THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE S iTURD AT MORNTNG, JUNE 30, 1894. JUNE SHOPPING ''HAT inmmtr ii in onr midst and itt luipt-rntiva damands confront ns, lines not in tu leant mbnran us. It onr business to b prepared for suoh HmerKuoitts and to provide the oom forts for our patrons who make us wtiHt we nre Public Henef aotors. Dress Goods The; e are low suggestions which the shopper will appreciate and aid mate rially in selecting hummer gowns. Buy the Stylish Goods list those patterns which are most raited to your figure and station. Ami by all uieaus boy what will make you comfortable during the hot summer days. Come with whatever tlze pane you cau command and your most refined tasted will bo satinfiod. Covert Cloth Serge, Cheviot Serge, Colored Suitings French Novelty Dress floods in two toue effects check and stripes. All wool Twills in Tans, drays. Browns, Miles, Heliotropes and Changeable Effects. Challies and Organdies We are showing the tiuost assortment of Imported Challies nud Organdies that cau bu fouud to coutnin all that can be asked for in tins most popular fabric. Summer Silks Eoonomioal ladies of good taste will Bad it a most advantageous occasion. An iuspectiou of the various styles is certain to prove of more than ordi nary interest. Lyons Checked Taffeta, l'outillu and Zephyr Crepes, Printed Japanese Silks, l'nucy Hair-line and Figured Silks. Every yard of these goods ure desirable qualities and were ordered for tho season's trade. Cool, Fashionable and Beautiful. Shirt Waists i'ercale and Lawn, Printed China Silk Waists, Chambry Waists, Full Luuu dried Waists, Laundried Waists in Linen 1 ffrcts. All the Novelties of the season. Protty Designs, Exclusive Designs and tho richest for tho money that cau be had. French Sateens Como with the regularity of the seas ons. Lovely us ever. Always new in desgns and soft effects. Brocaded, figured, plain and fancy colors, suita ble for the old, enchanting for the voung, at prices where competition has forced them. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT A Little Misunderstanding. Alfred Oellier, tho composer of "Dor othy," was once engaged by n Manchester nianuu'er to compose tho music for n new pantomime. The librettist, whom Cellier had never met, was an eccentric person whose business was superintendent of a ccrjfcry and who wrote pantomimes in bis leisure boan, In Manchester there are two cemeteries close together, and tho cab man took Cellier to the wrong one. "Ahl" aid Alfred, with a light comedy manner, as he entered the office; "ahl how do you do sir? Very pleased to meet you." The gtleman glanced lit him over his glasses and contented himself by saying curtly: "Good evening. Hum! You're very late, sir" (this rather reproachfully). "Yes," said Alfred apologetically; "1 am, rather; but the foot is, I only just got in from London." "Then," said the other, "1 suppose I must niako an exception in your case: but it's not usual to enter any thing in the book after 4 o'clock." "It was about the book I came to speak," said Cellier. The gentleman, with a sigh of resignation, seated himself at his desk. "Name?" said he. "Alfred Cellier," re I I I the possessor of that name, getting mystified. "Male or female?" said the questioner. Alfred uneasily shifted his chair nenrer the door, aud said: "I beg pardon?" "You beard what I said, sir," sternly replied tho other; "male Or female?" "Male," said Cellier, (Liven to desperation. "On what date?" Cellier took dp his walking stick, determined to be ready for any emergency, and said: "I don't know for certain, sir, but I suppose it will loii Boxing Day; that is the day on which pantomimes nre generally pro dncad." The gentleman rose from his d;sk, seized the ruler, and, with his eyes steadily fixed on Cellier', got behind an armchair, then, backing to the door of an inner room, locked tho door .sharply aftet, and Collier heard him call -out of n book window, presumably "Mary, get a policeman. He's mad." San Francisco Argonaut. Thn I, of MaUHollll. The word mausoleum is from Mausolus, the name of a king of Caria, in Asia Minor. On his death, B. 0. 353, his widow, Artemisia, who was also his sister, erected so magnificent a tomb that it was ac counted one ol t he wonders of the ancient world. It was in Halicarnassus, on the site of the present Turkish city of Loud mum, and for l.-'iOO years was to the aucient snd nwdUBVal world what the Taj Mahal is to the. modern. It was destroyed in the Twelfth century by an earthquake, and its site ,v is forgotten until 1404, when the city Was occupied by tho Knights of .St. John, end accidental discoveries led to excava tions. During the present century thesar Cophagoa of MausolUI and that of Arte misia have been discovered, alsothestatucs of both and nimy lias reliefsand fragments of marble ornamentation. The ground plan has been distinctly traced, the area bring 100 by lL'O feet. Tho monument consisted of abasement sixty five feet in height, on which was an Ionic colonnade twenty live feet high, above Watch rose a pyramid with the statues of Mausolusand Artemisia at the summit. Tho total haight Is MOfect. The invest i t' tli Dl and excavations wore carried on about the middle of this century under the auspices of the British government, aud the sculptures discovered are now in the British museum St. Louis Four Big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than ii like good h11 tho advertising claimod for hem, the following four remedies have niched a phenomenal sale. Dr. Kino's lew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nd Colds, each buttle guaranteed Elee- 110 Bitters, the great remedy for Uver, tomach and Kidneys. Bucklea'a Arnica alve, the best in the world, and Dr. ling's New Life Pills, which nre a perfect 111 All these remedies are guaranteed to o just what is claimed for tbem and the enter whose name is attached herewith till be glad to tell you more of tbem. Sold y Malt he ws Bros', drug store. HONESDALE. H. A. (Iretter has returned to Hones dale after a short visit st Lock Haven E A. Call, of This Tribune, was in town in the Interest of the paper yes terday. After an extended visit with relatives here Fred Hurl burl has returned to bis home In Philadelphia, Mrs. A I Trod Hand and son, of Mans field, are visiting at the home of H. Q Hand. W. H. Alexander loft yesierday for a visit st Boranton and other plaoes. S. Wiufield Dush left for Port Jervis today. The glass cutting factory of Clark & Co. if closed for a short time. There will be running rases at the Fair ground July 4 aud 5 A number of the fast running hones from tho ralley will be brought here. Among the trotting horses entered for the raeesare: Kitty D., owned by Dr. J. 0, Denstein, of boranton; Nellie B and Farmer, owned by L. A. Patterson, of Carbondale; Baugor. owned by II. C Bell, of Carbondale; Pippo C.owued by Fred Cook, of Scrauton; and Mvrtle Shy, owned by W. A. St. John, of Soranton, Fred Emerick, of Scranton, was In town yesterday. Fred Uenuug, of New York, is vis iting at the home of Dr. K. O. Derclay. The folowing Hcrnntonians paid a visit to HonesdaU Friday: Mrs. Will iam Mnrple, Miss Marple, Mrs. Moore, T. J. Clalnes, Mr. and Mrs. B. L Wright and Mrs. Creppiu. The heavy showers of yesterday washed the roads thoroughly and made the air sweet and clear. The streets were very muddy and caused tho local cyclists to wear a very disgusted look. J. H Feeley and M. J. Mollab, of Archbald, were in town yesterday. Two tramp 1 who failed to hoed tho warning given by Justice Smith to leave the tnwu in thirty minutes, wore taken in custody Thursday afternoon and locked up in tbe jail. Dr. L Web lau, of Scranton, paid a professional visit to Honeadale yesterday. He was accompanied bv Airs. Wehlau The union excursion of the Red Men of Honesdnle to liawley will be tho groat event of July 17. ''The Old Folks" conoort is an on tertaintneut that will be given by the Methodists July Further particu lars will appear later. ARCHBALD. Mrs William Kelly who lias been visiting relatives in Pittston for the past few days, retnrnod home last evenini. The Children of the late Christopher Lindo are erecting a beautiful luouu ment over his grave m tbe Protestant cemetery. It will cost nsaryly $1,1)01) The pi distal of tbe monument will be of granite and will be twelve feet high. It will be surmounted by a fig ure six feet high In au attitnde expres sive of sorrow. The monument will be one of tho most beautiful in this vicinity. M. P, O'Horo, who has been in busi ness on North Mam street for the past few weks, will shortly ranv into the building st Wayne street bridge, now occupied by Patrick Loftns. Communion exercises will be held in the Presbyterian church tomorrow. Miss Ilattie Myers witnessed the "Fall of Babylon ' at Scrauton last evening. Contrary to expectation, the street railway will not be in operation as far as Peckville tomorrow. Nothing has been done on the line during the past few days, and it is even doubtful if the line will be in operation before tho Fourth of Jnly. It certaiuly will not be unless the company gets "a move" on itself. A force of men is still work ing on the Scrauton line and are push ing it forward us rapidly as ponsible. At some points along the line, near Decker's bridge particularly, the drive way is being widened, it having been necessary to cut away sums of the batik at the west side of the road ami to move the street railway out toward the river hank. It is now believed that this pari of the line will not be in readiness for the running of cars inside of a week. PECKVILLE. Edward Wulenian, a former resident of this place, bnt now residing at Bin ton, was a caller in town Thursday. C. S. Don I announces himself as a candidate for representative to the Re publican convention. The lawn social held bv the Junior leKUe this wsek cleared $10. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Doyle, Mrs. W. S. Bloc., Mrs. Myra Oakley, Mrs. A. W. Brundage, George Doyle and Howard Brundage were among those who attended the excursion to Niagara Fulls last Thursday. Mrs. John Pettltt and daughter, Kachel, spent Tburtlay aud Friday visiting her brother, James Cowan. Mrs. Stephen Parry died at tho of her daughter, Mra James Nute.last Thursday afternoon, aged 01 years Th funeral will be held at tbe home in Bill place this ufternoon at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by her pastor, KeT. W. J. Guest. Interment will bi made in Prospect cemetery. Q. L. Keller is home from the Strondshurg State Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Matthews, of Scranton, spend Sunday with friends in this place. Tbe fourth hop reunion was hold at the residence of Mr. Ella Pops, of Upper Main street, on Thursday even ing. A fine gathering was had at the lawn quilting Inst Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wren and children, of Park PIhcj, spent Thursday la town as the guests of Mies Lsnu Barnes. BujiDoiK Mr.oon Bitters taken after eating will relievo any feeling of weight or over fullness of the stomach. S dd everywhere. JERMYN. The funeral of the child of John Monntford took place yesterday after noon. Rev Mr. Qanford, of the First Bap tist church, has reconsidered his recent letter of resignation and will remain here. Mrs. W. L. Houghton and children will leave this morning for a visit with friends in Bearer Meadow. The clerks are in Taylor today play ing a game of ball with their brother clerks of that enterprising borough. A. A. Vosbnrg, of Scranton; Henry Kroft, of Archbald; Andrew Vail, of Tompklnsville. and Michael Michael E. Devlne, of Clean, N. Y., were Jenny n visitors yesterday. The hardware store of Erk Bros and tbe general store of C. D. Winter & Co. will close at 7 p.m. ou and after Jnly 6. All members of Mayflower lodge, Son of St. Otorge, are requested to be present at the Monday night meeting. Business of Importance will be brought before the lodge. , The Primitive Methodist Sunday sehool picnia will take plaoe Jnly 4 in Maple grove. The Jerinyn Water comnany is low ering a pipe that is obstructing the flow of water under the culvert on North Main stre-t no ir the church. CARBONDALE. On Sunday the sixty-fifth annivers ary of the First Presbyterian church of this city will be celebrated. The actual date was Wednesday last, but Snnday was thought to be a more Titling time to which to commemorate the event and a programme of Mpselal interest has been prepared for the occasion. In the loruing Re, Charles Lee, pastor of the church, will preach a historical sermon, and there will be special music At the eveniug services it is expected that letters from sdveral former pastors will be read. Addresses will be made by several members, who will deal principally with tho influence of the church in its field. Yesterday morning John C. Bono re ceived injuries, while at work in the mines, that will disable him fur some time. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Reynold! and n little daughter will leave tod iy for Ocean Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Slillmnn Hancock have returned from their wedding tour. Anthony O'Hara, of Scott street, re ceivod serious injuries yesterday morn ing while at his work in the Powderly mines. A mass of roof fell and crushed his head against a rock, cutting a terrible gash on his head that laid hare the frontal bone, which wss btdly frac tured. The uusal bones were also frac tured and the vicinity of the noao terri bly cut and tin u K P, Dodge, of Binghnmton, N. Y , who will have charge of the new Hotel American, arrived lu this city yester day. The hotel will be opened formerly ou July 15 Billot U'Koefo. a son of Lawrence O'Keefe, of Simpson, was taken to Hie hospital, suffering from concussion of the brain, the result of an accident in the Northwest mine on Monday last. The Alhsmbra Social eluii have rented J, F. M ixwell's hall on Salem avenue and will furnish it in first class stylo for their meeting room and par lors. S. G. Kerr, of Scranton, made n business trid to this city yesterday. Mils Mau l G minor, of Clifford, is visiting Carbondale friends. A. P. Trantwein is on a business trip to New York city. THROOP. John Drown of Providence has re sumed work at the Bellman & com pany's store uftor an absence of five months. Miss A. Case Dellmsn ot Patttrson, N. J . is visiting lur parents at this place. Miss Florence llilemnn is visiting friends here. J. H. Law of this place made one of a Hshiug purty to Reiser's pond on Wednesday last. The members of tho Fnrland Banjo club and the members of tho Tbroop Ulee club, accompanied by their lady friends, will spend the Fourth ot L ike Winds, visiting Mill City in the even ink'- Henry Stanchorn is visiting friends here. Miss Netlirt Bnrtlay returned home from BlooUsbnrg, where she hns been attendiug the Normal school. E. Blackmore is adding to the beauty of his new bom i with afresh coat of paint. The new building being erected by Frank Bruno is Hearing completion, Reiiarkkd by R. 0. Joiner, of Alien P. 0., Hillsdale, Mich : "Nothing gave my rheumatism inch quick relief as fir. Thomas' Eclectric Oil believe it infallible for rheumatics." MOOSIC. The Ladles' Aid society cleared I0 at their festival Wednesday evening Lnnio Ellis held the lucky ticket that drew the bicycle that was r I'll id for the beuslit or "Ls. Thomas Weir. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary seciety will hold a picnic in Fiutohing park the Fourth ol .Inly. Miss Maggie Bixter is visiting friends in Bingbnmlon, N. Y. The picture presented by M"Sr . Warner and Snvdr, tor the benefit o; the Metboditt Episcopal obaicb, and Was contested for by Mrs. .Most lu r and Mrs Hmres, was won by the latter Hood's Never Fails A Business Minn's Experience Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. T. Jl. 7 us weii known business tain In Pittsburgh, ra., writes the lette r gtvon bolow. Mr. Hans is gen- iral agent for the Maine granite quarries anil Dontrector for cemetery and building work, hav ing an OfftCS at No. 70S I'enn Avenue. "C. I. Hood ft CO., Lowell, Mass.: "flentlotnen We have a very high opinion of both Hood's Barsaparilln and Hood's Pills al our house and with good reason. I have taken al most every remedy known for rheumatism, mid feel Justified 111 saying that Hood's Sarsajiai illa is the only one that docs me any good. 1 must admit I have not taken II steadily, but only When tie pains of rheumatism on. Hood's Barsaparilla has Always Clvon Mo Relief, sad like many others, as soon as i am well i never think of medicine agalu until the next at- HOOD'S I Sarsaparilla CURES taeK. Wn are never Without Hood's Sarsapa rilla and Hood's nils in our house, ami h.m recommended both to dozens of friends. When any of my faintly are taken sick, no matter with what disease, the first thing we do Is to give A Dose of Hood's Pills and follow It up with Hand's Saisapaiilla. I night write several panes In praise of this ex cellent medicine, imt think i have said enough to convince." T. W. Haus, Pittsburgh, I'a. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Hold by all druggists, li&c. IS Ss w I my 1 MI NOOK A. R'V. Jtrnvih I Dunn, of Gretn Kidg.-, visited Puttier Joan Longhran yesterday. Father John Luighran was able to sit up yesterday after the operation that was performed ou him. The peo ple of tbe psriah will be glad to know that l is health will soon be fully re covered. There will be a meeting this evening of the auditors of Lackawanna town ship at !).00 o'clock ut the usual pluee. Tho supervisors are doing good work on the roads and some places that were dangerons to drive ou have been made safe. Frank Kane, jr., sou of Postmister F. A. Kane, took part in the com mencement exercises at St. John's church yesterday and rectivsd much praise for tho good showing he gave. Miss Sarah Brown has so far recov ered as to be aide to sit up. Dr. J. A. Manly'l assiduous attention to the esse is responsible for theencc-si which has attended it. At one time it was not thought possible that her recovery could bo exn-'Cted. The teachers received their certifi cates from County Superintendent Taylor yesterday, aud nre conseiiueutly happy. Tnere is to be a gamo of base lull on the Fourth of July morning at -1 o'clock on the Cory Hollow grounds between the Blues and tho SiZTS for li purse of M i ne Institute Bate Ball clubs of No's. ITU ant) IS-i. will cross lints on the Cory 11 .How grounds on th Fourth of Jnly at 10 o'ch ck. The members of the Greenwood Keg fund have decided to hold their picnia ut the Greenwood grove on tho 211 1 of .Inly Instead of at Minooka. The members of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians tendered the waitresses of their picnic a Very pleasant ice cream social Inst night at ih Temuer ance hall. A lare number Were in attendance, Tim alTiir proved to be a must enjoyable event for all. Two large cakes were presented to the young la lies who contested at the picnic. The presentation speech was delivered by William J. Bnrlt". PRICEBURG. Mr. Brnndage, of Peckville. will preach in the Mission roonn, Smith's new block, on Sunday afternoon. Ser vices v. ill commence at 2 30. All nre cordially invited to ntt'-nd. We were wrong iu onr figures con cerning tho Hag pole. It is now sixty eight feet long, a new splice having been made. It was ritistd yesterday. David Farmer left on Wednesday for Colorado. Manager Mcl'herson and a force of clerks wore busily engaged taking Ml inventory of tbe ftook in the Eik ilill C'osl company's store yestorday. George MuLdighlin has returned to his home iu thin place after a few mouths' absence. Will Sears ami Thorn -is Peach are tbe delegates to the coining county convention. Frank Hannon, whorecived frightful injuries at the Pancoaat mine one year ago, is able to lie aroll id. TAYLOR. The Electrics will cress bats this afternoon with the Y. M, C. A. team of Scranton ou the Riverside grounds at 4 o'clock. 'lbe Pnco library association will hold a festival on July Bi. Willie Stone is home Iroin the school of the deaf, at. f btladvlpuia, to spend his summer vacation, Taylor clerks were no match yester day for the clerks from Jerinyn. The up the valley boys hit tho ball hard and whenever they pleased, pounding it for two-baggers six times and base hits twenty ignt times. The visitors were n gentlemanly set of yonngmen, and were applauded for every play Miey made. The result was, Jermyn, ISO, lay lor, 0 AHer the game th Visitors were bloot's hotel. banqueted at Young - shell Money. A transparency in one of the windows of theCatlin Indian gallery, at Hie National museum, shows nn Indian drilling a hole through apiece of shell, lie is making money. Not that the photographer bad to pay him a great deal to sit for this por trait, hut he is manufacturing those Hat beads, w hich most of I he Pacific coast In dians latest one cent apiece. Indeed, shell seems to have been the ear liest, as it is now the favorite money among the lower tribes of men. Every one has beard about the wampum of our eastern Indians. It was made of clam and other shells, dot and worked to the shape of "bugle" bends, and w as used for currency, recording events, making treaties and iu religious ceremonies. The finest old wain piiin bells are still in the possession of Hie Iroquois of New York, and the ohl treaty belt of Penn is in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia Sometimes w hole shells are used, as the cowries of Asia ami Africa and the tusk or dentalium shells of the Indians of Wash ington, (JregoiiSiinl California. The latter shell is a hollow curved tube resembling a tooth. They pass, according to size, from twenty live cents to two dollars. Broken bits pass as our small ohange, and small shells are made into pretty necklaces for the squaws. Philadelphia Press. Street Car Lodgers, "I'm picking up lodgers early tonight." remarked the conductor of a Third avenue open surface car, as w e bowled up the Bow ery at. ((o'clock the other evening, and ho pointed to a man seated opposite and fast asleep, with his hat drawn over his eyes. "He'll ride all t he w ay to Harlem," con tinued the conductor, "there he'll be shaken up and take another car ami come back, and you can bet he'll sleep all the way. Two or three such trips use up the night, aud it's as cheap as going to n lodg ing house. On very warm nights I often have as many its a half dozen such pas sengers." New York Herald. A Foot Measuring Machine. A Baltimore man has recently taken out patents for a machine that takes the meas ure of a foot just as tbe familiar apparatus used by the hatters measures and draws a diagram of a man's head. The principle of the tniichiuu is tbe same, a scries of movable pins conforming to the outline of the foot and registering the shape thus In dicated. It. Is ral her a coincidence, to note in this connection that the diagram made by a hat measuring machine invariably ro- samblsa an old shoe. New York Journal Tho British debt Is so large that If It were divided into one pound notes they would completely cover the state of Ohio three times over. If paid in penny pieces and each penny piled one nbove tho other, It would make seven columns of copper reaching to the moon. When Ttnhy was ulet, we gnre her Castorls. When she was a Qblld, she cried for C'astorta. When she beeams Miss, she clung to i 'ash, rift. When she had Children, she gave thriu C'ustorla THE MAID rAYS NAV.' Her Mistress' ("lo:i-.ii: Tv" I.oncrr flood Bnoeiftll Tor Hi r New Light Vrfl. It is n curious but well known fact that what Is gmxl enough for the mistress to wear Is often not good enough forthomnld. The pretty bonnet worn but yestorday by "the liuly of the house" on her market ing excursion, when offered today to her 000k, is looked upon BSksnee, possibly re fused with more or less Indirect criticism, the grownup daughter of tho establish- GREEN VELVET CAPE, ment remarks that she Is going to give one of her black dress skirts to the servant, whereupon the latter inquires, "Isitanloe one, mlssf" although she knows that it Will como to her just as the young lady has herself worn it. It is beginning to lio a serious question as to what we shall do With our laid aside garments, since, bow ever well made and well conditioned they may !', whenever they i-ense to lie desira ble to the comfortably situated woman they have no attractiveness for her maid, uur coos or even nor laundress. It BOomi wloked to burn thorn up when so man; hiniian beings are going In rags speaking of sncing garments, why dot not somorjouy invent n preservative fo woolen clothing and furs that shall an vent moth and rust from corrupting and shall yet not Infect every thing It approacV es with on ineradicable odor of ill smell ing chomicalaf No extinct or sachet pay. dor yet. manufactured can overcome tie e.-il savor, and oven tin' sunshine and op-n air do not wholly dispel it. But by this tlmo winter things nroul rendy packed away with tar balls, cmn phprtablctsand similar abominations, ind light wraps are In the ascendant Pari; is still sending forth new varieties t)f Cfpos BJld has added to the black and rnodobol ors shown earlier in t In- season nn asiort- men) of brighter colors and still ut reeab- orute make. A sketch i given of DUO Undo of malachite green velvet, having a nund yoke very long over the shoulders, ABmnd this is placed a full flounce df vlver. The cape is trimmed with vanuykci and bands of cream guipure and has. on other side of the front a rosette of black hutin ribbon with long ends, Judio CjHomr. If in doubt as Co what maternal o buy for your best gown, get cropojn, t anil grenadine will be favorite nmtei'ialsof the season, at all events with those) wb can not, alloni sill; mm. I c!iltroii. The most Effective Skin Purifying and Benutifyinsr Soap in the World. The Purest, Sweetest, and Most Refreshirtt for Toilet Bath and Nursery. For Pimples, Blackheads Red, Roush, Oily Skin and Baby Blemishes, For Red, Rough Hands, with Shapeless Ndls and Painful Finsjcr Gnds, For Irritations of the Scalp with Dry.TIin, and Falling Hair it is wonderful. Sale greater tran the Combined Sales of all other Skin Soaps. Pnlil throughout ih world. Plioe,2fo. Pnrrr.R Dans mi cm:, t'oic, Sole l'ropK., Boston. ee-" All Aboattheikla,8ealplandHau'fH free. ACHINt SIDES AND BACK. Hip, Rldey, mill ntorlM palm nd weaineMt relieved in one miuut Jny ihr Culrurii Anti-Tain riuti'r. i lur nrm unt only pun killing pkintt r. SPRING HOUSE HEL.Kg, Sutquahanna Co. U. K. OBQggaL. Proprietor. rpins HOUSE 'Intrlctly temperance, is new aud well rroish-i end OPBIHD T" iHR PUBIIC THIS VEAR BOUND! la located nldwayletwi en Uoutro an I Beran too, on Montrotland Lao'cawanmt Ballroad, mx miles tromp,,L,A W". it u. ut Altera Btattoa,snd nilmilei train Hiatroiei ca- iia-ity. niRhty 'fc; three mlntttSS' walk f rum H. It. station. ;ooi bhaA rrnrNG t.ioelk, rn i: t .i i:s,is. Altttnde abbt I, feet, niunliinc in tins rospe.-t the Aliroiulaek n-ul C.itoiill Moun tains. 1-ino (trove, plenty of shalo ami beautiful scenery, ma inn s nnunr Resort unejt colled in beady ami cheapness Dsucina pu illon. swin;s, OK) piet ir onniU, &r. Cold Spl'nj Water and pi oity or Ml,k Itiiles, l?i o par e,,, day. BTtcnrsjonUckati sold at nil stations onu I, , m . mis Portff raetaaU trains. Rim NIDK CO.. larfp. Capital, $1,000,000. iikht .io siloi: ra TIIK woiti.n. A dMnr tared ii a dollar turned." . ThlAl.iirft'u'Sollil French Konirolu Kid ltnt tanBoeiellveied free iinywhern in the U.S., on receipi ..ii nun Money ur.ler, or Posts Nolo for ItM. 1' innU evory wgy the Loots old In nil retail MOMS for 2.60. Wo leaks this boot oiinelvos, tbsrsforS wo guar antee the J1tt tlyle and weai , una ii any one is not m,i hii.-.i o mil i. '..ii.i inn nioiu'y or tend nnotlu-r pair. Otmm ion or i oinmon friiM, rldtln 1 B, It RK. Iach 1 to ft nml httlf Send your tttt; via tit yH. uiuiirswa Citn lopie Deter Shoe Co., 3 FEDERAL ST., - -" Jisjn i m, UHPM iSrxicifi termt to VtaUrt Hrjeseflflsin 14 jfFH"HninHHfe:!iiiiHHi)iigiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,iHiHiiiiiiiiinHiP'. THE FAIR 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. SALE THIS WEEK ONLY. Ik 1,200 DOZEN Ladies' Ribbed Vests EGYPTIAN THREAD Value 25c. SALE Ll LI I h h for Id i Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. '''""'I'lMllilHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimiUmilUIKIIIIHIHIIllllii" RUGS AND 11 For a Few 50 Smyrna Mats, best quality, IbO Moqiistle Mats,best quality, 5U Moquette Mats, 'n. tnunased ur 25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed 75 India Rugs, fringed, 48 Kasmer Rugs, c 'UHuriiassed for wear. ART SQUA 2x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 2x3 yards, all-wool, -3x3 yards, -3x3 yards, -3x4 yards, - ERR 4 SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. wJL RMkW jut -v j . if. W BTk "UP1 11 We Have Placed an elegant Quartered Oak Sideboard (with very large French, Bevel-plate Mirror in the top, elegantly carved and best workmanship) in our Show Window. Its value is $80. We have decided to reduce the price $5 per day until it is sold. Don't consider too long, as the next day it may be gone. Price Today, $45 Baby Carriages Refrigerators Mattings An Onyx Finislisrt Cock with -10 pur chases or ovar. A 100-pioce Dinner fat with f.75 pnrohsses or over. 3 I (0 r Fl H H I P n 5 25c. T SQUARES Days Only FORMER PRICE. NOW. ,$4.00 $2.00 .75 .50 , 1.25 .90 , .70 , 1.25 .90 , 1.50 L10 5.00 3.00 ES $6.00 $4.25 7.20 5.00 8,40 6.00 6.75 4.75 8.10 6.00 9.45 7.00 10.80 8.00 16x34 inche 18x36 inches. 18x36 inches 36x72 inches, 27x60 inches, 30x60 inches, CQC per week or X' j $2 Per month. 4
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