TIIE SCRAETON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOKNIJSG. JULY (J, 181H. MATCHLESS SHAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AV& VftEB, fill AW, imi'ksow, newknoland FINEST LINE IN THE CITY row THE PK1CE3. Ktff AND SECOND HANI) ALL I'lilCCS GOOD BREAD USE TIIE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO 1UE TBADB BY The Weston MID Co, EEWARB -0? COUNTERFEITS J THE BEMUIHE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE IMITU'S G. B. 8c Co., Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'a. DR. H. B. WARE removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. PERSONAL Edwin Schwartzbnrg, of Milwaukee, la in the city. MisB Anna May Barrot, of this city, is visiting: in Aichbald. (i. W. Kuooic, of BoBton, and F. F. Snow, of Detroit, ara guests at the Wyo ming. Miss Mary Mclliich, who attended Bthm.l for the pnst terra at a young la dii'k'xvminnry in Maryland, returned home to tlilncity yosterdny. ViUt Emalene Killam, of Green Ridge, 11 nd her friend, lrn. Moore, of1 Philadel phia, lt-urn today for Paupack. where they will tpov.i most of the summer. Eugere Kluberg, the Penu avenue mor cliunt, Mi ut 10 tbl moruiug for New York. He will anil tomorrow for Ger many and be abroad for two mouths. W. A. Barrett, jr., preldeut of the Philadelphia (Jar Equipping company and treacurer of the Pottsvillo EUctiic Rail way company, and J. W. Perry, mnnatrer f the electric department of the H. V. JoIiii'h Manufacturing company, of Phila delphia, are tho guests of timicral .Mana ger J. It. B.-etora, of the Scrantou Trac tion company. Those to whom Clsrk i f the Courts John H. Thomas .yesterday grunted marriage license were George Davl-, MooHic, Mary James, b'cratitmi; Joiopn J. Williams and Mary Ann Morgan, i-crnnton: Patrick Ruddy ami Urilpret Paytuu, Dunmore: Henry Martyn, Jermyn, and Jlary E. , Stephens, Aluylleld; James Carpening and Lizzie Cawley. fc'cranton; Daulel Evans and Promella Ilein, Peckvillo. HOME F.0R CRYSTAL COMPANY. Competitive Plana for One to Be Adver tised for by the Mayor. Mayor Conmll yesterday approved tbe following resolutions: Directing the city clerk to advertise for competi tive pluiis for a house to be e reeled on the lot on Mulberry street south of the city laildin;;. The bniUing will be .owned by the city and 1 to contain rooms and suitable quarters for the Crystal H ..vmpaiiy, and the chief of the fire department; also qmirters 1 or the patrol w a no 11. Artsointioo directing; the city en gineer to prepare plans, make epacih cations and an estimate of tbe cost for the paving of Lackawanna avenue from the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern crossiug to Ninth street with moun tain stone block, asgkgmuts to be made according to the foot front rule, was also approved. Hallo Boxes Exclusivity. Best made. Play any desired number of ttines. Uautscbt & Sons., manufacturers, 1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derful orchestrial organs, only t5 and f 10, fcpecialty! Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes, Ecranton's Basinets Interests. Tiik Tribunb will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Bcran ton nd vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound Id book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure Views of our public build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work has ever given au equul rep resentation pf Bcranton's mauy indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Bent to persons outside tbe city, copies of this handsome work will attraot new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of tbe city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fall of good results to those concerned as well as the oity at large. Representative of TUB Tribunb will call upon thobb Whosb hamks ara desired lu tbis edition and explain its nature more fully. - Those desiring views of heir residences in this edition " Ji ave notice at the office. PIANOS QRSAnS 0 ft Foe to Dyspepsia 1 11 SHOW WHITE NEWS OF WEST SIDE 1 v Reception Tendered to Dr. Josepb Parry In First Welsh Church. THE MANY EjJttQIJENT SFEECHES Dr. Parry Responded to in a Feeling Manner Miss Alma Jones and Mrs. Cordelia B. Owens Injured by Falling from Porches Recital Given by the Pupils of Miss Delong. Other Notes. The West Side office of the Scrantos Tuibunk is located at 113 North Main ave nue, where, subscriptions, advertisements and communications will receive prompt attention. The auditorium of the First Welsh Congregational church on South Main avenue was filled with people last even ing at the reception to Dr. Josepb Parry, the eminent musical composer of Wales. The meeting was a most enthusiastic one, and a high tribute was paid to tbs eminent Welshman. Judge dwurds was cbnirmau and opened the meeting with an address, in which he heartily welcomed Dr. Parry amoug bis coun trymen and hoped that ou bis return he would tell the people on tbe other side of the Atlantic-of the general feel ing of the people here. Rev. David Jones, the pastor of the church, was then Introduced. He gave n short address in Welsh, in wbfeb he stated that be was well acquainted with tbe eminent man in Wales. Judge Edwards culled upon Attorney W. Gay lord Thomas, who spoke in English. He said be win very nappy to 0 pres ent and proud to testify to tbe abilities of Dr. Parry as a musician. "I hope the time is not fur distant," be said, "when tbe child, Doth male omi iniilfl shall receive a musical education universally. Dr. Parry is worthy of all tbe honors we can be stow upon bun, There is no Welshman who adopts tbisountry as bis bom, but what becomes patriotic and a good and patriotic American. There are no anarcbistio or socialistic ideas in him. This I attribute to tbe refining and elevating qualities of muiio in which the Welshman is so proneient, it Im bues a Wan above these ideas. Music thrills the soul. To Dr. Parry we ac cord the highest honors that we can bestow upon him." In closing he turned to Dr. Parry spying: "Aow, my dear friend, when you return to your borne and friends, do not forget your kino welcome here." Hou. Morgan P. William, of Wilkes B trre, then spoke In Welsh, paying a uiga tribute to Dr. Parry, and bis witticisms kept tbe audience in laugh ter. A. J. Colborn, jr., made a very neat speech and as Judge E lwards put it, altbongb be was uot a Welshman, he tame very near to being one, as he was born in Somersetshire, near Wales. Mr. Colborn said: "I recognize Dr. Parry as a great man and composer, and extend to him the warmest welcome. At tbe eisteddfod in Wilke9-Barre some years ago, the whole audience, by request of Govern or Beavers, arose aud sang tbe old re surrection hyma in a beautiful man ner, It was soul-inspiring tbougb it was unknown to me. My heart throb bed and my eyes filled with tears. The influence of tnusio was great. We, with hearts ot friendly greeting, turn to Dr. Parry and welcome him. Not as a stranger, but as a friend; and in closing all that I can say is "God bless bim " Benjamin Hngbes spoke in the Welsh I inguuge and Dr. Parry was the last speaker. Iu words of love nod ten derness he referred to tbe kindly feel ing of bis countrymen toward bim sod credited tbe people here as beiug tbe brst to speak to mm or cultivating bis talent in the musical line at London. He afterwards gave a short address in Welsh. At the close Dr. Parry sang one of bis own compositions entitled, "Make New Friends, But Keep tbe Old, accompany himself on tbe organ. He is an excellent vocalist aud the selection was much enjoyed. This evening Dr. Parry will lecture on "Music la Mem ball. HAD THEIR ARtfS INJURED. Two Young- Ladles Fall from Porob.es With Serious Eno. Miss Alma Jones, the young daughter otJJ.iuiel Jones, or .north Garaeld ave nue, was puluiully injured yesterday afternoon by having two botftsin her forearm broken. The girl was playing on th pdreh in front of her home, and in making n misstep fell to the ground striking on her arm Dr. J. J. Huberts was summoned and found that the child's arm bad received a serious fracture. The bones were set. An accident of a similar nature oc curred yesterday on North Lincoln av 'nue. Cordelia, tbe winsome young daughter of Jrir. and Mrs. William 13. Owen, bad the forearm of her right arm sprained by railing rrotn a porch. The child was playing and accidentally fell over, Dr, Allen whs called and found the sprain so bud that tbe arm had to tie broken before it could re ceive proper treatment. MRS. "DELONG'S PUPILS' RECITAL. It Was Given List N.ght in Cltrk's Hall to a Pleased Audleaoe. Tbe pupils of Miss Mary DeLong, piano teacher on South Maia uveuue, g ive a piano recital last evening at Clark's hall. The room was tastefully decorated with cboics flowers, and the puplf, arrayed In white costumes, presented a pretty appearauce. The pupils wure accompanied by Professor II. J. Bauer on the violin. Their work on the piano was splendid ti mi snowea great care aua patience on tbe part of tbuir teacher. Among those who participated were Misses Anna and Daisy Poole, Etbel Itlnker, Rachel Jones, Lydia Sailer, Cora Storms, Maud Sterner, Gertie Loomis and Allan Bauer and Everett Delong. Misses Storms and Sailer sang some very bean tiful selections. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Miss Maud Hubbard, of Carbondale, Is Visiting mends in town. Arja Davies, of Port Orange,, N. J., is visiting menu on mis siue. Gomer Williams, of Chestnut street, has reiurueu irom miaes-Barre. D. J. Davies, of Eynon street, returned Picnic Parties, Excursion Parties, Concerts, Athletic and Other Societies, can have POSTERS of the most attractive kind, and of the best workmanship, prinfed at 'short "notice at THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. yesterday from a visit With bis brother, Jonah Davies, at Hazleton. Drink Carey's old-fashioned Cronk beer. Sold at 12ti Jackson street. Families sup plied at short notice. Tbe Sloan and Hampton mines and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western ma chine shops will be paid today. Mrs. Matthew Gross, of Wilkes-Barre, returned borne yesterday from a visit with frieuda on North bumuer avenue' John Haunon, a young boy of 8 years, is now stopping at the home of John Larkiu, ef 'Price street. The lad Baid that he was lost, but is unable to state where he is from. He is darJc companioned with red hair. Maggie Montgomery, a woman well known to the police, came to the station house last night and requested Officer Lowry to lock her up. Her wish was grat ified. She then begau to rave about a child which had been taken away from her, aud call earnestly for Jack. The wo man's screams could be beard for blocks. The case was anuounced as "delirium tre mens." ALDERMAN POST REVERSED. Hi Judgment Did Not Stand ia Oelbert and HcQarrah & Thorns Cases. Alderman Post's jalgment in the esses against Mies Emma E. Gelbart and McGarrah & Thomas was reversed in court yesterday. Both were con victed before the alderman for viola tions of the Sunday law. Tbe merits of tbe oases were not passed upon, tbe alderman being reversed because tbe information in the cases and the rec ords belonging to them were not com plete. Other certiorari oases iu which aldermen were reversed were: C P. Ford agalust Patrick Quinn; Martin Walsh against Ann Walsh; LukeSoott and others against Bridget Boland; John Kimball against Adam Thomp son. ' Bulos absolute City of Seranton against M. A. Jenkins, rule to ODen ludiiment; C. It. Putmau against J. A. Barron, rule to amend lien; Lackawanna county against Joreph Sominere, rulo for judgment. Argued John Powell. against borough of Dunmore, rule to takeoff nun suit: RoD orteou & Stone against George High Held, rule to take off judgment; Josiab Paff and otDers, executors, against wiiuam 1. Muitli and others, oase statea: a. A. ue- pu;' against J. A. Brady, rule for new trial. Submitted Nellie Ressigule against bamuel KesHiuuie. rule lur deoree in ai- vorce: ia mutter of adoption ot W. J.. William and Edward Edwards, Leah Hooreak and Robe Etta Deau. Continued John D. Bovles' sons against Hamburg, Bremen, Fire insursnae com pany, rule for new trial; Sprlug Brook Railroad company against Lehigh Coal and Navigation company, exceptions to report of master; H. B. Boaramnn agaiust rrancis 3. Uourdman, rule for alimony. Stricken off lint James Johnson & Co. against Sophia New mau, rale to dissolve attachment' CHAUNCEV M. DEPEW TO SPEAK HERE Proposed Address for Benefit of Sberldan Monument Association. Chnnncey M. Depew will be invited by the Sheridan Monument association to deliver an address in this eity next month, the proceeds to be for the bene bt ot the monument fund. A eommittee ot prominent citizens will be selected to personally extend the luvitatioos. At lust eveniug's meeting of the select council Job'i E Roche offered the following resolution which was adopted: Whereas, the Philip H. Sheridan Mon ument aseociation, of Scrantou, Pa., is chartered for the mimosa of erectinsan equestrian statue memorable of the Tate General Sheridan, on Court -House square. or tins city, ana Whereas, for tbe purpose ot their organ ization the said association is about to ex tend an Invitation to Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, of New York, to speak in this. city during tbe coming autiimn; therefore, be it Resolved, that we, the select couucil of the City of Scrantou, Pa., in session as sembled, heartily join in the proposed in vitation to Mr. Depew, and, we earnestly hope that he will favor this city with his .presence at tne time ana tor me purpose named: and Da it runner ResQlvod, that this preamble and resolu tion do suitauiy engrossed oy tne presmenc and attested by tho clerk, that his honor, tbe mayor, be requested to present the same to Air, Depew. THE FIREWORKS EXPL00ED. Soo Hoo Doo'e Jupauet Stock Was En tirely Consumed. At 3 30 yesterday morning a quantity ot fireworks exploded in tbe Japanese goods store of &o lloo Do on Wash ington avenue near Linden street. The plate glass front and door were blown into the street and the store's interior waa immediately a mass of fltmes. Soo Hoo Doo aud his wife were asleep in the living apartments at the rear of the store at the time, but were uninjured and made their escape from the back door. District companies responded quickly to the alarm turned' in by Druggist Koeuipel. whose store is on the corner and adjoining the place of Soo Hoo Doo. A he fumes were coufiued to tbe store, but were extinguished only after tbe stock was completely consumed. It was valued at f'i.uUO and was cov ered by only a email amount of ineur auce. Tne damage to tbe building is protected by insurance held by tbe owner, E. R. Parker. Dr. Elton M. Green's office on tbe second il)or was but slightly damaged, So lloo Doo and bis wife were rendered homeless by tbe fire, but were shtltured by Julge nnl Mir. Hand, whose residence Is on the oppo site side or the street. LANG IS A DANGEROUi MAN. He Threatened to do Bodily Harm to Baker Waldner. Peter Laujr, of the West Side, re freshed himself beyond the limit of sobriety on July 4th, and met Baker F.,(i. Waldner. for whom he used to woikusa bread mixer, Four months ago he left Walduer's s-rvie but on different occasions, prior to that be was diiicbarued for drunkonnes. He threatened to do Waldner bodily harm, and a warrant caused bim to ap pear and answer tbe oharge yesterday He could not furnish bail and Alder man Fitzsimmons committed him to the county j-iil, "I will get free board for two mouths." remarked Lang, as he was led off to Hotel Fabey. MRS. FR.ALEY CRANTE0 A DIVORCE". Fre d from the Hatband She Poesesetd Only ia Name. Mrs. Ann C. Fruley. ot the West Side, was yesterday granted a divorce from John W, Fraley. They were married twelve years ago, but Fralev abused his wife and refused to support ber. Sbe sued bim for destrlion and be was sent to jail and direoted to pay her a stipulated sura eacb month. After being released from jail Fraley did not again live with his wife, neither did he support ber as directed. He is now a resident ot Daihorf.lt is said. Pterleet Freeitr Tbe best ice cream freezers. Twenty left and will close them out today at cost. Come early and get one. THOS. F. LlOltARD, ' . 505 Lacks, ave. NOTES SOUTH SIDE Funeral of John Doud from Bis tile Home on Fear Street. ANOTHER SOCIETY FORKED Harry Welde Will Bo Taken to His Home Today He Improved! Rapidly Yesterday Fire In Mrs. Dippre's House in SchimpfF Court Con siderable Opposition to the Pro posed Sewer Minor News Notes and Personals. The funeral of the late John Dond was largely attended from bis late home 433 Pear street yesterday tuorn- ing. The remains were taken to St, John's church wbere a high mass of requiem was sung by Iter. Father Walsh. The pall bearers wois Peter Walsb, James Gallagher, Mich.iel Crane, Law rence Sharkey, John Brown and Pat rick Gallagher. Interment was made iu Hyde Park Catbolio cemetery. ALBERT HUHN'S NARROW ESCAPE. Prompt Aotlon of a Driver Saved Him from Injury. Little Albert Huhu, son 0! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hubn, of Cherry street, bad a narrow escape from serious' in jury at Wyoming and Lackawanna av enues yesterday afternoon, ibe boy slipped away from bis mother and was almost under the feet of a team of horses, when tbe prompt action of tbe driver averted what would have bseu a serious accident. A child of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, of Fig street, was quite seriously burned with fireworks. Mrs. Martin was also burned. OPPOSED TO THE SEWER. Many Property OWaere Do Not Look on It with Favor. Tbe ordinance creating tbe Seven teenth sewer district in tbe Eleventh, Twelfth and Nineteenth wards wbisb passed first and. second readings at last night's council meeting is creating muob unfavorable comment, especially in the Nineteenth ward. Many property owners say that at tbis time it would be a hardship for tbm to pjy a large sewer asseement and they want' tbe building of a sewer delayed until the times become better. A YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY. It Was Formed Last Night by fitv. Ed ward Lang. Tbe Rev. Edward Lang, of St. Paul's churob, Prospect avenue, organized a Young People s society lust eveniug which Is Intended to further the inter ests of the congregation. Tweuty-four young people enrolled. A concert will be given in tbe near future. WELDE IS fUCOVERING. He Will Be Taken to His Home on Blroh Street Today. Harry Welde. the young man wbo was Injured in tbe bicycle raees at tbe Driving park on Wednesday, is greatly improved. He will be taken from the hospital today to the home of bis parents, oi Birch street. FIRE IN SCHIMPFF'S COURT. Started in the House of Mr. Dippre, by Firework. At 3 15 yesterday afernoon a fire broke out in Mrs. Dippre's house in bohimr tf s court. It was caused by fireworks. Tbe Century Company responded to the alarm and extinguished the llszs be fore much damage was done. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Mrs. George Beamish, of Pitta ton avenue, is 111. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hof mitstor are sick. John H. Brooks roturned from Dover, N, J., last evening, Little Amy Miller, of Slocura street, is raporiea muMiug. Mutbew B, Lynett, of Honeedale, spent uuiy wun Disirieaus on mis siuo. Andrew Connolly, of Bloonisborg, was visiting menus on uircn street yesterday. Mrs. Eichborn, of Prospect avenue, is able to be about agaiu after a serious ill nets. Mtsa Eflle Carpenter, of TJoiondale, is visiting juibs aiujigie ttocue, or Cherry street. It was Daniel Welsh's hon e which took Ore on July 4,. and not Kelley s, as re ported. Mrs. Benjamin McGinnes, of Philadel phia, is visiting Mrs. Maiming, of Cedar avenue. Commissioner Kirst and a score ot city employes laid tho dust on a number of the streets on this side last eveuiug. A son was born to Mr. aud Mrs. John Sweeney on July 4, ami in honor of the day they will call mmueorge Washington The Irish Catholic Benevolent union of Hyde Park will hold a picnio at Central Park garden on Saturday afternoon aud eveuiug. Rev. Father M iuley, of 3i Mirv's Col lego, Baltimore, aud Dr. Pter Mauloy, of l arooiitinie, spent tue Jfourtu with Dr. J. A. Alaulov, ul lJititon avenue. tonight at the Young Women's Chris tian association rooms on Cedar avenue will be held a sewing and reading circle, All ure coruiaiir invited to atcpud. Miss Llzjiie Burns won a ring in com petition from Mini Lizzie Mullen at the Harvard picnic Tuesday. The cake oon test was won by Miss Lucy Logging., The smell nrisina from the gutter ut t.hn eeri er of R-miugtou avenue and iilin street Is (o ttni:rr as to constitute a num. anon and should be attended to by the proper amnorities. A rumor was extensively circulated among the residents or this side last even lug to the effect that Patnck Donnelly, of neecn street, uaa Deeu suot oy a rounder, Jit was wituuut foundation. OFFICER ROCHE' i CLEVER WORK. II Caused Mania Hurray to B Lodged Behind Bar. The patience aud clever work of Of ficer David' Roche were rewarded yes terday by tbe capture of Martin Mur rey, a horse thief, near the West mouu- tain. Murray was formerly a huckster iu tbis city, but left bare about two years ugo tor pnrts unknown. Nothing was heard or bim uutil June 14, when Cbiet Simpson received a communication from Pittsburg stating that Murray had decamped from thai city with a borse and carriage belonging to-Geur Ing & McKeona, who run a feed sto:e there. Chief Simpion deUled Offloer Rjcbe to keep a look out for Murray, and af ter a diligent sea rob the officer looateil Murray hear the West mountain, Where he went yesterday abojjt noon and eungbt Mm. At first Murray denied all knowledge ot the horse, baton being brought to the central station be admlttel that ha had stolea tbs animal and told the of ficer wbere be had disposed of ft. x bis is not tbe first oaens) of a like nature of which be has been aooused. REPAIRING THE CAR TRACKS. A Foroe of Ken Are at Work on Lacka wanna Avenue. A fores of meu started yesterday to tear no the inoomine street ear traok on Laskawanaa 'avenue and new rails ara in readiness to replaea the old ones. Tbe new rail is a solidly built arttols of metal, weigbiug'aiilily pounds to the yard and standing seven incuts blgb. The Tractien company has re ceived shipments enough of rails to fe- piaoe tbe tracks on Laekawaana ave nue, aud tbe work ot repair will be pushed rapidly ahead. General Manager ceetem said last night that tbe repairs would be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Kails are bard to obtain at present, which bas been the only caute that has de layed the work thus far. NOETH END BRIEFS, fThe North End offli-o of the Rchahtoh ThIUUNt ialocated at the Lewis Druif Store arid Jehu's bture, Wayne avenue, where sub acr ptioDs, advertisements and cemmuutcatlon will receive prompt attention. Fv B. Silkmau, of North ilalu avenue, is ill. Evan Jones, ot Umier LehUzh. is tbe guost of Evan W. Lewis, of Summit avenue. Samuel Lewis bas disposed of tbe run- away steed autl lmi a splendid animal in stead. Tbe rug has not been found since tne accident. Rev. and Mrs. W. F, Davis. Miss Davis. Oscar Davis, Mis Kate Griffiths, Thomas T, Davis, William Kline aud Mrs. Thomas Lewis spent July 4 at Lake Wiuola. From a temperance standpoint Provi dence emerged from tbe Fourth of July celebrations very creditably, only three police cases appearing before the alder man. We have REDUCED prices on BABY CARRJAGES, our stock Is too large. You can buy a good Baby Carriage for tho price of a cheap one. For Wedding Presents r Fur nishing for Summer Cottages, we have a full and complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. The Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. FIRST MONTH'S SEltVlCKS FREE TO EV1.RYJUODY. FOR ALL DISEASES AND ALL PATIENTS. The great English Rtiiff ot Physicians Tho MOST DIST1NM'IUEI SPECIALISTS ON TIIE CONTINENT Tho President aud Chief uiaguusiicliiu can be found daily In too purior at tue conway house; 1:12 and Wl PKNN AVENUE. They come rf comm-Miiieu oy royalty una tne nre pliyni r-ians of Europe TI:oy treat nil Hi-nee u..n,,,..B 1 i. n ....... ... . A t ..Mt'.U, 1.0 Will U 11 W UVW yiV 7"-. i G Ol 1 1VK cure Kuarai.tof, in ail tjEXUAL Dlij- E AtDiLO UUU VI UaKUCS?9 01 EITHER SEX by our now treatment ration' s treated by corretiiHJuumic" aua uieiiiciu ii wnn lull w rvetlons seut by vxnrcss. But. wbvn totei. lila. a personal von ul tut ion is preferred. All consultations are hold iu strict pt-lrauy, N.B. J'hene Specialists can cure all reoaut as ' c,L.ju ssauioueianamg chromc,au&cult iinu uuwui-e nse.f tutu uuvu uauu neuiectcu or unhkillfully treated . Calls londtf liv an- pnintmunt an! pa tieutu treated :it tlulrliumj wuen U'.s.i'uo. uoirrs, v to 4 aud I to 8 3D. Armour's Tongue Rolled Ox 70c Armour's LunchTongue 35c Armour's Potted Ham, 15c Armour's Deviled Ham, 10c See our display of Picnic Goods. C. DITCHBURH, 427 LACKA.WANUA AVE. R 00? tinning and toldorlsg all done away With by the use of HABTMAN 8 LAT ENT PAINT, Which cQnalet of iuirredl nts veU-kflowh to nil. It can he applied to tin, galvanized tin, saoet iron ruofs, also to briok Wellinsa, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling orauktng or broaking pf the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yenrs.and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that of i ho cost of tuning. Is sold by the job or pound. Oontraots tnkon by ANIOMO UAUIMAMX, W BLroh St WORLD'S FAIR Museum of Anatomy NOW ON EXHIBITION AT 2S3 LACKAWANNA AVE., Occupying three Urge balls, Open dally from lu e-m. to 10 p m. for men. Thursdays, from 1 to 7 p.m. tor ladies on It. Lectures every ho us freee Admission, lOo. only. mm Mil HOUSEKEEPERS You Heed Them And a visit to Martin wilder you at their goods. Just the stuff Our novelty in Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. tennis. Sffartin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. ELW3Kt!IIOHBHC;:iIS!J2IS:i;;iJ33:SE it mm tra 3 308 Lackawanna A?e. 11 Li 4 u real Values This leek I Two cases Ladies' Lisle-finish I 15c, three for g One case Men's Balbriggan Shirts, worth ORp - 39c, for Five dozen Ladies' Laundered Percale Shirt 3 Vaists, worth $1, to s Twenty-five pieces Satin-striped India Linen Ap a Colored Figures, worth 18c, to close H Great Reduction in MILLINERY. Everything at UM It's a Great 3ho& fatie folks wo are claiming tbey undersell 111 other to flud that without tbe least fua or blrwter we are (riving' cuatomTS the ben efit of such op portuu i ties as tlieaa. A MWetly H1h Grade UchUvrelc' WfcMl, 169 ftfrn, fr SllO oe-h. 1803 pnlt.ro, 1160 Wheel, tor CM. 1894 pattern, f 100 TVhoel, for 8,89 oaa! Ricse prlcos make the business at oar storo. FLORBY & HOLT V, M. C A. BUILDING. A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLUS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, LovolL Diamcnt atidOthor Wheel Bicycle Pants, Hose, Gaiters, &c, Sweaters and Belts at THE CELEBRATED PIANOI3 Ire at rreeent the H6t lNpnler and Preferred by UbUtuf Arum Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 5 Wnahlngton Av. Soranton.Pe CONRAD'S "GOOD WIVES GROW FAIR IN THE LIGHT OF THEIR WORKS," ESPECIALLY IF THEY USE & Delany's will be immense stock of thin to keep you cool. summer goods is a The proper thing for 3 H S08 Lackawanna kit Vests, worth ORp E - - - - wU close - el. sVVek W Vlf ,.1 i 3 A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Another Advocate of tasfhene ORS. HKNWOOD A WABDEXX: GENTLEMEN It aflorde m (reti pleaiure to state that your wprooeej of extracting tenth was a Bra eiweww IS my easo, and I heartily recommend It M all. I sincerely hope that ethers will tettlta merits. Tour rnpeotfnlly, CAPT. 8. K. UUYANX, Soraaton, Fa) Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav SI make a great reduej tloa In the prions of platos. All work goaf anteel first-das ia evory particular. Scientific Eys Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on the Eye. Qoadaohe m Nervousness reltsTed. Latest and Improved Style of Eye Glauses and Spectacles at tba Lowest Prices. Beat ArtiUolal Eyes insert! jfort I SOft I SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Post OfflceW MS) 0 i pes n 7 n i 3 59c g SPECIAL Only $8.80
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers