THE fcCB ANTON TRIBUNE-MOtf DAY MORNING. JULY i), 1804. MATCHLESS SHAW PIAHOS.: STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AVE. vor.n, S II A TV, Miff ENGLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY POR THE PRICED EW AND SECOND HANb ALL 1H1CES GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TKADB BY The Weston 111 Co EEWARB CP COUNTERFEITS ) TKE BFMDINE POPUUft Punch Cigars HAVE THE mtTU'S B. e CO., Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 408 SPRUCE STRE2T, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL. Robert Reoves and family are at Lake Ariel. ili-s Lulu Eell of Vrilkes-Barre is visit ing 1 1 ier.di her. .! oli 11 Jermyn and Attorney S. B. Price tfill r.ail (or Europe Saturday. W. 8. Mulford, of Montrose, spout yes terday relatives in the city. lli-s EElti Duvidsjon, ef Ureeu Ridge, bun r - u rni-it from a four mouth' visit wilh frinui m Illinois. iiir Nellie and Mary Walsh, of Brook' iyu, N. Y., are visiting ut the rcsiuenoe of On.Mniu P. DeLacy, of Cuponae avenue. .'1 x. Alfred Hand, accompanied by tier daughters aud niece, MUs iiea-ie Sander son, has gouu to Cottage City for the sum mer. . JI. F. JIcAmlrew, of the West Side, cljjk iu Court lioum No. 2, went to Ithaca, N. ., ou Saturday, where he will attend a summer l;iw school. Judge aud Mrs. II. M. Edwards, Dr. and Mr. Joseph Parry, ilrs. W. M. Davis and daughter, Mian Cura Davis of Plvmoctb, and ii:s. F. V. barm-a of Dakota com prised a iai ty that enjoyed a ride over the Welaware aud Iludsou Caual company to Ueuetdale on Saturday. Mini Adella breaknton, who during the past two years ha served iu the capacity of instructoi o( eloemton in the Wyom ing seminary, lift yesterday mnrnfbg for Martha's Vineyard, where sbo will taae special course as a means of preparation tor future worn, ili.s breakstone has already niaJo a rrputatiou as uu elocution fit which places ter in tlie frout rank of kT profession, but ber ambition leads to greater beightbs. She is a preseveribg student and the bard work she intends o.oing during tbe next luur weeks will atsuredkdly meet with beneficial resutts. the will retnrn about Aug. 1. Wilkes Curre Times. OPEN AIR CONCERT TONIGHT. Will Be Givan by Bauer' Band In Front of tbe Elk's Building-, Bauer's band will give an open air onncert in front of tbe ElKs' buildiug on Franklin avenue tonight, when tbe following concert will be rendered: March of tbe Uniformed Kauk Linden h'ltciiou "Don Carlos"....: Verdi Albion Viand Fantaale on Scotch, Irish end Knulisli Airs Battens Iaau.n War Dance (Descriptive).. Bellstedt EemiuitceBce of Verdi Heiniske Cocoaout Dance Herman Columbian National Pot-Pourn, Tom Coates tcranten's Xaslaesa Ic tarsi ta. Tbi Tbibuni will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and profesftlonal interests of Scran ton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with Vbotogravure views of our pnblic bulld iiiBS, business blocks, street, etc., together With portraits of leading cltiitna. Ho similar work has ever given an equal representation- of 8cranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition U our Business - resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of tkis aandsorae work will attract new comers and be an nneqnalltd advertisement of tbe city. The circu lation Is on a plan that caunot fail of good results to (hose concerned as well as the oity enlarge. Repreientati Ves of The Triboni will call npou Tbosa whose Nifties are okbibbd in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences In tbla e'itien will please have notice at he 04. ' Eucklen'e Amloe Salve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for Cuts .Bruises, Bores, Uloers, Bait Rheum, Fever laorea, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ferns and all Akin Eruptions, end posi tively enres Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give pert set satisfaction er money refunded. Price H cents) per box. For sale by ilat the we Bros. PIANOS DRBANS A Foe to Dyspepsia . ' P VERY m What Adjutant General's Report Says of the Thirteenth Regiment. OPINION OF CAPTAIN ROGERS Our Soldier Boys are the Only Ones He Deems Worthy of Particular Mention How the Officers of the Regiment Rank Among the Officers of the State Division -Those Who Have Qualified. At last, after a delay of over six months, the adjutant general's report for 1693 bar been leaned. Copies of it reached the headquarters of the Thir teenth last Thursday, For the infer motion of the rank aud file of be regie uieut who rarely get a pej at the ad jutant general's report, "Critie" uere witn publishes sucu extracts fro in the rporl as pertain to the Thirteenth. By cleanly comparing the ratiugs euou eowaauy cau see wuerelu It developed wsakasas. Company A again-leads the van with figure of efficieucy of 8(.80. Cm. p4uy D is a eloie second. This eom piuy would have tied Company A for first plase were it not for its rating on "iiouksaud, Papers," Company A, it will bo noticed, is marked v, s. ou "Books and Papers,' while Co. D is marked S. This is the uly instanoe in tbe inspection that A excels U There seems to have been something wrong with the ''books uud papers of Com pany D. This is surprising- too, as its company clerk is eue of the best and most c ireful in tbe regiment. Com pany C comes iu third with a figure of 95. 70. Tiiis company fsl.l behind Com lilies A and D iu "guard duty" and "riflj practice." Tuese three companies are tbe high est rattd iu the regiment. The three lowest rated are Company H, 90.10; Company E, 87.80, and Compauy F, 86.00. below will be found tbe regi ments ratings iu full : RATHNG3 OF THE THIRTEENTH a---i 5. : 3 Officers. Eullat'dmen. Total. K) Ulcers. Enllat'd men. TotaL Officers. itnlUfd men, 2SS2S33S Total. 0 S C V 5 2 a' r M P ercentage of att'nd'ce. Sc:ll of b'fa! M si Ex. erdef. sxs-'y'at: Guard duty. Ceremonies. Dicipllno. Condition of arms. Coi.d'u of eq'm'ta, jr.xxjc'ct-T.: Condit'n of cl'th'g Books and papers. Target practice. Uonoral avers ;e. SZlAT-pZf; rFlgaro of offlclancy. SCROEOM GENERAL'S RKPORT. The following reDort of Louis W. Read, surgeon general, gives tbe con dition of company quarters of the sev eral companies .a found by tBe surgeon gmernl upon inspection: Tulhd Bkioadi, Twbtksnth Rito'T. I AIonj-rosk, July 24, Wi. i Company B, Street well policed, hut a number or tents Dave straw sua nay in them. EvfrrtuisK flrst-oiats in kitchen. where a cook 'stove is used. Sink well ditinftcted. Garbage pits covered. Company A. Particularly clean kitchen Dining room neat and attractive. Street well policed. . Couiuauv D. Tbe cots are converted Into boxes which are utilized a tbe tops of tables. Quarters particularly cleau. atresia well poliaod. Lining room neat and attractive. Clean and nice kitchen. Sink well ketn and disinfected. Comnaov C. Kitchen uarticularlv clean. Rations and evtrything pood and dining tent particularly attractive, averytnuig commenaaDie. street wen pouceu. Comcasy U. Everything all rleht. Ouar ters well policed aud dining room neat and attractive, silulc very wed kept. Every thlua iu first clats orr. Company O. Kitchen and dlnine room very neat ana attractive, street well po liced and well kefft. Company . Company street well no. Heed. Kitchen and everything all first. class. Hiuk well kepu Compauy F. Everything in Drat clas order except the rations were not covered Street well policed. CAPTAIN nOOERU' OriNlON. Andtber lnterestlug item In tho ad jutant general's report and one which ouclit td make the regiment feel p roud, purticularly the First battalion, is tbe report of Captain Alt-x Rogers, Fourth United States cavalry, who was sent to inspect toe National (iuaru or run sylvanla encatnpment la his report the Thirteenth regiment is the only regiment of wbicu be makes par ticular mention, Upder "Drills and OremooW be writes: la tbe Thirteenth regiment every bat talion drill winds up with an extended order drill, the effeet of wbioh was Shown in camn as tbe exteaded order drill of tke First battalion, Thirteenth regiment, was remarkaoiy Due ansr ssowed eu tbe part of tbe battalien eomtbaader and other officers a tuoreugb grasp of the snbleot. This drill was a thorough sxpoaitiuu of tbs battle exercises laid down in the drill regulations. ' In some of tbe battalions extended order drill of battalions amount ed to but little more that two companies drilling side by site io eitendtd urdsr. Ixtes dad order drills taries between this and tbe arlll of tbe First battalion. Thir teenth infantry. . Tbe captain alio writes iu coiumscU- tion tuoepf the commissioned schools wbich tak place in the Thirteenth. Colonel Klppie is tbe tenth rankinz colonel iu the division, National Guards of Pennsylvania aud second in the brigade. There ure fifteen lieu tenant colonels in tbe division. Mnjor Mtts is the eleventh ranking m: j r and thlrJ in tho brign le. Mnjor Whitney is tbe twenty-second ranking major. There ure thrrty-oue m J jm iu tbe division. Adjuiaut Millar. is tbe fifth ranking regimental adjutant aud seeeud in the nrU'ude. la-re are fifteen regimental adjutants In tbe divislou. Uasrtermastsr Oikford Is tbe fonr- tet-utb rnukiiiit ausrtermastor andfiftb iu tbe brigade. There are sixteen lmrU'rmjstvrs in the division. Miijor Fulton is the twelfth rankiug surgeon aud fifth in the bf ignde. There are crteen surgeons In the division. Lieutenant Capwell is tbe eighteenth aud Lieutenant Parke the twentieth ranking assistant aurgeon. There are twenty seven aesutaut surceons iu toe division. Lieutenant Joseun is the fifUenth ranking inepsetor of rifle practice and fifth In the brigade. There are fifteen inspectors of rifle practice lu the divi sion. A VETERAN CUAl'LAIN. Rev. S. C. Logan is the second rank ing sbaplttin ia the division and second iu the brigade. There are fifteen chap laius in the division. Lieutenant Mattes is the eighth and Lieutenant Coukliug. the twenty-sixth rankiug battalion a 1 jutant. Titers are twenty-six battaliouf adjutants 1u the divisipo, Captain Kellow, Comp.iny B, is the seveuth rankingcaptaiu iu the division, second wi the brigade, aud hNt in the regiment. There ure 121 captains in the division. Lioutenant Madisou, Company B, is the first ranking first lieutuuuut iu the division, first iu the brigade ami. fir H in the regiment. I here ure 1U first lieu tenants in tbe divislou. Lieutenant S. Wells Corwin. Com puny II, is the twelfth rauking second lieutenant, elxtli ia the brigade aud first iu tbe rsgimeut. There are tweu ty-ssvon second lieutenants in the di vision. As another evidence of Company fi's steady improvement it was the first company to forward to the adjutant tbe quarterly return for quarter end ing Juue i!0, 1894. This is the first in stance iu which it has held that dis tinction. Qualifying has not progressed very rapidly the past two weeks. A little effort upon tbe part of comptny com manders will enable tbe regiment to go into camp with every nun a quali fied murksman. It is a distinction worth striving for. Why sot accomplish it! Up to last S.iturduy the following hud qualified, uo renort beln received from Companies E aud O: Sharp- Marks shooters. m-n. Total. Field and staff.... 15 6 Company A 1 13 W Company B 1 0 27 Company C 0 0 0 Company D 1 0 couniany r u i Company U 2 111 18 6 79 85 Tbe present strength of the regimeut is 4C7. Tbe best s'eors mads thus far are C. B. Prat'. 47,-E E. Cliase, 46; W. S. Gould. 40. "Critic" witnessing a drill in guard dntyat the bcrautju City Guards ar mory last week observed a sentinel in repeating a oall holding bis piece at a right sboul'Jer arms without being cor rected. Tbe corporal of that relief either did not know that it was wrong or else ha was inexcusably careless in not correcting tbe error. The only proper time to correct an error iu drill is tbe moment it occurs. AN ORDER INTERPRETED. For the benefit of the non-coms who attendsd school last Thursday evening and for those who should have beau present, but were absent, "Critie" here with publishes the interpretation of paragraph G20, extended order of aqqad: "Although th deployment is always on JNo. t, iront rank, tbe assem bly, increasing and. diminishing inter vals is on the 'base and guide,' which may be nuy man whom tbe corporal may bave designated aud nrors whom he hss poed himself,'" See also para graphs 323 5aJ -Co I: Regulations. This, it is believed, solves the knotty questiou of tbe J une school, UUTIO. NORTH END BRIEFS. The North Fnd oflU-o of the Re HA If tort TntuCNE is liH-atid at the. Lewis Uiuuitore and Ji hu's Store, Wayno avenue, whore sub Ber ptioii advertixineuta ahd communication W1U receive prompt ubiuuuon.i llis Belle Mulley is in New York city. The Gregory Braid works are slill vory active nnu lumen absiatnuce is required. The Green Ridge wheelmen have nr raDt'ed a second lawn social for Friday next. John li. Wolf will ba tho trueat of Col onel Lewis at Lake Wlnola during the month. Colonel Lewi and family will spond the month of July ut Hiawatha cottage, Lake Wiuola. The Lincoln lodgo of Odd Fellows has arranged for nu excursion to liurvey's bike Aug. If. The Rev. George On lid will attend tbe Christian Endeavor couvention iu behalf of bia chun n. Q II. fa'cbarar ha rocovered and has re. surned dutiHat the Delaware aud Hudson company cOke. Rev. D. U. Kinter las returned from Bis vacation aud resumed duties yesterday at the cnrisiiau cuurcn. A noclal Will be held at tho Welsh Con eregutloual church Aug. 0, In aid of the Dutch Map lougrogatiunai mission school The fiiooda of Oliver Lewis will regret to hear of hit dea,tb, which occurred yes terday. Deceased uau been ill but very tew aays. K. T Taylor, of Summit avenue, is on tertaining bis sou, Rev. Charles Taylor, of Bane, Out. Mr. Taylor preached an elo quent Hrrmon yesterday morning at tbe Methodist &piscepai cuurcu. Now that tbe traction company has nor formed its part of the Work the question is Deiug asKeu, wnen win north ilalu nve. duo be put in a proper atute of recall f In wet wt'rttber there are innumerable small lakes and at all times there are endless cases of broken harness aud brokon shafts caasud by Ure lai go i uts. M'.s Ktie Powell, daugbtor of Thomas Powell, of Sprlug street, mat with a pain ful accident at tbe braid fuctorv on Satur day, resulting in severe lac-ration of the Augers or her rigut band. While adjust ing the machine lu her charge ber fingers were caugut in tun cog wuculs. The luju rius were promptly attended to aud a lit tle progress was shown yesterday. The following teachers In tbe Welsh Baptist Hunduy school were presented with books yesterday In recognition of special services: U JM. Kubrta, Isaac JL Edwards and Mrs. William II. Philliua. The presentations were made by Thomas Jehu, superintendent, on ibshalf of the school, isnaa rv imams catechised the jun ior scholars and was favorably Impressed vritu tue examination. Tds Succiss which Hood's barsaparilla im uu iu wvviug uiu auu youug iroui tu- tlictious caused by.Jmpure blood Is really reJunranuiv Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do hot purge, pslu or gripe, Bold by all druggists, REV.F.U.GIFTSLABORS Do Is Organizing an English Lutheran Church Here. MEETINGS HWNY. f;l. C. A. HALL Last Night Rev. Mr. Gift Delivered a Sermon on Fishers of Men He Says That the World today Needs Disciples More Than Ever Before. He Believes That Every Place Is a Pulpit and an Opportunity. For several weeks Rev. Fottor U. Gilt has been addressing audlenqs of Euglish Lutherans lu the ball of tbe Young Men's Christian association pre paratory to perfeotiug und establishing iu KcntDtou an organized congregation of that sect. From thirty-five to forty persons atteud the services each Sun day morning and evehlng and from rtmoug them aa executive committee has been selected to manage tho cou- gregatiou until steps are tukeu towards permaneut !orguulatlou when a site will be secured aud a suurcti erected. Mr. Gift ureaclied last night from Luke y, l-ll, ou tbe subject. "Fishers of Men." His introductory r murks were descriptive of tbe sea of U.tlilee, and included a reeiUI of tbe scene when Jesus went out uuou its waters ahd the iargs eatcU of. fish whlua fol lowed. From this leesou the speaker drew the conclusion that the people of today sbould likewise go out' op m tbo waters and being Souls to Christ. Mr. Gift said substantially: VVEHY PLAP& A PULI'IT. "That scene on the Galilean sea ex emplifies the great truth that every place can be made a pulpit for Chris tian work by us all. If Christ chose a boat for a pulpit It surely rollows that we, his disciples, cau. do the same aud catch men. Tbe whole world is tbe sea aud the gospel Is the net to be used. A successful fisherman draws bis.nat carefully ens with patience; he neither uttsmpts to drive the fish nor does be work violently,. Ignorance of bis dnty may .ruin bis net and sink the. boat, which signifies corruption in the cuurcu. "lint, why catch men? Because the diseiples weut at God's command and forsook ll te follow nim. It la appar ent without any great legrea of thought or ptfwer of conception, that it is our duty to attfactwen from the stormy sea of sin to tbe safety of dry land, aud eteruat life. ''No place is. too difficult of access, no place is too strauge to endeavor to bring men out of the temDest to safety. Every plaee 18 a pulpit and every time the time. It is asking far lets or us than was asked of those Who forsook all at God's command to fol low llito. They left home, friends. everything, and departed without tithes, carrying only what clothing was necessary to protect them from the elements. Afterward the 'jeers and taunts and sufferings which they en dured, only iacreaped their ardor for work for the Master. WonLD SEEDS DI&CIPLE3. "Never did this sreat nation, this great world need disciples more than today.. The placet and tbe pulpits lie all around: us, ana Instead of "for saking all to follow Him" yon have the rich reward or which falls to them wbo work for the master. The dodu lace of today neither hurls stones. taunts nor j ers: they are simply wait ing to be caught not enticed. Will we cot all. take the opportunity to fish for AjuristT we bave tbe world for a sea, tbe church for a boat and tbe gospeV lor tbe never-railing net. Let us indeed be "Fishers of Men.' SOUTH SIDEJOTTINGS. All ad vertising matter, news Items and new suWriiitlons, if left lit the fullowina- business plaoes, will be promptly attended to: Manx's earner snop, wnstpiaiu s store, u. w. Humph rey's pharmacy and A. J. MuUlorlg'a,! Miss Lizzie Shick, of Birch street, has returnea home irum Jier. two woeks' Btay iu tue country. Oa Tuesday evening there will be a social at tbe Young WcJineu e Christian aaocia. tion rooms ou Cedar avenue. linnrtta ITillinr nf PiftaMn avanna inm " " - H.VMUi, .11.3 been called to Hrizleton on account of the illueBS of bis mothor. The afternoon services at tbe Young Womeifs Christian association rooms, on Cedar evvnue, wore, as usual, well attend ed yesterany. James Dond, William Jones, Edward Flood and James McUinlev, all South Stders, weut to Uouldebaro last Saturday on a uuoiug trip. The French and Swis societlos will run n c'om'oiuation picnic at Central park next Saturday, whicb it tho anniversary of tbe rail oi tne nastue. The funeral of Martin Francis, the vou'nsj child of Mr. and Mrs. Jtiun D. Flood, of 4i 9 Palm atreot, took place at avocb ou saiuruay aiioruoou. The picnic held at Central Tark unYiInn by tbe Irian Catholic Benevoleu Union of Hyde PaVk Was' largely attended, aud proved a uuanctai saccua ror tne society ' Lily, the 4-raonths-old chill of Mr. and Sirs, Utto Kent!, or ViQ f ittston avenue. died ou Friday evening and was buried yesterday afternoon in Forest Hill ceme tery. Frederick Biddell and Sergeant Sutlier laud, both of Vol on to, Can., who nre well known throughout tbp Uultrd States as fnmons ba-pite, p'ayers, visited on tlfis side Saturday afterhouu. The German Presbyterian church mem. bars of iiickorv street WiU hold a uiruin at Central Park garden on Thursdayy July .IV. ilgoou lime ia promiaea ntul all lire iuvited. The Riuggold baud win fur nish the best lhuil.-. Edward ICehnller Waa Hected permaneut man of tho Ceutury Hoe company at a meeting held Jittt Friday night. 'The or dinance panned ihe first and second read ings last Thursday eveulng which pro vides tor a purmauont man fdV tbe com pany. John Gorman, sgfd 19, wa arrested for belui; driiuk and throwing stohos ou South Waahlugton aveune Saturday evrfntng. One of the atones thrown struck Joha Tborutou, cutting a large gash' in liis fore head, lie was timed $11, or in default of payment, to serfs thirty days in the county jail. While Jaccb F. Hofmelster, n butcher of 904 Pittston avenue, wan attending to one f his 'customers Saturdsy inoi Ding, on Pituton avenue, bis horse took fright at a pnssiug street car, aud rushed down the street nt a mad rate. Fortunately no one was hurt, although tovoral little children bad a burrow escape. Thevfiorea Is uniu juied but-the wagon is ba-lly wrecked. Connell's park was filled with large crowds yesterday from moVnlng till night, who eu joyedtbemsoWee In a very orderly manner. A great -many eliuibed to the top of tbe tewer, where a tuagul&eenc' view of tbe valley csn be obtained, Judging by the number of people, v. bo go there the park-Is the uoatpopular resort lu tke city. Tbewotk of beautifying the grounds Is beingiusbed rapidly. The water was put in last week aud when tbe ttnlshlng touches Bave been completed tbe people of the Bouth bids may be eengrstulated. Feerltss 7reasr. Tbe best ice cream ireezers. Twenty left and will close them out (odav at cost. Come early and get one. Thos. F. Leonard, 605 Lacka. ave. CHINA HALL "Vt liavo REDUCED Pricos on BABY CARRIAGES, m our stock la too large, You can buy a good Baby Carritigo for tho price of a cheap onu. For Wedding Presents or ffur- niaUiiig for Summer Gotlajjea, we ltuve a full aud cotupluto line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. Tha Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. Fill ST MONTH'S SElsVICF.9 FKEE TO l3Vi;HYliODl'. FOB ALL DISEASES ASD ALL PATICXTS. Thr..ratFi, Bl.iff nt Phnal.!,. a Tl, MOST UlSTlNUCl-HElJ BptTALISiS i I rpxri vt iTivrvn m . o-.. .t.i i V Alim VV.UIi A rUilUf III, uuu Chief Diuffaoittiwiju Can be fotfud daily in SUV 1H4 at bUtJ CONWAY HOUSE 132 and 134 PKlTjr AVENfJE. They come reconam inded by royalty and the firs- physi cians of Eurgpi). Tim treat all Uii'Se8. rtuiiturea euri by a new prucs. A 1IVB cure guaranteed in ull BXCAL t)L$ EASES and Weaknesses of EITHER SEX by our flow treatnteut Pation's treated by correspouaonco aua ucautno) witu inn ai reCtiwns Sunt by ejtpress. But. when vosl bio, it personal consultation is preferred. Ail consultation are hJJ in strict privacy. H.B.-iTheae ipeclaliats c-m euro all recent as W ELL as alDons-atanding ckronia.U.Bleult aud ob'cure cases that bave been ueglugtoa or unsKiii.nuy rreatea wans mudo by ap point meat and pa tienta treated at th -lr hoiujs When dusu'ed, Jtiours, B to 4 and ? te 8 39. Armour's Rolled Ox Tongue 7Cc Armour's LunchTongue 35c Armour's Potted Earn, 15c Armour's Deviled Ham, 10c See our display of Picnic Goods. C. DITCHBURN, 427 LACKAWANNA AVE. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICTCLKk. AND fcPoUTlNO GOOD. Victor, Oebdrnn, Eclipse, LovelL Dtamonb ana uthur r heels. THE CELEBRATED Kk at PrrStnt tile .M .i Pophtar ant Prrfarrad by U-HiUnt .arum Warerooms: OJ)BVSinC-:lunus Monument I nTtfAXCMAl.STATtfMEMT OV TU3 DAT ' t Ml lideieudent Koliool Ulatrlct fof tbo yoar ending June I, 1VJI. -KAxss. Amount levied for school pur poses t"i0 m Aiuouut levied fovhullduig pur poses A., SM 14 TOtal amouut of taxes lovlod... J I, CM 07 nut SI PI'S. From atnte anpruprlatlon for the year undiuir juuu, liVI....J'l M Palanue on liand from last year UdJ ej From Noi lh Abultou township for tuition 71 01 Fri'in O A. Oay fur tuition re- rot vi d from luiil pulils 8 SO From collector lot taxes Col- looted m 70 Total receipts..., J2.07Q SI S.nK.ndjtuhmi. For repairs on buildings, ...,...$ 07 WI For leachers" Wat:s IWJ 75 For fe ot oolleittor (.? IJ.iUJ and treasurer (M.Tui 70 411 for ful aud oonUnvencirat Ti Vj For salirt-y ot secretary '!0 nil For debt and Intui'est yatd. 'M M For other espouses , -M i v For school tL-xl books and sup plies... 213 74 Total expenditures $70i 40 Uuih on hand f )0S7i BsounoEa. Cash on hand....... f303 75 vanu uu uui.,., io Amouut.duy frouxcoUector.,,,. 45 17 Total.... ItJjXit is, Amount o.f bonds outsUniUii.HOOO SO LI abilities in excess ot rcannroes ',Zil W wltiressour hand this SUth day oX July, 1894. , EDWARD MILES, President; A BALL, Secretary. HOUSEKEEPERS IU lAw''!.i You Need Them And a visit to Martin & Delany s will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty int summer goods is a Nobby, Long. cut Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Martin &. Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, . WYOMING AYENUE. SEIIUiailSUIUUftiUlllUt Till 308 Lackawanna Ave, 4S reef Values This Week I Two cases Ladies' Lisle-finish Vests, worth 15c, 3 for One case Men's Balbriggan Shirts, worth 39c. for Five dozen Ladies' Laundered Percale Shirt Waists, worth $1, to close - Twenty-five pieces Satin-striped India Linen Colored Figures, worth 18c, to close Great Reduction in MILLINERY. Everything at HALF PRICE. I mm mm mm rjB!H5UC!:t!ritJii:!ni!5!ii5!:Mrisc!iiiiiiniEHiriiiinuiHiJiiiii!!!KniiMiiiiii!i It's a Great Shocls lire. I mm ssMMftsvsHsjwr ryvni'-Bvi 71 ;rvl-''iiAi5.V-,j .- :. ri jrc mm fothe folks who are elalroln? they unflersell ill others to find that withuut the least lus CT bluster We are glvina ee.tom-rs the ben. rfltel such epportuaitlse ae tnes. A HffloMv UieU Grade LlKhNwelghf Rhaal, 1804 pattern, fir 110 easb. 189J pattrnrSM50 Whml, for 7. 1S94 pattern, 100 Wheel, for S8S eaalH fheae pricos make the business at our store. FLOREY HOLT Y. M. C. A BUILDING. SASH. Et is Correct!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. Conrad TUE HATTER, Sells Them. NATIONAL CIRCUIT ALL DIAMOND PRIZES, This circuit includes Wash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. SCRANTON'S DAY, MONDAY September 17, 1894 Tr-&JJr, , ms VBCTOR IN A WORLD WHERE "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS," NO PRAISE IS TOO GREAT FOR SAFOLIO i illi S7 UU g 5 s S 308 Lackawanna Aie. 25a 25c. 59c. 10c. N. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Store, . IQUOid AVB, OSAMXO& STETJTvTAT SO! DKCKER fiBOTHEM IRAMCH & BAC4 PflANO Usnakrse stocksf firsVelaat fttTBICAIi MEKCHANDISa Another Advocate of Ansssthene ORS. MKNWOOD WARWKIX: GEKTLEMEN-It aflords me s;rea pUaanr to state that yoar newisroaea of eztracttns: teeth was a a;rnd eaeeeas Is my-eaae, and I heartily raadlBinBBd It t 1L I Blneoreiy hope that ether wUi Seat its merits. Tburs rrotfnIly, CAM. 8. S. bKYANT, Soraaton, VsS Henwood & WardeU, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will ob and after Mav 21 make a great redno, tion in the prices of platea. All work gnajr an toed &rst-claas in every particular. Science Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, (The Specialist on the Eye. Headaohn an9 frorvousneaa relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eye QUssee and Bpeotaolea at the Lowest Prioes. beat ArtldcuU Byes userted ior $5. Vt SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Offlcas. RCOP ttnnlnR and soldering all done away with by the use of HA HTM AN 8 HAT KNT PAINT, which eonalste et Invredt nts well-known to all It can be applied to tin, SatYanized tin, attest Iron roofs, al so to briak wellinrs, wsiab will prevent absolutely any crumbling, eracklug or breaJuni of the brick. It will outlast tlnuuif et auy kind bp many yaara.ani it's eoat does not exceed one fltlh tbatof the cost of tinning. Is sold by tbe job or pouud. Contracts taken by ASlVNIO UABtJttAMN, Ul Biroh 81