THE SCKANTON TRIBUXE-MONDAY MOIWIJTGr, JULY a, 1894. L OF Th work of drying out the old Sil ver Brook ihaft has been sornswbat re tarded dnring the past week. On Mon day trie pinup in the (haft cave oat, making it necessary to have another pnmp substitute the broken one. A gang of carpenters are now removing a powerful pomp from No. 3 stripping, vrnieh Wilt be placed in the shaft aud the disabled pump taken out. There was about seventeen Ceet ot water in the abaft when the punp gave out, and it was expected that the process of drying would be completed in ten daya' time. The delay occasioned by the breakage lias allowed the water to rise somewhat but with a aubstitnte apparatua in or der and once working the water will rapidly disappear. The slope whioh is being driven a few hundred feet east ot the shaft hue attained a depth of 100 feet. It will be sunk below the old works and will serve as an outlet for nil the coal that will be mined there. The development of the old worke will prove a paying boom for the people of Silver Brook, Ulcers who worked in the place twenty years ago say there Is moro good coal in these works to be yet taken ont than there is at the uew colliery; In the first place there was a shaft and a slope sunk at the old works. The breaker was built partly over the former and the oeal wae hoisted, to the lireaker by cages. The slope Is yet in fair condition and is situated about 1.000 feet east of the shaft. The vein pitched somewhere in the neighborhood of 85 degrees, but in order to reduee the incline and make the slope serve as a mule and traveling way as well aa an opening through which the coal wonli be hoUted, the slope was driven on a pitch of 43 -degrees, thus leaving almost half the coal under them. There is every reason to believe that this coal can now be ob tained. A remarkable episode in con neetion with the old works, say 4 the Huzleton Standard, was a tunuel that wus driven through a fault in the big vein east for a distance of 1,500 feet with the expectation of fludiug the vein In true form. This tunnel was started near the bottom et the shaft which is now being dried out and, hav ing been driven the distance above etiitcd at an enormous expense to the souipttoy, all hope of striking the vein vanquished and the tunnel was aban doud. This wus twenty years ago and iiotbiug was thought of the uugainly project until the No. 5 stripping was upetied some time ago and tue end of the abandoned tunnel discovered only ubout six feet from the desired vein, wniea ran op to 100 feet in thickness, i ... A company fans been formed, com posed of well known capitalists, for the manufacture of solid steel car wheels. The plant will, it is said, be erected on the line of the Reading railroad, below Wayne Junction. Two ten-ton ham mers will be pui in, and the steel in gots will be purchased from one of the uaay large steel companies in Penn sylvania. The output at the beginning wUI be about thirty-two tons per day, wfcieh will be Increased as soon as the new wheels ere put on the market. The process of making the new wheels is the invention of James A Faeer, a well known resident of Qermantown. Fatenta have been taken our in this eenatry, Europe and Canada. The anthracite blast furnace at Tem ple, Berks county, which recently shnt down for repairs and want ot coke, is expeeted to resume shortly, when 1,000 tens a week will be turned out. A large portion et the irou on band has been sold, and daily shipments are bs iug made. Sheridan f nrnace No. 2 is ready to go into blast as soon a supply soke is received. No. 1 is in blast and using anthracite. Robesonia furnace, which had to be rellned, is only await iug the arrival of coke to go into oper ation. Iti capacity is 1,100 tons a week. At Lebanon the iron situation is given as follows: The Colebrook for esees are receving daily shipments ot coke, ana will be put into blast this week. The Lebanon Valley furnaoes received enough coke to insure steady operation. The Lebanon furnaces re ceived a large aupply of coke.. The Bird Coleman furnaces at Cornwall will be placed in operation in two weeks, by whioh time it is expected coke will have been received, This is what' the Plttston Gaaatts says concerning the new brick and tile company that waa chartered last week, to utilise a superior strata of shale dis covered in the borough of Duntnore: "Abram Axborn, the well known ex pert in brick making, for many years a resident of Pittstoo, has found a bed ot clay in the neighborhood of Scrantoo, which he claims, possesses superior qualities, and from which vitrified brisk can be made. He ie now eugnged in organizing a company to manufact ure brick, and has Interested soma of the most prominent residents of Scran ton in the project. Among those who have taken stock are A. E. Hunt, Wil liam A. Connell, Horan & Ilealy. Hun son Carpenter, D. M Jones, H. . Hand, 3. W. Roberts, Dr. Couoell, and William L. Connell. The works will probably not be ready to offir the brick to Plttston borough for use on Main street, Dut Mr. Axhorn is also agent for the Halliwood block, a vitri fied brick whioh he praises very highly, and he will present samples and bids to the town council when the proper time comes. He bas some very inter esting test figures that will be worthy of consideration." . t Joseph A. Wilkin, an engineer on the Eastern division of the Erie rail way, residing at Matamoras, Pa., in coojuoction with Dr. James J. Mill, of Port Jervis, has just taken out a patent on an improvement to foot and band powers which is expeoted to make him a rich man. The invention is, especially, tatended for us with bi cycles or tricycles in which the foot power is applied either to a crsnk shaft to rotate the same or to treadles ttoat nie raised by springs and depressed ny the feet The invention is also appli cable to lathe power, and is particu larly adapted for high speed and is a great improvement on bicycles and much easier to work than the present wheels. The feet can rest at any time u the pedals. There is no lost mo tion as la the present system ot cyc ling. ' t Mihob Industrial Notes: The Lehigh Valley is said to have never handled so mush western trafllc as now. Iacreaaing railway business is noted throughout the Lehigh aad Wyoming val leys. Wages en the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg, which were cot 10 per cent. In Kareh, have Uea restored. Business at Coxtou, where through western freight trains are made op fur tke kehifh Valley cut-off branch, is near ly ssipended owing to the Interruption of western travel by the strike. With the completion of the street rail way line between Lowell aad Haverhill, seer EWS INDUSTRIES Mats., a line of forty-two tulles is made, becoming what Is clsilrfd to be the long est contiuuoni street railway In the coun try. Tim coal tonnage of the Philadelphia and Reading is now heavy beyond ail pre vious records. On Monday last over 100,-i 000 tons of anthracite were bandied on the main line, and the telle for thuaame will realize to the company over (200,000 tor the day. The coal traffic on the P. and E. and P. S. V. divisioue of the Pennsylvania rail road atill continues very' heavy. The trainmen ere kept busy night and diy. The P. and E. division officials are able to bundle their trafflo with their present force, and a new crew will be put on the P. a V. diriiion this wsek. : V. O. Mervlne, whole the largest hucklo. berry shipper on the Pocouo mountains, will soon thip 1U, 000 quarts per day. lie estimates bis production this season at s,ouu DusneiB. A litres lurce oi lungs mo engaged, aud it is a great source of reve nue for the people of that region. Mr. Mrrwino bas abont 10,000 acres of huckle berry land under lease, aud shipii the ber ries to New York, Philadelphia and ll aloug the line of tne Delaware, Lacka wanna aud Western railroad. Electric Sitters. This remedy ie becoming so well known and so popular a9 to need no special men tion. All who have used Electrio Bitters sing the same toug ot praise. A purer medicine does notexUt end it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitter will core all diseases of the Liver itnd Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Dolls, Bait Kheuiu and other affections caused by Impure blood. Will drive i: alarm from tbe system and prevent as well as cure all' Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache, Contispation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entile ratisUction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price SO cts. and (1 per oottle at ilatttiows Bros., Drug stors Henrt Sckoknals, foreman Henry Krug backing Co., bt. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Edeetrio Oil, with his una for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hsuds , eto. It U the best. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Stocks and Bonds. New York. July 7. The day's business at tue btock Lxchauae snowed so mo lav provetneut as compared with the previous Saturday, but tbe activity wae at the ex-pen-e of values. The dealiugs footed up 73,000 shares. The market was much weaker in tone and the bears were more aggressive on account of London liquida tions and tbe lawlessness , of the western striker. The nelliug was acceler ated by the stock failures lu London yesterday aud by tbe deitructlon of rail way property by the strikers. The de cline in prices ranged from M to $X pr cent. American Sueur sold down IS, Chicago Uas , Burlington and Uuiucy lf. Rock Island l.H, .Northwest 1, Leals ville aud Nashville 1, Delaware aud Hud son 1, Lead 1. At the ckse a some w list steadier tone prevailed aud a rully of )i to i per cent, ensued. Net cbauge fur the duy show losses of i to i per cent., ex cept in the case ot Pullman, which fell i per cent. Tbe following ooujiete table ituwise tin day's fluctuations m actis stooka is supplied and revised dully by La Bar A Fuller, stock eroaera, iM w yoimuz avenue: Open- Htua- Low Ctos- u, est. est. lut. Am. Cot. Oil 27 27 27 27 Am Suear. VM U.'.W !4 DM A.T.A3.F 5 5, 5 6 Can. Ho. 4d4 6t. 4S, i&H feu. N. J lUtoSi IWil Kli lWrft Chic N. W 101 1UH4 lot 1.4 Q., B. Q 7 to 74? 76 Chic. Oas. 78 7Hi 775, 7T C, C. (.'. ii 8t. L.... SH ; 'M Bi4i Col.. Hock.Val. A T. IS IS 19 IS D. Ss U 1211 iH Ltfta P., L. & W D. A C. F XiK 24 SHJV6 Hi lCri liH HH 134 Cr. E. Co Wii ili'-J M'i LakeShoro 12fW 124 L. AM 44 H'J 4Je 44 Manhattan 1144, 114U 114X 1144 Miss. Pao i ! ast Hiy Nat. Lead W4 2H 'i'.ji n. I, a a. Jt S. Y. Central. N. Y.. O. A W.. N. Y.,8. A W Vfii U. 8. C Co 31 North Pao &i Mortk Pac. pf Omaha Si Pac. AlaU Reading Wd KocklsUud DOS B. T 1H St. Paul T., C. A I lftj Texas A Pac 4 Union Pacitto ; lu?s Wabash pt 1$ Western Union KJh W.ft L. F 11 W. A L. . pf 4o; 33 Chicago Qrata ad Provisions. ScniNTOH. July 7. Tbe following quta tlons are supplied and correstel dally by La bar A Fuller, stock brokers.111 Wyonliu are uue. WHEAT. Jnly. Sent. Doc Ocenlng i"'j!-4 3714 lUVj Hignest 611 6S m Lowest Im.'4 : Closing Li Hi WV4 0)11.1. Opening S0t tOZi . Uitihest 41 Hi 41t . Lowest 4UH m'i , Closing 4li llfi , OA'18. Opening 37 V , HUbest 37Jg a4 . Ixiwust , !I7 'H Closing 'JiJ4 2u4 , POliK. Opon-ng T3I 1243 . Hi(,'bost laat l-'-ti . Lowest VM I'M . Closing ISO Uti . LAUD. Opening WV 675 , IliRhest OiO MJ , Lowest. efh (7r , , closing e;o lei) SHOUT 1UB3. Opening 40 r40 Highest 4S (ISO , Lowest tj4 t:4( , Closing tili tto , New York Produce Dlarket Nkw York. July 7. Flobb Dull neg lected, ray. ', Wusat Firmer, moderately active. No, 2 red. store aud elevator, village. : alloar. S9r,'jtt.t. o. b.,6aaWJitt; ungraded red, oi.twc; jno. l nortm-rn, cp tions'wers dull nud firm at ac, ad vance, no. x reu; July, o'JXc.: August, 60,c.; September, 01 e. December, 65?. conn Dull, flimer; o. ii. 4.")'c. ele vator; 4tic. etloat; options were .dull; iuiy, e.-ic; August, 40$c.: beptember, 4Cc.;No. Yc. Oats Dull.weaker; options dull, August, Hal September, Slic; spot prices, No. U. 60c; No. 2 while. 51Vu53ii: No. U Chii-nor. 61c: No. 8, 4o.; No. 3 white. 60c mixed western, GOkMc.; white, do. 81a27c; white Bwr-tiuiet, steady. Tiercbu Bkkf Inactive. Cut Micats Cjuiet, flrra; pickled bellies, 7Jic; do. gbouldrrs, 0c; do. ham, 10lle. Labu Otiiet. flrmer:western steniii.n!i. ed7.40; city, 7c; July, $7.8i; retlued, qulot conttuenr. t.m; ouuiu America, J7.B5; cunirouuu,' oaoHc. Pong Utuet, llrm. Hctter Quiet, fancy, Crre; state dnlry, 12al7Wc.;do. creamery, ISalSc. ; Peunsyl- vaniado., 16alto.; western dairy, luw, 14a; do. creamery, Halec.) nlgiiis, 13m.) imitation creamery, 12al5c. Cbbesk Firm, fairly. Eacs Moderate dumand,fancy firm ;state and Pennsylvania, 14c, western fresh, 13ala Fhiladelphla TaUow market. ' Pbiladelpuia. July 7. Tullow was dull and unchanged. Prices were: Prime city in hbgsboads, 4Jc: prim country, in barrels, 4c; do. dark In barrsls, 4e;. cakes, i4c ; grease, 8a3e. ffben Baby was sink, we gave ker Cassorla. When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Caaterla. When ah had Children, she fare them Cattail, Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Parejroric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms aud allays feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is au cicellcnt medicine for chil dren, liotbers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Da. Q. C. Osaooo, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for cuildrea of which I am acquainted. I hopo the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest ot their ouHdron,, and use Castoria In stiod of the vnriousquook aostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throuts, thereby sending them to premature graves." Pa. J. F. Kikcbzlos, Conway,' Ark. Di Oemtaur Company, 71 - 1 1 1 i SHSO-00 Given rr m w f un August Gail &Ax's NAVY Lon ALSO 60 1XEG4NT QOLV WATCHES. 76 HANDSOME MANTEL CLOCKS. 100 ELEGANT NICKKL WATCHES. Save your Empty Paper Wrappers. Your Dealer A PAIN Fer neacly tfty rars tils wonderful renv idy bas pxovei us rh beet, quickest, sf isc aad surest aabdew fer pais in . he world. THE XBV'S BELIEf. BJLDWAT'B KSaoT BSLIIP la sofa, re-' llabi aud eCtstaal ascausa ot the stimulut- U-t avtiwa t the WJy, actaiujf ten to th one aud lnatLag t tmiewed and i&crvansd vior Ibe sliuBbertai Titahy ot the piiy steal struc- tars, an tkrasgS Uos UmaUtuul atiuulntioa snd lnoraaaed atltloB the aaus et the fAl2i si drirsa away aad a natural aon&itlon itered. It Is teus Halk HKA&T BaUEi Is to adiairaWy edapaid far the CUKK OK PAD n4 nitAeat lUa dak of injury whioh is sra to retiilt (ran tk use of nutay ef tiis so-caJJ.d paia reoudifS of the day. In usiac ujhUcIdm w stop paiu we should avoid sun as lnfl at lBjry u tba system. Opitju, Uvrphtst, Kthsr,Ccameasd Chloral stop pain tiy deltroving lue sense of percep tion, wuen tka yabaut loses the power o( fUuf(. Uhls i the most destrustiv prac ties; it aaaks Mi symptoms, sbuti up, aud, instead ot removing trouble, breaks J own the aUmash, liver and bowels, and. If con tiaaed IrlugUi.l time, kills tue serves aad produces Weal or general paralysis. - There 1 no necessity for using tee un certain av.uu, when a positive remedy like UAl) WAY S3 RSXbt KLTJliF wUlstopth most exarueiatius; pain qulsker. without on tailing the leut dlffluuity lu eitLar infaat or adult. A CVKX FOB ALL Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, A halt to a toaspeonful at Ready Boliof In a half tumbler of water, repeated aa often aa the discharge continue, aud a tlunnel sat urated with Kedy lleflof placed over tbe stomach and, will afford immediate relief and ioxi eff.ct a care. A Lalf toa traspejniul in half a tumbler of water will in a lew minute, cur Cramps, 8pusm, Hour ytumscb, Heartburn, Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Sick Uuudai-be, Uiarrhea, Dysentery, Culie, flutulancy tnd Hlliutornai pain , Malaria nun And fkvkb, iuvkkaxo AOIK iO'UtbKKI. RADWAY'S RtADY RELIEF Not only euros the pst'out srlr.ed with this terrible (O i to lettlers in Drwly-settltd dis tricts, wbL-re th Maiaria or Ak-jb existi, bui If people xp4rl to it tv iil every morning, on vetting out of bed, take twentr or thlny drops of th Ready ItolLf In wiltor, and ent, say, a cracker, they ill escups attacks. This wust he done before roinpr out. 'there is note remedUl utient in th world that will eure Fever and gue and all other Malarious, Bilious aided by ItADW V'S P 1.1. so (isica as 11 iD WAY'S HE At)? KKLIEF. i0c. Per Boltle. Sold by Drtwaists. The Great Liver and Stdntcli Remedy for lbs cure of 1 disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidaoys, UladJnr, wrvous bivaises, Losi of Appetite, Head-v-h", (.'us tlveuets, IndigestloB, Biliotiones) Fover, la flairimatiuu ot to Bowels, l'ilni and ul' ntlier d.raaucuiantsef lh Internal V.scers. Parely ytau1e, ootttaluiug ie nwrcury, lumerals or deleterious dnigs I'rice, ij cents per box. Sold by all drug gists. DYSPEPSIA Dr. Bad way's PHI are a cur fer this eom plnibV they restart strength to tu ktom-ti sad uU rt topcrtefta ht fonetleas. Tu ivtupUm ef Byspstwla dippsar, aud with tiiaw tbUbflUy ef tb s.ttm to contract iiasaeee. lake th Hudjvlue accord1 "- to iirliasal ektery what W say vt "FaIs ui V' ue." rytatig diet. -, fctrHeiulaljnterttjsssiSo DR. RADWAT IV , 1-e.aBaiet, Hew Yotk, tor "false ud ti nt " SB TO ST KaDWAT'Is. mst IARR.IT SEC YOU BO X Sir r!f I ir.w miaal se tv lirffS sasa lis aVHwSm MubiM ialTkUT9wkal ekt.wlUI. Urkl M ith W.rl; t,Ml If' lIT MlS KMIi, l.l(A.U)t t'tilt mi nnplrtf ild.t Sf..ilUMSaatf,lSlM U k.r. OS SS Sh". fW K. K4y Ifiin lt Ul MtiMM fkSMaw n H.i lr. Siw Mftl t w trd.dtcftl nmd aU.cS kwiiM. tT McrtfT Mint. Stilir'l US n rroSU. rt .iliieua sss m4 es.rur nublii. .1 tn. r nt E nUltfll KMhaiintiOi MS UIIBUH.I W. WMU-a fiSf, ti.JHICAJO.ILU hat is Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai I rcconuuend It as uuperior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Aacnsn, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In tlio chlldrem's depart ment have spoken highly ot their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although wo only have among our uiodivul supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess tkat the merits of Castoria lias won us to look with favor upon it." Unitsd HosrrrAti and Dispensary, Boston, Mag3 Allik C. Surra, Pres., Murray Street, New York City. Away a r- . i r r m r loin, ioy4, to consumers ot Cut TOBACCO. can furnish full particulars. Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200, SURPLUS, $250, Till. tlAllV nflF-Mf. ti. . ft 1 1 1'T warranted by their balanoes, buil- ness ann responsiDiuty. bpeolul alhmttoD Klven to business ao count Interest paid on time deposits, WIL7.1AM CONNETX, President tllJO. B. 'ATMN, VUe-l'rt slclenfc WILLIAM U. lttK, Cesbiofc. DIItKCTORS. TVIIllam Conn oil. Georca H. Cat 1 In. Alfred Hnml. James Archbnld, Henry iieun, jr., nuiiaui i. oitu Lutnar )ill. VHB ti National Bank of Scrantoi CliGANIZED 13M. papitai CQFinnnn win iiiiu toujyuui SURPLUS $25,000. FAMUEL HlNES.IPresldent. V . V. WATSON, Vico Prosidoat, A. II. Vi'lLLlAMii, Cashier. tllir.crnru. bami'Kl HiNrs, . jawfs M-Evr.nnAnT. IKvme A. 1 INOrt, riEitca B. FiNLar, JciBtHU . jKKMYtt, il. ti. KKMtllUIU. (.UAS, f. ilAlTlltWI. JoIlM T. 1'OIUSil . V. W. Watson. , PROMPT, ENcRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bnuk Invites the patront,;o of business men auu nrms generally. REGTOf.CS VITALITY, Marlf n 1st Day. M'j 'Ul 2 SfCVWcll Man 181,1 of Me. THE GREAT 30th t)ny. aIXJHIPOrOZI HXS2sjS23Z3"Sr produces tbe above results lu 30 diivt. It artr imwufdilly aud gilickly.- Cures when all utuors fail loiiliK n!U will their lost niauhooj, aud old will re.over Ihelr yotithtnl vwor by iisIiik UtVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Norvuus Dfiis, I.o.t Vitality, Iiupotenuy. Nightly tmlwloun, LiMt Power. 1'slllug M 111 ory, Wttilnit Llsnwes. aud all effects of (uli-sbuss or eicud liidiwivtion, s lih'h uulltH ouefor sindy. bnlnuHSornisrrlaKo. It nut only runs by starting at the 't ot disease, but Isagreut nerve tonic sud blood builder, bring ing back the ptuk glow to ilo chocks and re storing tbe lire at yontlu It wardn oft luusnlty tnd Contiunptlon. Insist on having RhVIVO, no other. It uan be carried in vent pocket, lly mail. BLOW per package, or ill lor SJ5.00, with a post tlv written t;iarant to rare or refund themonpy. Circular frto. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. Far sal by MntthV.S ltfos., Druggists, Fcruiiiim, I'st.) What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For H, use Pcssont'a Powder. i hire! letione rruu Llfsk k Mil Good lien Deserve Oood Olothes DO GOD BOOICS ONE of the strong points of The Trib une's equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those rtc tures Don't Spoil Those Hnl ticiiMes f hem deafly The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. It will make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Multichrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY I FOR PRICES Boynd BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL S l'YSHlA.NS AUU MJlllir.ON. "T)R.a. EDGAR DEAN has removed to 16 bpruce street, bcranton, t. (Joat op poslta cuun-houaa Square) 1)K. A. J. CONNELL, Office 9U1 Washington JC avenue, corner Bpruce street, over . ui:Ke e orug store. Residence, K3 Vine et 2lc.e (J"J!r: l"' to 12 a. m. and S to and JUjtoJ.p. ni!6uiidayi to3 p. m. 1)R. W. E. ALLEN. 6fflce"cor; Lrcki wanna and Wushiueton aves.: over Leon- era shoe sture; ollice hours, 10 to 13 a. m. and ,V P- m-5 evenings at rosldeucet MM. JJSJl'Ktoiava I 1 K. C. L. KltlST, PraeUen limited to Ul J' eaaes of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; oIH.;o, Ui Wyouiius; ave. Koeideuce, 62s Vius Strinr DK. L VI. HATES. 128 WaahluKton Aveuaa. Ollke hour, 8 to S a.m.. IM to V and ( y P:raj ItefUluncoairt) Mudlson avi-nu I OWN U WENTZ, 11. DOm"oerM and it l omiiinnweaUh building: rosidene 711 Waiiisonave: orllco hours, 10 to 12, i to 4, 7 to ; Mundaya 2.80 to 4. evoninirs at residenoe. A specialty made of diceasHB of the eye, ear, noes andthroHt and (tyiioooloKy. I.A WVEKS. M. C. KANCK'S Law aud Collection of- n.'n N ft Hi? Ur.H...u . 1.. l Pennsylvania; reliable coriosiKiud- Jl-.SbUl'S & 11 A.S U, Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law. Lk.inmr..n,.ni.K v i....... Waahiukton ave. w. H. Jessup. H011ACB E. Hard, W. ti. JK8SUP, Ja. 1lriI,I.Al,'n WAXiuvyi r. VMAUL. A. I .......... w .....ii 1 , Aivjr ne'B ami Co.lMu.lnfM nf. T.duf imiltlinu, WashiiiKton ave.. Bei anion. I'a. pATI EKHON & WILCOX. Attorneys ami A Counaellora at I ili,...A h u i .u..a. kulldiug, bcruuton, I'a. kobwem, n. PArraitsoR VTI1.I.IAHA. VVIUJOX. LKKED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. At- rnrmtirei anil 1 1 i.l 1)11 BOYLE, Attorupy-at-Law.Nos.19 and v, uu.r uuiiainy, vt HsuiiiKton avenue II ENRY M. REF.LY - Law nffl. In Pric uuuuius;, no washlnKton avenue. Tf'RANK T. OKaLL, Attorney at Law. Koom UM.xclian(n. bcranton, Pa. AMKtf W. OAKKOKD, Attoruey at Law, w, tn wiiMjtAi vcjiumouweauu D i g. .m,- UUaB- Attorney at Law. """-p. wiQDrucBBt., Bcranton, l a. A. WATUKK l... - ' 1 .. .... , T , 1 vwMcy b uW, IU I) P. HJU'i'H. ConiLMillor f U n . rooms 51. M, M Cnminonwenlth bnildiua-'. ( Ii. PITi'MKlr a. t . monwealth bMllalng. Scranton, Pa. C.COMEOY8. Itil Spruce st. I) K KkPl ni.r k- a., , -- ni..My-j,ainH neico- ttated on renlestategFcurlty. Vh Hpruce. 1) P. KILL A II. Attoruev-at-Law, YM Wy- SCHOOLS. (CUO(JL OP THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and Kirls for college or business: tliorouuhlr trains vounsr children. Catalogue at ruituoet. Rev. Thomas M. Can vyAi.Ti.if n. uuvf.u MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTEN and School, 412 Adams avunae. Pupils received at all times. Next term will open April II. UKM J.s tA TM. A. TAFT. D.D.8.. 104 North With inuton Ave. Siutcialty in Porcelain nestorittions. crown and bridge Work. ( 1 C. LATJBACH, burgeou Dentist, No, 115 V, Wyiminc live. It. M. KI'ltATToN. nfPf Coil Fr''h"rrre. I. OA MS. rpilE KEPUBLIO Savings aud Loan Asso- -S- citttlou will loan vou ra moy 011 Busier terms ana pay you better on Invustmcnt than any um.-r niici:.uun. .:ail OU &). J-i , UALtljt.' T'KR. THniP RiimIt Imilfllnir SEED8. H. ft.Ankr m k,..,i..., m..,. vT. and Numorymen; store 14B Washington n.cuuo, KICK-U UllUSO,lMJ AUriU JIUU UVeUUej ylftrw tploplionp 7f'i. TEAS. URAN'U UNION TEA CO.. .lories Bros. W1ISE SdtECNS. TOR. KUETTEIj, 6i5 Lackawanna avenue, Kcranton. Pa., n.anut'r of Wirp Spi-pptis. IIOTrLSANI) KESTAUKANTe. riHIE 91-911, v 1 avo. Rooms heated with steam: all mod cm iinprovenipntB. u M. THl'MAW. Prop. rpiIE ELK CAFE, 1S5 and 127 Franklin ave X nuo. Rates reasomibii). P. Zikglkr. Proprietor. w Lb'i'jtUN&TEit VHVI-KI. W ii unii?wne r ' bixteentli stroet, ono block oaot of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. itnicrii-aii pinu, uu kt ouy anu upwara. uyivr, iiuust.. European plan: 'cood I livima llrtnn 1ov -j.,.l ,,.!. plied with the best. V. IT. COYNE. rmnrlPtor. Ot'RANTON HOl'SE, near D., L. ft W. pas. O seiifter depot Conduoted on the European plan. Virroit Kocn, Proprietor. RAND CENTRAL. The largest and bsT VT emilppoi hotel in Allontown, Pa.; rates 52 and $2.00 per day. VU'Toit D. ItAHKER, Proprietor. AltCHITECTS. 1AV1S HOUPT, Arcliltc ts. Rooms 2L i I'll nnd,2il Coiiimoinvenllh b'ld'B. Scranton. L. WALT ErT ArchitcctT Library build J i intr. Wvomine avenue. Scrnntm. ? L. PROWN. Arch B. Architect. Price 1 bnildinir.l2i iisliincton Avo., Scranton. MISt KI.I.ANKOrs. 1AUF.R-S ORCHESTRA MUSIO FOR JJ balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dines and ooucei t work furnished. For terms address R. J. b.tuor, couductor. 117 Wyoming ave., ovir Hulbert's music store. UORTON D. SWARTS-WHOLESALE lumbar, Prico building Scranton. Pa. KOARUElT riliOTHER3,PRINTEIt3r mppiics, cnvplopcs, papor bags, twine. Warehouse, LsJ Washingtou ave., Scranton, I'a. I.'OUTE'S LIVERY. 1KI Cnpouso avenue. First class enrriaeos. D. L. 1- OOTE, Agt. Funeral Director nnd Emlinlmer. 1 .RANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE sale npiilPi's m oodwaro, Cornago and Oil Cloth, 7;0 W. Liickswnnna avenue. ZRyV FiNN & SONS, builders nnd contra J J tors. ai ds: Corner Olive at. and Adam) ave. ; cornor Ash st. and Penn avo., Scranton. The GENUINE New ITaven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. Kew York Warorooms No. 80 Fifth Avcuuo. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bole dealers in this section. OFFICE-121 Adams Aye., Telephone B'l'd'a Eareka Lanndry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams ,Av3. CouBT House Squahs. 1 All kinds oi Laundry work gnarantesl tbe best, THE DICKSON M AN U F ACTU RING CO. ECIiANTON AND W1LKE3 BARRE, PA, UANUFAOT0RER8 Ot ' Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRaINTON, FX CENTRAL RAILROAD OF It J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION lntl.r,nll. ....A . 1 1 . cleanliness and comfort. TIMK TABLE IN SFPBCT MAT 20, 1894. Trains tpnvA Rpranfn fn. r. ... nrm.u Rsrra. tn . at A tin Q IK n e. . oiu 110, 6.00, 7.25, 11.05 p. m. SundaySk'y.U) a. nu 1.00, .15, 7.10 p. m. wuaya, e.w a. nt, ror AMantic city, s.20 a, ffl. For New Vni-lr. Npivftylr .nj viu-ki. a m fpxnrees) a. m., 12.60 (expross with Buffet parlor car). 3.60 (exnreul n. m Kon,in rOR SIAftin CllllNK, Al.r.ENTOWN. Bethls H.". .P.AIST0 and J'hii.aiielphia, 8.20 a. m.. U.1O, 6.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. id, Sunday, 2.16 p. m. & - ...... . . 1 vi.b.jic, Hiujvffi, ewj,, at 5 (wit a tnrougu car) a. m., Y1..0 p. m. a . a..:i.uiiik, L.eoanon ana iiurrlsburg, rla Allontown. ft 2(1 u n, i -ji k on 2.1, p. m. ' 1 ror I'ottsvme, g.'JOa. m., 12.M)p. m. ituturnlnir. leave Nnur Vi.rir f..t r i iti. slrot-t, North river, at It 10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.J0, 4.:) (oxpress with BulfeL tiarlnr pari p. m. Sunday, 4.l a. m. l.tavfl Philadelphia, Reading Terminal 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday, 8 27 a. m. I hrouifh ticketa to all points at lowest rates mnv hp hnn nr. nn,llnmt4n In ..1 .... ...... aa a..a ticket agent at tho station. U. P. BALDWIN, . H. OLHAUSEN, -Pent Ueu. Supt , DELAWARE AND HTJD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May 2D, 1602, trains will run as follows: Trains lenvo Bridge Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts ton, Wilkea-Barro, etc., 8.110, m, 9.37, 10.42 a. m.. 12.10, 1,25, 2-aa. 4.10. Ui, 0.16. and 11. bo p. m, For New York and Phila. dull.hla! H(Kl m. 12.10 '. -'A 2-3. 4.18 and 11.30 p.m. For Honesdale (from Delaware, Laokawanna and western depot), J.OU, HW, 10.10 a.m., 12.09 tu., 2.17, 6.10 p. tn. i ot Carbondalo and Intermediate stations, R.40, 7.00, S.UO, 10.10 a- m 12.00 m.,2.17. 8.25,5.10, 6.20 aud ;iri it. m.; from Bridge Street Depot, 2.IW a. m., 2.17and 11 .'16 p. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England points, 5.40 a. m.. arrivini; at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2.20 p. in., and leaving Scranton at 2. 17 p. in., arriving at Altiany U.5(' p. nx, bara U'la. 12.5rj a. in ., and Boston, 7.1W a. m. Tne only direct route between the ooal fields and Boston. "Tho Leadinir Tourists' Route ot America" to the Adirondack mountain re sorts, Lakes Oeorge and Champlain. MontroaL etc. Time tables snowing local and tlironijh train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware and Hudson ticket ofhVes. H. ti. YOUNU, J. W. BUKU1CK, Eecond Vice President Qen. Pass. Agt. l A V IS, 1H4. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia add. New York via. U. & H. R R. at S a.m., 12.11. 2.113 and 11.U6 p. m. via D , L. & W. R. K., 6.00, b.08. 11.20 a.m., aud 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Pit tb ton and Wilkes Burr via D.. L. & W. R. R., 6.00, &K, 11.20 a. m aw. 6.07. MO p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow aud Pottaville branches, via E. tc W. V., 6 40 a.m., via D. & E R. R. at 8 a.m., 12.101 2.3", 4.16 p.m., ria D., L. & W. R. B-, 6.00, 6.08. 11.20 a.m.. 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Lvave Scranton for Eethlehem, Eastoa,' Reading, Uarrinburg and all intermediate points via D. & H. R. R., 6 a m.,12.10. 2.38, 11.34 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R...0U,i.Ue, 11.20 a. ul, p.m. Icave Scranton forTunkhmnock, Towandi, Elmira, Ithaca, Ueueva and all intermodule points via D. & H. R.R..9.07 a m., 12 10 and 11. 3J p. m.. via D. L. & W. R. R DM a.m., Lis) p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and ail points west viaD. & LL P R. U.07 a.m., 12. 10, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, S.0i a.u 10, 8. ii) p. m., ria E. & W. R R., 8.41 p. m. For Elmira and the west via Salamanoi. via D. A li. R. R. .W a,m, 12.10,6.15 p. m., via D L. A) W. R It,, ,8.0S, 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping orL. v. chair cars on all truina iretween L. & B. Junction or WUkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Snsuension Bridge. HOLL1N H. WILBUR, Gon. Snpt. East Div. CHA3. S. LKE. Oen. Pass. Ait't, Phlla.Pi. A. W.NONNEU ACHER.Ass't Q.-n.Poss. Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA. AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: Express for New York and au points East. 1.40, 2.H 6.1N8.00andt.6a. m. ; 12 55 and 3.50 p, m. Express for Eastou. Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, i. 15, 8.00 and 11.53 a. m.; 115 and 8.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.55 p. m. Tobyhauna accommodation, 610 p. m. Expr as for Binghamton, Osworo, Elmira, Corning. Bath. Dansvllle, Mount Morrh and Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. and 1.24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo tn all points in the West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath aoconimodation, 9 a, m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m, N icuolaon accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6.10 p. ui. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 6.05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Osweg Ctlca and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1- p. m. Ithaca. 2-15 and Bath 9a m. and 2i p m. For Northumberlantl.Pituton, Wilkes-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllliamsport, Harnsburg, Baltimore, Waahv lngton aud the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6.00, 9 55 a. m. aud 1.S0 and 6.07 p. m. Nauticoxo aua intermediate stations, &09 and 11.20 a. in Plymouth and Intermediate smtious, 3iOsnd 8,r.( p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all VoretaieiUuf ormation, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offloa, 826 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket onto VEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN 1 RAILWAY CO. TIMR TAill.F. IM KFFECT SUSDAT, JCNR 2t Trains leave Scranton for Carbondalo at 8.30, and 6 PI p.m. For Hancocic Junction, 10.55 a.m. anJ 6.10 p.m. Trains leave Hancock Junction for Scran ton, 6a.m. and 2.05 pm. Trains leave Carbondalo for Scranton at 7 24 a.m. and 8.34, S.34 p.m. SritANTlIN ..IVIAION. In Effect June 24th, ISO I. North Hi.uud. (toiltb Bound, S05 203 201 1 2Sw 2 (Trln8 Bally, Ex. p rA I eept Sunday.) p mi lArrlvo Leaver .... 7 25 .... N. i . Franklin St. .... t io .... West 42nd street ....7 00 .... weehawken p m p mi lArrlvo Leave, 8 2lti l is . 8 ll) 1 09 , T 5-1 IS r-o . 7 51i 12 4li, , 7 -iMia 40 A 11 amnio k Junotloui II uncork Htarllght' Preston Park Como Poyntello Belmont Plessant UU rnlondiile F'orset City carbondaie White Bridge May Held Jermyn Aichlbald Win ton IVckvllIe olyphant Ulcksou Throop rrovldciice l urk Place 7Stvl2 2."ilO)OI 7 38 12 IKjinOI 19 II2M'i 9 4S 7 ft CM II -llli 9 3S. II 811 liir,! 7 lflj 8 10 5 18 7 V4l 8 34! 6 84 7 2718 88! 5 87 0-IS fllbO' 9 Id ... .119 04 fll 431 f ! sai8 4S,f5 42 0 41111 S3 9 01: 7 34 8 45: 5 1) 6 51 6 85:11 1SI 85? 6 3fllir.' 8M esii ii in Kio 6 23,11 OT, 8 44 0 21111 0. J H 41 74S 851 7 431 8 54 5 61 5 53 604 6 07 810 614 616 620 7 4Si 8 59, 7 52i 4 Oil 7 Ml 4 07 6 1911 03' 8S9l Mill OH 83111 7 5ft 4 10- 8 CM 4 14 fll l!f HOT! 8 .W 8 02 14 17 6 10 10 8 80 roi anton P MA MA Leave Arrive 1 u p m p u All tralus run daily except Sunday, r. siienllles that trains slop on filial tor pa. scngurs. t-ecme ratrs Tla Ontario Western before purchasing ticketa and save money. Day ant lSlbutainrcsstotlie West. J,C. Andorson, Gen, Pass Agt. T. Flltcroft, Div. l'ass, Agt. Scranton, Pa, E3i klwEjaTlROAorM 202 2U4 20J 11 "mi ::: d i :::: .... 810 .... , Ml- Ml 6 00 a 5, .... 6 (XI 2U .... 618 22S .... 6 25 2 31 .... 6 31 2 4IIP M 6 4 2 50 4 50 6 45 2 S31 4 Its 6 55 8 f 6 05 6(8 Sliui A OH i