The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 30, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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In the coma of a lonir ravinw show
ing tliu advuntuirag of Scran ton us a
locution for trnllev inventtuoiita ttitt
PhilafUlpbla stockholder lays: "The
citv ol Koran ton, nil thiiif uonaidurtid.
offers peculiiirly limting fislil for
Capital anxious to iDVMt in electrical
trauait Monritiei. Having, a popula
tion, according to the apring csnsns of
1894, exceeding tli-I.OOO. it U scattered,
over twenty . pi ire mi lea in auoh h
manner than only by roaort to the
rapid truiuit facilities cm intor-com-muntratlon
be readily accorapliihed
nnd I he proccBi of Imsinesa diapatoned
Berlin too is ri-slly a nest of once aapa
r itfl lommonitiei which have been
j lined together hy iron as Wrfll as politi
cal lionds. What is now kuown as the
West side, onco th separate munioi
liality of Hyde Park, comprises a pop
Illation of 40.000, and lias out one link
i f transit oooneotioii with tho Central
City, that supplied hy the S'crauton
Traction company. To tho north lies
what is yet called Providence, an in
tegral part of the city, yet comprising
u suburb with 15,000 population living
three good miles from tbe court house
Booth Scran too, containing 80,000 m
pie, is nearer tho buelusss portion of
i he city, yet the great bulk of the truve 1
ti and fro necessarily falls to the street
Oars and could acurcely be accommo
dated without tliwm.
''Th city of Scranton proper la only
i link nl the chain of populous com
munities tributary to tue Scranton
street railway ay tent. To the north -tut,
within tour miles of tbo ost office
building In the -e,itur of tbe city, lies
Danmore borongb with a population
scaeding 13,000, most of which is t-iu-plu.ved
in aome capacity iutids the mu
nicipal bounds of Scranton. Beyond,
along the banks of the Laokawauua
river, lie in quick auecession tbe bor
oukIis of Dlolcsoc Citv, 1,800 popula
tion; Olypbant, 4,000, and 13lak
fly, 2,000, not to speak of tbo
am il c plaOM, such as Jessup. Tbroop
and Winton, which, by intervening,
give tbe appearance almost of an uu
Lrokvii stretch of population The
northern terminus of the Scranton
'fr iction company, lessee of the Scran
ton aud Carbond tie road, at present is
nt Peokville, Gradually corning dowu
to it from the nest of populous north
ern communities', of which Carbondnle
ie the center, is tbe trolley line of the
C rboiidalo Traction company. A
junction of tbe two roads is being af
UOItdi and thus the Scrauton system
will obtain t ii through passenger traf
fic of the 4o.oo0 persona tributary to
tbe Carbond ale system's. Unas
"In a lOOtherly direction from Scran
ton there are three branch ebctric
ltnS, one reaching to Bellevue, with
1,800 people to feed it; another to Miu
ooka, with 1,800 to draw unon. anil a
third to Taylor, where ',',500 persons
reside, many ol them employed daily
in Scranton. Wiiil-j the places named
itio the only regularly created inuuici
);lities tapped by thelinesenumerated,
n should bo understood that all along
tbe country is thickly populated by
personi who rgort to the trolley
car as their one means of rapid transit
into the city. The Scranton and Pitts
ton Traction company, which is leased
by the Scranton Traction company, is
extending its lines to a connection
with tbe Wilkea-Barn an l Wyoming
" 'ley Traction company at Pitta ton,
thus lorging the last link in the chain
ofCoutinnOUl electric street railways
reaching from Nauticoke, on the ex
trniu south, to Carbondale, on the ex
treme north, a distance of more than
liliy miles
' The reader who is unacquainted
With the geography of Scranton and
itl vicinity will realize what such a
system of electric railroads m.-ans
when he Is told that in the territory
thus drawn upon reside upward of
890,000 people, more than the entire
p -palatum of either Oregon, Verinout
or Washington, aud almost as much
aa the combined population of Wyo
ming. Nevada, Idaho, Montana and
Aritona. It is a populatiou accustomed
to travel, particularly between local
pointl it it in large deeree an industrial
population, the males predominating,
which means that it is tho best kind it
population for the rapid swelling of
gross receipts. Lastly, it is so situated
with relereiice to the si. -am roads that
the trolley lines are rapidly capturing
the lion's share of tbe tuisineas, while
every day their cash receipts exhibit
gratifying growth, Within the mouth
the Ontario an I Wuntnni people, wlios i
new coal route into Scranton has
1 n paralleled by the electric
system, have tak-n off one - half
their usual u mutter of looal pasaenger
trains, giving as a reason tbe loss o'
travel since the advent of the trolley
Other steam roads aro known to be
Sit tiering correspondingly, while regn
larly aa clock work the trolley makes
its progressive way into popular favor,
and tii" ohaucea for remunerative in
vestments in electrical eeenritiee mul
tiply accordingly. it will bo noted
t. at in all this large scheme
of trolley expansion, already
brought down from tbe airy plnue
f (peculation to a solid baids
f di moustratert practicability, the
Bcranton Traction company and its
leased lines, both hy reason of ad van
tiitfeoiis location and for reasons coin
piimnntary to its astute management,
holds the key to the situation. As tho
two Valleys grow its profits will grow.
It occupies I he relative advantage of
tbo metropolitan system as compared
with the village horse car line. Patron
; go cannot go away from il. Patron
age muat come to it. "
Minor INDUSTRIAL Niitks:
Among the railroads affected by the Pall
Kan boycott are the St. I'aul, the Illuois
Centra), the Northern Pacific, the Ualti-
more afad Ohio, and various other lines of
greater or less importance.
li e iliopaofthe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
am! iueago ate now running bu Hour
boar file days of the weeK, ami are idle
on BOinrdaySl but it il expected that, afier
.Inly 1 the number of working hours will
be Increased to i-iiibt hours a day.
a passenger and eleotrle railroad bet ween
Washington and New York city has boon
brought before Congress in a hill for the
Incorporation of the National Rapid Tran
sit Railway company. Kx-Represnttive
lliinphill, of South Carolina, and Wash
ington capitalists are interested in the
i onfl. J Hey claim that tho limits of speed
by steam locoinoliou have been reached,
while hy electricity a upscd ol 1M miles an
hour is practicable. Ouly one-third of the
laiiil necessary for right of way for a steam
Sued will be required, and they think the
mails will soon be earned by electricity,
Mothers! Motharal! Motharalll
.Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothiug Syrup has been
used lor over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teetblng.
won perfect success. It sooihes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for di
arrhoea. Sold bydiuggists in every part
of the world. Be sure and aak for "Mrs.
Wluslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no other kind. Twenty-uve cents a bottle-
Stocks and Bonds.
New Yohk. June 21). Tho Pullman boy
cott, the engagement of $l,2.r0,00i) gold for
shipment to Kurope tomorrow, the poor
statement of the liurliugtnn and Qnincy,
and some selling for foreign account com
blued, brought about a lower range of
prices at tbe Stock exchange this morning.
Soon after the opening Whisky loomed iuto
prominence and rose l ' on the announce
meut that the tax had been rained to 110 per
gallon, the schedule to tako effect imme
diately on the passage of the tariff till.
Amor Han sugar was very erratic. It de
clined to '.Hit,', then jumped 101'4. During
the at teruoou it ranged betweou 100 aud
lor..., and closed at 101 J, a nat gain of IV
for the day. The railway list, alter the
early decline, developed a Utile strength,
especially near tho close of business,
Tbo following couiraete tattls nhowmir tlie
day's fluctuations lu active stocks Is aupnlled
and revised dally by Lallar A Fullsr, stock
brokers, 121 Wyoming aveune:
Open- Htota- Low Clos
ing, est est. ma.
Ani.Cot. Oil
A i,i sugar. '.mis HUH Mitt UMM
A.T. s. r r. MM i'H.
tan. So il 111 III 111
Can. N. J
Cble A N. W I0M loos linii,
q , h. A q TiijJ nisj
t'hlc. (las 7M, 78M ?7'N 7sU,
C, t'.f. A si . L
Cel.. Hock.Val. AT
D. A H laiM f.-.i'f, inu iiwj
D., l. ft w mi n iij tut ion!
D. AO. F Siii -ItJ -:t MK
Krle 18 18 18 lit
O. E. Co au mi .' tW
Lake Shore
L. AN Il-ii, H' UH U'v
Mine, l'se !MM WS SWS 20U
Nat. Lead t WH ::'.. BtK
n . y. a n. a
it. Y. Central
N. .. O. A W UTS 14M It's H7S
N. Y., 8. ft W
D. 8,0, Co ttti 'BU WW - ' i
North l'se :w4 ;.-14 m ill,
North Pae. pf I8M to, IHV4 to,
fee. Mall H; I4i in, Ui
Beading Um Ifiy I6v2 lots
ltis-k Inland Bit IffM tut H7
K.T !", I0tj H'U M'S
St. Haul CUM BMi ftu SW
T., C. A 1 I I9)j I'.i l-i'i
Texsa A: nIC
Unton,Paeiae la lni Id HH
Wabash pi 14 U'.j PH.. II1 1
Western Union Kltf f-'Hg Kali Mt,
W.A U K II 11 11 II
W. A L. t. pf
Chleago Gr.iin and Provlitnns.
BORSMTOtl, June itll. -Tho following quota
Hons are supplied and eoi rected dally by La
Bar A Fuller, stock brokers,!'.:! Wyomiux ave
nue. WHEAT. Jnlv. Sept. Deo
Opening fo's 91 ki
Higasst rsu uias BftM
Lowest S7M f.9i.j U2i
closing a-M), sns
Opening 4tts 4UN
Highest 4Ih III
Lowest Wi 41 ....
Closing lIU -llti
Opening 88k 'Jiaj
Highest tHUj SOU
Lowest 3tM "N
CIosIiik 86m V'.Hh
tipeiinir 121'- 1283
Higliest UK 1202
Lowest I2SJ U.'Jl
Closing I'i)7 VSU
Opening (87 IM)
Highest Hi7 KJO
Lowest tuia 47, T ....
t losiug W 890
Opening 880 (8R
itnrhest 050 888
lowest M" (47
Closing WJ C47
New York Produce Msrket.
NlW York. June 89. Floor Dull,
WHEAT Quiet, firm; No. 2 red, store
and elevator, 80)saOV)c.;afloat,6lSafl1 (t .
f.o. b., 01Jn62c; ungraded rd, Siafric;
No. 1 nortuern, tiMic. ; options closed at
yesterday's prices.
CoitN Duil, firms, enrco; No. 2, 44u
45c.: elevator, 15c. afloat; options were
dull nnd VtJ'c. lower. Juue, 4te. ;
July, 45c; August, 40c; September, 4'- c ,
Uctousr, 4lc
Oats Dull, weaker; options, dull, lower;
unsettled; July, 45c; August, :I4 Sep
tember, Klc. ; spot prices, No. 2, 5ue. ; No.
2 white, 6SC.1 No. 2 Chicago, 51c; No. 8,
4!lc. ; No. 8 white. 51c: mixed western, 60a
51c; white do., 51a57c; whiteetate, 51a57c.
Hkif Slow, steady.
Tiercbd Beif Quiet.
Cot Meats t'rm. quiet
Lard Quiet, cash steady) western steam,
17.06! city, 0 ,c ; July, 7.ll5; September.
$7.20; refined uiet; Continent. 17,40; South
Amerioa. 17. 8U; compound, 6aa0c.
Fork Quiet, Orm.
BUTTER Dull, weak; state dairy. 12a
12)Vc.; do. creamery, I6al8c; Pennsyl
vania, do., 15alHc; western dairy, lO.t
14c; do. creamery, I4al8c.; do. factory,
U)Sal4c.; elgius, I8ci; imitation creamery,
( heese Fair demand.
Kt.i.s-Quiet, fancy steady; State and
Pennsylvania, I2al3c.; western fresb, llu
12c; do. per case, t3a9 75.
Fblladelpbla Tallow Markst.
rnii.Ai hi.i-iiiA. June 20. Tallow wns
iliill and weak. Prices were: Prime
city in bogsbeads, 4Vo.i prime country, 111
barrels, 4Jfc; do. dark lu barrels, 4c,.
t akes, 4. 1 c. ; grease, 8)a8c.
Mils. M, f-'CHAENBEnOER, Heaver Dam,
Wis, writes; "We have used )r. Thomas'
Edectrlc oil in uur family for Cough",
Colds, Croup and Rheumatism. It 11 res
every time."
IIS Adams Ave.
New Telephone Building.
VrTtsT and OMItfgold medalai V in
atapiiaUton, No eeuteaolal or warlil's
fair general i latrlbatlon of iilplomaa
took pi on tills memorable neoaaleni
These iiitiiins are exceptional la holding Hi it- original fullness of
lone iind in their tiapaolty for reinaluing in tune under tho most iiy
ing conditions.
Beantifnl style.-, in all th Ctncy woods.
Farrand and
Superb Voicing.
Tlie above aro our specialties. B! very well-posted dealer kuows thai
very many pianos are bought and Bold, the wholesale price il which
is less than one half that ol the above-mentioned instrnmenta, if
you aro interested in the technical points in piano construction, and
wish to know the whys and wherefores in the piano yon bay, cull
and see us.
Dealers in the "New Drop Head" White Sewing Machine.
fpaclel CefteaDoaaVasa
T.iindox, June 21. -Ueri int Oladatone
opened tbe New Liberal olub at Llauelly
and, iu spealtiug of political qSettiOUa of
Ibe day, referred to the tact that in- whs a
l imit hum:, aud his brother was lllo rector
of the largest living in Waloi, yet neither
prevented him giving the Dlastabllshmeirt
bill his warmest support, Had the four
"revollers" succeeded 111 overthrowing the
government In- would have washed his
hands of politics.
Mr. Gladstone, "tbe grand old man,"
has finally retired from the pdint-al
w orld by resigning ids seat for Midlothian,
He will now nrobablv spend the maj uOy
of his remaining days at his beautiful
Welsh : eat "Hawur Cattle."
Mrs. Asqnith, who recently became tho
wife of the home secretary, and is better
known to many Welsh people as Miss
Margaret T. union, is the subject ot an
article In tbe New London Weekly, ami
amongst other things It is ttdd of her that
at the see of 17 nh" was greatl v concerned
at the (set that she had onlv received
eleven offers of marriage whilst ber eld
est alitor iLinly Rtbbleadale) had at ibe
same age received fourteen tillers. Con-
versing witii Mr. Qladatme unon tlm
point ho aaked what hr-r qualification
were and received the answer: "Well, 1
can make rice pudding and three kind of
coffee." Sir. A-tpiith is a lucky men.
e e s
Tho pope is consid"i ing the tlesir ibilir v
of establishing a Roman 1 iatholic bishopric
for Wales. There are thirty-nine catho
lic chapels in South Wall's Hiid twenty
two In North. The increase in late years
howevei, merely represents Irish and
English Immigration, ami there is no
danger of Wales ever becoming Roman
Catholic Three names are proposed for
the bishop elect, Father Jouee, of Car
narvon, whose great grandfather was a
celebrated Methodist divine, His father
commenced bis career with the L'hnrch of
England, then joined the Metbodi-t and
finally returned to the Bugltsh church.
Father Jones was brought up lu the latter
church, but like I, lather hud a change.
Father Longdon, of Boobon, mar Wales,
is also mentioued, but probably Canon
Rkbsrdsou, of Cardiff, Will receive the
The death is announced of tbo Rev. W.
Hughes, of Llauelly, at the age of 7s. De
ceased had just completed tbe fiftieth year
of his chargo of the Llanully Baptist
Ivor Evans, of Commercial street, Aber
dare (chemiai), coin mittod snicide by tak
ing prnssic acid in a cave at ibe Mumbles,
leaving no reason whatever for his eon
duct. The affair la a total mystery,
A.. . : . 1 r. llji mi . - 1 .
ail iuih it- 01 in- 1 ioiiiii inlaws ilea's
Willi till) "UlStoriCal Aspect. 'U Vtelsll
Methodism" ami inolndes sketches of
ilowoi Harris, Dimjel Rowlantls Wil
liams (Panlycelyn), all ot whom it, as
serts commenced thelrcareerin tbe Etab
lished church and never intended to estab
lish a body distinct tro n that church, In
another part of the same paper ridicule la
cast upon this assninption. The great
Charles o'r Bala was also a curate of ibe
Established Cbnrob and bis connection
with the church l dilated upon for the
purpose of showing that he took 0 promi
nent part in the aotnal svvetouce of the
new body from the Mother Church.
The Linn, a church paper, tries to make
capital on t of the fact that another great
and more recent Walsh divine. -101111 Blias
o Fon, and his Methodist collegians dis
claimed any intention to create ill will
against the church ordeprive bor of tbe
titles. & spirited reply i made by the
WeUh Press that John Ellas has stated in
plain terms that tin- Methodists were
driven to tin- formation of a separate body
by the actiou of the church herself.
Whatever tho object of Niicii di icnssloss
may be, they render a re-union of churcht-s
more difficult and tend by means of odious
Comparisons to make the warfare more
bitter. Bach Individual connection should
be Judged by its ; resent day efforts ami t y
that stand or fall.
Monster meetings to protest against
"Disestablishment" were held at Swansea
and Khyl tins week, where Lord Emlyn
declared that "as the bill gave power to
parish councils to control the burial
grounds right no to the door of the church
and another body to control the church it
seemed to him a bill framed to create
strife." There is something worthy of at
tention in this remark.
Dr. Joseph Parry, tho eminent Welsh
musician, win will noon pay your city a
visit, will upon his return home be the re
cipient of a national testimonial. Tbe
Welsh composer lias been particularly On
fortunate of late. Twelve months ago Ins
office was destroyed by lire, resulting in
the loss of bis printed works, ami tho in
numerable Stereotype plains, and very
recently be suffered n great affliction In
the lossof tiis ton, Haydn Parry. The doc
tor has accomplished Invaluable work to
Wales and raise I her natioual standard
still higher in the musical world, II" has
thousands of admirers in the Electric.L'ity
who will he proud to meet him one - more.
Tor Delicacy,
For purity, nnd for improvement oftliecom
pieiion, notblngequals Possom's Powder.
I siabli .bi ll 1800
10,000 la l'se.
fliifettf Hue
NanafHotorc nil rmupinvfis pnrfa a
tiit expensive metal iim rt rtet
ti'lple-repeMthiB clloiw until in HieMn
1 bin ill o 1 1 y.
New Vovk Wttroroomi- Nay so Fi.t it
A V'liiii'.
Votey Organs
holid ConsLructio;i.
A FAIN Itl') M I il Y
l or neatly fifty years Huh wonderful rem
ad has proved itsrif the heat, quickest, aaf
Ht ami surest antidote for pain 111 . be world
liable aud elfsctual beennae ol the itlmulat
ing action of the issty, adding suae to lbs one
and Inciting to rottovod ami laoreaaed vlior
tin- llomborluS vitality "f Ibe physical atruo
ture, and through tbia nenliluui attmolatii 11
ind Increased autioe the cause or the 1'ajn
is dr. vea away ami a nalural oonditlon re
itored. It is thus that the KEaDY BKUEI
la an admirably adapted for tin- CLJItK Ol
PAIN and without the risk of injury whin
ih rare to result Irom tie- use of many eftbe
ao-called pain remedies of the day.
In using medloines to atop pain wo shouh
I void SUoh as hill ct injury on tho system
npium. Morphine. Bthor,0calne and Chloral
sto, pain hy destroying .re M-ia-n of percep
tion, when ttie pstieat loses tlm power of
feeling. Ibis Is tie- must destructive prm masks the sjrmptoma shuts up, n,i.
instead of removing trouble, breaksdown
the Sttmscb, liver ,- nl bowele, and. if eon
tinned toralength ol time, killa tin- nerves
ami produces local or gonera paralysis.
There la no necessity for usmg these un
certain agents, when a positive remedy like
NAD WAY'S HEAD RKUBV will atop the
most excruciating pain quicker, without en.
tailing the leiiht diilleiilty iu either Infa it or
Slimmer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Mori us,
A halt to a teaspoonfnl of Beady Relief iu
a hair tumbler of water, repeated aa olten
as the diseharges conlinno, ami a flannel sat
urated with Keadv Belief placed over tbe
stomach met boweia, will afford Immediata
rebel ami : o hi ell- ct a cure.
A half toattaapoonfnl In half a tumbler of
water will m h few miuutes euro Cramps,
.spasm ., sour Btomacb. Heartburn, Nervous
ness, Bleoplesaneis, Blek Headache, Diarrhea,
liy-a-ntery, Colie, I-';,tuloney . nil all interna
Not only enrsa the patient aetsed with this
terrible to-to settlers In newly-settled di
trieta where the Malaria or Agi xitt. lint
if people exposal t" it w ill every morning,
on gettlug out of bod, take twenty or thirty
rlropt ..f tin- Iteady Belief in water, and pat,
say, a era. -lo-r. they .oil easape attacks. This
mual in- done before suing out.
There Is not a remedial agent In the world
tiiat will . in- Peverand Ague and alt other
Malarious. I!U mis aided by ftADW.Y'S
1' 1.1,-. so quirk as ltAHWAY'n BEADY
50c. Per Boltlc. Sole! hv Oruaaists.
s $ wo
lii fill I Q
Ibe Great liver and Sterol Remedy
I nr tin- . 1 1 .. 1. I 1 1 j. 4m ..r .1... u.......u
Liver, How.-is. Kulneva. Itladder, Nervous
Diiaraea lea- of Appetite, HoadVchq, c,.
tiveneaa. Indigestion, Bllionanesi P.-ver, iu
Haulm at loo ot in Bowels. Pilot and all nilier
d ranacmenta of thi nternal V scorn. Purely
eir -tatilo. oontatiilUK 10 ni.'i-rury, nun, rala
nr deleterious druga
trice, Scouts per box Sold hy all druir
Dr. Rsdway'a Pills area cure for this com
plaint. They restore atrengtb to the i-t-.macn
and enable it to perform its funotlona. The
ymptoma of Dyapenata disappear, and with
them the liabill 17 of tbe syatem to contract
dlaessaa. 'lake the medicine sccordie to
sireetionaand nbaorve what wo say of "Pulae
add Ti n.-." respecting dlot
W8end a letter stamp in DR RADWAT
CO., Look Box 80S, New York, for "Falso
mil Trim "
and vigor ojulrkly
mIl-IiIIv emlulona.
Hindoo IU1111
n.ri liil-.ns
. sliri-IV en
dr. uliii
ml hy INllArn, the irreai
riuru aaanalMUiaaie, hum t
nfiata, HcraatoOfPa,
flo. 227 Chestnut! Struct, Philad'a.
is An impRoEfflEnT in soap.
s "
J MGnolniit Pnrnr?
in n!nnr! Pnicnn
and Scrofula
P, P. V. imriflos tlm btOOd bnttdMD
tih weak nnO tinhintHtuii, ..
trougtn t-. weakeoea nnrves, expela
dlNrUu,ffiTlaffth6 ;t it'iit hmlth nua
hapiihieia hero Moknetit gloomy
leellngd and laaaltude tirt preTaued
For iplm:iry,Rrrnniiinry and tertiary
pyphiii? , lorolood polaoiiiniti Derotr
nai pottoD) aBalarla, djapepela, nnd
In nil bloiil .'.ml akin Mlmiei. Ilko
l-lt'it lu'M. ptiDl'"s, tltl rhronlf ulcere.
totter eojud neadi imiia, i-n .-i-1 r,
ectema wetnaj nj without roar or
pootradlotlonithat r. P. p. ta thebeai
blro'l pitniU'r In (lio vvoriil,itnl nmlioa
poaltlvi'. HM')Jy :irui iiuruiauent curoa
In iiM oaaeis
I.u 1 los whim synti" nru " 1
nnl whiiHi blood la in an lni,iurc ondh
tlun, tliii in mp!itru:il lrr'KUlnrlilcst
nri Deoollarly beoettted by the won
derfnl toulo ami r'l""i 'l.aiiMlnpiirij
ertlpaol p. P. P. Prickly Anb( Poko
Root and Potaialnm.
SpniNuriKLD, Mo., Aup. I Ith, jyiM.
I can ippajE In tho bltrlicHt teral of
your ueofoino from my nu n peraonaj
knowit'dgv. I wa iaftt-rtoil with huart
dlaeneo, plonrlaynnd Nienmatlani for
;j."i vvirs, wart trontwl by the very best
ijh itolaDj ana apent hnndreda of doi
lara tried arory known remedy with
out Umli.ijr r-'ht'f. I havn only taken
OpQ iioitln of your P. P. P., ami cau
clii'orfully say It has tlono m- m rn
sood than anything I havo ever taken.
1 c;in reoommend your moiiicine to all
puficror of t In aliovo dUonaeH.
Spr igfloM, Oroon County, Mo.
Dr. K. Grewer
Tin- PhiUoelphls Bpeefsllat.and his swociated
stuff of English ami Herman phvnieinns,
are now permanently located at
The doctor i a graduate of the University of
Pennsylvania, fin nioi-lv demonstrator of phvsi
oloey and snru.-rv at the Medleo-Clilriirgieal
Coik-go of Phnsdelpbla. A specialty of
C hroine, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb' and
liiood disessea
The symptoms of which are dlssineea, lack of
conndonee. aeznal weiikness in met, inn) u-,,
inan. ball rising in the throat, spots Hosting
before the eyes, lossof memory, unable to con
centrate Ih,, mil,,! 1, 11 ,, Hiitijeot, easily
startled whan suddenly spoken to, and dull,
distressed mind, which unfits them tor per
forming tho actual duties of life, makiiighap
jnnesH Impossible; distressing the action of
Hie heart, causing flush of heat, depression of
spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear,
dreams, melancholy, tire niiay of company,
feeling as tired in the murium.- as win 11 retir
ing, lackof energy, nervousness, trembling,
confusion of thought, depression. COnStipal ion.
weakness ot tbe limbs, etc. Those so unvoted
Should eonsnll us immediately ami he restor
Weakness of Young Men Cured.
If you have been given up by your physician
call upon the doctor and be examined. Ilo
cures tin- worst cases of Nervous Debility. Hcro
f iiin, old Si ree,CatarrbPllee,Pemale Weakness,
Affections of Hi- Bye, Bar, Nose and Throat.
Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip
piss of every description.
Consultations lien and Strictly sacred and
confidential. Office hours daily from Ua. m.
ton p. u. Sunday 9 to 1
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have removed (heir olliee to their
141, 143' 145, 147' 149, 151
fVwtnf the hast quality for domoatlc nee,ani)
cf nil alzi-s, dehveriU in any part of the clt
at lowest price.
Orders left at my nfflcw,
Rear room, first tl'vr. Thir l National Bant
or nent by mail or tcl-phono to thu mine, wlil
receive prompt attention.
Special contractu will be mado for the aali
and delivery ot Buckwheat Coal
nannvspmraiaUM luoptpi PotK . UltMttMM from
lifrfrnm ii'M.iU-eiiiitl.frri. .y mall Whfn Holfli.rinfji I
l-osimMv ;-ur. HMIK KI'fJKIIV HI., n.irtaffi III. I
Pimples, Biotches
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria
and Kidney Troubles
Arc entirely removed by lM'.i.
Prtokty Aah Poko Root nnd Potas
alum, tbo yreftteat blood purifier on
AnrnnFFN, O.. Jvily 21, XB&L
Mpsks, 14PPHAH BII0B.1 Savannah,
Oa. : PkarHikh-1 bought a DOttlO if
ymir T. P. P. at Hot Bpnnn.Ark, .and
It has dono nin inoro k-hmI than ttiroo
monthsMreatmiMii at too Hot Hprtn(f.i.
Hor.d three bqtUoa 0, O, Ds
Kt -i'. Mn'i roora.
.IAS. Ms rTKWTOlf,
Aberdeen, Brown County, O.
Cnpl..l. I. Joliur-lnn.
lb oil rhm it vtiif eonrerwi horn
hv tetlfy to the wonderful proportloa
ol P. P. P. tor eruption, of tlu ktn. I
puflered for aeveral yearn with an un
alKlitly ami dlaivreeablo eruption OQ
my face, i tried oTory knoe n rente
Dj lull in vain. until P. P. p. was used,
and tun now entirely cured.
flifeued by) J.' l. .KiHNSTON,
Havauuah, Ua
SUin t am er Cuied.
TetHmonyfrom (hv Mayor of Srquin,Tex, 1
BBQUnfi TBXa. January 14, 180&
M khsrh. Lii'i'MAN Hitos., Mavaiuiah,
3a. : Oaalrjam- have tried your P.
v. P. for a dteeaaa of the fkin, nanally
know n hm hkiu I'liueer,! thirty vettfH
atandinff. and found great retUfj it
punili'B i liB lilood and removes all Ir
ritation from the Mat of the dieaso
nd prevents any .snrendiiiR of tho
aores. I have taken flvoor six botth's
and feel confident that another rourae
will efTuueut'Ure. It haw also relieved
me Trom Indlpeatlon nnd atoiuach
troubles. Yours tvulv,
Attorney at Law.
Book on Blood Diseases Mailed Free.
I.ippmnn'a IlliH-k.Savannnh.CIa
The abovo brands or flour can be had at any of the following merchants
who will sooept TlM Tribunh flour coupon of 25 on eaoh one hundred pounda
of Hour or 80 on ench bHirel of flour.
Bersnnm r. r. rrioe. Wanhlnictun KTonai I
viu.ii ,n-ua- hi iTi-i
DuiimarH-F. P. Prlee, dol.l Medal Praml.
ganmore V. D. Nanlej BupsrlatiTS Brand,
Bydn Park Carson A Uiirn. Wushimni St.
lliilil MimIuI limiul; .1 hi,h A. Kk .ri.Mala
arsnna Buperlativa Brand,
OroouKMira lj.Mpunosr.Oold Meilnl Brand.
J. '!'. Mi llnln, HqperlatlTo
IVovldsnoo Fenner & CbappelL N Main are-
ms, BupsrlatiTS brand;U J. 'iiii'-.pii, v. trrut. Mrdii Brmid
Olyhunt James Jordan, Boperlatlve Brand.
PeckvUle Hbafli-r A K.i-r BnperlatlTa
Jnrmyn C, U. Winter. A Oo Miimrnlativi
An lilmld .Innin, H miwiiii (Jo . fluid Mmliil.
Carboqdala U s. Otark; (fold Medal Hrnnd.
Uonesdala I N. Poster js Co Uoid Usdal.
in Choice Confections and Frnits.
1437 Capouss Avenue.
Wholeeala nnd retail dealers' In Waponmakers' and UlacksmitbV
. pTTPPJitWo
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounc9,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"No star was ever lost we once have seen,
We always may be what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
J,i mall nrspald. With
X' ...... a.l
I'ElUREANbAFTLR USING. no otiiei. Addraaa NfiBTJI IUdOOh Haaonlc Tempis. cuiaaooi. lu.
For8alota8oranton, Pa.,byH. C. SANDERSON, Drugeist,, cor. Washington
Hid Rnruoe stroofa
Naif ' - v. - .JLli..:.L
BKI ?OKB AN!) At-il.H USI.NU. noiei .liii'liro ir leluiol the inoiii-r. Solil at 1.M for hox. bona
forSS.OO. 1K. MO'l'i'Mt I1EMH AL0.,Clccluuu,Oblu.
VitrHals UyC M- IIAUlU-. UriiKKlssi ' -' " r Aimiuh.
w rtifroi'-ry
,: (" iUtl AfUl IsUbg.
au.i-, .- , i ;i inf,
For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spvuce Street. Scranton. Pa.
I Ne
Vom the N. T. IVt'SwM. Msatl, JM
The Flour
"CllirAOO, Oct 81. Phs first official
snnonnuament of World's 1-arr di
plomas on flonr has basn mads. A
medal has bean awarded by tba
World's Fair jadjeos to the flonr mann
factored by the Waelibnrn, Crosby Co,
in the great Waahbnrn Flour Milk
Minneapolis The committee reports
thb flour strong and pure, and entitles
it to rsuk as flrst-claaa patent floor for.
family aud bakers' use."
Toy lor-Judge ft Co., Gold Medal; Atherto?
& Co., Superlative.
Pnryea Lawrence Btore Co.. Oold ModaL
Mooslc Jolm Mi:Crindl, Oold Medal
l'ittnioii M. W. O'Boyln, Hold Medal
Ulark'a l)rein-Frai:n i I'Rrltor, SuperMt.
i lurk'-. Bnmmlt-F. M. Younii, Gold Medul
iJalton-S. K. Plan ft Son, Wold Medal BraD-l
Nicholson-J. E. Hnrdinx.
Waverly M. W, Bllaa A Son, Gold MedaL
rm toryville Charlej Gardner, Gr'd Medal
Hop bottom N. M. Finn A sod. Gold M-dai
Toljyliniioa-Toliyliaiinii Lohla-h l.uuibir
Co.. Uuid Modal Brand
Geuldnbiro -S A. Adams. Gold Medal Brand,
MoscowGalas AClemsnta, Gold Medal.
I.uke Ariel Jamu A. Bortree. Gold Medal.
ForoatCliy J. L. Moran ft Co., Gold Meda
l PAKl.OKS OI'F.N FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P M.
& Connell
osasa, aaoh aa wuit Msmorf, i.omo iiratn i-nwpr. lli-aiinchc, Wakstouiaaa,
Usal Manhood, Nightly Raitaalona. NfrvnuNiu-vH.iiluiraliiHntKllonnof power
ln(isiisratlvfiiiri.'Hiiiiiif ritlu-rnoxi-uiiHcil ly ovt'roxortlitii.yrtulliriilrrrora.
rxri'Livr nis of tobaooo. ODlnmoratlmnlanta, which k-ml in lntinnity, Qpn.
Can l i-onli-'l In vent porkit. SI pprbox, 6 for
n SS order we lTe a written vnnrsntee to euro
-. d..1.l k. ..II .1. I. Aukfnrl, .air
The anal remedy for nertnim prostration nnd nllncrvnniidliiettieii of
tho k'l'lliTiu I ?S ormilis ul el l in' r hex. mii-h ah Nervous loslrfltl. n I :il U
wfm Ing or Lojt Manhood. ImpoUosyj NlghUy KnilniiliinK.Vnuthful Errors,
r -ii wi i ........... . ..-n i i onKi i-'i or i M'unn . wnicn leiui to I on
eiiiiiptloiiuinl Innnnlty. With every M order w) tlvc :i written iruar-
Wil brtcii you npin week Bold with WRITTEH
n ion r.!', Itl t lire PITTJUK UCIHIliy, I.OW Ol HP-SUsU row! 111 rlthci I.
liivoiuntfirT KmiHthiuP (Vomany caiisp. If ueKlertPd, ufb tronhlM lend t
eoiiiiit) (inn iiiia- ity, fl.("ippr boi by loxfd for W. With ev r-1
orih-i w, ui vt- n w; lit. n iri.timM.. to ruiu it ti'fu&d tb BOQfy. Adtii
sjsj., ci?muu, IJIUO.
Pharmacist, cor. Wycmlng Avenue and