The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, July 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Embroidered Silk, and Mtwllnit Tlia Race
For Whit Tulle Graduation Iri
Orirendin, Mutlnte mid Mtwlltt Gowna.
llliu'k and White Htyllah Combination.
Tlio weekly builnot of Piirinian fash
inns cnrituiuM nothing imw or startling
In its fivMhness oxcvjit jiorrmps tho infor
mation that luce is to bo miixirrieiltxl by
embroiduml silk or muslin, uspociiilly
for liVMiini? drossy, uurt tbnt thcro in ft
"porfift r;iKo for white tulle" Evury
second woman hits cither bonnet strings
or ii vest of tullo. Tlio tendency iu
fIdcvcs is toward :ui increase in size
rnthcr thun luiy (liuiiiiutioii, llvo yiirdN
of silk Ix in,' tlio required quantity for
tlio latest "butterfly slcevo." A bund of
insertion or jetted trimming divides tlio
wings of this artistic arrangement.
Modified versions of tlio bishop sleeves
aro to bo worn again.
Green, as usual, is tlio favorito color
of this season. To form a pretty back
ground for all tlio new shades which
-. . 1
. 1 V. V,
filossom out, royal bluo and green is a
favorite combination in English fash
ions. Black, however, is fully as desir
able as it hus boon for mouths past Tho
high priests of Parisian modes have
decreed that black nsudalonoor in com
bination with white or gray shall be
tlio most fu.hkmablccolorof the season.
Tiny checks of black and white silk,
crcpon, erupo cloths and grenadines aro
equally popular. Tho newest thing in
materials is "tussah silk, " which is a
revival of ono of tho delights of our
grandinotiu is. It is very dainty in tcx
ture, combining the lightness of muslin
with tlio tenacity of silk, and is pat
temed iu a variety of brocade designs.
Dimity, organdie, batiste and muslin
dresses form a conspicuous part of tho
summer outfit, and pure whito muslin
is tlio accepted material for graduation
dresses, which aro iiiudo with high neck
waists, full sleeves mid trimmed with
laco insertion. Tho skirts may bo mail
double or single, and white satin or
nioiro ribbon is used for belt, sash, col
lar and bows on tho shoulders. Butter
colored insertion is a stylish trimming
for swiss mushu gowns.
A dainty design, whether it be for
musliu plain, dotted or flowered, is thus
described by a writer iu tho New Ycrk
Sun: The skirt is slightly gored in front
and at tho sido, full and plain at the
back and trimmed with a ruffle of tho
same or whito net. An organdio finely
striped and dotted with pink is pretty
made in this way, with a bodieo of
whito silk muslin fulled into a pink satin
belt, which has a full basqno of net at
taclied. A plaited pieco of the stripe
edged with it frill of net forms a half
yoko and, effect over tho shonl
dors and is caught together both back
and front, with a band and rosette bows
of pink satin rihlxin, which also forms
the neck band. The full balloon sleeves
are of tlio stripe.
Another pretty model described for
a pale pink cropon or thin silk has a
plain full skirt trimmed at the bottom
with a narrow luoho of tho samo edged
with black satin ribl'UL Tho bodice is
plain, fulled into a "lack satin belt,
which is fastened with a rhinestono
bneklo. Tho frill which forms the yoko
is of black figured net, and to give the
gown a more dressy appearance a sash
of tho samo not would lie a pretty addi
tion. The Mack satin collar has a bucklo
to match tho belt.
An effective design for a foulard silk
is mado with an underskirt trimmed
with a wido bifnd of laco and ono of tho
draped overskirts so much moro popular
in Paris than in New York. Another
model may bo easily copied and is es
pecially pretty for taffeta silk. Tho
waist isniadoof plain silk and is cover
cd with souio of tho new guipure lace,
which is interwoven with threads of
gold and colored silk. It is tight fitting,
but forms a jacket effect in front when
is it is finished, with a cord to match.
Tho vest, bow and sash aro of soft silk
of the same color as the waist, and the
balloon sleeves are liko the skirt
Ktliiiirtto Pertaining to Invitation, Verbal
and Written, und Thulr Acceptance.
At a formal dinner that is, ono
whero there aro invited guests various
littlo formalities are usual among ro
fined people, but they aro by no moans
such wido variations from one's daily
habits that they need disturb tho tran
quillity of tho most timid. Thero is or
ought to be a difference in form be
, tween impromptu hospitality and that
which is offored with forethought.
When bidden to a dinner, respond at
ouco, whether the invitation is verbal or
written. Delay in answering a written
invitation renders it difficult for tho
hostess to socuro somo ono to take your
placo in case you are unable to accept,
and even if sho does not, desire au op
portunity of inviting anotlior in your
stead it is embarrassing to her to bo
uncertain as to the number to bo enter
tained. There is uo formality prescribed
concerning a verbal invitation, except
that tho dato and hour must bo careful
II 7
rl I. 1-1 1 ' . Wl . .1
1 m : imn
mm. nwm
ly stated mid well iindcrst.Kid. Nor is
there any customary wording for tho re
ply. Impulse and good nnumers will
direct tho choice of words on both sides,
says Tho Delineator, authority for tho
Except when an informal noto is sent
asking an intimate friend to one's table,
a written or engraved invitation to din
ner should read as follows:
Mr. niut Mrs. John lli'iiry Drown request the
pleiuuroof Mr. and Mrs. ISitmncil Smith Oir
tnr'a company at dinner on 51 nday, June
tenth, at nnven o'clock.
1111 Carlctou Direct.
This note or card should be posted a
considerable length of tiuio in advance
of the diuner date, 10 days being tho
period usually allowed to intervene, al
though iu largo, whero social en
gagements are likely to be numerous, it
is sometimes nece.,?;uy to send out tho
invitations for a dinner a month or moro
ahead of the dato selected.
A reply to a written invitation must
always bo in the same form as tho invi
tation that is, cither friendly or form
al, as tho case may be. There is no sot
form for answering an iuformal noto,
but the response to a ceremonious invita
tion should read:
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smith Carter accept
with pleasure (or decline, w ith regretl Mr. and
Mrs. John Henry brown's kind invitutkm to
dinner ou Monday, Juno tenth.
15 Willow pllllH.'.
February twenty-eighth.
It is courteous to givo a reason for
decliuiiiK as, f ir instance, that a pre
vious engagement or an illness "pro
vents an acceptance of Mr. ami fllrs.
John Henry Brown's kind invitation.
Attiro for a formal dinner should bo
chosen according to the, usages prevail
ing in one's own locality. Evening dress
is de rigaenr for men in cities and in
most towns, and women wear ceremo
nious gowns suited to their years n:id
Dinner guests should be careful to ar
rive at tho host's" residence only a few
minutes before the hour mentioned, and
any unavoidable delay, even though of
the briefest duration, should bo amply
explained and apologized for. If some
thing unforeseen transpires to prvent
attcnd:uico after uu invitation has been
accepted, the circumstances must bo im
mediate ly explained by note, tardiness
in according tlfls courtesy to one's host
being uupaidoiuible.
Two Keclpcs For Cheese Straw.
Take a pint of Hour and one-half pint
of grated cheese; mix them and make a
paste with lard tlio size of a walnut as
for pio crust. Roll out into a tliHc
sheet, cut into strips half an inch wido
and 5 inches long; bako a light brown.
Use moro oheeso if a moro cheesy tasto
is preferred. These 4iro to bo eaten
with salad.
Three-fourths of a cupful of butter,
one-fourth of a cupful of lard, a cupful
of flour, one-fourth of a cupful of cold
water. Mix as tor pio crust; then add
2 cupfuls of grated cheese seasoned
with red pepper and salt to taste. Mix,
roll out thin and cut into narrow strips.
Bake iu a quick oven and pile on a
plate, log cabin style. Very nice.
PreHcrvcd Tincapple.
Shred with a silver fork (after peeling
and taking out tho eyes) as many pine
apples as are desired. To a pound of the
applo add three-fourths of a pound of
sngar. Lot them stand over night; then
cook in their, own juice until clear.
French Shirred Shade.
Shirred shades aro often preferred to
tho plain holland shades. Pongee in
tho natural tone may bo used in making
tho shirred ones.
An attractive shade is illnstrated and
described iu The Delineator. Four
lengtliwiso rows of shirrings aro iikmIo
in the shade to produeo tho festooned
effect pictured, and over each line of
shirring is applied a narrow band of
ribbou matching tho shade. The lower
edge is trimmed with fancy tassel
fringe, with a trefoil of cord arranged
at the Mid of each row of shirring.
Over tho top falls from a polo a lam
brequin of old gold china silk, which
is caught to tho polo in festoons and
falls in graceful folds ut the sides. A
rosette is formed over the point of each
A ItiispiijfO Smnxlirr'a Fate.
First Uaggngu Smasher Say, Juki', I'm
thinkiii it 'ml Im! money in our pockets il
we'd ln'io hnuillin trunks more kearf ill.
Juke Why wild it?
" Because the more we smash 'em the
bigger and st ronger and heavier t hoy make
'em. I've struck three this niiirniu made
out o' reg'lar holler iron. Me back's 'mrst
broke." Good Xows.
Air. Frederick Tudor, of Boston, was tlio
first to export ice from this country to
foreign parts, and has made, a fortune in
the ice trade. But fifty years ago no icu
was exported to Kngland, and now tlio lo
cal ice trado Iu foreign places (making Ice
by machine) lias rendered shipments of
natural ice'unprolitnlilu.
A. EE JST I 3P 33
In the hnnd of n Surgeon
gives you a tcclinir of
opror and dread. There
V is "o Innirer necctwily for
fun upc. in many uieiawa
el formerly rcwirnm 110 111
Pcurahlo without cutlhic.
The Triumph of
Conservative Surgery
In well llliiBtnitcd by the
rupture r:n
italhj cured without the knife nnd without
pain. Clumsy, chalinir trusses can he thrown
awayl Thoy never cure tiut often Itidnco In
flnmiuiitlon, strunirulation and uVulh.
TlfUftOC Ovarian, Fibroid (Urcrinc) nnd
umwilw many others, are now removed
without tbei perils of uuttlnir operations.
Pll P TIIMflPQ however larire, Kistiils
rim lumuno, aml other f
the lower bowel, are permanently cured with
out pain or resort to the knife.
CTnUp in tbe Mladricr, no matter how
w I UIML. Hr(fc, Is crushed, pulverized, wash
ed out and perfectly removed without ciittlnff.
QTRIPTIIRF0' Urinary I'iusiikc Is also
OiniVI Unt removed without euttlnx In
hundreds of esses. Kor pamphlet, references
nd all particulars, send 10 cents (In stamps)
to World's dispensary Medical Asaociatlon,
Mo. m Main beret, liuflalo, M. Y.
A Homemade Support 'Hint Accentuates th
Ileanty of Uoth Jardluiere and Flower.
Jardinieres aro especially effective
in furnishing a room, whether they b
used as receptacles for cut flowers, ot
for great mnssf-8 of bloom in wild flow
ers, or as pots for tho growth of choice
plants. But jardinieres, to lie seeu at
their best, should have iui artistic table
or other support on which to rest.
American Gardening not only sug
gests that tho jardinieres bo placed on
0 suitable snpport, but gives an illus
trated description of an artistic home
made affair within tho reach of all.
This homemade support, which can
bo easily and cheaply constructed, is a
low, square box completely covered ou
J.CL,". 'i.
top and sides with cloth as handsomo
and expensive or as handsome and in
expensive as ono may desire, tho imi
tation of china silk giving material
that costs bnt a trillo, and that is really
very handsome. Tho top is covered
smoothly, whil around the top of the
sides is a double rullle, with loops cut
in the rulilo through which a handsome
ribbon of harmonizing color is run and
tied in long bows in one corner.
Below the double ruftle the material
is fulled or gathered, while a plain strip
of the covering material forms tho bot
tom of each side. The cover can bo
fastened to the woodwork by the round
headed brass tacks that can be had at
furniture and hardware stores. When
sm h a support is used, tho jardiniere
should ho removed from it when being
refilled with water or when tlio flow
ers aro to bo changed to avoid soiling
or wetting the dainty cloth cover.
The I test nf IHshnnshcrs.
Nothing, s:iy n writer in t'vj New
York Times, inulces u better disheloth
tliun no cloth at all, hut a whisk broom.
Tho practice of nsinfr any old raff, an
old titoekitifj; cut open, which is 11 tradi
tional country cloth, or any similar
thing in ninks is well known to bo fool
ish. Bits wear olf and become added
clogs to tho drain pipes. If cloths must
bo had, those of coarso mesh, loosely
knitted from a tightly woven cord, aro
tho bent of tho kind. A broom, however,
is very much better. Select a short,
stubby one, and a trial will show its
superiority. To scrape tho bottom of
saucepans and pots thcro is nothing so
good. Tho wire (doth is not no cleanly.
Kits of food will get in its interstices
and will not easily get out, but nothing
clings long to a whisk. Hold it under
tho faucet for a moment after using, ;
anil it is quickly and thoroughly j
cleansed. Hanging over tho sink in my
kitchen are always two or three of theso
brooms, ono kept for plates and any pot- !
tory dishes, tho other for metal ware.
Silver and glass aro not washed there
to begin with, and iu any washing
Heed no dishcloth.
And, while oil tho subject, cheese
cloth makes tho most satisfactory of
glass toweling. Get tho coarse sort that
costs only.1) and I! cents a yard, cut it
in yard lengths, hem all around, and
once tried they will never bo missing
from your butler's pantry outfit.
SI rnwlM'rry Shortcake.
Mako tho dough as usual. Instead of
rolling out and placing 011 flat tins to
bake, roll and then cut out with a large
size biscuit orciiti'eo cup, placing one
on another and buttering between us
you would the largo cakes. WI1011 done,
have tho berries lightly crushed anil
sugared, pull apart, the little cukes, hiv
ing tlio lower halves on a platter, hal
ter and cover with tho strawberries,
then put on the top parts. Lay soaie
of tho II nest berries on the tops of the
cakes and sprinkle with sugar. Whip
ped cream poured over just, beforo serv
ing makes n handsome addition to looks
nnd tiiste.
FaHhion 1Iwmh.
Whito mill black gowns prevail at
(biy receptions, those of last, season be
ing silks of narrow stripes, while the
newest aro checked in small squares or
else of whito ground finely cross humid
with black.
A pretty fancy iu the new checked
silks is that of choosing whito with
mauvo of tho special rosy tint that is
pink when in a gaslit room in tho after
noon and (dear lilac when tho wearer
emerges into tlio open daylight.
A plain full skirt, extremely full in
the back, is 011 most new silk gowns. If
trimming is desired, it is veryyniph
ns a gathered ruche of the doulilcd silk
two or three inches wido w.iien finished.
A Louis liiinzo dress is seen occa
sionally, though tho stylo is not prev
alent. '
What nro called "dressmakers' tailor
gowns" differ from those that nre
"strictly tailor mado" in being moro
Small roMiid fmbans of dark fancy
straw or else black very simply trim
med accompany tailor gowns. Them is
also a fancy for r era straw hats cither
in Iiiiglish walking hat shape or elso
wi:h nlpino crowns that aro indented.
Light tan covert suiting has proved
the general favorito for tailor suits that
nro to lo worn t hroughout tho summer
on cool days when linen and duck will
not servo.
Tho good housewife does not ruin her
now oilcloth by tho uso of soap and
brush, but iu order to keep it looking
bright a long time sho wipes it' careful
ly with a soft cloth that lias boon clipped
iu milk and water
Bothers! Mothers! Mothsrsllt
Jlrs.Wiunlow'B Soothiuu Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions o:
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect miccess. It soothes tho child,
softens the gu uin, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for tli
arrhoBa. Sold hydingcists in every part
of tho world. M sure and ak for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Hootbing Syrup." and take no
no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
What is
Castorla is Dr. S.iniufd Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless suhstituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allaya
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhrea, and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is on excellent medicine for chil
dren, lu'ut'iers have repeatedly told me of iU
good effect upon their children."
Da. 0. C. Osooon,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers wlllconsiilerthnreal
Interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the vurlousquaok nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forclnp;oplum,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Dr. J. F. Kinrreloc,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, T7
The Trolley Soap
In manufacturing it old methods and materials are super
seded by new ones.
It becomes dry and solid, and does not waste, but though
durable and economical, washes freely and leaves the clothes
sweet and clean.
Housekeepers wishing to try the TROLLEY SOAP, and
whose Grocers have not commenced keeping it, can have
twenty cakes delivered by messenger or express, for one
227 Chestnut Street, Phlla.
Let Itnd way's Heady Itellef he used on
tlie first Indication of 1'nln or Uneasiness;
if threatened with Disease nr Sickness,
the Cure will be made before the family
doctor would ordinarily reach the liousn.
(Jl'RKH TI1K WORST PAINS in from one
to twenty minutes Nut one hour after read
ing this advertisement noud any one sL'F
For headache ("whether sink or nervousl,
txithuclio, iieiiiulia. rhenuiatlsm, lumb.itfo,
piiliis nnd weakntBs in tho la k, sdux or
Kidney aiound tho liver, pleurisy,
welling of tho jointmmd pallia of all kind
tli ' aiipliciitnn of liadwuy'H Heady Uelief
will alFord tnrnediiO"oae, and Its continued
uso for a few days i ff.ct a permanent cure.
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a toaspoonful of Ko.idy Belief in !
a half t uiubler of water, repoatuil as ofieu
uh tlicdim-harKi-a continue, and a flannel sat-
united with Heidv Kelicf placed over the
NKiiuiieh and buwe s will afford ltuiucdiutu
relief and gum eltect n cure.
intern illy- . 1 half to a teasponnfnl In half
a tunliler of water will, iu a few minutes,
one CrnmpM. Kp.iMiiet. Sour St oinach, Nausea,
Vomitin , Heartburn, Nirvousness, Meet)
lessneNH, S.ik Headache, Hutuleiicy and all
Intel iial pains
Mnlarln In lis Various forms Cured and
rrt.v.nlcri. 1
j Here is not a roinedial agency in the world
thai will cure leyer aiwi diguo and all otlier
miil.-ii num. IrltotiH and all other levers, ui.ied
by ltAuWrtVs I'll quickly as HAD
'1'ravelnrssliiinld always ci ivy a bottle of
Railway's Kendy Belief with them. A few
tlroH in water will prevent sickness or paina
1 10111 clututo of water, it 1 Uiltor than
r reiieh hinnily or hilt. M as astlniulnut
Mini ik and lumbermen should always bo
provided with it.
I'rice fid cents per bottle. SoM by all drug
IVrfoctly t.-isteli'ss. eletrautlv coated, puri;i
reiriilato, purify, cIusiihh and strengthen.
HADWAY H 1 ll.T.S for the cure of nil dis
orders o' the Htiiiuneh, I nf ills, ,Kldn -ys,
libidiln , N jit uu Diacaios, D .ziueu., Vor
tigo, CoitivenosH, 1'ilus,
sick 11 k a mem:,
UVSrUl'MlA, constipation
Observe tho tollowltiK symptoms rosultl i-.:
(rout disen os of the diKesiive organs t'on
stipiitiun, 1 iward piles, fullness of blood in
the bend, acidity of the Biomai'll, nausea,
heartburn, (ll(fust of fool, Iu Incus of weight
of the Htoniaeli, sour eructations, sinking or
llulterlngof the In-art, chok ng or suiloc.i'.t
ing sensations when in a lying posture, dim
m si i.f vision, dots or webs b.-tore the sight,
fever snri dull pain in the h ail, deficiency of
perspli ktlon, yellowness of the skin and
oyis, pain In the side, chest, limbs, and Hid
den tlunhea of heat, burning In the flesh.
Afewdosesof HAUWAY tt HL...8 will free
the system of all the above named disordem.
Trifle SAc. per box. Sold by d rue, gluts or
sent by m ttl I.
Rend to DB. TtAOWAY ft CO., Lock Box
8t5, Mew York, for Book of Ad vice.
nnd vigor quickly
slrouhy, etc.. tirely curril liy INhAl'o. tlio artat
Hlniluulleiiirdy. With riiiMiuruinam, Soldb,'
ktnUDUI UO.,UrugiiiU, bvrautou.i'a.
"Castoria Is so well adapted to children thai
I recommend It us superior to any prescription
known to me."
IT. A. AncniR, H. D.,
lit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in tho children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice, with Castoria,
and although we only have among out
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits ot Castoria lias won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hospital and Dispensary,
1 Boston, Mass
Alleh C. Burnt, Vet.,
Murray Street, Now York City.
Dr. EX Grewer
The Philadelphia fipaclslist, and his associated UH..II.I. 1 - !..(
.., i.MKim,, I,,,,, iTerinilll pilvwicKiii?!,
ar now permanently located at
811 spiu;crc ST., SCltANTOX.
. uin wit in n ki itililllli. Ill LlIM i.i iiivernny in
Pennsylvnnia,foriiierlydemnntratnrof phvii-
mi'vy nuu surpery at tne iieruco-t nirnrRieai
, Collrira of Philadelphia. A specialty fit
. i limine, nervous, Kin, Heart, worni) aim
Ulood diseases.
I The aymptomi of which aro dizziness, lack of
I confluence, sexual weakness In 111011 and wo-
I than, ball risiiiK in the throat, spots floating
neiiire mo eyes, lessor memory, una Die to con
eentrate the mind en ono mibjoot, essay
81 art led whim suddenly spoken to, and dull,
distressed mind, which iiiillts them for per
forming the actual duties of life, nmkiliK hap
piness impossible: dis-trcssing the action nf
the heart, cattsinir flush of heat, depression of
spirits, evil forfbudintfs, cowardice, fear,
dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company,
fculins as tired in the morniiiK as when retir
ing, luck of euerirv, nervousness, trembling,
ciiiil'iiNiou of thouiflit. detirossinn.CDnstln ition.
weakness of tho limbs, etc. Those so affected
Minimi ciiiisiiit us ilium iiiately nuu ne restor
ed to perfect health.
Weakness of Young Men Cured,
If vnu have been Bivon tin bvvour phvBician
cull upon the doctor and bit examined, lie
cures 1 lie worst cases or IservnOR lienillly.Hcro
fulii,()ldSeres,('atarrhPiles,Femalo Weakness,
AfTi'Ctions of tho Eyo, Ear, Nie and Thrust,
Asthma, Deafness. Tumora. Cancers and Crip
nlvs of everv dcseriiition.
t'onsnltaUims free and strictly sacred and
coiitiiieiiiuu. mice hours daily rruni ua. m
to'J p. m. Sunday 0 to -
fVsl of the tiest quality for domestic nsa,and
of all sires, delivered In any part ot the citj
at lowest price.
Orders left at my office.
Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank,
or sent by mail or telephone to tin) mine, will
receive prompt attention.
hpeeial contracts will be mado for ths 1
and delivery of liuekwlieat Coat.
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have removed their office to their
141, 143,145,147,149, 15)
Ladles Who Value
A refined complexion most use Pouonl'i Pow-I
dor. It produce) a aoft and beantiful akin.
Th above tiranda of flour can be had at any of tbe following merchants,
who will accept Tub Tribune flour coupon ot 25 on eaoh one hundred ponnd
of flonr or 60 on each barrel of flonr
Eernnton-P P. Pries Washington arenui I
Uunmore-F. P. I'rlcs. Gold Modal Ilrand
Ijuuiuoro-F. D. Mauley. Huperlatlvo liranl.
uyue l arn arnuii , wutis, yva-UDuru St.
Gold lledal Brand; nepti A. Menra,Mam
Oreon Medal Brand.
ij. I . 4T1I-I1HM), nUJIl-l lHllVW.
I'rovidcnco Fennnr & Cliappell. N- Main avn
nne, Huperlative hrand;(). .1 Gillespie, W.
Market t root, Gold M-iiil Brand.
Olyphant- Jamcs Jordan, Huperlatlvo Bran!
Jermvn C. O. Winters & Co. Hupei alative
iircu iiaiii iiuiics, n-iiipMon u vii., it'iiu nie.iiki.
Csrlion.lale-U. 8. Clark, Gold Medal Hrand.
lloiiesdaie-I. N. Foster & Co. Uold Medal.
Miuooka M. H. Lavell
Dealer in Gboios Confections and Frnits.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
JKssors i:glisu
Wholesale and rttail dealers' in Wagonmaken' and BlacksmitU'
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weijht.ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
Wo always may be what we might have been"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Lii.y mnll prpnnld. with
i.tlUKt NUr ItnUJINli.uuolliiir. Aiiiiivna nuHtc ai:ciiiu uaeomc Tauipieri;uiVAuu.iu
For Salo In Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, en. Washington
inrt Snruco btruots.
: Atik for SB. MOTT'S IENSTE07AI. vrr.T.a and take no nthAo.
gttr Send for circular.
UR. MOTT'M ClIKMICUi CO- - Cleveland. Oliio.
I i,l- Mild lyO. M. ll.lltlllS. Uruu-ul.t,
GomaMDM need! reliable, monthly, mrnlttlng modlelne. Only titrates
the pureit drugs ahould be uaed. if you want tbe beat, gel '
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
Thov an prompt, and
K..l. Qnn ai.uMhH Cl
For sale by JOHN H. PHElPS,
Spvucs Street, Scranton, Pa.
From (ht X 7. Tritunt, Aoti.1, 1UX
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct. 81. Fh flnt offloUli
innonncement ot World's Fair dii
plomaa on flonr hu dmq mad. A
medal bti tMn wrdd hy th
World' Fair judges to the flonr rnnna
factured by the Washburn, Croebr Co,
in the great Washburn Floor Mills,
Minneapolis. The commute report!
the flonr atrong and pore, aod entitle!
it to rank as flrst-clais patent floor foe
family and bakers' use."
hBCIISAIK acents.
Taylor-Judpe Co., Gold Medal; Atherto?
& Co., Superlative.
Duryoa Lawrence Storo Co.. Gold Medal
Moolc-John McCrindle. Gold Medal.
fittaton-M. W. O'Boylo, Gold Modal.
1 :ltiilr'a OManri.nd Jh t).i.trF ann1nln
('lark's hummlt - F. M. VounK, Gold Medal.
I'aiton-. K. Finn Sou, Gold Medal Brani.
Nil hulson-J. E. Harding.
Wverly-M. w. Bliss & Son, Gold MedaL
Factiiryville-Charlns Gardner, Gold Modal
HophoUom-N. M. I'inu & Son, Gold Medal.
Tobyhanna-Tuhylmnna lhitfh Lumbjr
Co., Gold Meilal Brand.
Oouldsboro-H A. Adams. Gold Melal Brand
Moscow-Gal & Clelnent Gold Medal.
Laka Arlrl-James A. Bortrce, Gold Modal
Forest City-J. L. MorBan ft Co., Gold Meda
Thlmfwdprful rea",lj fvnv Incur. .11 ..r?...
emeu, nioh ii. won Memory, i.".pr mum ifurnr. HewiuiiA, Wnkefuini'MU
liunt.MiniliniHl,Nt:litly KnilHidiind, Nnrvnunotii,fil)iirntiinuiidloiiHot powor
lailPiiMntilveoriiiinHnf uiiliorFoxoftii.eilbroTerPzitrtlnn,yontbrulerrorfc
rxofii)nlvo uhi of tutiiwoo. opium or.tlniulant., whlohloml ui Inllriiiltr, Con-
Kiuiiiillnn nr InmLnltT. Inn tin cnrrlod In vn.t DOOli.t. ttl nnr hnr. A for wHt
flu onliT u nlvc a wrliten sunrnnfre to euro
I'l 11.11 1, r froM M.ilil h. u II (lt,i..ulB l.k fur 1 1. tn KO
. The only safe, tmre and
reliable Female FILL
ever offered to Ladies,
especially recommend
ed to married Ladies.
lTlce $l.uu ncr ox, tt boxes lor $5.00.
1!S7 1'onil Avnnue.
Mrtaln In remit Tbe rnlne (Dr. Paml'a) new tlUaix
Lk AAA r va 1 o m ...s "
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avsnus and