THE SCKANTON TIIIBTJXE TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF Th present anthracite circular, m the Stockholder opportunely point ont, in mfloh lower than was that of one year ago. The July, 1S93, circular quoted broken coal, f. o. U. nt New York, $3 00 p?r ton; orst. $115; itove, $4.60, and chestnut, ft 00 Pr?e ut price are IS cent per ton lower on broken and 25 cent oo egtfi store and cbastnut, Ttie avrite of theie four ia- li, therefor, $'t 05 prtnn,Bgiiust $4 31 per ton in July. 1893. At the preaeut average the eotnpauiea are re ceiving exactly what it cost thu iu September, 1302, when Mr. McLeod was iu eharje of th Reedinir. That coet. Ha eatitniteJ uy Mr. McLioJ, u just $3 95 per ton. as follow: On board tsars at the mine. $1 G4 6; lose on aui'tll sizes, 50.4 cents; tmgbt to Juraoy City, $1 CO; loading on boats, 15 cants; commissions tmid to middlemen, 15 cents; total, $3 05. This was th actual coat of delivering a ton of coal at Jersey City, without anything for the coat in the ground, or" interest, or depreciation of the plant producing it. If to these thinas be added SOoeut royalty and 25 ceuts for interest and depreciation of th- plants, there will, be u .total of $4 55 per ton; the average price received for prepared lz9 iu New York in Sep tember. 1SU2, was $130. thus showing nn actual loes of 25 cents per ton. These figure are, proportionately, ap plicable to the present cost to the companies, for while W4 and rate are slightly lower, so also are priors, and it is probable the latter will more tbau offset the former. This being true, what wore can be asked of the tniuiug companies! Cubou county juit now Is indulging in all ton riotous luxuries of a hret class trolley war. The 'i'amuqua-Lans-ford Electric Railroad companv tgao buildinK an electric, railroad from Tainaqua to Lnnsford on Tnnrsdny ruoruiug with a force of over 100 men. The company begins at the Tuimiqwi borough line and will build to the Lnns ford borough line. Both iu Tatunqua and in Lansford, however, the ritfln of wuy has been grunted to a comuny of Philadelphia capitalists, styling tliew selves the Inter-County KUntrio Rail way company. The right to the turn pike Letween Tarnuqua and Lundford is in dispute, claiuiuu by both partial, tut the T.iulaqu and Laudator, peo ble are outtiuK down n new road bed parallel with the turnpike, and the end is not yet. The threatened rate war on account of re'.urn tickets to the Christian En deavor and the Nutioual E ideational convention) hps, says the Indianapolis Journal, been averteJ by the crippling of the road interested on account of the strike Unless the couveutious are postponed they will probably ba little vle than local n If airs, The strike which has necessitated soma of the the roads turning their contracts over to competing lines.uaa brought to light bolub marked irregularities on the part of certain road which nsuahy under bid competitor. ens? tins couia to light where a road Lai contracted to carry a party of forty at 0 below the agreed riites, end sivon of tue number were given passes. The road which contracted (hi business! could not car ry out its contract, tind was compelled to buy forty full fare ticket and ship the party over another road at a net loss to the company ot $380. Just now pasienger men aro encouraging peep's to remain at home until the strike troubles are over. Over in England one enterprising manufacturer of in ic Jiuery has recent ly brought out ati apparatus by which retail coal dealer . may make up the Unt of the yards into coal briquette in the rate of a ton an hour. J. he di i- chine dfes not ocenpy much room, re quires little power nnd is largely auto luatic. The coal duit and bin li a ma terial, UiuUly pitch, are fed into a mixing and mtaturing machine, which uiixos them together in the proper pro portion. Then the mass falls in to a dis integrator, where it is ground op and mixed some more. From tbi disintegra tor a I el t conveyor lift the paste into a vertical heater where steam is used to raise the temperature of the mass until it is sticky. Then it is fed along to still another pulverizing and grinding apparatus, which finally discharges it into mould. Here it i subjected to a pressure for about two ton to tho iquire inch, which Is sufflcirot to turn out a iqinre cake of fusl weighing any where irom three-qu rteri of a pound to three pounds, as may be desired. The briquettes sra usually sold to ui ill consnmrrs by number rather than weight, and on this account the builder ot the machine l as taken particular care to produee an nppnratm which, tbongh small, will turn out a uniform product. . Minor Industrial Notes: The Indianapolis roads are hauilliDa about 50 per cent. of their normul tou- cage. It ia said that none of tbe producing companies are roceiving the July circular for coaL Tbe number striking or idle through strikes so far this year has already ex ceeded 500,000. Lehigh operators say that orders were never scarcer than at present, while pricei are very low. There has been a falling off iu priors recently. The Lehigh Valley RMIroad company has put a train on tbe road to ourry noth ing bat express goods. The train will run daily, except Sunday. John Laiarns, trafflo manager of the Indianapolis, Decatur . and Western, states tbat the company is loading con siderable wheat on tbe liue. Fig Iron west is commanding 25 conts per ton, and cattle, hogs and sheep are noticeably higher, even at far western markets, where receipts are restricted. . During Jnly 127 regular line steamer are advertised to leave New York far for eign ports, against 141 last month, and 13 from Philadelphia, agninat nine last month. Superintendent Stockton, of tbe Pull mau company, states that the business of company in New Eugland at the present time is larger than he ever knew it be fore. The coal trafflo on the Lehigh Valley and Delaware, Susquehanna aud Schuyl kill railroads 'still continues very heavy. The 1 trainmen are kept busy day and Bight. Coke production in the Connellsvllle region keeps on increaalug at au encourag ing rate from week to week. Since June 1 it has averaged a gain of over 10,000 tons a week. J. D. Mcllwain, who resigned last month as superintendent of tbe Uarver Steal Car works, has accepted a similar position with the Union Car company, at Depew, N. Y. Jam F- Blanobard Is sinking an ar tesian well near Drifton for Cox Bros. & Co. It will b put down 1.000 feet and if water 1 found it will be used to supply the engine on the Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill. . . It to rumored that a branch eleotrio rail way will be constructed between Bear Valley and Springfield In tbe Bear future. NDUSTRIES The new road Is to connect at a point near the ' bow's back" (itu the rnalu Hue of the Bhamokin tot. Caruiol Llectric railway. Wilaou P. Banner, of South Bethlehem. formerly conductor of the Leliiuh Vulley day shifter and aa extra pusseuier con ductor, has been appointed oouanctor oa the new United States express train on ho Valley road now running between Kaston and Lacknwanna and bloomsbure Jtiuctiou. Hush McGei, alr of Sooth Bethlehem, formerly paaoenner brakeman, has been appointed to succeed Air. isenuer. Eluctrto Bitter. This remedy U becomlnc so well known end so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have ued Elrotrio BltUrs sine the same foil? of praise. A purer medicine does notexixt Mid it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tbn Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Sail Khenm and other affections caused by impute blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Contisnatiou and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satiuluction guaranteed, or mouey refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1 per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug storo Husky Scuoenuals, foreman Henry Krug l-'ackitig Co., bt. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil, with his men (or sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped bands , etc. It is the best. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bends. New York. Julv 9.-The confliot be tween the federal troops and the strikers at Hammond yesterday led to a wean opening at the Stock exchange today and encouraged the bear to extend their lines. Cbicaiio Una naturally bore the brunt of the attack, but the Grangers also came iu for some share ot attention by local operator. London, alarmd at the western situation, sold St. Paul and other stocks and accelerated the downward movement. The early decline whs equal to 2H in C!lis BU(1 tn l imt ent. iu the Bwiersl list. Gas nold down to 73 ex-dividend ot ljtf percent. Sugar fell to Mtf, Kock Maud 1, St. Paul , nml the otuer prouii uent issues K to W. The foice of the sell inir movement exuended itseli before 11 o'clock, however, and a rally eusued, but before niiddav the bears resumed active operation", and Pullman broke 3 to 1513, and Delaware and Hudson 1 to 120 General list, however, displayed cousidorn- hie tinnnesa and refused to yield to any lmu'irtuut extent, fcpeoulation tnen tie. came very quiet for a time, but during the afternoon tuere was a enaro raiir iu wnicu Sucar led. This ktock moved up from '.4X to Chioago Uas from 73f to "!! ; Kock Maud from GSX to : ISt. Paul from to 59.V: Louisville aud Nashville rrom 4;)T to 44; ana liurlini'ton anu Quincv from 84 ti TS'i; Missouri Pacillo liomzj) toxti;ij; union fucioorrom iv toll; General Electric from Dbji to 3i Kortheru Pacitic vreforred lost K: Dis tillers li aud Chicago Gib 3. The market closed nrui. The tales were 155,UoU shures. The foil'iwmjt complete tablo inowinu the day's lliietuatiuuH m active stocks ia supplied and revised daily ty LaUar tullur, etoea brokers, 121 Wyoming avonac: Open- HUfc lint. est. Am. Cot. Oil 27 27 Low eat. i!7 W!4 5 Clot- me 7 Am Sur. Wi A.T. &S. V 6 Can. So. On. W. J Chic N. W HWi Q., B. & Q 74i'4 Chic. Ua, 7H C..C. C. St. L.... Si'& mi lutw io H 74 r.f.l :i4jg Hi l.ism ah lata m v:4 )' 7jW "Ms am vol.. rtocK.vai. l. it. la i:,a lit 13H :i7 12H nui at v Wii 1 1 s 14 1 D. : H VSli 11., L. & W 1.VJ D. & C. F S4 t.rie Li i. E. Co UkeHhore U'S I.. & N 44 -Munbattan HI '4 MIm. Pac 2:4 Nat. Lead uTH N.Y. N.E S. Y. Central N. Y..O. W N. Y..8. A W 14 a. S. I'. Co 21 iaoi L'7 44H li4H, ails n 14 -l!s North Pac North Pao. pf... Omaha Pac. Hail Heading Rnrrk Island K. T St. Paul T ., C. HI Texas Sc Pac... l;g Yi U Vi l."A( (ifiH i)3 W,i llhi SJtj W 105 4; Union Padiic Wii Waliash pf lX Western L'nion M W'.Js L. t Uii W. i& L. E. pf 4:) ii" MM :ul ll!4 4v Chlcttiro Grain and Provlilom. Bcrantok. July 9. Tlie followlnn qoott- tiuus urn mipplied ami Cnrrontdl daily by Lit Unrii Fuller, stock brokur,Ul vVyomin- r uue. WHEAT. JuIt. tt i 4l as as 1035 124H irs v:m t:2 (HO ;7 (M7 IV.5 t:47 Sept. 6 B4 ml H H )'J-0 lira Kti.', m tis" Bel) ttu rno u7 Dec. l ii-'H ODomna;.,.. Lushest Lowest, Llosili,; LUlt. flVi'liiin Lowest CloaiuK UA l S. Oponinif , IiiKbest howent , Clc.Hitiir f UKK. Open ng tliKuest Lowest , Uoin , LAHD. Owning Highest Lowest tlosinp BHOKT KIB3. Opening lliKliest Lowest Ciusuiji Scranton Vi holasal Markat . Sciunton, July 9. Fnuir and Pro duce: Dried apples per pound,fia7c, : evap orated apples, )1h14c. per pound; Turkiah prunes, Cui.'jc.: English currant, 2a2Jc.; layer raisins, $1.7dai.H0; muscateb, tl.OOa 1.40 per bor; new Valencias,. 7a7c. per potinu. IIbans Marrow-fats. C3.00a3.03 per oustiei; medium. l.7il.'JU. Pzas ureen, tl. 15al.20 per bnsbal ;spllt, t2.50a2.CO: lentels,5 to 8a per pound. Potatom New, per barrel, tl.75aL85, Onions Basket, tl.U5al.50. huttor io. to lbc. per lb. CniMi HaDKo. perio. . ,' . Boo Fresh. 14al4io. - - Poultry Chickens, dressod, 12 to 13c; turkeys. 12 to 13c. MKATs-Hamp, 12c: small hams. 12Wc: skinneu liams. Vino.: California bams, 8c.: shoulder?, 8,Vc. Rallies, 8o.; smoked brtaltrost bacon, lie. t-MoKKO Blitr-Outnides, lB.c; sets, ISC.: insiues anu Kiincaies, lo,'C. Pokk ileal at 115; short cut, $10. T . n t In . ' b W - . 1 8e.j in 10-pound pails, Uc.; in 6-ponnd palls, 8c. -pound palls, ys. per noond. Plock Minnesota patent, per barrL I4.2iia4.40; Ohio and Indiana amber, at t3.60i tirabam at tAwi rye nour, at 13.00. FitD-AIIxed, per owt, at H.Q0. UltAiN-Ry. 06. t corn, 52 to 55s. I oat. 65 to 60c. per bnsheL Ryb Straw Per ton, $13n)5. HAY-tl.50alO. New York Produce Market. Kbw York. July 9. Floub-DuII, weak. Wintir Wheat Low grader, 11. 85a 2.50; dn. fair to fancy, I2.4Uh2.90; do. pat euts, t2.H0a3.25; Mlnneiiota clear, $2. 23a 2.05; do. straights, 3n8 fO; do patents, 3.40h4.15; city mill. fa.55H3.65; do. pntt ents, $4.25a4.25. Wiieat Quiet, firmer; No. 3 red, store and elevator, 6U?fc; ailoat, OOJo. ; f. o. b., CujaClc.) ungraded rtd, 67n;)c; No. 1 northern, H7r,; options active, closed steady at Ho. over Saturday; No. 2 rejl,July, 69o.; AogQBt,60Jic.i September, 2o.! Decern br, 65f. Jonir Dnll, firmer; No. 3, 4Cc; elevator, 47c. sfloat; options were dull, steady; July, 40o.s August, 47c; September, 47Ja Oats Dull, mixed, scatce and higher; optlous dull, hlitber: July, 4t)o.: August, 4Xai eeptember, 32a; October 82Jo No. 9 white. July, 48c.; spot prices, No. 2. IWXalHo.;No.a wbite.52c: No. 8 Chioacoi 52c; No. 8, 4'JXo.i No. S white, 50a; mixed western. n'KaSc; white,do. S2a!.Tc.;white State, (jJhoiv. Bitr Dull. Meady; family. 612nl4: ex tra I1H'. $848.60. jekf Hams ijuiet at 8'30a2f) 51). TiEitcEo Bcy-Uull: city extra, Indian mets, J17nl8. ret JlKAxa-Quiet, firm: pickud tolli, ?4'8c: do. shoulders, tic; do. hums, llH-i aiiddls Nominal. Laud Oiuet. sttonc: western steam. $7.45; city, e?ia7c.; July closed S7.4U; re- nuiO, quint; continental. 7.M; SouiU America, 7.S5; coiuponnd. 60se. PottK-Q.iiet, flrmer; mess, $Hul4.25. BuiTEll Firmer: state dairif. IL'alSc: do. creamery. 15al!)a : Pennsylvania do.. IBiiIOc; western dairy, loXaU.c; do. creamery, 14a 19c; do. fuctory, R'aMc; nlgine, l(c ; imitation creamery, ISnlSc. L rtKKRK Good demand, ilnnor; statu larRo, ?$!).; da lancy.HXaUo,; do. small, 7Ho. ; part klni, Vka6c,; full skims, liajc. Euu.4 Liuht reCeiDta firmer: state and Pennsylvania, 1615J.. western fresh, Haioc; do. per case, VMS. Philadelphia Tallow Harksk rau-ADEU'DiA. July 9.-Tallow was dull and unchanged. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, i)a. prime country, in barrels, 4c; do. dark in barrels, 4c;. cakes, 4,'1,'c.; grease, 8a3Jic. DEBS IS A COMMON ENEMY. Philadelphia Timm. President Debs, of the American Rail way union, is a common enemy. He is the euetny ot labor: he is the enemy of capital; he is the enemy of ludustry, of commerce, of finance aud of trade; he is the enemy ot everything that improves the condition of workiuymen and that tends to the general prosperity of the country. He baa wantonly and arbitrarily deprived scores of thousands of his fol lowers of their daily labor and their daily bread when they had no dispute whatever with their employers. By the interruption of trade and trafllo he has increased the coat ot nearly all the necessities of life to the wurkinutneu when thuv are deprived of all sources of Income by the sti Ik) he has ordered. He Uas deprived labor of millions o( dollars that would have been paid in wages during the prelum year by the construction of new railways, which will be halted now by tho great uncer tainty of the cost of operating them. He has stopped foreign luvesimeut in our railway securities for tho time aud prob ably participated the return ot many mil lions of such investments to be paid rrom our already scant supply or Cold, thereby crippling the whole business aud industry ot the country. He has halted American investmeut iu industrial enter prises which would give employment to workmen. All such investments are read lly hindered by uncertainty, and the dis turbauce iu labor circles is oue of the sur est methods of stopping investments which would give employment to labor. He has opened the door tor reduction of waives turouguout our eutlre railroad system. The railways have been struggling against most advene times during the last year,and many nave been compelled to yield to the possession of receivers, but thus far they have almost invariably maintained the wages ot their workmen. With a loss of a million dollars a day imposed upon tho ruihvays and those interested iu their traffic, by a strike that is as costly as it is wicked and revolutionary, the railways will be compelled to reduce the weges of tneir employes. Such Is tue entertainment to which President Debs, of the American Hallway union, Is inviting his deluded wurkingmen, and if they shall not soon understand that he is a common enemy of labor nud of everything that promotes the interest of labor, they must be strangely indifferent to their own interests as well as to the interests of the whole country, DEBSISM IS DOOMED. Detroit Tribune. Mr. Debs and the men whp are behind bim bftve placed themselves without the pale of tho law. They are not to be con aidereil. Tbey are arrayed ngainst the public good, aud unleag by force of arms they can auataiu themselves in their posi tion tbey must take the consequences that justly fall to rebels. Philadelphia Inquirer. American people are fair. They sympa thize witb workmen when wages aro low. Tbey would aid theui to better wages. But tney cannot consent to tuo general stop page of railroad traffic and the loss of many millions of dollars becuuae one dem agogue out in Chicago is not blessed with common sonse. Detroit tret Prut. The intelligent members of the Amori- can Railway union can hardly fail when tney examine tbe matter coolly aud critic ally to condemn tbe use which is being made of tbem and tbe loss to which they ure bdbjected in a quarrel in which neither tbey nor their employes have any part. Chicago Tribune. When the issue narrows down to Debs vs. the United S atea, Ur. DetM will sit down with a jar that will loosen his teeth. WTien Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Cobtorla, When she became Was, she clung to Castorla. When she bod Children, she gate them Castorla PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM 5 Makes sH Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purlfloi the blood, balMinp! the weak and debilitated, elves stsanvth ts witn Irfktinrl uarn . : ii . i . ui...KiTi"i, wie rauem neaitn ana n.ii'!usa wnore siekneas, gl"omy feelings and bualtude tint prevailed. For primary, secondary nnd tortlary syphilla, lor blood poisoning;, merou rlr.l nolou. malaria, dvuntnula. nnd In nil blood and skin dlseasea, like blntnhea, plnploa, old chronic uleera. tetter, auuiu uuau, oona, erysipelas, eczema- we may any, without fear of contrHdletlon.that P. P. P. la the beat blood purifier In the world, aud makes positive, speedy and permanent cures lu all cases. Ladles whnao aratonia are polsonod mm snd wlioae bloodla in au Imnuro annili tlun, due tomnstrul Irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by tho won derful tonio and blood eloanslng prop ertlnaot p, p. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassium. Bprihofibi.o, Mo., Aug. 14tn . 1HMX -l oan apeaa in tne ciuueac tt oan atraak in the bluheat trma uf your tneilielne from my own pi our muuieiue irom my own peraonai knowledge. 1 was affeeted with henrt fU9 illrtpnnn. olearlsv nnd rhnumutlum fne ggl ' 35 y oara, waa treated by the very best . phyaiuiana ana spent huudrads ol did lars, tried every known remedy with out nmiiugrviier. inaT only Ukan one bottle of your P. P. P., sad oan cheerfully any It has done me more food tliau anything 1 have ever taken, can recommend your medlnlna to all sufferers ot the above disease. MR4. M. M. YKART. Spr. jgflold, Qreau County, Mo. sB- OTP fwH. aa ftm IF n at Beccham's pills are fot biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills-25c. At clrugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200 SURPLUS. $250,000 This bank nlftm to depositors every facility warrauled by their balouuet, buil una and rrapuiiMlblllty. Special attention (tivon tn bmlneia ao uuuta. lutereat iaiil uu time dcpoalU. W1X7.IAM CONNKI.K Frealdcnt. VKO. H. OATLIV, Vlce-t rraldant. WILLIAM B. VUili, enables, D1RKCTOKS. William Connell, George If. Cktlln, Alfred II anil. Jutuea Arohbnld, Henry Hullo, jr., WllHuui X. fcuitb. Lather Ku-n Do You Need Printing? Commit THE TRIBUNE JOB DE PAIiTMENT. Do Your Books Heed Binding? Consult THE ERY. TRIBUNE BIND- REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man 1st Bay. 15th Duy. "&4 of Me. THE GREAT 30th produces the above results in SO d:ys. It n tr powerfully aud Quickly, l ures when all others ail Youiik men will retain their lost mouhooil, aud old men will recover their youthful vnror by iu1iik KKVIVO. It quickly and surely rentorca Nervous ness, Loht vitality, liuiioieucy. Nightly tmlbnion, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wistlns Plecwa. and all ettccts ot Kull abiiBo or excels and induorction which unUts one for study, buxlneas or marriaRe. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring ing back the pink clow to pale cheeks and re storing tho Are of youth. It wards oft Insanity and Consumption. Iusist on having KKVIVO, no otucr. It can be carried in vest iMcket. Iiy mull S 1.00 per package, or six tor 113,00. with a Doal tive written R-uiiruntee to cure or refund tue money. Circular tree. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL For sale by Matthews Ilros., Druggists, Scranton, I'a. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE DEALER'S !1 AND AGENT'S PROFITS. 5f J D .ml. m-. ia ibiuk vnti vaiuiu uum uiwjvir.nuii' r fable fur either sex. nude of bt dio StaV Xis' J, strong, BiibHtuntial, occunitoly adjuhtwi find jully vurranted. Write to-(y for our uu cutupiere cnuiinfnm ui Dirvcjes, pans, rrurs, evu( 838 Wabaab Avonuo, - CHICAGO, 1LU and vigor quickly resioreu.v aricocale, iifcrhtly emtsi.lmis, Atro ;phr. ete.. aurelr eun-d by llllu dookeniedy. Wltb wrlllfasniraatnloCBra. Suldb' klAIl'liikVia liKOS.. Urugelsu, bcruuum.l'a. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion must use Pozzonl's PowH der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are entirely removed by P.F.I. Prickly Ash. Poko Hoot snd Potns' Blum, the greatost blood purlller on earth. Aiibrdxrn, O. . July 21 , 1891. HE fin. Dear Hihs-I bought a bottle of "n yol'tfP. P. V. at Hot Bluings, Ark., od ltl.ia done me more good than three tn mills' treatment at the Hot Bpriuga. Hand ttireo bottles C. o. O. tteapsuttuiiy youra, JAfl. M. KFWTOW. C9 Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. J. D. Jobualon. To all whom II mny tmefrm 1 hre i hv tamt If w tr tha wiinilartitl nmnartlAi "i Y""r,T.rt fi Vi n r 'uffersd for several vears with an un- islghtly and dlsngreeablo eruption oa aO miy lace. irieu every suuwu reme fly but in Tnln.iintll P. P. P. was used, tint um nnv mntirnlv eured. (Blgued by) J. D. Joiin'HTOK. , (savannah, Ua. Sklo Cnaocr Cared. Tcttimonyjrom the Mayor of 8tjUin,TtX. ' BKQtJtK, TKg. , January 14, 1893. Mkisrs. LtPPMAN Buoh.. Savannah, Oa. i t;n(mii I have tried your P. Y. P. tor a illsvnse of the skin, usually known as skin cnnoor.ot thirty years' standing, and found great relief: Ui purines i lie blood nnd removes all lr rltatlou from the seat of the disease and proventa any spreading of tho sores. I have taken Bvsor sir bottles and feel confident thatanotherrnurse sRr Will eilOUIt VU1V v uua n.rv . we from Indigestion and slomaoa "-KS) troubles. Tfours trulv, CAPT- w. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. E03k oo M mm mm Free. - ALL PEUQOIBTB SELL IT. . LIPPMAN QR03. pnnpniHT0lt9. -S? Llppmaa's Block.Saviuanah, Om Third iationa -- rtintorrnpliPti US I)ay. 000 len Deserve Good Clothe ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a irst-class printing es ablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to- date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are air and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those M tichromes The Tribune will promptly preserve any ol the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Mnltichroise Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES DO COOD Fhem Neatly Bound BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL t'UVNICIANti AiM'htltbtO.NN DXi. Q. EDO AH DEAN has removed totiia Upruce street, rkirautoa, la. (Just op posits oourt-bouse iijuara) 1)H. A. J. t-OWNELL, OUJoe 201 Washington f avenue, corner Spruoe stroet, orur Franckn g drug store. Resiaenoe, 7S VlnesU Olbce nours: laaitolJa. to. nnd to ami 5H.aUp.jn. Bundsy. ii to 3 p. in. li. W. It AI-LEN Oflice cor. Laok XJ wanna and Washington ayes. : over Leon ard shoe atore; oflico hours, JU to 12 a. m. aud to 4 p. m.; sveuiuga at resldenca, 612 X. "ttshiinfton sto. )H.CL. KKKY, Practice limited to DLv J eases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat; oMoo, la Wyoming ava Uuaidsnae, ail Vine street. DK. LSI. OAT EH. 126 Washington Avauu Office hours. toll a.m.. l.Luto 3 and? to 8 p.m. Katidonco .'Hid Madlwu avenue lOUN h. WEN'JJZ, M. L., OlBces Ki and 51 (.(imnion wealth bulldlhtr: resldonoe 711 MaiiUioiiavo; offlee hours, iff to 12, 2 to 4, 1 to ; Hundays 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of tbe eye, ear, uose snd throat and gynecology. LAW Y Kit. I M. C. RANCK'8 Law and Collection of tl . flco, No. 817 Bpruca St., opposite Forest House. Bcranton, fa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond- riiiBin Bvury couuty. ILSKUPHJz KAMI Alt... 1 , J ...... , . , . , ..... . niiu .uuuaui iOra St Law. Louimonueulth tmtliliiiv. V udiiuston ave. w. H. Jirmiip, UORACB E. HAKR, w. li. jkssup, Jn. WILLARD. WARHKN kNAlP,AtW y.m,.a n ., .1 I . . . T 1 1 1.1. building, Waabington are.. Hcranton, I'a. IJA-rrfctSWON is WILCOX. Attorneys aud X C'lunaellors at Law; oOieea 0 aud Library Lulidln bcranton, I'a. Hoswgr.L R PATTinso William A. vvirx;ox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, At birneys and Counsellors. Commonwealth building. Rooms 10, IS) and ia. WF. BUVLE, Attorney -at-Law.Nus.1V and 20, Burr building, Washington avenue HENRY M. SKF.LY-Law olllcea iu Price building, 120 Waahltigton avenue. RANK T. OKLLL, Attorney at Law. Room 0. Coal Exehangn. HcranUm, I'a. MILTON W. 1.0 WRY, I Att ys, W Washing 0. H. VON BTORt.'H, ton ay!. C. n. sguaii. AMES W. OAKFORD, Attorney at Law, O rnouis 03, 54 and 65, Commonwealth b'l'g. (JAMUEL W. EDUaR, Attorney at Law. tJ Oillce. 817 Korueeat.. Hrnntnn. I'a. L A. WATRESj, Attorney at Law, Hi Lackawanna nne., Kernnton. Pa. J P. HJUTH. Counsellor at Law. Office. . rooms 54, 5,1, Ml Commonwealth building. c 1 HTl'HRtl 4 ...... ... ........ ...iu. i. j ., i.n it , wur . nionwealth bullulng. Hcranton, Pa. C. COMEOY8. .121 Spruce Bt. 1) H RKl'I.ritll IT ( - mm, vwiu., wnui iinv a tiated onjrealestateaecnrity.4(W Spruce. F. KILLAM, Attornev-at-Law, 1JU Wy a ouiing avenue. Hi-ranton. B K( IIOUI.S OCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scran. O ton. Pa., nrenares bovs and cirls forcolletrs or uuslnesa: tnorougiuy trams young cnilurea catalogue at request. KEV. THOMAS M. CAM Waltbh H. Birr-t.L. fISS WOKCE8TICUS KINDERGARTEN ill and Hchool. 41- Adams avenue, pupilj ncnived at all timoa Next term wiu open September 3. lh.N 1'ls.Ts. WM. A. TAFT. D.D.S., 104 North Wash iliL'ton Ave. Snecialiv in Porcelain nestorutioiiH. Crown ana bridge Work. (J V. LAUHAC11. burgoou Deutmt, Ko, 115 W yommif ave. K M. sTKAT'I'mV. nfflc foal KxHnn LOANS. rI,llE REPUBLIC Savings snd Loan Asso X ciutiou will loan vou iu,.liey on easier terms and pay you better on investment than uuy other association. Call on 8. N. CALLltN- 1ER. Iim Bunk Vmildinir KKUIIS. GK. CLARK & CO., Somlsmen. Florists and Nurserymen; store l4ti Washiouton avenue; green,l&) North Main aveuua' store tnleplinne 7si TKAS. GRAND UN KIN TEA CO.. Jones Bros. WIRE S KKI NS. J OS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lsck.twnnna avenue. Scranton. Pa . n'annf'r of Wire Screens HOTELS ANU RESTAURANTS. ' I 'iin, r r-si aiitsAir.K, zii-zi vv yoaiing 1 ave. Rooms heated with sraam: all mad VESTltlNSTEk, em improvements. C. M. Tkvmah, Pnp. rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 nnd 127 Franklin ave J. nuo. Kates rousonablo. P. ZiKOLun, Proprietor. ' tS'A'iliSi&TKlt HOTEL. VV W. G. SCHENCK, Manager. Slxteentb street, one block east of Broadway. at Union Square, New York. American plan, $;15U per day and upward. COYNE HOUSE. European plan; '.good roo ma Open day ana night.' sup plied witn the best P. H. COYNE. Pronrletor. OCR ANTON HOUSE, nenr D L. & W. pa. O sengor depot. Conducted on the Europsun plan. Victoh K uolu'roprletor. r i RAND CE-N'TUAL. Tl bo largeat and bjsi J etitilpped hotel in Allentowu, Pa.; ratal S and l-.ou per day. VicToK D. BAnttHR, Proprietor. AUCIMTKCTS. 1) AVIS A HOUPT, Arcluteeta. Rooms 'A 25 and Sit Commonwealth h'Wg. Scranton. ? L. W ALTER, Architect, Library build Iv. lug, Wyoming avenue. Sornnton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prloe building. 138 Vanhington Ave.,Scranton. MI.srKIXANKOl.'a IJAUER'S ORCHESTRA AR'SIO FOR iJ balls, picnics, liartiea, recoptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address K. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbrt's music etore. II ORTON D. 8WART8 WHOLESALB lumber, Prlco building. Scranton, Pa, MLGARGEE BROT1IEUS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bugs, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington aro., Scranton, Pa. II OHSEH AND CARRIAGES FOit SALE at 1533 Cupousi svenue D. L.FOOTF., Agont "I.HANK P. BROWN & CO., WHOLE 1 sale dealers iu Wood ware, Cordago aud Oil Cloth, 7'.'0 W. Lnckawnnna svenuo. LZRA FINN & SONS, builders and contrao J i tors. Yards: Corner Olive at. and Adams ave.; cornor Ash st. snd Point ave., Scranton. The GENUINE New LTavcn "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1806. New York WarcroomS No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bole dealers in this section. OVFICK-m Adams Ave.. Telephone. BTd'g- Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. COUBT UOU8I SQCAKS. All klndg ot Laundry work gaarnnteel the best, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING COl KCRANTON AND WILKES-EARBE, PA. MANUFACTURERS 09 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. ; CENTRAL RAILROAD OF K J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbrsclto coal nsel exclusively. Insuring cleaulinoss and comlort. TIttIS TAfll.G IN EFFECT MAY 20, 188t. Trains leave Bcranton for Plttston, Wilkes. Bnrre, etc., at 8 an, .8.10, 11.30 a. m., 12.50. 2.UU, HSf), mi, 1Z 11.00 p. ui. bunduys, 8.U0 a- m., 1.0(1, 2. hi, MO p. m. For A'lantlo City, 8.20 a. to. lor Kew York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.29 (express) a. pi., 12.50 (cxprosa wKtt bullet lrlor car). i.W (exprew) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 iv m. Foil MAl'flH CnpNK, Allentows, Bkiht. nr.u, Kamost and PmijiiKi,tHU, 8.4) a. m.. 1150. 3.U0. 6.00 (exoept fhUadelpblaJ p. in. Sunday, i Ift jp. m. For Long Bhahch, Ocean Orovb, etc, at 8.20 (wiih tnrougo nir) a, ra., liWp. m. For Reuding, Lebnuon aud Harrisburg, vis A lien town, 8.20 a. m., 12.60, (.00, p.m. Buuday, 2.1.1 p. m. For Pottsrllle, 8.':il a. m., 12.10 p. m. Ui!ttirnlng, leave New York, foot of Liberty eireet, iMjnu river, at ttiu texpress a. In., 1.10, LIB, 4.!i (express with Ballet parlor car iu. oi'uuiit, u. ni. Leave 1'biladelpbia, Koadlng Terminal, 9.0) m 2.00 and 4.i) p. tn. bnnday, 0.7 a. ui. 'I hrouirh tickets to all Dnints at lotrnot ratna may bo bad on application in advance to the ticket agent at tne station. 11. f. BALDWIN, Gen. l'aia. Avunfc. J. a OLHAITSEX. (ion. Built. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May , 1KI2. traina will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Htution. Scranton, for Pitts- kw Tr'ilisvfj ion, iy iiKeF-rurro, etc, e-'io. Baa " i- ?at-11U' "-is. for r s"d ll w m' Af For New York andPlills- ' deltihio. s 00 m. in.. 12.10. l ii 23R. d.lBotid ll.Wlp. m. For Honesdale(lroui Delaware, Iaokawanna nnd western depot;, 7.00, 6.&I, 10.10 a.m.. 1'J.IU m.. 2.17, 5.10 p. ni. For CarbondsJe and Intermediate stations, 5.40, 7 00, r.ilO, 10.10 u. m.. 12.00 in. ,2. 17, i.! snd 9 .'Vi p. m.; from Bridgo Street Depot. X.Ui a. m., i.V.aml 11 15 p. m. Fsst express to Aibuny, l-nratoga, tne Adi rondack Mountains, Psistun and New England points, 5.40 a. m.. arriving ut Albany 1H.45. Saratoga i a) p. m .uiul leaving scranton at p. in., arriving at Al'iany at D.oO p. in., Sara toga, 12.55 a, ni ., and Bustoti, 7.00 a. ro. 1 lie only tlirect routu in tween tne com nmii and Boston. "Tbe Leading Tourists' Kuute of America" to tbe Adirondack .Mountain re sorts, Lakus George and Champluin, Montreal, ete. Time tables showing local and through train aorvico between ktutlons on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained ut all Delaware aud Hudson ticket otticss. 1L O. YOUNG, J. W. BUKDICK, Second Vice President. Gen. Pass, Agt, wAltROAOj , mav ia, iw4. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia and New Tork via. L. A; H R R. at li a.m.. 12. 10. 2.2S snd 11.35 p. in via D., L. & W. It. H., 8.00, ti.W, ll.HO a.m., and 1..W p.' in. Leave Scrunton for Pittston and Wilkss Barre vis D.. L & W. H. K., B.OJ, 8.0S, 11.20 a. m , 1.80. a50. .tr?, S. -n p. ni. Leave Scranton for Wbito Haven, Hazlcton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvillo branches, via E. & W. V.., via D. tc H. R. K. at 8 a.m.. 12.10, V. 4.10 p.ra , via I).. L. & W. K. B,, 6,00, bXi, ll.ata iii., Mill, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Harrisbiirg and all intermedials points via D. tl H. It. R., 0 a m.. 12. 10, 2.JH, II. ii ti.m.,via D., L. & W. It. K..b.00,6.0!i. IVX a. m, I'M p.m. Leave Kcranton for Tnnkhannock. Tnwanla, Elmira, Ithaca. Genova and all iutermedltt pomU via D. & U. K R..IU7 a m., LI 10 and p. m.,via D. U Ss W. R. R., BM a.m,l.i p. ra. Io:ive S rranton for Uthestor, Butfalo, NI inn Fulls. Detroit. Cbimiro aud all lioiuta west visb. & H. B. R., 11.07 .m.,l lo.d.l.'..ll.3 p in., via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittston Jnnctlon, 6 08 a.m., 130, 8. Oo p. m., via K. & W. K it.. 8.41 p. ni. For Elmira and tho west via Palumanet, via D. H. K. R. 0.07 a.m., Vi 10,8.15 p. ra.. v:a D., L. & W. R. R., ,80, a.m., 1.31) snd 6.07 p- m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. St B. Junction or Wilkes-Birro and New York. l'blladelpji Huflalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN' H. WILBUR, Goh. Supt. East Div. CHAS. fi. LKE. Gn. Pas. Ag't, Phila.Pl. A-W.NoNNEMAOlIER.Asa't Oen.Pass. Ag't, South Bethlehem, i'a- DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN' RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for Now York aud all points East. 1.40, 2.60, 6.15. 8.00 and B.5.1 a. m. ; 12 and 8.60 p. m. Express for Easton, 'i'ronton. Pbilodelphta and the South, 5.15, S.OO aud V.5i a. m.; YlbS aud 3.60 p. ru. Washington and way stations, S.5. p. m. Tobyhauna aocommouatioc, 410 p. si. Kxpr as for Biuguamton, Cwwega Elmira, roniiug, Bath. Dansvllle, M"iint HurtH and Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. rs. and l.'4 p. m., aukiur close connections at baffalo to all points lu ths) West, Northwest and Soufhwesu Bath accommodation, 0 a. m. Ilinghamton aud way stations, 12.37 p. m, Nicuulioa accummodation, at 4 p. w. ana Q li) p. m. ' Blnghamton and Ehnira Express, 6 05 p, ra. Express for Oortland, Syracuse, Oawuo. L'tlca and Iticb&eld Spriaga, 110 a. u. aud UI '"'lSi'sca, 2-15 and Bath 0 a. m. and 1 21 p. nr For Northumtierland.I'itUton, Wbkos-Uarre, Plymouth, Uloomaburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Williauiaport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland snd intermediate stations, .0U HMi a m. and 1.30 and 07 p. m. Nsntteoge ana intermediate stations, B.w and 11.81 a. m Plymouth and IutermedisU ststions, 8ji)and8.oip. m. Pullman parlor aud sleeping coaches on all 'XdSlIa'SXintormation. pKkrt tim.Ubles etc apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket etflos, 82a Lackawauuaavtuus, or depot ticket omca, X'EW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS 1 RAILWAY CO. TIMS) TABLE IN Kt'IEfT SUNDAY. JUNE tl. Trains leave Scrunton for Carbondale at 8.80, 10.55 a.m . and H 10 p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10,55 a.m. and 010 p.m, , Trains leave Hancock Junction for reran ton. a m and i l p in. Trains leave Carhoni'ole for 8crant:n at 7 24 a m. and I'M, 5.34 p m. 81 RATON . ITIION. In Kllrct Jane 2 ltd, 1801. North lluiiad. ouib Bound, 203 803 OI . i 04 20O Stations r3 w 3 S (Trains Bally. Ex-g,5 cept htinany. ) p 15 a Arrive Ij-avei ia m: N. Y. Franklin Rt. West 4v'nd street 41" 10 .. Weehawken Arrlvo Leave a h soi 1 ir . If MY 1 Oil . 7 6-;is. . TMIH!4it . Uuncock Junctloni flooi 5, .. Ilanocrk starlight rreslon I'ark fi(tt; S ui .. 0 is 2i-i .. 6S5.-S311 .. 7 4MS-IOA St 7 sKias.Mii io 7X8,11! IHilO 0(1 7 wi'.'cii; titw 7 11UU.M' U 40 7 i 1 1 4U :v U Mill 31 015 conio 8 32 41 p at t) 4 I 8 M 4 Ts) 0 45, It SH 4 5 Poyntt'lle llclmotit rieusant Mb miomliile Forset City Carbondale White HildBO May Held Jermyn Archibald Wlntnn IVckvllle olyphant Db'kson Throop rrovldence Vnt'k riaco bcranton ti 431 Cirri 1: ui' 8(6 505 11158 8i9 5 08 7 10 8 1 5 18 ?S4I 181: 584 7 2718 SSI 6 -1? 0 INlllSO! 1J M431 ....110 Oil n -nil i oiw 0H5I11 is: K5; OiKflllS KM fl Kiia 48 fS 42 HI! 8 45 7 4A 8 51 7 43! 8 .'4 7 48 3 r.9 7 5 4 04 7 Ml 4 T 7 50 410 8 0O 4 14 Hliiltt 17 8()ot 4 'JO 5 51 5 51 5 5 601 8 (17 0 10 614 0 18 0 a.i 11 11! BNl O-JMl 07, 8 44 osi'nm, N4i t 11) II Oil 8 -11 A 14'll (i Kl m ldiiiiw 8 ua 010 10 55 bSii P M'A II A U Lravc . Arrive! A MP MP U AU trains run dally except Sunday. -1. rlt'Dlhei that trains stop on signal tor pas. 60 11 COt'S. secure rates via Ontario A Western betorsi rHirchnslnft tickets and save money. Day and Nihgt impress to the West. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Act ' T. riltcrott, Dlv. lima, Art. scranton, Pa. General Office, SCRANTON, Pi. ffid 3 S Ph. Wi3 ft, n i u a h' r i P Ml .... 7 25 .... .... 7 M .... ....1700 .... P M P 111 1