It is the business of a newspaper to print THE NEWS THE TRIBUNE is in that business six ' days each week. EIGHT PAGES-uG COLIDLNS. BCRANTON. PA., WEDNESDAY MOItNINQ. JULY 4, 1804. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS TIGHTENING THEJCHEWS The Suffering Public Still Writhes Under Or ders from Labor's Despot. REGULAR TROOPS ARE CALLED GOT The Situation Practically Unchanged. Both Sides Are Confident of Vic tory in the Near Future Meanwhile .Large Numbers of Stranded Travel ers and Other People Depending; Upon Railroad Service Are in a Slat J of Anxiety Vain Attempts to Ship Meat. Chicaco, July 8. rs7E PORTS were made ns usual tuie UJ morning to the general mttn- 111 tigers iu st'ision 111 their head U u miariers. Au extended rnort livui t'io Santa Fa declare that th lis passenger train on the Chicago dlvis iou are running with the muni equip ment. The pussenger trnin dim to leave Oraml Junction is tied up otfiug to the boycott against Pullman ears being re newed there Deputy United Stale marshals have been called in to uiove the tiuiu. Reports troiu New Mexico Bay that the strikers derailed one of tin fdr-i at Dillon and the eighty-three United deputies ou board were obliged to walk to Ritou. '1 he sheriff :it Ralon being iu sym pathy with the strikers refus-jtl to boip the i;.'iu!i;i to get fool from the ent- 32 In uses whico uovcotted- taetn. the sheriff ui iv t e impeached. Troop were culled tor uui two companies left Sauta re and arrived at Raton this morning. Some freight arrived by the SauU Fe to-day, Tiie Ctiicago, Milwauk.'e and St Paul ret oi ts nil trains running on time nnd without, except at Minne apolis Hud St. Punt, where fir-men re fused to no to work. At LaGrosso nil the switchmen went out au I at Sioux City the switchmen Bud engine tnen of switch engines are still out. All passen ger trains on the Chicago aud Alton between St. Lnnis and Chicago are held af Blootuington for want of fire man. New uii u have left Chicago to take the pi ices of the strikers nint truulle may ensue. No freight is being inov 'l. This mornt isr as Bilti- ire and Oh:o trun N v 16 whs pa.s- cr ( switches in the Koclc In .Ad JUL junction, the engine was ditched pnd th tracks blocked. The engineer jatuped, sustaining brnUea. Tua fifteenth regiment United States troops started from Fort Sheri dan, thirty miles west of Cmcago, at o'clock th s afternoon for Bine Iiland iniity miles east of here, the tcane of trouble between deputy marshals and deputy sneriff-i and strikers on the Rock Inland road. It. i believed that the preseno of the regulars will so l all troable there. STRIKE LEADER AltRESTFD. Cincinnati. 0;.io, July 3 -Edward t Phelan, leader of the railway strike h-re was arrested in his bel at 0 r. clock this morning by a deputy United Stntis marshal upon a warrant , nsned hy the Ui.ited Stnfes conrt upon thecomt-laiat of tbs Cinclniuti South ern railwuy cmpnny's receiver, Samuel Fellon. It charged him with interfer ing with the mnnaKement of the rail- way by ordering and inducing its em ployes to lav itn s-rvic with intent to injure the trflio Ha was taken to tbo cflice pf ths United Stites manbnl and heid until Judas Taft, of the United States circuit court, came upon the bencr, when the. heuring was set for 2 o'clock Thursday, and his bond was , fii'd at 2 500. MenniiciiH an injunction will be served npon him resiralnio him indi- viduallx, pending bis hearing, or in couiMnition with others, from incit ing, cucunraging, or in anv manner CHiising the employes of the Clnainnati f'outhprn road to l.ive iis imploym-rit with the inieution of cornpliini tin receiver to bruk his contracts with the Pullman cr company PmUn said be. would obey the ii;junction, bnt added "The V.ovs know all about, how to treat them They need no inatrnctions. CHiCAOo.July 3. Two Northwestorn trains nearly came into a head-on col lision on the bridfl that crosses the Chicago river t Wells street. A third , train in-bonn I from tha Pacifio coast was running behind and was with dif Cculty kei t fnra striking one of the others. F. A. Mills, snpsrintendentof the passenger equipment, was on one (f the triins as engineer and Koad Agent Whitney acted as fireman. The danger signal was hoisted by the bridge tender in time to avert the dis aster. All the engineers, firemen brakemen and trackmen went out on th Nickel Plato this morning. A train load of ; angers from the east was left u ding at Stony Island avenne and Nin ty-hrtit street in the mi 1st of a swamp. They were obliged to get out and wade through the mud to the near est street car line, miles away. FltEIOHT AT,A STANDSTILL. Pittsburg. Jnly a Freight ship v ments to all points west of Pittsburg sre practically at a standstill. Thirty two western roads have notified the Pennsylvania company's general ofllje lu Pittsburg that they will not receive freight of any kind until the boyoott has been settled. Freight trains are tied up all along the route between Pittsburg and Cbicsgo, and the loaios from delays will be enourmoui. All effort are concentrated In keeping local freight and passenger trains mov ing. Pullman trains on th Pennsyl vania system arrived and departed on time today. Los Angles, Cat.. July 3. The situ ation here U about the same ss yester day. The firemen, bruko'uen and switchmen will not yield an . ticb. Toe coudnotors and engineers it is etatod. liuve determined not to refuse to haul Bail or passenger trains unless the Pullman coaches ore included, and Will refuse to work with green hands. No train has moved ont on the Southern Pacifio or Santa Fe and not one has colne in. Santa Fe railroad official have been summoned to appear bofore United A LARGER BONA States Judge Koss to show why they refuse to sond ont mall train, BI'.F.P TRAIN OI1STRUCTKD. CmcAiio, July 8 At 2: p.m. nn engine manned by ollltiials of the stock yards railroad was attached to the stalled train of twenty-eight Crn of dressed beef sent out by Swift & Co. The train did not proceed more tlinn half a block when the moh rnshed to a box car standing on the eid track and ovi'tluruod it on the main liue obstruct ing the passage of the freight tralu Two hnndred police were at the sceue of disturbance and dispnrsod the crowd and hail little trouble in doing so, Thirty-man cars of dressed beef be longing to Swift and company hsve been standing ou a siding now for twen ty four hours mid are iu imminent dan ger of being spoiled. At lloot streot and the railroad tracks another freight car was pushed over. This obstructed the pathway of swi'ch engines both north and south and the company has little chunce to move its meat. Nothing has been done at the stock yards today. Armour and company have abandoned all uttem; t to do biume-is and the out look is b.ul. A SETTLEMENT NEAU. CuiCAiio, July 3 "The strike and boycott inaugnrated by the American Railway union will be settled uot later than Saturday." This was the official statement giveu out by President Debs, of the American Railway union, this evening'. Vice President Iloward.Jauies Hi gun and William Buens, of the j tint couference committee selected to mediator., uureed with Mr. l)dts. Uther director were divided in their opinion, but it is geuerally conoeded that the effort of tue municipal authorities preceded by the mediutiou of P. E Stud.'baker will iu all proba bility, re.nlt in a settlement of the l)Vcott agalnat Pullmau and th strike ou the rnilro.tda STRIKE M U ITERING3. Ht. Louis, Mo. The switchmen and yanlmen employed by the Iron Mountaiu iu C'arondulot und St. L.mis, returned to work this mornin and that road at ouce re-muied all trade between St. Louis aud Little rock. Bakeknkld, Cal. The train carrying troop to Los An (teles oarly tin afternoon. Th striker succeeded in getting bn ii II -email and eugineer to leave th." cab. t j p. m. the train baa not been ab'.e lo proceed. riTTsiiL-no. About 1 o'clock last night the hiiih h .me ot the Baltimore and Ohio milroad at BiiSt-ll'a station wtis blown up aud nothing remained but a portion of the euirine and boiler. It is believed that dyn amite had been placed under the building. Rkadixo. Forty-on railroaders left Beading tonight for Chicago. Tbey were all recruited alonj the Reading road. It is also reported that a number of ensiueers who lost xheir situations oa the Lehigh Valley daring the late strike have been employed. Sacram exto, Cal. An attempt to start a mail tram with Pullmans attached was prevented here today by a mob of strikers and the United States Marshall and sheriff was defl.fd. A call upon (iovrnor Mark ham for state troop) has been made by the United States maialial. Philadelphia Eighty men were sent out to-pight from this city to take the places of railroad strisen in the west. The recruils who are all experienced railroad men will go to the railway managers' asso ciations headquarters iu Chicago from wliich point they will bo distributed. San Francisco. The authorities at San Luis Obi-jo telraphod to the United States marshal in this city this afternoon for deputy inarshala, stating that the striker are destroyiug tin property of the railroad. Tracks are being torn up, water connection cut off and depredations of all kinds coipmiiteJ. OiLUMni's, O Lite this afternoon the scale cu aim' tee of the American Railway union formally ri jvted the compromise propr.siti n of tho President Waite, of the Hocking Valley. The company will now attempt to run trains with non-union men and trouble is feared. A moat fum ine is already Ml here. Detroit, Mich. Today Colonel Snyder, commanding the Twenty-third Keuiuieut, United States Army, stationed at Fort Wayno, rerelvtd a telegram from General Miles at Fort Sheridan, instructing him to bold two companies' i f fifty men each un der marcliing orders aud in immediate readiness to take the, Uuld. PRENDERGAST TO HANG. The Jury Invitiuatinir th Cass Pro noano.s Kim Sans., July 3 The jnry in the Prendergnst case today found the pris oner not insane, aud be will be hanged on July 13. Suortly after his return to his cell where he was I-d by Jailer Price, a United Pres reporter called to see Prendergaat who in r nly to a question said: -T thank th United Press for its interest and will say'that the ver dict of the jury fin ling m sane is en tirely correct uud I .iin satisfied with it. That I am sine I have always main tained and the jurys" verdict, I say is entirely satisfactory. BOYLE FEU IN THE RIVER. He Was Unable to Gee Out and so Ra- mutntd 'lhr. Yesterday morning n call came to the Luckawsnna hospital for an ainbo tunc to go to the Jersey Central sta tion. Ou arriving there, it was fonnd that Martin Boyle who came here only a short time ago from Bath, N. Y.,hnd fallen down the embankment, near the Scran ton street bridge, aud bad tnm blod Into the river. lie had been in the water he said since 10 30 the night before, being un able to get out. Ho wa taken to the hopltal whore an examination was made, but he was found to be only bruited and scratched. Ho is in a very nervons condition, bnt nothing serious is apprehended. PRESBYTERIAN CLERIC IN SESSION. They and Ihtir Quest Eanqutt at Ho tel Elmhurit. The annual banqunt and meeting of the Presbyterian oiorio ot Scrunton and vicinity was held yesterday ut the Ho tel Elicliurst. At the bauqnet Rev. George E.Guild acted as toastuinstes and discussed "Cleric nnd Clericals." Rev. S C. Lo gan, D I)., responded to the toast, "Our Cleric; its Place in History." Ad dressee and responses were made by several others. Among the guests were Rev. Mr. Mutchmore, of Philadelphia, and Ry. Dr. W. P. White, financial secretary of Lincoln anivorsity, this (tat. FIDE CIRCULATION LATE FOREIGN E Glimpses ot Scenes or Interest lu tbo Old World. IK CARNOT REFUSES A PENSION Declines the Expression of Gratitudo from the French Cabinet Casimir Pericr Will Serve but One Term. Money for Fetes to Be Given to the Poor-Cholera Scare at Stockholm. Another Townley Shark Arrested, Paris, July 3 N the chninher of deputies today Premier Dupny read President Casiuiir-Perier's mtssage. Later the same document was read by ttie premier lu the senate. The mesia.'O was as follows: I have been summoned by the national assembly to be first magistrate of France. I nni no party man. I belong to Franco und to the republic. An odious crime, which the natidual conscience repels, has robbed the country of the, upright, citizen who lm l been the vigilant guardian of the constitution. May the memory of such devoted duty Inspire and guido me. "Thoact of the National Assembly, which in u few hours assured the regular trans mission of power, is fr. sli con Urination of the stability of republican institutions lu the eyes ot the world. I am resolved to foster the methods ui-cesary to uphold the republican democracy, nnd it is my Urui pin po.e to commit to other hands the des tines of Franco at the expiration of my seven years' term of office. Trustful iu her own resources France, which has received the government's and ttie peoplo'a touching proofs of sympathy, has, with uplifted head, affirmed her love lor pence. She is worthy of her past nnd will remain the great hetirt'n and intellec tual liht of toleration aud progress. The presidvat concluded with appeal! ing for onily of efforts iu ensuring pub lie order and social p-ace. The cabinet has offered a pension to Mme. Camot, the widow of the late president, as au expression of grati tude for the service which the latter rendered to the state. Mm. Carnot, however, has declined the offer. Th government has decided to sup press the credits voted for the open air fetes aud the military review on July 14, the aaniverary of the Fall of the Bastil. The money will be devoted to the relief of the poor. TO PROTECT CHILI'S CREDIT. London, Jnly 3 A dispatch to the Times from Siutiago, Chili, says that President Moutt declares that the con version of the enrrency, iu July, IBiXI at the rat of 24 pence, is certain aud absolutely necessary in order to pro tect tne credit ot the republic. The treasury, it is added, now hold a reaerra of CI. 500.000 sterling, and the nitrate fi-dd sales of Ostoh-r nxt nro expected to realize nearly '2,000.000. The Hamburg-American line steamer Venetia, Captain Von Bas9ewitz, from Christiunsand, Juno 3!J, for New York, which went ashore at Strom i islan I, was flialel last evening, So far as can be seen, she sustained no damage, She proceeded on her voyage. Colonel Jacques, who represented L-iwrence, the American claimant of tne Townley estate, was arrested today cliarged with fraudulent practices in connection with tue claims. GENERAL FOREIGN NOTES. Antwerp. Fire broke nut at the docks this morning. Largo Mucks ot lumber were destroyed, but no damage was done to shipping. . Stockholm A case of supposed cholera has been reported here. The quarantine authorities, however, say it is Bimply choleraic Tanoier A ropy of the document an nouncing tLo adhesion of the city of Pcz to the new sultan, Abdul Aziz, was de posited yesterday under t ho eaves of the mosque. and gifts to the mosque were made at the same time. THIEF CLEVERLY CAUGHT. Officer Tom Ljwu Eadocl Jnok Tobln'e Pllf-rliig for the Present LustevenWig about 10.30 o'clock Of ficer Thomas Lewis was standing at the corner ot Penn and Lackawanna avenues, when he spied what seemed to him to be a suspicions character, fie followed him up Center stroet and when the fellow got ns far as I). M. Davis' restaurant he went in aud tried to dispose of six pairs of new shoes for a dollar. He iaild, however, to sell them and left them there until he should call for them. From there he went to Coyne Jlonse, all the time nnder the close eurvell ance of Offioer Lewis. After being ejected from the Coyne House he i nought it would be fun to pilfer a lit tle fruit from the vender. At this point Officer Lewis thought the game had gone far euough aud placed hi in under arrest. On arriving at headquarter be proved to be Jack Tobin, wnose record in police circle has been very un savory, us he figured conspicuously ou several occasions in city conrt for this same otToinC PONKEY'S BITE FATAL Weatoheiier Isd Horribly Mangled by a Vicious Deait. West Chester, Pa.. Jnly 8 Martin, tho 9-year-old son of Henry C. Way, of Chndilsford, wa fatally bitten by a pet donkey this morning. The little fellow wa riding the ani mal, when it threw him and then at tacked him aa he lay on the ground, It tore his face and body badly with lte teeth, fatally injuring him before he oould bo beaten olf, JOURNALISTS INDICTED. Grand Jury Brine In True Sills Against t-hrlvor and Edwnrdi. Washington. D. G. July 8 This afternoon the grand jury brought in indictments against Messrs. Shriver and Edwards the newspaper corres pond en ti, for refusing to answer tho questions propounded by the senate committee, and both gave ball for their appearance when wanted. Tue graud E C AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN jury was then excused until the Sep tember term ot court. No indictment were returned against Messrs Ilavemeyor and Searles of the sugar trust today, but it is un derstood that indictments against gentlemen will be banded down in September when the grand jury again convenes. STATE TEACHERS MEET. Thirty-Ninth Annual Session at Media. Colonel McClure Welcomes the Visitor. Media, Pn July 3 The thirty ninth annual session of the Pennsyl vania State Teachers' association wou vuned here this morniug. It will not adjourn for tomorrow, but will con tinue throughout the day. Teachers and educators from all parts of the state are present. President Samuel Hamilton, of Braddock, called the con vention to order aud Introduced Col. A. K. McClure, who made the address of welcome. Col. McClure received a warm welcome. Hi spoke ot the advantago of the schools of today as compared with his hoyiiood days aud praised the free school svstem. Uev. W. R. Patton, ' of the Media Baptist church, followed Colonel Mc Clure, nn 1 said he was glad to wel come the teachers to a town that had settled the question of prohibition. Addresses in reply to the welcome of Mr. McClure aud Rv. Patton were made by Professor George Ullbert, of Chester, and Superintendent Burliew, of Lancaster. A paper was read by Colonel John A. M. Passmore, of Philadelphia, ex plaining to the teachers the various points of iuterest in Philadelphia. At the afternoon session President Hamil ton made his innngnral address. This evening Ciiarles Emory Smith delivered a lecture on "The Czir and His Empire," after which a reception wus given the vivitiug teachers at the Media Academy building. WANTS AN INVESTIGATION. Councilman Kearney, of Pittston, De sires to Have the Traction Pass Business Thoroughly Probed. Fvecial lo the Fcranton Tribune. Fittston, Pa., July 3 Councilman Kearney, who failed to get his resolu tion before council last Mondty even in it, because of a rule that only bills should be acted upon at that ineetiug, is determined to renew the subject at the next meeting. Ilia original resolu tion, banded in '.r. reading, bnt denied that privilege, ts laid to oe in the possession cither of Chairman Mor gan or the secretary of council, but this is a duplicate copy: Wherens, grave charges directly Impli cating adversely the president and otber members of this body in relation to the East Hide Traction company, of which John C. liraham is the superintendent, btive appeared iu the newspapers of this region, and Whereas, Tho reputation of this body for hunohtv, honor and purity is virtually assailed by the publications referred to, be it Resolved, That a committee ot this council be appointed to investigate the bulk of the lollowing statements pub lished in the Scranton 'J Rini NK of June ii. and reiterated in tho Issue of that newspaper of JiineiO, 1MU, to wit. Tout uohu J. Mangnn nskul aud was refused by Mr. Uraham, three passe., one tor him self, one lor Councilman M. N. Donnelly, and one for C. Frank Bohau, borough solicitor, etc.: therefore be it Resolved, That iu view of the gravity of these charges, never officially denied, it is the op'nion of this body that a decent seiiSMof respect for public opinion de mands that the president vacate the chair iu order that au impartial committee be appointed lo make a thorough investiga tion into the truth of the foregoing charges and I npoi t promptly to this body at a luture meeting to be sot here and now. It is understood that this matter will be pushed to a definite conclusion. SUMMER CAMP OF Y. M. C A. It Offers a tplandld Opportunity to Spend ao E Joynbla Vacation. The Young Men's Christian associa tion of this city has established for its member a cottage at Urent South Bench, Long Island, which will be oc cupied during the summer by a large number of w rubers from Scranton. The expem-e for a two weeks' vacation, i ni-lii Hug railroad fare, will be only $22 50. Great South B'-nch 'lies on the pen insula whicn juts out from and runs parallel with ths Long Idnnd coast outside of Fire Island and off Bay shore. Islip Sayville and Patchogue. It (dTcra splendid facilities for bathing and fishing iu the great south bay or the ocean. The Long Island Clutauqtia assembly has established the summer house and camp at Oreat South Beach and has arrauged a popular programme of at least two features each day. An honor has been conferred upon Physical Director R, L. Weston, ot the Scranton Young Men's Cbristiau asso ciation, in selecting him a the profes sor of gymnastics and physical cul ture tor the Chataiiqunus during tho whole of the summer eenson. SULLIVAN'S ROUGH EXPERIENCE. HI Wife Throw Oups and 8auor at Him and Tor Bis Shirt James Sullivan wa yesterday grant ed a divorce from Isabella J Sullivan by the court. According to his state ment of the relations that existed be tween himself and wife after their mar riage, there was little happiness in the union for him. Both had been married before. On Dec. 24, 1801, they were wedded And williiu six weeks thereafter Sullivan says his wife beg in to throw cups and saucers at him, tore his shirt iuto shreads and said she would put rough on rats on his food. S'je also reviled in the harshest maimer the memory of the previous Mrs. Sullivan, Court considered all of these things ample ground for n divorce. Bat Shea Convicted. Trot, N. Y., July 8. Bartholomew Bboa was this morniug found guilty ot murder in the first degree in shooting Robert Robs during the election day riot last fall. . WILSON BILL PASSES SEMITE On tho Evo of tho Ever Glorious It Sails Se renely Though. STRUGGLE OVER THE WOOL CLAUSE After a Long Soic tho Famous Tariff Measure Is Passed the Senate Mr. Hill the Only Opposing Democrat. All of the Income Tax Features Go in Spite of Opposition from New York's Senator The President to Be Tuxed. Washington, July 3. THo tariff bill has bei-n passed and the senate has adjourned until Friday. The entire Democratic winir, with the exception of Sen ator Hill, voted for the reconstructed measure. They were joined by the Populists. Tne senate reassembled at 10 a.m. and continued its session of MouJuy, under the order of recess made last evening. After some executive com munications and house bills were pre sented by the vice president and appro priately referred; Mr. Harris (Venn.), the parliamentary director of the tariff bill, remarked that the ques tions still remaining open in that bill were more numerous " than, though perhaps not ho important ai, those which had been disposed of yesterday. He therefore hoped that seuators wonld couseut and resolve to dispose of the bill by adjournment today, so that the tenute migbt have a holiday tomorrow. The Republicans offered no opposi tion to tho taking of a vote today, but opposod sitting tomorrow if a vote should not be arrived at today. The bill was then taken up aud first came tho motion made by Mr. Mills (Tex ) on Monday evening to place barley uud grains bags made therefor on the free list. It was carried by a vote 27 to 17. 60L1D ON WOOL. Then the gnat wool schodnlo came up for action. Mr. Sherm in (Ohio) of fered an anieiidiuect to place wool on the dutiable list at 30 per cent, ad valorem. The longest discussion of the day took place ou this proposition appeals boing made by Republican senators to Democratic senators from the wool producing stito to supply even two votes for the amend ment, which would be enongii with the Populist vote to carry n. But these appeals fell on deaf ears. Th re was not a single desertion from the Democratic ranks on the qtus'ionof wool. The two Populist senator who usunlly act with the Democrats Messrs. Allen ami Kyle lid not vote, and the ainendmsnt was defeat jd yeas 33, unya 37, The vota was as fol lows: Yeas Messrs. AMrich, Allison, Carey, Chandler, Cullom, Davis, Dixon, Dnlpli, Dubois, Frye, tiallinger, Hale, liaiishroiiRh, Uawley, Hisgius, Hoar, Jones, of Novadn, Lodge, Mamteraon, Mitchell, of Oregon, fatten, Peffer, Perkins, Piatt, Power, Proctor, Quay, Sherman, Shoup, Stewart, Teller. Wnsbburn-32. Nays-Messrs. Bates, Blnckbiirn, Cnf frey. Cull, Ccckiell, Coke, Faulkner, Ueorge, Uibson, Gordon, (iormiu, Urny, Harris, Bill, Iluutou, Irbv, Jonos, of Ar kansas, Lindsay, McLauriti, McPrierso.n, Martin, Mills, Mitchell, of Wisconsin. Morgan, Murphy, Palmer, Pasco, Ptigh, Ransom, Roach, Smith, Turple, Vobt,, Vilas Voorhees, Walsh, While a. And bo wool remains ou the free list. COAL ON DUTIAULE LIST. When the parugruph putting a duly of 4U cents a ton on coal was rMclied Mr. Hill called for a separate vote ou the item. He said he did not propose to ueiaiti ti e senate ty a speed), as ins views were nuown. lie wanted coal on tiie free list. The committee amendment was agreed to yeas 57, nays 0, and bitumi nous coal and shale coal are on the dutiable list at 40 cents a ton, and such coal Black us will piss through a half inch screen at 15 lmus a tou. The six senators who voted no were Messrs Allen, Hill, Irby. Kyle, Mills and t'ell-r. 'I he committee amendment which had been originally offered bv Mr. Hill, exempting the salaries of the president ot tn United States and the judges of the United Slntes from the income tax was rejected after a brief struggle tty a vote of yens, 31; iiayo, 3(1 Ten Democrats having voted for it and six Republicans and three Populists Hgaiust it. The date for the bill to go into t-ff -ot was hxed as the first of August 188-1. subject to further postponement it necessary. Barbed wire vasHsubjct of some disputo. An amendment nad been agreed to in committee of the whole that barbed wire for fencing should be admitted froo of duty. Tills amendment whs rj cto l and one of fered by Mr. Allen (Neb ) to place "wire for fencing" on the free list was also rejected. Yeas, 32; nays, 38. And so wire remains on the dutiable list at rates according to gauge. Mica was taken off tne fr list and put ou the dutiatde list at 20 pr cent, ad valorem. A SHOT AT TRUSTS. Mr. Morgan, Alabama, offered an amendment to come in as live addition al sections at the end of the bill, aimed at trusts, combinations and conspira cies In restraint of trado and commerce or to tncr. use tho market prlo of im ported articles Alter discussion the, auieiidmeut was agroed to without di vision. Mr, Allon then offered the amend ment to the sugar schedule of which Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, gave notice yesterday. The amendment was laid ou the table. Mr. Allen then moved to strike paragraph 575 pnlntiugs in oil or water colors, engravings, statu ary, etc., from the free list and to make such works of art dutiable ns under existing law- 15 per cent. Re jected. At 8.45 p. m a sugsroslion was made by Mr. Doiph (Oregon) that the senate should either dispose of the bill quickly or let it go over till Thursday. He should "bate to see the national day desecrated by the pussage of iuoU a MIL" THAN ANY OTHER "Nothing coul 1 bo ao Dninful to me." Mr. Harris remarked satirically, "s to rive the slighttst shadow of pain to the senator from Oregon. Bnt I think that tne LIU should be disposed of before th senate udj urn. And I hops that every senator will stay here until it is dis posed.'' ihexo amondmouM won agreed to; Increasing 11m duty on files from 30 cents por iIlzjii to 35 cuts; making the duty ou type ruutal cent per pound on the leal contained thorelti, and 15 per cent, on now type; reducing the doty on cleaned rice from 1 cent per in und lo 8 10 cent. Mr. Pettigrew (3. D. ) off-red uti iiiin-iidiuent providing lor a tarili couiuusblon. ltej.-cteu yeas, 30; nojv, 38. A VOTE M TAKEN. At 10 p. in. the bill wa read tho third time and then Mr. Smith (Lie in., N. J.), rose aud addressed the senate. Tils calling of 'the roll Oll'fhe final pussage of the tariff bill began at 10.25, and the vote resulted: Yeas, 8'J; nsyr, 34. Following la the rote in detail: Yeas Messrs. Allen, Bate, P.erry, Black burn, Hlaiichitrd, Caffery, Call, Cockn ll, Colin, Dauiul, Fullmer, O iorge, Gibson, (iurmau, liray, Harris, Huuto-i, Irby, Jar vis. Jone'i, of Arkansas; Kyle, Lindsay, MuLauiiu, 1 artin. Mills, Mitchell, ot Win Cousin; Morgan, Murphy, Puimer, Pascoe, Ransom, Rjach, Smith, 'lurpie, Vest, Vil is, Voorhees, Walsh, White W. Nays Messrs. Aldricb, Allison, Oaroy, Chaudiur, Cullom, havis, Dixon, Doloh, Dubois, Frye, liaiiinger, Hale, Bans--brongb, Bnwley, Biggins, Hill. Jones tf Nevada, Lodge, Slcidillau, Mauderson, Mitchell of Orei'ou, Patton, Peffer, Per kins, Piatt, Powers, Proctor, Quay, Sher man, Slioup, fcyuire, Stewart, Toiler, Washburn hi. At 10 40 the senate adjourned until Friday at 12 o'clock. PDSXSDTftWO STRIKE. An Investigation Made by Immigrant Inspector Conkling The Foreign Miners Again Show Their Teeth. nAimisurito, Pa., July 3. John Coukliug, the Uuitod States immigrant inspector, detailed by Secretary Car lisle to investigate th caus3 of the ptrik iu the viciuity of Patixsutawoey, has returned to this city aud is at work ou his report, which will be forwarded to the treasury department next week. Mr, Coukiing refusu to discuss the strike or its effects for publication. He says, though that the Italians in the region are u bad lot and that fifteen crude cannon which they had con structed of gas pipe have been found the past two week by deputies and soldier. He is of tne opinion that some of those improvised implements of destruelion w ;re made before the strika. begau. aud that they are more dangerous than nuny suppose, lid sys that the foreigners will not attack the troops, but they have no fear of the deputies and now that the soldiers havs beeu withdrawn the inspector ex pects trouble. A large number of colored men have gone from Harrisl urg and Steeltoa to take the places of tho strikers in the Central Pennsylvania coal distrlot and the coke furnaces iu the vicinity of Pittsburg, Suveuty men, with their families, left ou Sunday night, and more txpect to leave before the close of the week. They have been promised steady work at good wages. PuNXai'T.iWNKY, P.v The miners at Wulston struck again this morning claiming that persons were being dis criminated against in violation of the operators agreement and it looks ns though there would be more trouble. A lot of Italians and Slavs gathered around the pit mouth at Walston this moruing and thie itenod to kill those at work if tl.ey did not quit immedi ately which they did. Walston is there fore idle today. WHAT FIREWORKS DID LAST NIGHT. Thomas Thomas, employed ns fireman at the .llmivillo breaker begau yesterday to celebrate the "glorious Fourth" and ftopped very suddenly with a un st pain ful iisult. He, with two or throe other employes of the breaker, were in the tho house Inst evening about 6. 3d, and Tom thought he would set off a cannon cracker for tue amusement of the erotrt. There was a ten in pawing just as be lighted it, and ho ihoiiL'lii ho could bold it until it got by. but when he did try to throw it lrom mm, it went oil Itr his linud and lacerated it terribly. Dr. Key was cal.ed and bandn;:ed the bund, but he is afraid that the member will have to be ampu tated. Tuo thumb and first two fiugeis weio blown almost ontirely oft. Two enterprising young Hebrews nnmed Foster nnd Hamuli bad n stock of lire works to tho value ot tlb stocked on s dry goods h. x 01 front of Joseph uueii's pawu- Miop at in. i.acKawnnna avenue, which ; they ware disposing of yesterday. At l .'.tO I liiis moruing a prartical j.iknr came u!uu- i nnd set a laiijo Bengal live crnck-T nlire j with hi cittar. The entire colhcion ev- ' plotted nml set tiro to tho box, besides sroicmiig too rroi.t ot Uroeu's store. Au alarm was runi from b. x 15 anil the tiro comp.inie responded. When Chief Fer her reached the box he was very angry at the owner of the Key, which was at the Coyne honse: and ho took it from that, place. There we-e several i nicer on the strt of, whom he claims could have sent iu the alarm if it was required. Officer Harry Haag was vxinfully in jured yesterday attoi noon by the explosit n of n cam. ou crai k r. Ho b ut j 1 tei It ou one of the win I w sills ot bis house aud lighted It, when it dropped back in tho room, lie had just picked it up to throw it out the windiw when it. exploded in his hand. ': he hand was not lacerated very much, but was tor. inly burned, This in the second accideui that was reported be fore tuo fourth wus really horo. - - - INCALLS BUtvltS PULLMAN. On Crumb cf Oomfjit (or th Railway Union, Cincinnati. 0 July 3 Ex-Sonntor Johu J. IiigalU was at the Oisiid Cen tral depot this morniug ou his way homo from the oaat. A reporter asked him what he thought of the strike situ ation. "Ii's becoming serious," was hie reply. "Do you blame Pullman?" "Yes, a little; his salary cuts ure too big eutirely. The railroad managers ought to confer with Pullman and have him meet his employe ou a basis of equality." WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. July Forecast for H'cdnesdnw: .'or afern i Vnnsiiran fa, pfiiernHy fair, wtst Winds. I'vr Vvtern J-fenuiiiifivt. nt'o, fair, west winds. jCtEAR CORNING PAPER FiiiF Grand Opening OF- 150 Full Eleven Quarter Marseilles Quilts at These we consider the best goods we ever sold at the price. 510 ani 512 Lackawanna Ave, MINERS' i 0IP1P t!iolesa!3 and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Sprues Street. Lewis, Reilly & DaYie3 Ccmfort-Givlag Shoes Tha only kind that giv it, for th.3 summar, is our "Ssrvico & Kumfort" Shoe?' in colors ani black. Lewis, Reilly & Davies New Store New Goods Suitable for Wodding ant! Comnioncament Presents Finsst line of Silver Belt Buckles, Veil Clasps and Other Novelties in tin city. 13T Watch for OPENING DAY AN NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Pres.. ent given FREE to every lady caller, if you buy or not. The Jeweler, dOSSpruca Streot, MARSEILLES puis t Li w Lavu e lb I J. I B i