V THE SCIi ANTON TRIUUNE-MONDAY MORNING. JULY 9. 1894. PutLIBHSe DAILY IN 8CKANTON, PH., THI Taieima Publishing Company. t. . KINGSBURY. INIRAi MNM Niw Vena omen TmiUHi euneme. Quay, Mana.k ANTCRCD AT TMC M.TOrricB AT BeeftHTOH, FAi IOOMB-eU. MAlb MATTCH. fcCkANTON. JULY 9. ISU . i REPUBLICAN STATE TICK6T. for Governor: DANIEL IT. HASTINGS, U f CENTUM, For Lieutenant Wiwnor; WALTER LYON, Of ALLklUlIUVV. Tor Auditor General: AMOS H. MYLIN, Of LlNCASiTISK. For Secretary alltrnxl A ffnlr; JAOIES W. LATTA, or riiii.ADti.i'tilA. For Coniretsmwnt-I.arjc: UAUHA A. UWW, 0' SL'SvjCHNANNA. et'OROK F. ni'KF, ur WKS1 MUHKLAMI. Election Time. Nov. ft Tue di.cision of Judfe Grosicup tllftt decoy letter are ilk'Ral coiocMes with common seuse, Tb law ought uot to be compelled to piny the sneak in its search for evidence. Wbeu it doss tlsis it sneritieet popular respect more than it promotes justice. The President Is Right. Certain pno:n Dot well informed are disputing tbe legality of President Cleveland's eourse iu ordering federal troops to Chisago and other points, under instructions to prevent interfer ence with toe uoveuient of trains and to execute the poeeset of tbe federal courts. It is even auuouuced that Mr. Hayes, an official of tbe Kuiijbts of Labor, proposes attempting to impeach Attorney General Olney for interpret ing tbe lew in support of tbe president's coarse. In view, therefore, of thene facts, it way be well to explain that tbe authority uijd.fr which the presi dent acts is derived from section 5298 f tbe Revised Statutes, enacted July 29, 1891. and section 5!'J9. enacted April 20, 1371. The former section provides that Whenever, by reason of unlawful ob structions, combinations, or axsamblages of persons, ur rebellion against the author ity of tbe government of the United States, itthull become lnij'rnctic&ble, In tbo judg ment of the preeiuent, to euforce, by the ordinary course of judicial proceeding, tUe laws of tbe Umted States witbiu any state or territory, it shall be lawful for the pres ident to call forth tbo militia of auy or all hta-'es, and to employ such tuna of tbe laud aud naval forces of tbe United States a be may deem necessary to enforce the faithful execntiouof the laws of the United Ktniee, or to suppress such rebellion, in whatever stnte or territory thereof tbe law of tbe Culled Statu may bo forcibly opposed, or tbe executiou thereof forcibly cb-trucud. Sec'.io:) 5.200 is as follows: Whenever insurrection, domeitio vio lence, unlawful combinations, or conspir acies in any state so obstruct or hinders the execution of tbe laws thereof, aud of tiie Uuited Slates, as to deprive any por tion or cl;is of the people of such state of nay of tbe rights, privileges, or immuni ties, or protection, uamed in the cosititu Umu aud secured by tbe laws for tbe pro tection of such rights, privileges or im munities, and the constituted authorities of such state are uuuble to protector, from any cause, fail in or refuse protection of the people in such rigbts,such facts shall be d seined a denial by such state of the equal protection of tba laws to which they a entitled under the eonstttution of tbe United States; and in all such cases, or whenever any such insurrection, violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, op pose or oostructs tne laws or. the United . States, or tbe due txecutioa thereof, or impedes or obstructs tbe due course of jus tice nnder tbe same, it shall be lawful for the president, and It shall be his duty, to take such measures, oy the employment of the militia or the land and naval forces of the United States, or of either, or by other means, as be may deem necessary, for tbe suppreision or such insurrection, domes tic violence, or combinations. It is interesting to note that even Governor Altgald, of IUinois, in whose personality disregard for the law has reached Us most humiliating culmina tion, concedes that the president, under these statutes, has the power to do as he has done. In his telegram to the president, on the night of July 6, Gov ernor Altgeld admits that "the execu tive has the com man J. not only of the regular forces of the United States, but of the military forces of all the states and can order them to any place he sees fit;" tut Altgeld thinks that under Mr. Cleveland's interpretation of the law it "would be an ety matter for an ambitious executive to order out the military forces of all tbe states and es tablish at once a military government." That this is a mere evasion, ia the present emergency, scarcely Deeds to be said. Any effort to expand sections 5298 and 5299 into Authority for the establishment of a dictatorship would have to receive the sanation of the people before it could taceeed; and it will be time to lose sleep over this pos sibility when it actually gets la siglit. Tbe president, ia this instance, has acted wholly witnla tbe bounds of his authority. He has done nothing more and nothing less Vhsn bis duty. The law is plain and pointed. It puts into tbe chief execative powers adequate to sudden emergencies and ta altos his judgment supreme. Nothing ehort of infallibility would better it. It it for the people to choose inch executives as they can safely entrust not only with the ordinary authority sufficient for routine duties, but with tbe extraordin ary power necessary to eope with un common duties, to the end that law imd the public welfare may be cos ctnlned Id all parts of our common country. The UNW1LLINOM89 of Judge Sadler of Carlisle to be a candidate for con gress against Btltzhoever simply puts on some other Republican the responsi bility of regaining that district. It is a task that oeglit to be done thor oughly. To Abolish Coroners, In the opinion of William D. Dickey, of Newburg, delegate to tbe New York constitntioavtl convention, the oeroner's jury under the prtient. system moans nothing, and be proposis to abolish it. "In tbe country," says Mr. Dickey, "if there is no inquest there is no fee, and tbe result is that if a man dies of heart disease aa inquest is held. The jury invades the house of mourning iu the most offensive way and subjsets the members of tbe bereaved family to ex amination. Under the system wbieb I propose one competent man would make the examination and report tbe cau of death. If necessary the dis trict attorney conld then go ahead with tbe proseoutien. '' This is the plan now followed in Maesachnssetta and from all aeeouuts we judge that it works very well thire. It is less expensive, less cumbersome and a vast deal mora in keeping with the timet. The coroner's ofQce ie a survival that is little less tutu farcical. No matter how honest the coroner him self mny be, bisofSco inevitably causes dim to do things that have no necessity behind them, and to charg1) up ex penses for which tbo public gits no adrquate equivalent iu return. If the New York constitutional convention can break up these abuios it will go far toward hastening sitniUr reforms in other states. It must not be forgotten for an in stant that the wtilf are of the United Stute ie infinitely superior to the u vrandizement of Eugene V. Debs. Tug: ArrEAUANCU in the field of Sheriff Fabey as a caudidate for pro thonotary adds luterest to the local QiCht. The genial high sheriff bas been a long tlma luuklne up his mlud which particular plum he would make a bid for: and has hesitated sigulu- caatly before the seductive glories of eueh. But now that be has decided to make a etaud atcaiust Frothonotary Pryor, it may be well to remark that there are few Kennblioaos so well qualified ae Mr. Pryor to say nothing aud saw good wood. When Shnatok Hill declared that be purDosed remaluinx iu polities with out losing his own respeot, be roust have had serious thoughts of joining the Republican party. . The Government Will Live. Those who can add two and two together should rrflict npou tbe circamstauce that wbile thousands of lneu iu Chicago are warriug upon tbe local aud federal courts, ia their defense of the rubts of property, those j irors iu Troy, who, after a fair bearing of the evideuue against one of the bleol-stained tools of political anarchy, senteaeed him to death, are receiving threatening letters aud are forced to seek protection from tbe law. We do not claim that there is any direct connection between the murder of Robert Ross and the attempt to create anarchy in Chicngo. But we do claim that whutever tends to weak en good citizenship iu one place is a blow to the welfare of honest people anywhere; aud that tolerance of crime in Chicago, just at inevitably as fate, msans its increased brdduess in Sarun ton. Something is manifestly wrong when tbo waging of organized resist ance to law in a distant city nudt open sympathizers and active encourage ment in t-ns community. Those who are urgiug Chicago law-breakers ou must not expect tbe consequences of lawlessness there to be confined by municipal or state or even sectional lines. The pebble cast into tbe pool seuds its waves to the furthest shore. There is not a square inch in all the land that is not jeoparded by the oc curence! which are taking place at the southern extremity of Lake Michigan. It may be that we shall not feel our share of this turbulence in the same manner that it is being felt in Chioago. We may be spared the spectacle of riots, ioeendiaristn, and defiint insur rection. . We may have no cars burned ut midnight, no policemen stoned and clubbed, no tracks torn up and so spectacle of bayonets glistening in tbe stern battle of law agtiust chaos. Bu: we shall have to pay our penalty just the same, in one way if not in another ; and those among us who add fuel to anarchy's flame simply augment the measure of their own affliction. We do not despair over these thing?. They excite pity and regret; but they cause no apprehension. The substan tial character of the inasssa of tbe American people; their judicious be lief iu law aud their unshakable con fidence ia free institutions will not go down before anarchy and incendiarism, let the champions of the latter num ber what they may. The government at Washington will live on, unharmed, long after tbe Debses and the Altgelds and all their legions of gibbering devils and miaioas shall Lave Imeu shot in their unhallowed resistance to authori ty or tamed to barmlsiness in the workhouse or tbe j til. Tbe only thing that we need concern ourselves about is lest any considerable proportion of weli-meanlng citizns should be de ceived into believing that real rights are concerned in tbe rebellion of thes? vicious elements or that honest labor bas aught in common with j ail birds nnd firebugs. Mb, Dkbs has defiid a subpoo ut of tbe United States circuit court, Judge Grosseup presiding. Ue has publicly expressed his contempt for that coart and is teday at large by grace of the leniency of that court's ajonti. Iu this attitude of an anrepentant law breaker, whose daily energies are demoted to the furthering of a great conspiracy against interstate cemmerce and against the transportation of the mails, this man Debs hat the effruntevy to proffer to President Cleveland lis "assistance in restoring order." The only assistance that is required of Debs it a good, stoat term iu jail, which would be little enough punishment for the incalcula ble mischief he bet wrought. ' Right Man in the Right Place. The tittitnde of Generul Nelsou A. Miles, during tbe unfortunate trouble at Chisago, bas been a conspicuous ex ample of true courage tempered by judgment. Die bac talked little, but that little has been to the point. lie hat made no threats and done nothiug not strictly in tbe Una of duty; but ao bas performed tbe full extent of that duty and by his resolution and firmness bat done much tore-aisure confidence amoug tbe people, He it no dress parade biauty who believes war a holiday. It is kuown that be favors resolute measures. When war hat beta declared, he thinks it meant fight. He dott not approve of sulking or running away: neither does he waate time In bagging off. Guns arc for use and bullets for the caemy't heads; but be dcea not believe in tbootlog until the enemy is in sight. Considering the complicated elements entering into the present situation, be bat been conservative and patient; but 'when the time comes for tbe signal to "fire" General Miles It precisely the kind of man to give it without a tremor. It should uot for one second be ever looked that the Issue at itake in Chi sago is tbe Issue of life or death to this government. A permanent victory for lawlessness wonld menu an end to all rights of property; un end to organized processes of justice; an end to all those institutions and principles and tradi tions that enter into law abiding eltl zensuip aul detcrusine peaceful rule. It is, therefore, a tremendous responsi bility which G meral Miles ic ihoulder inn a renpotisibllity si infinite in its possibilities nnd so appslling in the svent of ita unsuccessful administra tion that the kfUxibllity aud decision which he is manifesting fully entitle hlui to the houest and lavish gratitude of the American people. In a special supplement, handsomely illustrated by lmlf tone portraits of men eminent in New York politic, the Troy Timet reviews from its begiuning the history of the murder of Robert Kos n m! the trial of his assassin. Tbe narrative makes interesting rending, not less so because Mr. R ita' death has yet to receive its completed aveng- uient. It has remained for tbe Sin Fran cisco Examiner to tay tbe first word uttered in any newspaper in criticism of President Cleveland's firm course iu upholding the law. The Examiner is welcome to its unique glory. Ir Richard Ckokimi can rule New York without its citizsns goruinir, we perceive no insurmoutabls reason why L:it Shea should not be pardoned and put on the tielct with Flower. Eucene V. DkiH is evidently intoxi cated vsitli his own notoriety, and made md by the impetuosity of his owa Uttilammed rhetoric Oossciexce and character have not yet lost value in the executive chairs of these United States. The road to justice dees not pass through the field of unmitigated crime, DOETRY JL. As She Is Writ. The divorcement of sound from snss bus nroceedt cl rapidly in these modern days of uiachine-miida literature: until whan one nowadays picks npaconventional poem he does so with uo serious expecta tion of fludiag In it anything iu tbe semb lance of a definite idea. Nevertbelees. there is usually some faint straggle on the part of the modern poetaster toward the exprosion of a thought, diffuse and hes itant though it bs. V err few fall into the absolute wilderi;es of rhythm which char acterizes this effusion of words in the At lanta Constitution: Through days a-weary, sad scenes se dreary, Some hearts in tbe shadow must star. While the aching eyes scau gloomy skrej For a litht iu tbe far-awar. Through the darkucs deep, dread agonies creep, Ami steal the reluctant Derfume Of the flowers rare, that fate seemed to clare, On the grief-stricken toil to bloom. Through the dismal years, of weeping ana ears, Some hearts with their burden of woe. On the grim highway, where no sunbeams Through the blackness of nlirht must iro. Some hearts must weep, while ether hearts Sleep, Ne'er dreaminc of pain or sorrow: Some hearts are sighing, some hearts are crying O'er visions of dread tomorrow. Some hearts must knsel und the chast'ning ieei, As hopes that were framed in tbe East Fall into decay, and, swift, pass away, Too frail, through suffering, to last. Some btarts are acbiue. and silently breaking, While the lives of others are crowned With rarest delight, that never takes fliKht- Where despair's dark face never frowned. This chaotic mans of redundancy and senseless vocables is merely a slightly ex aggerated sample of the jingling verse that today occupies biuh fnvor amone careles s renders of newspapers and shallow magazines. Of a radically different chur acter, yet almost as objectlounble in its wny, is this don blu snnnot by John Talmau on Chopin's Twelfth Nocturne, printed in a recent issue of ilcClure's Magazine: Beyond the realm of beint and of pain, Upward aud onward flits my charmed soul, Captive to the ineffable control Of music's wonder-wurker. Every strain Of this henven-niirtured harmony is rain To tbe parched glebe of memory; a scroll Whereon are graven cabalas that roll Floods of tuwilderiug transport on the brain. In joy's whirlpool I rovol as I soar. And from the ether heights whereto I climb, List tbe sound-wavts sweep buck from Lethe's shore In learning cadence toward tbe strand ot Time. Deeply iu tbe Citceaa founts I dip, Aud with the wild winds mix iu fellow ship. A season, aad throughout my spirit mas A psfng of awesome doiolateness, lout The eoiubreuos of some dead lirinament Of einernted worlds aud burled suns. Aud then, the presence of long-vuuisheJ ones Soul fellows ere yotithls fcentaue was spent Glide pnlpubly nnear. I ntn coutent; My grasp Infinitude no longer sunusl A moment, and a uiigbty sorrow born Of exaltation's excess, rasts a pull ; Tears ktort, as drops of Nature's grief at morn Adown chameleon shafts of snnlijht fall; My being quivers 'neath the sweet duress Ot pain more joyous than earth's joyous noss ! . Here we have a straining for effect which causes great enrds to stand out on John Taiwan's (Imbed countenance, and' induces us to hold our breath in suspeuso lest ha should rupture a blood veesvl. Who, in all this round world, carea with the mercury nbove the twenties to read about "tbe p.irched globe of memory," "scrolls whereon are graven cabalas i bat roll floods of transport ou the brain" mild way, perhaps, of suggesting mental dropsy "I'ircean foants" or "chameleon sbalta nf euuligbtf" These things ore tire playthings of phrase tinkers aud metaphor mauincs. They are act the verbal imple ments of true poetry. The object of pojiry Is not to take the reader'e breath away with linguistic curios nad rhetorical sur prise parties. It ought ta be to cunrm and please by the pure union of happy word ing to elevate thought. Too mauy "dab blers in the super tine" forget the streng h of simplicity nnd try to soar iuto sntilimi ties which collapse like tbe hot-air bal loon at the moment of ilaahirst brilliancy. Take tbe average wan and U Is a safe guess that he would nrefer the poem we are about to quote to all the tougue twis ters that John Talmau ever wrote orread aid, hoeatly. now, cao you blame hirer It is from the Cincinnati Commercial Wa tette, author not named anil ite title Is "Tbe Coming Man." A pair of very chubby legs. Incased in scarlet hose; A pair of little stubby boots. "iiu rataer stubby toes; A little kilt, a little coat, And lot before na stands in atate, a no imure s coming inau." His eyes, perchance, will read the stars And search thetr unknown ways; erchanee the human heart and toul ill open to thoir gnze; Perchance their keen and flaeblng glance w ill be a nation's Itsche . Those eyes that now are wistful bent un some "big fellow's'' kite. Those bands thoss little, bnsy hands Bo sttoky, nmil and brown; Those hand, whose only mission seems TV. nll .ir ho knows what hiddou streneth may bo (iriiAtalu.1 ..;.(.: At i - u ThoucU now tii but a Uffj slick In .lllKila l.t., .1. -I - i.uup uuiu mej ciimp. Ah, blessiujis on tboso HtUo bauds, V hosn work is yi uudone I Aud blcsaiuK ou thoso little feet, ho.o nice in yet uni un! Aud blessings ou tbo littlo brnln, I but has aot learned to plan I mo mture uoiu iu eiore, uou oirss tue "counuii maul" TH E best in vestment in real estate is to keep build ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White Lead You cannot afford to use cheap taints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure White Lead, look. at the brand ; any of these are safe: "Atlantic," "Beymer-Baumcn," "Jewett," "Davis-Chambers," " Fahneetoclc," " Armstrong McKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co. '9 Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colore are sold in one-pound cans, each can be ng sutficicnt to tint 35 pounds of strictly Pure While Lead (he desired shade ; they are in no sense ready-mixed paints, but n combination of perlectly pure colors in the handiest form to tuit Strictly Pure While Lead. A good tminy thouiiwid dollars have been saved property-owners by having our book on paintinz bomtfreer"Cttrd' iJ " pCS'1 Crd tct NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. TO Lake Ariel Wednesday, JOLY 11 Trains leave tue Erie and Wyoming Railroad depot Bt a 15 a.m. aud 9.45 a.m., 1.3) p.m. and 3.114 p m. Tickets good en all tiains. ICE CREAM Doyou trmke yonr own G'eaui? If to, buy a TRIPLE MOTION White Mountain Freezer. "FROZEN DAlNi'IiS"-A book ot choice reeeiptt tor lot Cream. Sher tfet'g Water Ices are packed in every Fretzer. ALSO, A FULL LINK OF Refrigerfttors.Water Coolers, Baby Carriages, Hammocks S CO. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest in ihe City. . The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meatTbntter and eggs. 833 Wvoratng Ave. BUY THE ELKS' EXCURSION caaV f-.vy tin;; CLEMMS For mtmy years this Piano bas stood in the front rank. It ta beta admixed so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it Is considered the highest eom pliment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WEBER.'' We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well aa many other fine Pianos which we ate selling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don's buy until you tee our goods and get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE, GOLDSMITH' An Everlasting Topic Aftr all, there are few - " X ' - - e clothes don't make tho mau or woman, they afford a pretty good indication of Jheir character after thay ATtE made. Time was when they told the story of their means, to, but that time Is past Jiy confining your purchases to our tore, you can follow Shakespeare's advice and make "Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, " without bankrupting your exchequer. fnrth llrnon aOU Hll Odd have been cut in price so that at the first inspiration you will be almost overwhelmed with the cut in prices. PHiff nUPff Q gauzv aily fabric printed in colors that UeilllUIIUllOO are fast as the rock of Gibraltar. Onlv r cents per yard. now ueing closed out flirP Ull U np-ures and watered Taffeta i a siik at ten times tne price. We are ottering them now at loc. Fast black, full and toes, suitable for kind. We will give .reworks Fireworks PAIN'S COLUMBIA KXH1BITIO.X FlitbWOKKS, nOlKKXS, CASDLES, MINES, BATTElilES, HAVCISSlKUJtS, DZV1L AMOMGSI lUii TAILORS, VERTICAL WHKEJLS, WHISTLING JACKS. ALSO A FULL LIKE OP Fire Crackers From Eabj'e to tba largest Na 9. Alto Viotor Americas Cannon Cracksrs ia all sizes. Parties, Societies, Citiet and Town desiring to give dUplays can save money by consulting ui. ICE CREAM, CASDY, ETC., AT BOTrOM PRICKI. J.D.WiLLIAMS&BRO, 814 Lacka. Ave. 1ANK i'OOKS A Full Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bound lu cloth, sheep back and comers, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Enoravart, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists et teotti, SUI; boit set, It; for goM caps and teeth without plates, ealle(J crown aad bridge work, cftll (ur prices and referetieae. TONALGtLV for extracting leetlt witbaat lio. Me ether. Kogae. OVER FIRST. BATIOHAL BANK. 224 ,Y. M. C. A. OUIL.DINQ. s 6 thim?s finite as iinteritinir thrs See These, Wow GnnrU That were considered unusually UUUtlO low during- the entire season. 25c. Satines, Bengalines and Japonettes at lc. What is it? Wh?ra ground work, with so as to have the same enect as icSilDDPN length, seamless, double heels girls and boys; the you two pairs for that inianiuitmiinniiii29HiuiouiiiiiuuiiiiBi!:ii!iiii!iiiHiiutiiiiiiiii:ii!u GLO hoe Store Selling Agents, m Lacka. Ave. EVANS & POWELL, PROPRIETORS. SUmilJIl.lMHiWIUIHUllMlinM YOU WILL. The comfort and convenience of our ALASKA -:-REFRIGERATOR till you have one ia your home. They consume very little ice and will keep fresh meat for three weeks in the hottest weather. We havo many styles and sizes. fOOIE & SHEAR CO, Economizers 513 Lackawanna Ave. PIERCE' SMRKET Fancy Eome-growa RED RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, CHERRIES, &c. Do net wait later tban fait week to buy Strawberries for danoing. PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE. m ekMn owAAIi TUX, BE 1 BAZAAR nnentifin nfdro wmi steer fabrc of. black neat, daintv closed regular 25c price. T II II A was 1 THE COLUMBIA EICYC1E AGENCY, Opp. Tribune ;s, IU Spruce St Having had 13 rears' experiene. is tile Key ale bast, net ami tBe tntanj fgr lentUhf wheels 1 grades, wears prepared ta guarantee tsatielactfoB. Those In tending to pares r. invited to call and examine our eon plate line. Open evefecgK. OU or send ataa Sot eatulogwea. .J.l l ia a JSF .i." Poyntelle :: House AT LAKE POYNTELLE, WAYNE COUNTY. PENNA. ettnated at summit of the New York, On tario and Yiestera Railway, 2200 feet above ea. The highest steam railroad point in the state Seven tine lakes within from three te twenty minutes' walk from hotel or station. Two bass lakas convenient-perch, pickerel and other common varieties ot nsk ksverai other lakes within hulf hour's drive. For a day's sport and recreation take New York,Ontario aud Weitern railway train leav ing S crantua t 8. 30 a.m. .arriving at Poyntelle at 10.10 a m. Returning, train leavei Poyn telle i.w p.m., arriving in Sorauton 120 p. m. BOATS FREE TO QUESTS. FBEE EXCURSION and PICNIC GROUND J. RATES FOR SUMMER BOARDERS $8 TO $10 PER WEEK. House accommodation, SO. McCUSKER BROTHERS, POYNTELLE, PA. SCIENTIFIC HORSE SHOEING AMD TUE TKE,ATMliNT OF LAMB MiSS OF llOBSES. T these braurbes I devote especial stten llon every afternoon. Office and forge at the BLTJMK CARRIAOB WORKS, Ul 1)1X COURT, SCRANTON.PA DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Graduate of the American Veterinary Col lego. Wedding Rings The best is none toa good. Ours are 18-k. All sizes and weights. LL0YD.1FWELER 423 Lackawanna Av. Inserted in THE TRIBUNE at the late of ONE CENT A WORD. WANT AD . V,