VIIE SCKANTON TRIBTJJTE SATU RDAT MORNING, JUNE 30, 1894. Hi Soctah MR (IE past week did not include any so cial ftfTiiirs of nn extended ch irac ter. There were a few small teas, aud ft number otherwise the usual social lnnchtons, card partita of qniet weddings, but wstk wai devoid of the pleusun tries. June, in Scrantou, at least, kept up her reputation as a month of weddings and a culmination of spring "wben the young man's fancy ligbtly turns to thoughts of love.'' A few of the week's weddings follow: Anthony F. Lough ney and Miss Mnry A, Biglio. of Car bon slrett: William Densv, of Phila delphia, and Miss Maine O Ilura at St. Mary's church, Daumore. Rev. M. B. Donlan ofticiattd Daniel Mc Carthy and Miss Ellen O'Hara, both of Philadelphia, were re spsctlvely groomsman and bridesmaid, Jumes M. Casey and Elizabeth Dwyer, of Railroad street, at St. Peter's catlw dral, Rer. P. J. Golden officiated. Mr. James Keegau was' best man aud Miss Ellen Dwyer, of Hawley, cousin of the bride, bridesmaid. Miss Polly J. An derson, daughter of M. 7. Anderson, to Edward C. Smith, of Bellevue, at the bride's home, by Kev. D. C. Hnghffl Miss Aunia E. Anderson was brulftf inaid, and John W. Anderson attended the groom. Miss Carrie Kern, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kern, of Scranton street, to George Stul, at bride's home. Rev. Warren (( Part ridge officiated. Miss Dora Kelly aud C. I. Kern were respectively brides maid and best man. Miss Rosa G. Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Brady, of 5:28 timet street, to M. J. Madden, of Manistee, Mich., at St. John's church, by Rev. E. J. Melley. Miss Lizzie J. Brady, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Martin Cannon was groomsman. A dancing party was given Tuesday evening bv Miss Hunt and Everett Hunt, at 039 Jefferson avenue, Among I tit guests were: Miss Holmes aud the Misses Stanton, of Houesdale; Miss Archbald. Miss Augusta Archbald, Miss Welles, Mis Iilair, Miss Conrseu, Miss Jermyn, Miss Susan Jeruiyu, Miss Simpson, Miss Parke, Miss Kingsbury, Miss Mott, Miss Decker nnd Messrs. Belo and Lee, of Yale; Decker, Arch V..Hair, Ryle, Whittemore, Snider son, Merrill, Post, Mott, Chase. Torrcy, W. P. Kingsbury, Belin, Phtt, Wright, Walker. At an afternoon te.k given Wednes day by the Misses Conrsen at 015 Mul berry street for the Misses Stanton and Miss Holms'), f Honesdnle, the follow ing young ladies were present : Miss Archbald, Miss Augusta Archbald, Miss Blair, Miss Hunt, Miss Seybolt, Miss Romaine Seybolt, Miss Lonise Seybolt, Miss Dickson. Miss Mott, Miss Welles, Miss Decker, Miss BtMell.Misi Nellie Mattes, the Misses Kiagsbnrv, Miss Jermyn, Miss Susan Jermyn, Mies Jones. A handkerchief social was given last evening at Excelsior hull on Wyoming avenue by a number of young ladies of the southern part of the city in honor of several graduates of Stroudsbnrg state normul school who are visiting in the city. Miss Maud Richards was nt tbe bead of the committee that had the function in charge. Xotwitnstand inc the intense beat the social proved vsry enjoyable. About fifty couples attended it, A nniet wprlflinir Tlmrflr1.iv mnrninr -i -. . ...... -- - - ..-- m: 1- . - . mat ul iviiBB i.innia i nr. mi 10 ineoaore iiemuerger. XDe ceremony was performed by ltev. J. Randolph at the home of Miss Conrad on Sandersou avenue, Grsea Ridge. Miss Conrad has long taken rank as one of tho city's best vocalists and Mr, Heznberger is a recent addition to Scrauton musical circles. IIm is a violinist of uncommon ability. Mr. aud Mrs. Hemberger will make their home on Adams avenue. John H. Blaekwood, who left tho city editorship of The Trihuns to accept tbe management of the new Frothingbam theatre, bai re signed from the latter position and re turned to jonrnalism. Mr. Blackwood occupies a position oi profit and re sponsibility on the Truth's staff of bright young man, and rejoices accord ingly at the deligbtfulness of day work. An event which interested the '01 graduates at the high school nnd tho association was the roceiition r uuw.M,t " II U'J J . : 1 1 I m evening. This years class was re ceived into the alnmni and dancing was enjoyed later in the evening, The "matinee" to tbe Gentlemen's Driving club, which was to have been held at the Driving park to-day, hss been postponed until next week Satur day. The olub will meet at tbe Wyo ming this evening. Tbe Green Ridge wheelmen gave n delightful band and lawn socinl at their Wyoming avenue club house last even ing. The musio was furnished by the Lawrence baud. The ttpranton Lawn club will enjoy a tennisHea this afternoon on the Piatt place grounds, tbe weather permitting. A ladies' afternoon card partv will bo jiven Monday by Miss Blair for Hones isle friends. Personal Mention: At a young people's party given during the week by Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lohman in honor of their daughter Mabel's birth day there were present. Tho Mises Mabel and LonUe Lohmanu, Eitelle Tropp Johanna LangstalT, Lizzie Kemmerer.liiiia Kooh, Tessie Hanaway, Lizzie Bernstein Llllie Keisel, Lulu Uolliun, Mary iiiom' Helen Wormser, Lizzie Kaymayer, Lizz e Wilier, Hattle Fischer, Helen Uunnter Bertha and Alma Wehlau, Lottie Zarflleh, Belle and Florence Flnburg, tho Mi Francis, Anna and Emma Wolfe. Mabel Back. May Talbot, .Masters Karl Ctnnster, Charles Lorenz, Johnnie Bloeser, Harry Mayer, Phillip Bernstein. Frank Koch, Frank Tropp. U ibert and John Lohmann, Freddie Kaymayer, Mr. Loieuz Krauso furniehou tbo music. Among those who have baon examined for admission to Yale from Scranton and vicinity are R. W. Archbald, jr., W. 11. Torrey, A. A. Williams, Jr., William J. Neville and Ralph Levy, of this city; C. B. Uatbaway, jr.. of Olypbant, aud Frank R. Stocker, ot Jermyn. Tbe examinations were conducted by Professor Walter II. Buell, A M., at the School of tho Lacka wanna Thursday and yesterdny. Miss Sella Seymour's pupils gave a de lightful recital at Hulbert's music store imp Thursday eveuing, nssistod by Mrs. Wi Ilatid, who sing "If I But kuew" and "Killuruiiy." The others wno participated were: Miss Janet Law, Alius Bertha M mans and Miss Lena Uuichert. .Miss Sey mour played selections Irom Chopin and Liszt in brilliaut style. Henry J. Anderson, vice-president of the Lackawanna Trust and tsafe Depisit company, is absent on a two weeks' vaca tion to at Pleasant, where bo will Hsh for a few days, and then sail down the Delaware as far as Liu kawaxeii, where he will go to the Bloomingrove olub bouse. Among tbo well known fscrant minus in New York during the week were: J. W. Onkford, Henry Belin, jr., N. G. Itobtrt son, N. A. Iliilhert. -lames 1'. Uiek-on, K. II. (Iibboii-, P.J, Widnmyor. C, J. AlJtn ger, Uuurgo Ci. llnliy and H. Koch, jr. , A party of school teaehers, composed if Misses Margaret MoAndruw, Alary & Lynn, Surah O'Connor, Mary I'arreli nnJ Margaret Mitchell are on a pleasure ti if which will include visit to Buffalo, Nia) gara l-'alls and Toronto, Cau. Rev. Dr. H, H, Harris, Robert Llewellyn, David W Lewis, BdmOlld Williams. Mrs. Samuels, Mrs. D.J. Edwards, Mis. T. H. Jenkins and Professor Morgan J. Lloyd, of Taylor, comprise a party which left Tuesday for Wales. Mis1; Edith Jones, of JetVcisou avenue, ouo Of the receivers of tho Scnuitrin Trne tiou company, will enjoy, oegiuuiiig with today, a vacation of two weeks, which she will spend at the seaside resorts. Mr. Belo aud Mr. Lee, of Yale, havo terminated ihuir visit with ollego friends here. Tho former will spend tho summer in the Adlrondaoksi Mr. Lee left for his home ou the Lie ot Trinidad, Mrs. S. D. Vatlbtukirk, Of West Lacka wanna, and Mrs. William Bowie, of (louldsboro, W0 Visiting relatives in New York and Atlantic City. They will be ab sent several weeks. Miss Archbald left Thurslay for Potts vi lie, to visit her brother, and will also visit friends at Orange aud (.terniniitowo berore joining her parents at Martha's Yiueynrd. Ifisaoi Anna Carbinonnd Kate Flaherty, of tireen RldgSt have returned from Maus Batd, where they attended the commeuce ment exercises at tho ritate Normal school. Hou. W. H. Jessup und W. II. Jesup, jr., attended tho commencement exer cises of Yale. The ex-Judgo graduated fr m Yale IS years ago. Mr. and Mrs. .James Archbald and family have gone to Cottage City, Martha's Yiue ysrd, whore they will occupy their cottago during the summer. Right Kev. Bishop O'liara visitod Car boudalo last night aud was present at the commencement cxercLes of St. Ruse's academy. Mr. W. E. Chase, superintendent of tho proof-reading department of the New York World, is visiting bis parents on Quinoy avenue. Mrs. C. H. Sopor attended tho com mencement of tho Bioomsburg state nor mal school, whore her sister, Maggie Bay lor, graduated. Kev. E. L Miller, of this city, has been elected president of the Lutheran league which was organized at Hnrrisburg on Tuesday. Mr. John Braiuard, of Green Ridgo, left for New York city yesterday aud today he will sail for Paris on the steamer "Bur goyue." John H. Brooks, of this city, is spending a portion Of his summer vacation with a cla'S of Princeton students in the far west. Mist Bertha Powell, daughtor of County Treasurer D, W. Powell. of North Summer avenue, is visiting friends In Philadelphia, Rt. Kev. Bishop O'Hara visited Pittston Thursday and attended tho commence ment exercises of St. John's academy. Mrs. S. Simon and daughter, Flo, of Lock Haven, are visiting at the rosidence of F. L. Wormser on Penn avenue. Join J. Nallin left last night for Now York City, where he will spend today and Sunday, the guest of his brother. Lieutenant Governor Wittres and family are soj luming nt Nantucket, where they will remain for three weeas. Mi:is Laura L Boice, an instructor nt the Teachers' Trsiuing sohool, left Wednesday for her home in Philadelphia. Thomas Archbald leaves this morning for Northfield, Mass., where ho will attend the Moody summer school. Miss Julit Pettigrow and Miss Jennie Smith left yesterday for a two wooks' visit with Buffalo friends. Mrs. P. J. GlVtny and daughter aro vis iting at tho h line of Mrs. Saiiford Paisley, ou franklin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Moore, of Bridge port, Conn., aro visiting Mrs. Austin Moore of Franklin avenue. Demetrius TnrnagrelT, auativa of Mace donia, who is educating himself at Prince ton, is in tbe rity. Harry Lewis, of Swarthmore. Pa., wns a guest of Qeorge Parton, of Linden streot, duriug the woek. Rev. L S. Floyd aud family, of North Hyde Park avenue, aro summering at Ocenn Urove. Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Winton, of this city, nre spending a season at Slntcrvillu Springs, N. Y. Miss Floronco Silltmau, of Darlington seminary, is at her homo in thu North End. Mrs. Wollos will leavo on a European trip with Misi McCartney next week. J. J. Drury and wifo nre home from a stay of two weeks at Atlantic City, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hnllstead spent Thursday in New York. J. .1. O'Boyle, of Vino street, is spend ing today in Now York. Horace E. Hand is on a two days' visit to Cortland, Nt Y. RhTHER TOO AGED. Detroit IWUnte. She spurned his suit. "Never," she insisted. Nor yet did hope rtee his breast. "Can yon not,'' ho asked, huskily 'learn to lovo rot! She shuok her hoau. "And still " He hissed through bis clonched teeth as made for the door. " they say never too old to learn." She started violently, turned pale and snuk in a miserable heap ou the lloor, crushed by his crnel words. CUPID'S VICTORY. Love timidly knocked at my door ouo day, But I would not let him in, For my heart wns sore, that o'er and o'er I had welcomed him and prayed him to stay, But fickle nnd falso he'd been. So I closed my eyes to his coaxing voice, Nor heeded his piteous moan, l-'or the ouco merry lad looked woary and sad, But I vowed 'twas pretense, and ho bad no cboico But to go as ho came, alone. So bo went nwav aud I triod to rejoice, But over 1 sighed and I sighed, Aud night and day I was sad alway, And ever 1 heard the sweet pleading voice, And bewailed my senseless pride. And never my sad heart ceased toyeuru, And I set my door upon wide, And vowed, should the wandoror roturn, To welcome him with jay. But while I wept, lo! there at my Bide I saw the beautiful bov. E. Brum Schooley. OF CHURCHES pmpendium or Intelligence Relating to Scrauton's Religious Activities. THE WORK OF THE SOCIETIES Benjamin Morgan Will Preach To morrow Evening at South Main Av enue C. M. Cburch-Whnt the Pas tors of the - City Churches Are Doing Services to be Held in the City Churches Tomorrow. 1 luring the months of August the Sun day evening serviros lu the St. David's church will be choral, with the omission of the sermon. liev. U C. Hughes, D. 1)., will conduct baptismal services in bis church on Jack sou street next Sunday cveniug, wbeu undidates win bo baptise!. Communion service will bo held tomor row morning at the Primitive Methodist rnnrcfa of Providence, and also at tho North Main Avenue Baptist church. Rev. W. H. Jonos, or tho First Welsh Baptist church, and Kev. 1). P. Jones, of tabernacle Congregational chnrch, will preach iu English ut tomorrow niorniug's servloe, Tomorrow (veiling the Junior Order of American Mechanics will attend ilivine service at the Asburv Park Methodist Episcopal church of (iroun Ridge, when Kev. A. F, Chaffee will preach to the lodge. Bonjiimin Morgan, son of Kev. William Morgan, of the West Side, will preach nn English sermon tomorrow evening nt tho Calvanittia Methodist church, South Main avenue. Mr. Morgan, jr., is a student, preparing for tho ministry, Last Tuesday K"V. W. L'erodig Davies, jf Minersville, and Miss Lizzie Jones, of Laneford, were married by Rev. 1. Jones, it tho West Side, and Kev. Howell Davis, f Laneford The ceremony was conducted jp the Minersville church. The contragt fig parties are well kiKwn to many tu our "Bev. 8. A. Mutchmoro. D. D., LL. D.. will preuch at tomorrow's morning and e'eniuf services in tho First Presbyterian clmrch. Mr. Mutchmoro is editor of the Presbyterian aud Is moderator of the tn el assembly. He is ono of the most emi nt ui'm in Presbyterian ism and many wl ava l themselves of this opportunity to hear him. KfNO WORDS AN 0 ACTS. Ars. Biaokington rendered very efficient ser ice ill the Infant department at St. Davd's Bpnday school in the ubsoiico of Boprlntendent Mrs. Mills. OtJuly 13 thp Penn Avenue Baptist church will give the annual picnic to tho BunijSy school aud spend thediiyatLakn Arie. Superintendent Luther Keller and the e ecutivo cominittsu are busy making preparations. Las: rveiing the Ladies' Aid society of the Providence Methodist Episcopal churci gave a reception to the members of tbecongregntion at which refreshments and ic cream were furnished gratuitously to thoe proseut. Last Tuesday evening tho Ureen Ridge Baptis church held a regular business meeting. atwhich it wns unanimously de cided o engage tho pastor, Rev, W. J. Ford, fir niiotber year, and give him nn increas' iu ! salary. That is substautial appreciation! The irotharbood of St. Andrew in St. David'sohurjph meets evory Tuesday even ing to sudy .ho life of Christ under the directio of IVilllnru Coney. Mr. Coney renders fTlciiBnt service as n lay rendor iu thu pnrisi. 1 1 is expected that in tho near future htwill be ordained to the dcacou ate. Tho Latfefi. Aid society of tho Taber nacle Coni-eghtionnl church gavo fyooinst week to fa uliplied on the debt. By the activity ot be waster, aided by friends of the congr tlilm, another i'M was secured for the sari purpose, so tuat tun present indebted n mouth ot whs reduced 000 miring the e The cleri pastors of o comprising tho Prcsbyterinn city and vicinity, have been invited by onel SchooninaKtr, of Elm- burst, to tpil a 'lay st his elegant liotol. has been nccopted. and I lie invitati next Tuesda he cleric will spend tbe day with tho gel al colonel. A bamiuot will bo served at iu the afternoon. At tho reqn t of many Christian En deavor wnrkeft, tie Rov. E. It. Lewis will attend the intu national convention to be held in Cleveland on July IH5, During his visit to aiidfioin the convention, many of the chorobestpt 'hio will avail them selves of tho i e to hear Mr. Lewis, whoso elpquenci ns i. pulpit orator is well known among the Velsli Congregational churches of the stat . - PASTORA AFFAIRS. Rev. lamos Mc Loots D. D., has gone to East Hampton, wherdhe expects to spend his vacation. Rev. F. Weisshopp tvill proncb tomor row morning nt thi First German Method ist Episcopal chain. Mrs. Morris, wife of K?v. J. T. Morris, of Bellovue, leaves toiluy for a visit to Wales. Mr. Morris accompanied bur ns far as Now York. Tho Baptist conferenci of pastors, moot ing every Monday merniig, has closed its sessions for tho summer, aud will open again tiext September. I Miss Carrie Tiry'0". of Lancaster, nnd Paul lirown, of Trenton, M, J aro guests at tho rectory of St. Davd. Miss Taylor is a sister of Mrs. Mills. Rov. D. A Evans, of t'.o Puritan Con gregational church, feels indisposed and has not been able to leave his home dur ing the maj ir part of tho wiek. llev. W. L. Jones, of theWeat Side, re turned from Now York ast Thursday morning, whoio be accomp.niod his wife and children who took sbl for u trip to Wales. Rev. nnd Mrs. August lingo, of the Hickory Street Prosbyteriaiuhurch, spent a few days this week visilng some of their members out In the coiStry. They returned last evonlng. ) Tho friends of Rev. OeoreA. Cure, late of Asbury Methodist Episcjial church, now of Athene, will rejoicoitdloarii of his snccess in the present field, lie hns suc ceeded in raising $1,500 toward tbe dobt of the church. Rev. H. H. Harris. Th. D., of Taylor, loft lust Wednesday for a visitlo the land of his fathers. He took bis b'jycle along with him. He expects to rid it from Liverpool to North Wales and thence to Konth Wales. F. Myrddyn Jones, son of lov. R. 8." Jones, D. D , has como home for bis vaca tion from Olivet college, Mich, 'iieycuug THE POISONS that enter and those which ncuimulflte within tho Imdy will be vigorouslyojiposcd and expelled if the liver bo active. To keep tho livor netivo toko Dr. FiercoV. Vleasant Pellote. Health depends greatly upn regu larity of hahite. William IUmicb, of Miwicn, KSmlti Co ivc.'i., writes 1 "I was roubled with bolls f- thirty yesrs. Foi. years ago 1 was so 'filleted with t ln-iii that I could not wlk. I bought Dr. leroe's Pleasant I'ellce, and took one 1'elK ' af ter each monk The boils soon dksSMsr- -' i'd ami havBhad liono since. Ir'avo also been travled with sick ht-nd'hi'. When 1 lecfttho headache 001100 on, 1 take onl or two ' Pellets,' bid Wi. Kamku, Eso, um relieved of l." piEECE Qnaris- MVTfln OK Tilt MONEY U BETIK.VL , student brings with him a prize won ic a declamation contest on commencement day. His many friends are now congratu lating him, Rov. D. J. Hughes, D. D., or the Jack sou Street Baptist cburcb, preached the sermon at the dedication of a new Baptist church at Duryea, Isst Thursday, lu tho afternoon, the doctor with others, organized tbe church thut will worship iu tho new edifice. Rov. T. J. Collins knows how to turn his vacation to good accouut. Duriug his recent trip iu West Virginia he conducted revival services, preached seven times, bap tized five converts aud cheered the hearts of scores of ni.s friends and relatives. Mr. Collins was awny twelve days and spent bis brief vacation in truly apoatoiia fash ion. WAYS AND MEANS. Tho young people of tho Scrautou streot Baptist cburcb hold u social last evening at the homo of Deacon Hutchison. Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, Green Ridge, will erect a tent at North Park, ou the Fourth and sell refreshmeuts. Tbe Endeavor society of tho Kirst Con gregational church ou the West Side has been reorganized, with Rev. D. Jones as president aud Miss Maggie Harris, secre tary. The Epworth league soole'y of tho sec ond Qertnan Methodist Episcopal church, hold a very enjoyable picnic at Nay Aug Falls last Thursday. The trustees of tho Puritan Congrega tional church of Providence aro dovisiug means of improving the main entrance into their odilice by creeling a wall aud laying Stone steps. BeV. Daniel Savage, of tho Protestant Methodist chnrch oi Providence, has or ganized a junior pastor's committee. The object of tau organisation is to aid iu de vising means to defray cm rout expenses. The executivo lias resolved to run an ex cursion to ParvleW lu August. William Littlejohn, O. Blowther, T. E bavage and S. Hartshorn are uctive In the work. The Endeavor sucoty of tho Providence Presbyterian church will hold a Cleve land convention soolat next Monday ovou iug in the Bondav school rooms. The ob ject of the tocial is twofold: lirst, to arouse interest in tho international con vention to be held iu Cleveland on July 11-16, and secondly, to secure funds to pay thu expenses ot delegates to and from the convention. COMINb EVENTS. The Scrnntou L'niou Epworth league will run an excursion to Hunesdule ou July IS, Tho union comprises till societies iu the city and vicinity. The Sunday school of the Hampton strctt M. E. church will hold a picnic at Moun tain Luke on tho Fourth. All tho congre gation is invited to attoud. Tho Sunday school of the First Oermau M. E. Church, attended by tbe Petersbarg Mission school, will hold their annual pa nic ut Nuy Aug Falls on the Fourth. Tho First Welsu Congregational church will run an excursion to Lake Ariel July Vi. S. K, Jones, Richard Williams and VY, John T homiis aro busy making arrange ments. . The Junior Endeavor society of the Welsh Cougregatioual church will hold an ice cream social iu the Sunday school room on the eve of the Eourtb -uoxt Tues day evening. Next Monday evening the first quarterly meeting will no held in tho Providence Methodist Episcopal church, when Pre siding Elder J. Q, Eckinnu will be pres ent to conduct tho service. Henry Benson's Bunday school cluss In the Penn Avenue Baptist church will give an entertainment next Monday evening iu tho vestry, Tho proceeds are to aid in purchasing a new carpet for the Sunday school room. A meeting of the official board of tbe Humptou Street M. E, church will bo held next Tuesday evening. Last Sunday even ing one of tho stewards Stated that the financial condition of the church was never iu better condition. This was attributed to the successful operation of a system in troduced by the pastor, Kev. A.W. Cooper. TOMORROW'S CHUKCH SERVICES. All BorjLs' Chough Pine street, near Adams avenue, Kev. lieorgo W. Powell, pastor, will preach tomorrow at 1080 a.m. on, "Only Oue Religion, But Many Creeds.'' Bunday school at IS, aud conference at 7.11U p." m. Calvabv RxfOHtau) Church-Cornet of Mourooaud Qibeon street. Kov. Koss F. Wicks, pastor. Services, 10.UU a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach in the evening ou "The Urcat Invitatiou." All are welcome. Church or the Good Bhiphxrd Mou sey avenue. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Holy commuuiou, 8 a. m.; morning prayer, litany aud .sermon, 10.30; Sunday school, 12 m.; Young l'oople's society, 0.M p. in.; evening prayor and sermon, 7.30 p. m. AH seats tree. All welcome. DfMIOHK Phehiivtkman Cmliioh -Will have Bpecinl reference to our national Boll day, moruiug ut 10.30. Subject, "The Memorial of the Children of Israel." Eveu ing at 7.-15. Sabbath school at noon. Christian Endeavor soaoty at 7 o'clock. Ei.m Park MXTHODIST EPISCOPAL Church Kov. w H. PSaroe, pastor. Preaching nt 10.30 a. in. anil 7.48 p.m. Morning subj"Ct, "Our Nation's Defence aud Dangers." Eveuing subject, "Scrip tural Symbolism. Fiust Bai'tist Church Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath at 10.30 n. in. and 7.30 p. in. Morning theme, "W ailing, Watch ing and Writing." The evening sermon will ho another in tho series of "Pilgrims Progress." Sents free. All welcome. First Prbbbttbrian Church, Wash ington avenue The moderator of tho gen eral assembly, Ruv. SnmuelA. Mutchmoro, D. D. L.L.D., will preach morning nnd evoniug. Sunday school immediately after the morning service. Sraoi kk i-i in Med Episcopal Church Sorvices, IO.3011. m., subject, "The Pre ciousness of Christ,'" I Rater BsTi 7. so p. m., subject, "The Antichrist, ".I John 3;ls; BabDatn school at 18 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7.4.1 p. m Union Bible class for lespon study Thursday, 7.45 p. m. Orach Eholibh Luthirah Church Rev. Foster W. (lift, pastor. Services at the Young Men's Christian association at 10 80 n. in. nnd 7.30 p. ni. All nro welcome. liltKEN HlUliK EVANUEUt'AL OHVROH Cnpouse nvouue, Rev. Q, L, Mnice, pas tor, Sunday school D.30 a. m. K. L. C. E. 8.46 p. m. Preaching at lo.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Strangers welcome. Mrkkn RinuK Baitist Church. Rov. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated at the close of tho morning's service. E. K. Thomas, of Crozer Theo logical seminary, will prouch in tho even ing. How Mm Place African Methodist EnlcorAL burch Bey, c. a. MeQee, pastor. Preaching 10.30 11. 111. aud 8 p. m. giyi'soN Methodiht Epucopal Church Eesching morning at 10.30 by William TWsons. Evening, 7.80, praise sorvice by Epworth league. Seats free. All are wel come. Saint LUKE'S CHURCH Rev. Rogors Israel rector. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Commuuiou, 8 a. iu.j service aud ser mon, 10.30 a.m.; Sunday school aud Bible class, '130 p. m.i evoning prayer and ser mon, 7 p. m. Nursery open ut 10 u in. nt 325 Washington nvonue, where chil dren will be kindly cared for while par ents attend service. Saint Luke's Dunmoiie Mission Ksv. A. L. Urban lu charge. Sunday school 8 p. in.; evening prayer uud sermon, 4 p. m. Trinity English Luthhram Church, Adams avenue, corner Mulberry street Rev. E L Jiiller, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. uud 7.30 p, m. l'ows aro free, and visiting worshippers ure always welcome. The Second PrksrvtcRIAH Church Rov. Charles E. Robinson, D. D. pastor. Services 10.80 a. m. and 7.80 p.m. S,ih batb school at hood. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at (i.30 p. m. The Pi nn Avkni e BAPTIST CHURCH Kev, warren GK Partridge, pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. 111. and at 7 30 p. 111. Sub jct in tho morning, "Th" Freedom of tbe Will." Communion nt close of service. Subjpct iu the evening, "The Love of iod." All are welcome. CURES Jad Blood. CURKS Bad Blood. CURES Bad Blood. I have been suflorincr ten years with Erysipelas. Ilava tiUeu doctors'' medicines and PHtent medicines of most all kinds, but none seemed to dc me any ktk1. I finally mads ui) my mind to try liurdock Blond Bittors. Have used four bottles of B. B. B.. and think myself entirely cured. .Mils. N."J. McCatlt, burviee, Beaver Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 This bank ofror to depositor! every facility warranted by their lmlauces, bunl nt'HH and 1 . 1! 11 ( . Special atlsntlon alvan to loiklnens ao counta Interest puld on tiiuu dt'iionll WILXIAM rONNKLT, President, lii-o. B, CATLIN, Vlce-Prraldent WILLIAM B. I'liCIi, lu.llle DIBBOTOBSt William Connell, Qeorse B, Catlln, Alfred llnnd. Juuics Arrbbald, Henry llulln, jr.. William T. - uuli Lutlier li .Ol'.r E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Booms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Bid g, SCKANTOX, VA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at tho MOOSIO and KUliU DALE WORKS. Lsfflin & R11111I Powiler Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electric Batteries, Fubo for explol iug blasts, Safety Fuse nnd RepaunoChemical Co.'s High Explosives eeds and Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at tho Wapwallopon Mills, Lu Seme rounty Pn and at W II millgtou, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Agent for the W using District, u8 Wyoming Ave.. Scranton Pa, Third National Bauk Building. AQSKOIM. THOS. FORD. Pittston, Pa. Kill S It SMITH SO; l'lymotlth. Ta E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkes-Barre. Pa Agents for tbe Repauuo Cnuuiloal Com I uny 'e Uigh Explosivue. 101 POWDER CO Fertilizers BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL' I'HVSIIIANS AMU KUIIOCOKS. i")B. O. EUOAK UEAN has removed to 818 f. Spruce streot, Kcrunton, Pa. Oust op poslte court-houso Squara) 1")K A- J- BUNNELL, Ofllce 801 Washington JL-' avenue, corner Spruce street, over t rancko s drutf store. Posidenco, Ti Vlue u IS? 1""n: ID to 12 a. m. iind I to i and IJUto ,.M p. ra. Bunday, 2 to 3 p. m. )H. W. li. AI.LKN. (3flice cor. Liicia wanna and Wnshiiiffton avea : over Leon ard shue store; olhco houra 10 to 12 a m. and 8 to I p. in.; evenimis at resldonce. 612 N. V iishiiiKtoii sve. DH.UL,. rliHY, Practice limited to His esses of tho Eya, Ear. Nose and Throat; othco, m Wyoming ave. Kesideuce, 62S Vine streot. I i" ! M. GATES. 126 Washington Avonua. Ottice hours, 8 to II a.m., 1.30 to 3 aud t to8 p.m. UcfidencoaiD Madison avonu IOHNL. WK.NIZ. M. I)., Ollices 52 uud 61 ! ( OSUnonwsutB bulldlmt; rcsidonce 711 Slailisonavo; oftlco hours, 1J to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to t); Hunilnj-H 2 80 to 4. evenings at residonoa. A . inauq ui uilUdBHS OI VUO oye, LS,T, IlOStf and throat and gynooology. I.AWYKHS. JM. C. liANCK '8 Ijiw and Collection of. . lice, No. 817 Spruce st., opposite Foreet Houbo. Bcranton, Pa.; collections a epecialty throughout Ponnsylvauiu; reliable correspond ente In every county. I BBSUPS "ANurAttorneya and Counaol t lors at Law. t'ouimouwealth building, Washington ave. W. H. Jissai'p, Hoiiace E. II A D. . W. H. Jk -p, Jit Yinr.jI.ARD, WARREN & K.NAPP, Attor. VT iieys ami CouiiBelors at I.av, lti"jublicun MiildiUK, Washington ave.. Scranton, Pa, UATTERSUN & VVlLL'OX. Attorneys and' 1 WOIMeUorS at Law; ofliuea H uud 8 Library building. Ucruuton, Pa. Kosvm.Tj IT. PATTltlSOS, William A. Wilcox. A Ll'RLUilAXI,, WILLIAM. I. HAND, At-" jx torneys and rnnnsoflnn, Coiumouweoith building. Rooms in, 20 am 21. f F. BOYLE, Attoruey at-Law.Nos.l'J aud ' v 20, Burr building, Washington avenue HENRY M. 8EELY Law omces lu PrTci building. 12U Washington arenas. IKANK T OKi-.LL, Attorney at Luw. ltooui i . Ctmi Exclmngn. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. LO WHY, I Att," 227 Washing & H. YON BTOBCa I tpa .iv.. ( H. square IA.MES W. (jAKI oKD, Attorney at Law, 0 rooms (13. w and 14 Common wealth b'l'g, DAMUBL W. ELKiAlt, Attorney at Law. 1 ' Ollli'e. .37 KtiriifM.. Hcn.nton. Pa. T A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, I2 l J. Lackawanna aue.. Scrsnton. Pa D P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office, 1 . rooms 54. 5A J0 ( oinmnuweulili bnildiiijj. ti. PITCHER. Attorney at Law, Cum- I'W'-a-th hnllalng. Hcruut-.n. Pa. 1 I lOII-.oY.S, ;,2i spruce at B. REPLOOLE, Attorney -Loans 11021) . Hated nn real el-tale security.40-. Sproce. F. K1LLAM, Attorney at-Law. 2U Wy- ouiing avenue. Scranton. ( IIIIDI.V OdIOOLOK THE LACKAWANNA. Scran O ton, Pa., prepares boys ami girls for college or buwuees: thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at i eyuot. Rrv. TnoMAsM Caxv. Waltrii 11. BlTKLL. Miss WORCESTBB'8 K1NDER8ARTEN and ri'liool, 412 Adams avenue, pupili rrccivod at all timoa. Next term will open April ti. UKN'I'INT. U'M. A. TAFT. D.D.S. 104 North Wash ington Ave. Specialty in Ponelaiu P.cstorations. Crown and bridge Work. ? C LAUBACU, burgeon Dentist, No. llj V . Wyoming ave. I; M. sTKATTON. offlee Conl Kxelmnce LOANS. T'HK REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso 1 elation will loan you money ou easier terms and pay you hotter on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. CALLEN liKH. liiine Bank building SE CDs. ' R. CLARK & COT, "sceJ gmen. Florist! V.T, and Nurserymen; store 140 Washington avenue; green hi 'HBO. 1J5J North Mntu avenue; store telephone 782. IK AS. OKAND I Ml IN TEA Co.. .tones Hi , is. WIRE BCRBI ns. JOS. s OS. Kl'ETTF.L Bl5 Lackawanna aveuu.v mannfr nf win- Scree ns rantoti. Pa. HOTELS AND RESTAURANT rpHE W ESTIUNBTjBR, U7-2U Wyofnins J nvo. Rooms heated with steam; all mod em improvements. C M. THOMASt, Prop. rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave 1 nue. Rates reasonable. P. Zijoler, Proprietor. It ' fcsXMLNisTKR HOTEL ' ' W. (. 8CHENCK, Manager, bixteonth street, one block eaat of Broadway, at I'liion Square, New York. Amcrirnn plan, tS&Oper day and upward ClOYNB HOL'SE, European plan; good ' rooma Open day aud night Bar ' sup plied with the best P- H, COYNE. Proprietor. OCRANTON HOI Si; near D U & W! pas 13 seiiger depot. Conducted on the Eurnpoan ji!nu. Vittoii KoCH, Proprietor. I RANI) CENTRAL. The Torsos, ami bes; V eiiulnpexi hotel in Allentowu, Pa. ; rate) 2 and S2.50 pur day. VKToit P. BAnvrn, Proprietor. ARCHITECTS. U AVIS A HOOPT, Architects. Rooms 21. o .-inn ,o . oiuniuaweaim u iu g. rrrnniou. L WALTER, Architect, Library tiuiid ing. Wymnlng avenue, Scrantou. ? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect Price 1 building. 120 Washington Avo., Scranton. MISCEI.I.ANKOUa 1IAUE1CS ORCHESTRA - Ml'SlO FOR J) balls picnics, partlss, receptions, wed dings and Oonosli work furnlshsd. For terms Sddrsss li. .1. Bauer, conductor. Ii7 Wyomiuif svo., over Hulbert's musie store. II Olt'l'ON V. SWARTS WHOLESALE lumber, Price building, Scrnntou, Pa. M hC.ARUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, patier bans, twine. Wurehuuse, 130 Washington uve., Bcranton, ra. j'OOTE'S LIVERY, 16:13 Cnpouse avenue. I First class carriages . I,. lOOTE, Agt. Funeral Director and Emhalmer. I ''HANK P. BROWN A CO , WHOLE I sale dealers in Wondware, Cordago and Oil Cloth, 720 W. Laekawauna avenue. piZBA FINN Ai SONS, builders and 0OOtrs M j tors. Yards: Corner Olive st. and Ailami ave.; corner Ash st. and Pctm ave.. Scranton. The GENUINE New Ilavon "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1860. New York Warerooms No, 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO., Sola dealers in this section. OFFICE-lltl Adams Ave., Telephone BT'd'g Eureka Laundry Go. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. Counr House Sqcahe, All binrla of Laundry woik gnarAntol tne best. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. t-CltANT'ON AND W1LKES-BAKKE. I'A.. IIANUFACTL'I'.LBS OJ Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. J, "H'GH AMD SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insulin tieaulinesa and comfort. tim TA11LE in Slirici aiav -'I. 180i Trains loavo Scranton for Pittiton, Willi -Barre, etc.. nt H.151, 9.1J, U.80 a. m., 12.60 . i, HB I f!' ,l-u5 m' Sundays. .uu a ui., I.tXI, 2.1a, ,.10 p. m, for Atlantic Lit v. S.Sfl a. m. For New York, Newark and Llizabctli. I M (express) a in., IL'.SO (express with Bullet parlor car), iW tcxprebs) p. a. Bandar, it UI p. Dt. FOB MAurn CRinrX, Ali.kxtown. Br.Tin.s riEM, KAhTiiN and PaitAOIUHUL H.VJ ,i m. www ww (except ruiiauelpnlu) p. in. Sunday, 2 .15 D. n For bOSO BlUaTOB, Ocean Oiiovi:, etc., at 8.0 a. m., 12.;) p. iu. For Rending, Lebanon and Ilarrlsburg, via Allontovru, 8.20 a, ul, 12.60, O.'X), p.m. Biindav 2.1.1 p. in. , For Pottsvillc, 8.:0a. m., 12 5(1 p. m. Returning, loavo Now York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at IUU (expreia) . rn,, 1.10, 1..I0, . (express with RuUoi parlor ear) p, m. Sunday. L80 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Rending Terminal D.'JJ 1. m.. 2.00 and tJN p. m. hiiudny, (i.27 a Through tickets to all points at lowest ra? may bu had on application m advance to lue .VBUlHIOli,., ,uo siuiii.u. a P BALDWIN, UlU. Pass Agent, J. II. OLIIAfSEN, (Jen. Sunt A Ji t SON RAILROAD. I K I . A V A U L' A V 11 III , . vomnMncmg uay sv, isvs, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street station. Bcranton, for Pitt - mm mif 1 m m m n-s ptf r ana u.oo v m. ft For Now York and Phlla- doiphia, 8 00 a. lu., 1210, IA 238. 4,lland lljSU p in For Hnncsd.'iiodrom I leiaware. Lackawanna and western depot), 7.0), s.3u, a.m., 12.0U m.. 2.17. 6. 10 p. in. For Citrbondale and Intormedlato si-iri.,rt, 5.40, 7.00. b.:.U 10.10 a. in., UI.QUm.,2.17, 3.23,5 lit V.X0snd985n m : frmn Bridge Street Depot, 2.1)3 a. in., i.ITmkI 11 ;:5 p, UL Fast express to Albany, Saratoga ths Adi rondack Mountain-, Boston and New Eliglan 1 points, 5.40 a. DL, sniying at Albany 12,45. Saratoga 2.20 p. m..anti Iss'sipofBorsttton st 2.17 p. ut, arriving st Albany at i.H p. nt, bars- toga. 12.65 a, 111 , and Boston. T.00 a. m Tne only djrsot route bet wee 11 the oosl Bold l and Boston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adirondack Mountain re sorts. Lakes Qaorge and CbStnplain, UoutrenL etc. Time tables sliowincj local mill thrbngll train sorvi;c between stations on ;.ll divisions Dela ware and Huilson system, i.ii.y ne o! - . . . . all Delaware and lindsoii tii Itel E 0. YOUNU, J. W BURDICK, Second Vice Presldont. Gen. Agt, HAY 13. I Train leaves Scrautnn for Phlln lelphia n ,. 1 New York via. D. ic II R U. at 8 a.m.. 12.11, UHsndll. p. m viaD.L. A-W. li. R, ti'jj, u. m.. uud 1.30 p. ui. Leave Scranton for I'itutoil n:iJ WilkSS Bai ro via IX. L. s W. I!. R 0.U0, bVi, 1, ;j u. iu , 1.80, 35). 0.(17. H.sll p. m. Leave Scranton for While Haven. Halltroa, PottsviUS and uli points oh tne B .. r Msudow and xottsviIle branches, vlaE. i v.'. V.. ti I'le.m.. via D. & H. If. P.. nt s a tn.. ij,lil, 2.88. s.16 p.m., via D.. L. A W. K. R.. e.1 11, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, -50pm, Leave Sirautou for Eethlehom, Easto':, Reading, Harrisbarg and nil lutermedlati points via D. t H. if. I!.. 8 a m .12.1.' I1.U,via )., L. i; W. ii. P...').00,s.Us, 11.30 a. ut, l.:X) p.m. Leavo Scranton for Tunkli t-ei ictt, T iw.r: 1 , Elmini. Ithaca. Qonova and nil intermeli it. points via D. A: If. rt.R.,9.07 a.m., 12.10 and 11.31 p. in.. via D. L. is W. R K.. - ti a.m..l.ii p :. Leave Scranton tot Rnclicstor, . SI agara Falls, Detroit. Ciia'aio and alii ilntt west via D. E It. R. s.07 s.ra IS 10,1 l6.ll.Jl p.m., via D. L. ir W. P.. It, and Pitt ton Junction, s,og a,m. MD. S.iip. nt, via E ..- v. B it., 8.41 p. m. Poi Blmtra and ths west rlaSalamtnoi. vi I). A H. R R. 0.07 a.m.. U.10.S.15 p. ni via U., L. A W. B.K. ,8.06 a.m.. VII) and 0.07 p. m. Pnllrnan parlor ond sleeping or L. '.' .. .i cars on all trains between L a B. .In:, ittoi Wllkes-Barro aud New York. Phiiud Ip la, Buffalo and Snapeiilon Brldce. ROLLIN II WILBUR, Gan. Sun: Bsst Dl CRAB. S. LKE. tssnjiam Ag t. Pnlla .Pi. A.W NONNEMACHBWrlWt Dsn lu Ag't, south Bsthlsnsm. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD Trains leu vo Scrunton as follows: Express for New York and all points East. 1..0. 2..H 6.15, 8.00 and V.oa a, m. ; 12 65 and 3 50 p, in. Express for Easton, Trenton. Pnttadatphts aud the South, 616, 8.0J and D.5i a in.; 12 6) and 8.60 p, in. Washington nrd way stations, 3.65 p. tn. Tobvhanna ncconinioontion, 0.10 p.m. Expr ss for Biughamtou, Oswego. ElmtrSa Corning. Bath. Dsnsvillo, Mount Morris and Buffalo, l-.lti, 2 15 a. in. and 1.21 p. m., making eloso connections st Bulfalo to all points iu ,ui West. Northwest and Southwest Bath accommodation. 9 a m. Binghainton and way stations, IJ 17 p. nt Nieuul-ou accommoduliou, al 4 (i. m. and C 10 p. in. Binghnmton .-.aii Elmini Express. : e5 p. "i. Express for Cortland, Byracose, Oswego. L'ticuaud RicbQeid Springs, -.15 a. n. aud IJs '' Ithaca, 215 anJ Bath '.'n m. nnd XSSI p. m For Northumberland. Pittston, Wllkes-Bsrrs. Plymouth, Bloomsbarg and Danville, making close connections at Norfmnmberlaad tor Willinmsport. Hnrrisburg. Baltimore, WaSlV ington and the South, Northumberland and intermediate station!. ti.OU. i."i a. in. and 1-30 and IVfll p. m. Nauticoao ana interiuedinte stations. B LSj and 11.01 a. m Plymouth and lutermedutj Btations, 3.50 and 8.5.' p. m. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches ou all i ct press trains. , . . , .. , tor dctailod formation, pooksttlm .a. it, ! etc., upply to M. L. Smith, city ticket . 31i LaukawaUnaaVLiiue, or uupoi, uvsuv u.u. NEW YORK. ONTARIO AN D WESTERN RAILWAY CO. timk TAUI.g in srrBI T RUNBAV, Jl'NK 21. Trains leave Bcranton for Carbondalfl at 8,80, 10.66 a.m. and n l"p.iu. For Hancock Junotion, 10.55 a. in. and 0.10 pm. Trains leave Hsnoock .IntiC ion lor i on ton. 0 a. m :md 2 05 p in. Trains leave Carbon dais for Serant u at 7 21 u m. und 3.31, 5 ill p m. Erie AND WYOMING valley BAIL A Trains leave Scranton for Ne w York ami in termediate points on the Erie railroad at (I 35 a. iu. ami 3.24 p m. Also lor Hoiiesdale, Hawley and local points at 085, 0.45 cm. an I 8.24 p in. All the above are through trams t,i aud from Hoiiesdale. An additional tram leaves Scruul oi For Lake Ariel at 5.1" p,m and arrives al Scrau tofl from the Lake at8 15 am and ;.ii p,m. Trains leave lor Wilkes liarie at 0,10 a. m. and 3.41 p. in. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in IUaminating and Lnbricatiag Linseed Oil, Kaptum nml Onso lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Collisrj Com pound; nlso, n largo line ot Par rattlno Was Candles. We also handle the Famous CR0WM ACME OIL, the only fumily witty tmrlliDg oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Managar. Office: Coal E).chango, Wyuming Av Works at ITuu Brook. OILS General Office, SOU ANT ON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers