s eclllcn ions filed In the ofiice of the City Clerk. Bidders are rcnulrodto state sc. arato price for lavinit or lIuRbtono xldowalks, pavod KUtlors, nud sot- tiug ot curhstouoN. ine cny r'-serve? tue rihttOMje.;t any and all bids. By ordor of city couneuK PI11LU' KIR ST. Street CoramUslouer. Scronton, Pa.. July 1, W4. CEAl.F.D PROPOSALS WILL HE RE- O cived at the othce of tho City Clerk, Srramon. Pn.. until 7.SU o'clock rj. ill. Thurs day. July l'J. IN' I. to construct a stonn arch cuivo t on Hoith Main nvenue ovor I eg Mit"s rie-jk in '0 -oi'!a:ic w h llie plsn and sreel flc 'tion therefor ll'c I In the ollico of C;tv Clerk, hwdi rs shall s ale price for v Inch they will complete thi uo k as s iow ii n plan ,1-iU -p c flcat tn-.H, i u l si all a s su.t a pitco t t won li they W;il perform any extra work that ml ht be iiecsl.a'ol. n mhig a ur ei lor ma or.ry, Viiin hum witii 'Ut ce ment; alio for excavation und flllinr. K:ddi-rs hi.a'l encheo. with oich pnponl, the n nil o: o'io bin d ed dollars, cash oriortl- f.od ehm k. i hi -h sura is to b orl'e.tc 1 to tho oitv lor th) r.si of tho city of N'run ton In case of ond sii n to ccccato a co itnict In nc ordauco witn tl o proiioh iIn if nwa d,-d thesriino. The work is to bo completed wnhm lnty i nys irora onro oi awaru or coinruet. '1 in I'l-ll Ittl U IO C OI lllOWOl-K 1H S-S.J'.li.Oi Tim rtty reserves tho right to reject auy and all bids. By ordor of city councils. M. T. LAVhLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa , July 0, 1EIH. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE HE ceived at the ofllco of the city clerk. Scranton, P . until 7 1 o'clock, p. in., Thurs day, July li', M1, to do filling and leuo iur re ouirod at tlio Prospect avouue culvert, over tho Stafford Meadow Brook, inacordanc with man nnd spocincatlons Hied in the olllce ul the city clerk. Bidders shall stnto a price for which tl oy will complete tlio work. Bl ders shall onel ise the sum of fifty dollars cash or certified chock, witnraeii propos 1 wnicii cum Is to te forfeited to tho uio oi tho city of H -ranton in cite oi contractor omit:imr toex oeuto a contract for the work within ten days from rtato of award ot the name. 1 ii-i work is to be cuiniilttvd within si.t,- days from dsto of execution of contract. 1 ho city reserves the right to reject auy and all bids. 1-y order of city councils. ju. i. jjavi'.uiic, cityciera. Bcranton, Pa.. July v, iw, QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BS Re" tj ceived at the ollice of tlio city clerk, Hc.rauiou, riu, iiu in i.ou ii ciocn, p. in., iiiurs day, July IU, 1MI1. to do tilling, construction of ............... I .... i.,i,wr U...11 lun .1... ...,)... lllUNOUiy nnyi ...., .., ...u iu..i..K up and painting of one hundred nnd eighty feet ot iron fence, all at l'ittston avenuo cul vert. '1 he work is to be doi e In accordance with plan and specifications tiled iu tbe olllce of city cloi-k. Bidders shall stats price tor which they will complete the work. Bidders shall enclose the sum ot fifty ('ill I dollars, cash or co tilled check, with each proposal, which Bum is lo be lorfeited to the use of the city of Scranton in raise of contractor omitting to ex ecute a contract for the work within ton days from date of award of the huqic, '1 he work Is to be completed within thirty days from date of execution of contract. The city reserves tho right to reject auy and all bids. By or der of city councils. M. T. LAVEL' city clork. Bcranton, Pa,. July . Ml. DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT 1 tho olllce of John Jermvn, Pricotmrgh, Pa., until July ill. Mi. for driving a rock tun nel in Jormyn, No. a, from tha 11-foot vein to cut the Duninore vein uir.e to ho 7x14 feet in tho clear and about 1,600 feet long. Also to sink a shnlt from surface to Dunmore vein, size to be Kxl2 feot In tho clear nnd about l.'iO feet deeii, Specifications may bo seen at Prleeburgh. We reserve the right to reject any or all bids. W. M. JKItMYN, Supt. Situation Wanted. vvVvvArvvvVvvVVVvvvvAyvvwvv WANTtiD A WOMAN WANTS WORK . by tho day Address S. M., 611 Mspic street, Seranton, Pa. C1TUATION WASTED BV A YolfNU O lvly to o nut to do dr 'S making or plain Bewing by th- day. Ad roan U, Tubuno Olllco. Advertise in The Tribune. Look Here! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-::;::::i-: T'l ' . f j nere are a great many caras, pamphlets, circulars and other advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's allcntion by some thing catch y and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. A is able to please you in every respect. Public Sale. I WHL Ol'FER AT 1'1'B 10 SALE ON 1 Wedne.duv. .mlv :.'.'i. 1(04. at 10 o'clock a. ., on the premises, the leasehold estate ami ...tn ....... ..1 1... 1. ..!.... r..... ...... .1. jnti.uiu fc..'l UJ 4 I1U,-.ILI,1 V .1 will G. Si hoonmiik r to Arthur Krothinirh'im and aura rrotiuniruiiin, datcti ,iuuu 1st, is-n, rc- . W.I...1 in l. . I). ...I. IV'. v -11 -I-II .-'IVIVU JU U'f li;illll XI''K .-!. tll, 11-1. etc., as by referee co thi nito had will fully iipoar, in lot io. 8 in rjquaru or oiock .vi ii. on Wvoming avenue, on which tin Frothlngh im Arcade" stood. Tholot is 4 i ....f ,l,l., ...,.l i.i-r p... .i...... ... .!.... Torms will be maduknon-iiou day ot salo. CliAS. , H. WELLES. July 11. im. Notice to Property Owners, rpoTHK OWNERS Oil REPLIED OWN A ers of nroipoitv. bounding and ahuttin in boih sidis of West Lackawanna avoiiu. from the D. L. Si It. It. northern division to Nor h Ninth nvi-nne In the Fourteenth ward of t' e city ot Scranton, Pa. n!;o notice, that undor tho direction of councils, I will lmiko the assessment lor curb 1 g, also for paving Willi Kti ne b ock pave meat. West Lackawanna nvi nuo l utw. on tin points named abovo, on Monday the Kith day ot July, A. D., IK14, nt in o'clock a. m , at uiy ollice in tlio new luunicii al building, at whic! tiuio and pine you may appear and Lo heard if you so dcoirc. JOSEPH P. PHILLIPS. City Engineer. Charter Application. TOTK'E 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN Is application ill be nmdo to the Oovei nor of Pennsylvania, on tho second dav July, ltwt, t Ul a.m., by Charles McM illan George R. ( lark, Willimn Ciuoy. Willial J. Runuiman and Mar on W. Finn, under th cto f Asseinbly.c-miUed "An act to provid f r tho incorporation and regulation of c-r tam corporaii 'tis," approved Ajir 1 2.1, 1H71. and the mipplcmonts thereto, for th? chnrte of uu lot n liid corpi ration, o bu culli "Tho Scranton Ctiim icy ap C unpany," th chi.racter and ohject of which is for tho pui pose of themanulactuieorsiileof iron orsto 1 or of any other metal or urticlo of com mere from me'al. wood, or both, anil for those par in sen to have, po.-ncss and euioy ail tho rlghti . lisneftts and privil.igjs of said net of uu-'in bly and supplements thereto. H. M. S'l KEETER, Solicitor. TVTOT'CE IS I1E1 EBY GIVEN THjVT A.' ppollcation h lie luad i to th" Govcr nor of the S ate of Pennsylvania, on Wedros day, tho eighth day of August, 1MH, by E 1 wind P. -turn-en. Frederick . I. Piatt. Orlnuili S. Johnson. William T. Smith, l-'ra ik E. Pi alt and Jos ph (;. Phitt, under tho Act of Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Potinaylvaniu. entitled "An act to provide for the iucorpor ation and roguhitto' ol certain conwrat ons." approyad April 2!i. 1X74, and the supplomenti thereto, for tho charter of an intended cor porntion, to bo called "The Scranton Elec trie Construction Comnanr," tha character andobj ct of which lathe n amifa turo. fur nishing, erection aud Installation (sH or either) of clo trie or stoam plants t'r 11 .'lit ing, drilling, haul i go. and pumping, or eluc tiin power generally, in and about mines (,r mining operations and il-ivators: nnd for the manufacture or iurnii-bing of all kinds of electrical machinory, and i f appl ances used iu op. racing the sa ne, mil lor these pnr poses to have i nd ponsoss and enjoy all tin rights, boneflti nud privileges of the said act of ass. mbly and its sunnlemeuts. THUS. F. Wt-.LLS Solicitor. Financial Statement I FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE DAL V t in Independent School District for tho year ending June 1, ltill. TAxr.s. Amount loviod for school pur poses $701 03 Amount levied for building pur poses 350 14 Total amount of taxes levlod... 31.052 07 itixnims. From stnto appropriation for tho year ending J.me. Is9l 8114 (IS Balance on hand from last year 333 (JJ From North Abinkton township for tuition 710) Fr in G. A. Guy for tuition ro roivd from paid pup. Is I 8 S) From i-ollcctor for taxes col lected , 002 70 . Total roceiprs $2,070 21 KXI'ENDITUltrS. For repairs on buildings S B" Wi For teachers' wages IKI3 75 For fo s of collector ($l:.'.7tlj and treasurer (:i:t.7(li "0 4il For fuel and contingencies 12 V For salary of secreiiiry LI) hi) For deht nnd interest pnut 3i) M For other expenses "1 60 For scli'.ml te..t books and sup plies 238 71 Total expenditures. Cash on hand ShTCl 40 8 llL 75 lii:ani'itci s- Cash on hand ,..$30i '." Amount due from collectoi' 4a 17 Total ? 050 0i I.IAM1.1T Si. Amount of bomlii outstttndinB.SiCfiO 00 J'ifiOO 00 Liabilities In excels of rescurces i't.'MI (HI " Uuetsour band tins sixth day of July EDWARD MILE3, President; A. BALL, Secretary. 4 I Pamphlets ALL KINDS I Magazines BOOKBINDING at lowest rates and shortest notlco done by THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. S, The ireat Ba The Great Great New York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments. GROSS, "FOSTER & CO. Sweeping Reductions Prior to Our Semi-annual Inventory. FOUR GREAT LOTS FROM OUR DRESS GOODS DEPT. NO. 1. About thirty pieces all told, consisting of Whip Cord Suitings in about teu shades, and Scotch Mixtures iu five colors. 12 l-2c.a yard for anything iu tho pile; never sold un der 2."e. XO. 2. Price here is 2 jc. per yard. Assortment is unlimited. We might say that we have Checks and Plaids, Striped Goods and Plain Goods, Mixed Effects and Novelties of every description. In fact, it is au aggregation of our entire stock of 50a Dress Gjods. You'll be very apt to find something You will save about 50c. on the dollar, all right for next fall. CQjlOLLY & WALLACE Hotel Waverly Enropoon Plan. Flrrt-olaBS Ear attnehefl. Depot tor JJurguor A Engul'a Tanuheeusor Beer. U Cor, 15th indFlltartNs., Fhllali Most dcsirahls for residents cf N.-E. Tonn", eylvsiiia. All conveniences tor travelers to and from Broad Street stntion ana tho Twelfth and Market Street station. Do llrnble for viiitiug Sorautouluns and peo , lit In tbe Anthracite Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. 3 OUR STOCK BANAGEB BY WATER UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be fore. ALE and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gent3' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. I MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold ftr $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 THE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. t5T.'EXT DOOU TO TUB KEHNED DAVIES & GUI FEIN BUILDING. FOSTER & CO. nkrupt Sale lew York Sheriffs AND STOCKS FROM TIIE among these You will also 209 WARNING. H'e hare lately had Feather lieda and Pillowt brought to us by stranger uho wished to dispose of the same and from whose actions we believed the Jeathere ei'da't belong: to them. We will hace no ilealinijs with such partiei. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent , any Feathers, Carpets, etc , which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call ut our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en dcavor to merit the confidence of everybody. TUE SCnXATOX BEDDING CO.', Q02 and boon Lacka. Ate., Cor, Adams. WHY tl See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett , We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. EHkdi & Co its ikd id i-3 1L1 i 230 Lackawanna Avenue. WOW QQIMQ Neckwear Given Away. NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW $1.35 ale CLOTHING 3.00 NO 3. We are especially proud to speak on this lot, for tho value is unprecedented. Take your choice of 0-4 Homespuns, Covert Cloths, Granite Cloths, Beiges, Storm Serges and Novelty Mixtures. There are about 3,000 yards iu the collection, and every yard is all-wool. Tito price is 37 l-2c. NO. 4 consists of short lengths. By that wo mean the remnants of our stock. The pieces run from one yard up to six. Style: everything. Worth from 75c. to $1.50. Price, 50c a yard. four lots that you want. get something that will be WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. mm ivb. Boys' Suits, 74c. F F E Underwear, Hals, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all goods that are damaged at your own pries. HOUSE four Watch Lies if it doe3 not tell the time cor rectly. We guarantee our Watches to bo TRUE TIME KEEPERS and uphold them as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. D1AH0HDSARE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Have you seen the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on thomT Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun ia the daytime. FREEMAN, Dealer for Cash in Watches, Diamonds, (Silverware, eto., Cor.Penn in. and Fprnca St. For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pouohi's Powder.