6 THE fc CPAKTCXN TliJJiUTOC-TIlUKSDAY MOENING. JULY 5, 1804. SUMMER FASHIONS. HOUSE DRESSES AND COSTUMES FOR OUTDOOR SPORTS. the Itest Skirt Is 81z Yard Around the Bottom now to Make It All Kind of dodlone and Jacket Linen and Berg-e Tennis Baits. The keynoto of tho season's modes Which m-n now so fully developed is the revival of tho styles of our p'anduioth ers, but history never does quito repeat itself iu fashions, so the.ro is both a dis tillation mid n difforouco between the old time idoas and thoir modern treat ment Old fiwhionod silks, checked, Btriped and waterod, and balloon sloovos, flaring skirts and laco capes havo been accepted with ovidont satisfaction. All kinds of bodices except perhaps the ono which is molded to the figure with many loams aro worn. ' They nro draped across, fulled into tho belt, arranged with frills, wide tproading collars and rovers, olaboratoly trimmed with laco, chiffon and spangled trimming, bnt they uro in appearance practically seamlusa, Littlo juokota are either niado or simnlatod )f tho trim ming. A pretty way to accomplish this effect is to full lace in at the front scum of the armholes nn inch or so on tho shoulder and under the arm and draw It closely together in front with a knot. PRETTY EVENING OOWJJS. Silk or velvet may bo used in the same manner or cat into tho shape of a jackot if preferred. This is a satisfactory way to renovate an old waist. Plain skirts and those which aro nar rowly trimmed prevail over tho more elaborate ones. The latest skirt is 6 yards around tho bottom if the mate rial is silk or any thin stuff. It is cut like a bell skirt iu front and at the sides, whilo at the back there aro throe breadths of silk, with additional width given to each one at tho bottom by sew ing on gores. These are sloped off quite narrow at tho top mid made to stand out in round folds from the waist by the means of a stiff interlining. To in sure an even appearance around the edgo tho breadths have to bo cut in scal lops. Jiraperies aro very chary about asserting their disadvantages, for they haven't many points of recommendation and are still in tho minority. If ono combination of color can bo more fash ionable than another, it is black and white. For tennis, yachting and outdoor sports nothing yet invented quite takes tiio place of sergo for theso goVns, bnt tho spirit of decoration has invaded this variety of dress. Colored and white linens aro used for these costumes, and this season they are combined w'th serge in ono suit. A white linen coat called "Garcou a Cafe" barely reaches to the waist This is worn over a white 6erge skirt and a bright oolored blouse. Silk muslin waists, made over a silk lining, are also considered suitable for yacht ing. A pretty idea for docorating a gown with the yachting club colors consists of a coat and skirt threaded with rib- YACHTIXO GOWN WITII CLUB COI.ORS. txms of tho desired color brought through buttonlioled slits down tho skirt, terminating in loose, ends at th bottom, whilo tho coat collar is treated In tho name manner. If the inner vest of serge is not desired, a white silk hlrt waist may be worn instead. Evening dresses aro as much in demand In summer as the more usof ul dressos for outdoor use. And a very dainty ono, uitable for a young girl, is simply trimmed with ruffles of thesamo. A folded belt and two rosettes of ribbon are the only trimming, except the ruf fles. This la a pretty stylo for white silk touslin mado over a color. TREATMENT FOR MOTHS. Hethods of Destroying These rente a Pino ttced by New England Housekeepers. There is no certain way of preventing the entranco of moths to a house. They can easily intrudo ' themselves and are hard to deteot As they work only in darkness, where a flood of light can be admitted during . the day they are not likely to appear. It is to the obscure nooks, therefore, that attention is to be dtreoted to tho edges and cornors of carpots, tho contents of drawers, chests and presses. All woolen goods should be brushed and beaten, hung in the sun and air if practicable, thon be carefully wrapped in thick, unbroken paper bo fore being laid away. Tho moth miller cannot get inside the paper to lay her eggs, and the young moths cannot pene trate it after they are hatchod. The fumes of camphor aro fatal to moths, and in putting away winter clothes and furs, wrapping with thorn or placing in the inolosuro a small quantity of camphor gum is a pretty certain preventive f moth ravages. Tar is ahjp roputmaflt to thejn, Jar ta per for lining uses may be advanta geously employod. Turpentine, insect powder and finely ground peppor aro also fatal to the littlo pests if they can be brought together, writes a Now Eng land housekeeper ifi Good Housekeep ing. Sho ears: One method of treating carpets, up holsterios and the like, which cannot be readily reached in any other wr.y, may be called the steam bath. The process consists in wotting the goo.'.s in fectod, then laying over them two or three thicknesses of cloth thoroughly wot and going over tho wholo with a very hot iiatiron. If this plan is thor oughly carried out, tho destruction of both moths and eggs is certain.- The buffalo moth is even more vexa tious than the ordinary kind. Ho is usually found about the edges of car pots. In addition to woolens, this in sect foeds on tho pollen of various shrubs and is said to be very fond of spirnea. For this renson people lire warned against having this shrub near thoir dwellings, as tho moth is said to fly from it into the building and lay its eggs on any woolen article which can be found, but a remote dark corner is given tho preference. Camphor, pep per and strong alum water aro among tho preventives recommended for this pest Another plan, which is said to work very well, is to take strip.') of red or blue flannel, theso colors being pecul iarly attractive to the moths, and sat urate them with a strong volution of ar senic, placing them ubout the edges of tho carpets or iu olher sect inns infested or likely to be troubled. Tho strip of flannel will lx eaten and the carpet left intact. After making one meal the intruder gives no further trouble of any kind. It does not need to be said that in the use of so dangerous a remedy tho greatest card should be exercised. Ben zino and naphtha aro also destructive to moths and their' eggs, but it must be re membered that they are very inflamma ble and should be employed only in tho daytimo and by a skillful and careful person. ' How to Fry Apples. Choose large, firm apples, rather tart, wash without paring and slice across, so as to niiike round slices half an inch thick, with the eoreiu the center. Ilav a spoonful of butter browning in the pan and lay the slices in to biywn. Just as they are ready to turn, if a sweet dish is liked, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar over tho uncooked side, so that the flavor will go into tho applo whilo browning. Tho old fashioned way was to fry them in tho fat of Valt pork mid serve without sweetening as a tart sauce with the eat. The art of cooking them is to havo tho slices tender and browned, but un broken. A deep griddle is best to fry them on. Hat mid Hon net Finn. Ono of tho features of headgear is tho hatpin, which has grown to be a thing of beauty and expense, quite as much as tho jeweled brooch. The latest m a butterfly with dull gold wings and body of somo opaque stone, thickly studded with brilliants to make it stand out. Largo spiders with golden lgs and pearl bodies aro a fancy, and these can bo detached from the pin and worn on the dress. Dainty Lingerie. An important part in tho costume of tho day is the lingerie thereof, moro es pecially the petticoat Very attractive are tho silk petticoats garnished with flounces of silk lace and chiffon and bows of ribbon. Ono of rose satin has threo narrow nifties of rose silk pinked like rose petals and sewed one over tho other ou tho edge of the skirt Theso . SILK I'HTTICOATS. are covered with a flounce of filmy black lace, headed with an upstanding frill of laco and roso satin and bows of black velvet ribbon. Another of palo pink moiro is striped with flounces daintily draped with lace, put ou with a laco beading, whilo a spotted watered silk, ill a heliotrope hue, is trimmed up to tho knees with Vandykes of laco in deep frills, and a palo blue glace shows in sertion, also in the vaudyko form of black lace. Somo of the new white silk underclothes aro trimmed with black chantilly laco run through with black ribbons. These are most becoming, whilo the stays of silk embroidered batisto also merit attention. A Simple BTarble Cake, Ilero is an eaFy way to niako marble cako: First, cream together a cup of white sugar and one-half cup of butter, then add tho whites of 4 eggs well beat en, ono-half cupful of sweet milk, 2 cups of flour, a tuaspoonful of cream oi tartar, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Second, cream together a cup of brown sugar and one-half cup of butter, add tlie boaton yolks of 4 oggs, ono-half cup ful of sour milk in which a toaspoonfuJ of soda has been dissolved, 2 cups of flour, ono-half cupful of molasses and ono-quarter of a teaspoonful each ol ground allspice, cinnamon and clove.1). Greaso 'woll a deep baking pan and pul tho dough in alternately, commencing with a lave- r tln dnvlr mixture. lercGan.uuro, Keyier, W. C. Dn. K. V. Pinnce: Ttrnr Sir-When about three years old I win taken with mumps, hIho had fever, Anally 1 bad that dreaded dlswo Scrofula. Tho inoflt eminent physlciuns la tnis section treated mo to no avail. I had run ning scrofulous sores on left sltlo of neck and face. I was email and weakly when eliiht or nine years old, and In fact was nearly a skeleton. Six bottles of Dr. Pinrcu's Golden Medical Discov ery wrought marvelous channel. Although tho Sorea were boated in elp-ht months. I did not quit taking- it until I was sure It had been entirely rout ed from iny lymem. l he only eigna left of tho H. M noLLEHAir. , dreadful rilsoase nro tho scars which ever rew mind moot how near death's door 1 was until rescued by the "Dlieovery." I am now eighteen years old and weigh 148 pounds; and huvo Dot been sick in five years. -Yours respectfully, HA It VF. If M. nOT.T.EMAN, Agt. lor SeuOoard Air LUie. EMBROIDERED CENTER MAT. It Una a Hose De.sl-i. Which Combines Laee work WitU Embroidery. A beautifully embroidered center mat, designed for tho dining room tablo and originally described and illustrated iu Tho Ladies' Journal, has a roso de sign which combines laccwork with MAT FOK LINIXH KOOM T.U'.t.H. embroidery, the effect lieing graceful and unique. The aunt measures 24 inuliM in diameter when completed and may bo v."Til;ed in cither linen or silk. Choose l!lo:ie!lo in delicate thadotf of rose, pale pink and applo green, with a little dull red to ncrcntvnto tho steins aud thorns. Theso as vi 11 an tho blos soms are worl.ed in soli-l n-.-.iliroidcry, while tho leaven aro carried out in long and short stitch i:i trrn or three nhailer. litem stitch is u:;ed fur tho voiuing. It may bo noted tlmtvhilu the feeling of full blown ro a is suggested i:i tho larger blossoms none f them is pre sented with the front view, as it wou'v.l take a very expert worker to reproduce tho interior of a full blown m.e. Tho best effort:! of embroidery can never ap proach nature, while tho management of tho blo Komrt in disiirn can bo c::rried out after the le.nnnerof n realistic paint ing, recent efforts having been directed toward tho blending of tho shading in embroideries, so as to simulate paint ing, rather than by rendering it in flat blocks. Tho outer odfje is lmtfonholcd in long and short stitch in whito lilosello. Tho darning is shaded slightly in delicato pink. Sailor lints Tiil:i Season. Tho Eailor hat mado its nppoaranco very early thin season. In other years there haK been but or.e reigning shape. Now, says a writer in the Ifew York Herald, there are threo or four. Thero is ono that has a very pro nounced high crown and rather a nar row brim, which may bo seen any day ou the street, at tho races and out on the drive, worn by dashing looking women with jaunty tailor mado suits. This hat closely resembles thoso worn ONE OF Till! NEW RAII.OIt HATS. by tho sterner sex. There aro very few faces to which this style of hat is be coming, on account of tho narrowness of tho brim. A woman with a thin face cannot wear it; neither can one with a very full face. There are faces for which this natty hat ju.it seems to be made, and when worn by such a woman it is quito stunning. Still an other shapo of the so called sailor hat is the one slightly rolled at tho brim and trimmed either with a plain band or a ki,ot of soft ribbon at the side. All of these hats aro worn in dif ferent colors, but whito and dark blno Beem most in favor. I.iice 7T:r.i11es. Tho maiitlo of long ago is to fall up on our shoulders, and lace is to be tlie idol of our summer hours. Of contVie you must understand it in the mantle of our mothers with a difference. W really could teach onr mother:- and our grandmotlurs, too, for that matter, al though the mere suggest ie,:i would h irreverent how to ni.ike a laco cap.' They worn them in full folds, which concealed the figure. Wo wear them so that through tho daii.ty me.-.hes of the laco yon may catch a glimpse of a trim waist, a sloping shoulder, a well turmd throat. At least this is tho way we wear them if we are wise women. It is eminently pleasing iu these days, when the tailor made tweed, tho nnuily waistcoat and the shirt mid tie do so lunch to transform woman into a sem blance of man, to find the re-established popularity of tho dainty lace, whoso ev ery thread is so conclusively marked feminine. A Keelpn For 'Fluff." Heat a quart of milk, add 3 table spoonfuls cornstarch, wet up with a lit tlo cold mill: and stir into tho hot milk. Let it cook slowly 15 minutes, stirring occasionally; then add two-thirds cup ful of sugar, and when dissolved add tho stiilly beaten whites of 1 eggs, and flavor. Sot away in mold to harden. Make a soft ui-itard of the yolk of the eggs and a pint of pilk, and when ready to serve pour around the mold of "fluff." Fashion Felines. Oraceful siishes are made by a donblo band of ribbon parsed around tho waist and fastened at the bi.ek Ii:eath two rosettes, wiih long ends reaching to the hem. Celts of somo description nro an in dispensable article ol' summer attire, and they may be of ribbon, velvet or leather. Chatelaines hung with nil sorts of jingling trinkets, such as miniature flasks, salt bottles, seals and pencils, are to bo worn again. Bride .'maids' ihrfwtw of sheer plain muslin, made over silk and trimmed with laco insertion put in perpendicu larly audi deep frillings of lace, are pretty. With theso aro worn largo girlish straw hats. Another fancy is to have thrf bridesmaids wear different colors.,' Mothtr-I Kotlirralt MothorilH llrs.W inflow's Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their children whilo to.itbli,f. with perfect success. It aooihes the child, softens the gnrns, allnya uli psin; ctiros wind colic and is the heat remedy for di arrhoea. Sold bydiutfuista in every) art f the world, lie sure and ask fur "Mrs. Wluslow's Boothing Syrup," aud take uo no other kind. IweuH-tiye cuuU a bot CtTRTIS DYSPEPSIA CUKES DYSPEPSIA CITKKS DYSPEPSIA Uavlng suffered from Dy pttnsia fur three y:ira, I ue cif'l to try HimuocK Blxo BiWKiia. a'nd after using one Uotlh-1 found myself wi min k Irntlor that I vn encouriiiod to ut nnothur: after taking thi I find myself m fully re atorud tht 1 do not nnud any lniil.i mcdU-me. feeling truly grateful 1" n. B. B. Mas. U. Whits, Talierg.Oueida Co.lf.Y. Promotes Digestion .1-1 IS I Ml tirtfl si (m 'W Eatioail Bail cf tatoi Ol.GA.WKD ltUU CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. Fc.Vi:FI, HtNVIS.PrcsHont. V . . WA'i WIN, Vice I'resiJjnt A. ii. WILL) A llS. (.Wl.ur. Mill to:s. KAMrri. TTiN-t-s, ,Mir. M- EvrnrutiT Ji;vims A. J i.vn. l'miti-K II. Fini.kv, Jotu'ii J. JniiiYX, M. Kn mi. u mi., Cilia, i'. MAVfilKW. JollX T. t'oLTUil W. W. WAiboA'. FR0MPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This I nnk InTites tho patronage ot Luslnoss men ulid llrmH nelii-riilly. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers owl Dealers in fllaminatiDj and Lnbrlcatiog Linseed Oil, Nopthas and Gaso lines of all urados. Axle Grease. Pinion Greaae and Colliery Com pound ; nlso, a large line of Par rafline Wax Candloa W nlso handle the Famous CROWN ACKE OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tho market. WILLIAM MASON, Manage Ofike: Coal Exchange, Wyomln.' Av Vv orka ut l'ine HrouX. MT. PLEASANT AT RF.TAIfj. Cnxl nf the twet quality f jr doraestle np.e,ani) nf all kIzhm, duliverej iu any part ut the cit al lowest price. Orders left at my offleo. NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUF, Roar room, Orxt floor, Thirl National Bank: or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. t-peeial eontiacta will bo made for the sail anil iloiivury of buckwheat CoaL TO T. SMITE Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Havo removed their office to their Warorooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 86321 fr) PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM cr ta o o as RlarvelGus Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. 1. purities tho blood, bnlldstrp tho weuk and ilohtlltuied, irivea strength Co weakcneil nerves, expels dne;i-,i.lvl!iit Uiopntt.uu health and bappliiosrt whoro sickness, Kloomy lei luis and lafiltv.do II rut prevailed. l'or lii'liiiary.aeeondnry anil tortlnry eyphlfl i, lorbliMul polsonlnir. morcu rial putfioa, cislarla, UyHfiejiHla, and in nil blood and skin dUooses, Itko blotuheo, pimides, old ohronlo ulcers, tetter, auHld head, bolls, oryslpelus. eczema ive may say, without fear of CMiitrndletloii.thntP. P. P. In the best blood Mir:iler In tho world, and makes fiositivo, speedy and permanent euros u all eases. as s and whose blood hi In an imp lire eontll gr -. tlon. duo to menstrual Irregularities, dorf ill tonlo and blood cleansing prop- ortlesof P. P. P. - Prickly Ash, Poke llllll l-UHIHIUIU. Hl'RiNol'iri.D, Mo., Auk. 14th, 1WI3. I oun spek In the hlKhest terms of your niudielue froui my own personal Knowlodite. I was nffected with heart disease, plearisy and rheumatism for ar years, wss treated by the very best phyklclans ana spent hundreds ot dol lars, tried every known remedy with out flndltiff rwllef. I have only taken ono bottle ot your P. P. P., and cam ohoertully say It has doue niemore food than anything I havo ever takon. can roeonnntnd your medicine to all ullerer of the above dlsennes. MBS. M. M. YKARY. Bpr. Jgfleld, Oreea County, Mo. J 43 aS ' ft rmp. 3J diy- Dr. B. Grewer The 1 hilnrlelplii, Fpoeinlist.and his susoelatea staft nf Enirllnh and Oennnn phvslcvana, are now perma..ontly located at nit si'hlch sr., scranton. The doctor is a qrradnnto of the University of r nnMylvaniu,formoi lv demonstrator of phvai olo'.'y and xurcerv at, 'the Mcdico OliirurKical t'ollejm f l'hilailelphla. A specialty of J hroiiie. Nervous, Skin, fli art, Womb and Lloou (lisennes. DISEAShS OF THE KERVODS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence. H- xnnl weakness In men niul wo mnn, bull rising in the throat, spots tloatliis before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con central) the mind nn one sulijoct, e.iailv Btnrtleil when suddenly spoken to. aud dull, eiHtressHd mini, which limits them for per forniliiif the actual duties of life, nmkiiiK hup piiii HH impoDHililo; iliktiei-siiiK tho ai tion of tlie heart, cuns'iiir fhr-h of heat, deprubsiou of spirits, evil forcliiidincs, conardiio, four, dreams, tnelam holy, two ensy of company, fooling us tired in the morning us when ivtir lliir, hick of enerey, nervousneHS, trcmlilinu, ciuifiision of thought, depression, eoiintlpntion. wenk'icss of the limlis, ele. Thoi-o so uffucted uli ' u lil consult us iiiiimuiutriy and be reHtor cd to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Young Mcu Cured. If you have been rIvoii up by your physician cull upon the doctor aud be exiinmied. Ho cures l lie worst enses of Nervous lielulity, Hero fuln.Old Si res.! aturrhl'iles.Femulu Wealoieus, Jiffeclioiis of the Eyo, Ear. Neso and Throat, Asthma, licuiiii'ts. Tumora Cancers aud Crip ples of every description. Consultations fveo and strictly sacred and confidential. Ofiieo hours daily from Vn. in. to U p. in. bunday 9 to Z H. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, BTEINWAT Ron DKCKKR BROTHERS m KKANICU ft BACK WiaU PIANOS Msf a larc stook of first! MUBICAIj mekcmanuisv DKITKB RHOR CO.. IoCp.fapllal.JI.OOO.OOO. riKST ni.no l-HOE IN the would. "A dollar tared It a dollar tarntd." ThlsLadlrs'Molld French DonRobi Kid Tint ton lioot d.iiver.d free anywkora in tho U.S.. on receipt oi lann, aioaoy urarr, or TosUil Note for tl.M. Kqusls every way tho beats snld in nit retail stores for Ji.60. We reako this boot ourtelves, thorffore we uar antet tho , ttylt and irmr, and If nuy ono is not saLlslicd win roiuna urn money send another pair. Ooura Toe or Common Btne, widths C, IV B, 6 K, sizes 1 to 8 sua half JUes. 8ndyourkt; n III yon. llfuslrbled Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe Co., HOHTON. HASH I ftLASS, ffpeetnl termt to utuicr: For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of tho com plexion, nolhinjr equals Pozzom'a Powder. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malaris S and Kidney Troubles A:iTruvcahyr:FV'Z Prlcklv Ash. Poko ltoot and Potas- einni, the greatest blood purifier on, earth. , Abrrdrbh, O.. Jnly21, Messrs. Lifcuan IIkos. , Havaiinsb. Ga. i IiKAKHliis I boiiKhc a bottle of Jour P.P. P. nt Hot MprliiKS,Ark.,and t has done me more Kood tnnii threo mouthf' treatment al. the Hot Hprinifs. Hend three bottles ('. (i, U. Bespuctfully yours, JAR. M. NRWTON, Aberdeen, Drown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all whom it may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suflered for several years with an un slahllyand disagreeable eripitlon on my fsoe. I tried every known reme dy but In vain, until p. p. p. was used, and am now eutiroly curd. (Sltfucdbyj J. D. .IOHNBTON. Savannah, Oo. Shin Cancer Cured. J,jffmony'm the Mayor of Sequin, Tex, 9 O s 2 o 5S Massns. i.ippman Hbos. , 8avanuah, 3f Ga. : ik.ntlcmen havo tried your P. P. P. for a disease of timskln, usually auown as aaln eanuer.of thirty vears1 smndlnir. and fouad Krent rollef: It purities the blood and removes ail Ir ritation from tho sent of the disease and prevents any snrendlnw ol tlie sores. I havo taken live or six bottles and feel confident thnt another course will clreot a cure. It has olo relieved me from Indlvestlon and etomaou trouble. Yours truly, CAPr. W. M. RU8T, Attorney at Law. Book on Biocd Diseases Moiled free. ALL DKBQQI8T3 BELL IT. LI PPM AN DROS. PEOPKIBTOR8. r-& tippman's Bloek,Savmanaih, 6s teil t"Jti W KAiV wKJiUd SDPERLATIYE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brand of flour can be had at any r( the following merchants, who will accept fim Iuibunk flour coupon of 25 on eaou on hundred pounds' of Hour or CO ou each barrel of flour. hcrnnton-P. P. Pricsy Go'.d Meila. Brand. wiwhingtoa avonua I Dliimioro-F. P. Price, Gold Medal Drand Iminuoro-R 1). Mauley. Hnpoilative Uranl. Hyde Park Carsou llavia, Wa hburn Ht. Hold Medal Braml; J soph A. Mears, Mam aveuns, Superlative Brand. Gl'eeu Kidno A.Iy.Spencnr.(iold Modal Brand. J. T. Melliile, (Superlative. IVoTldenee Feimor & ChuppnlLN Main ave nue, Superlative liraiid;!'. J Gilloipia, W. Market street, Hold Med.il Brand. Olyphnnt -James Jm'dan. Superlative Brand. Pcckvilio Shaffer St Ki Is ;r Suporlativj. Jerinyn-C. U. Winters Co. Superalatlve Archnald Jones, 8 inpson ft Co . (1 ld Medal. Carliondiilo-B. S. Clark, (lold Medal Brand. llonesilalo-I. N, Foster 4 Co. Uoli Modal. Miuooka M. II. L:ivalla LOUIS B. SMITH! Dealer In Choica Confections and Frnife BREAD AND CAKE3 A SPECIALTY, . FINEST ICE CREAM ISSSES 1437 Capouse Avenua NORWAY IRON TOE CAXK MACIITNERY SPUING fcORT STEEL. ANVILS IULLOWS HORSE NAIL9 BLACK DIAMOND SIIiVtCH RXTRA 6PECIAI1 SANDERSON'S KNGLISI1 JKSSOP'S ENGLISH CAS I' ST K Eli HOUSE SHOKS WILEY & RUS8ELX1 AND WELLS BRO& CUTTING MACHINERY. !itt6nbend8r&Cov$cranton, Wholesale and ratal! dealers' In Wafronmakers and Blaoksmith' FTTPPLTES. Y.OU KWOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereay 807 LACKAW "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OF Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. MANHOOD irtsuniotlonorlnsanlty. .'ilijiiT mail propilio. . ou Ub..HMAi,l lh. MBirnr. tEF0ilEA.NQ AFTER USINQ.no other. Addruns For Solo in Scranton, Pa., by H. O. SANDERSON, Druggist, oor. Waahingtoo inrl Snruce strnots. TheFrpatremertr I'ovSnlc 1vC. M. HAItKIX DiiiiscIhI, l.fter. BvforuAUd AUvi Uiug. Foraala by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuca Strt, Scranton, Pa, . fren thtX f. THeune, lov.l,UX The Flour Awards "Cbicaoo, Oct 81. Fh fini oflWU annonnceinent of World' Fair il-l plomas on floor has beea mad. A medal- has bea awarded hj th World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Mills, Minneapolis. The committee report the flour strong and puna, aud entitles it to rank as first-class patent floor fry family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WBCLF.SALE AOKHTS. Taylor-Judge St Co., Gold Medal; Athertof & Co., Superlative. nuryea-Lawreiiee Store Co., Gold Medal Moosic John McCrindlo, Oold MedaL Pittaton-M. W. O'Boyle, Hold MedaL C ark's Ureen-Frace & Parker. Suparlatlva, Clark's Summit-F. M. Yoang, Gold Medal. gl'on-. K. Finn ft Bon, Gold Medal Brand, Nli'holson-J. E. Hurdinif. Waverly-M. W . Bliss t Son, Oold MedaL tactoryvllle-Charles Gardner, Gold Medal Honhottom-N. M. Finn A Son, Gold Modal, Tobyhanna-Tobyhanna Lehigh Lumbsr to . Gold Medal Brand. Gonldsboro-B A. Adams, Gold Modal Bread. MiHcovr-Galge A Clements, Gold Medal. Lake ArW-Janios A. Bortree, Gold Medal iorestClty-J. U Morgan 6c, Gold Med WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R. fi PULES SCREW & Connell ANN AVKNUK BfS GO. SESTOREDI 'NERVE SEEDS. Thli weMtrflsl rmr4y ftf eaMs. such ss Woak Momory, Lessor Hraln Power, lleadaehe. Wakefulness. Lovt.MnnhoiM, Nlnlitlr Kiiilseluiie, Ntrvouinoas,alldralnsandlosof power In iloiipratlToOri(aiisofolihirspiOBnodhy overexertion, youth fulerro iiitisnlTe use of tohaeeo. onluni or stimulants, which lead to lnfirmltr. Coa Can he csrrlert In Test pocket. HI per bor, C t or n ' oroor m wniivn gasrsBne w w. w rir"Hl.r fri. Mnld h all rfnuiol.u Ab for It. tss fcUV E HEKD tH alasonio Temple, CHicaOO.IU RESTORED MANHOOD I 1 " CTy1nTP'"wwaTrni'ir;' aa nl Tho creat rempdr fnrnmnii. n . i , .iirmmmj mm KKBVEJUSR fornerrous prostration and allnemrasdlsoases of RS&I y'10 neneratiyo oreans of elihor sex. such as Nerrous 1'romratlrn, M& lV57ju!';nhw-In,IM,ton5TIj,NlliUy Knilsslons.YonOiful Kr W) Wontal WorrT.eioosslvousoof Tol.acooorcplum, which lead to roJT.. mininllon ami lii.nriltw. H'iii, . ' . , n. ran Krrurs, sunipllon and Insanity. With every onlor we slve a written guar. Biiuvuirureorrotunrt'tlie money. pii Rt Sl.OO perbox. U boiof 1147 Avruue. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will brtce ton nr. In a week Held with WaiTTRM 3 ii . . ' 5 '? C,r os Dohlhly, Loss otrlsiusl Power in llhl , lnyoluntorf EmlMloui from any csu.s. If neolfded, such troubles lil t, finii.liniTilInn ... l.u..i. . . . . . . ...... - : 1 j, Bi.wptT oos oy msu, o ooxob ior v. tia epr? Sr.t J'i-Si'.".! J,,UeB I"iaoip lo cursor nfuud ths moaoy. kir u FS4L MKCICLNB CO.. Clsf.lnud. Ohio. Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlna Avanua J