THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. JULY G, 1S94. BASE BALL The State League Plays Off Three Fostponed Games In lieu of Schedule. ALLEWTOWW DEFEATS BMMSB0R6 Pitcher Meahey, for the First Time This Season, Twirled Losing Ball. Pottsville Lowers Hazleton's Aver ago and Altoona increases Reading's Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Results Notee of the Diamond General Sports. .' fi, EVDRAL postponed 1 rTTTTTwfc games were playtd U. Ur U.i5 by the State Lesgue MU'iffifiU? e'ubs yesterday. QLb-h fAVi Harrisburg, with the ArS, mucSi-talksd-ofMea-Jfji ney in tho pitcher's yJd I'ox, iuffrJ defeat LNA nt the bands of Kins; Jy Kelly's AUentown AA brigade at Philadel- phia. This is Pitch er Meoney's first defeat this seusan, but rank vrrors by the other members of the Harrisburg team were responsible for it. This Tietory asserts AlleotoTrn the e court place at the close of the first seaeoa Saturday night, unlets the un foreseen happens todaji when the club plays the Altoona team at AUentown. At Reading the home team defeated Altoona, and Hazleton was lowered a few points in the game with Pottsville at Pottsville- The order of the clubs remains un changed from that of yesteiVay. ' The following tnble gi tn9 P." centnges of the clubs, together with the number of games won and lost by each, and Wieir standing in t&e cham pionship race: Won. Lout. Per C't. Harriibuig. 34 15 .0'J4 AlioutewD S'J 20 .6W Hazleton '-!7 83 .ifl Scran ton !2 S3 .KW Heading JS M .5I J'otuvilie 124 'ii .610 iltoona 18 iS .8'Jl Kaston 7 30 .103 BCUCDl'LE FOR TODAY. Readiag at Scrauton. Altoona at AUentown. Pottsville at Hazleton. ERRORS WERE RESPONSIBLE. Pitcher Ueaney, of Harritburg-, at Last . Loses a Game. Philadelphia, July 5. About 4.000 peeple today saw Hitrrietourg whipped for the first time with Meaney iu the dor The left-handed twirler, how ever, was not r'eponsible for the lots of the gam?. Rank errors by Huston and Sales after two ma wen out in the first inning gave AUentown three runs and a lead, wbieh Ilarrisburg once succeeded in wiping out, only to see Kelly's man attain forge ahead. Menney tffictually demonstrated that liis arm is not sore. Though nine hits were made oil bius, gererl were on bnlU that bIiouH have been caught. The features of the game were a fine stop by Moss and Weute's work bshiud the bat. The score: Harrisburg... .0 0301300 0-6 AUntowu....S 040 1000 x- Hits Harrisburg, 0; Allentown, 9. Er rors HarrUburg, 4: Allentowu, S. Bat tiries ileouey aud SVente; Baldwin and ilulliguu. Umpire Mitchell. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Heading Heading 'i 3 2 0 0 2 4 7 0-22 Altoona 2 0 2 4 0 10 1 4-14 Hits Reading, 23 : Altoona. 14. Errors Heading, 4; Altnoua, 6. Batteries Cum roings and Qoodhart; Mayer, Cote and Uraff. At tlnzleton Pottsville 0 4 0 6 5 0 3 0 x-lfl Hazleton 1 1 3 0 3 0 i 0 114 Pottsville. 17; Hazleton, 17. Errors i'uttuville. 8; Hazleton, 5. 13?.ttario Fox, Wilson and Diggius; Ely, Pee, Moore and Fail hurst. NATIONAL IMGUc. At Louisville Mew Yoik....l C300010 0-4 Louisville 2 0000001 0-8 Hits New York, 7; Louisville, 3. Er rors New York, 2: Louisville, 3. Hatter ies Westervelt and Wilson; Jlenafee and Grim. Cmpire Emtlie. 'At Pittsburg Philadena..O 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-4 Pittaburg...O 00101000 03 Hila-Phitedolphifl, 10; PittHbnrg, 13. Errors Philadelphia, g; Pittsbarg, a. Bui terles Carsey and BncKley: Colco lough and Merritt. Umpire Lyuoh. At Cincinnati Cincinnati.... 1 0 7 0 0 7 2 x 20 Baltimore. ....0 000 1030 2 15 HiU-Clrvelaud, 21- Baltimore, 8. Er rorsCleveland, 3; Batltimnre, 8, Batter ies Dwyer, YnugM aud Murphy; Hawke and CNrke. Umpires Hartley snd Hurst. At Clevsland Boston 3 1 11 0 0 1 0 1 x-22 Cleveland 4 0100030 0-7 Kits Boston, 2S; Cleveland, 10. Errors Boston, 2; Cleveland) 4. Batteries staipj ami uunsni; ciarxson, Uriintb, Yirtue, Burkett and Zimmer. Umpires Stage, Uanbon and Cuppy. At St. Louis KV Louis. .....8 4 0 8 0 0 8 0 X 18 Brooklyn 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3-12 Hits lit. Loui, 17 Brooklyn, 14. Errors St. Louis, 6; Brooklyn, 4. Batteries Hawley and illUer, Oastright and Kins low, Umpire Gulfney. At Chisago CliicsRO 1 0 8 S 8 0 1 0 x 13 Washington ..6 0 7 0 0 0 2 1 010 Hits Chicago, 16; Washington, 12; Errors Chicago, 2! Washington, 3. Bat-tories-IIutchiuson, Ktrattou, Sullivan aud Nittrctfge: Maui, Aiercer ana Dugdale Umpiis McQuaid. EASTERN LEAGUE GAMES, At Wilkee-BaiTo, with Bisghamton, home team won 11 to 8. At Syracuse, with Troy, Visitors won, 7 to6. At Providence, with Springfield, home team won, 11 to . Kctrtct umpired. At Erie, with liuffalo, home team won, 14 to 6. CLINT FROM THE DIAMOND. Arlio Lathatn wants to leave the Cincin nati club. Cincinnati is trying to opsn negotiations lor tut pnrcuase ol liogan. Pitcher WeBt, of the Altoons club, has doribicgs, bf the Baltimere club, has been nit nineteen times by piteaea e.tusso tar this seaeon. Umnirs Dave Corcoran wasseveroly In jured at Hazleton on Tuesday by being struck oy a tout tip. DrisColL the eollegs pitcher who was given a trial by Scruatou, has rsturned to his home iu Norwich, Coun. It U better to bunt the ball and get a run than to make tuirty base bits ana no run, for it Is the runs that count iu a game after all. Dear Mike Kelly: Don't take Wood out of left field aud Cut lirowuiou bsok to his old place. You way regain the good of the patrons by so doing. Allentown Cbxon-tele. Gelbert of Scrauton. and OoeckeL of Wilkea-Barre. will urooablv iolc tbe At- lautio City base ball nine, composed of college men. Hanncer Swift savs he will have new pitcher on the team before tue second sea son is a wrok old. He will . come from the Southern league. To-morrow there will be a came at the Pouth Side grounds, Washington avenue, between the (ireen Ridne Senators aud tbe South Side txwe ball club. Secretary Diddlebeck. of tbe State league, savs yesterday's Harrisbtirg-Allen-town game wu an exhibiliou game, Uar rinburg having played its quota of games in tue nrsc series. Tbe Eureka? still claim the amateur championship of the county. The Young Aluu's Christian assoclatlou nine strength ened by the addition of several of the col- lego players, will attor a couplo ot weens' piactice, strive to wrest the title from them. Tho personnel of the South Side base ball team is a follows: BuiT Malott, sec ond base; JJurphy, shoi'tatop; Uulbert, pitcher; Smith, left lielci: Williams, centre field: Ruddy, first base; Allen, catcher: Ouuster, third Ime; Dau Qolbcrt, right field. The Kickers slaved the Scrauton Stove moulders a came of hall at the Lace Factory grouuds yesterday. It was a must exciting contest of thirteen innings, re sulting in favor of tho Kickers by a sc ro of 17 to 10. Pitcher Tom Flunaghau of the Scrauton toatn was umpire. The Yomm Men's Christian Association bass ball team won bath games from the atrouf semi'-professlonal uiue at Blooms- nurg on July P.oian, recently ot tno Altoouu's, pitched the morning game, and tlauoner. of the Scranton's, twinled iu the arternoou game lur tae v. At. u A s. Hughey Jennings, of Bnltimore, got off tne tram on the way from Liuctuuatl to Louisville Sunday tosjet a lunch. While be was eating a train bounU lor bt. Ijouis Bulled out of tho station aud lluu'hfV. thinking it his trais, rushed from tun eut- lug room and boarded it. tie was unable to get back to Lutusvilw iu time lor tne game. Pittsburg Telegraph. The New York State Base Ball league was virtually diebauded noduvsclay. ihe PitUGeld club failed to put in un appear ance at Albany for tho Fourth of July game, and when the 300 spectators de manded their money back this atteruoon, it vii discovered that tho treasurer had left the grounds with hs receipts. Some f the patrons became clamorous aud us ailfd the box office. Thoy carried one of the directors bodily to thu ticket oltlce aud threatened him bodily harm if their money was not forthcouiiuc. The director did not have the cash uud ha was followed to his place of business by un excited mob. The police were called upon, but no arreats were made. The Alb;iuy club Las lost money aunug the season. DUTCHMAN'S GREAT PERFORMANCE. Won His Third Swep at Olyphaat on Wdnssda7. The pigeon firing match cf tsa Grassy Island Ii wining Pigeon club, at Olyphnut, on July 4, wus a very suc cessful event. The first prizs was won by John Ty son's "DutekiBun" in 8.','0, winninz the nrsc prizs or "Loudou, also owned by Johu Tyson..-was second. time 0.50; mid Iko Chiney'a "lied Dear" third, time 9,32. Tun second prize was $ and the third $3. Con siderable money changed bonds on the result of the mutch. It is the thirJ successive sweeo for Tyson's bird, "Dntcbman .'' which is quite a remarkable feat. HICKEV AND FIVNN THE WINNERS Csfsated Donohas and Hog-her at Hand Ball. An interesting irame of hand ball, that attracted a large uumber of specta tors, was played yesterday afternoon iu ine court at ttynu's notet on caaouee av- enns between Hicksy and Flynn, of Pine brook, and Dououue, er Hyde Purk, and liogher, of Pine Brook. Uu key and 1 lynu won the match, which was lor liu a sldo. by a score of 81 to 2'j. They were younger and more active men than their opponents. RIGHTS'CF FISHERMEN. A decision Important to anslers has been mnd by the supremo court of Poau- svlrauie, through Judge Sterrett. It holds that streams stocked witu nsn procured from the state hah commission are not pri vate, and all streams are public unless the fish are actually propagated. To do this so that streams may become legally private, tbe spawu of the fish iutriidod to be propagated must be kept separate in a screen cell, the fry, when batched, put into another screen cell, and so on until they are large enough to t.ike care of themselves, t-veu then, if the person who is propagating them would own them, he must keep tbi'tn conhued by themselves, .and so much of the stream hecemes private as is within tho screens placed there by tbe owner. A pond surrounded by the owner's land. without any coutiuuous flow, may be called a private poud, but if the water of a pood covers a large suriace of laud, and a person whose lauds are covered onlv br a part of the water plarea fish therein for the purpose of propagation, he does not by such act make it a private pond. Neither is a notice that "All persons are hereby notmea not to trespass on these lands or flh in this pond" a soflicieut notice to make it illegal for eithar strau gcrs or neighbors to o trespass or fish. The mero placing of fish in a stream or a poud for purposes of propagation, does not make sucn water private under the statue, even on the property ot the person where tbe nsn were put in. This decision is di rectly opposite to the previous acceptation of tho law on tbis subject, under which raaBy prosecutions aud convictions have been brought and obtained. It is a great surprise to anglers aud a very enjoyable one to many, as it will release from ex- cluslveness many popular waters that bavo been held at the pleasure of a few, under the supposed authority or the law which tbe supreme court now docidos is an au tbority the law does not give. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King s .New Dwcovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upou this condition. -If you are ulHicted with a Cough, Cold, or auy Lung, 'Jlhroat or Chost trouble, ana will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial,and experience no benefit, you may return tbe bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oner did we not know tbat Dr. Kibe's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at liutthew Bros', drug store. Largo size K and N. ffi tors tne TfffMMOMfrrjr v w ' u.ts rmsTMe vsiai way!. THAT SYSfifSA NtVtA filQTICSOIN WINT&t AKDi that MAtuiTV tauttr i BOTH COt TAfttt HOrSAYSj! AND hlCHTS. T TMl ve ' YOU AM MQnOSf.Af H9tflf VNIlAAABll'Ath III HlAlTHiAU Tot MUCH , jurjr Mil MtPT 1 BHT Attr if YOU iLjj n jj cat -Pu k VAJ rrvvs.if w ysi mrufrifj i Horr)s halt amen l gf veil nrtn r 4 vnvf i 5" IN TNI J MAM 0V. mm' ii i VUH MM Ml BABY'S LIFE IN THE BALANCE The Simple Preventive of Cholera In fantum -That Is Worth, More Than All the Medicines in the World Lac tated Food. Now infant lives tromble iu the bal ance. Heat, aud fool that fails to nourish, cause chol era infautum aud the exhausting diar rhoea that carries off so many babies in July and August, V.t ..-7.VRT Olher deaths ahrink to insignificance at this season les'de the fearful returns of infant mortality under 5 years, Where mother s milk is defective or insufficient in nourishing quality, lac- tuled fond best supplies tne need: lor lactnled food most clossly resembles mothers milk. The basis is sugar of milk in both cases. Whenever baby's weight fails toishow a steady increase the nutrition is for some reasou imperfect. Lactateu food at these times should bs used either al together or to supplement the natural milk. In nil such esses there results a rapid gain in weight and indications on every hand of a healthier, llvelier.more nearty existence. The efficacy and nutritive quality of lactuted food is today acknowledged tby every one. As a preventive of cholera infantum it is worth more than all the mvdicines in the world. As a strength giver to growing in fants uotbing can compare with it. As a food that is easy to procure and pre paro, und is liked by the little ones themselves, too much'cannot be said for it. It has saved the lives of thousands of Infanta within the lust few years. It has been the I ood of hundreds of babies who have never been sick. Above is the pioture of the l-yar-old child of Mrs. Elward Xewojm, of Logauspovt, Ind , which was received tho other day, ac companiod by the followiug letter from Mrs. Newcom: "Our baby had to use artificial food on ac-ount of no nurse. We tried sev eral d If .rent kinds of infant food, iflt none ngree;l with him until we com menced the use of laotated food. Now he is perfectly healthy. We are still using the fond and recommend it to all our friends." This is the experience of hundred of mothers in this vicinity and will be the experience of hundreds more, GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Green B. Morris offered the trainor of Roy el Santa Anita J5,UJ0 for the colt's chanca iu the Idealization to bo run next Saturday. Jlonroe Salisbury, who brought Directum out, has bought a halt interest in the trot ting nmre, Alix, aud will campaign ber this season. The Bicycle races of the Century Cycling club at Syracuse Wednesday were marred by the childish work of John S. Johnon, who, because a time limit was put upon the halt mile open, class B, sulked in his tent a'nd refused to ride. He theu left the track aud did not appear iu any of the events in whioh he was entered. A largo crowd was disappointed in not seeing the champion. The Britannia and the Vnlkvria con tested Wtduesday at Largs, Eng., iu tbs aeeouu regatta ot tne t-iyue racing season, that of the Hoval Western (of Scotlanul Yacht club, for the Wemyss Bay prize of 50. A southerly wind, veering westerly, was blowing as the yachts crossed the line, the Valkyrio getting the weather berth. The distance was 45 miles. The Britannia won by seven minutes. In the races at Northumberland Wednes day Charles b. Bisonv. of Sunburv. who was riding a bicycle, was run into by a spirited trotting horse. Tbe shaft of the sulky ran into his left sido perpendicu larly, just below the arm-pit, to the drpth of six inches aud was brokeu off. The broJcyu piece of the shaft was removed br 1 hysiciaus. The mjursd youuir mau is iu a critical couditiou, but the phjsiciuus miuK no win recover. The new shooting range of the Lancaster itun ciuo, lit Lancaster, was opened Wed nesday iu the presence of a big crowd of sportsmen. Jn the morning a sweepstakes nnooi tootk piace, mere neiug nru-en en tries. The shooting was under tho Ameri- cau jmwjciauou ruies. ine wiuuer was 4V . I'arlce Cumunugs, who killed seventeen out of his twenty birds. In the afternoon a number of matches were shot informally by membeis, using clay pit;aons. A ban quet was served ou the grouuds at noon. The Yale athletes me continuing their ''Ut training at Oxlonl.LBuluml. nud Car tain William O. liiikok reports that they are an iu me Dest or condition. Lewis P. Sheldon in yesterday's piactice cleared 22 teutin tue broad Jump. All the tale men are charmed with the reception they have met with ard declare thatthe Oxford track ia the best thy have ever seen. The Sporti-ng ' Life says that a finer athlete than Captain ilichnk tbe Bttn never shone upon. Una same newspaper expresses tbe opinion that the contests between Oxford and Yale are sure to break records on both sides i f tbe Atlantic. SENTIMENT MUST FOCUS. FhilaiMvhia Timei. When labor is tlghtlug against starvation wages it always eulista public sympathy iu its favor as long as it is law-abiding, but when a labor strike is arbitrarily ordered to disturb the trade asd travel of the whole country, with no issue whatever bo tween the workmen and- their employers, public sentiment must bs si)edilv aud sternly crystalized against tho tolerance ot sucn wrongs against, all public and pri vate interests. THERE ARE LARGER OFFENCES. lliituhainton ici'a.'d. It certainly would seem that thai e are other and greater evils In a city tbe xi.o or ncrunton man selling a harmless bev erage on Sunday, which should oagrots the attention of men seeking to Work re forms. Free Sllvtrltn Grow Baroastlo. The News offers fit rmvard for the best explanation of tbe alleged ailver plaukof tue ittpuDiicau league piatiorm. Criticising a Young: Lady, "She would bo a pretty girl for but one thing." "What's thatr asked Charley. 'George Her face is always covered with purple aud red blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to bs the same way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no time. Oeoriro What was itf Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took a shore course ot r. i: i. i tell you, It's tbe boss blosd corrector. Tbe governor had rheumatism so bad tbat yon could hear him boiler clear across the country every time ho moved. He tried it, and you know what an ntiuetlo old sent ne is- now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, ens wouia tnsus: them alter wards. All the drug stores sell it. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IB RliRKHY OIVEN THAT THE DHi-tnerahkj lu.twoca Johu Wulti.r. Id- ward Walter an.l Frederick M. Koehler, was dissolved on tho third day of July, 1SV4, ho far as relates to tho said i'redrslck M. Kohlkr, All debt dufc the aald partnership are to be paid, and those due from tbe same dUchariccd at SUj Lackawanna avenue, where the busi ness will be continued by Waluir, Thompson WO. T A Li 1 tv tt, KDWARD WALTB FKEDEK1CK U, KOEHLEB CRT A Word. fTant$ of all ktndt eott thai rnveh, ea ept Situation WantetLwhich art insert V Agents Wanted. Q76.() 1'ER MONTH, C1TV OB COUNTRY O to com potent wido awake insurance solic itors; well -Htublmhi'rt pennanoiit ljuslmws. AilUinss or lniuli-o Hi-coud Uoor, i.'4 Lack- nuinm ve., ni l union, ra. Help Wanted Male. "I VAN TED A RELIABLE MAS OP GOOD " ndrtn ss toi-HiivuRa tho citv. Anulv bo- tweontiand 12 o'clock, til Coal Exuhauo. WANTED-IF YOU ARE A CATHOLJC, unoinnloveil n nil will work for 1H nM- week, write MaeCouuell Bros., II Frauklill atn-ot, Hotiiii. Muss. Helo Wanted Females. WANl'KU-A U1UL FOR OENEUAL liousoworlc. AmilvatSmi Ouincv avo- mio, Friday and 8aturil.-iv. Special Notices. pLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAO A 1 siuos, etc., bonnil or reliound at The Tkiuunk oUice. guiuk work. Uuusouublo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT Hi, rornor Hnruce utreot aud l-'runlillu avo- Htie. Twenty meal tickets for JAW. Uood lauio uoura. Boarding. SUMMER BOAkDlNO -FOUR REKI'ECT ablo ix-rKoim -j,ti tlnd flrtit cIasu bonrd with fcinufi family tn large, airy house. Hot and cold liuths. Fn-e carriage to depot and church Tui-uo-quartors of a mile from sta tion. Healthy locality, Address box W.Uurka' Huininit. Lost. OST SMALL HULL DOOj ONE EAR i cut short. Fliulor will return same to Frank Louui, peanut staud, corner Clilf and to iuj; miout. T OST-A GOLD HAIR PIN WITH WHITE J-i prongs. Findor will be silltiibly ro wanlwl by returning the sanio to Colonel E. H. Hippie, Tliinl NHtliaml hanit nmiuinir For Rent l;OR IlEisT-FVR.MsHED COTTAUE AT I Ocoau Q rove, flora July 20 to (September 1. Apply to (i. It. Clark, tso. M Waihiugton avenuu, city. Legal. roi n,D or l'..iA uiii,WJ.viinui I J Notiue ia hereby given thut a rule baa beeu (traated to show causo why Jane L. Do Witt, executrix of the last will aud t--stament of said decedent, shall not be discharged from thedulu'snud liabilities of her appointment, Applicutiuu will bo made to have said rule maun absolute aud the executrix dl-clmrod, ,12'pmr i.-'u . hi.. u'l'P'i' nL'iili'lwTi'ri July2, lew. b K. PRICE, Attorney ror executrix Proposals. PROPOSALS WILL UB RECEIVED AT J the ofllc-o of Johu Jernivn, PriceburKh, Pa., until July 1", IbWl. for driviiu; a rock tun nol in Jerinyu, tl, from the 11 foot vein to cut tliolJuiimoru vein size to be 7x14 feet In the clear and about 1. 600 feet loiur. Also to sink a shntt from surface to lluuuiorv vein, size to bo 8x12 feet in the clear and about 160 feet deep. SpecinVatioiia may be seen at Priceimi'Kh. We reserve the right to reject any or nil bids. V. M. JERMYX. Supt. Summer Resorts. 1A1UV1EW HOl'EL, FACTORY VILLE, I Ps., ia now opi n for auminer boarders, first clasR acrnmuiodatious. Uood oshiuir close to Hotel For terms uddress 11. STARK, Proprietor. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR watchman or any position of trust; Rood reference. Adilress J. V. STAXToii, Tenth street,, VAXTF.D-A POSITION AS JAKITOR. V shipper, watchimm tir any place of trust. Handy with cuvpeiiters aud paiators b.ols. Marriod, aire 4U. A. B. C, post office. city. SITUATION WANTED - PLAIN fiBW lag. Cull or address 613 Dix court. OITUATION WANTED BY FIRST CLASS kJ butcher with fifteen years experionco. Address Frod Casple, Box "it, l'orest City, Pa. C1TUATIOX WANTED BY A OOODHAIi O ness maker. Havo worked at the liusinesH nine years. Would desiro steady work. Ad prcss A. A. L., l.UU James street, Scrauton, Pa. NATIONAL CIRCUIT ALL DIAMOND PRIZES, This circuit includes Wash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. , SOKAM'ChYS DAY MONDAY September 17, 1891 CYCLE lim GROSS, FOSTER & CO. The Great Bankrupt Sale The Great Hew York Sheriffs Sale Great Dew York Clearance Sales Arc now being disposed of at retail by;us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more room for our steadily increasing trade, and if price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. , Bargains, are awaiting you in all departments. GROSS, FOSTER & CO. Connolly &W SPECIAL SALE OF We offer Extraordinary Values to close out Umbrellas LOT NO. 1. Fifty 20-inch Cotton Gloria, Fast Black Paragon Frames, Handsome Carved Handles. Hale price, 75o. each. LOT KO. 2. Fifty 2C-inch Twilled Oloria, Nat ural Handles; large variety of Knols, Loops and Straight. Special price, BDc. LOT 3. Twenty-five 2G-inch Navy Blue Twilled Gloria, Natural, Loop and Knot Handles. Keduced from $1.25 to 90a LOT 4. Twenty-five 20-inch Blue Silk and Wool Gloria, Fine Natural Ha ndles. Price, $1.25. LOT 6. Fifty 26-inch Blue Silk and Wool Gloria, finely finished with Dresden Ball Handles, Bold everywhere at $1.85. Sale price, $1.50, CONNOLLY & Hotel Waverly European Plaa Firnt-olas Bar tttnohel Depot tot Bsrgacr Engul's Taaahusr beer. U Cor, 15tl) End FikUti, PMl.ii Hoit dcairaVila (or reslAoata of K.E. Voun-, lylvaaia. All cunVeuloucea lur travel! to and from Broad Btrovt station and tha Twelfth ami Market Btraat tatiua. b irabl fur vieittni: ttoraatonlaas aud (aw tie in Ifts Autbradto hag-lea. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which occurred Saturday nisht, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or firo about them and they are equally as good as be fore. SALE MOW QOMQ QM and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD a3 quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. AO'S SUITS, formerly sold fcr $10 MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 MEN'S PANTS, formerly sod for $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 THE BELL SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Itr-VIiXT DOOH TO TUE BUIINED D.WIES & CKIFF1N BUILDING. AND STOCKS FR031 THE Parasols and m 209 LLUCE WARNING. 1U havt lately had Feather Iledt and Pitlowt brought to u by itrangert uho wished to dispose of the tame and from whose actions we believed the Jeuthera didn't beluna to them, Wt will have no dealings with tuch partiei. We uiih (p rautton people againsttfiving into the hands of Strang trs who claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, etc, which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if uny one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a curd or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their uunlsanj will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCHXA TO.V 13EDD1SQ CO., CWJ and box Luoka Ate., Cor. Adams. WHY OT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull & Go 205 M 207 1BHMG il eh P 230 Lackawanna Avenue. Neckwear Giyen Away. ....NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW $1.35 CLOTHING allace Umbrellas Season Numbers. LOT C. Seventy-five 2G-inch Pure Silk Twilled, Changeable Colors, in Navy, Garnet, Green and Brown. Eegular $4 number at 3 each. Parasols LOT 7. Twenty-five 22-inch China White, Navy and Blauk, Gilt Rib? and Fine Handles. Former price, 2.35; now $1.90. LOT 8. Fifteen 22-inch Surah Silk, the bestseller of season, in White, Cream and Black; White and Black Handles. Special prce, $2.75. LOT 8. Ten 22-inch Surah Silk, with rufiles,very stylish, in Navy, Black, Grey and Brown. $3.25 from $4. LOT 10. About a dozen left. White Morie with White Handles. $3.50 each to close. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Boys' Suits, 74c. i Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outir.g Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and aid all goods that ara damaged at your own pries. HOUSE Come You cau't afford to let the Glo rious Fourth pas3 by this year without some memento to mark it. Supposiiig you select a choice trinket, a piece of jewelry, or something in silverware; or one of those inexpensive, but guaranteed, watches of ours. What could Jje more fitting! All our goods are backed by a building warrant for quality, and our new price list, which lias been thrown broadcast over the city, tells Its own story of values. preTSman, Cor.Penn iie. and Spruca St. What Is More Attractive Than pretty with ftuh, brlfht eomplMtlont For It, o Pononl't tvwau.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers