The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 04, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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fTUE dreaded pueumonia or
"grippe" is relegated to tlio
rear, and "Old Sol" with his pen
etrating rays is a constant re
minder that we are candidates for
Hiiiuiuer Attire.
Exceptional values in this depart
ment. Goods were bought at clear
ing; lniiiiufactureru' prioei.
Linle Thread Vasts in white, ecru
mid colore. Ititlbriirgan Vests,
F'Uhiouiibln Kibbed Yeita, Finest
Egyptlnn Yarns. Gnssnnitir Vests
and in varieties Novelty and
Tho printings on Ginglinms are
retopiiizml by all connoisseurs as
the liifh8t art in textile Dress
Goods. Swivel Silk Ginghams, Pin
Head and Shepherd's Checks. Solid
colors in iuuey shinies, stripes and
plaids, in wonderful vuriutiiisj
In these davs of improvement and
perfection we glinnld follow the
times. The "liit'st" costs no uio.-e
than the time worn. Rueiet colors
and tans, drop stitch, lisle thread,
Mark staple. All the t m prove -lunula
in soleing and heeling.
Corset Department
Contains a complete assortment of
all the leading makes, including
all the grades of ventilatnl hihI
summer weight Corsots at selling
For trimmings, for draperies, and
for nil oses this lovely fabrio can
te pnt to, we have in abundance.
Thut are seldom written about, but
needed just the same. Wo pay
just as much attention to buying
them right as we do xpensivt
Silk Twist. Sowing Silk. Embroid
ered Silk. Batting Cotton, Cotton,
Linen Toread. Done Casings Belting,
Skirt Bniid. Velveteen Binding, Prus
sian Binding, Taffitu Binding, Darn
ing Wool. Darning Cotton, Carpet
Thread, Macrame Cord, Coisot Laoec.
Silk Corset Laces, Shoe Laces, Covered
Drts Stays, Horn Bone, Corset Steele,
Garter Elastic, Silk Elastic, Hooks
and Eves, India Tape, rolls of Tape,
Pins, Hat Pins, Black Pins.Kid Crimp
ers, Montague Curlers, Silk Tassels,
Needle Cas's, Shoe Buttons, Bone
Buttons, Collar Buttons.
If you wish to he well and fash
ionably dressed Tit AD E AT OUR
STOKE. If yon wish to save
oioney, come to us first.
Mrs. William Kifer. of Tankhan
CGck, is the guest of A. H. Schoouover
and wife.
John Ingraham and wife, who have
baen taking an extended trip through
the wpst, bavo returned home.
'lhe Itev. James Long will preach in
the Baptist chnrcb. lie will retmiin
hen until the coming of the regular
Ex Judge J. B. Storm, acoompmied
by his wife and son, left today for As
bury Park, N J., to spend at least two
months for the benefit of his health.
Hon. J. I. Blair, of Blairstown, the
oldest resident of Warren county, who
was reported seriously ill a short time
ugo, is auain able to be out of doojs.
The Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western railroad company has put on
an extra train for the accomodation of
fruit shippers ut Portland..'
At a meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Wilkes- Barre and Eastern
railroad on Wednesday lust R II. Kim
tier was elected a director of the road.
Thomas Kitson has purchased three
lots from the Strondsburg Land com
pany on Columbia avenue for consid
eration of $fif)0. He intends bnildlng
a row of brick dwellings. Frank Cool
bangh has also bought two lots on the
same street at the price of $200.
ABtraw rido wus given by the mem
iers of the Tuscorora Social club on
SnturJay night. It was highly enjoy
ed t.y those who attended. The party
went to the Gap view Honse Shaunee.
Refreshments were served and several
games were played before returning
Lome. Tnose who enjoyed the ride
were thu Misses Lauretta Snyder, Flor
ence E linger, bnsie B-noett, A'.Mie
Flory, Hattie Holzinim, Ella Everett,
Blanch- Sygafns, May Palmer, Roth
Hellsr. Flyn, Ev-r-tt and the Messrs.
Knnkle, Bull, Van Golden, Carrick.
Sabriaki, Datrick, Dreher, Malsin, De
Long, Shell.
A scene of much beauty was the
cpacious dining room of the Prospect
Home, in East Stroudsburg. It waa
the night of the grand opsning of the
house and the rooms were filled with
guests from one of town and the two
boroughs. Some very handsome even
in..' dresses were shown. The rooms
of the hoiMo were tastefully decorated,
wpecialiy the dining room, which was
transformed into a ball room. Dilut
ing and fl iwers vere festooned around
tha walls. In tile centre was a foun
tain hidden umong a mass of ferns and
other plants.
A m .rriage by Friends' ceremony
recently that will interest the residents
ot thesti boroughs was that of Miss
Etta Bogert and John W. Poole.
A new switch is being pnt down on
the Delaware,' Lackawanna and West
ern railroad to run from above the
Aiiulomich street crossing to the tarn
The Pennsylvania railroad track at
Manunka Chuuk will soon be raised
on a level with the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western depot.
Criticising a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charley.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's oaBlly enough dis
posed of. Used to ba the same way my
self, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it In no time.
George What was itf
Charloy Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
the boss blood corrector. The governor
Lad rheumatism su baa that you could
Lear him holler clear across the country
tVery time ho moved. He tried it, and
you know what an athlotlo old sent he is
liow. If somobody would give Miss Daisy
pointer, she would tbank them after
Wards. All tbe drug stores sell it.
Highest of all in Leavening Towei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
jmmmui pure
The substantial donations nude
regularly every month by our people
for the use of the hospital bespeaks a
world of praise for the chariUnly in
clined. The report of Superintendent
Gibson, printed below, for the month
just closed speaks for itself. Concern
ing the financial result of the entertain
ment held recently in Mnsio Hall no
thing can be said ollieially at the pre
sent us there are a tow outstanding
bills which still remain unpdd. Treas
urer Watson statod to the 'iituu'NK cor
respondent yesterday that the net result
when all biils are pwl will foot up a
grand total of from $I'.T to $150 Fol
lowing is the report ot Superintendent
Gibson for the past month: Patients
in hospital Junel. 17; admitted durini;
month Si; cured and discharged, 18;
unimproved and died, 3; remaining in
hospital July 1, 21 ; largest number any 21; smalltHt number, 15; average
duily.PJ 20; Catholics,.!!; ProtestantB.7;
single, 18: married, 22; winowed. 1.
Donations nud materials received: Mrs.
J. H. Brittain, 4 coats, 4 dust coats, I
pairs pnnts, 2 vtats, 1 pair stocking-,
roll old muslin; A Friend, 2 coats, 2
vests, 2 pairs pants, 1 shirt; William
Drury, 1 barrel sng:ir; Mrs. J. N. An
derson, A jars jelly, 2 smoking coats, 2
nightshirts; Mrs lions, 1 jar apricots;
Mr.N. G.Parke, broad and sandwiches;
' Wbntsoever" circle, King's Daugh
ters, 0 porch rockers; Miss Auuio L.
Cake, literature and fruit; William G.
Simmons, lawn sprinkler; Mrs. C. W.
St. John, 10 jars preserves, 0 glass.'
jelly ; MifS '8 M Miller and S. l'arkar,
flowers; Miss M. Grady, flowers; Mrs.
William Robinson, 2 jars preserves,
fliwers; Mrs. Mitchell, fbwers; Miss
Strong, fl.iwers; Mrs, B'ckel. roll old
muslin ; Dersliimer and Grifti i, 1 load
kimlling wnsd ; Mrs, M. McDouuell, 3
cans corn, 2 towells, Mrs. Prosser, roll
old muslin ;A. B. Brown , box fan ;Mrs
Win. Abbott, 25gUfses jelly, flowers;
Mrs. EiiK'ry.l pair pants,2 vests, 1 coat, 1
Hit: Mrs. Dan Johnson, 3 sheets; Mrs.
S. Crane, literature; Misses McD.iugh
erty, McDermott, Hurke, fl.iwurs;
Charles Morrow. 2 gallons wine; M.
Cumniings, 1 pint brandy; Congrega
tional church, on Children's Diy,
flowers; Tuiui'NK, R publican, Iiticord,
Trnth and Pittstoti Gazitte.
Two Italians, a man and a worn in,
carrying a banjo and a boot black's
black in it box, invaded this place yes
terday, They were observed by the
Titiur.NE correspondent in Cork L:ne
and evidently arrived hern the back
way from Taylor, where it is alleged
they passed counterfeit money.
Iu tbe one mile Lun-rno county
championship race of tao bicyle tourna
ment held at West Side park, Wilkes
Barre yesterday, George 11. Stroh,
took first priz, n $50 gold medal.
The constitutionality of the law of
1871 governing the election of a tax
receiver for this borongh having been
confirmed bv the court, reqniros an in
crease of $.12,000 in tbe bond of E J.
McDonnell, the newly elected tax re
ceiver. This will make Mr. McDou
nol's bond $32,000.
The traction company's commutation
Docks, 100 5 cent rides for $ 1, are sold
by Super! n tendon t James Cosgrove, of
the l'ittslon Street railway. These
tickets are also received for fares on
the horse cars.
The Western Union telegraph office
and the Telephone exchange will be
open todnv, July 4, from 8 to 10 a. m.
and 4 to 0 p. m.
The remains of the late Francis Gil
loran, who died in Jersey City Sunday
of injuries received on the railroad and
whicn arrived home Monday evening,
were buried from the residence of his
parents, on Rock street, II uutowu, at
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
A month's anniversary mass for the
late Capt. F. P. Reap was celebrated at
St. John's churun yesiord ay moruing,
Very Rev Father Fiuuon being celt
brant. Besides the members of the
family many relatives anil friends at
tending the service, which was most
solemn and impressive.
Parties desiring to purchase copies
of the TmiiUNK can do so by applying
at the book store of Rugglos & Man
ning. Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertise;! druggist to
sell Lr. Kind's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition. If you are nlllieted with a
Cough, Cold, or any I.un?, Throat or Chest
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, nud expeiiencn
no benelit, yon mav return tun boitlu ant
have your money rof nnded. We conlil not
make this offer did wo not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied on.
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free nt
Matthew Bros', drug store. Largo size
50c. and fl.
The first entertainment of St. Joseph
Cadet corps was given last niirtit at
Temperance hall and was well at
tended. Those who participated in the
programme acqjitted themselves in ex
cellent manner.
The Mud town B ise Bull club social
will be held at tbe Temperance ball on
July 23
Thomas Murray will go to Vst
Pittston today to enter iu the sweep
stake shooting match at that place
The Married People of Greenwood
will hold a basket piouic today in the
woods near that place. There will ho
an old men's race and a middle agod
men's race, and also a ball gnme with
numerous other athletic sports.
Miss Mary A. Toole, ot New York, is
visiting her brother,. Frank Toole, in
Fred Uollenbaek went on a fishing
tour last nigut to Wayne county and
will not return until Thursday.
Dr. John Trinlin is ill.
The school direotors have boon out
on a tour of Inspection of school prop
erty. Electrics will play the actives of
Providences, this morning on the
Riverside grounds at 10 o'clock.
Calvary Baptiiit church will have rtn
excursion to Purview July 17.
Burgess Griffiths has moved his office
from the council rooms to a store room
next to T. G. Thomas' shoe store.
The borough council, accompanied
by County Surveyor Dunnlugs, took a
tour through tbe borough yesterday
inspecting the streets, which are in a
bad condition.
Two boys, one, a ion of W. E Juries,
and the other a son of Thomas Nich
ols, wero burned by an explosion of
powder in the lavlor mines yosteruay
afternoon. The Nichols boy's injuries
are serious, but young Jones will be
around in a few woeks.
On Julv 13 the Price Library associa
tion will hold a festival in their ball.
Georiie I'errv and family are passing
the glorious Fourth at I) illiis.
The boom mid loud peals of the can
non were heard last night, from ull
surrounding bills of the borough and
Independence Day was ushered iu with
much enthusiasm. Tne day in this
livelv town will be spout by the vari
ous Sunday schools picnicking. Others
will go to Lake Ariel, m my to tli.f bi
cycle races uud ball games.
Wallace L Hubert and Russell Ditn-
lulck started out ou a fishing trip
yesterday Starting at Marrowsburg
they will tish down the iJ.-lawarn,
Rev. J. J. Doherty sailed for Europi
L ist night Olto L Schweller sent up
souio paper ualloms with a tag at
tached to each entitling the holder to a
pair of si shoes from his store. Tonight
two more balloons will ascend.
Mr. mid Mrs. John Gow ure visiting
ilonesdale trieuds.
A reception was tendered Rev. and
Mrs. John N. Lewis, Jr.. ' by Mr. and
Mrs. H. Z Russell at their home Mon
day evouing, to which a larite number
of persons lial b"e invited to meet the
rector of Grai church and bis wife.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Z Russell and Mr.
and Mrs Lewis wero assisted iu receiv
ing by Mrs. Fuller. The house bad
been handsomely decorated with u.lius
and other plants by Clark, ot Scruutou.
Music was furnished by Bauer s or-
chester and refreshments by Hunting
The reception was one of the most
pleasont ones that had been hold iu
Houesdale for some tune.
The en', of town guests present were
R.-v. and Mrs Frauk Schell Balleiniue,
of Green Ridg; Archdeacon Cox1, of
Aid -n ; A. D. Holland and W. II. Wil
liams, of Scr.iiiton; Mrs. Ada Wnite,
Miss Clara Pellet t and Lawrence At
kinson, of ilawley, and Mr. aud Mrs.
John Gow.
Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Peterson are the
parent of a boy baby. Tne infant son
la a grandson ot lion. v. U. Jadwin.
George Meyer is visiting Scrantou
Louis Nielsen has returned home af
ter a two -week's vacation at Carley
Tho Enworth leagues run an excur
sion to Houesdale, Thursday, July 12
Un arriving here they will be met by a
committee from the Honvsdale league
and escorted to the church, where they
will have lunch. A few short talks
will be given. Music will be furnished,
by the league orchestra, and a visit to
various parts of the city will be made
Mrs. Max Lvvi and children, Ooio,
are visiting at the home of Mrs, Levi's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freeman.
Mrs. W. Roseberry and daughter,
Grace, of Les Vegas, New Mexico,
have returned home after a visit with
Mis John L'i.han at Trucayville.
Fred La Paint is visiting friends and
relatives ill Binghamton.
Miss Kena Spencer, t.f Yonkers. N.
Y., is visiting her nareiits.
The Enworth league of the Metho
dist Episcopal church will hold a
strawiierry festival in the church par
lors this I'vcuing.
At the meeting of the school board
Monday evening all of the ol.l teachors
were ro-upiiointod except Miss Winter,
she wishing to attend a normal fciooI
did not apply. Miss Dana Ryiuer was
given a position. On account of tho
large number of applications the bal
ance of the teachors will not be elected
until the next mooting. This will give
th board an opportunity to secure the
Don't forget t'.ie lawn social this
evening on the (.'rounds adjoining the
St. James church
Monday evening the members of May
flower Lolge Sons of St. Georgo re
( , ivo I a fraternal visit from a number
of the Sorautou brethren. At the close
of the business session the visitors were
royally entertained, refreshments being
srvd by the home society. A return
visit will be in; il) us soon as the weather
beci.iti a tritl cooler.
Dr. S. D. Dvls made a professional
visit to Scrantou yesterday.
A large nnmber will attend the races
in Scranton tolay; others will goto
Fairviow. M myhive made arrange
ments to attend the St Thomas church
picnic in Sylvan grove. All stores will
The Young People of the Baptist
church held their weekly prayer in-et-ing
at the home of the pistor, Rov. F.
A. Matteson, last night.
Coal pork"ls will soon bn rropted
along the Erie and Wyoming Villey
tracks Iu charge of Mr. Bishop, of
Mrs. Dr. J. C. Biteson has returnnd
from nu extended visit with friends in
Wayne county,
Francis, the oldest daughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. Romlyn Snyder, wno is suf
fering with typhoid fever, is improv
ing. Mr. Bunnell, of Scrantou, spont Sun
day with C. F. El wards
Charles Whitney is building a new
home on the east side.
B. D. Cooper's ice cream parlors were
opened last evening. The best of to
bacco, cigars, confectionery and frnits
of all kind will be kpt ou band,
Mrs. Bdujimln Bntterfidd, of
Sehulizville. is visiting at tuu home of
her sou, B. F. Butterfidd.
Dorranoe Fuller has accepted a posi
tion with the Delaware & Hudson
Canal company at Providence, Scran
ton. J. Knickerbocker, Sr., has begun
building bis new houses on his lot on
the South side.
Hotel Elmhnrst has opined for the
summer season under the management
of Mrs. L. Vetrses Watkins,
Several of the prominent citizens of
this pi nee enjoyed a fishing excursion
to KiLr's pond last week.
Byron Lnokinghau is miking Im
provements ou his lots on tbe east side.
lion. John R Farr has moved his
family in bis summer cottage in this
Mi9 Bertha Jenkins, who U attend
ing pchonl 'in New Jersey, is home
spending vacation.
iillac J Snv.Wr, student nl
Sirou ishnrg Stale Normal school, re
inmed liiniis last Saturday to epend
the summer vacation.
Mrs, Clar-noe S"veiis is visiting rel
atives iu Sterli;.ir. Wayne conntyv
Weorge L, Adams, of the. Union Tan
ning company, was a business visitor
in this place ou Saturday Inst,
O. B. Partridge, of Scranton, spent
a few hours iu town Monday eveulng.
Mrs. W. II. Hiiruiiis atarted yeelor-
day for an extended visit with Uones
dule relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Thomas Maxey intend
spending the Fourth with tne latter'a
parents in Seeleyville.
Dr. D. L Daily was professionally
engaged iu this borough yesterday.
flliss Corn Evan", of Gibson, is vi-nt-ing
her sisters. Mrs. B. Maxev aud Mrs.
J. L Westgate.
I rofeMor B. E. James, or Montrose,
Hindu Forest City a brief visit Monday.
Miss Maude Reynolds is visiting her
brother iu McKean county.
The ever g-u-I o r-i-o-u-s Fourth wilf
be celebrated today at Uniondale by
games of all kinds and n balloon ascen
sion. People from Herriuk. Clifford
und other near by cities will be present.
Among the wheelmen from Forest
City that will be present at the bicycle
meet in Scranton todny aio John Matey,
II. A Purple and Bdrt Trim.
Postmaster Frank Cunningham in
tends auplying tor a patent on a device
which he has recently contrived for
emptying mall pouches with dispatch.
lie will gladly show tho workings of
his invention to auy who may desire to
see it.
Samuel J. Jennings, the Republican
scribo, is celebrating to-day with
friends in Scrauton.
Georg Coles, Sr., has changed his
avocation, and was busily engaged yes
terday in repainting his house.
At a meeting of the school board,
Monday evening, Miss Mary Reynolds,
of South Gibson, a graduate of the
Mansfi-'ld Slate Normal, class of '93
was olrcted as a teacher in the Form
City Graded school. Miss Reynolds is
a sister of Mrs. Thomas DavUs.
Frank Meddlcton received a painful
injury Monday by stepping on a nail.
W. H. Biggins will visit Elmhurst
friends for a few days.
B. F. Max-y will stirt a select school
in the Many block Tnuradny.
11. G. Likely, of Carbondale, after a
week's absence from this place, spant
Monday evening with a frieud in For
est City.
Tonight n lawn social will be held on
the grounds in front of the Presbyter
tan church. Ice cream aud strawber
ries will be srved. A cordial invita
tion to all is exttiided.
A uniou Sunday school picnic of the
different churches of this pi 'ce will be
held, it is thought, July 24. at Lake
Poyntelle, a very pleasant ami hand
some rejorr. In all probability it will
be a Buccess
Today will be fittimrly celebrated by
the diffrsnt Catuolio sociotiea or For
est city by a mammoth picnic, which
promises to be a grand affair. The
picnio ground is located ou a boautifnl
shady snot about a minute's walk from
the Ontario and Westeru station, A
dancing pavilion, 82 by 40 feet, hat;
been built, where "the light fantastic
step can be tripped" to music famished
by a Cirboudsls orchestra. Three
large stands have been built and seats
placed iu diffsreut parts of the
ground for tho comfort of the
visitors. Gillies of all kinds and
swings have been provided. The
p trade in which i.bout twelve societies
will take part.coiuprisiug 509 inon.will
occur at 9 o'clock. It is expected some
societies from Carbondale will partici
pate The Knights of Father Matthew,
undr tho comuiandiirship of John Mc
Donald, Have been drilled for some
lime past und will ru.ik a fins show
in i;. James White will be the chief
marshal of the dy and will be assisted
by Jam ".s Walker and John F.
laghur. Father Coroner has worked
hard 1 1 m ike it a grand snccsss.
lU-U'ADK nv l.'ltAt-na Tla atira vnn f
the genuinu Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It
cures cuius, cougn. iibiuuui, ueaiuess anu
Jam is nnd; Claries Dubois, Elwnrd
Grnslin, Scott Ward and Fred Cuurch,
are camping at Threo Lakes.
James Taylor Jr. and J. B. Hoi brook
of Ithacn, are spending a few days
with friends iu this place.
A uumber of bicyclists from this
place and Captain Beuel will ko to
Scranton the Fourth.
Master John Oweus, of Scranton, is
visiting his cousins, George and Rob
ert Millard, on Main street.
Recorder S. S. Wright, of Montrose,
is in town today,
Willinm Barnes is making improve
ments about his premises.
Fred Decker's house on Wellington
street is receiving a coat ot paint.
An appuul has been made to the good
p.'ople of this place aud surrounding
localities iu regard to furnishiug ac
commodations and entertainment, as
guests, fur frash air children from New
York city for two weeks. It is boned
that provision can be made for a large
number of those poor children who do
not know of the blprslngs of country
lite. May ev.-ry one that aun help in
this good en us).
Touchers' meeting this week will be
nt ths home of Mrs. II. Robinson, ou
Chuse avenne, on Fri lay evening.
John Downey, whose arm was so
I'udly sm mhed some time ago In the D.,
L & W. yard at this place, has almost
lully recovered from his injurirs, and
oowlng to the cun ful attention aud
skill of his sun-eon, Dr. Lamb, he will
Mood's Saved
fly Life
I Can Honestly
Say This
"For years I was la a very serious condition
Willi catarrh nl the stomach, bowels and bladder.
I suffered Intensely
from dyspepsia, and
la fart was a miser
able wreck, merely
a skeleton, I seem
ed to go from bud
la warae. I really
wished I was dead.
I had no rest day or
night. I did not
know what to do, I
had taken so much
medicine of the
wrong kind that It
had poisoned me,
and my finger nails
begna I turn
blnck and como off.
I tieKiui to take
ITiiod's Sarsaparllla. I had faith In the medicine,
and it did moro forme than all prescriptions. I
have gradually regained perfect health, am
entirely free from catarrh of the bowels, und
pain in my hack, My recovery Is simply mar
velous." W. R. Youno, rottor's Mills, I'a.
Hood Cures
If fjj
Nr.W. It. Ynung,
l'uttur't Mills, I'a.
, Hootl'8 Pills "Hove distress after eating.
ii m
111 . I' . 1 . LlU V '? ft
When my little girl was one month old, she
had a scab form on her face. It kept spread
ing until she was completely covered from
head to foot. Then she hail boils. She had
forty on her head nt one time, and more on
her body. When six months old she did nut
wciyh seven pounds, a pound and a half less
than at birth. Then her skin started to dry
up and got so bad she could not shut her eyes
to sleep, but laid with them half open. About
this time, at the earnest request of friends, I
started using the Cuticuka UEMKIilliS, and
in one month she ions tontplcltly enreJ.
The doctor and drug bills were over one hun
dred dollars, the Cuticura bill was not mure
than five dollar. My child is now two years
old, strong, healthy and large as any child of
her age (see photo.) and it is all owing to
C'UTlcuKA. Yours with a Mother's Messing,
335 Crcenlicld Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis.
Sol.1 itiruujlirait the world. Potter Dsuo and
Chrm. Cuhi'., sole prujiricTum, ftoswn. Mailed free,
" All about tin: Illixxl, Skin, Scnlp, and Hair."
llaby Illemlsln-a, f.illmu' hair, and red, rough
hamU prevented and cured by Cuticura Hui.p.
have full aud perfect use of his arm in
every way.
Dr. Chas. B trues and wife, of Thomp
son, are visiting their relatives in this
Miss Grace Share, who has beon vis
iting friends in Buffalo, has returned
Unas She Dress Willi un lve to l'leaalnir. the
Men Alone?
It has been asserted ninny times that
Women dress with nil eye Ut pleasing men
only. That is a belief very fluttering to
men, and they naturally adopt it with en
thusiasm and cling to ii with tenacity. It
la noticeable, however, In tbi.s connection,
that. WNincn dress quite as carefully when
they arc going to uttend a meeting of a
woman's club as th y do whon they expect
to Ik! subjected to niruieulino scrutiny, and
thut in uu art students' sketch class made
np entirely of women quite an much pains
is taken by the amateur model to secure a
becoming costume and a pretty pose as
when the class Is a mixed one. Women
undoubtedly like the admiration of men,
but they liko tho admiration of other wom
en nlso. A compliment from one wont
un to another is fur mure likely to be sin
cere than a compliment from u man to u
woman, especially us u certain sort of man
considers it Incumbent upon him to inter
lard his remarks to women with fluttering
sentences, regardless of truth or oven prob
able fiction.
Somebody announces every now and
then that men do not like masculine look
ing garments on women; that starched
shirt bosoms andeulVs.sliff huts uud mnn
liko coats are their nlioininution, and that
they wish women to be in everything the
opposite of themselves. Nevertheless tai
lor luiide fashions have pnwtieally no ri
vals in the average man's esteem if his
comments tire to bo token nsan Indication
of his taste. The plainer the skirt, the
tighter the stitched bodice, the higher the
lurched cellar, tbe nattier the four ln
haiid scarf nnd tho doggier the dogskin
gloves the more approval do they win. Ap
parently a man likes to bo beaten on his
own ground when it Is a question of dress.
Shaking of tailor made costumes, sev
eral new und attractive French modolRttro
seen. Parisians avoid tho strict, severity
of lOngllsli tailor fashions and infrct their
designs with a taint of frivolity. The
sketch shown Is of iieost uniiMif thin covert
cloth. It has n'drnped skirt finished with
stitching. The corsage, which Is gathered
in beneath a corseletIs nlso stitched aud
buttons lu an odd way, back nnd front,
over. a fitted bodice. Buttons also deco
rate the upper part of the skirt. Tho
alcoves have a long tight cuff and udoublo
puff held in with a band.
'iho New raratoU.
Tho newest ami daintiest parasols hnvo
handles of mother of pearl richly cut
and chased. Tho very elugunt ones hiwo
wholo handlca of iK.irl, t.ut tho less ex
pensive, ones hnvo n hiindlo mounted
with a short length, mid tho knob takes
tho form of tho fruit of the passion
flower. Smoked penrl is quifo us fnsli
io,.iblo ns the white. Pink and green
crystal balls and tho dumbbell shapes in
cliinti nro other fancy mountings, and
three cannon balls of eliinii supersede tho
one ball of last year. The prettiest trim
ming foraoatin parasol is cream nntiqtio
point lano put on with tho plain edge
against the edgo of tho covers and tho
points standiiiir.
T.stB i'ur an Invalid.
To prepare an ogg for a sick person
beat tho egg uutil very lij,'lit, mid sea
soning to tasto titul thou steam until
thoroughly warmed through. This will
not tako mom than two minutes. Tho
most delioiito stomnch will bo able to
digest it
When Itahy was sick, we gavo her Pastorta.
When she was a Child, she cried for Costoria,
When elio became Miss, she clung to Costoria.
When sho bod Children, she gave thorn Costoruv
1 1 1LJ 1
17 IT h ID
1,200 DOZEN
dies' Ribbed Vests
VaBue 25c,
s 2 for 25a I
Remember, The Fair
For a Few Days Only
100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality,
50 Smyrna Mats, best quality,
IbO Moquette Mats,best quality,
50 Moquette Mats,bli'l!nsed
25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed,
75 India Rugs, fringed,
48Kasmer Rugs, tusnrJrrTd for
30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00
16x34 inches, .75
18x36 inches, 1.25.
18x36 inches,
36x72 inchos, 1.25
27x60 inches, 1.60
30x60 inches, 5.00
2jax3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
2jx3 yards, all-wool, -
3x3 yards, " -
3x3 yards, " - - -
3x4 yards, " -
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
0W that the time of the season is
past (when we are rushed for
Baby Carriages and Refrigerators)
we don't care to see the demand dim
inish, so wo have made the prices SO
TEMPTING that even at this late
day Eaby Carriages and Refriger
ators will roll from our floors with
the same rapidity as of yore. You
don't need much money. Why?
Firstly, we cut the prices in half and
will sell them at the remaining half;
and secondly, you can pay $2.00 per
month or 50 cents per week, with a
small cash deposit. "Put money in
thy purse and hither wend thy way."
s and End and
emnant Sale
Begins Monday, July 9