Agents "should order extra 'copies at once. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCIiANTON, FA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1S04. TWO CENTS A COrY. HE TRIBUNE IS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTQN COSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER 8 PAPER All the "news of the strike in -THE TP E. ' -CCwIlwlS 1 CsIJplllJv OF THE STRIKE Promptly Indicted by the Fed eral Grand Jury Charged with Conspiracy. ALL KNIGHTS ORDERED COT Eut the Order to Strike Is Couched in Llore Conciliatory Tone. Much CWOANS ARE QUITE SERIOUS The Concensus of Conservative Opin ion Seems to Bo That the Refusal of the Pullman Company to Refer the Original Dispute to a Committee of Arbitration Has Opened the Door to Difficulties More Weighty Than Any Yet Encountered Judge Gross cup's Pointed Charge to the Grand Jury Followed by Speedy Indict mentIncidents of the Crucial Day in the Labor War's History. Chicago, July 10. PEBS, Howard, Roger, Keliher and several other strika leaders have been indicted for conspir acy ly tht! federal grand jury and, ea tere.l bail in District Attorney Mil christ's office. They took tbeir arrest coolly and there whs none of the ex pected excitement The couiittee appointed ly the mass m-etlug of trades unions iield Sunday uigU to arrango fur the arbitration of the Puliman boycott failing to do which by 4 o'clock today a general j strike was to be ordered, reported this afternoon that their efforts had failed j and the trades unions were left to carry ont the decision of the meeting and declare a general strike. The strike was declared at midnight a strike involving not less than 150,000 men. HMAIWEoF THE DAY- Evontful Developments Follow Each Other in Rap d Succ.s.lon. Chicago, July 10. There is no dls niaiiiir the fac: that the local situa ion tonizht in the labor troubles is more grave than it has been nt any tiuiH since two weeks ago this noon, when the American Kailwav union is sued it boycott against the rolling sti ck of the Pullman Car company with the view of enforcing the demands of the strikers at the town of Pullman. TMs is not the view of the alarmist or of the biased idea of the radicals among the striking element, It is the opinion entertained tonight among all classes of the community, which are looki g forward witii fear and apprehension to what the night or another day may tiring forth. There was that same feeling of un rest and foreboding in the air that those who have witnessed uprisings on the pp.rt of the m isses in England and on the continent remember full wnll. There wero three times as many people cm the streets today as were to be seen on any (lay for many months past. Ninc-tontln of them, men and women iilike, displayed some emblem, The r, "jorlty wore ths white ribbon, em tii mat ic of sympathy with the strikers, fl'id against the use of which the white ribboners of the Women's Christian TVraperauce nnion have made a fervent but apparently ineffectual protest. PATRIOTISM'S E1USLEM3. Silken miniatures of the Stars and Stripes, too.mado their appearance this morning and before noon they were to b seen by the thousands, serving the purpose of bnttoniers or being pinned to I roasts. It many instnnoes these emblems of loyalty to tbe national gov ernment, the silent testimony of the wearer to the fact that he was pre pared to support and vindicate the inns of the cosntry, was fastened with the significant bronze button of the Grand Army of the Republic. Many others discarding tbe wbite rihhon and the Stars and Stripes adopted as nn emhloin a tri-colored piece of ribbon and which like the flag Whs intended as an evidence of ttieir Bhhesion to and support of the sover eign power cf the land. It was signifi ctmt also that the Stars and Stripts were hoisted on scores of flag polos both in tbe business and residence dis trict that are generally bare except on Fourth of July, Decoration Day and Bimi'.ar national or local holidays. - The people on the streets kept mov ing. There was no congregation of crowds, except about tbe military Camps on the lake front and the gov ernment building, and in tbe region of the various headquarters of tbe labor organizations, But ae they walked thoy talked, and the present and future tf the labor situation was the engross ing topic. So it was at theolubs. in the restaurants, in the saloons, and in ill other places of putdio resort. In commercial oircles tbore were la mentations lend and do.p for retail business of all kinds is in a state of paralysis, and tbe wholesale trado is raring but little if any better. Every body agreed that affairs had been wrought up to the hlgiest tension, md that, to use the vernacular, "something or other must speedily flrop," to bring relief. FRKSIDivNT DEB8' ARREST . Although, tcome extent, it has be?n ' anticipated, the arrest of President Debs and Ins associates was the eensa LEAD ARRESTED lion of the r?.sy. The preside, of the American Railway union and his col leagues were brought in quietly and without any of the lurid tiros or out bursts of popular indignation that sen sationalists had predicted. The federal grand jury, composed almost entirely of out-of-town residents, occupied l-ss time than had boon expected in reach iug the decision that the evidence pre sented for its consideration was suffi cient to justify the return of true bills against the leaders of the uuiou. No other result had been expected by those who listened to tbe charge of Judge Grosscup, and whll, although de nounced with fury at tbe headquarters of the various labor organisations to uight, is generally commented in com mercial and professional circles as a masterly exposition of tbe line between the legal and the justifiable uietbodsof trades organizations and defiance of tbe laws or rebellion against the au thority of the United States. The jurist took the ground emphati cally that whilo the right of labor to organizj could not be successfully at tacked and that whilo it was the im perishable right of a free mau to work or quit work as he saw lit, and that whilo moreover he was entitled to nil the frnlts and strategy of work or of cesiation from work, yet, at the same time, trades orgnniz itious ure subject to the snino laws as other associations, that tbeir leaders are also subject to the same laws governing all other men and that no organization, nor tbe leaders of such organization, could witu impunity violate the laws enacted for the government of inter state commorcs or the protection of the mails. It was a memorable scene when, looking straight ahead, with finger uplifted, and speaking in clear cut '.ones, as though he would drive his words like a dagger of steel iuto the hearts of the jurymen, Judge Grose cup said that the presont emergency was to viudicate the law and that only, and that if tbe law bad been violated there should be quick, prompt and udniuate indictuiout. Vv neu the jury turned towards its consulting cuamber there was not n mau within reach of the judge's voice that had not already made up his mind that a return of tbe indictments against tbe leaders of the union would be as quick and prompt as those re sponsible for the putting into opera tion of the machinery of the federal courts could possibly desire. UNION HEX CALLED OUT. Organized labor Was prompt to strike back nt tbe latest manifestation of federal power and unthority. Hardly had the word been fl ished across tho half a mile of intervening ground be tween the government building and labor headquurters that indictments had. been returned and warrants for Dels and bis associates placed in the hands of the officers of tbe law when the committee appointed by tho trade and labor associations of the city to urge upon the Pull man company the desirabil ity of submitting the dispute with its employes to arbitration, and which had been endowed witu autocratic author ity in the event of a refusal being re turned, attached its signatures to the ordor calling out every nnion man in the city from midnight. Almost before the ink was dry on this document, General Master Workman Sovereign, of the Knights of Labor, placed the of ficial seal of the order npou a manifesto addressed to members of the or ganization throughout the country. declaring that a crisis Had been reached in the affairs of the nation that ewdaneered the pence of the re public, that the flimes of discord were being pnrnoseiy lanned bv the railroad corporations nt tho risk of the I no of the government, and appealing to the order and through it. to tbe whole pec pie to lay down the implements of toil for a short season, ana under the ban nor of peace and with patriotic impulse to create through peacabio assemblage a nealtby public 1611111110111 in fav or of tbe amicabio settlement of tbe issues involved. Tbe manifesto was couched in somewhat qualified terms for while in one portion it appealed to the order as tnougn its executive oil cer was at the moment of writing 11 little doubtful of his ground or the scodh of his authority, it later on specifically requested the membership not to return to its usual vocations un til a settlement of tbe pending tronble had been made known through authen tic sources. KNIGHTS QUICKLY RESPOND. This order, or request, or whatever it might be properly designated, was wired at once to the officers of every district assembly throughout the couu try with instructions looking to its im mediate transmission to executlvo beads of each local assembly. The or ganization of the Knights and its means of communicating with the in dividual members is o perfect that it was the opinion at headquarters that every Jinigbt of Labor 111 tho land would be made acquainted with taeul timatum by the midnight hour. District Assembly No. 21. represent ing every local assembly in Chicago und surrounding towns was the first to respond to the executive appeal, and this evening ny loriual resolution it do clared the duty of all members within its jurisdiction to carry out the'sugges tions it contained and at tbe same time declared that during the crisis it was the duty of all members of the order to refrain from congregating upon the street and to uso every endenvor to maintain peace and order in the com munity. Around town the news of the arrests, while it intensified tho strained feel ings already referred to, failed to pro duo any pronounced manifestations either of approval or indignation, i'eo Die that had beon assuring 0110 another that the urrest of Mr. would bi the signal for a movement by the mas ses upon tbe building in which he might bo temporarily confined, proved themselves false prophets. . NO SIGNS OF VIOLENCE. Although the announcement of the arrests Were spread broadcast, by word of mouth and through tbe extras of evening papers, the interior and sur roundings of the government bnilding presented an appearance little different to that of the usual rush and bustle that characterizes the hour preceding the closing of out of town mails Probably not a hundred people were attracted to the building by the news, and those came mora as cnriosltr seek ers than Imbued with a desire to wreak vengeance by lifting tbe toppling old 1 ruin irom its shaky foundation. The nrrestod men took tho situation in a noiichaleut niood. No glittering of fitoi'l bayonets or tramp of military forces marked their progress to tho govermneut buildings, nor were any nandcnlls brought into requisition. They came like tree citizens, joked and laughed and enjoyed th hospitality of the district attorney's office while wait ing for bail, put thoir signatures to the bunds an a matter of personal recognizance and then returned to their headquarters to resume the work that had been temporarily interrupted. Their re-uppeavance was the signal for enthusiastic cheers and greeting from the crowd in waiting, and which in tho meantime had been venting its fury over the arrests by denouncing the ac tion of the government and hurling maledictions upon tbe beads of those, of the federal officers responsible for the proceedings. TRAFFIC CONDITIONS IMrROVB. The reports isi-ud during tho day from tho offices of the general mana gers' association were of the usual roseate hue, although in nearly every oaso the statements made were fori i- fijd bv facts and figure. Nearly ev ery road reported an improvement in through passenger traffic and 111 a few cases a trilling movement toward rais ing the freight blockade. It was ad mitted that with acouploof exceptions the suburban service of all the, roads is sadly crippled if not at a standstill. Iso oineial proclamations were isjued during tho day from , assembly head quarters in tho Pullman building. At General Jules oiliou tonight tho condi tion from the army standpoint was characterized as one of absolute secur ity. In the opinion of the genoral aud his stall the force of regulars on the scene is sufficient to cope with trouble of nny dimension, without taking into account tho operation of tbe 5.0O0 mem bers of the militia of the small army of United States deputy marshals and otbxr police ifikers. Iu it nutshell tho department of the Missouri, while not lookiug for trouble, is amply prepared for it. The absolute and unqualified refusal of Mr. Pullman to submit to a com mittee, to le composed in part of judges of the circuit courts, the qivs uon or wnettier or not tnere was miy thing in tbe dispute with bis exom ployes that was worthy of be ing submitted to arbitration, has caused the intense feeling, mani fested toward the magnate, to spread to tens of thousands of people that hitherto have either kept in the mid die line or have bsen outspoken in their advocicy of Pullman's position. Newspapers also that have been sing led out for the denunciation of the strikers for their editorial attitude iu the support of the Pullman interests, are changing ground And criticizing the head of the corporation in 110 weak language. Tho report was current tonight that the directorsjof the Pullman Palace Car company are on the brink of revolt over the dictatorial policy of tbe presi dent. Pullman's holdings in the com- tiany aggregate less than -"00 000 out of a total capital stock of lU.UDO.OUO. ARREST OF EUGENE DEBS. The King of the Chaos and His Asso ciates Give Bail in the Sum of SIO.OCO. Chicago, July 10. Eugene V. Debs, president of tho American Railway union; George W, Howard, vice presl- dent; Sylvester Keliher, secretary; L. W. Rogers, director and editor of the Railway Times, and James Murwin, an engineer, who is said to have thrown a switch on tho Rock Island road some time ago, endangering tho lives of many persons, were arrested this after uoon on warrants swora out pursuant to indictmeuts issued by the federal grand jury which conveued today nt 12 o clock. I ho lull list of IndiciniMti were ss follows: Eugono V. Dobs. Gonrgn W. Howard. Rylvester Keliher, L. VV. Rogers, James Murwin, Lloyd Jlotchkms, A. i'msyhnk, II. Ellin, James Hammond, William Smith, John Westorbrook, Kdward O'Neil, (Jha-. Nailer. John Duff v. William AIcMnllin. K. Hlielby. Fred Ketcham and John W. Doyle. All with tho exception of the first four named had beeu arrested mid ar raigned botore United States Cominis sloner II iyne, prior to the rotnrning of the indictments, and aro out on bail T'hay ure accused of interfering with the business of tho United States, ob structing the mails, aud also of pre venting mid hindering the execution of tbe laws of the United states. At the time the lubor leaders were brought in Judg Woods was in cham bers nnd Judi;e GrosBCupsoon followed. There was a brief discussion as to the amount of bond that would be satis factory and the nmonnt was finally fixed at 110.000 each. Friends of Dobs immediately began to scurry around nnd there was a goneral movement on the part of some of the prominent politicians to assist in the causa. William Hk ikol, William Fitzgerald, known as "Black Bill." formerly the South town nssessor and a luading Democratic politician, William O'Brien, formerly partner of Alderman Powers in tho saloon busi ness, also a politician, were soon prom enading the corridors of the federal bnilding. Ia the meantime Marshal Arnold's men had been busy collecting evidence. A subpoena duces tecum bud been is- snod for J. C. Haitie, who is one of U.'bs assistants In the American .Rail way union bead qii:ir tors in the Ash land block. D puly Marshal White whs given thopaiierto serve and the marshal's office elf ectod a junction with the postal nutuorlties to make a clean sweep. On entering tho room where the office business of the American Rail way union is conduct-id, the deputy read the subpoena aud then the searoa began. Tbe officers had a mail sack and they gathered everything in sight nnd thrown in a heap nnd thou the private correspondence was gathered in, The muss of confiscated matter was taken to tbe federal building nnd care fully depositel i i tbe vaults of tbe dis trict attorney's office to be used in tbe trial at the October term of court. Attorney Miichrist in discussing the legality of the seizure, declares that Debs' personal letters will be returned to him immediately and without any Continued on Page 8. ' SQVERE1GH ES MANIFESTO oruial Appeal to the Knights ot Labor to Join the Strike. C0RPCRATI3HS RCUMDLY SCORED They Are Compared to the Brigands of Old Who Rob the Helpless Calls Attention to the Fact That Pullman Stock Is Still Valuable Knights Are Implored to Stand Firm and Re frain from Violence. Chicago, July 10. THE manifesto of Uoueral Mauter Workman Sovereign to the Knights of Lbor as issued to night is us follows: Chicago. Julv 10. To the KuiL-htg cf Labor of America, greeting: A crlbis has, been reached in tho nffnirs ot this nation that endangers tho peace of tuo rupuunc. Lvery 11 ore or our civil structure is strained to tho breaking point. The shadow of factional haired hovers over our fair laud with terrible forebodings. Tho arrogant lash of snnoriority is be ing amilied by tho corporations with ro- It-ntle.s fury and the chasm betwoen tho masses aud clusson is growing deeper aud wider with each succeeding day. If ponce is restored and this nation saved from ucts repulsive to the conscience of Christian people, there must be wise action aud that quickly. Mucerely behoving that the flamns of discord nro being fanned by tho railway corporations at t Mo rik of tlie life of the government, I tuko tho liberty to npponl to you and through you to the conscience of tho whole people imploring you to lay down the implements of toil tor a nhon session, aud tinder the banner of peace and with a patrotic desire to piomoto the public weifa e use tho power ot your aggregated numbers through peaceable HH-omblaL'CS to create a healthy public seiuiuieut in favor of au amicable settle ment of tho issues growing out of tbe re cent strike of t e l'ullman employes and you are further requested not to return to your usual avocations until a settlement of the pending troubles is rcndo known to you through sonio authentic source. In the present strained relations be tween corporations is iuvolvod a priuciple near and dear to all American citizuut, the right of labor to present its grievances to tbe - owuem and representatives or corporations cap ital. The Pullman company refuses to nrbitruto the differences between itself and its employes on tho ground tbnt cars were built below cost, aud tlioroioie there is nothing to arbitrate. But the con clusion of evory unprejudiced mind must be that ,11 nucli were tuo tacts it could have no fear nt tho hands of an arbitration committee. lint the Pullman company goes further in its autocratic policy than a refusal to arbitrate, it has refused to join with their men and the board of aldermen of Chicago in a committee to discuss the question as to whether there is nnythiug to arbitrate or not nnd behind this auto cratic policy Htauds the geuernl managers association of the railway corporations. backed by tho United States army as the niders nnd abetters of this social crime. Suppose tho Pullman company had in vited organized labor to arbitrate, nnd or ganized labor Had declined too invitation, it is needless to say n wave of popular in dignation would obliternto every labor organization from tho face of the coun try and no more couid bo formed dur ing tho next iifty years. Jtnt in the pres ent ciisis the corporations whoso wealth has been created by labor, take the posi tion that they nre prior and abovo their Creator. Like the brigands of old, they rob tho Inhering mas-es and employ the sword and bind 'eon and H-t up a throno on the hones of the vanquished and declaro their divine right to rulo over tno remainder or mankind. Tho Pullman company claims that notwithstanding tho wages of Ms employes we e reduced tot the starvation point there .is nothing to arbitratu because cars have been built at a 18, yet it neglects to stats that the stocks of tlio compnuy havo been watered throe times over nn I that the company has not only boon ablo to pay its regular dividend on water nnd nil, but that its stocks havo been nnd nre nt the present time at a premium 011 the stock markot. Mr. I'unman cries poverty to ins starv ing employes nnd then retreats to his princely summer mansion on the St. Law rence river and wires to the business men of Chicago that he has nothing to urhi- trato. If tho present strike is lost to labor it will retard the progress of civilization aud reduce tho possibilities of labor to ever omuiiclpate itself from the thraldom of greed. The dignity or labor and all tlio victories won in the past are at stake in this con flirt. I beseech yon to be true to your obliga tions in tills hour of trial. Court the co operation of a generous public, stand Arm and united in our common cause, and the victory will be ouo or peace mid prosperity for the faithful. (Signed) J. B. SovKRHMif, General Master Workman, AGAINST THE GOVERNOR, Court Opinion Given in Favor of Jamoi K. F. fanner, Petitioner. HAttRMRORO, Pa., July 10 In tuo matt r of the amlcahU mandamus pro ceedings of James K. P. Feuner ugaiurt Governor Pattison to compel the gov ei nor to issue a commission to tbe pe titioner as justice of the peace for the borough of Ashley, in Luzerne county, Judge McPhersou handed down uu opiniou this morning dirooting judg ment to be entered iu favor of Feuner, nnd awarding a pre emptory innu danius, returnable July 2J. The court holds that there was a va cauoy and that Fonner was elected. IN THE NATIONAL GUARD. Honorable Dlsohargus Granted at State Ilondqviarters. Harhisiiuuo, July 10 An order was issued from National Guard headquar ters today, granting honorable dis charges to the following officers: Lieutennnt Junior Grade, Thomas G. Aahton, surgeon lrst tttttaliou Sinte Naval militia; Ensign Herbert Fairfax Wallace. Division A. First Battalion, Ststo Naval militia; Lien- iniiaut Alonzo Gartley. Division B, First Battalion, Stats Naval militia; Mujor William II Brodhoad. Ninth regiment; First Lieutenant George O. Daniel, Company li, Fifteenth regi ment; First Li'Miteiinnt Charle3 O. IJuff, Company 15, Eighteenth reji meut; Second Lieutenant Kunnet V. Murruy, Company B, Eighteenth regi ment. Msjor Siimuol llsztett, ord nance officer, Second brigade, is given permission to go beyond seas. WiLL HOT Be POSTPONED. Christian Endeavor Convontlon to Be Held, Strike or No Strllcs. Cleveland, O., July 10. Secretary Baer, of the United Society of Chris tian Endeavor, arrived in this city from Boston this noon, and said: "All reports or rumors to tho contrary, tbe Htinual Christian Endeavor convention will be held iu this city July 11-15. Postponement is impossible. Cleve land cannot arrange for it later, nor can another programme be selected, nor can hundred ol other details bo ar ranged iu tho time required to au uounco a postponement. "President Clark ami n number of tho trusteed ond two special trains of over 401) delegatus started lrora Boston at noon. Thousands, particularly in the far west and south, who have plan ned to go for mouths, must of necessi ty givo up their trip on account of the blockaded railroads. Cleveland is all ready for the convention nnd can eas ily uccommodato 35.000 people. Even today, with some delogations block aded, the convention promises to be fairly well attended, especially as large delogations start today from New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland and all central states." TROUBLE AT BLUEFIELDS. Natives of the Mosquito Country Have Caught Nicaraguan3 Nappping and Renewed Hostilities. Washington, July 10. More trouble has broken out at Bluefields, Nicar agua. From advices received by Sec retary Herbert today, it appears that the natives of the Mosquito country buvo caught their Nicamguan govern ors napping and have assorted their right to rule the land of their nativity. Secretary Herbert's dispatch is from Commander O'Neil, of the United States steamship Mnrbluhead.and reads us follows- Limon, July, 10, Secretary of the Navy, Washington: Au insurrection bus broken out ut Blueiields, Nicaragua. Alariuesand blue jackets ou shore nt the request of the authorities and the American cousul, iu ordor to protect properly ol Americau citi Zuus. The authorities of Nicaragua have beon overthrown by tho Aiisquito chief. There is less excitement. '1'bn situation improving. I shall withdraw forces within tho next lew days. The ilurblehead leaves today for Bluclields, Nicaragua. (signed) U JMaij. CRANK SAFELY HOUSED. Toepfer's Future Latter Writing Will Be Done at Elockly. Philadelphia, July 10 Police Sur geon Andrews this evening sent red Max Toepfer to Blockloy as a danger ous insane man. loepfers crime con sisted of writing threatening letters to President nnd Mrs. Cleveland. Until three months ago ho was an inmate ot the Utic, N. Y., asylum, but was dis charged as cured aud came to this city. Recently he wrote to Dr, Bloomer, of the Utica asylum that he bad demand ed a situation from President Cleve land. His letter was full of obscenity and Dr. Bloomer sent it to Attornoy Gen eral Olney at Washington. Mr. Olney forwarded it to United States Marshal Colesbrey and he sought the aid of Dis trict Attorney Graham, who caused Toepfer's arrest. At the hearing Toep for said he bad writtten several times to both President and Mrs. Cleveland. lie asked for a position and proposed to have 0110. in esse ot rotu1.1l he in tended to wrest the presidency from Mr. Cleveland and assume the office himself. Dr. Andrews pronounced the man in sane with stroug homicidal tendencies and he was committed to Blockloy asy lum. MINERS JOURNAL SOLO. Pottsville'e Well Known Daily Taper Again Change Hand.. Pottsville, Pn. July 10 This af ternoon tne Minors Journal, the oldest daily paper iu Schuylkill county, was sold by Frank Carter to John F. Fin uey, publisher of the Morning Dis patch; Martha P. Quitin, a railroad contractor and a prominent Demo cratio louder and II. C. Boyer, pub lisher of the Shenandoah Herald. The paper will be conducted as straight ont Republican organ, BREAK IN A BIG STRIKE. BfoKeenport Machinists and Foundry men Buaumo Work. McKektort, Pa., July 10, The machinists and foundryiiHn of tho Na tionul Tube works returned to work this morning. This is the first break in the big strike which has been on for the past two months for au In crease in waxes. All morning men reported for work and by noon a large nnmber were employe. I. There is no disorder. It is the gen eral belief that thi! strike is broken. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. While R. A. Newman and John Kvdfern. of Wayne, Delaware county, and Howard Miller, of i'a'adise, Laucoster comity, wero boating yesterday altornoon on Val lev Forgo crook, their boat capsized nnd Miller wan drowned. Thomas Jones ,n locnl pugilist, Inst night took olleiiho at Harry uedea, n Danvill hoiol keeper, aud throw a stone at him The missile hit .Irs. lledea, whereupon the proprietor plckod up a gun, aud Bbot tho olteuder, Jones, aoad. The Robinson Jinchine company, the leading industry nt liollwood.liUir county, manufacturers of electric machinery, fail ed yesterday. The company hail a large force of employes ou its pay roll. I'mla delphia capitalists nre chiefly interested In the concern. Tbe weather bureau furnishes the fol lowing; resume of crop conditions for the week ended yosterdny. Pennsylvania bin vesting and haymaking well advanced under fnvoi able conditions with average wheat yield and fair bay crop, oats short drought affecting potatoes, corn and other growing crops. POPULIST TALK BY II PEFFER e Airs the Sentiments of Kansas Cranks In the Senate. DENOUNCES PULLMAN AS A TYRANT The Oratorical Tornado from Kansas Gives His Views In a Startling Speech Senator Davis Replies to the Heated Remarks with Caustic Eloquence He Charges the Kan sas Member with Advocating Dis memberment of the Government. Washington. July 10. THE senate spent three hours today in debate upon the resolution offered by Senator Peffer, of Kansas, looking to government control of interstate railrosds, the reg ulation of tboir freight and passenger rates, the fixing of the wages of rail road employes, the acquisition and op eration (either by the federal govern ment or the Btate governments) of all the coal beds of tho 'country, and to many other ideas of tbe Populist party. The great railroad strike at Chicago wis the chief topic in the debate. In a speech of over an hour and a half, Mr. Peffer stated the case from the Debs' or strikers' point of view.and nd all tho blame lor the outbreak on Mr. Pullman, whom he characterized as soulless, conscienceless and tyranni cal. The cause of law aud order and of the maintenance of free and unob structed intercourse by railroad com munication wns champioued by Sena tors Davis, ot Minnesota, nnd Gordon, of Georgia, both of whom denounced in eloquent language, the position taken by the Kmsas senator and the lawless acts of Debs and his followers. A substitute for tbe Peffer resolution whs offered by Mr. Dutiiel, upholding and commending the official action of tho president and his cabinet. In tbe course of bis remarks Mr. Peffer was interrupted by Mr. Hawley who asked H he wns not aware that the railroad companies had con tracts with the Pullman company by which they are bound to use the Pull man cars. PEFFER GETS EXCITED. "The men," wns Mr. Peter's answer, "have nothing to do with these con tracts. The use of Pullman cars in interstate commerce is a mere mat ter of personal convenience. I do not -wonder sometimes tbat there is a growing feeling against the political condition of thlugs in Washington. I do not wonder that my friends write to me expressing the hope that the senate shall be abolished. I wrote to one of them the other day saying that I would vote for its abolition, and I would go fur ther and vote for the abolition of tne bouse of representatives. I wonld fa vor the government being confided to one man from each state. The fewer governors we have in this country the bettor. At any rate, one man can do no worse than a few hundred men have done. Then Mr. Peffer went on to spenk enthusiastically of tbe grand spectacle tbat would be presented when all workmen of the country stopped work, when all the life of the communities wonld be at an absolute standstill, like the silence of a Sunday morning, when nobody wonld be at work, when every thing would be paralyzed and inert. And that was, he said, what this thing meant to the American people. SENATOR DAVIS CAUSTIC REPLY. Dr. Davis, Minnesota, replied to Mr. Peffer in turns of severe patriotio in- diguntion. He said that ha had heard the speech ot the senator from Kansas with nmiiZiiinsnt and pain. He bad supposed tbat by consent tbe subject was. to be avoided now. But at a time when in the socond eitv of tbe Uuited States, tbe fourth or fifty city of the civilizad world, order was sus pended, law was powerless, violence was supreme, life was in dan ger, and property iu tbe very arms of destruction, he had been ii inn zed to hear the trumpet of seditiou blown in the senate chamber to mar shall the hosts of misrule and further destruction. Ho charged Mr. Peffer with advocating the dismemberment of the government by the abolition of its legislative and executive departments. That senator, he said, bad dec ted to speak for the American people, but he spoke really for the mob which had control of a great stragetic point. Here Mr. Peffer eotnpiained of Mr. Davis misrepresenting him, but Mr. Davis declined to be interrupted, and went on. That senator, he said, bad not a word of reproof or reproach for the blond that had been shed in Chi cago, for the millions of proporty that bad beeu destroyed. The red light of arson against the sky had called from the senator no word of disapprobation. That senator would annihilate the leg islative and executive departments of the government, and have the public affairs administered by a "committee of public safctv," ns in the "days of terror," of the French revolution. Senator Gordon (Ga.) followed Mr. Davis in nn equally patriotio speech, and in denunciation of anarehy and of those who lend it countenance. He declared that men of all parties would be found in this great eonilict standing shoulder to shoulder for the peace of the country, for tbe enforcement of its laws, for the support of its dignity and for the perpetuity of the liberties of Its people. In the last two hours of the session tho postoQioe bill and house bill for the admission of Utah as a state were passed, the latter without friction. Tbe contested elet tion caie of Thras her vs. Enloe, from tbe Eighth Tennes see district was decided Iu fuvor of tho latter upon tbe unanimous report of the committee on elections that ha was entitled to the seat. 1 WEATHER FORECAS1. Washington. Jnly 10. Forecast for Wednesday: tor Eastern Pennsylvania, warmer, south- ft CLEAR west winds, fair. GREAT OFFERING -OF- 150 Full Eleven Quarter Marseilles Quilts at These we consider the best goods we ever sold at the price. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and" Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Dairies Gomfort-GlYing Shoes The only kind that give it, for the summer, is our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & DaYies Next THURSDAY and FRIDAY, of Weichel'a New Jewelry Store. Every lady caller will receive a souvenir. Everybody welcome. I j. WE The Jeweler, 108 Spruce Street. MARSEILLES QUILTS $1.25 EbgIi OLCLOUB Opening Bay 1 1