The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 10, 1894, Image 1

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    All the news of
the strike in
Agents should
order extra
copies at once.
j i i 1 r. ," :
An - ImproYement in the Situa
tion from a Railroad
Point of View.
Persons Engaged Id Rioting and Q;her Un
lawful flc!s Commanded to Disperse.
The Majority of Railroads Having
Terminals in Chicago Move Their
Trains on Time and So Far as the
Local Situation Is Concerned the
Backbone of the Strike Appears to
Be Broken Master Workman Sov
ereign Will Wait Another Day Be
fore Attempting to Solve the Diffi
cult Problem Verdict of the Jury
in the Case of the Hammond
Chicago, July 9.
THERE were no indications witbin
the immediate limits of the city
today that the railroad strike or
boycott was in existence. On the ma
jority of roads having their terminals
in this city, through passenger as well
i.a suburban trains were moving on
The freight car bloekades on the
Northwestern, Burlington, Luke Shore
tuid Bock Island and Pan Hun lie roads
wore also materially raised. The mem
bers of ths Railroad Managers' associa
tion are claiming tonight that, so far
us the local situation is oncurned the
back bone of lbs strike has been broken
end that suceess in the immediate fu
ture is insured.
At the heudqnarters of the leaders of
of the strikers it is admitted at a late
hour that from the railroad point of
view the situation has materially im
proved, but it is also contended anion?
the strikers that, notwithstanding the
conditions that may be brought to bear
in and about the local depots, it will be
impossible for trains to rnn with any de
gree of regularity, either south, west
or north nntil a settlement with the
striking employes baa been effected.
Tb United States grand jury that
baa been specially empaneled to con
sider indictments agaiusl the leaders
of the striking element will assemble
at 10 u'click tomorrow morning.
The men arrested by United States
d puty marshals at Blue bland and on
the Lako Shore and Rock Island
trucks at Forty-third street will be in
dieted for conspiracy to delay and en
danger the passage of mails of the
United States.
The United States regulars enjoyed
day of rest upon ths lake front while
the majority of the state militia took
thing easy in Battery D ar.d in a com
niodions warehouse on WabaBU avenue
1hnt had been seized under ordsrs of
Mayor Hopkins for provisional bar
rucks. Tbe majority of the roads reported
that passenger trains wsre being rnn
with a fairly close adhesion to schedule
time and that the freight blockade was
beiug gradually lifted.
A detour of tbe various depots by
representatives of tbe United Press in
dicated that these statements were
fairly well founded.
He Warn All Person Enlaced la Un
lawful Aota to DiiDrs.
Washington, D. C, Jnly 9. The
president this evening followed np bis
proclamation last night by issuing an
otbor of ths same tenor bnt more gen
eral in its application. The proolama
tion is as follows:
By the President of the United States of
America. Proclamation:
Whereas, By reanonof unlawful obstruc
tions, combinations and assemblages of
persons, it ban become Impracticable, in
the judgment of tbe president, to enforce
by the ordinary course of judicial pro
ceedings ths law of tbe United States at
certain points and places within tbe states
of North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wash
ington, Wyoming, Colorado and California
and the territories qt Utah and Mew Mex
ico, and especially along tbe lines of sncb
railways traversing naid states and terri
tories as are military roads and post
rontes and ars engaged in interstate com
merce ami in carrying Unfted Htutes mails
And. Whereas, for tbe purpose of en
forcing tho faithful execution of the law
of tbe United States, and nrotectlng prop
erty belonging to the United States, or
under its protection, and of preventing ob
structions of ithe United States mails and.
of commerce between the states and terri
tories, nud of securing to tbe United States
the right guaranteed by law to tbe use of
sncb roads for postal, military, naval and
other government service, the president
baa employed a part of tbe military
forces of tbe United States.
Now, therefore, 1, Grover Cleveland,
president of tbe Uuited States, do hereby
command all person engaged in, or In any
way connected with such nnlawfnl ob
structions, coinoicaliona and assemblage,'
to diRperso and retire peaceabjy to their
respective abodes on or before 8 o'clock in
the afternc-on on Jnly 10.
In witness whereof I have set my hand
and caused tbe seul of tbe United States
to be hereto afilxed.
x Done at tbe city of Washington this
nluth day of July, in -the year of our Lord
ne thousand eight hundred and uinoty-
four, and of tbe independence of the Uni
ted btates,the one nnnureuanu eiRnteontu.
By the president.
(Signed) AV. Q. Giiksham,
Secretary of State,
Tbe decision to issue such a procla
mation was made this morning and the
past few days was given up to arranging
its term. Tonight Secretary Larnout,
Attorney General Oluey, Postmaster
General Bisaell and lilujor Geueral
Schofield met tbe president at the
white bouse and expressed salisfastiou
with the scope of the manifesto in
which they had a share in perfecting.
me president today received another
certification from the governor of
Idaho respecting tbe necessity for
federal troops to maintain order In
that state. This was supplemented by
semi-official dispatches to the Idaho
senators from Judge Beatty, the United
States judge for the district of Idaho,
and from other proininentpersons in the
state, requesting them to urge upon the
president the need for troops In the
Coenr D'Alene region. Senators Shoup
and Dnbois took these dispatches to
the white house tonight and had a talk
with the secretary of war and Major
General Schi fWld on tbe subject. It
seems that Governor MoCoanell'a dis
patch to tbe president received yester
day was not quite iu accord with tbe
requirements of the constitution in
such emergencies, but troops will un
doubtedly b dispatched from Fort
Sherman to the scene of the troubles.
The conference this evening ended
shortly after 10 o'clock. General
Miles telegraphed that everything was
quiet and that he was going to bed,
and tbe president and hia advisers
concluded to do likewise. General
Miles also advised that the mus meet
ing of trade unionists was oil for to
Secretary Lsmont and Goneral Scho
field remained with the president for
some nfter Secretary Grojbum, who
arrived late, Attorney General Olney
and Postmaster General Bitsell had
left. When General Schofield left the
white house at 11 o'clock he said that
matters looked tetter tonight than they
bail at any time since tbe strike begun.
The general said that no state troops iu
any state bad been ordered to hold
themselves in readiness for service, al
though the president had specific con
stitutional authority to cull them out.
He also said that no additional regular
troops had been sent to Chicago or else
President Clevnlaud's Messag Brio?)
G .od R'sul s Alonir tho Lines.
Chicago, July 9. It is admitted on
ull sides tonight that the procla
mation issued at midnight by
President Cleveland has done more
toward clearing the atmosphere ' and
uring . tn mod element to a so use
qt its responsibility than could
liavn been accomplished by all tho
self prodded conciliation and media
tion committees in a month. The
proclamation was printed in tbe Polish,
Bohemian and English languages
Tbe officials of tbe unions are ex
pecting arrest hourly and are now pre
pared for it. At a legal conference
held today a line of defense was
mapped out
Knights of Labor Thiounhout th Coun
try Will b Callsd to Join.
Chicago, July 9. -Grand Master
Workman Sovereign and Member Mar
tin of the tbe executive board, attended
a secr.-t conference this afternoon at
which tbe situation wus discussed by
the Knights of Labor. A final decision
to strike iu numbers all over the coun
try was finally adopted. Mr. Sovereign
said to night that every Knight of La
bor in the Uuited States would go
when called npon to assist the strikers.
One more day of suspense and tho
city will either be restored to a peace
ful condition or riot and anarchy will
rnn loose in tbe streets.
This li tho universal verdict as to
tbe outcome of the attempt at arbitra
tion with the Pnllraan company, which
failed today, nnd the unanimous agree
ment of all labor organizations to
strike in sympathy with the Pnllmau
employes and the American Railway
nnion men unless a settlement of
tho strike and boycott is effected be
fore 4 o'olock tomorrow afternoon.
The wildest rumors have been flying
today as to the probable action of the
strikers aud the authorities I; is not
doubted that over 100,000 men will
obey tbe call to strike a agreed npon
at the meeting.
Only one nuion out of the 100 has
not agreed to strike and that is the
The gravity of the situation is be
coming more and more apparent in
Chicago and as the feeling increases
tho ff oris on the part of disinterested
parties to secure a settlement have
been redoubled.
The news sprend broadcast tonight
that the hundred or more anarchists in
Cbieago had not ueglected the oppor
tunity to iiifl.mio the excited masses
with their destructive doctrines, has
tended to increase the excitement and
During the meetings held in Uhlich's
ball and elsewhere tho past week rep
resentative anarchists have been pres
ent iu tb lobby at all times. Sam
Fielden and his friends bave been con
spicuous, and the apparent efforts to
rs-awakeo an interest in the anar
chlal doctrine have been looked upon
with fear by both the American Rail
way nnion officials and tbe authorities.
Ths Coroner View the Victim of tb
Hammond Shooting.
Hammond, ' Ind., July J Anthony
Zuidlrr, coroner of Lake county, ar
rived her today nnd held an inquest on
tbe body of Charles I'leiscber, who was
shot by a federal soldier yesterday. The
mayor and members of council and a
large number of citizens were present,
The testimony given by three witness
es, one of tlioui a brother-in-law of the
victim, showed that tbe soldiers com
menced the shooting without any warn
ing on a moving train in the direction
of the crowd which, had thrown a rope
around a Pullman car in the effort to
upset it in tbe way of the soldiers.
Tbe witnesses testified tbat Fleisoher
was standing two blocks away from
the Pullman car when the soldisrs be
gan to shdot. Ths verdict of the jury
Continued on Page 8.
Chicago Peacemakers Are Coldly Rccjlved by
Rjproientatlva Wickcs.
A Committee from the Councils Visit
Vice President Wickes and Propose
Arbitration They Are Met with
Firm Refusal The Pullman Com
pany Will Not Surrender the Prin
ciple Involved and Its Representa
tives Turn Deaf Ear to Pleadings of
the Visitors General Strike Today.
CniCAao, 111., Jnly 9.
T IS war to the knife, nnd the knife
to the hilt. The powers have
spokt-n and the most tremendous
strik. known to history will be in
augurated tomorrow when the evening
whistles blow, and a hundred thousand
men lay down their work, hot to re-
torn until the rullman boycott is
Today has been the most quiet Chi
cago has experienced since the great
Pullman boycott was declared, but It
was the quiet that precedes the storm,
and beneath the strange stillness the
ear of the close wutcliover of vveuts
can catch the ominous rumblings of nn
industrial cyclone, threatening dread
disaster and fearful destruction, a
storm wbose awful portent's uono may
read aud whose vast consequences none
may forecast.
The strike which paralyzed traffic on
tbe railroads for the past few weeks
and wrought loss beyond computation
to every interest in Chicago, tvlll to
morrow be augmented by the practical
cessation of nil industry and the almost
complete paralysis of commerce in and
about the city. All night Sunday and
until tho gray hours of Monday's dawn
a great meeting composed of delegates
from all of the trades unions iu Chi
cauo sat in Unlich's ball and wrestled
with the problem confronting it. The
question before the meeting was,
Shall the trades unions of Chicago
strike in sympathy with the Pullman
boyeott to the end that the priuoiple
of arbitration may win?
It was a gathering of thoughtful
men, and their deliberations were
marked for their calm earnestness.
The gravity of the situation was fully
apprehended. It was determined that
a last attempt be made to got the Pull
man company to arbitrate its differ
ences with its workiugmen, and a com
mittee of seven was appointed
to call npon the mayor with
a view to securing tne co-opera
tion of prominent business in-n in
securing from the Fullmnh company
tho concession asked for arbitration.
A brief meeting was held in the
mayor s olhcewhlcd' adjourned to an
other meeting with the city council
committee on arlitration. At tbe last
meeting Alderman McGillen, chair
man of the council committee.
made tbe suggestion that a committee
be appointed who should Invest!
gate and determine whether the Pull
man company's statement that there
was nothing to nrbitrute was trne and
just, that the committee be composed
of two members named by the Pullman
company, two to be named by thn
judges of the circuit conrt of Cook
comity, nnd the fifth by tbe four first
chos-n. The suggestion was adopted
by the joint committee and a flub-com
mlttee appointed to presnnt the propo
sition to tbe I'ullmitu company.
This committee was composed of tho
council committee Aldermen McGil
len, Marrener.Muelhoefer and Powers,
and Messrs Elderkin, Ryan nnd Lind-
holm, representing tbe trades nnlons.
The sub-committee repaired at once to
the office of Vice President Wickes, of
the Pullman company. and requested an
Interview with that gentleman, It was
grunted, and then followed a scene
which bids fair to rival iu historic in
terest aud importance any event in tbe
history of labor, hvery man present
felt the extreino gravity of the hour
and the silence through which tho
voices of the speakers seemod painfully
distinct was oppres-n ve.
'Do vou come as an official of the
city?'' Mr. Wickes asked thn alderman.
"I do, replied 4lr. McUillen.
"Do you represent the mayor in this
matter? inquired the Pullman oiuslal
"The mayor will endorse our action
here, the alderman replied.
Alderman McGillen wus tho spokes
man. He addressed Mr. Wickes and
placed before him the proposition ns
authorized by the fnll committee.
Unce, as the ahierman iiuitn I for an
instant. Mr. Wickos sail "The com
puny cannot recede from the position
it has already neiu.
The interjection aroused Alderman
McGillen and he eloquently portrayed
the sliuntion in nil its hearings and tho,
inevitable consequence unless a settle
ment were reached. Mr. Wickes list
ened attentively. He seemed touched
by the appeal, nnd when the spokes
man had concluded Mired with Attor
ney John S, Runnels, of the Pullman
company, for consultation The delay
wasof brief duration. When he relumed
every one present in read Vic President
Wickes stern face the fateful answer
ha would make. The feeling was in-
tensa and the little throng, compose 1
of committeemen and members of
the press nnd news' association, wuited
breathlessly for him to speaic. at
dressing Aldermun McGillen Mr
Wickes said :
"The Pullman company bat nothing
to arbitrate."
Then there was a painful silence
Alderman McGillen aeomed paralyzed
for a moment He could not believe
the Pullman company would assume a
resDonsibility so tremendously grave.
"Am I to understand," he sinwly said,
"that tbe Pullman company refuses
this slight requett,made in so grave an
hour, and npon wniuu so uiuoo de
"Tbe Pullman company has nothing
to arbitrate," reiterated Vice President
Alderman McGillen said with great
emphasis: "Mr. Wickes, your company
demands the police protection of the
federal government, the stats of Illi
nois, the county of Cook and the
city of Chicago, nnd yet you utterly
ignore a fair nq'iest made by the
city, a request tho fundamental Idea of
which Is the preservation of peace.
We have come to you as conservors of
the pence and you have assumed grave
responsibility in thus refusing the re
quest we make, a responsibility greater.
perhaps, thau ever you are aware."
"lhere is a principle Involved in this
matter," said Mr. WickfS. "which the
Pullman company will not surrender.
It is that employers must be permitted
to run their buiiuess iu their own Way
and without interference from employes
or from anybody ilse. We shall not
allow any one to tell us how our busi
ness shall be conducted, and we shull
not consent to arbitration. Our busi
ness is onr own private affair and we
want no interference from federal or
state or any other government."
There was nothing more to siy. One
hundred thousaud men will quit work
tomorrow night for an indefinite
period, trusting that in their contest
for the principle of arbitration, they
will win.
Bloody Riot in Which Colored Miners
and Citizens Generally Par
ticipateSeveral Injured.
Scottdalk, Pa., Jnly 9 Throe ne
groes employed at tbe Painter works of
tho McUlnr Coke company came to
Scottdale this afternoon, As soon as
their presence became known, strikers
attacked and drove them over ' into
Fayette county. Shots were exchanged
but no one was injured. The negroes
went back to the coke works where
plans wore male to raid this town to
night. The 100 negroes at the Painter
works arinud themselves and at 8
o'clock tonight marched to town and
lined up on North,, Broad way. Two of
their number went sent ahead down
the street, expecting the strikers to at
tack: tbeui.
The two had brders to retreat back
to Broadway, where tho crowd re
mained in readiness to meet the pursu
ers and fire into them. Tbe two ne
groes did not return, and becoming im
patient the crowd marched down the
street, flourishing clubs, revolvers and
razors, howling line Indians they
baited in front of the Kroiner House.
Joseph Carter, a colored cook at or.e
Of the hotels, jumped ont into tbe
street and shouted, "Let ns clear out
the town.
A Hungarian standing in front of
the JioteL.wa at one attacked, and be?
fore be could be rescued bo was badly
cut on the shoulder, side and thigh
with a razor. JJurgess John Robert
son appeared on the scene and com
manded the mob to disperse. A ne
gro deliberately fired three shots at
him aud another struck him with a
This was a signal for a battle and a
crowd of ut least 000 citizens rushed in
on the negroes. The negroes retreated
shooting back into tho crowd and at
least 000 shots were fired. The citizens
secured revolvers and guns and chased
the negroes through Pastime park,
keepiug up a hot tire. Tbe negroes
escaped through the woods to the
David Monday, a colored man from
Pittsburg, was left behind probably
fatally wounded, being shot in the
bead, lie wus brought back to town.
Another negro whs wounded, but bis
companions carried him away. A
strike lender known as "Dutch Davy"
had one fiugsr cut off by a blow from
a razor. Patrick McAtee was struck
on the lioud with a brick and severely
injured. It is reported at leuat a
dozeu negroes were wounded and that
one is dead.
At 9 o'clock a report reao hed town
that tbe negroes in command of
Ford, an ex-deputy sheriff, wre coming
buck to town and the citizens pre
pared lor n battle. The burgess called
on the sons of veterans. Tuey ap
peared on the streets armed with guns
and were joined by a company of sixty
armed men who came up from Emer
son. There were at least 1,000 men on
the streets, Some of the bot-heada
wanted to muroh to tho works and kill
all the nogroes in the neighborhood.
Wheu it became kuown that the ne
groes came ou as far as Kifotown and
returned lo the Coke works, the crowd
qui- ted down.
It is suid the negroes are recruiting
their forces and will retnru tonight to
rescue those of their number who have
been a r rusted If they put in nn ap
pearance a bloody conflict will result.
school Teachers chosen.
Pittston Dlrotor Select Guardians of
the Young f r Nixt Year.
Rpteiai to the Scranton Tribune.
Pittston, Pa., July 9. At a meeting
of tbe school board tonight all last
year's teachers, except' two who hud
resigned and three who wsre not ro-cm-
ployed, were continued in ollice. 1 he
new ones are Katie Cunningham, Til-
lie Coolicun, Anna G. Cawloy. Belinda
Cirroll, Blanche Lnvuu nnd Susie
William Jones was re-elected instruo
tor of uiuiio.
C. L. JIngee, of Pittsburg, who has boon
In luirope, Is expected home this week.
In tbe Oil City Tube works Johu Lang
wan shocked to death bjl electricity.
Government employes at federal build
ings thruughou't tbe state are being re
moved for economy.
Having escaped from tho Chester County
authorities, J. W. Uyles, accused of selling
astoiou norse, was recaptured at theater.
The tiger that escaped from Main's
wrecked circus at Tyrone a year ago, ia
supposed to be still prowling about the
mountains there.
The Lewis mine at Bmnke Run, at Clour
field, operated br the Cambria com pan v.
begnu work yesterday with old men at 45
cents por (on.
The Pittsburg Loader has raisod a fund
of I7()iui erect a memorial to Director
litgelow for his valuable services iu secur
ing public parks.
After a prolonged wrangle between
commissioners, sheriff and prison liiBneo-
tors of Lehigh county, it was decided to
exocute Jtiarry Johnson privately,
Thousands to Attend tho Annual Meeting at
Cleveland This Week.
governor mmn welcome
Elaborate Preparations for Receiving
and Entertaining tho Guests Halls
and Meeting Places for the Accom
modation of 40,000 Delegates.
Celebrated Orators of the Age Are
Among the Speakers An Outline
of the Convention's Work.
Cleveland, July 9.
'.ACH new year finds the Christian
I Endeavorers of the country
stronger by many thousands, and
3 the first nnd moU convincing
evidence of this lies in tbe numbers
that gather at their great nuptial m-ct-incrs.
They will mass 1.000,000 strong
or more Wednesday iu hospitable
Cleveland. The convention opens that
night. No fewer thau fifteen meetings
have been arranged for that evening in
the various churches, Thn speakers
for these night meetings include Rsv.
George Dana Bonrdtuan, of Philadel
phia; Rev. Dr. David J. Burrell, Mrs.
trances J. lurn-g aud Anthony Corn
stock, of New York city; Rev. Way
land Hoyt, of Minneapolis; Bishop
Fallows, of Chicago; Rr. Dr. Ham
lin, of Washington, D. C, and mituy
Tbe great convention will actually
open 'ihursday morning at 10 o clock.
Governor McKinloy will deliver an ad
dress of welcome on behalf of the state,
and Rev. J. T. Tyler, chairman of the
local committee, on behalf of the pas
tors of the city and tbe local Chris'ian
Endeavor organ iz itions. Tbe response
will be mude by Rov. E. R. Dille. of
San Francisco. The other business of
the morning includes the annual report
of tbe general secretury, John Willis
Baer, and the presentation of state
The afternoon will bs given up to
one of tbe singular features of the con
vention an mterdenominatieniil society
sets aside that time for denominational
rallies, of which twenty-five have al
ready been arranged, Including the
Baptist, African, Methodist, Episcopal,
Christian, DiscipL-s of Christ, Friends,
Lntheran, Mennouite, Methodist,
Moravian, Presbyterian, Protestant,
Episcopal; Reformed United Brethren,
and a number of others. Lending
ministers of each denomination will
preside, and addresses will bs made by
prominent speakers.
The largest hall in the city. Saengcr-
fest hall, seats 10,000 people. Near it
an immense tent lias been erected to
accommodate 10 000 more. Two of the
largest churches in the city, one of
which has a seating capacity of 3.000,
are uear by, and will be used for over-
flowoneeting, The Musio hall, down
town, will accomodate over 5.000, and
it baa also been secured, so that by
means of ovetllnv meetings It Is Imped
to provide for all who come, even if the
number reaches 40,0U0.
Tbe annual address of the president
of the nmted society, the Rev. Francis
E. Clark, who is also the father of tho
society, having organized the first
Christian Eudeavor society in Portland,
Me.. February 3. 1881; will be deliv
ered first in Sacngerfest ball and after
ward iu tile teut, The other speakers
t these meetings will be Rev. A. C.
Dixon, L.L. D., of Brooklyn, and Rev.
M- B. Bubcock, D. D., of Baltimore.
Friday moruing will be opened with
ten prayer meetings held in churches
iu various parts of the oity at G 30 a. m
At 10 oolock free parliaments will bs
conducted, one on ''Ti: Christian En
deavor Pledge," by Rev. G, II Sini'
mons, of Louivillo, Ky,, at Siienc-r
fst hall, and tbd other on "What Has
Your Society Don to Promote Good
Citizenship? by Edwin D. Wheelock,
of Chicago, in the tent. "Christian En
deavor versus the S.iloon," by John G.
VVoolley, of Cbieauo. will be delivered
to both audiences, and other address'
on good citizenship by various eminent
speakers will characterize the sessions,
which will bave a practical bearing
upon the political duties of young
Christians. The afternoon will be
given np to schools of practical meth
ods in the committee work which con
stitutes the essential part of the train
ing and labor of every individual so
ciety. Conferences have also been ar
ranged of various officers. In thn oven
Ins the eloquent colored divine, Bishop
B. W. Aruutt. of Wilberforce. O. ; Rv.
J. K. Dixon. D. D., of Philadelphia,
and Rev, William J. Tucker. D, D
president of tho Dartmouth college,
will deliver addresses.
Snturduy, after the usual prayer meet
ings, the morning will be devoted
to interdenominational aud interna
tional fellowship. The addressee
and free parliaments which have been
arranged will almost confuse the visi
tor with the multitude of good
things offered. Tho Bea.iims on these
topics promise to be of exceptional in
terest us promoting closer and more
harmonious relations between all Tj
nominations iu the future. These
Chiistian endeavorers ore tbecouiinir
generation of church leaders and the
broader plans upou which they work Is
a certain proof of future liberality and
close sympathy between all sects. The
afternoon will be devoted to the junior
Christian Endeavor work, the depart
ment given up to the direction of the
children of the church toward an
activity in it ns they grow older. Ad
dresses will be inudo by Rev. Cornelius
Brett, D D., Jersey City; Rev. H. W
l'ope, New Haven; Rv. A. W.
Spoouor, Cuinden; Mrs. I M. Aldeu
(Pausy), Miss Puuline Root. Madura.
India, aud others. Iu tho evening a
largo number of rooeptious bave been
arranged for the various state, terri
torial and provincial delegations. Ex
cursions ou the lake have also been
planned for those who prefer rest and
recreation to attendance upon further
, Sunday morning services will be
conducted in tha churches. In tbe af
ternoon the topic will be "Missions and
Ministering." Rv. Hermann Warsz
wuik, of New York, will epsak on "The
Movement Among tbe Jews Toward
Christ," and it is hoped that Bishop
Thoburn, of India, and Rev. J.Hndson
layior, of the China lulaud Mission.
will also be present. The convention
sermons in the evening will be by Rev.
A. J. F. BobrondSpD. D,, of
tne baeugi-trest Hull, and by Presi
dent R. P. Raymond. D, D. LL.
D., of Wesleyau University. Mid-
dletown. Conn. Cousocration meet
ings, led by "Father" Clark and Sao
rotury John Willis Biter, will close tbe
convention. This brief reviow of the
programme will give some idea of the
extent of tbe plans that have been
made for this gathering. The growth
of the Christian Endeavor society ha
been phenomenal. Founded in 1881. it
bail bss than 9,000 members tulb84
Iu 1888 this had grown to 300. 000. Two
years later it was 600,000, and today it
exceeds 1,600,000.
President Dabs Will Try to Clear the
Blockade Path.
Pittston, Pa. July 9 J. C. Man
ning, district secretary of the Christian
Eudeavor Uuion, has receiyed
a dispatch from the head of
tbe various railway lines over
which the excursion to Cleveland
will go that tho companies have been
assured by Mr. Debs, of the American
Railway Union, that they will render
all aid possible to the transportation
of the delegation coiner to and returni
ng from tbe convention.
Bill for Strengthening Uncle Sam's
Fleet Passes the Senate with but
Little Opposition.
Washington, D. C. July 9. The
naval appropriation bill was passed in
the senate today with very little fric
tion or delay. There was on amend
ment offered which might have led
to considerable debate, and that
was for the construction of
two new steel-armored cruisers,
st a cost not exceeding S3.700.000 each.
Mr. Gorman (Md.) who was in charge
oi tbe bill, requested tbat the amend
ment should be withdrawn, on tbe
ground, first that by 1890 the thirteen
cruiser now in course of construction
would be completed and would fnrnisb
a very respectable navy,and seeond.tbut
in the present depressed condition of
business and the existing state of the
treasury finances, it is desirable to
keep down expenses, Mr. Daniel, Vir
ginia, who hhd offered the amendment,
recognized tha force of tbe suggestions.
and in accordance with Mr. Gorman's
request, withdrew tbe amendment.
The blind chaplain of the senate, in
his opening prayer had invoked divino
restraint on the violence of lawless
men who st themselves np against the
statutes of the conn try.and immediately
afterwards Mr. Peffer, Kansas, offered
resolutions which went over with
out action till tomorrow, looking
to the government control of
all railroads engaged in intei
state commerce, to uniformity of trun
sportation rates for freight and passen
gers throughout the country, to the
government (or state) ownership and
operation of coal beds, to the supply of
money by the government alone, to a
uniform rate of interest, and to raising
ail tbe revenue of tbe government by
tuxes on real estate.
Mr. Blaucbard, Louisiana, denied
that he bad played the part of couspir
ator In connection with tbe vote on the
passage of the tariff bill, and contra
dieted tbe published statement to that
Ths President Stavaj OS Painful In
quiry bv Appliontion of Qua Law.
fecial to the Scranton 7'ribune.
Pittston, Pa., July 9. - Another
lively session of council was held to
night. ACter hearing routine commit
tee reports, council passsd to a con
sideration of the resolution intra
duced one week ago by Mr. Kearney
asking for a committee to Investigate
charges that the president, Mr. Man
gan, had solicited tnree passes from
the vv likes-barre and Wyoming Val
ley Traction company.
President Muugun declared Mr.Ksar
oey out of order, because tbe resolution
in question bore no signature, Mr
Kearney then asked Mr. Mangan to re
turn the copy of the resolution so he
(Kearuey) could sign it. This the pre
Bidout also refused to do. By refusing
to recogniz the matter in any way the
prosidiug officer managed to stave the
investigation off for tbe present; but
his course is strougly condemned and
it is not belioved that he can sustain it
Coko Strike Liadsr Fail to Rally Tea
Uniontown Pu., July 9 The coke
strike leaders were greatly disappointed
at the slim attendance at today's mass
mooting. Ten thousand bad been ex
pected. The number present fell far
Nine car loads of new workmen
have besu distributed at various plants
in the coke region since yesierduy and
many more are enroute.
The interdiction of tho fete of July 14,
the anniversary of the fall of tbe Bastile,
lias been rescinded.
Salvador is still in a state of anarchy.
Gutierrez and Iiivas, the rival rovolutiou
nra cliiefu chiefs, uro preparing to annihi
late one another.
Italy is preparing to publish anarchist
publications and the French chamber of
deputies is about to take steps for the sup
pression of anarchy.
Co?ario, theansassiu of President Car not,
has weakened. He moans continually ai d
is of the opinion that as he is but 20 yea is
old, he is too young to die.
Tbe vntienn gave out last evening a
denial of the report that tbe pope was ill,
rjFAR Washington. July 9. Forecast
iVnnsid'ant'a, generally fair,
weather variable with sliahtlu
warmer in interior. For Wetterti Penn
sylvania, air, warmer, variable wind,
150 Full Eleven
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These we
consider the
best goods we
ever sold
at the price.
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Lewis, Reilly & Davie;
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The only kind that give
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Everybody welcome.
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$125 Each