TIIE SCBANTON TllIBUITE TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1394. L OF Tbe iron and stetl sheet scala and the tin plate aeale expired last Satur day. Thore baa been no agreement reached, and Secretary John Jurrett, of tbs Manufacturers' association, said that about thirty sheet mills and forty , tin plate mills closed down that evuii liiK. The American Tin lMuto com pany and the Una City Tin Plats com pany have signed ttia sdile. With these exceptions no otlier tin plate company tins signed. Secretary Jar rett U unable to tell why those com panies ignored the decision of tbe Manufacturers' association to hold out tor a lower rate than that demanded t'V the Amalgamated association. Both companies are in tbe free jus bolt of Iudiana and it is presumed that tbe temptation to resume was too Kreat for them to resist. Tbe item to which there was the greatest objection raised was the wages of the shearman. Tbey now receive !?1 per ton, or ;u per day. Tho manufac turers were williuti to tuy this rate, provided that wheu the tariff bill was passed another conference would be held 11 n J readjustment of the scale bo made to conform with the new duties. The workerd object to this and de manded that wheu the scale was signed it should remsiii in force from Jul v 1, ISfl-i, to July 1, 1'J5, and that tho auearmeu receive $1 ;0 per ton, which, the manufacturers sav, would amount to $7 per day. It is thought that those manufacturers who have refused to sign will make another attempt soon to have tbe trouble ttetttted. Impairs will be made at nearly all the mills during the shut down, ami it is ex pected that the snspensiou will be of short duration. The resmuptiou of the Gas city and American Tin Plate com panies is expected to create a bitter leeliug in the Manufacturers' associa tion Coke production will soon b back to its normal condition again. Last week the operators made bis gains all around. Iu productiou there was an increase of over 11.0U0 tons ami the output was al most 125 cars more thau in tho previ ous week. The average time made by the different plants ia operation in the region ws 5 43 days last week. Sev eral of the works which wore fired produced no coke.except the old charges that were left standing in the ovens when the strike bejran. Tbeshipmunts for the week aggregated 2,oU cars, cousigued as follows: To Pittsburg and river tipples, lMlcars; to poims wst of Pittsburg, 74U cars; to points east of Counellsvilie. 2'Jicars. Compared with tbe nhipments of tbe previous week, this was a net increase of 123 cars. The increase was mostly to eastern points. Some statistics in a current newspa per article descriptive of the work and trials of the ticket aent are interest ing 'From these it appears that the total number of ticket agents' in the United States during 1893 was 3'), 000; that the number of employes iu the railroad service for tbe previous year was 821,415 actively enajjed by 1822 railroads; the mileaged of all roads was 171, ECS. and the passenger train mileage 31".3G8,8S3; wnile the number of passengers carried wu 560,1)39,211. and if each passenger bail niaiio a sep arate journey the total number of miles covered would have been i:J,3iJ2, b(Jti,20'J, this indicated that tbe aver age distance per passenger was twenty fonr miU s and the pitsseuster earnings $2S6,S03.708, or an average of 51 ceuts per passeaar. One of the soundest comments on the Pullman boycott that w- have seen up. I eared recently in the Ricnmond. Va. , Times.and was in part as follows: "No matter how great the loss of freight, perishing on the way, or how severe the suffering of men, women and chil dren, who may to slopped by this arbi trary action, the Railway union relent lessly puts a stop to tho movement of all trains in their porr-r because Onorge AT. Pullman and a few hanJrid of his employes cannot agree on the scale of wages. The inconvenience, loss and distress arising from this arbitrary ac tion is beyond coinpntation, but as we believe the whole power of the United States should be used, regardless of trie expense of blood and treasure, to liberate one American citizen unlawfully and unjustly con fided by a foreign power, so we do not estimate the loss and inconvenience in this case if the objeot to be attained is a lawful and just one. But we belt-eve thnt the underlying principle of this railway union is wrong essentially wroncr and tyrannical, and will Inevit ably .ead, if it prevails, to an organ ized tyranny as oppressive and more heartless than any that has ever af flicted Russia or Persia. We plant onr feet firmly on the rock of individual liberty tho indispntablo and unim paired right of every single individual, be he mighty or be he weak, to work out hia own destiny without the arbi trary'nnd owbearing interference of any man or set of men." The reeent plan of re-organization proposed by the Reading receivers wa, as Is well known, defeated by the gen eral mortgage bondholders committee. Tbe opposition cf the committee, it has been ascertained, arose not to the plan itself, but to the fact that it was under the impression that the commit tee was to be deuiod representation on the board. This was an error on tbe committee's part, however, and an understanding, it is said, has been ar rived at and the receivers plan will prob ably be promulgated in the fall and perhaps earlier. The arrangement as it is now said to exist provides for tho representation on the board of directors of the general mortgage bondholders' committee, tbe income bondholders' committee and the stockholders, such interest to be represented by two di rectors. Shonld a voting trust be de cided upon, those interests will only bo allowed one member to represent them on the board. The Philadelphia and Reading Rail road company yesterday for the third successive time Of faulted on the semi annual interest of its general mort gage 4 percent bonds. The semi-au-nual interest which ia due January 1 and July 1 amounts to about $800,000. The default was not unexpected, t Charters were grantsd at tho state department to the Stranton and Wilkes Barre Consolidated Coal company, of Boranton, capital $100,000, aud the Laurel Ruu Turnpike company, of Wilkes-Barre. capital $10,000. Mi.Nqn Industrial Notes: The recent difference at Forty Fort colliery has been amicably adjusted. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West sa baa declared the usual per cent, quarterly dividend. Financial arrangements have been con cluded with Chicago capitalists to continue the construction of the Montana ilidls.ua kud Southern railroad, leading out of GENERA KEWS NDUSTH1ES Helena, Mont Forty miles of the grade of this road was bnilt last fall. Travel to tho seaboard of persons going abroad, the sleeping-car conductors say, is now the heaviest they have ever known. The Western Passenger association -is still iu u tangle over the proposed exten sion ot time limits ou cheap western ex cursion tickets. -. - - Tbe Holiiilaysburg Iron works started Mori ilny oiormug. Tfce l'ortngu lrou works at l)nucausvillo also started in several departments. Tho Taylor & Mc t'oke company will lire their 300 cuke ovens in tho irnruiug. Work will be resumed at other iniucs tomorrow at SuutU Fork aud Uallitzen. It is thought in railroad circles that tho lVunsylvauin, the l'hilailelpbia and Head ing, the Ualtnnoru nud Ohio and tho (..'bus ant nice mid Ohio mails havu 001:10 to a turmuu poiut. and future earning state ments will bo much more s-atisraclury. A notice has been posted at the Lehigh Valley shops iu Smtb Karton 10 'the effect that employes who reipiiro the uso of whitu ulobo lanterns iu tbo performance of their duties will bo charged 5U cuutB for tho lantern and Id cents lor the globs. Tho lantoru is to bo the property ot the employe and will bo redeemed when tho mini quits, if it is iu good condition. No charge will bo made for tho red globe lan terns, but thoy must bo returned when the employe leaves the company's servico. 'the tvmpauy will repair tho (ramus wheu brokeu in service. EuckLm's Arnica Salva. Tho best salvo in the world for Cuts Utilises, Sores, libers, Salt It Ileum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay requited. It if guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction 1 r money lefuuded. Price K5 ceuts per box. Per sale by Matthews Bros. THAT PERILOUS LABOR STRIKE. VhiUiJi-liiliia 'limi'.f. The present labor strike is not only the most causeless but tho ui st perilous of all the labor strikes of our history, and it is even more perilous to the strikers them selves aud to oriiau ized labor than it can Lm to tnu railroads. Of all tho thousands of men who have stopped work and seek to hinder others from taking their lilaces to move tho railway trains, thore is not one who has a dispute with his employer either as to wnces or terms of labor. They have beeu called oat by an arbitrary dvspot who happens to have the power to control these railway men, and all uf them would will iugly return to their posts of labor if pir niittud to do so, a they have no duTertuoes whatever to adjust with their employers. Because tho Pullman employes choose to strike, a boycott has been ordered by the railway labor organizations against tho use of Pullman ears, aud thus tens of thousands of workmen have been forced into a strike without any di.-puto whatever with their employers, to compel the Pull man compauy to employ men at increased wajjes w 1:0:1 the company does not de sire to employ auy, for the reason that it has no work for them to do- There have beeu many suicidal labor striies in the country ordered by hot beaded labor ollk-iab, but never before has one beeu ordered that did not have some shadow of jiiat'ticatiou or excuse. This railway strike is so perilous to public com fort and safety aud so far-reachiug iu its aim that it must b; resolutely met aud overthrown. It is the one strike of the la-it feneration that cauuot be temporized with, for to temporize with snch a powor would bo to endanger the whole industry aud commerce of ttte country. The rail road men must therefore meet and grap ple with it for a death struggle, as rail roads cannot exist if the preseut railway strike caii be made successful; aud not only will the railroad managers uuiteas oue man to overthrow this despotic and wanton disturber of business, but the con siderate judgment of the whole nation will cordially sustain them id the most exhaust ive measures to prevent a repetition of such strikes. The duty of tbe railroads is clear and imperative. They must utterly overthrow tue power that has ordered this strike or they must give up all hope of the successful management of our great railway lines. This issue affects every condition and clans of the country; the poor quite as much as tho rich, aud the battle should be short, Bbarp and decisive. BUILD A NEW WHITE HOUSE. Witihiwjtun Star. ' The president of the United States is the only euli.ihtened etizeu in tho country who is compelled to sleep, eat and keep his family in his workshop. Leaving out of consideration the rattle-trap condition of tho white house its rotting woodwork, its lack of accommodations: its colony of rats that scamper through a thousand hr-l'-s and need tho attention of a rat catcher and his ferrets nt regular inter vals, and the unhoalthfnluess that is the certain accompaniment of all these condi tionsthe dignity of tho nation demands that the man s ilected to shape much of its dmtiuy shouid tie domiciled iu a decent aSodo. Congress lias been repeatedly nr.-oil to either provide a suitable uliice building for tho use ot the chief executive or to iind oflice room for this purpose in the Treasury or in the state. War and Navy building, and tho very excellent point has been made that tho President is surely en titled to the samo privacy in his home life as auy other citizen. It may be assorted without much fear of contradiction thnt Americans fully agroi with this viow of the case. . It is to bo hopd thnt those who comprise the Unite! States Congress will express their individual feelings iu a col lective manner and will logisiatu a new Executive Mansion )no existouce without any furthei delay. What is needed is a dwelling for the President of a character consistent with tho exalted position of those who may occupy it and the grandeur of tho country over which they will pre side Sproimnn Casus. S. II. Clifford, How Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Throe bottles of Eloc trio Bitters cured him. Edward fcbepherd. Ilarristmrg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of ei-lit years' standing. Used three bottlei of Electric titters and seven boxes of Buck leu's Arnica Salve and his leg is sound and well. John Speakor, Catawba, O., had live larire fever sores on his lei?, doctors Mid be was incurable. One bottle Electric Hitters and ono Ikjx Uiicklon's Arnica Salve enred him entirely, kiold by Mat hews Bros. 31. L. II r. a 1 11, alderman, Fifth ward, Scrantjn, Pa., stated Nov, 9, p;i: n0 had used Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrin Oil for sprains, bnrns, cuts, bruises aud rhcuma tibm. Cured every time. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. Nkw York. July 2. There was some what serious apprehension of tbe Ameri can railway strike. Further extension of the troubles had au unfavorable effect on stock valutis nt the opening today, and In the first half or so of business a general riuMtnn in nrinna onanofl liiillm.. ' ' " " 1 " ..... . Miiujnu I scored tbe heaviest loss, fallina from li9' io iao4. ine grangers- Delng right In the center of the tight, wore alio particularly weak. St. Paul declined $1, Rock Islam. , Northwest and linrllng ton 1, Missouri Paclllc also lost but the general run of railway stocks declined only yt to . Tho bears attempted to rnko a little capital out of the strike news, but after the attack at the opening and the failure to shako out any important amounts of long stocks, they devoted tho remainder of the sessiou In trying to get back thoir contracts. Neither strike news nor unfavorable '. railway earn ings have any inlluenco on holders who an peur to be content to bold their stocks until business Improves. In the after- tinnn unMnniufinn tntrtr.A .1.- . until uaiir -luo close when a rally of ) to yt per cent. ou . pinto. 1 unuiau recovered to 15S. The Industrials were only moderately active. Iu tho early trading Chicago Gus fell l?c. The street being in the dark re garding Judge VVIudes' decision in tbe Maloney decree matter. Sugar ranged between 99o and 11.09 and closed at $1.00 agstnst 1.01 on 8aturduy. Tbe market iu tbe uiaiu closed firmer. Net losses for the day were X to per cent. Sales were 1U7,!KJ0 6bares. The following complete table snowing the day's fluetuttkins in aotlra Hooks hi supplied and rrvisml dully by LaHar St t aller, tttock brokers, lil Wyoming aveuaa! " ; . Upon- llljtu Lew Clos " '" lug. est. est. lug. Am.Cnt. Oil .... ' .... Am Sugar. 101 101 . Ml Wi A.T.&a. r. 5' , A -Vt ' Can. Ho. 4SU 4! a W Ceil. N. J PIT 1H7 1"7 1"7 Chin A N. W II'IU P4U in I lllltl P., B. Q. 7W Jut, J 7? Chle. Has. 7st, 7SiJ 7'j C. C.'. AS Ht. I,..., "Ml iliij ;ki tm Col.. Hnck.Val. AT. ..." n. H i.-;'ju iauu l-JMj y n., u. aw mi im ii hi' I). AO. F B) sa KB rfrlo w. K. Co ai-ji uta; iiO'-s uu tike Hhorv I.. AN s:n: Wi ' 4l'i Mnhattnu lH'j, lif.vj lU-"s llai Mhis. l'no ill) i'U 'Mi '.'i'l, Nat. Lead liatg Wid N.y.N. k...;. . ..." .... N. Y. Central WH.j W4 W'4 W" N.Y.. O. AW ll'i H"; 14j U-t, N. Y B. A W 114 "l4 "' t 14J I IT. s. c. co :u:m -'i'2 '-'V8 North Pne 11 North l'ae. pf I I H Omaha SlJ Wi V H-Wi l'ae. Mail Remliiur Hi W lM lim-k island 'A( H7 "Mi ' itr ml H h:4 i" St. Paul Ml 6'"-4 fist: WO; T C. Al- 1 lli4 lte-4 1'J'I Wh Texas A Pno I'nlon I'ai-lilo 10 l"(i Id llisx Walwah of IW, 1 : r4 Western Vnlou Kliij Miu t;ifh K-fii W.ft UK liljli 1UJJ ll4 W. A L. E. pf Cbtcauo Gram unit Provlilom. ScrAntoi. July L'.-The following quota tiousare suppliuU and Oorreuted dally by La llar A t- uller, stock brokers. l-l Wyoming ave nue. WlillAT. Jlv. Sent. Pee. Opoumg 67, (i.'l Hii;iiut , Uh W'S, lowest 6714 W4 ll-'s Closhir OS W (lil, CORN. Opening 41U 41, .... Highest 4ls 4li Lowest 4I.4 41j Closing 41U ilH .... OA'IS. Opeiuug M SS?; HmUest a:, -Jf. .... Lowest,,,,.,,,, , llli '.IS',) Clohiui;. s;u i'ohk:. Opeiwiig VLH YM liighokt litM .... Lowt VIM mu Closing 1J47 liiU .... kARD. OMikig..., CD CM HiKhxit s;u wu Luwuat (M 677 tlosiug tj'.O li77 HtlOliT KIB3. (ipeniug tAi t.'itf .... Uifhut Wj tM) Lowest 115 C47 Closing. 014 WJ Scranton WhoUsaU Market Scraston, July 2. PltUlT AND Pno nweu Dried apples per pound, 6a7c. : evap orated apples, JI11H0. per pound; Turkish prunes, SaoJc.; English currants, !?; layer raisius. $1.75ul.SD; muscatels, tfi.uoa 1.-U jier box; new Valeucias, 7a7c. pur pound. Beans Marrow-fate. $3.00a3.05 per bushel; mediums, Jl. i5al.'Ji). PiAS-ureen, ei.16al.29 per bushel jsplit, f2.fUa2.00: lentels,5 to bo, per poand. Potatoes Old, (OaTos. per bushel; new, per barrel, 2.00a'i25. Onions Basket, Jl.3ial.50. Butteh 10i to ISc. por lb. Cbkxbb-Sk'aH'P. per ID. Eos Fresh. 13ali)j;e. Po-jLTRV-Chickeus, dressed, 12 tolSc; turkeys, 12 to 13c. AlEATB-Ha-tns, llo.; small hams, 12.:.; skinned bams, llo.; California bams, 84C.: shoulders,8.V.;bellies, BJc; smoked breakfast bacon, lie. Smoked BEE-Outside. 13o.; sets, 15c: insides and knuckles, lOo. Pokk iiess at 15; short cut, 10. Lakd Leaf iu titrsss at 8Jc; in tubs, S4'c; iu 10-ponnd pails, yjj'o.: in 6-pound palls, U'.c; . S-pound pails. 9. per ponnd. Bkkk Choice sugar cured, smoked beef, He. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrab M.ffia4,50j Ohio and Indiana amber, at f3.50; Graham at 3.50; rye hour, at Fkd 3Ilxed, per cwt., at $1.00. Qrais Rye, eoe.scorn, 52to55.i oats, 57 toOUc. psr bnshol. Rvk SriiAW-l'er ton, ft3al5. UAY-U.50al6. New York Produce Market. "'New York. 3nv .irryimnn steady; winter wheat, low grades, Jl.bSa -.uu; uu., iair 10 laucy, a.4Ua.W; do,, patents, ?2.90s3.25; ilinnesota clear. J2.25a 2.05; do., straights, jauJ.eo; do., patents, t:l.5a4.20; low extras, $l.85a'i50; city mills, I.S5a3.t5; do., pateuls, $L25a4.35. Wheat Quiet, firmer; No. 2 rod, store and elevator, COc. ; alloat, JlaCI Jc. ; f. o.b., C2aC2c.; ungraded red, uSsti2c; No. 1, northern, 70c,; options closed firm; July, file; August, 62&c.j September, 03cW.; October, t4a; December, 67c. Corn Scarce, firmer, dull; iio. 2, 45c; elevator; 4tJ'o4;jic. afloat; oplious were modorately active aud ai!c. higher; July, 450.; August, GXe.; September. 4li-'4'C. OATS-Qniot, lower, closing firm; op tions, dull, firmer; July, 43c; August, 34; Jo.: September, :i3'4C; No. 2 while, July, 47c; spot prices.No. 2, 4t.j0c: No. 2 while, Sla51,'c; No. 2 Cbicugo. b5)ic.; No. 3, 4-c; No. 3 white.SO-.; mixed wes tern, 49!la01c.i white do., and white state, fila.lii?. liKKF Quiet, steadv: ' family $12.00a $14. uu: extra mes, Jn.00aes.50; beef hara inactiv.i, fJ0,4U.i20.U.r. Tiekcki) IlKKK-Quiot; city extra India mess, $17.00nM.00. Cut .Mkats Quint firm; pickled belllos, 7c; pickled shoulders, 5c; pickled hams lualOXe: middles nominal. iiARiiQiiiet, steady; western steam closed, f'7. IS: citv. ft-Vaf!?,. . .ii r .n. refined, quiet; continent, $740- South Ainei itn. c.oo; eumpuiinu, ttnnoc. Poiix Fuir demand, linn; mess, $13. 75a eji.vv; vxirn prune, fl.ouaclo'UU. Hi:TTUttllnjnt. llTI.lnira.l. ofnl.J.I... t , -...v...,..u., n,n w ,11, 11 jr , liiul-i'c: de. cream, 15Bl8a ; PennnyWftniii do.. 1iftlHe wPHtcin ilairV lnly,.tJi . ' ' ' J '"''"tv- f do. creftmory, lial8c.;do. factory.UaWc; (JllKKKK Fair llt'llliilifl ttfauu. afaU Jnrge, 7aHe.: do. fancy, 8c; do. smll,7a o,no.; van bkiiiis, aoe.; mil sKlms, lal'e E(i(in Quiet, fuuey firm; state and Pennsylvania, 12al!l( ; western fre&b, llal2c.; do., per caso, Wa'JL Philadelphia Tallow Markat. 1-1111.AUKL.1-111A, uuiy v. 1 allow was dull and weak. Prices were: Prime ciiyin nogsueaas, ac.i prime country, iu barrels, 4,c; do. dark In barrels, 4c-. cakes, 4,1-c. ; grease, 8)a8j'c. Dn. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures cough and colds quicker than any other remedy, became It combines tbo lung healing quality of the plue tree with other valuable medicines. Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee of satisfaction, SCIENTIFIC ' HORSE SHOEING AND TUB mcATJOXNT OF LAME N1CSS Of HOtUIU. Te these branches I dsyott especial attea tlon every afttrnood. Office and forga the DLL'MSCAKRIAOS WOHKS. 115 U1X COUHT. BCKAN'f OX.PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Graduate of the American Veterinary Col lege, i l,t!i:h.'r.''A'i.i!Liia 4 edy, aadiriiunaty,Al Lw Aw ),. jl. J hvllivt progtao4 10O-pf bnok. UlultrttcS lro 9 lift from i,Hiurd.fri b. mil ITWaMSsrliMi 1 u MtrewrlkU, 0.r M.-irIo Remedy will h J rj nwiMvif ua Wa aaaiaai tu4 Mxasjt ail B Wi:;Aa,:.a.i.,:ili.;.;:,... -,-L..J OUIIKS HEADACHE tCItKS HEADACHE HEADACHE t ISR I.OTTIK CAIIRON, of S:r. anae, Slleli., writiw: lmve lueii liouljlod with a terrihV) hendarlm for about two yi-srs nnd enulii not gi-t nuythiiiK to le lp ine, nut at Insi. u lt-iitnd advlseil 11111 tn takovour Hun MH'K HlJlllll I4ITTKIIH, wldeli 1 diil, and attur taking two lollies, 1 liuvii liul lmd the heuclacliu uluee." National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250 This bank nVrs to depositors over fni-lllty wurrnuti d liy their biilimvi-s, bul lyrm nud reHinnllllllv. b-clul aitentlun given to builnru is. count, iutoreat ialtl ou lluio leioaiU. wii.;.iAM roNNiai,, rre.idmt. UKO. H. A I L1N, Vlre-I'renldent. WlLI.lA.1t II. 1KLK, Clialiiea DlKIIOlOltH. William Council, Ueorire II. Cut I In, Alfred Hand, d nines Arrhbiild, Krnry Hellii, jr., Wlllluui X. vuit) Lutber ttu-n "T- DUPONT'S 1IININQ, BLASTING AND BPORTINO rjaa Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Lu sumo county Pa iind at WU mingtou, beluware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa, Third Kutlonal Bank Building. Acr.nciFg. TITQa. FORD, Pittnton. Pa. J0U7I B SMITH & BOS: Plymouth. Pa. E. W. MULLIGAN, Wdkes-Barro, Pa. Agents for the Ik-pauue Ciiemioal Com tally's High Explosive. l, Robinson's Sons' Laqbh Beer Brewery llannfactnrsrs of tbe Celebrate! PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 10O.000 Bbls. Per Annum, CO, Rooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bld'g 6CKANTO.V, PA, MINING andBLASTING Made at the SIO03I0 and KUSU UALE W'UKIva Lafllin & Rand Powder Co.'i ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electric Batteries, Fusoj for explor ing blasts, (safety 1'uso aud RepaunoChemical Co. ' High Explosives eeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White. Clover, ' '1 Choice Timothy and. , lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and' PhosphateVfor Farms, Lawns and , Gardens. -.1 Restores Lost Health Third f POWD 101 POWDER POWDER Good len eserve ONE of the strong points of Tm: Trib unk's equipment as a first-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly done and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania, Preserve Those Pic tures Don't Spoil Those Hoi tichroies The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. Itwiilmake special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America Illustrated Series Miilticliroiiie Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOB ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AND OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES ood Got O COOP BOOICS MflMiBmBrMMaasKMawktHnH FheiTs Neatly Bound BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1'HVHH 1ANS AMI MlltKONS. T)B. O. ELUAK 1EAN bus removed tobH Hpruco stroet, Scrantuu, I'a. (Just op I'oalta court-house bquare.) "I It A. J. CORNELL. Ofli.-e anl WaahuiKtoS r aviinus, corner Pprui .Btmot. OTur ' jacko dru "tore. Koaidenco, M Viae at. (ill u b.mrs: 10.ii to 1 a. m. nud V to and S- toJ. JU ! m.Bmiday, S to 8 p. m. "j)K. W. K. AI.l.EN. OfflraT'cor. Ijicka. wanna and nasliinirton avm.; over Leon ard blioa Htorvi cilice ho'ura, lu to LJ a. ia und a8lili(ton avo. I lt C L. KltiiV, rructlm lluiitel to Di ... Ulu EW Kttri No "fd Throat; Klllco, UI Wyoiuiugvo. lttaideaoo, &9 Vine HtlTOt. I ) vfr.,SI' "ATtH. U'6 Vt-ushlUKton Avenaa. i ' Olllce uours, 8 to u a.m., l.ao to U aud to p.m. ltoriduuco Jiiii Mudlson uvenu. y l-N U WKNi'Z, M. I)., OtBcrn ft! aud il li V,,ni"o'nvBHh bullillne: ri.-aldonoo 711 Jlaillsonavn: olllce Uours. U to 14 to 4, 7 to ; huiirtiiya 2 au to 4. avouiiiKS at riwldunoa. A spvninity mndo of dlM-iisea ot tho tyo, car, uoa and throat and Ryneooloitv. LA WYE US. J M. C. RANCK'B Inw and Colluctlon of- Hen. Ni. S17 Hurti n. i. tr llouw. Bcrnnton, I'a,; collections a specialty turounhuut 1'i-nuhylvauJu; reliable correspond- ...... . . . , , I KSMUpsi 1IAAU, AUornnya and Connai t lors t Law, toiuuiouwoalth hulldiu ... VV. II. JKSNI.'P, HollACK li. 1IANU, W. 11. JKHHUP, Ju. V"1L,'AliDi WAHHKNft" KNAI'l', At'tor I li ""J"'"1 -nnnsnlors at Law, Kunublicaa : " . ' """iKi"n ivft, ncrmiion, I iu IJAT'IKHHUN &"VlLi;(7x, Attorney, and I Couuscllora at Law. ..lll,. a u,,a k i ii.,... bulldm bcruutou, I'a. , 1UMIWEI.L H. PATT1RS08, w 1 1,1 I.LI AM A. WlUJdX. A LKlt-ED II AND, WILLIAM .1. HAND, A torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth ldini. Hooun 19. Sljind 21. y V. IIDli'LE, Attorney at Law,No.l and JV"Mi"1JhdiiiVsliuit;tou aveuuo H'MV, M. KEELy - UiTrfficesTaTrlcS l)uil(llii, VVashiiiKtou uvunue. j;HANK T. OKLLL. Attorney "at UwrTloom Coal Eichanim. Srrahtou, I'a. illLTO.V W. I."u W It V, t A U yZ :s; Washinu lliLVOJLBTOIlC'H ton av.. (T H bquare. AMKSW. OAKKolTn, Attorney V Law, tl rooms 83, 01 and B6, Commonwealth b'l g. S A 'i, ,w ElJU a H. Attorney" ' iFUwT J Olllce. 117 STirUdMBt KkiiIg. P. A. WA'fftlib, AtUjrney at Law, Ui Lackawanna au.. Kcr!iiton. Pa. K SillTlI, tuaiiebr at Law, Olllce, room m, Ui Oouioionwealth bulkilnit. Atturn.v at l.tiiv f '..nt. jnem wen rth bn llCjimj Jiwj ton, h-al C. COMKUYS, m Bpruce nt. I ) ll KpLuui.Ii, Attornev-Loaim noo tmted on rc:il t-otute t-curitv.4( Spruce. 13. 1-'. KILLAM. Attornnv-nt.Ijw lr1i ominc avenue, Hcrnnton. sriitx! (L'HOOI, OK THE LACKAWANNA, H.-ran-iJ ton, I'a., prppares boys and Kirls lorcollej or business: thoroughly trains voang childruo. CutaluKue ut luquoot. Rev. Thomas M. can Waltk.k H. Huei.u MISS WOKCEBTEU'S KINUEKQAKTEN and School, 412 Auanu avenue, fupili ncoivod at all tiniea. Next term will ooeu April It. IH..1I IMS. UTir.ATAKrrDU.sTri(orlhraS inKton Avo. Sjiecialiv in Porcelain Itestorations. Crown aud Uridgo Work. c V. LAUBACH, burguou Lentist, No, 11J Wynmiinr ave. li M. M liA TIHN. nwm ( nl KTi-hnn' LOANS. rjMlE KEI'l'HLIC Savings and Loan Asso X ciation will loan you m.mey ou tuticr terms nnd pay you better on investment than any nlliir aoei:ition. CaH oa B. N. CAL.LLN I'l'fi. D-iiio HnTilr bnildini.- iL!-:ns. CI K. CLARK 4- CO., Beedatiivii'.' FIoHstl ' and Nurserymen; ttoro Ht) Washington sveuue; preen house, liijJ North Main avenue; tton ri'lri'lmm. 'J. TEAS. liKANL) UNION TEA CO.. .lonos. Itnw WIKK St liKI NS. 7 OS. KCETTEL, 5i5 Lnckawaiina aveunij, ft Scrnntnn. I'a . infiTmrr nf Wire Sf-re-n IIO'I'EI.S AM) 11KST Al'Tt.ANTs. IMIE WEbTMlNbTEIi, !il7-21ll Wyomina 1 nvo. Kooms healed with ntnnm- all mrwf crn iinprovHinents. C. M. '1'hi;mah, I'rop, '1MIF. ELK CAKE, If, and li: Franklin ave 1 nuc. Kates rvasonalile. K Zitai.nn, Proprietor. 'Lsrjii.&rEii iio i EL. , W. G. SCUENCK. Manager, bixteonth stroet, one block east of Uroauway, nt Union Square, New York. Amcrb-an plan. Will por day and upward. fOYNE HOUSE. European plan; ;nood rooms, uik'ii uav auu munt. Hap Mnr plied with the otsu CCKANTON HOUSE, near U, U & W. pas O aeiiKer depot. Ciiiuluotod on tho European 'un. Victiik Koiili, Proprietor. i HAND CENTKAU 'i'lie larnoat and be-tf vi eniiippel hotel iu Alleutowo. Pa.; rate! i- and JioO per day. Victoii P. PAiiNrn, Proprietor. A HC HIT ITT!!. D AVIS jT iK)UPlVArcbitet-t rUToma-"!, iri and '.'il Commonwealth b ld'c frranton. L. WALT EH, Archit.'cC LiiiraryTiuiJ I . inc. Wroniiin avoniie. Scranton. V L. I1HOWN. Arch K Architect, Price , buildine. lai Wnshinirrnn Avo.,Scr.inton. niscKi.i.AM-ors. 1)AUEH S OncllESTIlA - ML'SIO FOU J) bulla, picnics, parties, receptions, wod dine9 and ooncert work fnrnUbod. l or terms adilioss It. J. Hauer, coinlnctor, Ut Wyomint ave.. over llulbort's mnsic Rtnro. 11 OKTON 11. SWAHTS- WHOLESAI.B lumber, Trloo bulldinu, scranton. Pa. MEdAHUEE BHOTHERH, PllINTEnr supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, 1J0 Washington ave., Bcranton. Pn. I'OCTK'S LIVEKY. l.Wl Capouse avenue. I First class cirriairos. T). L. KOOTE, Agt. i.-... 1 ri.......- i i- Funeral Director and Embalmer. IMiANK 1. DKOWN A CO.. WHOLE I salo dealers in Woodwaro, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 7:'0 W. Lackawanna avenue. 14VUA FINN & SONS, huiiders "and rontrao" 1 J tors. ' arda: Corner Olivo st. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash nt and Penn avo., ScranUm. The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek1' Pianos ESTABLISHED 1808. New York "Warerooms No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. KICKER & CO., Bola dialers la this Motion. OlTICB-121 Adams At., Tslephons BTa'g Enreka Lanndry Co., Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Coubt tiocsi BytjAaa All klnda of Laundry work gunrstiteel thabeat, THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAKKIS, fiU WANUPAOTUBEU9 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, , HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFKJ, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AntSractto coal tlsed exclusively, insurinj cleuuliness and eoaalvrt. TIMB TA1IMC IN irrECT JUy 20, 1S9J. Trains lo'avo Scranton for Plttston, WUkoa. Harro, eta , at 8.1, Hi, 11. ; a. m., 12.5(), 2.01 fift ?." l'& U os Buidays, .U) a in., l.), 2.1, 7.10 p. in. For Ailantiu City, 8 .SO a. m. For Now Vorlt, Kewark and Eltzaboth, 8.20 (exoress) a. ni., 1.50 (exiiro&i with Buffet parlor car), U.JU (exprebsj p. in. Bunday, 3. lu p. ni. Foil MAurn Chunk, Ai.i.kntown, BrTin.s iikm, KAhTtm and i i.aiiki.I'iii a, h.-m a. ia.. 12..X), l;l, f).H0 (except Philadelphia; p. m. Sunday, 2.1.1 p. ru. For I.oNo CiiABcii, Ocean Ghove, etc,, at e.ai iwiih tiirouirh cai-)a. m., 12.01 p. in. For KeadiiiK. Lebanon and Harnsbnrg, via Allentowu, ti.iOa. ni, 12.1, 0.00, p.m. Buuday. 2.11 p. m. l-'or Pottsville, a'JD a. m., 12.50 p. m. IteturniiiK. U-avo New York, foot of Liberty Ktrm-t, North river, at 11.10 (express) a. ni., J. IU, l.jt). ;.) (exproHS with llullei parlor car) p. iu. Sunday. 4.;)ii a. in. Leave Philadelphia, lieadiui Terminal, ftO) a. rn.t 2.00 nnd 4.3J p. ni. Sunday, 0.27 a. m. 'J tirouuh tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application iu advance to th ucaei agent at tm station. 11. P. BALDWIN', (it'ii. Pais. Agent J. U. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AN'D HUD SON UAILKOAD. Coiuiiieucing May 20, 18W, tiaiiH will run as follows: Trains leave Bridpe Street Station. Scranton, for Pitts- inn, w lines-jjarre, etc., s.iu, WIT. Vi7, 10.42 a. in.. 12.10, i:s, .i;, 0.115, u.ij und 11. UI p. 111. F'or New York nnd Phila delphia, b 00 a. Uk, 12-10, 121, 21S. 410 and ll.H) p. in. For Honesdalodroui Delawaro.I.ackawanna and western depot;, 7.0J, S.00, 10.10 a.m., 12.0(1 ni., 2. 17, ruu p. 111. For Cnrljomlnln and intermediate ctntlons, 5.40. 7 on, km. 10.10 a. m.. 12.00 in. ,2. 17, a.2.'i,j.lo, II 20 and t) :;i it, m.; Iri.in bridgtt Street Depot, S.'il 11. iu., 2.i7and 11 'Ji p. m. F.-.st eipr.-ii to Albniiy, haratoea. the Adi n.udiu :k Mountains, liost-m and New Kl'g'.and points. 6.40 a. m.. arriving at Albany 12.41. haratoKU 2.20 p. 111., and ieavinit Hcrantou at 2.17 p. ni., arriving ut Apiaay at..'i'- p. 111., baru twa, 12 Ha. ia , and Button. 7.00 a. m. Tne only direct route between tb" coal fleldi and Boston. "The Leudinif Touristi.' Kouta of America" to tho Adirondack .Mountain re sorts, Laics George and Champlain. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on uli divisions Del, wars and Hudson system, may be obtained at all Delaware aud Hudson ticket otlli-es, a W. YOUNO, J. V. BL'KDICE, Second Vice Prsjideut. Ueu. Pass. AgL I'AV l.i, if4. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an! Kew York via. D. A- H R K. at s a.m.. 12.11, 2.3K and 11 V p. m via D , L. 6t W. It. It., ti 00, fc.ib, 11.2-J u. in., raid l.i) 1. in. Leave .Scranton for Pittiton and Wilkij Lurro viaU. L & v'. U. 11., O.OJ, 80S, II 21 a. in , l.1, a.5i. 0.07. ti. 0 p. m. Leave Scrautou for White Haven, Hazleto-l, PotK-ilio nnd all points 0:1 the Braver Keid'AV and i'ott'-vilio branches, viu E. U W. V.. 0-1 ii'.m.. v a D. i H. ti. H. at fc a.m.. 12.11, 2.W, 4.10 p.m , via D., L. & W. B. li., UO0, 6.W, 11.2iia.tii., 1 .:t0. a..10p.m. Lciive bc-ranton for Bethlehem, Eaitoa. Ki-n.lii.g. Harrisbur and all intermediat points via D. k 11. H. li., n a m .12.1J. SM I1.1S p.m., via D., L. & V. It. R..0.00,b.0a, 11.20 a, m., :m p.m. Lea vo Scranton forTunkhmTiock. Towanli, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all in!rinedl it points via D. & 11. H K..V.07 u m., 12.10 and 11.3 p. in., via D. L. & W. B K., KM a.iu.,l.:w p. m. Leave Scranton for It'ichstor, Buffalo. NI otalK Falls, I'etreit. Chi'-ajto and allpoiatt wehtviaD. & H. It. R. ."7 a.m.,12 lO.H.l'. ll.M p. m.. via D. L. it W. It. K. and Pituton Junction, b.04 ur., 1J0, 8 jj p. iu., via E. A W. U K.. 3 41 n. ni. For Eliu ra and tha west via RaUminoi. vl U A II. It It fc07 a, id., 12 IO.t.ii p. m, via D.. L. & W. H.lt. ,r OS a.m.. l.ao and U.')7 p. m. Pullman parlor aud sleepin j or L. V. chair cars ou all trains between I.. & B. Junction or Wilkes Bane and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo- and Sua;en-ion Bridge BOLLIX 11- WILBUR. Gen. Supt. East Div. CI1AS. H. LKE U-.-u. Pabt. A t, P:iila.P. A-WKoN'SEMACHERAssH Qjn.Pass. Ag't, South Bethlehem. Pu. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEU.V KAII.KOAD. Trains leave Scranti-n as follows: Express for New York and ah points East. 1.40, 2.50, 6 If, MM and a. ni. j 12 51 aud 3.50 p. m. Express tor La-don, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 51.i, tM and V.5j a. m.; UU aud a. fill p. ni. WashiiiKbon and way stations, 8.55 p. ra, Tobyhanna aoeoiuniodatioD, 0 10 p. m. Lipr s for Binghamton, Oswego. Eimlra, Corning. Bath. Dansville, Mount Morris aud Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. m. and 1 24 p. m.. making rloHe connootious at Buffalo to all points iu tu West, Northwest and Southwest, Bath accommodation, i' a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Niciiol-ou accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6 h p. in Binghaniton and Elmira Express, G 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Ot-werfOj tTtica aud KichfleU Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1.2 p m. ltiiaca, S-15 and BatB Pa. m. and 154 p. m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkej-Barre, Plymouth, Bioom.buig and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Willianuport, Harrisburg, Baltimors, Wash intitoii and the South. Northuiubi-rland nnd intermediate stations, 6.0u. ti hi a. m. and 130 and li 07 p. in. Nnutii-ose ana intermediate stations, o.U and II.211 a. m Plymouth aud iuterinediatj tuitions. 3.10 and H.'y: p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. , , t. . . For detailed information, pocket tim 3 tablsi, etc., apply W M. U Smith, city ticket offloa, ;C l.a'kawanna aveuuo, or depot ticket ottlc VEW YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN i. KAILWAY CO. TIME TAIII.K IN XFFECT Pt'NPAT. .ll'N'E 24. Trains leava Scranton f.ir Carbondale at 8.30, ln.Via.in . and li pi p.m. lor Hancock Junction, 10..15 a.m. and C 10 p.m. Trains leave Hancock June. ion for Scran ton. On. in nnd 2 0.1 pm. Trains leave Carl-onriale for Scrant n at 7 24 a in. and 'i 'U, b.M p m. I? RTF. AND WYOMINO VALLEY RAIL 'i ROAD Trains leave Scranton for Now York and in. tennediato poiutx on tiie Erie ra lroad at (115 a. ni. and 1124 p m. Also for Hom-sdale. llawioy and local points at tl A 9. 45 a. m., and p.m. All tho' above nre through trains to and from Himfsdale. An additional train leaves Scrant.iu for Lake Ariel at .1.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake at. N 11 a m and 7.41 p.m. Trains leave fur Wilkes-Barre at 8.IU a. ra. and it. 4 1 p. m. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in: Illuminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil Napthat and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Qrsaae, Pinion Oraaee and Colliery Cam ponnd ; also, a large line of Pax rafflne Wax Candlaa, We alio handle tb Famous CROWN ACME Oil, the only family eafety burning oil ia the market WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Offloo: Conl Exchange, Wyoming At Vi oris at Pine Brooi. General Office. SCRANTON, PJL OILS