TiiE SC'TtAKTON TK 1 1 UNE T L" ESD AY MORNING. JULY 10. 1SJ4. 5 ( gland's ) . (Sure) Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo . NEW GOODS 1H DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, PRINTED ORGANDIES. Mears & Hagen 415 LACKA. AYE. Soft Have your COLLARS itarohefl in the old vay. when you cn have them done with sof t, pliable Buttonholes tor TWO CE-NTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. Mi 127 Wyoming Ave. C1TT NOTES. The Providence Women's Christian Temperance union will hold their meeting this afternoon In the Christian church on North Main avenue at 2.30. The regular meeting of the Green Ridge Women's Christian Temperance union will be held at their room, 61. I Green Ridge street, this afternoon at II o'clock. Tickets to the Elks' excursion- to Lake Ariel Wednesday morning are good on the regular trains leaving the city at 0.43 a. in. and 3 27 p m. Children's half price tickets can be obtained ot members at the trains. Rev. Dev. Dr. Hawxhurat will deliver a lecture this evening at 8 o'clock in the Turk Methodist Episcopal church on the Passion Play at Ober-Ammenrau, Bavaria. The lecture will be illustrated with stere opticon Views. Frank Grimes, son of Warden Griinos, ot tiie county jail, who wns shot in the eye with a Hubert rillo while playing on Washington avenue Friday, is not seri ously iujured. e bullet has not yet teen located by ' G. E. Dean. The members of the Central Women's Cbristiau Temperance union will hold a parlor meeting thi evening at the home ot Mrs. rrauc T. Vail, 300 Jefferson ave nue. A cordial luvitation U extended to all members ot the Kcranton unions. Many ot the smaller butcher shops are without western or native beef aud some of those who have the article have in creased the price one and two cents per pound. four carloads only of the western article have arrived since July 2. Mayor Connell yesterday approved the following ordinances: One ptovidiug for the purchase of land for opulug Farview rtfurt to Robinson street, the other pro viuiug for the improvement of the Pittston avenue culvert over (Stafford Meadow Brook. In response to requests from business men up and down the valley who foel that the first train on tho Elks excursion to Lake Ariel Wednesday is too early, a sec ond train ha9 been arranged for, to leave Keranton at 1.30 o'clock Wednesday after noon. This will give Its passengers shv eral pleasaut hours at the lake aud enable them to lose only a half a day from busi ness. The trial of Charles Wells, alias Gird S. Barton, for passing counterfeit money in Providence will be heard in Erie next Monday in the United States district court. The witnesses Bubcceaned hv Deputy United States Marshal Bcanlon are: Chief of Police Simpson, Police Lieu tenant Spellman, Police Officer haul, Mor nsV. Morris, A. J. Colborn, esq., aod Miss E, E. Leach. Detective Daniel McSweeney will go also. Notwithstanding the railroad strike In the west the excursion of Christian En deavors will leave via. the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road at 8.3J o'clock this morning for the international convention which will be held during the' week at Cleveland. President Debs, of the American Railway nnlon, Is said to have issued-an order to the effect that Christian Endeavor .excursionists are not to be interfered with. Opta AU Might at Lohman's Spruce street Liwn. Baaors, Bafrlgeratorr, Ios Cream Frtaaert. 1 have now on band and will sell at cost price: 19 Lawn Razors, 13 Refrigerators, IS Ice Cream Freezers. Come aud get one before they are all gone. Titos. F. Leonard, 5oA Lackawanna ave. Excursion of First Presbyterian Sunday Rcuool to Lake Ariel. Friday, July 13th. Train leaves E. & W. V. depot at 8.80 a. m. Tickets for sale at Sanderson's Drug Store and on the train. Adults, 75c; chil dren under twelve years, 40c. Williams McHy I THE Status ot the Ordinances Providing for Their Construction. THEY ARE NOW ON THEIR PASSAGE As Soon as tha Plans for the South bide. Bridge Are Completed the Or dinance Providing for Its Construc tion Can Be Passed If Business Is Expedited Contracts for Bridgos Can Be Awarded by Sept. 30. On Feb. SO. nearly five months ago, the voters ot this city at the polls de cided that two bridges should be built; one was to counect the central city with the South Side over Roaring Brook and tbe other was to extend to the West Side over tbe Lnckawaunu river at Lindeu street, Work on these bridges has not yet begun and those who voted both for and against thetn are today nek in? "Where are we at?" in this bridge matter. At the Inst meeting of solect council the ordinance providing for the erec tion of the Linden street bridgo passed first and second readings, and the Roaring brook or South Side brHge ordinance cuuie up for third and final reading, bat was laid over for the rea son that no plans were attached. A clause in tho first seotion of eacu ordiu ance reads "in accordance with plans prepared bv the citv engineer, hereto attached, and made a part of this ordinance." Mr. Mauley, of the Twelfth ward, announced when this particular passage was read in the Rouriug brook ordinance that the measure was of no effect if it passed third reading without plans attached, and ou his motion it was laid over. Under these conditions the ordin ances will ri'inain in the city clerk's cilice nutil City Engineer PUillipi has completed the plans and they are at tached according to the provisions made in each ordinance. Mr. Phillips said yesterday that he could not com' plete the work this week. WIATCHN BE DONE. Assumiug that the pluns will be completed July 19. the regular meeting night of select council, it is possible that by Au,'. 25 tbe ordinances will have been approved by the mayor, and that the work of erecting the bridges will be commenced by September 30, This conclusion is bused on the follow ing possible process and dates of the passage of the two measures: Third and final readings in select council July 19, to common council and referred to committee July 2G, first and second readings la special meeting of common couucij Au.;. 2, third and final reading in special meet ing of common council Aug. 10. After this date Mayor Connell will hive ten days to consider the ordinances, and presuming that hu signature is at tscbed on Aug. 20, the contracts for the work should have been advertised and let bv Sept. 80 According to a recent resointion of councils, before the ordinances are finally approved by tbe mayor, thev must be passed upon by an expert bridge engineer. Unless this expert examination is made between July 26 und Aug. 2, the matter may be still further deluyed in case any changes are made in the plaus. After this general summary it may appear that the city engineer lias been unduly slow in doing his part of the work. Such a comment is undeserved from the fact that the small working force at Mr. Phillips' command who Have uudertuken so great a work in connection with regular duties, has made the time consumed inevitable. However, it is true that a certain few counciltnen who favored, tbe Mulberry street site for the Wet Side bridge, are in a great measure responsible for the delay. After unsuccessfully trying in every way possible to secure a legal opinion that the bridge could have Mulberry street for a terminus, tbe qnestiou of tbe Swetland street grade was raisaa. THAT SWETLAND STREET GRADE. For some time it was maintained that the present grade of Swetland street is impractical for heavily loaded wagons, which obieotiou might neces sit.ite changing the proposed Hyde Park termiuus of the bridge to a point further north. It developed later that the present Swetland street grade is not in accordance with tbe grade rega larly established some time ago and approved by councils, which would raise the lower part of the hill some six feet and reduce the bill to a grade about 1 7 per cent, less than the West Lackawanna avenue bill. It has sines been iiccertalned that it necessary a viaduct can be built from tbe Swetland street bridge down toward tbe terminus of the big bridge, but lor only a por tion of the distance, which would still farther increase the established grade. During the period In which this nuestion was beiug Agitated, which no cupled six weeks more or less, the city eugineer was uncertain in carrying out his work and was so bothered with the noints raised that a halo of indecisive ness was necessarily bang over the nlans and imneded the work. Assuming that the contracts for building the bridges are let by Sept 30, the work must be completed by July 30, 1893, accjrditig to provisions of the ordinances which require that the excavation, masonry and grading shall be completed within six mouth after the execution of the contract, and that the superstructure shall be comuleted within four months after the contractor shall receive no tice that tbe piers and approaches are finished. There is u time penalty of $10 per day on the substructure and tha same penalty on me snpersiruc tore, so allowing six weeks' delay on each bridge, Scranton should reap the harvest of ber great enterprises ttept 15 of next year by the most liberal cal culation. LIFE AT GREAT SOUTH BEACH. Physioal Dlr.otor Weston Wrltts Enthn aioilly Conoirning It. Tha Yonns Men's Christian nssocia tion cottage at Point of the Woods, Great Sonth Beach, is now oceupied by nartv of vonua men in charge of Phvsical Director R. L. Weston aud a onmnntont hnnsekeeDsr. The fact that the oottage Is located on the Grounds of the Long Island Chatauqu Assembly, where opportu nlties ot self improvement and all kelp ful Influences abound, makes it pre eminently a fitting place, as well as a wonderfully interesting place to young men. Pbvsioal Director Weston wrus enthusiastically of tbe surf-bathing and bins-fishing. COST OF BLOCK PAVEMENT. A Proposition to Lay It on West Laoka Villi Avanue. ' Mayor Connell approved last week en ordinance directing City Engineer Phillips to prepare plans and specifics Hons and to render an estimate of cost for paving of West Laekawanua ave not. irom Delaware, L.achawan:a ana Western ruilrual crojsiujr, to Ninth street with mountain sto:ie block. The tilins were completed yesterday ami tb approximate estimate vvai fixed et$3,6;)l 50. This incluJes paving curbing and the laying of crosswalk. SOME CITY IMPROVEMENTS. liny Eavs Been Cpioplet.d and Ao- cipted by ths Contractor. Contractors Maldooo and Dow, fin ished on Saturday the grading of Mar lon street, between Washington and Wyoming avenues, and Sanderson and Capons avenues, and it was yesterday accepted by the city. 1 he grading also of New York street, between Capouso aud Washington ave nues, and the improvement ot the six- eelsiur hose house at Providence were oouipleted und accepted. ACTOR BENN A FREE MAN. His Little Episode at Archbald Cost Him Three Weeks' Imprison ment in County Jail. , There was a bearinf' before Judge Archbald yesterday in tho habeas cor pus case of Actor Walter Bene, who has been in the county vui uuring me past three weeks ou u charge of dis charging firearms. The uctor during an engagement at Archbald became intoxicated and fired off a revolver, oue of tne bullets it con Uineil injuring Miss Fuller, I lio lend ing lady of the company, lie was committed to the -comity jail bv Bur gess Unrke, of ArchbalJ, ou a charge of discharging firearms. Attorney D. P. Keplocle appeared for Mr. Bonn yesterday. Judge Archbald discharged the prisoner following the nplulon banded down a few weuks in case growing out of n conviction in tho borough of laylor. It was maintnlned in tua,t opinion that n prisoner could not comtnittsd to the county jail for failure to pay a fine for tbe violation of a borough ordi nance. He might be imprisoned in the borough jail for a period not to exceed five day, or compelled to work out bis fine on the street at the rate of $1 per day. After his discharge on tbe writ of habeas corpus the actor was tinned over rv the Bheriil to Constable Jona than Venison, of Archbald, who held him on warrants issued by Justice of the Peace Manley, of Archbald, churn ing Benu with felononMy wounding Miss f uller. I he accused man was taken to Archbald aud given a hearing before the Al lerman, but tbe evidence not being suluoicnt, he was discharged und relumed to this city lat-r in the day. Mr. Benn was last season n member of the Wonderland stock company. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. M. J. Martin, of ilocow, having passed a preliminary examination yesterday rez- leteren as a siuuuut-at-iuw in me omce m ex-Congress Lemuel Anierir.au. Next Thursday is the time fixed for hearing arguments in the injunctiou case of the Lackawanna Iron nuu btei-l com pany against the Scranton Gas und Water company. Judces Archbald. Guusterand Edwards held a cousulUUoa yesterauy afternoon in Judge Archbuld's chamber, at which the cases heard in argument court were taken np for consideration. The bind of R. J. Tanfleld, of Coving. ton. collector of tax for the township, was yesterday approved by the court. It is in tne sum ot to.aiw, ana nas . w. Jones and D. W, Dale fur sureties. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by Clerk of tho Courts Thomas to Elias S. dames, of Scranton, and Lizzie Armstrong, of Taylor; John W. Scanlon and Maggie T. V aUon, of Moscow. Attorney John R. Jones yestereay ob taiued a writ of replevin for John O'liO' eheck, who alleges that William L. Smith unlawfully holds possession of a grey horse weighing l,4W pounds, which is the prop erty ot tne planum. WORKING FOR THE BABIES, Bnsy Scenes nt tho Itlg Vermont Kstab' llshment Where Lacl sited Food Is Pre pared lor All Tarts of the World. Mothers are everywhere related bv the mere fact or motherhood. Their joys, their sorrows and their needs are the same all over tbe world. Think of the countless babies in Canada, in Canada, and even in dl taut Australia, wno are growing up rosy-cheeked and bright-eyed on tbe same diet of lactatej food that moth ers in America know so well. ' Only tbcsj who have visitod the bia established lu Lurliugton, Vt , in sum mer nave any idea or the tremendous amount of this world-famous baby food which is weekly produced at the central establishment. As the weather grows warmer every effort is made to met the enormous demand for Isolated food, not only in I this country nud Canada, but from the various branches in foreign countries. It is from th London uraucu noose that goods are forwarded to the larg ciliva of Europ and tbe east, among the largest ship ments being those smt to India and to the Anstruliau brauch, located atSyd nsv, n. s. w. A visit to this establishment in Bar liugtoR never falls to make a laslin impression on every ino:ber and on any one who is at all interested in the question of a reliable baby food that snail be n genuine substitute for moth er's milk. The absolute cleauliut-st in every procesi, and the arrangement for uieetiug the bii demands in July and August without undue haste and carelessness tint might interfere wit tbe perfection of the fool, always de light visitors. Strikes are unknown among all these busy persons, bcaiue, with the con stunt demand for lactati d food at all season?, wages are kept up, so that the employed nave come to feel tlitir ow interests bound op with those of th establishment. By this friendly, co operative spirit among an who are concerned with the preparation of lac tated food, It has been possible to pro daceabsby food absolutely pure, all tbe ingredients of which lire oarefully elaborated ana conscientiously ojtn binea. Physicians, after inspecting these bolldinr?, which ure made of neatness aud convenience, unbtsitatiugly pre scribe luctatea rood lor invalids, cspe daily as the direct supervision of the preparation of the food has been fro first to last under one of the professors Vermont s famous university. Liotated food is todsy everywhere prescribtd a the one one real substitute for healthy mothers mux, combining exosllenc never before secured ot marvellous nourishing powen, aud yet beln taken by all babies with decld-td relish vhen every other food Is rejected, All that is needed to keep baby per fectly well inmuier and safe from cholera Infantum and diarrhea, tha carry off so many thousand bulies daring the hot weather, is proper nour ishment and cleanliness. These two indisgensable qualities are found i lactated food, ai d this is how it ha earned that splondid reputation of the infant food that "saves babies lives." STRIKERS UPHELD ranton Cen'.ral labor Union Ik:s Itself on Record in the Matter. RESIDENT CLEVELAND BLAMED The Action of Debs, Sovereign, the Knights and American Railway. Union Endorsed but the President's Act Is Said to Bo Unwarranted and Unprecedented Boycott Estab lished on Non-Scranton Cigars. At a meeting of the Central Labor nniou last evening a resolution offered by J. J. Morgan was adopted condoni ng the Pullman Palace Car company i ti it endorsing the Amerioan Railway union aud i resident u.bs. Tu reao- ution also upheld Mr. (iouipers. of the American r t-deration of Labor, and Mr. Sovereign, of tho Knights, and censured President Cleveluud lot sending federal troops iuto Illinois. Inu meeting was largely attended. nd when the resolution was presented to the meeting, it was adopted without dissenting vote. While the exact phraseology used at the meeting is not nown, the expressions ot the members were warm lu their confirmation of the strikers' attitude, whilo the denuncia tions uguinst President Cleveland and the Pullman compuuy were equally as seveiu. it was ulieg4d in strong Ian guuge that the course of President Dln in his management of tbe strike is just und warranted by tbe circum stances. After the meeting bad been addressed by James F. Woods, of Bingham on, vice-president of the Cigar- runners international union, a res olntinn was adopted pluduing the deb gates to boycott all cigars manu factured outside this city. The resolu tion provides thut the delegates sbull use their influence umoug laboring iiwi and local assemblies to smoke only Scranton union made cigars. The following officers were eltcted President, Jaiues Kocbe; vice presi dent, M. D. Flaherty: secretary, T. S. ran; nnnnciui si-crnary, William Yorckj treasurer, h. 12. Knapp; ser-geant-at-armia Geuro Conner: tru tees, J. S. Spencer. J. J. Morgan sud J. Collins ISIR. RYAN WILL NOW OBEY. Subroeia Asking Kim to Appear Before Commlsf loners to Be Honortd. William Ryan, of the South Side. was brought before Judge Archbald yesterday bv Sheriff Fahey on an at tachmeut. Mr Ryan ignored a sub- Voeaa directing him to appear before the commissioners in tbe Twelfth ward electiou contest aud show bv what right he voted at the election held last spring. The attachment was Usued at the in stance of H-turv Coyl, one of the con testunts. When Mr. Ryan was brought before Judge Archbald yesterday be said that he did not obey the snbpnena bi-cause he wss ill at the time. Tne judgo asked him to produce a doctor's certiucato to that effct and the attach meut would be dissolved. Mr. Ryan lirdnred that he bad not been attended by a physician and therefore could not produce the certificate. Mr. Coyle was sent for and said that Mr. Ryan had given them much trouble, having refused to accopt ser Vice of the subpoena or obey the com mand it contained. Mr. Ryan did not deny that he had thns lightly treated the behest of tbe court and was di rected to pay tbe costs of the attach ment and appear before tbe commis sioners when wanted. He agreed to do eo and the attach ment was dissolved. AMONG THE POLITICIANS. The Republican county committee will meet on Saturday. A petition was circulated among the Republican candidates yesterday askiug them to aeaignate their prerereuce as to the date lor homing the county conven tion. The first one to whom the petition was presented was Judge Archbald. who said that whenever the conuty committee iu its wisdom considered a satistactory time for a convention would suit him, Many other candidates expressed similar fcuntuneuts. 'I am unable to say just when the Democratic county convention will be held," mid Sheriff Faboy, the chairman of the Democratic county committee yester day. "Alter tho candidates have come t tho front and declared their intentions, will call the committee together and see what the wishes of the members are with regard to a time for the convention. Am 1 a candidate? jno my yonnz mend. 1 am not, neither for protbouotary, senator or anything else, l tmnu It would be a good lduu to iniuse some new blood into tbe ticket this year, and therefore step out of the Held." 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONVENfiort Christian Endeavor Ualon, Cltveland Ohio, July 10-15 h, 1831 Special excursion tickets, via the Dela wine, Lackawanna and Western Railroad will be 011 sale, good goiug on uuy regular tram July uth, loth and 1 1 tu; good re' turning on or before July 81st. Fare for the round trip, $l(l.3u via rail, or 9 U:) via steamer and lake from liulialo. A sticcial through train via tho Dela ware, Lackan-anun aud Western and Lake fcl'ore nad Michigan southern railroads will leave bcrantou al o.i'J a. m. Tuesday, July 101b, aiming at Cleveland about V.00 o'clock tatne vvenlug, nlloidiug all who desire to avail themvelves or tho ex treniely low rates, a splendid option unity of et joying a daylight trip tho entire jonrney with no chanue of cuts. Bear lu miud the rate is only one wny fare for the round trip, and tickets may be purchased at any D. L. & W. station, or at city ticket office. No. 1U8 Luckawuuna avenue, fccrauttu. rn. For all those who ea Sardines AND Olives A special line intro duced for this week 50 per cent, unde regular prices. E. G. COURSEN 429 Lacka. Ays. ftREGULARPICNIC AN OPEN AIR CONCERT. Qlvea bv Sauet'e Band la Front of Elks' Building. Bandmaster Bauer gave a verv de lightful open air concert last evening, berore a most appreciative audienae iu front of the Elks' building on Franklin avnue The street Was orowded, and tbe Elk's rooms were filled with mem bers and their friends. The Drozrammo which Professor Baner bad arraugd was ot the highest order and was r nrtered very co arm ing!)'. The concert rp'ned with a very Que rendition of Linden's "March ot the Uniformed Rank," which was fol lowed by the selection, "Don Carlos," by Verdi. Another selection was a de 'criptive piece entitled "An Iudlau War Dance, which semed to be very opnlar with the assembled multitude, for they shouted and applauded, and would not be satisfied until it was re peated. It is a weird piece and was rendered in such a style that one would not need very vivid imagination to imagine himself out on the plains surrounded by a band of red skins. Tho ever pop ular and catchy "Cocoanut dance" was ext rondered und wss received with ne appreciation. There was much re gret ou tbe part ot all those present when tbe last number on tne pro gramme, tho "Columbian National Pot pourri, was played. Through his superb concerts Profes sor Bauer has won great pablio favor nuu it is to be hoped that he may oe beard often during the summer. Tbe concert last night was a forerunner of the excnrsion to be conducted by the Elks to Lake Ariel tomorrow. Bauer's band will be in attendance, and the Elks have spared no pains to give their friends a most eujoyable time, MINOOKA. A. F. Dond, of Greenwood, loft ye' terday on a business trip for Blooms bnrg." He will be awuy until Satur Peter Lnwry. who visited here with friends for a week, left yesterday for New York. He will sail for Ireland tomorrow morning. The school directors of Lackawanna township held a meeting last night at No. 8 school. All members of the board were present. Nothing in the way ot opposing teachers was done. Numerous plans of architectural de signs were submitted to the board for inspection by tbe different architects, viz.: P. Rudranf, of Ashley; J. H. Davis, of Moosic: F. L. Brown. A. F, McCnna, of Scranton. Some time was spent In viewing the different de igns, A bill requesting the No. school at Stnrks be nped for school purposes by the citiztns of Stnrks. Ninety-six niuivg were signed on tho p-titiou requesting the retaining nf No. 7 school. After a long end lively discussion a motion was made by Mr. Unrleign to retain the No. 7 school nud bnild a new school in Moosic. After soma quarreling a motion was made to udopt the plans presented by Mr Le vies, of Moosic, whose bid was $1,000 esa than the others. A motion wss offered by Mr. Burleigh to instruct Mr. Dsvies to have the Smead Wills system of beating and ventilating the school embodied in bis plan;, and was carried. The Greenwood Keg fnnd beld meeting last night to select waitresses for their coming picnic on July 23. The Eurrtcks. On Wednesday. July 1L tho Sarricks who bhvo earned a widesuread renutation throughout the United States, will make tneir 11 rat appearance at Laurel Hill park, and will give the ilrst grand photo-opticon show ot their two weeks' engagement. This snow embraces nil manner of views, in cluding the principal places of iu teres t in tho United States and Europe, men and events worthy of mentiou, aud scores of inn m provoking scenes. 'lheyiire shown on a cunvas measuring twenty feet each way, are illustrated iu various cdors and present tho most graphic descriptions of travrls and events tnat nas over been placed before the peo ple of this city, and aw interspersed with elocution and ruiHic. With their new triple photo opticon. aidel by calcium liguts, the Surricks are able to proiluce tne U:uBt geometrical designs. aud innumerable surprises in mechanical movements; also scenes chnnging irom day to night, rrom summer to win tor, from sunshine to stoim, etc. illustrating what is memorable iu history wonderful iu art and sublime in nature, For the Sunday evouiug enteitaiument the views have been especially selected ror tee occasion ana win be lounu very appropriate tor that day. The Snrricks have uiven their entertninment in the Green Ridjfe Presbyterian church of this city and uUo ut the uung Mmi's Christian association and in both nlaces have ilf lighted large audiences. The sum of 10 Cents will admit both to the park und the graua pnoto opticon oulertuiunieut. Muslo BoX9i Exclueivly. Pest made. Play nny denired number of tunes. Uautschl & bons,, manufacturers, luisu unestuut street, rnuauoipma. won derlul orchestrial organs, only i- and $10, bpecialty: Old music boxes carefully re- puircu ana unproved with new tunes. The SF.cnET art of beauty lies not lu cosmetic, but is only in pure blood, nud a healthy pcriormnnce ot tho vital ruue tious, to be cbtuiucd by using Burdock Uloou uiticrB. And Right Up to Date. . . STERLING We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA, AVE, Best Sets of Teeth,$S.00 Including tbe painless extracting cf teeth by an entirely new ti" S. O. Snyder, D.D.8. , 180 WYOaiLNU AVbi SILVER WILEY ARRESTED Is Alleged b7 Druggist Ryan That Bo Swore Falsely In Court. ARTICULARS OF THE CHARGE n His Information Mr. Ryan Says Mr. Wiley on July 6, When the Case of the Commonwealth Against D. S. Ryan Was Being Hoard in Court, Did Wilfully, Corruptly, Maliciously and Falsely Swear. Druggist David S. Ryan through his attorney, J. Elliot Ross, swore out a warrant yesterday afternoon in tbe of fine of Alderman Fitzlmmons against Chariot A. Wiley, assistunt secretary of the Young Men's Christian associa tion, 011 the charge of perjury. ine information sworn to before tbe alderman by Druggist Ryan Is as fol lows: "Tbat Charles A. Wilev did In a csr- tnin suit of tbe commonwealth v. D. Ryan, on the sixth day of July. 1S!M. before the court in bano of said com monwealth iu said suit then and there being beard, and in a mutter material to the issue wilfully, corruptly malle oli iy, and falsely swear that he, said u. a. nvan sniu soda water to four cer tain persons and received pay from them for the same on a Sunday in vio- atlon or the uct of assembly of April liill. aud also in the same suit be fore Alderman Post did so similarly falsely swear against the Deace and dignity of the commonwealth and against the statutes in such cases made and provided." HE WAIVED A LEAIUNO. The warrant was served on Mr. Wl- lsy, and at 5 o'clock he appeared before tie oidorman and waived a hearing and entered bail in the sum of $500. F. E. I'latt, ol Kidge Row.qualihed as bonds man. Druggist Ryan was seen last evening and said be was determined to push the ease to the bitter end. Mr. Ryan Claims that when tbe fonr persons en tered his store on Sunday, May 0, he told tbe clerk at the soda foundain not to sell them any soda, because he saw Mr. Wiley standing on the sidewalk at tne time. The witnesses that Mr.. Rvan will subpoena to testify that Mr. Wiley swore falsely when he said tbat he saw money received for the soda, were tbe fonr persons that were at the soda fountain when Mr. Wilev stood out side, Mr. Ryan says. INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY. Statement of City Controller Fihd with Clark of the Courts. City Controller Widmaver veBterdav filed with Clerk of the Courts Thomas the Dtatement that the law says shall be tiled before a municipality cun iu crease its bonded indebtedness. This uotion was made necessary by tbe pro poser! issue ot city Dunes to tbe amount of $'250,000 for tbe purpose of building bridges. 1 he. statement shows thnt the total ludebtednes of the city Is I7S7.055 01 KING The Best for Summer Cooking. NO. 1- NO. 2- KO. 8- $1.25 $2.25 $3.75 Window Screen! 13 ONLY 20c. EACE H. BATTIN & GO. 126 Penn Ave. STOVES Don't Overlook the Fact That we are in the Shoe Business. Step in some day and see how well we can please you, both as to quality and price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's S3. 00 SHOES are marvels of style and quality. Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. BANISTER'S, C lachegnoyjoniiog Avenues, 25 PER CENT. Discount off Straw Hats, Millinery, Ladies1 Suits and Shirt Waists. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LAO !K A WANNA AVE and its rssonroes $339 .327.75. leaving a net indebtedness of 3,2.S. Tbe assessment of the rity is as follows 1 Ocnnation, $1,080,710; real estate. 117,801,855; total, $18,083,565. REPAIRING AN ENGINE HOUSE. The Otaeral Fbinnay Engine Company Will Have Splendid Quarters. Tbe nuarters of the General Phinnev Hose company are rapidly nearing completion. Under the supervision of Building Inspeotor Nelson tbe work of remodeling is progressing satisfactori ly, and when finished ne more comfort bl englue bouse will be found iu the city. lbe engine room will be much larger and tbe front will b replaced witb a new one tbat will allow entrance and exit more readily. Cbief hniineer Ferbsr aud Council man P. J. Hiskey, of tbe fire commit tee, inspected tbe place yesterday. Buy the Wtbsr and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. For Rhkvmatism. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Cramp and (Julio there is no remedy su perior to tne gouuine ur. 1 nomas' tciec trio Oil. Here We fire Again This time we offer a $2.00 Leghorn Hat for 89c. Remember tbis is the finest Leghorn Hat made. Silk Poppies for 10 cents a dozen. 50 different styles of Flow for 10 cents a spray. In our CLOAK DEPART MENT we will sell a $6 Coat for $2.98. Capes for $1.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.98, worth $8. Furs STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGE During the Summer. J . HOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime: bank. 128 Wyoming Ave. MARSHALL FIELD & CO.'S 8 BUTTON ABBOTT, "1 4 BUTTON ABBOTT. . IT 7R font! 4 BUTTON GEM EVA, 1 4-BUTTON NEPTUNE, a Wt. BIARRITZ, J In White Black, Tans and Grey. Former Priees, $1, $1 25 and $1.50. DUNN'S Pill HATS