The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 09, 1894, Image 1

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    All the news of
the strike in
Agents should
order extra
copies at once.
The Sabbath Is Desecrated by
Many Wanton Acts of
One Man Killed and Several Others Seri
ously Wounded.
The Situation at Jhicago Practically
Unchanged Several Persons Killed
and Many More Seriously Woundad.
The American Railway Union's
Missionaries Are Laboring to Make
Converts Everywhere Various
Trades Unions Sympathize with the
Strikers Mobs Fired Upon by
Troops Guarding the Wrecking
Chicago, July 8
THE ieat of war in the great rail
road strike was transferred today
to Hammond, Ind., juat across
the border line and whor. from
an early hour, mob violence reignei
supreinv. Two companies of regulars
were di?p'cbed to the scene. Lite
tbis afternoon there was a pitched
lattle between the regular and the
taoh. Tbis is the list of casualties:
Charles Flkiscuer, carpenter, married.
ned 35, a resident ot Hammond killad
W. H. Campbell a shot in right thigh
probably fatal.
Victor, Keitor, also of Hau.mond, shot in
tbe knee, amputation of leg necessary,
condition critical.
Miss Annie Fleming, of East Chicago,
bullet wou id above knee, not seriouv
rKown man, shot in leg, amputation
probably necessary.
Tbe trouble commenced at daylight
v hen a mob which had been in tbe
r.ulghrorhood since the evening before,
tverturned fifteen freight ears on tht
Chicago aud Culnmet Terminal rail
load, between Hammond and Etst Chi
cago. Four Pullmans were set on fir
and badly scorched.
Shortly after daybreak the north
leuud train on the Monon road reach
ed the city. It was urrouudd by a
crowd of striktrf, boys aud women
&ad ' tbe engineer and fireman were
f er emptorily ordered to get down from
tit eab and they were quick to obey.
One of tbe strikers then took possession
t f the engine and tbe train wus side
tracked, A telegram wus sent to Chi
onto asking for military assistance to
f t the t'rarrt out. At 11.30 Company
D, of tbe Fifteenth regiment, thirty
:ve strong, arrived in two coaches.
Tbe regulars disembarked at the
cepot and marched to tbe side track
iv be r? the Monon train was stationed.
The mob fell back on tbe approach of
tie military, but hooted and jeered and
the scene was a veritable bedlam. .One
knit of tbe campany took up its position
i front of tbe engine aud tbe other
bntftu tbe rear and preparations were
inauJ to move tbe train. The crowd
now nearly 3,000 strong aud real
is!ia tbe fast that reinforcements were
-tsaary, a detail was' sent to the talc
fraph c7,e with instructions to wire
t j Chicago . ir more trm.pi.
lb tbe tueautiue Mjor Reilly ord
ered Captalo Hariz to dear the tracks
te tbe sidewalks with fixed bayonets.
The regular advanced, the mob re
treated and or tbe time beiug was
LU at bay.
Shortly before 1 o'clock a train of
empty car was lUrted from tbe yards,
tie way being clearstt by tbe soldiers,
-be mob contented itself with jeer
ing and invocations. Temporary
quiet was secured while Sheriff
Fredericks read a telegram
which had jnst been received from
Governor Matthews conveyed advioj
that a large force of state troops would
reach Hammond tonight (with instruc
tions not ouly to muiutaia law and or
der at all hazards, bat to co-operate
with tbe federal troops. The dispatch
bad it that tbe whole fere ot the state
would be sent to the seene If neoessarv.
The mob listened to tbe reading of tbV
dispateh iu silence, but when thesherUT
bad concluded it (sent up such a yell ot
eVfianee as might be expected to
emanate only from an army of red
kin on the plaias. The mob went to
tie adjacent prairie ou either (id of
tbe track for while, but becoming
emboldened by the apparent Inactivity
of tbe military cloud upon the rails
ouly to be repulsed. Tbis condition or
atfairs continued intermittently until
4 o'clock, when tbe train that biixt
trougbt tbe second detachment of
rtgular wa run into the Monon
yards. Just as it was brought to a.
i.andstill several box cars were dumped
oa tbe track a block and a half to the
fcertb. About tbe same tuxie the Monon
suall train came in from the south,
rrylng mail matter.
A company of regulars was ordered
t tbe State line, but bad hardly passed
before tbe mob assembled at the State
ireet crouing, when reck was
thrown around a Pullman car standing
on a tide truck a few yards north,
vritb tbe evldebt intention of throwing
it pver on tbe main track and prevent
in the further passage of the train.
Her war regulars on tb engine, regu
lars o tbe roof and regulars' at the ear
wtndowe'all of tbein waiting for just
tacb n Condition as was now, imminent.
Au officer on th locomotive gave the
word, and toward west and to toward
ast volley was poured from epgine,
roofs aud windows. Some of the bal
lets went overhead, many more plowed
tbe grouod, a few took effict. With
out waiting for further orders the reg
ulars mad for solid earth and witti '
bayonets fixod made a dash for the
mob ou both sides of tb trsok.
Tbis mauquv re, however, was hardly
necessary. Obscured by the amok tb
mob bad taken to it bels like fright
ened geesr. Not a few threw tbetu
elves Headlong on tbe prairie where
they laid fl thoroughly Reared that
it Wasi a matter ot imli(Trnra in
rtbem whether tbe soldiers trampled
mem uown iu in cuivrg or nqt
Miss Fleming, who was noteven a
spectator of tbe melee, being simply in
the act of crossing tbe tracks after a
visit to a neighbor's house, .fainted
when bot, was picked up by some of
the bystaudsr and carried to the
nearest bouse iu the vicinity.
Tbe shedding of blood was in obdi
euce to orders issued by General Mi If 8
to shoot any persou caujrM in the act
of blocking the highway of inter-state
commerce or of destroying railroad
property used in the carriage of United
States mails.
Fleischer was fen innocent victim.
He bad gone to the tracks simply to
find and take home his sou whom he
bad been told was looking on in th
outskirts of tbe mob. Indis
criminate firing of tb regulars
created intent rage and excite
ment. Huudreds of the mob
rutbed to their homes and returned to
the scene with revolvers and shot guns,
or filling tbe air with oaths and impre
cations, declared their Intention of kill
ing every ixmu wearing au army uui
form. In tbe uieau time a dead lino
bud been thrown out. Mayor Ruilly
mounted a box car and pleaded with
and prayed to tba crowd to be calm
audeommit no further Violence. Tbe
crowd wa unwilllug to respond to the
advice tbe regulars re tutored by
three companies that ram in from
Chicago on a special train. Overawed
by tbe display of military turce the
mob gradually thinned out aud at mid
night tbe street of the town had re
sumed their uorm tl aspect
L.vte this evening tuere was some
msKe shooting. Company X) wat or
dered down the Monon tracks to get
out two Pullman cars for conuectiou
with tbe train expected frern tb south.
Just ns they approached the water
tank, E C. Weeks, a plumber was id
the act of turning the water out
of the stand pipes which are
used to fill the engines. Fire was
at once opened by the soldiers, and
Weeks, with the Intention of fooling
tbe regulars, dropped into the high
grass at the side of tbe tracks as though
be bad been shot. The first rank of
the company, however, closed about
bim and Gndiu; bim unhurt, placed
him under arrest.
Company B returned to Chicago
after lue shooting ou their own traiu,
If they ha 1 not done so an attempt
would bav. been made to serve war
rants for murder upon them, bucb
warrants were sworn cut before a jus
tice when tbe tacts of tbe shooting
were known, but the soldiers got
away before any of the local police
could execute the warrants.
AU the electric street ear employes
agreed tonight unanimously to join
tue strike when called on to do so,
A maes meeting of indignant citizens
was held tonight to protest against the
Th Men to Be Called Out at Nldnrg-ht
bv Ord-ir of Freijd.nt Deb?.
Buffalo, N. Y , July 8 Buffalo has
been ordend tie I up. James Mllican,
president of tbe local brtfnah of tbe
American Railway, received a dispatch
tonight from President Debs directing
him to withdraw the ruembvrs of tbe
order bere from servioe at once and
cautioning bim to prevent any resort
to violence.
It is learned from inside sources that
tbe intention of the local American
Railway anion is too ill out
their men at midnight on Monday.
Whether or not tbe men wilLobsy tbis
mandate or nof.depeads upon the trend
of events at Chicago and otoer poiuts
tomorrow. Tbe amount of support the
local American Railway union receive
from tbe otber uaietis will also baye
considerable bearing upou their action,
Ninety Qiganizatlaus Stand Beady to
- Join the Itrik.
Chicago, July 8 Ther wnre ninety,
eight trad unien and labor council
represented in the meeting bold tonight
to take action on the American Rail
way union strike and Pullman boycott.
In addition to the committeemen were
several national chiefs of labor o.'ders:
President Debs, of the American Rail
road union; President McBride, of
tbe Miner'; Grand Master Sovereign,
of the Enl.bts of .Ubor, O'Connell. of
the machinists; Mabone. of tbe street
car men ; Preocott, of tb Typographical
union, and MeKannnv, of tb' painters
aud dcaoratorr. At 13 o'clock he meet
ing, which had been,a stormy on, is
still in session and no vote bas been
taken ou tbe question of a general
strike It is understood that ninety of
the union now stand ready to go out
tomorrow and stay out until the Pull
man strlk is settled. .
Pfbsidtnt Debs said last vning:
"I am certain that every union repre
sented, numbering over 100,000 labor
ers, will vote to strike tomorrow."
Troop When Coldly Doled Sleeping
Room Simply S-fat li
Chicago, July 6, Wabash avonu
between Madison and Wasbitlgfou
streets is now and was through lust
night partially under martial law, Tb
big empty building, flv stories blgb.
owned PyO. Jevne & Co., was wanted
by tbe Siventb re.iment Illinois Na
tional guard last night at a place to
sleeD in.
The owner absolutely refused to
allow it to be used for sueh a purpose,
and Colonel Colby, by orders of tbe
mayor, took forcible possession of it.
They War Shot Carlag tb Frees of
Saturday Afternoon. '
Union Stock Yards, July 8 Shortly
before 8 o'clock tbit afternoon, the Chi
cago aud Eastern tlllnnia. rnnd t
tempted to run a traiu of twenty curt
loaded with coal Into the city, Wbeu
the train reached rtovt street a crowd
of hoodlums threw a switch and de
railed two cars. At 3. SO p. m. a large
crowd bad gathered along the traoks
aud tbe troops bav been drawn up in
line for action. After an hour's work
tb tracks were cleared and the coal
train pulled ioto th yards. Tb coal
it consigued to the packing houses.
Nine huudred sheep and sixty bead of
cattle were driven into the yards dur
ing tbe night from outlyiug. districts.
No bogi were received.
J. .0. Mueller & Co., reported to tbe
police this morning that an attempt
was made last night to burn their large
grain elevator, and asked for protec
tion. Captain O'Neill detailed several
policemen to guard the structure.
Tbmaas Jacsmuu, a victim of the riot
at Forty-Niuth and Loomis streets yes
terday, in wblch twenty-five men were
wounded by a volley from R company
of state militia, died tbis morniug at
the Union hospital. James Burkf, an
other victim oC the same riof, also
died duriug the uigbt.
Thcutar.di of Them Are Now Clamoring
tor Promised Rllf.
Chicago. July 8 Starvation ac
tually exists among thousands of rail
way men throughout tb west and
northwest who bav been drawn into
tbis "sympathy" movement. Tele
grams nre pouring into tb hadquur
Urn at Unlicti's ball asking for tbe as
sistant) which wat promised when the
tntu quit work. As to tne couditioa of
the strikers on the various western
roads, if reports are to be credited, it
is bard indeed. Presiileut Debs laid
yesturdy that $100,000 had been ruisnd
by popular Butucripilou in California
for starving strikers on the Pacific
coast. Strenuous endeavors are being
mud to secure a large fuud for tbe
relief of the men who stopped work to
help tbe came of tbe American Rail
way Onion.
On the Northern and Southern Paci
fic ro.ids, tb SautaFe aud. other west
ern lines, where the tie up Was most
easily tffected, and where the men have
bten out th longest, the aallvriug U
greatest, aud the appeals are most
urgent. Tbe condition of thousands of
the families of strikers Is already des
perate, although the tie-up is only a
week old. C.iurirts of ihgraut viola
tion of help which were mad acrd
conditions of tbe strike are beiug
lo.!ged against headquarters by the
strikers at a distant.
Tbe gene'ral public bas yet only a
faint conception of the number of men
Involve! in the strike. The member
ship of the A'msrican Railway union is
125,000. and three-dUh of th total are
out. Of the 73,000 out, more than half
are without funds for a week's susten
ance, aud runny thousand are now in
immediate want
Chairman St. John, of the Railway
Managers' association, said: "There
baa, never been the slightest inclination
on the part of the companies
to wave r in this contest. We stand
exactly where we stoi'd liac the be
ginning of tbit strike.aud where wa will
stand to the end, W are supported iu
our stund by tbe railroad managers all
over tbe United States. It it uo time
for weakness of policy. W are com
pelled to make tbis uiht by the unrea
sonableness ot the strikers. Tbe fight
must be won, regardless of its conse
quences to any siugle railroad. There
will be no weakeuing on tbe part of
tbis association, aud all reports to tbe
contrary are u, 'eading.
Deb decided on another of bis
master strokes to . ow the people of
Chicago hi -power. Todty he sent
word to th labor organizations on the
West, North, and South bid street
railways and on tb elevated roads to
be in- readiness to walk vat on Monday
night. By tying up the city's means of
transit be xpeuitf-(o arouss ttie svHi
pathy of the public amlt fore public
opinion. Tile, street railway managers
do not seem to be seriously alarmed at
tbe protptcls. It Is their belief that
tbe majority of tbe men iu their em
ployment will refuse to quit work; All
tb compauies bav hundreds of men ou
their Waiting lists, aud would at once
attempt to ruu their curs with new
Central Libnr TXuloa of Gotham Eldes
with Law Ilraaksra. .
New York, July 8 The great labor
strlk was tbe sol subject discussed by
tb different labor organizations at
their meeting in tbis city today. That
of the Central, Labor union wssof a
most, exciting nature. Tb meeting,
wblch lasted three hours, was addressed
by a number of speakers who vigor
ously denounced tbe neton of the fed
eral authorities for what they claimed
their unwarranted attempt to put down
the strike. " .
The stand taken by the Amorican
Railway uuipn was vigorously Indorsed
aud a committee was appointed for
the purpose of making arrangements
for bold a mass meeting when th
Bi&t between capital aud labor is to be
discnised in all Us pauses
Weighted Dews wftb Wlochtert, Thiy
Elmply Crfy th Law.
San Francisco," July 8- Tb block
ade lb tbe northern part of this Itat
was tighter last nljrht than any time
since th (trike Wat inaugurated. Oux
of Oakland and San Francisco not a
train is running. Th Southern PsclBq
laanageia have apparently thrown op
tb epong until a settlement of the
troubl shall be arrived at iu the east,
Tb strikers at Sioremeoto are as de
termined a ever, Many ot them art
heavily armed with Winch'ster. and
ypnly threaten to resist uy efforts to
move trams.
Facktr Swift Manases to Git a Few
. Found Into Town.
Union Stock Yards, ,111., July 8.
Up to noon today everything was quiet
in tbe stock yards district. Very,fw
striker were in light and tb itat
militia bad beau withdrawn from pick
et duty at day iigbt. Police are scat
tered in all squads throughout tho
yards, but bav nothing to do but tit
around and idly discuss tbe situation. -
The firebug opntinaid its destructive
Continued oh Page 8
Three Workmen Meet Death In a Terrible
While at Work Timbering to Stop a
Squeeze All Are Caught Like Rats
In a Trap Marvelous Escape of
the Foreman Brave Rescuer Risk
Their Lives to Free Their Dying
Cbmrades List of the Dead and
Nanticoke, July 8.
H HORRIBLE Accident oecurred. in
A tb No. 4 slope of tbe Suique-
hanuu Coal company here yes
uu terday afternnoou, by which ,
three .men lost their -live, two ward
fatally iujured, ahd one. who miracul
ously escaped, was severely injured.
The dead, are: Evan Adams, rock
man, of Nanticoke, uged 83; leaves a
wife and one child; cruthvU to death.
Anthouy Zourzwiuk, Polauder, agd
25. unmarried, taken from uuder the
tall, horriblv crushed; di-'d soou after.
George -H. Iiuuney, aged 35, rock man.,
married, has a wife and twovhlldreo,
crushed about body and bead, both .
legs broken ; died at 6 o'clock.
Tbe iujured are: Joseph Washcliez,
Polander, laborer, unmarried, aged 34,
four ribs and one arm broken and in
jured iuterually, cannot live; John.
Zudic. Hungarian, laborer, aged 20,
married, skull fractured and crushed
about body, canuot recover; George
Vin Fausen, leg broken and badly
bruised, seriously, but not fatally in
The gang of men under tb charge
of Foreman Van Fausen bed gone Into
the mine early in the morning to do,
some timbefiug in a tunnel, yhre a
slight tqueez was noticeable. The
roof bad been thoroughly testtd aud
was thought to be Dur
ing tbe oioruitig there were no indica
tions of tbe iquvezt extending. Tbe
roof and pillars were chipping slight
ly, but tbe workiugs were quieter than
they had b;ea for some dty.
The uieu were to have quit work at
noon and gone outside for -dinner, but
when their time was up they were just
standing the last timber and decided to
fiuish the job so It would not be neces
sary to return to tb place. The five
were directly in the face uf tha work
ings, liftlug the beavy prop and Van
Fausen was standiuir a few feet be
biud them directing the placing of the
timber. It was just being put in posi
tion when tb tail occurred. There
was not tbe slightest warning. A mass
of coal fell with u rush anil tbe five
men were immediately burried out of
tight and bearing. Vau Fausen was
ou the extreme edge ot tho fall aud
was hurled from uuder it by tbe con
cuskIou, but not quite far enough, at
his left leg was caught under a lunas
of coal and broken, while be Was badly
'bruised by flying pieces.
..Men in otber parts ot tbe mine at
once mailed, to the scene and tbe work
of rescue was commenced. Van Fausen
was quickly extricated and taken to
tbe surface. He described before leav
ing tbe mine just where the other men
were standing and the rescuers sst' to
work with a will ll get out tbe bodies,
for it was thought none would be,
alive. After working tor about three
hours groans Were henfij, and tue men
redoubled their efforts and ooo partly
uucovered Anthony Znirzwiok. He
was still alive, but unconscious. He
was horribly crushed, bis bead .being a
mass of brokeu bone and torn lLb.
ile died soon afterward.
Abont an hour afterward the body ot
Evau Adam was recovered. He had
leeuso fearful cruibed agaiust th
side of the tunnel' Uat- his Mbody wat
almost fist. When th fall occurred
bo bad been standing ready to drive in
a wedge ot wood between the prop aud
the roof, When fouud the wedge and
hammer were still in bla band, so his
death must have been instantaneous.
Shortly afterward tb bodies of
Georg Hauuey and Jo SVatheliez
were recovered ; tiles men bad fallen
uuder tb prop which they bud bo en
lifiing, which tell agaiust th side and
partly protected them. Tbo masses of
coal bad, however, closed them in so
tightly that they were badly crushed
by its weight and both were so seri
ously injured that they could not re
cover, They were taken out with
great difficulty and were carried to the
surface as soon as possible.
- It was nearly ft olt-lock before tbe
last man, John Zudic, was taken out.
He was standing agaiust the rib and
was paekid in tight by tbe debris. He
would probably have escaped with hi
life had not large pUo of coal struck
hi head, fracturing bit skull. lis was
unconscious when fouud.
Crowds of people gathered about th
mouth of th slop .when the hews of
the accidvut spread through tb town
and remained there until the last man
was taken out.
ft Was Hld at tb Elm Park Charoh
Lett Evening.
The Elm. Park church was crowded
.last vning almost to Its utmost ca
pacity. Tbe rccular sermon wa
omitted, and an "Eventide Praise Ser
mon'' substituted.
Pcofetfot Carter had arranged a, very
fine programme, Which was faultlessly
rendered by tb superb cbotr of th
church, composed of Mrs. K ite Cros-sin-O'Brien,
soprano: Mil Draager,
contralto; Alfred Wooler, tenor, and
Richard Thomas, basso.
During tbe reading or tbe Scripture
the choir rendered tb' bymn "Nearer
My Ood to Tb" tathe tune of 'Robin
Adair," with a most beautiful efieet.
Mrs. CTBrien' Voice bas.lostnon ot it
WMtnett and purity, as was, evinced
when sbe sung Concone's "Juditb,
wblch sbe rendered With great feelidg.
Mitt Dresser. Who- it a reoeift and
valuable acquisition to the chqir.: bas aJ
remarkably nue Toiee, -.very oat on
sings bas a swewtuee and riohuets
about it that sjows tbe res nit of great
training and culture. Miss Dreagar
dnflng tbe avenlng sang two solos, on
entitled "O. TUou Afll.cUd." from tbe
dratorio, "St. Peter," und the other by
request, that old but beautiful Scotch
hymn, "I Am Far fra My Hiine."
which sb sang most beautifully and
held tbe audituc almost spellbound.
Mr. Wooler and Mr. ThomaB did
equally well, Mr. 'noma iu his solo,
"If Laws Severe, ' gave a magnifi
cent exhibition of the Wuuderful scope
aud richness of hit voio.
As an offertori Mr. Carter played
Lt'maigre'a ''Cantabile." It was a beau
tiful seleotion and was rendered witb
Mr. Carter's usual skill and grace.
The programme closed with a quar
tette, "Give Thy Blessing," arranged
from "Flowtow." The service Was
most delightful throughout and it is
tbe purpose of th pastor, Rev. Dr.
Pearc, and Professor Carter to have a
uumber of such services during th
summer teason.
While Attempting to Arrest Frank
Morrow fie Receives a Bullet
in His Side
fDfcialto th Scranton Tribune.
Arciibald, July 8. Constable Wil
liam Dougber, of the Third ward of
Archhald, was shot this afternoon
while attempting to arrest a young
man named Frank Morrow ef that
Morrow was wanted for his conu
tion with a burglary at the Ontario
and Western depot at Archhald a few
month's ago. He Aid shortly after tbe
commission of the. deed ami remuined
away until ten. day ago. Yesterday
afternoon while DiUgber and two
other constables were on their way to
Morrow's home to arrest bim, thy
mot him at tbe home ot bis brother-in-law,
aodattempted to place bim under
arrett. A sci.fil took ;pluce during
which several snots Were fired by tbe
constables and Morrow and Dougher
were shot in th, right side.
Tbe ball struck a leather covered
book in the constable's pocket and
spent considerable ot its force before It
entered bis body,. It then came in con
tact witb one of bis ribs and changed
its inward course. Dr. Van Doren was
immediately summoned and probed for
tbe ball, bat without susess. Mr.
Dougher was taken to bit home soon
after tbe shooting and at this writing
be is r-stin, easily. It is bard to tell
what th resblt of the shooting will be.
There are several versions as to the
manaer in which th shooting oc
curred, Oao is that Morrow shot
first and that tbe ball, from his revolver
struck Dougher. Another It that one
of tbe Jermyn constables sbot him aud
still another is that the revolver whicti
Dougher carried' was accidentally dis
charged while he win taking it out of
his pock. Owin to th' great excite
ment which prevailed it i bard to tell
which is the most plausible version.
Morrow fl-d utter tbe shooting and
has not yet beeu captured.
Young McGln-le Will Be Taken Baok to
EtlUlda "Home.
Yesterday morning about 1 o'clock
Officer Moiutz-r noticed a young boy
roaming tbe streets, and thinking it
was a rather late hour far a lad of such
tender years tq be out, be took him to
tbe central station. Oa being ques
tioned, the boy said bis name was
Clarence McGinnis, 9 yeurs of ae, and
that he Same from. Wiikes-Barr aDd
wanted. to see his fatber in Dayton, O.
He was detained at the station until
Chief Simpson coul 1 seehiin and loam
more about im. The chief received
word about 11 o'clock yeslorday morn
ing that the boy Belonged to tbe Hill
side Home nnd that be hud run away
from ther about a week. ao.
It seems that When bis father went
to Dayton to live about a year ago, he
lett tb boy in care ef bis brother who
resides in Wilkes-Barr, but he wus
uncontrollable and was turned over to
tbe officials at the. Hillside borne,
where be lias beeu for tamo time.
Superintendent Bremer will take tho
boy back to tbo. home today.
New York to Buff iU vU Lehigh Valley
for Fifteen Cent.
One of the most attractive summer
outing pamphlet bjok vr issued is
now being distributed by the Lvbigb
Valley Railroad comoany. Th title
"In Three ataUS." indicates tbe read
ing contents ot tbe book which is filled
with lithograph pictures covering a
hundred or more plot uref one points be
tween New York and Buffalo.
A peimal of the book with its well
written story and many tinted skotcbes
fairly carries the reader ou a trip over
the line of a railroad as much noted for
its beautiful sceueiy as aby road in the
couutry. It it au advertisement With'
tbe advertising feature 4o eliminated as
to make tbe story well worth reading.
Fiftn-euts iu' stamps, money order
or p.'ital not enclosed to Charles S.
Lt geural passenger agent, Palla
delph.ia will secure a copy,
Two Ihousand BXiutre Terrorizing In
habitant! at Ottawa.
Ottawa, 111.. July 8, -This city is
in a fever of excitement tonight Over
tb report that a mob of 2 .000 uiiuers
wbieh has been looting stores at Spring
Valley is on the march f foiXt that place
te Lasalie to destroy otber coal com
paby property,
SbrU Taylor and deputies organ
ized a puss of txiy men and a spe
cial Honk tslaud train curried them to
Lasoli this vnin.
He Is Still Lstdlug in th Eaoee In
Paris, July 8.- Crooks, tb American
wteelman, was th race for
tbe Chantilly prize today over a course
of three kilometre. A. A, Zimmerman
beat A. C Edward iu th match fw
2,000 fraue a side.
Tbr war to- b three beats in this
match, but at both. , the first of 6ne kil
ometre, and tb second ef two 'kilo
mtrs, wer won by Zimmir ma'n, the
final Mat. wat omitted.
A Suicide Thought to Haye Been Hypno
' tfz.d.
A Woman Under Influence of an Ex
Minister Signs Away Her Property
and Then Swallows a Teaspoonful
of Morphine The Coroner' Jury
Renders a Peculiar Verdict.
Honesdale, July 7.
HE was compelled to oommit
suicide." That is tbe curi
ous verdict of a coroner's
1urr on tbs death of Mrs.
Caroline Paul who died at ber borne
in Hemlock Hollow last Thursday
night. Hemlock Hollow is a
backwoods town in the south
ern end of Wayne eounty, and
because of its seclusion th facts
attending tbe death ef the woman have
been ilow to reach the outer world.
Mr. Paul was a farmer'! widow. Sbe
hat two torn and lived happily witb
them up to three years ago, when the
came uuder the influence of Rev. John
W. Harrison, an ex-minister of the
Methodist church, who about that time
wus deprived by conference of bis
Harrison's inflnenca over the woman
wa a peculiar and powerful one, Sbe
signed over all ber property, real and
personal, worth several' thousand dol
lars, to tbe x minister, and it wa
afterwards developed that for tbis sbe
had received no recompense whatever.
One Jacob Everly, having a claim
against Mrs. Paul, secured a sheriff'
iuterpleader to determine tbe owner
ship of tbe property, Harrison's title
was annulled and pronouuetd a fraud.
He appealed to tbe supreme eourt
While bis appeal was pending Everly
levied on the real estate, which Har
rison bought for $600, includ
ing payment 'of debts and costs of
proceedings. Everly. afterwards sued
Harrison for perjury and for compel
ling Mrs. Paul to commit perjury by
swearing that be (Harrison) bad paid
money to ber for the bonce and farm
ceded to bim. Harrison was acquitted
of perjury, but sent to jail for failure
to pay the costs.
On Wednesday Mrs. Paul was in the
field near tbe bouse picking berries.
Harrison was close by. After a time
the woman returned to tbe bouse. Har
rison followed, and fiuding the door
lacked, burst it in and entered
Toward evening be summoned neigh
bors, who found Mrs. Paul in bed and
uncouacious, For about tweuty-fonr
hours he refused to permit tbe pople
to help ber. Then Dr. Rodman, of
Hawley, was summrned, to whom
'Harrison said Mrs. Paul bad swal
lowed a teaspoonful ot morphine. At
0 o'clock Thursday night sbe died.
Harrison produced a paper written
in tbe German language and signed by
Mrs. Paul saying ab did dot take her
owu life and that Harrison bad not ta
ken it. Nevertheless, a jury found
a verdict that Mrs. Paul had died
by morphine taken by herself con
trary to ber will. Tbe jury's verdict
i based on the belief tnat Harrison
had absolute control over 'the woman
and compelled her to poison herself.
Tbe people of Hemlock Hollow are en
raged over tbe matter and Harrison
bas flttd.
They Diiv a l'rleut From 3'. Mary'
Church In Beading.
Reading, Pa., July 8 Daring ser
vices Ln Si Mary's Polish Catholio
church bore today the opponents ot
Rev. Father Januskiewiez, about
suventy-five in number, lrok- out tbe
edifice aud demauded that their
troubles be arbitrated. The opposition
all Polauders Want to worship iu the
parochial school adj.iiniug aud secur
tbeir owu priest. The prlost will not
permit this.
When tbe Polauders rushed up the
nisi, Fatber Januskiewiz became
greatly alurmed and, fearing a riot,
leaped from one of tb window and
rau iuto tb parsonage. The members
ot the congregaiiou were heard two
tquarea away, aud fully 5 000 congre
gated about the churcii. 1 be police
dispatched a squad of ottloera to tbe
chui'cb, but their services were not
The nffair created intense excite
ment. No one was injured. These
troubles have accurred periodically for
tbe past two yean.
Dublin Ii Prostrata Dfore the Distin
guished American, Jam J. Corbftt
DunuN.'july 8. James J. Corbett,
the pugilist, arrived here today. Four
bauds and thousands of citizen wel
comed blra at th station. H was
carried ou men's boulder from tbe
train, his horses was unharnessed from
Lis carriage and he Was drawn by tbe
crowd to bis hotel.
He was cheered wildly wbsu he
made a speech from tbe hotel balcony.
Tb Beault Wa a Fir in Nloholae,
Frlo.'s Eoune.
At 8 43 last uiaht a fire occurred iu
the bouse of Nicholas Price at 1820
Stone avenue, which is occupied by a
Polander named John Edwardkoski.
Tbe fire was caused by a matob. which
was thrown on the floor after beiug
used iu lighting a lamp.
An alarm wa sounded from box 07,
hut tbe fl.vies were extinguished with
out tbe aid of tbe fir companies. The
damag caused was slight.
Washington. July 8. Forecast
for iaturduy: tot Eaitarn
yaiijylt'attu, fair slfghtly war.
Vennsiifiianid, fair, winds hfting to
tost, warmer in northern purlioni.
150 Full Eleven
Quarter Marseilles
Quilts at
These we
consider the
best goods we
ever sold
at the price
510 and 512 Lackawanna Aie.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
Coinfort-GiYing Shoes
The only kind that giya
it, for the summer, is our
"Service fit Kumfort" Shoes
in colors and black.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
pening lay
FRIDAY, of Weichel's
New Jewelry Store.
Every lady caller will
receive a souvenir.
Everybody welcome.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruca Street.
$1.25 Each