The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 10, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston MID Co,
Punch Cigars
B. & CO,
Imprint nn Ea nh ciqar.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's,
lllUlil' UOU.MC kUlAKK.
removed to
back of Dime Bank.
Mies ilnrae McCabe, of Carbondale, is
visiting friends of this city,
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Reynolds have re
turned from their bridal trip.
Mi?B Jennie Brownscombe I the cnestof
Mrs. FrRtik Jermyn and Mrs. Edward
Jurmyn at Qlenburn.
General Manager Hallstnad, of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western, left fur
Buffalo eurly yesterday inorning on the
II. H. C oston and a party of fishermen
li ft yes terduy for Laceyville, where tbey
will enirle in the waters of the Susque
hanna for bass.
Mrs. Kate E. Wilcox, the well known
vocal Instructor, will leave the city today
npon a two months' vacation, which will
be spent la Baltimore.
Mies Niva Till bury, who has been the
Rnest of Mies Edgar, of Green Ridge, for
the past two weeks, returned to her home
in Union, N. Y., yesterday.
Miss Jennie Lawler, of Qaincy avenue,
has returned from Fordhain, N. Y., ac
companied by Miss Kesry, whom she has
been visiting at the latter place.
Rev. Dr. Charles E. Robinson, pastor of
the Second Pretbytorian church, has gone
to the Jackson sanitarium at Dansville,
N. Y. Mrs. Robinson is at Black Island.
Rev. J. J. O'Toole, of St. Mary's Holy
notary church, Providence, will upend the
coming two weeks at his home iu Mount
Carmel, Schuylkill county, ou his vaca
tion. A change was made yesterday in the
make up of the editorial staff of the Even
ing Express. J. W. Gould was made man
aging editor, B. Frank Squire city editor,
and the stall has been increased by the
addition of Will F. Clifford, who is not
only a graceful writer, but a good news
Bis Employers Say He Did Not Settle
for El Goods.
Thomas Morrison was arrested yest
erday afternoon by Officer Qnrrel
He was employed as salesman by Kin
sella & Reddinuton, publisher, who
charged bim with embezzlement of a
sum of mouer.
Morrison, tbey say. had been selling
pic ores lor them and failed to return
the money. He bad a heuring before
Alderman Donovan, who held bim
under puu bail to answer at court.
Bcrantoa's Business Interests.
Thb Tribune will soon publish a care
fully compiled and ' classified list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Hcranton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
lu book form, beautifully Illustrated with
photogravure views of onr pnbllc build
lugs, business blocks, strets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens, No
cimilsr work has ever given au equal rep
resentation of Scranton's many indus
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. bent to
persons outside the- city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of the city. The circu
lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good
results to those eoncorned as well as the city
at. large. Representatives of Tub Tiubunb
will call upon thosk whose names
are desiurd in this edition end explain
its nature more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
In tnis edition will please h ave notice at
the office.
MusioUs at tut Y. W. 0. A.
A cordial iuvltatlon is extended to all
young womeu to aUend the musicale to
be given at the Young Women's Christian
association this evening at 8 o'clock. The
programme will consist of selections ren
dered bv the Haydeu quartette, Mrs. W.
J. Hand and other talented vocalists. Ad
mission free.
0 r
A Foe to Dyspepsia
Contract for Erecting Oao tn Nineteenth
Ward Awarded to Spruks Brothers.
Colonel F. 1. Hitchcock, Rev. N. F.
Slahl and Colonel E. H. Ripple Ask
the Board of Control, on Behalf of
Veterans, to Have a Drill in Military
Tactics Introduced in Public
Schools Other Business.
Tuera was an air of expectancy dur
ing the half hour that preceded the
meeting of the board of coutrol last
uig-ht. Long before the appointed
hour for meeting eighteen members of
the board bad reached the muuicip!
building, and the whisperings betwueu
the groups might indicate that some
thing weighty was iu readiness to be
However, when the meeting bad ad
journed, tue deliberations that bad
been gone- through with disappointed
those who had raised their hope.
Alter roll call aud the reii'ling of lust
meeting's minutes, the report of the
treasurer was read by Secretary 1' el-
lows, It showed that titer was a de
ficit for the fiscal year eudiag July 1.
Mr. Wormser said that the report or
the treasurer should not be made to
end ou July 1; it should end wueu the
tchool year.euds ou June 1. it trio re
port were concluded ou June 1, the in
hcit would amount to not ovr sf ;J. 000.
Tue recommendation of Mr. Weriumr
to amend the report so that it would
end ou Juue 1, 181)1, was adopted.
Secretary Fellows report giving a
detailed account of the expenditures of
ihe nast vear showed ilisbura-mnnts
ainouulinir to 'J30.UjO. 88. Of this
umuunl If 108.870.atJ was paid for teacu
ps' salaries: So7sij 0) was expended on
night sclioo.s; ifi:),I2-t.2l) whs paid to
j tin tore; $10 Ool.H.j vtaa paid In furnish.
me free text uuuu. rue resume oi
bill ot expenditures was takeu up by
the supplies, repair), insurance, build,
ing una other accounts.
The following bids for the oustruo
lion of the uew N , 87 school building
at illucuer aveuue aud lieech street in
the Ninethentli ward were rend : Ezra
Fiuu &Sons, fi.434; C. F. Ward &
Son, of Taylor, $i '100; C. L. Tyler,
$3,178; Charles ii. G Gtz, $3,050;
Spruks Brothers, $3,775; John Ueudro
&So:i. fJ.OSt).
The bius of M. E. Wordon, Frank
Mueller and Green Ridge Lumber com- .
puny were not aocompanied by certi
fied checks aud by motion they were
But right here Mr. Notz moved that
the contract be awarded to Spruks
Bros., thtir bid being the lowest and
only $200 above the amount of the ap
propriation. The contraot was awarded
to Spruks Bros, with the provision that
tbe building must be completed by
October 1.
Bids fur equipping the new No. 37
building were read from several school
furniture companies. The bids were
quite lengthy aud the board referred
tuera to the building committee witn
power to act aud report at the next
Tbe teachers committee bad no re
port to make; the building committee
reported several bills, which were
passed upon ' favorably aud warrant
were ordered drawn for the amounts.
Here tbe board went but ot the regu
lar order of business through courtesy
toward a committee of Ezra Griffin
Post, Grand Army of tbe Republic, No.
137, which bud come for a hearing on
tbe sum ot of introducing into the
curriculum of the Scranton scnools a
course of military education.
Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, on behalf
ot Ezra Griffin Post, was given the
privilege of tbe floor. He said tuut the
desire of the veterans was to brins be
fore the members of the board the
question of including as n part of the
course of study in the public schools a
military branch whereby the childreu
would be trained in physical develop
ment He said the citizen of tweuty
years hence will be a poor one if he
has not a well-rounded body as well as
a well-rounded education.
Thu intrnduu'ion of a military course
is successful in New England, iu the
sooth aud west, aud in fact wherever
it bns been tried. It is not only a ben
t fit to the pupil in developing his body
and fitting bim for readiness to go to
the Hid of bis country if be need be
culled npon, bnt it also lightens the
tusk of the teacher; it teaches him or
der, Heaven's fitst hw, and he more
readily submits to discipline. The
testimonials of teachers wherever it is
in operation is to the t ffect that it is
a success. Rev. N. F. S:uh!,
chaplain or &zra uriliiu post
next was granted tbe privilege of
the Hour. He said thut from what he
bad seen of the manner in which the
inomberi of tbe board conducted bust
ncss be had no doubt but that all were
in lavor of it. The sole reason that
taxes are levied for school purposes is
not for the benefit of tbe pupil Individ -u
illp; it is that you m ike him by his
education u useful citizen of the
state, and It is uot eiioiiith tbut
pupil kuows what the flig is but
he should know bow to support it,
'ihe military course is not a uew tri i ;
it has long been adopted, and so fur
there is not a single word of adverse
oritici'm. Iu Uoston particularly it
bus been successful, and it is uosv re
teivid with such favonthere by the pu
pils aud parents that the greatest pun
ishment a teacher could impose on a
, pupil is to deprive him from one day's
drill exercises. Tbe spe iker hoped timt
tbe members would give tue nutter
their intelligent and patient considera
Colonel E, 11. Ripple was tbe next
speaker. Ho confined his remarks to
tbe statement that the bonrd could de
pend on tbe officers of the Thirteenth
regiment aud tbe trustees of the Scran
ton City Guard armory for letidiug as
sistance in establisniug the military
course in the public schools. Colonel
Ripple returned the thanks of the mem -bers
of the committee and the mem
bers of Ezra Grtftiu Post to tbe board
of control for tbe courtesy with which
tbe committee was received und heard.
By motion, the mutter was referred
to the teachers' committee. Tbe order
of business of committee reports was
here resumed. The finance committee
reported several bills which were ap
proved, except two for paving aud
grading on Webster avonue. There
wus a bill ot Interest attached to these
bills aud Mr. Wormser made a motion
that it be the sense ot tbe Scranton
board of coutrol that the bills bs paid
minus tbe Interest Tbe school board,
Mr. Wormser stated, was at all times
well able to pay bills before interest
accrued on them.
Mr, Evans mails a motion that the
board purchase three lots on Everett
avenue and the north side of Lsfayetto
Street, 150 feet front and 180 feet deep,
with a 10 foot alley iu the rear. The
motion was laid ou the table. Tbe high
school committee reported that Fred
O. initb, ot Boston, who was employed
oy too board in connection witn tne
heating of the new high school build
ing, had severed his conuectfon with
the bmith Heating company, of Boston,
with whom be was employed when his
services wore eugaiiod by the board or
coutrol. The committee recommended
that Mr. Smith be directed to furnish
a bond of fJ.OOO for tbe faithful en
cution of his contract and an additional
bond of $5,000 toseonretbe Surantou
board of Ooutrol from any loss by fut
ure litigation arising from Smith's
continued engagement by tbe board
after his severeuee with the company
with whom he was engaged when his
services were first ucoepted.
Mr. Schriefer moved that a special
committee be appointed to investigate
the condition of the annexed Bellevue
portion of the city in regard to school
facilities. After a short diacussidn tbe
motion was defeated.
Mr. Barker moved that the building
committee be empowered to escvrtaiu
the figures of reutal required for secur
ing the Breck property for the uie of
tbe high school and preparatory pupils
uext term.
The motion was adopted.
Mr Worinsor read the following res-,
olutiou aud it wis adopted without
Whereas, Thu Philip II. Sheridan- Monu
ment association, of Scruntou, Pa., is
chartered lor the purpose ot erecting au
tqupstriun stntue memorable of the late
General Sheridan, on Court House square,
of this city, and
Whureas, For tho purpose of their or
ganization tbe said association is about to
extend an invitation to Uou. Cliuuncey M.
Depew, of New York, to speak in this rity
during the coming nutumu; therefore be it
Resolved, That we, the board of control
of thu city of Scranton, Pa., Iu session as
sembled, heartily join iu tho proposed iu
vitatiou to Mr. Uepow, and we earnestly
hope that he will favor this city with his
presence at tbe time and for the purpose
named; and be it further
Resolved, That this preamble and resolu
tion bo suitably engrossed and signed by
the president and secretary; tuat his
honor, the mayor, be Requested to preseut
too same to Air. Depew.
Tbe secretary read a communication
from the committee of tbe High School
alumni appointed toward seouring a
room in tbe uew high school building
lor the use of the Alumni association.
The communication was accepted and
placed on hie
Death of Mrs. Dorothy Nsuji at the Ad
vanced A,g of 72 Years.
Mr. Dorothy Nenls, aged 72 years
and 5 mouths, died at the home of ber
lauirlit-r, Mrs William F. Forkoll. of
021 Aldef street.late Saturday evening,
Tue following prominent gentlemen of
this side are nephews nf the deeeaied:
Charles and Peter Nul. John Era
erick and Frederick Rheuls.
Mrs. Neuls had been ailiug for more
than a year with a complication of dis
eGJ. and was most tenderly cared for
by her only child. Mrs. iorkell. bne
is mourned by a very great unmber of
friends and tbe funeral will be a large
one. it will take place tomorrow, the
services being conducted at. the Hick
orv Street German Presbyterian
church, the remains will afterwards be
interred at the Piltston avet ue cerne
tary, Tbe following gentlemen acting
ns pall hearers: Phillip Saar, Mathins
Alu8, Henry Weber, Charles Saar
Louis Frantz and Charles Graft.
f All advertising matter, newsltonn and new
subscriptions, if loft at the following business
placns, win be promptly attended to: Ymuk i
barber shop, estpfuhl's store, D. W, Humph
rey s puarm tcy una a, j. Aiuiuong s. I
Mrs. H. J. Ziogler, ot Cedar avenue,
very ill.
J. B . Cotter, of Carbondale, is visiting
bis parents on tins side.
Burton O. Hackett, of Cedar ayenuo, is
visiting menus in Morristown. is. j
Alfred westprnni, or Pittstnn avenue.
has begun tbe tnslc oi mastering a bicycle.
Miss Maggie Sictln, ot 1901 Pittston ave
nue, has returned from a three months'
viit to New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, of
Genet street, have returned home nf tor
visit to Baltimore, Mil.
John Westpfhnl's grocery aud dry goods
store on I'lttston avenue Has been lm
proved by a coat of puiut.
Xr. and Mrs. John Culkiu, of South
Washington nvenuo, are visiting with
friends in liinniunton, N. i.
Charles Kirst, Oscar Ilelriuol and Jacob
Geiger returned from Goulilsboro yes er-
dsy with a large quantity of (Kb, mostly
John Blatter, jr., of Maple street, ac
conipnmed by his two young sisters, wen
to I. nke Underwood yesterday to spend a
weca s vacation.
Henry Weldo, of Birch street, who was
tinolv uurt in tne re.-eut tncvcle rncc n
the Driving park, Is able to bo about ncniu,
Tl . I t . 1
ne io-uiiieu witrn yesiernay.
This evening at tho Young Women
Christian atsociotion, Cedar avenue, will
be held a social. Ice cream will bo served
at 5 cents a saucer from 7,:t0 to 9.30 p.m.
A meeting was held In the Gernmu Pres
byterian church on Hickory street last
evening by tbe committoe to coniplote ar
rangements for the plcnlo next Thursday.
Tim work on Druggist F. L.T 'rppe's now
buildi'V! at Cedar avouu mid Birch street,
has bn--ii delayed owing to the noti-un ivnl
nf the iron cirders. which have b 'en de
layed somewhere along the road.
On Maple street yesterday a small fire
ocenrrod in tho house of John Myers. It
was in the summer kitchen and of such a
trivial nature that it was not considered
necossnry to call out tho Hie companies.
Miss I.lzzi- B tub was yesterday award
ed n gold wn'ch by tho Harvard Social
club for her efforts in their behalf. Tlio
young lady collected over SOI at tho pic
ulo held recently at Central Park gaideu.
Tho Young Men's Institute met iu Phui
macy ball, ou Pitts'. ou avenue, ln-t even
itiiria regular sessiou. They Intend to
take a prominent pin t in Fatliey Mellev's
cxi tnMi i), wliiih will take place Ou July
30 to Purview.
Mr. and M'S. Fr ink W. Shnppul aud
fainilv, of Cedar avenue, left yesicrdiiv
morning for Shenandoah to visit a brother
of Mr. Sbappel's. who for the past eigh
teen yours has been travelling through
South America.
Tlio pay r 'lis of the men who have been
at work on the streets of tbe Nineteenth
ward, wero signed by tlio oonucilniop of
that ward, nlo by Street Commissioner
Kirst nd Mayor Coiinell yesterday. They
will be paid on Saturday,
The 8-weeks old baby of Mr, and Mrs.
Charles Russa, of 81S Brook street, died
yesterday. The little one was sick only a
fow hours. The funeral will inks place
tomorrow from the bouse, the remains
being takeu to the Qenuau couiotery iu
Mrs. Bridgot Burns, of (130 Mooslc
street, died Suturdny after a lingering ill
ness. She was highly respected by all who
knew her and her death at the age of 85
is mourned by a large circle of fiieuds.
Sho leaves a husband and six danghurs.
Tbe funeral will be held from St. Petej-'s
cathedral at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
Iutermeut in Hyde Park cemetery.
Buckleys Arnloa Salve. '
The best salve In the world for Cot s
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores, Tetter. Cbupped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price Uo cents per
box. For sale by Matthews Bros.
of Miss Carrie Von torch from
Resident:) of Ber Parents.
They Were Conducted by Rev. D, W.
Skellenger Remains of James Col
lins Interred in the Washburn Street
Cemetery Mrs. David Jones Suf
fered a Paralytic Stroke Tin Work
ers Wanted by Daniel Davies.
fThe West Bide office of the Schanton
Thiuunb is located at 113 North Main ave
nue, where subscriptions, advertisements
and communications will receive prompt
Tbe funeral ot Miss Carrie Von
Storoh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Von Storcb, of South Hyde Park ave
nue, who died at ber home on Friday
last, occurred yesterday warning at 11
o'clock. Funeral services were con
ducted in the Washburn Street Pres
byterian ctiurob, by Rov. D. V. Skel-
longer. After tbe Services tbe remains
were couveyed by Undertaker Will
Price, followed by a large concourse of
people, to the Delaware, Lackawanna
und Western depot. Iuterment wus
made at Diiltou.
During tbe services a quartette, con
sisting of Misses Clara bunders, Anna
Waters, Frank Brown and George
William Waters, rendered several ap
propriate selections. Tbe flowers were
numerous and cousisted of many neat
designs, among them being a Maltese
cross, which was presented by the
Christiau Eudeavor society of the
church. The pal I-bearers were Robert
Walker. Bert Harrington. Harry Ran
dolph and Herbert Waters.
Efforts Being- Had to Effact One in This
Fart of the City.
Representatives of the various Welsh
churohes of this side and B.-llevue met
at tbe First Welsh Congregational
church last evening and considered the
feasibility of banding together for the
purpose of rendering Cyuiunfa tuusio
hs suggested by Dr. Joseph Parry, at
tbe latter s reception held in tbe above
edibce last Tunrsday evening, and
wnicb the famous musician contem
plates conducting in this city previous
lo ins return to Wules in beptember.
The scheme is favorably looked npon
by the music loving people here and
promises to be u revival in musical
mutters among tho -churches of this
side The difference iu the arrange
ment of the books in use by the denoiU'
inations represented is the only difli
cully oonfroDtiig the committee in
charge. Last evening s meeting whs
presided over by Richard H. Williams.
Funeral Servicn Conduced by Riv. D.
C, Hushes.
Funeral services over the remains of
James Collins, who died on Saturday
last, occurred yesterday afternoon from
the family borne on Jackson street
Impressive services were conducted by
Hf v. D. C. Hughes, pastor of the Jack
son Street Baptist thurcb. who spoke
of the many estimable qualities of tbe
Tbe remains were borne to tbe Wash
burn street cemetery where interment
was mane, ins pan bearers were
Brooks -Bass, Leo McCracken, William
JUuuson and George Phillips,
Mrs. Daniel E. Duvies, ot Jackson street,
is luuisposeu.
Maurice Miller, of Washburn street.
spending his vacation at the Thousand
Mrs. George P. Shaw, of Moscow, at
tended the funeral of James Collins, of
uacuson street, yesterday.
Miss Myrtle French, of New York.
graduate at a musu-nl college at Paris, is
tue guest oi meads on Liiluyette street.
John Mullen, of Noi th Sumner avenue,
begau Work yesterday at the Scranton
Stove works, Duumore, after an illness of
teverai montns.
The Epworth league of the Hampton
Street Methodist Episcopal church will
ova a free entertainment at the church ou
Friday cvoiiing.
Mrs. Ann Argtist, of Sooth Everott
avenue, is spending a fow weeks at tli
homo of ber daughter, Mrs. Qiarles E,
Mrs. David Jones of Sadie pUce, wns
taken suddenly ill on Saturday with a rmr-
nlytio strohnnt her borne, and has since
been lu a critical .condition. Uer life
despaired of. ,
Tho nunual excursion of tho First Welsh
Vugrvgationnl church will go to Lull
Ai u-1 on July 12. Refreshments will bo
Inruished by tlio lady members and
I li'Msnnt time is guaranteed all thoso who
at: end.
Daniel Dnvies, of Brooklyn, N. Y
Here VM'lng tits brotlier, T. S. Davies, at
his r!-id,D'-o in .Vorris court. Mr. Davies
Is a tin worker, ami suited toa tiuiicn
reporter jesitruay mat preparation nre
in progress nt Brooklyn for the Htiirting
up oi two mi mius, una no is desirous of
meeting any tin workers who may happen
in ie incstea uerounouts witn a view
offering them some inducements to return
with ul ni to Ur"okmi.
fTho North Knd nUleo of the) Sciiaktom
Timii'NK is located at tlio Lewis Drutr (Store
aud Jehu's t-tiiri', Wiiyne avenue, where sub
Her ptions, advertisenvnts mid communication
will rcc lve pimniit attention.!
The Itev. D. A. Ev ins left yesterday for
a three) week s v.ication.
W. O. Thotnin, nf 3)0 .Market street, is
seriously in witn iimtietis.
Rov. George E. Guild Is loavln? today
ror tjievyiii u to attend tun Lhn-tiau Eu-
denvor convention.
j noro is no letter oox ntong JNortli Wain
nvenuo from the Bulls Head to tho Mouut
Pleasant ravine, a distant of one mile.
Rev. w. U. Wat kin left for L-wlsburg
yes.eruay, una ou ni reiurn win tie uo
compuuied by Mrs. V. at kin aud family.
Tho funeral of Oliver Lwis, 2 4 Spring
Btreet, win iiiko piuce itxiiiy at si p. m,
interment ut wasiiDuin street cemetery.
"Mr. Stevens and family, of Eust Market
slnet, will spcud their summ-r vacation
iu North Carollua and othe'r southern
Dr. Hay bas opened an office on Penn ave
nue, mid hnsroomsut the Wyomiue house.
but will continue to have office hours at
Miss Mamie Moriran and Miss Nellie
Duncan, of West Market streeti have re
turned after spending a few duys' pleasant
visit at rayior.
Mrs. C. E. Gardner, of North Main aVe
nue, will eutortuin the members of tbe
Foreign Missions society at her residence
tomorrow night.
If the street commissioner will visit
North Mam avuntin ut tbe loot of Tliomn
sou street, he will find a heap ot large
stones wnicn are a puono nuisance and
should be removed,
David Davit, presumed to be Insane.
was arrested at Dutch Gap on Sunday and
broutrut bofore Alderman Williams v.
torday. He was committed to the couutv
jull and after enjoying a tide in tbe pa
trol wagou snowed ms gratitude oy "bolt
ing'' from tbe office. Upon his capture he
was taken to the jail, out at first the au
thorities declined to receive him on ac
count of bis insanity. Steps are being
takeu to remove him to the poor farm.
Thomas Jehu, of ' Main avenue. ' indic-
nnrjtly denies any connection whatever
witn tne scurrlllons paragraph in au
mira contemporary, and uo man of the
euphonious name of "Car Ronorter" has
ever traded with bim. lie doei not collect
his accounts by public advertising.
A very successful concert was beld last
evening at the Puritan church by tbe
members of the cboir, wheu an excellent
logramtue was spluuuidly rendered by
Mls's Mary Edwards, Alice Thomas. Hat-
tie Edwards, Mageie iJaviei, Messrs. R. J.
Richards, T. D. Bavio., Edgar Richards,
I nomas uwens ana uwyliui JUorlulr. to
gether with concerted pieces by the choir.
lulswas tne nrst publio appearance of
Mr. Owens, and his many friends predict
ft flllA r-Afnr fill him unrl Ii'iI.thi Piohni-ita
who is ouly 0 yours old, acquitted himself
reuiaikably well. i-U S, A. Price and
Miss Annie Reese efficiently discharged
the duties of accoupauists, aud A.Thouias,
I willirm street, muue an excellent chuir-
The funeral of Oliver Lewis, a brief
mention of whose sad death occurred In
this column, will lake place this afternoou
from the family residence, 2U4 Spiing
treet. Deceased wus one of tho most
widely known men in this section. Through,
out his illness ho suffered with a Christian
ortitude. Apoplexy wus the cutiie of his
death, which occurred at O.'JU o'clock Suu-
uy morning. Deceased was hi years ot
age and be was boru in Wales, lie cume
this country twenty-threo vears aeo
and bas been a resident of Wuverly tor
many yoars. uurmg t lie MX years
Mint be has resided in this city
his qulut aud unassuming mannoi won for
him a large unmber if friends, lie was a
evout member of the Welsh Cougroga-
tionul churth and a promoter of all church
work. Eight childreu survive him. They
are William B., Daniel, Robert, Shadracb,
Aiesacu anil Auuie Liowis, Airs. Tuonius J.
Evans, and Miss Margaret Lewis. Inter
ment will be nmde in the Washburn street
cemetery. This is the second Uoath in the
family within eight mouths, as ou Decem-
er l last .Mrs. Lewis, a kiud and lovluc
wife and mother, was taken suddenly ill
aud died iu a short time.
fairly tried, becomes the family medicine,
speaks volumes for its excellence and me
dicinal merit. Hood s bursapanlla is na
ture's co-worker.
Hood's Pills become the favorite ca
thartic with evoiyone who tries them, 2re
Lai I
Weliave REDUCED P"ces on
is too large. Yon can buy a
good Baby Carriage for tho price
of a cheap one.
For Wedding Presents r F"r
nishing for Summer Cottages, we
have a full aird completo line.
Lamps, Dinner and Toilet
Sets, Etc.
Ii6 Wyoming Ave.
Sick to Receive Medical
Services FREE OF
The Croat Enzllsh St.ilT of Phrslebina. Tho
ON THE COVriXEXr Tlio Proiid-ut and
('liter uingmisiidiu can be found dully in
toe parlor ul tuu
1H2 and 131 PENN AVRNCG. Thoy come
ruconim itnii ii oy royalty and tne lira: pbysl
nanH or euroin Tnpy treat all DiBnu
Hiilitures cur it by a new pro.wsi. A P SI
'I l k rum lrllfLl-iLtiteeii tn ul! VITAL Ilia.
E UUd W UllktlUVH.'S of
by onr now troatirent ration's treated by
correNioiinonv aim ineai;-iu-H witn iiid d..
reetioiH R.n.t liy express. Hut when i.o-sl
bli. personal ct uitatioli is preferred. All
consultations rc h M in strict privacy.
II 'I !. on Wit....i.iliolB ......... n 1 1' ...........
ns W KI.L ns all long funding chromed! Illenlt
ami oo.i-nrii euios innr, uuvo i.ecn lu-jtlecteu
or nnskillfully treated t ails mad by ap
liointiiieiit mil patii'iitr. treated at th irtiomus
when don. rod. Hours, U to 4 and i lo 8 It)
Armour's Rolled Ox
Tongu3 ..... 70c
Armour's LunchTongue 35c
Armour's Potted Ham, 15c
Armour's Deviled Ham, 10c
See our display of Picnic
in at rreleut th Moat Popnltr and rrchrrcd by
Lvailtss Atiuu.
Warsrooms : Oppeilte Columbus Monument,
JOS Washington Av. Sornton,Pa.
'-xVs I iTX A M W JX
You Need Them
And a visit to Martin
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff
Our novelty in
Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and
black berge Coat.
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
; ii y
308 Lackawanna AYe.
reel Values This
I Two cases Ladies' Lisle-finish Vests, worth
a 15c, 3 for
g One case Even's Ealbriggan Shirts, worth
dye, ior - -
I Five dozen Ladies' Laundered Percale Shirt
Waists, worth $1, to
I Twenty-five pieces
uoiorea figures, worm
Great Reduction in MILLINERY. Everything at a
It's a Great Shock
"JS'.W.. -
J... k . ..!
w -
to the folks who ar dalmlair they anderseU
111 otbersto flnd that without the least fuss
or bluster we are elvlnu cnstoimi-rs the ban
tflt of such opportunities as tliese.
A Strictly High Grade l-Uht-welcb
IVheel, kB04 pattern, fur SHO eash.
1893 pattern, S1AO Wheel, for S7S.
1804 pattern, 100 wheel, for 85 eash.
these pneoe make the business at oar store.
St is Correct H
Soils Them.
This circuit includes Wash
ington, Denver, Chicago,
Philadelphia, New York,.
Boston, etc.
September 17, 1894
ROOF tinning led soldering ail done away
with by the uae of HAKTMAN 8 LAT
ENT PAIN T, which consists of lugredl-tits
well-known to alL It can bs appliud to tin,
Salynnizod tin, sheet iron roofs, alto to brlok
wolliiiKS, which will prevent absolutely any
ernmbling, cracking or breaking of the
brick It will outlast tlnulng of any kind by
many years,and it's cost dues not exceed one
fifth that of the eost of tinting. Is sold by
the job or pound. Contract taken by
AHIUMU liAma' AMi, Vl Biroh 81
fir :'
& Delany's will be
to keep you cool.
summer goods is a
The proper thing for
308 Lackawanna kn
- - i
close -
Satin-striped India Linen
ioc, to close
City Musio Store,
Vkee lure steals lietieHf
Another Advocate of
etBlLEJlES- It affords me rei
pleasure to state, the your eew prece
f extracting teeth wee a nit eeeesli
my ease, and I heartily noommmd It ti
all. I elnoerely hope that others yety
test Its merits.
Yours respeetfnlly,
CAIT, 8. K. HBVANr, Soraaton. 9
Henwood k Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ave.
Will on and after Hay St make a (treat redn
tloo In tbe prices of platos. All work gua
anteei ftrst-class in every particular.
Identic Eje Testing Free
By Dr. Shimberg,
the Specialist on tbe Eye. Ueadaches aal
'Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved
Style of Eye Glasses and Bpeotaoles at the
lowest Prices, liest Artificial Eye inserted
or ti.
0S SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Post Office.
VVjtor, Qendren Qfyfc' Tl1"1")
I ll i
25C 1
25c. 1
59c. I
ioc. i