The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 05, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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TpHE dreaded pneumonia or
, X .. grippe" ia relegated to the
rear, and "Old Sol" with hia pen
etrating rays ia a constant re
minder that we are candidates for
Summer Attire.
Exceptional v.ilues in this depart
ment. Good were bonght at clear
ing uiMtiufuctuivrs' prices.
Lisle Thread Vests in white, ecrn
aud colore. Balbrk'pan V-sts,
Fashiouuhle Ribbed Vests, Finest
Egyptian Yarns. Gossamer Vests
sad iu Tarieties Novelty and
The printings on Ginghams are
rcof(nizd by all connoisseurs as
the highest art in textile Dress
Goods. Swlel Silk Ginghams, Pin
Head and Shepherd's Checks. Solid
oulors in fancy shades, stripes and
plaids, in wonderful varieties.
In these days of improvement and
perfection we should follow the
times. The "lut sl" costs no more
than the time worn. Kusset colors
and tans, drop slitoh, lisle thread,
black staples. All the improve
ments iu soloing and heeling.
Corset Department
Contains a complete assortment of
all the leading makes, including
all the grades of ventilated and
summer weight Corsets at selling
For trimming, for draperies, and
for all usfs this lovely fabrio can
Le pnt to, we have in abundance.
That are seldom written about, bnt
needed just the same. We pay
just os tnnch attention to buying
them right as we do expensive
Silk Twist, S wing Silk, Embroid
ered Silk. Batting Cotton, Cotton,
Linen Thread, Bone Casing, Belting,
Skirt Braid, Velveteen Binding, Prus
sian Biudini;, Tuflotu Binding, Darn
ing Wool, Darning Cotton, Carpet
Thread, Mucrame Cord, Corset Laces.
Silk Corset Laces, Shoe Laces. Covered
Driss Slays, Horn Bone, CorBet Steels.
Grart'T Elastic, Silk Elactic, Hooks
and Eyes. Indf a Tape, rolls of Tape,
Pins, Hat Pins, Blnck Pins, Kid Crimp
ers, Montague Curlers, Silk Tassels,
Needle Cas'S, Shoe Buttons, Bone
Buttons, Cullnr Buttons.
If you wish to be well and fash
ionably dressed T1IA.DE AT OUR
STORE. If you wish to save
money, conn; to us first.
Thomas Warne spi?nt the Fourth
wltb relatives at Nuuticoke.
John D. Peck, whoresigned the posi
tion some time ugo as foreman of the
Peck Lumber company, bas again ac
cepted the position.
. Mrs. A. A. Hedilen, of Carbon dale, is
visitiug her daughter, Mrs. George
Mrs. O car Dsminlng is visiting
will) relatives at Forest City.
Gorge Newtou, a curpnter em
ployed by the Peck Lumber company,
rectflvad a severe Injury last Mouday
by getting his riirht hand caught in the
rolls of th ptauing machine.
Bertie Hughes, a b-y of 15, son of
Mr. and Mrs. John i Hushes, of Miiu
I'treot, w,m ht-verely burned about the
Imi-ds, (ace an I bo:ly about 4 o'clock
yfcBturduy morniug with black powder.
While be and several companions wore
celebrating the Fourth, an oyster cm
f nil of powder cangbt fire and ex
ploded The Mount Jessnp Coal cmp iny at
Wluton gave their employes a Fourth
of July celebration yesterday.
Mrs. F. P. Doty and two children
arc visiting at VVaverly, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. E T. Harding returned
yesterday nfter visiting with friends at
bouth Gibson.
St, Francis' Pioneer corpJ picnic at
B.dlevue park was largely attended.
Tue corps made a fine uppearance in
their parade in the morning. The An
cient Order of Hibernians and St. Jo
seph's society also paraded with them.
The races at the fair gronnils were at
tended by about 700 people, and were
close and exciting throughout. Today
there will be another interesting pro
gramme. The Nightingales, of Carbondale,
agreed to ulay the regular Honesdale
Bhss Ball club in the morning, bnt
they failed to appear. Instead the
home team played a picked club and
overwhelmingly defeated it. The
Houtisdale club, having another game
ticbeduled, refused to play the Nijht-
initaies in me arternoon. The Hones
dale el lib easily defeated tbe Beech
Luke clnb by a score of 19 to 8.
Bewahb ok Frauds. Be sore yon get
Vm funnhia llr Thmti.J n fill 1
cures culds, rough, nxtlimu, deafness and
keystone' academy.
L. L. Bowor,cln88 of '01, who has been
visiting bis inuny friends in town, bas
tiow gone to 'Jliffard to visit Fred
Finn, elate of '93
The Fourth of Jnly celebration, un
der the auspices of the Women' Chris
tian Temperance union, was held on
the aoademy grounds. Dinner was
served in the academy dining room,
and the literary exercises, consisting of
speecnes ny Mrs. AiinaOel Jtlawlby and
others were held in the grove.
Professor and Mrs. Loomis were in
Scranton Monday.
Professors Fassett and Whltford.
with their families, spent Tuesday at
littae winoiu.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drngglst to
sen lit. mug's iNow Discovery for Uon
amutlon, Coughs and Colds, npon this
condition. If you are afflicted with a
Cough. Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience
no oeneni, you may return tne Dottle ana
have yonr money ref uuded. We could not
make this oner did we not know that Dr,
King's New Discovery could be relied on.
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size
cue ana i.
The glorious Fonrlh wu mh-red in
in the usual manuer by the firlug of
cannon from the turroundiog bills.
Thus far no serious accidents have
occurred, except a few burned fingers
w.ilch tbe small boys received while
shooting firecrackers. The day iu the
eity was quietly spent. The usual
quantity or bunting and fUgs were
floating to the breeze, making the town
Ionic very patriotic.
Uue or tne main features ot yesterday
was tbe Delaware and Hudson excur
sion to Farview. It was one of Far-
view's greatest days. The first trains
in the morning started over the moun
tain with ploasure seekers by tbe
hundreds, the greater portion of tbe
crowd went up on tbe 1 30 p. iu. train.
Bauer's celebrated baud of Scranton
furnished music on the occasion. This
bund always proves to be a great draw-
ng card. Upon arriving ia this city
they got oil at tlio Seventh avenue
station, and paraded Main street,
rendering some very sweet selections.
losterday morning at On clock oc
curred the 11 ig presentation by tli-i
Cottage Hose company to school No 5.
The occasion was among die important
events of the day. The Columbia Hose
company und the Mitchell Hose com
pany headed by the Meruiauia band
On Tuesday evening was h?M a very
pleasant time at the Hotel Anthrucite.
The occasion was tbe first annual din
ner of tbe newly organized Lacka
wanna club. Covers were laid for
forty people, and the party sat down at
o clock to partake o: the elaborate
menu prepired by Tropriotor Fox W.
baulor, jr., was toaetmaster of the
evening, and the following toasts wore
responded to: "Tho City," Mayor
llondrick: "Lackawanna Club. Gortre
Van Keurenj "The Press." W. M. La
TliroDe: "The Ladies." Dr. S. S.
Shields;, "Time." F. E. Burr; "Tbe
Political Situation," It D. Stuart,
A portion of the now hotel Ameri
can has been finished. This portion
was opened yesterday to the public.
work on tbe remaining portion is being
pushed rapidly, aud it is expected that
the handsome hotel will be iu full
readiness by July 15.
Iuvitutions have been issued by Mr.
aud Mrs. Charles Riehbieu, of V .mil
ling, our neighboring borough, to tbe
marriage of their daughter, Frdu Ar
nold, to Henry Carter, of Vandliug.
he ceremony will be performed on
Tuesday evoning. July 10, at 8 o'clook,
Rev. E. J. Biilsiey. rector of Trinity
cl.urcn of this city, will officiate.
Misses Alice Raauleigh, Minnie Bow-
en aud Charlotte Giles spent yesterday
in bcrantou.
Ringling Brothers' world's greatest
shows will exhibit in Carbondale for
two performances on Friday, July 27
u l. bpencer and family occupied
their now oottuge at Waymart yester
day. A successful ice cream soeial was
held last evening at theCongremtioiial
church betweeu the hours of 0 and 10
This morning at 9 o'clock occurs tbo
sheriff sale of the stock ot goods of
Miss Annie B. Thomas on Salem ave
nue. A pleasant social event was held last
night in the Lackawanna House on
Belmont strsot. Musio was famished
by Wagners' orchestra
Floyd Hunter is the proud owner of
a new bicycle.
Mr. and Mrs. George Belsh.of Hones-
dale, were the guests of Mrs. Belsh's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jay, sr.,
lnu rourtn passed oil quietly, many
going out of town. The lawn social
and festival of the St. James church iu
the evening was well uttended, judg
ing by tbe number present. Tin re
ceipts must have been satisfactory.
C. u. Winter and son are recupera
ting iu Suiiqiiebauna county.
the Citizens band was in Union-
dale yesterday furnishing music for
the colebratiou held there.
The annual excursion and picnic of
the Methodist Sunday school to Far-
view, July 18, will bo the next to leave
here. E ich scholar and teacher will
be given a ticket and it is hoped that
all ciii so arrange thoir affiirs tliut it
will be possible for every one to go.
U.. or two other schools are consider
ing tliH advisability of going on tho
same day. llie ixcnrsiuns of thn
school are k iown to be among the best.
The amusement committee have al
ready a number of applications fortima
in which parties can occupy the bill
Sold race track and no doubt the day
will ba made pleasant to all. Tbe ride
over the famous gravity Is well worth
the small amount charged and those
who are not members will be made just
as welcome as those who are.
Tbe colony on ihe hill near the M ly
field depot, celebrated the Fourth yes
terday After indulging freely in
'polinky"they got into a (ijht. During
the fracas John Sbeminsky was badly
nstd up. He went before Justice ot
tbe Peace Sullivan and swore ont a
warrant for the arrest of bis assailants.
Dr. Shields attended to bis injuries.
A. F. Gebbart and W. J. Baker were
in Scranton yesterday viewing the
Will Jenkins, of West Pittston,
spent tbe Fourth with his parents here.
The pupils of St. Patrick's Parochial
school gave a very creditable entertain
ment Monday and Tuesday evenings at
Keystone ball. Tbe hall was crowded
both evenings and tho entertainment
was one of the best ever given in this
The picnio which lias leen the topic
or conversation for some time was held
yesterday by thi Aucient Order of
Hibernians at Miles Grove. Judging
from tbe crowd that was there, we can
say that it was a grand success.
Among those who attended the
bicycle races at the Driving park
yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Hull, Hj. U. Hull, Thomas Evans,
Leonard Knupp, Chas. Hathaway. Dr.
Van Sickle,! Editor SchuDmebl and
wife, Alfred Harris, Thomas and Cora
Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett were
among tbe many who enjoyed Farriew
isn't necessary now. Carlsbad is
coming to you. At least, the
health-giving part of it is. Take
the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt (tho
water evaporated and conecn
trated). llest results obtained
when out-door exercise can be had
See that the signature of "Eis
ner & Mendeisou Co., Sole Agents,
New York, " is on evary bottle,
That makes the genuine imported
article the world's natural rem
edy for gout, dyspepsia, bilious
ness and stomach, liver and kid
ney complaints.
Concluded from Page 5.
A picnio followed the games. Hayes'
orchestra furnished the music in the
dancing pavillion.
T, V. Powderly Rj.d Declaration of In-
dtpscdeno and Delivared an Oration.
The congregation of St. Paul's par-
ish.Green Ridge, celebrated the Fourth
of July in most patriotio style. At 8
o'clock a mass was celebrated in the
church by Rev. J. I. Dunn. After the
Ceremony the children were arranged
in line by the sisters aud a parade took
place from the church nround the
i-qwir and to Sanderson park, where
tbo picnic of the parish was held.
lue children presented a pleasing
sight and each carried a smill Am -ri-caii
11 iif. At 10.30 Hon. T. V. Powder
ly nrrivd in a carriage at the residence
of Rev. P. J, McManus. The children
were again aligned and Mr. Powdorly
was escorted to the picnio ground.
Arriving at the scsue of the pleasure
the congregation took a position on the
dancing pavilion and accompanied by
tbe Citizen's bund, of Providence, con
sisting of twenty pieces, "Hail Colum
bia, and btar Spangled liauner were
Rov. P. J. McManus then introduced
Mr. Powdorly with a few eloquent
words. Mr. Powderly began by read
ing tbe Declaration of Independence.
Then he rocited Patrick Hiinry's fam
ous speech, "Give Me Liberty or Give
Me Death."
After this he began bis oration which
was an embodiment of patriotic elo
quence. Ho quote 1 the deeds or tne
Catholic generals and soldiers In the
Civil war and arraigned unpatriotic
societies that are claiming all tbe
credit for tbe perpetuation of the
Union. The. speaker's remarks occu
pied nearly an hour and commanded
the close attention of the congregation.
During the day large crowds attended
the pienic aud a pleasant time awaited
them. The niculo netted St. Paul's
parish a handsome sum. At 9:30 last
night the contest among John Sweeney,
Henry Urattan and Joseph Mahon for
a boy's silver watch and chain was
John Sweeny won the contest. He
had collected sflSO; H-nry Urattan
came next wiiu $111) e., and .loaepti
Mahon bud fit 80, making a total of
151 00.
Thousands Lliton to EfTjrts of Societies
and Sololite.
The excursion and eisteddfod under
the auspices of the congregation of St.
Mary's church, of DunnioTe, to Lake
Ariel yesterday Wis attended by
thousands of people. In evry sense of
the word success attended the occasion.
Never before did the dells along Lake
Ariel's shores resonnd with such
charming music and song.
The ei.teddfnd opened with the com
petion for the $300 priz-t. R 'V. M. B.
Donlan, curate of St. Mary's church
was choiriuan, Judge II. M. Elward
was conductor and Dr. Joseph Parry,
of Wales, adjudicator. For the first
prize two societies contested. The
liyde Park society, aad tbe Philhar
monic society. The piece sung was
"Oh Father Whose Almighty Power,"
Tho honors were close, but the Choral
society was awarded the prizt. Wil
liam Evans und Edward C. Miller s ing
tbe baritone solo, "Toreador Song,"
for which aprizi of $10 off .-red.
The prizi was gtven to Mr. Evans, The
tenor solo, "How So F iir," was snug
by John Jenkins, Edwarl Bjweu,
Tnomis Williami, Thomas Boynoa and
John Drnmiu.
The prizi was won by Mr. Bowen.
Tbe quartette prize for the glee, 'The
Sea Has Its Pearls, was not sung be
ciuse the competitors failed to appea'.
The alto solo, "R;grt,'' was contested
for bv Misses Minuio Perry Thorn is,
Elsie Powell, Kate Saul and Sadie
Doughorty. Tiio young ladies were
well in 'i l c ho. i and it was decided to
divide too prizj between Mimes Powell
und Doughertv.
The soprano solo "Longing" was
sung by Mrs. Divid Lewis, of Provi
dence, aud Mis Lomto Jennings, of
the West Side. Tue former won the
In bestowing tbe prizt t i Mrs. Lewis,
Dr. Parry highly complimented tbe
winner on ber sweet voice. The num
ber which gave the greatest pleasure
to the assemblage was tbe singing of
the grand tua.e chorus, "Comrades iu
The contestants were the Druid Glee
club, Lewis Watcyus, leud-rj the Cou
tino'ntal Glee society. Thomas Wil
liams, leader, and the Doctor Mason
Choral society. T. C. L;wis, leader.
The Drnids carried off the prizs.
The excuisionists left the lake at
0 o'clock and bore away with them
pleasant momories of tbe day. Rev,
Gerald McMurray, pastor of St, Mary's
church, can rest cou tu lite J with his la
bors in arranging the grand event
wnich ended so successfully. The ex
cursion netted the church a magnifi
cent sum.
llotiRf-linlri Notes.
With tlio exception (if tho new tnhlo
waro in nilvcr gilt, thcru socm to ho fow
cbiingcrt in silvor.
Tho "clover" tiMicloth in a chnrniing
bit of tttblo fnruihhing. Tlio linen (doth
exhibits a hemstitched border, thn field
flowers s?uttorw ncroMS th ) wiowybnck
ground boing worked in tender piuk and
green, Willi spuKO foliage.
In place of the clumsy feather duster,
try, whnn dusting carvod furnituro, a
painter's brush having moderately stiff
In caring for a pinn'o, nothing is so
useful ns a good Holt chuinoia
The new orange cups huvo nppnared
in various fnrniH. Thu original variety
lind a circular rim with prongs that held
the ornngo in place Another variety
hits silver Kprare at each sido that pierco
tho fruit Still another lion a set of tur
bine wheel forms in tlio bottom, with
which tho orango is screwed and held
Ono of tho bent remedies for a burn
is limewuter and sweet oil, mixed in
equal quantities.
When Baby was sick, we garo her Castorta.
When alio was a Child, she cried for Castorta.
When alio became Miss, she clung to Castorta,
When she had Children, she gave tuem Custorla,
This Sightly and Very Comfortable Rcitlnff
Place May 3o Made at Borne A Square
lloz Supplies the Framework of the Seat.
Inexpensive and Pretty.
A tlnvn pnrncrpA rliilr thfifc Inst fitfl
into an cy.ipty corner, converting tho
rnmo into tho coziest of corners, was
not lonir sinco illustrated and described
by Country Gcmtloman as follows:
Tbo scat is simply a squaro box, from
three enrnora nf wlilnb viM snrmortfl.
which curve, slightly backward from tho
mat up. The top of the scat may be
solidly boarded ovor, or may havo strips
of upholHtorer's webbing stretched
across it from side to sulo. Tho latter
mothod of coui'BO gives a moro comfort
able seat, bnt when tlio wobbing
stretches tho Eeat is inclined to sag in
tho center. In cither caso spiral springs
are firmly fastened to tho webbing or
to tho boards, quite near togothor, and
over those tpringn, whioh can bo had at
any furniture ntore, a firm pieoo of bag
ging or ticking is to bo stretched. On
this is placed a layer of curled hair, ex
celsior or cotton, according as ono may
decido to uso tho ono or another, and
over this is placed thn cover. Tho two
backs ncod not contain tho springe, but
may bo stuffed first with hay or excel
sior and then with a layer of-some
softer material. The bagging or ticking
should also bo stretched over tho backs.
Tho sides of tho seat aro not padded,
bnt havo the cover drawn moderately
tight, with a puffed panel of tho samo
cloth inserted in tho center of eachsido.
A firm cloth of a fast color should bo
selected for tho cover. Tlio whole chair
can very readily bo made at homo.
About I'lnyliifr the Lesson Ovor.
Many to.ichera just play tho lesson
over for tho pupil and then say, liko
Bach, "It must sound liko this." This
is sufficient for advanced pupils only,
for all others much moro instruction is
necessary viz, what to do in order that
it may "sound liko this."
Neither is it always necessary to play
tho whole, perhaps very lengthy, piece
over for the pupil. A few single isolated
passages aro often sufficient tu pavo tho
way for a thorough understanding.
Sometimes, when wo havo a strango
pieco rather difficult to understand for
example, the first pieces of Bach, Schu
mann or Chopin it is necessary to play
tho wholu pieco over -before tho pupil
begins to practice on it At other times,
however, it is a good plan to let tho pu
pil work his way alone, a little way per
haps, in the interpretation and manner
of execution of a new piece, and after
ward give him tho necessary directions,
or perhaps practical help by playing it
all over for him.
It is ulso a good idea to allow ad
vanced pupils to take up a piece and
work it up entirely to the best of their
ability until they play it correctly, in
their own estimation, or till they do not
see anything moro in it Thou let tho
teacher's judgment and experience exert
thoir influenco upon tho work. During
the first year the toacher should play
nearly everything ovor repeatedly, says
a correspondent of Tho Etude, authority
for tho forpg'jing.
Cncnanut Caramels.
Put 3 pounds of granulated sugar
with a (ablcspuonful of butter, a enp of
milk and 2 teaspoonfuls of extract of
lemon in a kettle. Set over tho fire nnd
stir until dissolved; add a grated cocoa-
nut, boil until stiff, pour into buttered
tins, let stand a few minutes, murk off
into tiny squares, let cool and brcal
apart For a variety tho cocoanut may
bo omitted and the caramels flavored
with vanilla, lemon or pineapple.' All
caramels aro better when freshly made.
I'atuhwork Design.
Tlio following was originally contrib
uted to Farm, Field and Firesido: Cut
tlio hexagons and diamonds from, thin
cardboard or stiff paper 'and cover ono
sido with the material to lie usod, bast
ing it carofully iu place. Sow togothoi
as in the pattern, using the ovor and
ovor stitch.
Three diamonds, when sowed togeth
er, should form a hexagon exactly the
same size as tho plain hexagons, and If
diamonds are formed into hexagons be
fore they aro sewed to tho plain hexa
gons there will bo no difficulty when
putting in placo, ,
- ...r-
, :kv-'- -rJ. s .
It Is Mailo of Klni-k Lneo Shirred on Wires
mid fcilK(d Willi J t.
SomcNxlV bus l.-lU-lv riilfu-d his vnlnn fni-
tho purpose of disillusioning ua and du
etrovllV'f tho uoetieul nsxixdHMiina of nnr
lints. Ho says that neauulilnn braidthat
lino, laey material, niudo of bormdiulr Is
not Neapolitan at all, butwus Invented by
a man In New York who gnve it that
namo Ucnuso ho could not think of any
thing else to call It. Ho goodliy to all
dreams of Vesuvius and tho lmv ,f Vnia
In connection with our bnnnots. Thus nro
most or our idols imd itl) Is shuttered.
Wo dross our solnd with olive oil, numl
nullv the nriidiiet of siinnv 'I'
to discover later that it is made from tho
douiestio peanut. Wo cut Mediterranean
sardines, asoert.iining by nnd by that tboy
were caught oil thu ooast of Maine. Our
Brio cheese Is made in Orange county; our
French wines eomo from California; our
Spaghetti never eiuno neur saltwater until
It was cooked. Slneo, as it nppears, wo
must use our own product, why nut an
nounce to the world in general that wo
really aro Htiflloient to ourselves und hon
estly cull American goods by American
names, thus avoiding tlio puymuiit of duty
on imported titlesf
Blnck hats, ucupolitan and others, aro
much worn this year and aro often pro
fusely trimmed with ostrich plumes, which
arc niiln In full vogue. They are u per
ishable sort of decoration, ulthongh very
beautiful, for tho least dampness In thu
air destroys the lovely curl that Is their
chief charm and maku them stiff and llat,
and recurllng never restores them to their
prlstlno bcuuly. Tho spangled plumes
aro especially sensitive to moisture, their
frost vanishing before a fog us until ml
frost does before tho sun.
Moire ribbon shows no doclino of popu
larity ns n trimming for hat und bonnets.
It combines well with Jot and spangles
nnd bus -the glitter which is this season
conceived necessary tun lushioimbleefTect.
Yellow und black is a popular combina
tion, and a very pretty gold colored straw
braid has lieen brought out, wide and
glossy, but light. It is fragile iu spite of
its course weave and will not bear rough
A sketch Is given of a largo round hat
niado of black laco shirred on wires. It
is edged with jet spangles and trimmed
with chuntilly laco which forms two largo
Wings In front. These servo as a back
ground to two Jet wings fastened together
In tho middle by a knot of ribbon from
-which springs a jet aigret.
How to Wash Kmhrolderles.
There is only ono way to wash em
broidered linens. A suds of warm bnt
not hot water and castilo aoap should bo
mado. Tlio pieco should be rubbed with
tho hands, but never on the board. Nei
ther should soap bo rubbed on it When
it has been well washed in tho suds, it
should bo thrown into clear water of tho
samo temperature, well washed in that
and then rinsed in cold water. It should
not bo nllowed to lio in nny water for
a minute longer than necessary. It
should bo dried indoors, ns sun and air
fade tho silks. When it has been thor
oughly dried, it should bo spread face
downward on a pieco of soft whito flan
nel, damped with a sponge and ironed
with a hot iron until perfectly dry.
A Stationery Back.
A neat receptacle for letter paper and
envelopes is illustrated in Tho Delinea
tor. It is mado of fancy woed painted
with whito English eunmel, after which
the decoration of rococo work, cut from
yellow kid, is securely glujd ou the
front and sides. Tho ornamentation in
front is a pretty view of land nnd wa
tor, which the amateur wiolder of tho
brush will be able to satisfactorily re
produce, whilo at tho sides the simpler
decoration is cut from kid and daintily
tinted in two tones. Threo partitions
divide the rack suitable for tho envel
opes nnd paper.
Snrsaparilla Is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacists from Sarsa
parilla, Dandelion, Man
drake, Dock.Pipsisscwa,
Juniper Berries, and other well known
vogelable remedies. The Combination, Pro
portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's
Sardapiirilla, giving it strength an.l curative
power Peculiar to Itself, not pos
sessed by other medicines. Hood's
lures Scrofula, Salt liheiim, Sores, Boils,
Pimples and all other affections caused by
Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It is Not What
we Say, but what Hood's
Sarsapariila Does, that
Tells tbe Story Hood's
Hood's Pills ore gentle, mild and cflectlva
Lost Manhood
and vtiror qnlrkly
tilirhtlr emUnloni,
Hindoo Rsniedjr. WlthwrlllMiunaMloiars, Boldte
It A HO.
tho trrcil
Wi V ' Kv't''
ThF fair
' ni
R 1
2 for 25a
Remember, The Fair
For a Few Days Only
100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality, 30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00
50 Smyrna Mats, best quality, 16x34 inches, .75
150 Moquette Mats,best quality, 18x36 inches, 1.25
50 Moquette Mats,feiniyy;aa,!0d 18x36 inches,
25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed,
75 India Rugs, fringed,
48 Kasmcr Rugs
Unsurpasiod for
2x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
2x3 yards, all-wool, -
3x3 yards, " - - -
3x3K yards, " -
3x4 yards, " -
406 and 408
10W that the tima ofth9 s aason is
a J past (when wa are rushed for
Baby Carriages and Refrigerators)
we don't care to see the demand dim
inish, so we have made the prices SO
TEMPTING that even at this late
day Baby Carriages and Refriger
ators will roll from our floors with
the same rapidity as of yore. You
don't need much money. Why?
Firstly, we cut the prices in half and
will sell them at the remaining half;
and secondly, you can pay $2.00 per
month or 50 cents per week, with a
small cash deposit. "Put money in
thy purse and hither wend thy way."
Odds and End and
Bemnant Sale
B e gi n s M o n d ay, J u ly 9
i in .
s MDDeu wests
ue 25c.
36x72 inches,
27x60 inches,
30x60 inches,
$6.00 $4.25
7.20 5.00
8.40 6.00
- 6,75 4.75
- 8.10 6.00-
- 9.45 7.00-.
- 10.80 8.00'
Lacka. Avenue.