TIIE SCRAN TON .TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, JULY C, 1S94. T GENERAL NEWS OF . Mr. McLeod, at Atlantic City, re cently talked freely to a Philadelphia Stockholder representative about his past work with the Beading und the New EuglanJ systems. Some things that be s.id will be read with interest by friends Id Scranton. Staking of tbe Ruaiiitlg alliances that lie planned, Mr. McLeod said: I saw no other way at Hint time to ac complish an increase in the gross earn ings than to BuitHte for a larger percent -nge ot the coal output. It seemed to mo very unjust that tbe Reading's quota had been reduced from S3 to about 18 per cent., esptcially in view of its ownership of on iumed coil. J, therefore, determined to have the percentage increased. Other companies were slow to concede the Reml lug's right to a larger quota, nud I fouud it neceniary, in order to carry the point, to formulate a plan to command the an thracite coal trade, resulting in the so colled Keutfing deal of February, WJi, by which coutrul was obtained of the Lehigh Valley, the Jersey Central, ami, through co-operation, of the Lackawanna. 1 was then in position to do what I conceived to be the best for the froperity if tho Heading, name y, to increase its output of coal and ub I tain for coal higher prices. The latter were not easy of accomplishment. I had ofteu to contend ngmust great odds. A good many told nie it was practically im possible to mark up coal nud keep it up. I, of course, thought differently. I started ubout it, however, .vory. cautiously, and advances of only small size were made until prices were at a point that permitted nil emHged in the industry to make fair returns on capital invested. The miners, too.partielprted in the era of prosperity thai opened up tbe trade, and the public by no means suffered. My idea whs to have uniformity of prices, and eliminate cutting df the circular, always a demoral izing factor. I succeeded, 1 think, very well in this direction. Coal men have otten told me that times were never better in the trade thau wheu I was at the head of the Beading. . . All thisbelped tomaks Beading securities more highly regarded, and facilitated me in my project toextend the Reading's mar kets for coal. At this time, although the Kmdiug had n larger output and obtaiued higher prices for coal, it had no markets which tbe Delaware and Hudson sudu few other less consequential compauiej conld cot enter. What tho Bending required nt that Btugo was, I thought, un exclusive market. It occurred to me that New Eug laud, with its busy hives of industry, was of all sections the one for tbe Heading to secure acces to exclusively. This conld be iloue only by obtuiuiug control of the, New York anil jS'ew England and the Boston it ud Maine. I set about doiug this as speedily as practicable, with the result familiar to the public. There wad no other mm on my part and that of my associates in entering the New England territory than to widen tbe Heading's market fur coul, and talk entrant that the object was to interfere with any of Mr. Morgan's pro jects is abnuid. Mr. Morgan was not thought of In that connection. What is murv, control of the Boston and Maine and the New York and New England was Testtd iu me and my frieuua at the start. When I wrote Mr. Bice, who was in London at the time, the letter stating that the Beading was not obligated a dollar by reason ot the control of the Boston aud Maine and tbe New York and New Eng .laud, 1 stated a fact well known to a uu in cur ot people. That was in October, 18!M. The Beading, however, obtained control of the Boston aud Maine and the New York and New England in December, 18!)i Stocks of these compauies, although show ing at the time large prqiits to me and my associates, were turned over to the Read ing at original cost. The only object in buying them, iu the first place, was te in crease the Beading's earning capacity by widening its market for coal. That is all ot that story. After that tbe Beading was going along very well until the be ginning of the year 1S03, wheu tbe with drawal of Mr. Drexel's support, hitherto a source of great help to me "in attempting to serve well Beading security holders, precipitated tho receivership, it was my thought then that it would prove only tem porary, hut the point was mado plain tome in Apiilof that year that I could u n accom plish the practically impossible, having at that time to contend with overwhelming odds, aud I resigned the receivership. On tho same day tbut I resigned from the Heading I wrote out my resignations as president of this Boston and Maine and the New York and New England, but was pre vailed upon to continue at the head of the latter. I reluctantly did this, becuuse it was a mere tail to the kite, and I had no heart in it at tbe start. After 1 examined .he property very thoroughly, however, I saw a way open to make something of It as an independent concern, and originated the plan to bring the New England into N(AV York city. I alone carried the com pany over its tight period in July, 1SJ3, and was hopeful of being able to do so iu January, lt'Jt, and should have done so bnt for the snap receivership, which sup prised me as much as It did the public aud cost me much in money and otherwise, and, worst of all, eu tailed large losses on loyal friends. No liquor of any kind is sold in the 'lunch car" recently adJel to excur sion trains on tbe Lehigh Valley. An Allentown dispatch lays: 'There la tronble among the stockholders of the Lehigh Valley Traction company und it has leaked out that tbe minority shareholders who were interested in the old Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid Transit company,' which wis recently absorbed by the traction com pany, recently held a teoret meeting. Tbe meeting was oalled for the protec tion of the interests of the minority stockholders which rprsetited be tween 200,OOO and $300,000 in shares Those present were of the opinion that the piant is not being properly con ducted and that tbe minority stock holders are unable to secure any in formation concerning the-management as at present existing; that tbe lines, especially those of the Rapid Transit company, are not kept np to tbe stand ard as under the old management, and that the minority stockholders hare no means of securing any information in the matter. After tbe session of nearly two hours it was agreed that a commit tee of fire be appointed to consnlt the officers of the Lehigh Valley Traction company and secure some information relative to tbe present management and report at the call of the chair. . , Minor Indcstrui 'Notes: Sixty-eight mine foremen were commis sioned Tuesday at Harrisburg. Shipments of coal and coke over the Pennsylvania railroad coutlnuo to steadily improve. The Pennsylvania bas made a bid for business In the Lake Shore's torrltory by putting on a line of sleepers between To ledo and New York. ' The passenger department of the Phlla- delphin and Reading bas inaugurated a series of important reductions in Its local traffio rates, and good results are follow ing. .The Jersey Central's fixed chnrgeson rentals for the period from Jan. 1 to June 1, IbW, show a reduction of $107,017, com- fiared with tbe corresponding period of astyear. A number .of eastern roads are said to be in the market tor cars sicce tbe Lehigh Valley has made a move iu'tbat direction. The. Maine Central is one and. Is in the market for 1,000 cars. "" Jobs Lazarus, formerly a resident1 of Pittstoo, bnt n.sv traffic manager of tbe Indianapolis, tcatur and Western, says that along that'V.ne shippers are beginning to call for cars to load with wheat, and be MUSIS thinks most of the farmer will at once sell their surplus grain. James O'Uonnell, mine foreman for the Silver Brook Coal company at No. 1, was on Tuesday promoted to the position of general inside foreinnu in all that com pany's works at both No. 1 aud No. 3 col lieries. Tbe colliery of A. Pardee, at Ilazle mines, suspended work Mouday .evening on account of n breuk on tbe plana of No. 8 slope. The worn on the reconstruction or the plane was finished yoBteruay wneu work was resumed. ' The Scranton and W'ilkes-Burro Con solidated Coal company, chartered at Har nsburg this week, enrolls as directors Samuel N. Stetler, Minor (J Carr and Henry H. Archer. Tbe cupital is placod iu the charter at $100,000. It is not known yet how soon the Hick ory Swamp colliery, near Mc. CarineL will beubloto resume operations, as there are still several feet of water above the rail at tho bottom of the elope. The colliory was drowned out by last month's flood. One of the largest day's business in the coal trade iu the history of the Heading Eailroad company was done Tuesday. The shipments for twenty-four hours amounted to nearly 100,000 tons of authracite coal, ull of which weut over the inalu line. Sev eral traius were billed to Buffalo for west ern trade. William H. Havre, second vice-president of tho Lehigh Valley Coal company, has been con ii nod to bis room at the Iroquois hotel, Buffalo, during the past week, as the result of an accideut.that occurred last Monday. Iu attempting to board a car, he sprained a ligament iu his back and has siuto bceu almost helpless. That tired kixuxci which Is bo common aud so overpoweriug is entirely driveu off by Hood's Ssrsuparilla, the beat blood puriller. Hood's barsnparilla overcomes weakness. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. a box. Dr. Wood's Xouwav riNic Sywp cures couijh aud colds quicker thau any otner remedy, because it combiuos the lung healing quality of the pine treo with other valunUo medicines. Sold by all dealers on a guarautoe of satisfaction. NEEDS NtRVY TREATMENT. Wilkei-Hnrra I.eiirftr. Says The tc'UAXTox Tuiiiuke: "It is a curious fact, and one not without aignift cancu, that simultaneously with the move ment to build a uew court house iu Lu zerne couuty, the commissioners of that county are forced to consider the advisa bility of increasing the couuty jail. It to day contains 10 prisoners, aud the average number is continually and rapidly increasing. Luzerne is a growing county, witn respect both to wealth and population; but Luzerne is not growiug at auy where near the pce which characterizes the growtn or tne jail census and of Hi criminal dockets. Are tbe officials of the couuty doing alt they can to dicourago crime? Are they setting deterrent examples before the eye of the uncultured elements among their constituents? Is the trend of events pluinly iu the direction of a constantly bettered and stricter enforcement of law? And if not. why notf Tub Tribune's comment is timely nud Its query pertinent. Luzerne is undoubt edly not doing what she should to dis courage crime. That is she is not doing it directly. There are numerous indirect means in operation, but these will take a generation to become noticeably operative. statistics will show that the vast majority of Luzerne's too freqaent 'miciiles occur among the ignorant foreiir. . And stat istics of the courts will eh that when one of these has been prop f punished twenty-five have easily escaped. We are told that tne purpose of the law aud law's pen alty is not so much to pumsU tbe offender as to sec an example to the oommuuity. Is that what may fuirly be called setting an example or is It not fairly true that each murderer who escapes is the unconscious means of bringing about three-fold the amount of crime in which he participated? ir juries and lawyers and people generally hail the nerve to deal with this lawless class as justice aud right demand for four or five years wo should not longer suffer the disgrace ot seeing tho county jail population growing 50 per cent faster than the regularly accounted census fig ures. Public sentiment should b educated to put contempt on the weak kneed, and if these crimes do not justify hanging at least let these people begin to sudor for encouraging, abettincr, and being around iu the atmosphere of crime. Ono of the principal curses has boen that in several cases if the evidence has not justified mur der in the nrst degree, absolute acquittal has touoweu. Specimen ases. S. II. Clifford, New CasseL Wis., was troubled witn neuralgia and rheumatism. his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in llesb and strength, itnee bottles ot Elec tric Bittors cured tim. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., bad a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Halve and his leg is ound and well. John Speaker. Catawba. O.. bad five lare fever sores on bis leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Buckleu's Arnica FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. New York. July 6. The markets for securities were dull again today, only 112, 000 shares of stocks being traded In, of which American Sugar alone figured for 40,800 shares. The undertone of specula tion wns firm throughout, tho heaviness of Sugar having no iuflueuce. London started the upward movement in the goneral rail way list by tnkiug moderate umount of its specialties. Strike news fell flat, neither home nor foreign operators having paid any attention to the developments at tho west, tba general belief still being that the American Rnilwny union's move ment against the railroads will purl in failure. The lepr rting of the teriff bill to the lionte is looked upon as a bull argument by most operators ns it means an early settlement of this vexed ques tion. The advance ranged from V to 1 per cent St. Paul, Louisville and Nash ville, Burlington and Quincy and Bich moud Termiual were most prominent. Tho last named was more active at higher range on account of the progress making in the reorganization of the system. American Sugiir was the weak spot all day long and gradually dropped from J0t)J to ffi closing at the lowest point. liouaes with Washington connections were used to sell the stock. There woro rumors that the differential duty on relitioil sugar would bo taken out of the bill by the housp. The market closed Bteady fo firm at advances of yt to to for the day. Sugur lost 3 per cent. Tho following coinpioto table snowing the day's fluctuations in Active stocks Is supplied and revised dally by La Har A Pallur, stock brokers, 121 Wyomlnir avenue: Open- HUh- inv. V loo . 5Jf Am. Cot. Oil. Am 8uear... A. T. & S. F. Cnn. So. Cnp. N. J 107 Chic & N. W H'.'i O.. B. A Q Chic. Gas. 7IR.? C C.C & Bt. L.... 07 Col., Hock.Val. T I). & II 11WM D It. W .?. n.AU. F... Krle , i:jra O. K. Co SOU Lake Shore. ISNLJ . ,7 L. AM.-. Manhattan.. .. Jliw. Pao Nat. Lead..., N. Y. N. E, N. Y. Central I1."H .11.-. . 2i'a N. Y O. W lfi 1. I ., D. OS W a. s. c. to North Pac North Pao. pf 14MS Omaha Pao. Mall fteadlnfr lifj Honk Island ,. 1174 B. T 102 t. Paul (WW T..C.& 1 1111.J Texas ft P0 ' Union Pacllle lift Low Clos- eat. e"t, lntr, 27 Ti 27 KB l7 lr7! W. 5wi 6H 1(17" 107" 1U7" 10.1 105 105 77t 711'i 'Mi TlisJ Wi Sl'it- a;)i 37 B714 titiii laiy livji 24"" jit'i si" 14V 23-2 U MM M' W1H K itsu r.v ,m 11 115 16 lli 2iH 80 as'4 twy Hm Wt 15 - ISlS 2v iiii un, iiii 3jA UiW 3- m m wi, 1174 'H 67M nvi mi uil WH fin '"a ln$ wa m w m 11 14 iS'sj II' 4 western tuiou.. W.& UK V. & l E. Elf... Nil Chicago Oram and Provision u Scbasitow. Julv 5. Tlie followlfta auota- tionsare supulieu and Corro-Jtod dally by L. Cur & fuller, slock Urokers.121 Wyoming avo- uue. WHEAT. Julv. m4 67 4 tnj-i ni 4IU 4ii' J a: Ml 113 r?.v V.i Oiii er.o 150 CM Pert. ii'-S 5-11 S3t ff 4l l f -U.'i 12(10 L.'iU 1-00 rw lia'i m I; mi Den. Id'j Bl1," Opening MlKUSHt.,,,., l.owost,,,.,. Closing CORN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OAIU Opening ,,,,, IliKhest Lowest CluHiini POUli. Open ng Highest Lowest Closing LAID. Opening niKUest Lowest CIOHIIIIF HUOllT KJ13S. Opening Highest , Ltwest Cloning New York Produce Market New York. July 5. Flour-DuII and weak. Wheat Dull. Ike. lower: No. 2roa.store and elevator, '.)c; afloat, 50c; f. o. b., 60ci ungraded red, 57aOOc: No. 1 northern, tastfe,; options were ami ami weak at a decline of lKale: No. 2 red July, Mo.i August, (lOjjjc; Scptombor, OlJic; December, Cj.Vc Uokn Dull, x;io. lower, closing Ilrm; No. a, 4.V'io.eluvator: 40iii4Ci'c. afloat: options dull, lower, closing steady; i my, 4ojic: August, 40c: septomoer, 40 V, c. Oats Dull, firmer: options, dull, lower: July, 45?4'c; August, lU'c; September, ii.ic; INo. X, wnite, July, 4i4c; spot prices. No. 3. 505Jc; No. 2 white. f2a5dc: No. 2 Chicago, 5 1 a51 He: No. 3, 4D.; No. a white, 50c: mixed westtern,'5!!4a52c.; white do., 01 a 07c; white state, 51a57c. Hkev Quiet, steady. . Tierueo BKEF-0,uiet. Cut Meats Quiet, firm; picklod bellies, 73c. Lard Quiet, higher; western steam closed t7.30rt7.35; city. 0c; July, $7.30; refined, quiet; continent. $7.55; South America. ?7.85: compound. CaOc. Poiik More active, higher; mess, 1 14a H.va. Butter Quiet, steady: state dairy, 12a 17,'i'e.; do. creamery, 15al8c. ; Pennsylvania do., IBalbo.; western dairy, 10';allc. ; do. creamery, 14alHc.;do. factory, Bij'aMc; elgiiis, isc; imitation creamery, liialac Cuekse Firm, fair demand. Euos Firmer; state and Pennsyl vania, 14al4c; western fresh, BlaUa; do., per caae, f 1. 75a3. Bucklen's Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for Cut Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, halt Kheum, Fever uo Tut.... r't..t.....i -i.iiki..i. ... .v.,111. vun'jjm uauuo, VyUIIU.IIIU Cores aud all bkiu Erupticms, aud posi tively euros i'iles, or no pay required. It lteuarauteed to ive perfect eutistaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For aula bv alsttlmwa Kim M. L. Plair, alderman. Fifth ward. Scranton, Pa., slated Nov. 9; 1;S)3: "He had used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for sprains, burns, cuts, bruises and rheuma tism. Cured every time. Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph $.2 Thomas Elnton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. L - Laqeis Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrate PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Ertooaeio T TMt HioMttf Moiei. AimiaaiTiis SMimiOLiHHiTOI StEeSXSL CATARRH iihnwnviit, ThlsMlTTEOt iNHAiiTa will euro ymi. A woiHlerfiil btwtn t HulTuron 1 rntnColda, IdnroTlirotif, Inflnnvn. lirnncliltlu. imrui'Uiti rtlitf. A n aioli'nt lYImrt V. piirviinlATifc In rnrr In pnpltet. rearty to 5"" en Ur't ludlcailea of cold. tailaruuiluutniarantPixlorinonfiy refunJwd. Price, fit eta. Trial fr at Untwists, HwlKtursd nisll, Ul coum. a. 11, LlSiJlill, Ku-., l&TM Rnirl, Hut,, U. S, OtT M nta.w m MFMTHflt ia surut ami iafsnt Tmelv for I nUU eilnltlailliosMS.K'cw'ma.lwu.Halt Itneumnla fnrtt, uurus, riiti, Wondarnil rem nlrf'Jr rlLKSi. l'rlu... cl. nt Dniic n u tints or by mnl) pronsul. Acl lrouaamilKito. Dni.IT Fr sale by BlattUews llros. and John H. Plielpsi Maloten( r W ArlW- umAtt kuaranl. Imi4S hw A'JU .0110 ML. aay. mdirsoirtnir, ham by su.wwml.i. ,'i? UMrtapMluil.aMliyitll. whwlMSprlMi I , a ml tmrjnu, uur Mnrr o Ramaav i" I J aadtlnlf ran. cotil kukui Co, m, til. P Wabash p' TREHQUEY SOAP Robinson's Sons mm Cures Cholera Infantum 4 DR. W. J. MARTEN, PITTSBURGH, PA. " I have given Bovinine. in quite a number ot cases of Cholera Infantum and the so called summer complaints of children, and have been grate ful beyond my expectations with the results. has in several cases, beyond a question of doubt, averted impending death from starva tion. No other food has given the uuifonn good results that Bovinine has." For sale by all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. VHB National Esni cf Scranton. ckgajsized ia CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. FA MTJEL ITIXES.rPrPsMonl. V. W. WATSON, VIcb President A. a WILLIAMS, Cashier. CIHKCTOrtS. Samitfl HitfF. jamm M EnnnAnT, lltVINO A. FlNCn, PlEKCH B. FlNt.EV, Joseph J. Jmimy. M. t. Klmmiikii., Cuas, f. ilAUUEws, John T. Puuxiiil. W. V. Watsok. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Thls'bank lavitos the patronage ot baslneas men aud firms gemTully. Third national Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1372. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 Thin bauk nfTni'4 in drposltors firry fm'lllly wwrruiitt'd by llielr Ualiinces, bust liens Mud rHiiiniAibllity. hpi-clul attention )irn to bnslnrss ao couuta, lutuieat iiuld on time deposit. WILLIAM CONNKT.t, rrsldrnt. UKO. II. ATI,1N, Vlco-Frrsldont. WILLIAM 11. l'Jitli, CshleK DIRECTORS. Wllllftm Connell, Ceorgr II. Catlla, Alfred Hand. Jauiss Anlilld, Hinry Hlin, Jr, William T. HuiUli Lntbsr K.ll-B P 1 ii I Commoralti) B.d'g, SCHANTO.V, VX MINING andBLASTING Hade at tha JIOOSIO anrl KU8H DALK WOP.Kd. Lsfllin & Earnl PowJor Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electric Batlerlos, Fusoi for eiploJ lug blasts, bafdty Fuse aud RcpatinoChemical Co.'s High Explosives s Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, ; Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and HUNT & COMELL CO. MQQSIC mm POWOEH eeds and iood len eserve iood Clothes 00 GOOD BOOICS ONE of the strong une's equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to- date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania. Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those M tichromes fhem oimd The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. Itwillmake special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America lllastrated Series Mtichrome Series Or Any Other Series A 11.1 1 ind do tne woric so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PHYM1 lAMli AMli MUOf.ON.S. 1")B. O. EDGAR DEAN has remoTed to 611 Hpruoe street, Scranton, ts. (Just op roslte coari-taouse fequare) 1)K. A. J. (.ON NELL, Office 3UI Weebingtoa avenue, corner Spruce street, orer f nncke s drug store. Koidonce, KB VUe St. 2!?u.r': I"- to 12 a. m. and S to and w p.m;jBniiQY, x to a p. m. K. W. 1 ALLEN, llfflna -or t.k u J- lilJJVil , U1UDB COr. XjltCEeV Wnnnsi anrl WioVilnt,. . t -. .n. hbuiiik imu ares, , uvvr idWJlf ra sboi Btore; ollice houri, 11) to 12 a. m. huJ v Mp'fin,; V0liil4f 6 rtwiUttuo e tvn am 1)K.UL. FKrJY, Practice limitod to VI "hS ?.f, Ear. Noee aud Tbroati office, L3 Wyoming- are. Beeldonce, W Viae street. DK. L.M. OATES. 126 Washington Avenus. Ollice hours, S to W a.m., I.JO to U aud to 8 p.m. Kesldenoe Jul) Mdl8on avenue 1011N L WKNT2, M. U, OlUoe, K aud M O Commonwealth building: residence 711 Madlsonave: office hours. 10 to la, x to 4, T to ; bmidays 2.30 to 4. evoulntrs at residence. A speclnity made of dirennoa ot the eye, ear, nose and throat aud tryneoolotry. LAW YKKS. M. O. RANCK B Law and Collection of. uto.nu. on miruce St., opposite f orest a- Bcranton, Pa,; collectiouoa speolaltv throukthuut Pennsylvania; reliable corruepoud eiits in every couu ty. T & HAHU , Attornuye and Counsel ' iors At Law. tuiimmmHiii. ...t;.i... . Watdungton av w. II. Jassi p. Horace K. Hand, w. u. j ess up, J a. W1LI.AHD. WARItKN A KNAH1. Attjr. pATTKHSUN St WILCOX, Attorneys auJ tuildiug, bcrautou, fit. HOSWF.X H. rATTlrO10, rrii.MAH A. WILCOX. LFUEDIIANI) WIT.T.Tiu r iiivn a til-nuue r'.. II n,'. ... bmldinif. Hoomn 19, W and 2L V. BOYLE, Attorney at-Law.Nos.19 and 20, liurr building. Washington avenue II ENHY 11. HEELV -Law building, 12U Wttslilngton avenue. HANK T. OKr.LL, Attorney at Law. LMlJK5dan'tn- Brranton. Pa. Boom MILTov w t Att ys, KS Washin h. von PTonciL ( ton av., C. II. aouare 1 AMKS W iui:;,.tjn a . . ' ronnmea. fri and 115. Commonwealth b'l'g. N.m ;! .W Alt, Attorney at Law. iuuo, on oprucest., ecrautoo, l a. A. WATMES, Attorney at Law, 42J l J. Lackawanna ane.. Bcranton. Pa P. kmitu 11 , rooms 64, 65, US Commonwealth bnllding I It. PITCHKH IMn.. T ... vv, monwea!th bullninv H.nt..n p' Com C. CUMEUY8, lf!l Horuco st D H. kKl'LllUI.F. i i tmtod on real estate secnrlty.iOn Bprnce B i. KILL AM, Attornerat-Law, VJi Wy ominif avenue, Scranton. SC IIOOI.S CCHOOLOK THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collogt or business: thoroughly trains voung children. Cutalogue at request. Rev. Thomas M. CAnx Waltkb H. Buei.l. MISS WORCESTEK'3 KLNDERQARTEN and Kcliool, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil received at all times. Next term will open April . okNiivrs. w Til. A. TAFT. D.D.S., 101 North Wnsl 1 In.rfn A t.n n 1 . .. 1 n.nli. - - M'h'u ..w. inn v .11 I III Restorations. Crown and BridRe Work. CI C. LACBACH, burgeon Deutist, No, 11 J, Wyoming ave. K-M-f-T K A TT( N. ofll-. foul Kifhn. LOANS. THE REPUBLIC Bavings and Loan Asso ciation will loan you money on easier term and pay you better on Investment than an other association. Call on 8. N. CALLK.N nT(. T'm Tin bnildlnir GR. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen, Florist and Nurserymen; store 146 Washington avenue: green bouse, ljjd North Main avouue store telephone 7H2 TKAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jonos Broa WIRE R ItEhNS. TOS. KUETTEL, 6iS Lackawanna avena." Krrsrtim. Pa., re annf'r of Wire Sere.-ni HOTELS AND KESTACRANTR. '1'UE W EST Jl INST E It, 217-219 Wyomini X ove. Rooms heated with steam: all inc' era Improvements. C. M. TaiiMAW, Prop. rpiIE ELK CAFE, 123 and 127 Franklin ave- J. nuo. Kates reasonable. r.juiw i.EH. Proprietor. w1 - vi. iivuu.u i, aanager. Bixtoenth street, one block east of Broadway. Bt lTt,i.,n V V .. Ml n unlicvm. V....WU k'tii..ic., iiui. BUrJU Amerlran plan, SioO per (lar and upward. COYNE HOUbE! Euroneon plan; ood rooms. Open day and night Uar 'suv plied with the best P. H. roTNE. Proprietor, SCRANTON HOUSE, near D., L. ft W. pas senger depot Conducted on the European plan. Victoh Koch, Proprietor. C" RAND CENTRAL. '1 he largest and besT X equipped hotel in Allentown. Pa.; ratal f 2 aud fcH-Mpor day. Vicroit D. Barner, Proprietor. AltCH ITECT9. AVIS & HOUPT, ArclilteoU. Rooms 21, 26 and 2rt Commonwealth b'ld'g. Scranton. L. WALTER, Architect, Library build J incr. Wyoming avenue, Scranton. F L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price bnildine.iai Wasblngton Ave.,!icranton. MISt Kl LANKOtS. liAUF.R'S ORCHESTRA - MU810 FOR J) balK picnics, partioa, reoeptiona wed dinirs and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulliert'B music storo. ORCHESTRA - MU810 H ORTON D. SWART3-WHOLESALB lumOer, rrlce liulhling, Frrnnton, Pa. MLGAKGLE BUOTIIEIW, PRINTERS' Mipplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Bcrantop, Pa. 10jTE"S LIVERY. VM lapouso avenue. I First class earriagos. D. L. l OOTE, Agt. Funeral Director and Embalmer. iRANK P. BROWN ft CO., WHOLE J sale dealers In Wood ware, Cordage aud Oil Cloth, 7"0 W. Lncka wanna avenue. IZUA FiNN ft SONS, builders and rontrao J tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash st aud Penn ave., Scranton. The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. New York Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. KICKER & CO, Sola dealers in this section. OITICB-m Adams At., Telephone BTd'g Enreka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Uitar Hocsa tkjUAKm, Alt tlnds of Lauudry work gnsrantetJ the best, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. 6CRANTON AND WILKEft-BABRft PA, MAKOFAOIUKKBa Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF It J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, lnsurlnj cleaullness and comfort. TIME TABLE IS EFFECT MAT 20, IBM. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkea. Parrn. nf. f fl !il. U IK II 3ft u . inn R..mfimi 19 11 nr. n m k;.,.r...'o,.. . i.uoraisir.iop: : ' ,- ror Auantio citv, B.-n a. m. For New York, Newara and Elizabeth, S.20 lllfmul m n. VI r.i f ... . parlor car), 8.ao (express) p. m. Bunday, tla For MAttcr Citttnk, Am.kntown, Betbl hem, Eabtom and 1'hiladei.phiI, D.au a. m.. i.r, p.n t.exoepc rnuaaeiphlai p. in. Bunday, 2.15 p. m. ' For Lono Bhahcr, Oceas Grove, etc, at 8.20 (wiih turougii car) a. m li.p. m. For Rending, Lebanon aud Harrisburg, via Allentowy, 8.20 a. m., IZZO, 6.00, p.m. Sunday. 2.16 p. m. ror I'uiuiviiie, o..a. m., rj.uip, m. Hatlivnlni. l-n .m V... V . . . It.. --. v ........ , Hn.uA.un . " a , iwfc ui uiueriv Blrect, North river, at a 10 (express) a. m., i.i", i.tju, ..n luxpreiw witu cuiiot parlor car) p. m. Bunday, 4 l a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, 8.QD a. m., 2.00 and 4.1U p. m. Bunday, 6.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowost ratu may be had on application in advance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. . Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLDAL'SEM. Gen. Bupc. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing May Ht. 1892, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridfre Street Station. Hcranton, for Pitts- aTirfeJVV ..'"i " "aew-oarre, etc., e.tw, "a m lTHl i ii7 u:i7 Ku;. m vim ff 3 2.:.'4.1t;; 6.1a, 9.1j ffW r and 11.D6 p. m. f f' For Now York and Phlla- delphla, 00a. jw, U.10, '..Si, 2 W. 1.10 and U.flOp. m. For IIonesdale(trom Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7.0U, H.11U, 10.10 a.m., lli-UU m., i. 17, 5. 10 p. in. For Carbondalo and intermediate stations, 5.40, 7 00, .:, 10.10 a. m 12.00 m.,2.17, 8.,5.10, 6 :&t and 9 Xi p. m.; from Bridge Utreet Depot! 2.ll a.m.. 2.17andli:i6p. m. Fast express to Albany, Paratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains Bost in and New England points. 5.40 a. m., arriving at Albany 12.45. HarutoKn 'Z.'M p. m. .and leaviitg Scranton at '2.17 p. m., arriving at Albany atS.50 p. m,, bara toga, 12.55 a, m , and Boston, 7.00 a m. The only direct routo between the coal fields and Boston. "The Loading Tourists' Routa of America" to the Adirondack .Mountain re sorts, Lakes lieorge und Chainplain, Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may bo obtaiued at all Delaware and Hudson ticket orhYes. 1L O. YOUNG. J. W. BUHDICK, Second Vice President Gen. Pass. Agt. M AV IS, Lint Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. ft H. R H. at 8 a.m , 12.10, 18S and 11.86 p. m via D , L. ft W. a ., UO, LOS, 11.20 a.m., and 1.3) p. ui. Leave ISeranton for Pitts ton and Wilkss Barre via D.. L. ft W. R. K., 1.00, &08, Il ia) i. a ,1.80. a&u. 6.07, S.'iO p. ra. Leave Kcranton for Wbtto Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all point on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. ft W. 640 a.m., via D. ft H. R. K. at 8 a.m., 12.19, ;38, 4.10 p.m via D., L. ft W. B. R, 6.00, &JA, 1.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.69 p-m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. leading, Harrisbnrg and all intermedials ;olnt via D. ft H. R, R., 8 a.m.. 12.10. t;.l ll.ii vm.,vla D., L. ft W. R. R..6.UO,8.08, 11.20 a. m, .80 p.m. Leave Scranton fnrTnnkhannock, Towanda, ilmlra. Ithaca, Goneva and all intermediite joints via D. ft H. K.R..H U7 a.m., 12.10 and 11.31 -s m..via D. L. ft W. K. R., 8.0H a.m, 1.30 p. ra. Lonve Hcranton for Ruchester, Buffalo, Nl .gara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all points ivestviaD. ft H. R. R., 9.07 a.m.,12.10,0.15,11.8i X m., via D. L. ft W. R. R. and Pittetoa Innction. 8.08 a m., 10, 8 &o p. in., via E. ft W. i.R., 8.41p.m. for Elmira and the west via Salsmanoi, via . tt K. R. 8.07 a.m.. Ii 10.0.15 p. ra., via D, ' ft W. R.K.. ,8.08 a.m., 1 and B.07 p. m. Pullman parlor an 4 sleeping orL. v. chair ars as all trains between L. ft B. Junction or ffllkts-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, luffalo and Suspension Bridge. OLLI H. WILBUR, Gen. Bupt East DIv. CHAS. H. LIE. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Phil.. Pa. V W.NONNETiACHEB.Asa't Qen-Pass. Ag't, Dn...K 't..kl.l,.n, Ti- DELAWARE, " LACKAWAKNA""AWO WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express or New York and all points East 1.40, 2.50, 16, 8.00 and 9.5o a. m.; 12 5i and 3.50 p. m. Express for Easton, Tronton, Philadelphia ad the South, 6.15, 8.00 and i.ti a. m.; Uil nd3.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.65 p. m. Tobyhanna aocomnedatton, 6.10 p. m. Exur as for Blnghamton, Osweio, Elmira, orning. Bath. Daasville, Mount Morris and luSalo, 12.10, 2 15 a, ra. and 1 24 p. m., making lose connections at Buffalo to ail points In tba West Northwest and Southwest Bath accommodation. 9 a. m. Binghaniton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicnolsoa accommodation, at p. m. and 6,10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, 8.05 p, m. Expross for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. CUca and Richfield Spraaga, 2.15 a. m. and Lm p. m. Ithaca. 116 and Bath Pa. to. and U p. m. For Northumberland, Pittuton,Wllkes.Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Dauvll making close connections at Northumberland for Willtanuport Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate stations, O fJO, 9.55 a. m. and 1-30 and 8-07 p. m. Nanticoae ana intermediate stations, 8. W and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intermediate stations, 80 and 8. 5-' d. m. . Pullmon parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. . . ... For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, flty teket offlpe, 828 Lackawannaavenue. or depot ticket omc. VTEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN IN RAILWAY CO. T1U TAHI.I IN H'l'ECT SUNDAY, JUKfi 24. Trains leave Scranton for Carbondale at 8.30, 10.55 a.m. and 111' i p.m. For Hancock Junction, 10.55 a.m. and 6.10 p.m. Trains leave Hancock Junction for Foran ton. 6a.m. and 2.0,1 p ra. Trains lenvo Carbondale for Scranton at 7 24 a m. and 8.34, 6.34 p.m. RCRAT.N ITIMflN. In KITert June 8 lib, 1804. North Bound. Stout li Bound, 805 103 :i01 gr-g j3 a. 202, M 200 Stations nr . . u (Trains Pally, KxJSfi.S & cepunuliy) p iq a Arrive Leavei A Ml N. Y. Franklin St. 71 7 55 810 .... T 1 .... 700 West 4nd street weehawken Arrlva Leave MP M' 80i l i5i SE1S9-- 'llttUCOOK JllllCtlOUl 6 (Xl II Hoi .... lluncook 06: II '11 .... SlnrllL'ht 618 6 2.-I 6 31 64 6 45 6 55 8 22 .... 831 .... 941 r a 950 450 9 58, 4 5 8l 6 05 8 09, 5 08 8 19, 6 18 S.Hl 5 34 7 61 l46 .... 7 4r.l40A M 7 wiiaa.vioio, 7 3!1I2 imiooi! 7l2 08l 9 Mil Tl,l9 9 48I 7 Odi 1 1 19, MSs! Preston park t'oino royntcllo ' Belmont Ploasaut hit. I'nlondnle Forset tity Caibndale White Hidge Mnytlcld Jii'iiiyn Archibald Wlntcm Pcokvlllo Olvpbant Dlcksnn Throop Prnvldeiica raik Place reran ton 10(8 710 0 511181 91.V 6 4Hflla0 9 7S4 87 18 8HI 6 87 f0 4! . ... 110 0 t! 82 i 43 f5 4!i 6 41111 t, 9 03 7 81 8 45 6 45 74U 8 61 6 51 743 8 64 6 61 748. 8 59 6 59 7(9 4 0l 6 04 7541 4 071 607 710! 410 610 8 H 4 14! 6 14 80&I4 17 6 16 8051 4 0 'JO 8511 W 8 57 A 811X1115! 854 6:ijn hi b no iiiii ui, en. 6 21 '11 0V 8 41 619110:11 HSU 6 11 11 I" 8 8(1 fO 13 (IIWi 8 33 6 10 10: 5 8 3a Leave Arrive! A MP Mr H All trains run dally except Sunday, f. dignities that trains stop on signal for pa, songsrs. M'uure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day and K logt itipreaa to the wept. J. C. Anflorson, Gsn. Pass. Agt T. Flltcrott, Dir. Pass, A't. Bcrauton, Pa. General Office, SCRANTON, FA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers