THE SCKANTON TBIBU1TE TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 10, 1S94. ASE BALL The Second Stato League Season Opened vl:b Encouraging Prospects. ALL VACANCIES HAVE BEEN FILLED Scranton, Harrisburg. Allentown and Pottsvillo the Winners of Yester day's State League Battles-Standing of the Clubs-National and Eastern League Results Base Ball, Bicycling and General Sporting Notes. HQ second season of Pennsylvania State League of 3sse Bull clubs opened under more favorable circum stances thnu at first anticipated, tue en tire circuit being represented in the games pluyed. At Philadelphia the new Philadelphia club opned the series with; the Scran ton club, and promises to make the older clubs hustle if they wish to keep abroaHtof its U'uiu. Considering the kind of ball that it playsd yesterday augurs well for the yiality of the play era, even if they did lose the first gome. The Altoona club was transferred to Lancaster, and played its first gaiu yesterday nndr tie new name, at Pottsville. It likewise lot. Allentown lias the distinctiou of shutting out the H.izleton teuui iu the first game of tbo serk-i, while Harrisburg took e game from Heading. The following table gives the per centages, number of games won and lost by each club, and their stunding in the league race: Won. Lost. PerC't. Allentowu 10 1. Hairisburg 10 1. Potuvillo 10 1. Scranton 1 0 1. Huzletuu 0 1 .000 Laticuster 0 1 .Wlfl Philadelphia.... 0 1 .000 Keading 0 1 .COO SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Scranton at Philadelphia. Uazluton et Allentown. Harrisburg at Reading. Lnuciutter at Pottsville. WE WIN THE FIRST CAME. Scranton Had an Easy Time With New Philadelphia Club. Philadelphia, June 9. There was a large audience present to see the Phil adelphia State League team play its first same here this afternoon. Hodson and Patchen were the visit ors' battery and proved altogether too much for the local elub. Jack Taylor pitched the first two innings for the Philadelphia! and then Hess took bis place. It wns a well played contest until the fifth inning, when Philadelphia went to pieces and Scranton won in a walk. Majicy knocked out a home run, which occasioned in rich enthusiasm. Hodson struck out eight battmen. Tne score in detail PHILADELPHIA. It. II. P.O. A. E. O'Brien, . s 1 0 3 4 1 Ftjulkrod, 8b 0 1 2 3 1 Pic k, rf 0 1 3 0 0 Lnoer, lb 0 0 10 0 0 Anderson, If. 1 1 3 0 0 Taylor, p 0 0 0 1 0 Hens, p 0 1 0 0 0 Snyder, c 0 0 3 0 0 Clnrk, c. f 113 12 Baetian, 2b 0 1 1 8 0 Totals. 3 0 24 11 SCRANTON. K. H, P.O. Wetzel, s. s 1 3 a Hogan, c. f. 3 1 3 Patchen, c 1 0 9 Massey, lb 2 3 a Puelau, 2b 10 3 Staltz, 1 1 1 0 1 Rogers, r. f 0 12 Wpntlake, Sb 1 2 4 Hodson, p 0 1 0 Total 9 10 27 9 3 Philadelphia. ..0 0 3 10000 0-3 Scranton 0 1203120 x 9 Earned runs Philadelphia, 1: Scrinton. . Home run Masbey. Two base hits Konlkrod, Weatlake. Sacrifice hits Hod son. Stolon bases O'Brien. Anderson. litetian. Left on banea Philadelphia, 4; Scranion, 8. struck out By Taylor, 1; by Heca, 2; by Hudson, 8. First base on er rors Philadelphia, 1; Scranton, 3. First baae on balls Oil lies, s: on: Hodson. 5. Hit Weatlake, 2. Wild pltchea Hess. Passed balls Snyder. Umpire Valeo. Time 1:40. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Reading Iteadins 0 2000002 1- Harrkbnrg....O 0 5 2 8 1 1 2 x-14 Hits-Readme. 10: HarrisburB. 21. Er rors Rcadiue, 2; Harrisburg, 1. Batteries Kboade, Hall, ( umnungs and Fox, jueauy, uuston ana weuce. At Pottsville Pottsville 1 0200000 0-3 Lancaster...... 0 0 0 O o 0 2 0 0-2 Hi t Pottsville, 8, Lancaster, 9. Er rors Pottsville, 6: Laucaster, 1. Bat teries Fox and Diggius; Scheibel and Cote. At Allentown Allentown....! 0020040 1-8 Hazleton 0 0000000 0- II its Allentown, 8; Hazleton, 6. Errors Allentown, 1: Hnzleton, 2. Batteries Donoghue and Milligan; Ely and Moore. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Cincinnati- New York....l C 4 0 2 8 1 2 0-13 Cincinnati.... 0 000040 2 0-0 Hits New York, 10: Cincinnati, 9. rors New York, 4; Cincinnati, 10. Bat teries Rusie and larrell: Dwyer, Parrott, Vaughn and Murphy, tuipire Uullney At Baltimore Pittabnrg 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0-10 Baltimore. .,..0 0 0 0 1 6 8 8 1-14 Hits Pittsburg, 11; Baltimore, 23; Er rors Pittsburg. U; Baltimore, 2. Batter. ief Eillen, Colcolongh and Mack; Brown, Inks and CUrK. Umpire Lyoca. At Cleveland Washington ..0 0 8 0 3 0 0 2 015 Cleveluud 1 0 1 3 4 6 0 2 0-10 Hita Washington. IS: Cleveland. 15. , Errors Washington, 7; Cleveland, 1. Bat- MAN'S GREATEST EM? SICK HEADACHE. And yet every woman can les sen the number and frequeu cy of lies headaches by assisting, nature by natural means. The genuine Carlsbad Bprudol Salt, taken early in the morning, before breakfast und if necessary at bedtime, will supply these means. Best taken when out door exercise can be had. - ...... r;.-v Limnf H 1 if Dug-Urn- dale; Cuppy, Clarkson and Zimuior. pire Enislio. - At Louisville Brooklyn 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Louisville 3 0 0 3 0 1 6 1 2-8 4 jc-20 17. Er- Kits Brooklyn, 9; Louisville, rois Brooklyn. 10: Louisville. 4. Batter- ies Kunnedy and Daly, Wadsworth and Urim. umpire uurst. At Chicago- Boston 8 0 2 0 3 8 1 0 0-11 Chicago 1 7 2 0 0 0 3 0 0-13 Hits Beaton, 17: Chicago. 17. Errors- Boston, 2; Chicago, 1. Batteries Lovett, S'aley and Onnzel, Straton and, Kittridge, Umpire McQuade. At bt. Louie Phlladeria....2 0 3 0 0 0 8 8 011 St. Louis 2 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 1-10 Hits Philadelphia. 14; St. Louis, 14. Errors-Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 7. Bat teries Carsey, Callihan, Weyhing nd KucKiey: nawiey anu Miner. umpire- Hartley. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Buffalo Erie, 7; Buffalo, 6. At Springfield Providenoe, 8; Spring- fiold. 3. At ilues-Barre Biimhamton, Wilkes-Barre, 5. At Troy-Troy. 9; Syraeuse, 12. AITOONA GOES TO LANCASTER. Oulfltldar SUvenson la Awarded to the Philadelphia Club. Philadelphia, July 9 At a meet ing of the Stats Case Hall league to night Philadelphia was admitted, and the Altoona club transferred to 'Lan caster. The Harrisburg mnnngemeut has decided to play out the seaeou at IlRrrisburg. Outfielder Stevenson, about whom there was a dispute, was assigned to the Philadelphia club The members of the schedule committee are at work on anew scnedale, but it will not be ready tonight GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. There Is no denviutr that the Baltimores have as fast an outfkld as any club iu the league. Fara Wise states that ho has never plnye I better ball than be is doing for Allentown. If there is anything in a name, sorely Peppers, Louisville's new pitcher, ought to prove "hot stuff." Gus Schtnellz, of the Senators, and Chris Von der Ahe are the hardest loseis in the National league. M'UiiV'er Witman. of Readine. will eet Hartitiau, third baseman of the Altoona club, if the club goes to Lancaster. The wretched work of the Cleveland club of lute lends color to tho rumor that the men are not trying to play good ball It aeenis that Harry Tavlor meant it when tie said that he would not join the Baltimores or any other professional team. Fisher, Dewald aud Knauss of the Cleveland club, have been farmed out to other clubs, aud may be called in at any nine. Lukeus has been given his roleao by tho Philadelphia club. He wua not con sidered fast enough for the Natioual league. Louisville has done fairly good work since Pfeffer was deposed from the cap taincy and lorn Brown appointed to till his place. Griffin, of Brooklyn. U one of the finest outfielders in the couutry. Iu 4G games be has accepted ISO out of 1S8 chances effored average .Ustl. WcMnhoD, the Baltimore pitcher, car ries as a mascot around the country a pet aniRiiior, tne gut or uiarley Uenslingor, of New Orleans. It will be some time yet before Clements of Philadelphia can take bis place behind the bat, as bo has not left home oince hav ing a bone iu his right ankle broken three weeks ago. Baltimore is lustily complaining over wcaanoss iu tne pttculng and catchiuir de partments. Reitz and Robinxon are the only Baltimoreans to be laid up by iu- ) uries so tar. The Ward McAllister Base Ball club, of tnis city, aeroateo tne Adonis club, of Oly- pnaiir, yestoroay Dy a score of ia toll. The feature vt the game was the borne run nit Dy uannway. The only player in the League who is exempt irom bundav ball playing is Paul uauroro, oi tne w aanmgtoui. Paul has been pious many years and has never played on bunday. Duffey has mado 102 bits: Keeler. 93: Delthanty, 05: Brodie, 94; Broutbers, 93; Lowe and Tom McCarthy, 00; J. Kelly aud Miller, S4; Lonir nnd Cross, (Philadel- pmaj, u; noiiiuay, so. Doyle leads the New York iu bum run ning, having stolen twenty-four in fortv. two games. Ward, who led tbo Leugue in base running last year, has only stolen eeveuivon in ui cy-seven games. Manage Irwin, of Philadelphia, baa made a big iffer for the services of Pitcher Dnwu. or tue Ueurgetown College clnh. end that player has promised to go to ihti Quaker Dity u ne piays professionally. The West Side btars challenee the Lit tie Tycoons to a game of ball Thurdav. imy ii on ine wasnington avenue grounds. Anawei through Tribune. Louis Davies, manager; will Hughes, captain. NOTES FOR BICYCLE RI0ERS. FtcrlincSEliott has been appointed ref eree or niecooa roaas tournament, iSew XT 1. O. -vi. -1 x orK, ot')u i. II. H. Hawke of the Now York Athletic club wheelmen, rode 175 miles last week iu tue cluu saunual mileage contest. M. Zola, the eminent French novelist, in speaking of cycling says: "It cleara niv brain anu uioou, audi leal niucu better tor it;" whilst Tourain, the caricaturist, who ia also an enthuiastio cycler, desoribes it as "tue Dam ot luxury," Edward A. Nelson, of the Springfield Bicycle club, is now in Vienna. He will r-main abroad until September 1. and la entered in the worn s inioruationitl chnm pionxhip races at Antwerp. He will en ter all the leading events in France and Germany this summor, aud in England if lie can get a racing nceuae tners. Among the prominent riders who will compete in the Newark-Princeton road race on July 14 are Van Wagoner, of Syra cuse; tvans, or new liruuswlek; Damp, mau, of Philadelphia; Elliott, ot Wlliniug ton, aud J. T. Marshall, of Albuny. Tne roud over which the race will be run are being put in excellent condition, A gieat many rid ts, more especially those who habitunlly use adjustable wreuchei, frequently cause a good deal of damage to their machines by not teeing inat tne jaws oi me wrencu uro screwed up tightly against the sides ot the nut be fore any attempt is mado to tnrn it. This it really an lmpnrtaut point, because it tbo wrench fits at all loosely it will slip over the angles or tne nut or Dolt head, round ing them considerably in the process, and rendering future adjustmet difiloult. be sides quite spoiling the appearance of the machluo, Wheelmen of Chicago have appointed a committee to formally wait upon the board of park commissioners of the various Darks of this city and request that cycling speedways be provided la the various pnrksfor the use of cyclists, tinch privi leges are grunted to riders of horses and to owners ot animals driven in sulkies, and men of I thought and intelligence in the ranks of wheelmen are begiuning to in quire iuto the reason for this apparent partiality. The most of these men are tax payers, and they naturally think their wishes in the matter are entitled to some respect, They believe it is unfair to ex pect that tho natural speed of cyclUts should be given no other practice ground than the publio boulevards, aud then curbed there by the police in order to pro tect the bones ot pedestrians. The plan has the sanction of several of the Cbluago papers, notably the Inter Ocean. So far this season the people of Oouve ueur, N. Y..A little village ot St. Lawrence county, have purchased bicycles at a cost of not less than (7,000. teries Sullivan. Espy. Maul and BREAKING OF RECORDS. What Science Can Do In This Line ffhia She Tries Hard. Steamship captains, horis owners. bicyole riders, and a lot of otber oeo- ple, are making atrenuous and untir ing efforts to "break the recorJ.'' The great publio looks on at the game with good-natured iuterest. Uace in a while sober science does a little record-smashing on her own ac count One of her latest and greatest achievements is the disoovery and ap plication of a process for artificially digesting food, so that it is absorbed immediately by the system, without imposing the least labor on a weak tomnch. The food is called Paskoln. It reBtorrs the debilitated and gives fat to tlie thin tocause it is starchy. Ouly s arcbes add real, solid lasting to the body. Oils and fata doo t ami nevr will. Mr. H. O. Mahood, of Dmlenton. Ve nango county, Pa., says: "I was so weak and rnu down that I 'thought I would have to give np my business. I could not eat nor nluep. After one bot tle or Puskola I lezn to gain at once aud I bave gained cvr fifteen pounds in less thau three weeks and I now feel like a new nun." No wonder. Mrs. S C. Slonoh. of Wellington and Dauphiu streets, Philadelphia, writes: '1 have been sick nearly tnree years, at times suffering terrible burning pains in my back and then cold in the lower part of my bowels. Sometimes I thought I should dio, AH this time I was constipated. When I first bagan taking Paskola I was tempted to give it up, thinking it would do uis no good, because I had taken so much medi cine. I feel Pnskola beginning to do me good, aud today I took a longer wulk than I have been able to take in three years. I am much stronger. I am taking my fifth bottlo of Puskola, and I oat almost evry thing uow. I am i)U years old and was always active, having worked hard." PaskuU liny be had of any repu table draKuist. An intereiting pam phlet on food and digestion will be mailed free, on application to the Pre- Digested rood Co.. U0 Ksads street. New York. GtNtKAL SPORTING NOUS. The Britannia aLrain defeated the Vlc;I- innt yesterday. Richard Croker's raco horse Dobbins won the Realization stakes at New York Satur day. Charlie Johnson, who recently battled with Austin Oibbous to a draw, wants to light the winner of the O'Brien-Walcott match. Jerry Marshall, the colored Australian feather-weight, is solicitous of tryinir con clusions with George Dixon. Marshall an nounces tuat he can command tue neces sary wherewithal to fight the feather weight champion. Johnny Griffin, the "Braintree Lad." ii on his mettle tbete days looking for a match, (irifiln still entertains the belief that be can master Ueorao Dixon tu a tin ish contest, and says he would like to meet tne iiusKv champion. Unmu adds that lie is willing to fight Dixon at 124 pouuds. The following cable was sent to the Sporting Life, London, Saturday; "Solly timith wires the Police Uazetie that ho will fight Johnson, the Eutlish leather weight champiou, at 122 pounds for $1,000 or $2,500 and the largest purse. Smith will light in England if allowed expenses. or he will allow Johnson expenses to tight iu America." At the Police Gazette office. New York. on Saturday, articles of agreement were signed for Jerry Marshall, of PittsDurg, formerly of Australia, and George Siddons to ngut ten rouuas or more at lioston, Alnss., the last week in July for a purse. Marshall was represented by Mike HaldV. while Siddons was represented by James Lavene, or jNew xorK, his hacker. Stanton Abbott.tue English light-weight champion, says that his only ambition now is to be matched with Jack McAuliffe for the light-weight championship of the world, lie declares that his record in this country and abroad ought to bang good in his stead. However, he stipulates that he will not waive any weight to AlcAuliffa. lie will ngut Jack at Hi pouuds or noth ing. The World's Fair stakes, a five and i half furlong race tor 2-year-oUli, with a guaranteed value ot Jio.uuu to tne wiuner, was tne ieature oi tue racing at washing ton pnrk, Chicago, Saturday, A large crowu was present, ana in in is, nice other events duriug the day, they got a surprise. as Chinn & Morgau's black colt Lissak, at 20 to 1 in the betting, won by a head in a bard drive from the favorite, Key Del Oa- rcues. In thousands of cases the cure of a cough is tho preventive of consumption The surest cough medicine in the world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a gaurautoa of satisfac tion. All Free. These who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those Who have not, have uow the opportuuity to try it Free. Call o:i the advertised Druggist Budget a lrial Bottle, tree, bend your name and address to ti. uuckleu 8c Co. Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. Kind's New t,iie rilla, tree, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Hou-ehold instructor, ree. All ot which is guaran teed to do you good nnd cost you nothing. Matthews Hros. Drugstore. " Hclo Wanted Females. 1 1 1RL WANTED TO DO GENERAL housework. Uood cook preferred. Ap ply ir;i Allan s avenua. Notice to Property Owners. TOTIIK OWNERS OR REPUTED OWN X ers of propoi ty, bounding and abuttln r on both slil. -a of West Lackawanna avenus from t lie U. I & v. R. It. northern division to Nor h Ninth ayt-uiio in tho luurtoeuth ward of t' e city of Scranton. I'a. io tmtlco, that under tho direction of councils, I wil ni.'ko tl o assesmnent for curb i n. also for ntvltiir with Rti ne b'ock imvn. lnont. West LacVawunna nvnitio lietiv. on the po'nts named above, on Monday the 10th day of Jul v, A. D., it IU, at in o'clock a. m , at my olllco in the now uiunicii al building, at which time and piau -youmay appear and le heard K you so uesire. JOSEPII P. rniLLIPH. l lty Engineer. legal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UXDlilt- 1 V 81LM1 il. ail auditor appointed by tbo Or plinn'a Court of Lackawanna county, lo pnss upon exceptions died to account of and to dis tribute tnoni'V fouud to bj iu tho hands of Francis U. Miller, executor of tho will of Pi oebe Ann Blinrel , deceased, h- rehy gives notice tnat ho win nttciui to tne uut ei ot his appointment at the nim-a of laylorit i.owia, Uoimnouwoaltn Uuiklmir. scranton. I'a.. on Wednesday, July i&. li'.'l. at V a, in., at which time nnd placo all persona having claims against the aald estate must present them or bo forever tn-roaltor UeuarruU Irom coming in oa saiu runu. HERBERT L. TAYLOR, Auditor. Situation Wanted. WANTED A WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day Addross 8. M., fill Map.e street, Scranton, Pa, C1TUATION WAKTED-BY A YoUNO I nly to o out to i'o dr a m.iuinit or pl ilu iigtiy the day. Ad ressO, Tuhune Oirlce. sowi: SITUATION WANTliD A3 JANITOR OK VJ watchman or any position of trust; good rertrence. Address J. P. STANTON, Tenth street. WANTED-A POSITION AS JAK1TOR. itilpi'tr, watobmao or any placo of trust. Hundy with carpenters and paintari tools. Married, ago 40. A. B. C, pout oftloo, city. SITUATION WANTED - PLAIN HEW lnf. Call or adilrra. 18 Dix court. Advertise in The Tribune, GET A Word. IPanlt of uQ Idnds coit thai niw t cpt Situation Wanted.which an intart Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL BWEDIB1. Insect Pnwilnr. A ftura erudirfttor Oi bugs, tlons. moths, roanhes, aula and all Insert vermin. mple Hoc , postpaid $1.76 a dos, tonucnts. AmutB, mau or ladies, en m k H'i to i.'i a dhy. Circular fre, Address JAb. CJ75.00 PEU MONTH, CITY OR COUNTRY O to competent wide awake Insurance solic itors; well established permanent bustnesi. Address or inquire scond floor, &U Lack wuuua ave., Scranton, Pa. Help Wanted Male. WANTED-IF YOU ARE A CATHOLIC, unemployed i nd will work for J18 per weok. write MacCunnell Bros.. 11 Franklin street, Boston, Mass. For Rent. IOR RIO T-8 ROOM HOUSE ON MAI'I sjii avenue betwocu Green Ridge and Dolawaro stre-ti. furnished or unfurnished. ngiilre of J. H. HOLT, 2-2 Wyoming avenue. VOR REiNT-FURNISHED COTTAUE AT 1 ocean Grove, fiora July 20 to Beptember Apply to G. R. Clark, o. 2U1 Washington avenue, city. For Sale, .'OH PALE-MY (IUAY SADDLE HORSE. Can uoie.-uotliH Nort i Main av. CHAS. A. BURR. Special Notices, i -w rmm' it 11.,. 1 Rlnita .In V,,,t,,l nv VMhminil at rrilK Tiiiuunk oflico. Quick work. Keasonublu prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 1M, corner Spruce street aud Franklin ave nue. Twttuty meal ticKuts for J.fu. UooU table, board. Boarding. SUMMER BOA I.DINU FOUR KESPECT alilo persons can find first class board with small family iu la: ge, airy house. Hot und cold Whs. Freo carriage to dopnt and church Three-quarters of a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality. Address box Oo.C'larks' Summit. Loat. T OST-A PUU DOO, WITH COLLAR AND 1j pluts with owner's uumo, E. D. Capwell. Address, Tribune othYe. LOST-A UOLD HAIR PIN WITH WHITE prongs. Finder will be suitably re warded by returning- the same to Colonel K. n. Kippie, TLira wationni imnK uuiiumit. Summer Resort. 17AIRV1EW HOTEL, FACTORYVILLE, J. Pa., is now opn for summer boarders, first class accommodations. Uood hailing close to Hotel. For terms address U. n i ark, n-opriotor. Proposal. CEAI.ED fHOFOSALS WILL BIS KB O ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Hcranion, Pa., until 7.SU o'clock p, m. Thurs day. Jnlv 1. 1H4. to construct a stn arch culvert on North Mnin avenue over I egg Jtt'i cie ig In ne-orilaaco w.ib tne plan anu speci fic itiou therolor file 1 in the office, of City Clerk. Bidders shall s'nto price for which ttiev will comuleto thi work as S io-n ch plan aidpp.cillcutions, nni shall alsiSUt) a pri -e r r wmcD tney w u perronn any exiia wore thatuiiiut Le becsia el, u-miiig a pr:o tor matonry, with und with ut ce ment; aKo for i'jcvr.tioi and flllia Hitldora shall eudote. with etch, tko sim e! one hui.dred dolluis, cash or certi fied cheik, uhi-h sumis to ba to tlio city for th i ua of tho city of Scrnn- ton in cast o: omi-si'-n io execute a couiraci In accordance with the propusuls it nwa- did theaam'i. The work is to be completed within tutv tiava from cato of awrd ot contract. Iheestuant d cot or the work is $2,mud Tk city reserves the right to reject any aud all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVtLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa , July , HVi. SEALED PROP09LS WILL BE BK celved at the office of the city clerk. Scrauton, Pa , uotU 7.HU o'clock, p. m Thurs day, July W, ltiM, lo do-filling aud fanc ug re quired at thtt Prospect avenue culvert, over the staifora iicsuow oroov, inncoraanc wnu plan and upoojflcatlous filvd in the oltlce ol the city clerk. Bidders shall atate a price for which tl ey will complete the work. Bi tiers slull enclose the sum of fifty dollars cash or certified check, with each proposil which sum is to be forfeited to tho use of tho city of S.-rautou iu ese oi ooutractor omitiiug to ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from date of award or tne same. '1 n work is to be completed within sixty days from date of execution of contract 1 ho city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order ot city councils. M. T. LaVELLE, city clork. Scranton, Fa.. July U, 1SH4. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BS BE U ceived at the office of the city clork, Scranton. I'a.. until 7.o0 o'clock, p. in.. Thurs day, July IU, 1WM. to do filling, construction of masonry and retninlug wall, also the putting up anu painting or ouu nuuureu anu eirfUtv feet of iron faiico. all at Pittstou avenue cul vert, 'i he work is to be done in accordanae with plan and aiiecltlcations tiled in the utiles of ilty oiork. Bidders shall statt price lor wuirh thoy will complete tho work. Bidders shall enclose the sum of fifty (Xl) dollars, cash or ce titled check, with each proposal, which sum is to be forfeited to the use of the city of Scranton in caao of contractor omitting to ex ecute a contract for the work within ten days from date of award of the same. The work is to ba completed within thirty days from date of execution of coutraet. The city reservos tho rlj-'lit to reject any and all bids. By or der of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, city clerk. Scranton, Pa.. July , HM. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT i Ilia ouico oi jouu jiruivn, rriceuurKU, Pn.. until July 15. lfW, for drivlno: a rock tun nel in Jermvn. No. U. from the It foot vein to cut the Dun'more vein size to be 7xU feet in the clear and about 1,500 feet lonir. Also to sink a shaft from surface to Dunmore vein, size to be 8x12 feet iu the clear and about lot) feot deep. Siecitlcations may ha seen at Priceburgh. We reserve the right to rejectvmy or nil bids. W. M. Jl.RMYN, Supt. S, The Great Bankrupt Sale The Great Hew York Sheriffs Sale Great Hew York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. . We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments, GROSS, FOSTER & CO. onnolly Sweeping Reductions Prior to Our Semi-annual Inventory. ' FOUR GREAT LOTS FROM ODR DRESS GOODS DEPT. J'tV thlrty piece8 a11 tolll consisting of Whip Cord Suitings iu about ten shades, and Scotch Mixtures ia five colors. 12 l-2o. a yard for anything ia the pile; never sold ua der 25c. NO. 2. Price here ia 25c per yard. Assortment is unlimited. We might say that we have Checks and Plaid, Striped Goods and Plain Goods, Mixed Efl'ects and Novelties of every description. In fact, it is au aggregation of our entire stock of 50c. Dress Goods. You'll be very apt to find something You will save about 50c. on the dollar, all right for next fall. CONNOLLY & Hotel Waverly European Plea. Flrnt-elMi B&r ettubed. Depot tor BvrgDU A EJttfel't 'fnnliieur Beer. II h 1Kb and flirt to, PMadi Voit desintbl (or rtaldante ot N E. PenaS tylvtul. All oor.veuluncofl for traveler! to ami from Broad Btroot itadou soil tha Twelfth and Market Etrant atatiou. Do. traulA for Tlaitlng Koran to olaoa eai two lit In th Aatliraolta Kogioo. T. J. VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. OUR STOCK UR STOCK was damaged by water from the. recent explosion and fire, which occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit U3 to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OP CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING3. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good a3 be fore. sale now coma ON and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD a3 quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for S3 THE SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tar 2 EXT DOOR, TO THE BURNED DAVIES & GBIFFIN BCILDIXG. FOSTER & CO. AND STOCKS FROM TUE among these You will also WALLACE 209 WARNING. We have lately had Feather Beit and Pillowe brought to vi by strangeri vho wiehtd to dispose of th tame and from wAote action we believed the feather didn't belong to them. We will have no dealings with tuchpartkt. We with to caution people against giving into the handt of strang ers who claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, tto , which they wish renovated. Any of our agents oan easily identify themselves, or if any on who withes work don in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will rn dcaior to merit th confidence of everybody. TaS SCfiNATON UKDDINO CO., eot and box Laeka. Av., Cor, Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We Bell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. lull ton ud lot 230 Lackawanna Avenue. DAMAGED I Neckwear Given Away. Boys' Suits, 74c. NOW $4.75 ..NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW $1.35 ELL CLOTHING HOO NO 3. We are especially proud to speak on this lot, for the value is unprecedented. Take your choioe of 6-4 llomespuns, Covert Cloth?, Granite Cloths, Beiges, Storm Serges and Novelty Mixtures. There are about 3,000 yards in the collection, and every yard H all-wool. The price is 37 1 -2c. NO. 4 consists of short lengths By that we mean the remnants of our stock. The pieces run from one yard up tosii. Style: everything. Worth from 75c to $1.50. Price, 50c a yard. four lots that you want. get something that will be WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. & Co. mm m BY WAT ER Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all goods tha! are damaged at your owa prloe. E Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. AVe guarantee.our Watches to be TRUE TIME KEEPERS and uphold them as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. DIAMONDS ARE IMPS as a speculation these days. Hare yon seen the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on them! Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Caalar tot Oaah in Watch, Diamonds, fcUvi r, ta., Cor.Fenn lie. and Sprues St. A Handsome Complexion bom of th greatest oharma a woman can pocae. PonOM'a Oomjuuoh fowoaa