The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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;' I fcuram it is in our miiint and its
I imperative demands coufront us,
I 't in the least, embanue us. It
is out Inisiuoss to ba prepared for suoa
t'UUTseuciea aud to provide thx com
forts' tor our patrons wiio make ui
What we sr Public Benefactors.
Dr:ss Goods
There are few suggestions which the
hopper will appreciate and aid mate
rially iii selecting sunnier (jowus.
Buy the Stylish Goods
Get those pntteroi which are moat
mileil to your figure and station.
Aud by all means buy what will
make yon comfortable during tho hot
summer days. Come with whatever
si:;? )nre you can command aud your
most refined tasted will be satisfied.
Covert Cloth Serge,
Cheviot Serge,
Colored Suitings
Fiem h Novelty Dress Goods in two
tone effects checks and stripes. All
wool Twills in Tans, liiays. Browns,
Blues, Heliotropes und ( bnuReable
Challies and Organdies
We are showing the finest assortment
of Imported Challies aud Organdies
that can be fonnd to coutaiu uii that
can he n?!;eJ for in this must popular
Summer Silks
Economical ladies of good tn6te will
find It a molt advantageous occasiou.
An inspection ot tho various styles is
certain to jirove of more than ordi
nary interest. LyODS Checked Taffeta,
Poutillaand Zephyr Crepes, Printed
tlnia:iese silks, l'aucy Hair-line aud
I igurod Silks. Lvery yard of these
goods are desirable iuslities and were
ordi red for the seasou's trade. Cool,
Fashionable and Beautiful.
Shirt Waists
Percale and Lu, Printed China Silk
Waists, Cbambry Waists, Full Ltun
dried Waists, Lanndried Waists in
Linen 1 ffects. All the Novelties of
the ieaon. Pretty Designs, Exclusive
Designs and the richest for tho money
that call be had.
French Sateens
C n. e with the regularity of the seas
ons. Lovely ai ever. Always new in
desgus and Boft effects. Brocaded,
figured, plain and fancy colors, suita
ble tor the old, enchanting for the
young, at prices where competition
Las forced them.
mm depot
Hiran Meal I Tuompion, registered
at the St. George, yesterday.
Johnnie, the youngest child of John
Monntford, died yesterday morning.
The social of tho N'ineteeuth Cen
tury club at the Wiudsor hotel on
Wednesday evening was a buccsss.
Those attending report an exception
ally pleasant tiui.
W. iv. Heck, of Moscow, was a Jr
uiyn via u or yesterday.
The freight station of the Ontario
aud Western railroad was broken into
on Wednesday night A number ot
cases containing boots and shoes were
broken open and about $100 worth
taken. There is no clue to tue thieves
Thursday evening being the lust time
that Professor Davies(the instructor of
the Saored Hear t Heart choir) would
meet with them until after the summer
vacation, the members ;ook occasion to
s rve cream, strawberries, eke, otc
The choir appreciates the instructions
received, also Father Lynott's kindness
in providing such an efficient ii.struc
tor. A le ttur expressing the thanks of
the choir was eut totuo reverend gen
tleman A (iavin is much improving the ap
pearance of tho Forest House bv 11 coat
of paiut.
Editor Houndy and Professor and
Mrs, H I). BoTSn accompanied th
Erie excursion to Niagara Falls.
in will enjoy your FonrtO hotter
by staying in town and attending tba
l.iwu soeul ou the Bt. James' church
grounds than by going out of town.
In St, James' ehuroh Wedneedty
evening nccurreil the marriage of Liu
coin A, Green to Ellen Cordelia Pen
ireJ. 'i'Ue church was beautifully dec
orated for the occasion. Tho bride
looked lovely in brocaded white silk
and was escorted bv hor brother,
fieorge i'enrtre.l, jr., and Miss Ida Dft
vie, R v. Mr Howeils performed the
cmtnuuy. Tue church was crowded
with lnends aud many from out of
- -
titUURKKDby R, (J. Joiner, of Allen I.
0., Hillsdale, .Mich.: "Nothing gave my
rheumatism such rpiick relief as Dr.
1 nomas' Eclsetrio Oil believe it infallibio
tor rheumatics."
H V7. Loomls, of Mexico, N. Y., Is
Visiting Ins son, Principal Loomis.
D P, Thomas, K. J. Dueklae, P. M.
' .i pouter and li. W. Kowmerer will
spend theif vacation in Ulster and Sul
livan counties, X. Y
Mr. and Mrs. c. J. York nnd Mr
a:u; Mrs. W. It Pmllips.oi D.-tttiyter.
N. Y , are visiting their siitor, Mrs. C.
E York.
Mr. and Mrs. U Whit ford, of Brook -neld,
N. Y., were recent guests of
their soo, 1'iofsssor Whitford.
All pronounce this commencement
jne of the pleasantest in the history of
'.be school. The attendance of alumni
ind friends was much larger than
tsnal. The new catalogue is ready for
distribution, It is a very handsome
and tatty pamphlet, and is even an
improvement ou last year's catalogue.
Four tig Successes.
Having the needed merit to moro than
ninko good all the advertising claimed for
them, the following four remedies have
reached n phenomenal sale. Dr. King's
J.ew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
io i i oiiih, eiicn pottlo guaranteed Elec
tric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver.
Stomach and Kidneys. Buckleu's Arnica
halve, the heat In the world, and Dr.
King's New Life Tills, which are aperfoct
pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to
lo just what is claimed for them and the
deslel w hose name is attached herewith
will be glad to toll you more of them. Sold
byMattbews Bios', drug store.
Highest of all in Leavening Powei. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
At tho annual mooting of tho Car
hotidale board of health on Wednesday
evening, the following offissrs were
elected: President, John Copeland;
secretary, S. S. Jones; health cilicer,
L. J, Bunnell; sanitary officer, M. L
Minnie Bloomer, the 8 year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Bloomer, is convalescent from a severe
illness of Scarlet fever.
H, E. Ensign, of Waymart, was a
Carbondale visitor yesterday.
Jliss Cora Chase, of Sidney, N. Y., Is
visiting her sister. Miss Grant Nichol
son, in this citv.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Madison, of
North (irovn streAt are monrnimr Hi.
death of their little son, Frederic, who
died yesterday mormug after two
weeks' illness. Funeral will bo held at
home this afternoon. Interment will
bo made in St. Hose cemetery.
This eveuiug will he held the regu
lar weeklv nraver meeting In tha
township school bouse. HiV. W. B
(irow. leader
A consignment of furniture which
consisted of forty suits urrived in this
city yesterday morning and in tho af
ternoon was distributed through the
bed roams on the second floor of tho
new Hotel American.
At tho last business meeting of the
Baptist si.'ciety of Christian Eudeavor
the society desired to purchase an or
gan for the us In their mission in the
township school house.
Miss ilattio Ilutcliins was in attend
ance at tho commencement exercises ut
Milloreville yesterday.
A committee representing the Maple
wood Cemetery association drove to
Mayfield Wednesday for the purpose
of examining tho plot under considor
ntion for a site for the uew cemetery.
At the Grand Opera house to-night
will be held the annual commencement
exercises of St. Hose ucademy. The
meuibt-rs of the graduating class nre
Mifses K. Flauuelly, H. O'Dowd, K
Uilhool and M. Walker.
L, H. Bassett and family of Lincoln
avenue will leave on Saturday for
Ocean Grove where they will onjoy a
month's visit.
W. D Frank, of Scran ton, pnssed
last evening with Carbondale friends.
At St. Magdalene's church yesterday
at 9 u, m. Miss Minnie Krautz was
united in marriage to Jacob Theobald.
High mass was celebrated. F.iV. Will
iam Dassell performed the ceremony.
Tho bride was attired In a green clotn
dress and wore a veil. The bridns
maids, Miss Annie iiranlz und Miss
Theobald, wore cream albatros. The
glooms men were Messrs. Krantz and
Theobald, brothers of the bride nnd
A dance will be held this afternoon
end evening at Pioneer hall.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ji.oob Theobald have a
nicely furnished home on lower Sec
ond street.
A number of tramps liave neon lurk
ing in the vicinity of Bouesdalo. Yo
terday morning one giviug bis name
S luos. Connolly, was arrested by
Constable Brown near the residence or
Homer Green. Wnou taken in custody
he plunged his hand in bis Inside coat
pocket. He was tak.-u before 'Squire
Sai'.tU nnd examined A long knife
was found in his pocket, and u chisel
and a small pair of burgiar forceps,
used in unlocking doors found on bia
person. He was taken in custody ns
answering the description of ana at
murderers or Qroosrvman Henderson
t NWburz. Dsnutv Sherilf Rndnlnh
Flues, of Newburg, is staying near
Hoiiesdale, us he thinke the murderers
are near here. Ho went to the jail and
said that Connolly was not the man.
Connolly is still in jail, lie had been
begging about llonesdale.
A horse and buggy owned by Harvey
Bishop vm8 standing in front of Men
uer it Co. 'a dry goods storo this morn
ing, The norse and cart of George S
Keen was standing behind Mr. Bishop's
buggy. The hon;e moving forward
drew the wheels of the wagon under
the buggy and overturned it, damag
ing tee buggy and harness and slightly
injuring the bursa.
Loreu A. Gale nf (Ijlntnn Po
visiting in Houesdalc.
Mrs. Ev Durland. Louise Durland,
Antonetto Durland, Mrs. J. L. Weston
and Mr'. ( ll. Brady are at Upper
Woods L ike,
Mrs. Otto Ben g and son, of New
York city, ure visiting at tho home of
Mrs. Ilerzog's father, Henry Grambs.
criticisms; a xounir Lady.
"Sho would bo a pretty girl for but ouo
"Wlmt'a lliatt" .i.bul ri.n.ln,.
Georgo Her faco is alwaya covored with
pnrplo and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis.
posed of. Used to bo the same way uiy
nolf, but I caught on to the trouble ouo
day, nnd got rid of it in no time.
Georgo What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
n short course of P. P. 1 1 tell you, it's
tho boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bad that you could
hear him holler clear across the country
every time ho moved, lie tried it, unit
you know what an utblotio old cent ho is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank thorn after
wards. All the drug stores sell it.
Joseph Davis' drug store will open
Monday with a complete stock of
goods. The store will be conducted
by his brother, Alfred Davis, who has
had over twenty years experience as a
druggist. Pure drugs at reasonable
prices ut the B. Maxey block.
T. P. Johns and wife, of Tleasant
Mount, wore callers In this place yes
terday. All citizens who nre interpgted in the
prosperity aud the gradual improve
ment of Forest City should attend the
board of trade meeting tonight. Busi
ness of importance will bo transacted
and it is dssired that all who aro mem
bers, or wish to become members, be
The Epworth League Chapter In this
place elected tho following offioers last
Tuesday evening: President, B.
Maxey; secrotaVy, Miss Joesie Smith;
treasurer, Arthur M. Westgate.
Dr. and Mrs. W. It. Blukesleo are In
Among the Scrnntoninns in town
yesterday were Charles B. Snndorson,
S. S. Scamans and John G McAsRie.
A very interesting game of checkers
wMJ be played at the Olympic club
rooms In this place next Monday, com
mencing at 1 p.m., between John Car
tuichael, of Scrautou. the champion
checker player of northeastern Penn
sylvania, aud Clarence W. L.)wis, of
Thompson, who is well known In this
place as a very clever player.
G. M. Patterson, M. Ltveue and F.
Larkin, promiueut Carbondale citizms,
were iu this borough yefterdny,
The first nnnual commencement of
the East Stroudslmrg State Normal
school took place this morning at 10
o'clock and it was a success from he
glng to end. The roomy chapel of the
normal school never looked prettier
than it did ibis morning. Flowers,
pretty girls and gay dresses weru
sprinkled among the more sable gar
ments of tho oldjr peoplo. Tno sweot
girl graduates were all that could be
lesired iu tho matter of dress. They
presented u haudsnins appeirauoe
grouped upon the stage, which was one
mass of 11 iwers.
The exercises were under supsrvis
ion of Professor George P. Bible and
prsident of the board of trustees, nnd
were opened with prayer by ltv. Wil
lism Veeushoten of tho Bast :;tiouds
hurg Presbyterian church. The ora
tions nnd recitations delivered by mem
bers of the clasi were given in a way
that showed careful study aud thor
ough acquaintance with the subjects
at band, Followimr aro the names of
the graduates for 18'J1:
Helen Beitle, Anna Brady, Mary
Brodbead, Anna Bush, Battle Corby,
Bessie Conuell, Anna Cnibett, Lottie
Cope, Tillu Coolloso, Lizzie Cyphers,
Kite Cunningham, Kate Fox. Alice
Fuller. Mary Gilligmi, Lv.lia Giimar
tin, SuBie Gordon, Lsnra Griffith, Aona
tiauglian, Nellie Gillespie, Lizzie 11-as,
Emma fienrick, Ethel Hancock. Eila
Heberliog, Elizabeth Heath, Grace
Hicks, M ime Johnson. Mama Kellv
Anna Kelly, .Mae Kenny, Jennie
KUne, Maggie Kervin, Daisy LiBarre.
Teresa McCauley.Mame McHalo Lizzie
McCarthy, Esther Moses. Laura Miller,
.Mary Morrow, Grace Morrow, Mary
Mahon, Louisa Neumuller. Mary O'U-a",
Katie Orr. Alberta O'Njill, Nellie
Richards. Liszie Began, Winfleld Scan
Ion, Emily Stnckley, Gertrude Snyder,
Carrie Snyder, Katie Shields, Maine
.Shields, Margaret Sorremon, Kate Teu
naiit Nellie Turn r, Lit YanEtteu,
Bess VauEtten, Nettie V il, Sarah
Weaver, Lotiio White, Mamie Will
iams, Thomas Costenbader, John Cul
i'erso:), Frank Coliins, E I ward Golden,
(inv Hoover, H. B Jackson. Howard
Knnkie, J P. Lord, John McGill,
Francis McCarthy, Michael McMout
gal, Blohard iiinker.
J. K George, of Ouicngo. Is visiting
at tho handsome homo of his father-In-law,
A' J. Smith.
Miss Francis Bolton, nf Brooklyn, N,
Y.. ij the guest of .Mrs. Grace George,
Blohard U. Cowlet from the North
Carolina Lumbar company, and Miss
Amy Mulley from Providence, have
been visiting at A B Oowlei this
A. Q. Gillmcre'l family ii here
rial ting at the home of Mrs, M A.
Sberm n.
Martin Tlgue, formerly of tho Clsr':
Summit hotel, is now catering to the
wants of tho woarjr traveler ut tho
Wavarly House,
Alex Biirrowman, of Scrauton, vis
ited at the Littie Delmonicoon Wud
nesday. Mra. 0. B. Jadwin and her son, Pal
mer Judwin, of New York, aro occu
pying their summer cottage at Gleii
bnrn, Will Stevenson, of Sayre, Pa., re
turned to hiB home yesterday after
spending a few pleasant days at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo E Stov
The thermometer has boon hovering
around the nineties for souio tiui", but
politics seems to be about l'JO Id the
Mrs. Storling Bedford is slowly ra
coversng from her reosnt illnsg.
Washington Camp, No. 314 of the
Patriotic Or ler S jiis of America, held
their regular meeting nt'Hliss's hall on
Wednesday night.
Arthur 11. Storrs. from Scranton. is
spending the summer at the beautiful
nome or u, a. trailer,
Som or the Bspublicans of this pirt
of the county favor the call for an early
c invention.
The season nt. Lily Like will he
opened tonight (Friday) with a grand
ball at Dun Coray's new dancing pivil-
Miss Brownscombe, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dennan aud Miss Bum t
Stevens, of Scranton, are the guests ui
Mr. and Mrs. Frink Jermyn.
Mrs. E. F. Leightou and son Bedford,
from Binghiiinton, are guests at tho
ensy home of Mrs. Andrew Bedford.
Kev. F. B, Parson is expected home
from his vacation on Saturday,
entingw ill relieve any feeling of weight
or over fullness or the stomach, b Id
every where.
Jnmrs Mncken, of St. Mary's semin
ary, Baltimore, Md , is visitiug Kev.
John Loiighern, of Minooka.
Martin W. Cuslck, nf Main street,
left last night on the 12 SO Delaware,'
Lackawanuu and Western train for
Sbnrpsville, Pa., where he will spend a
few months.
Ted Anderson nnd party nre nngliug
at Like Conio this week,
Mrs. Michael Cnsiok, of Shnrpsvillo.
who hns been visiting horn since tue
death of her brother, P. J. Crane, left
fur her home lust evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Glenuon, of Forty
Fort, are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Glennon's moth-r iu this place.
William Maheily and family, of
Avocn, have moved to this place, and
will reside in a house adjoining J. J.
Coyne's store.
As a large force of men was engaged
in raising a 30 loot Iha, reule opposite
the new school house, it enddeuly
snapped nnd broke nt the splice in the
middle. The pole, which was of pine
wood, will be replaosd at once by au
other. Our citizens never get dis
counted at a little thing like that.
Mrs. M. J. Morgan, of the boulevard,
! Is enr Vtleeclna from her recent S"r:n!i
i illness.
Tip- mernVra of the McKinUv e'"'
are r o ei.te i to meet at the eottucil
looms tonigbt Business of importance
will ie transmuted. J. C. Taylor, of
Muytield, and G. W. Okoll will address
the meeting ou the topics of the day
The Csutrul Hotel club is most cordi
ally invited to attend in a body.
Lst BVrv patriotio citizen help to
make this Fourth linger iu their mem
ories by doing alt they oau to celebrate
it, A lorn your houses with fligs.
turn out in the parade and attend the
II tg raising orreuiony. In the cool of
the evening do not forget the monster
picnio in Father Matthew's grove.
Mrs. M. Huwkius nnd Mrs. Goorge
Cooper, of Green Hidge were visitors
here during the week.
L. E Tiffany and Earl Talmage
went to Jackson on their bicycles yes
torday. Mrs. Barnes, aged 87. die 1 at the
residence of her son, Frank Barnes. In
this place yesterday moruiug at 3
o'clock. The funeral will be hold ou
Saturday. Interment at Rose Hill
Secretary Adair, of tho Railroad
Young Men's Christian association, is
in Buffalo this week on important
business. Dame Rumor says be is to
emnark upon the matrimoual sea.
Dr. F. D Lamb aud sous, Frank and
Robert, were iu Binghamton yesterday.
Td- four young evangelists from
L.'fuyette College, who have labored
bo earnestly and enthusiastically since
Saturday evening, held their farewell
services lust evening in Railroad Young
Men's Christian association hall.
Q J. Laugley was iu Susquehanna
Mrs. Daniel Swarlz, of Scranton, is
visiting frien ls iu town.
The strawberry uud ice cream fes
tival belli at the I resbyterluu chapel
Monday and Tuus.lav evenim n
grand success and a handsome sum was
realiz d.
Miss Marv Smith of VA':llfPi,-Hureo
who had been visiting her uncle, Johu
R Thompson, ror the past few days.
iciuiunu nome. yesterday.
Dr. J. A Burlington is spsuding this
we' k with his parents in New York
M. A. Corcoran has begun operations
for a new building on the lot opposite
Pier's drug store.
Miss Anna Walsh, a graduate of the
Bloomsburg Normal school, is attend
ing the commencement exercises there
this week.
John W. Pike, district manager of
the Safety Investment ami Loan com
Pny, of Syracuse, N. Y.. called in
Uuryea ou important business for the
above company.
Caauncey M. Dtpew.
't he government of cities has become a
menace to free institutions aud has dis
credited the popular judgment. It is not
because people are less competent to gov
ern themselves iu crowded communities
but because rival party organizations are
so skillfully adjusted for plunder that the
citizen has no altei uative. lhe jobber
and tho robber pull their bauds out of the
city treasury long enough to clup them
together aud shout, "If you disturb us by
bo!ti:ig ;ho ticket you will eudanger the
tariff or pa-s the force bill." aud the scared
voter is defrauded out of his municipal in
dependence that he may save bis national
measures, llv divonono t.h. ! ,i
management, which it nnrulv ,....- ,.
corporate basiuesa, from tho affairs of the
nation and the principles upon which it
shull be governed the municipal problem
lu tr.i.1
Char'a Kmnry Smith
Lot tho college facultiM liavo tho broad
i" ' t..u : r;.. si nnrl mnat virnl AmsM.lscjt
.-v. " " nuiciiitiu-
1 ill. I.--1 tl.PIIl hl Will? I,.T ,n ,rV. . 1
triPHuren bulwarka of American civilizn
lion and progrtts. Lot the toaobiogol
politicfll loitiucofor the American rootb
recoffuizfl Amartfiiin nrniHIsMnna. nmi,.
ai ds. Jim word, let the professor be us
sound und true to American instincts us
too earnest an5 anient undergraduate who
rvucaius ..oieniuo ouucatiou iiomthe re
proach of beingrecreant to American prin
Stioiif llsm li Discridt'.abls.
ChtlHHCty M. li Dew.
Tho times aie lipe for a closer union and
a more liuoral and caiholic opinion of the
people of every partot the union towards
eucu oiuer.
Mr. M m. A. ISooiU
Indiana, I'a.
35 Worth of Hood's Sarsa
parllla Severe Coso of Nicotine Poisonirm.
"C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
" (iOllUemen : I write these lines to certify
that Hood's Barsaparlllahas cursd ns or a meet
painiul disease from which I have suffered the
past four years. It appeared la tho form of
iruptions 00 my neck and face, spreading over
Biy body, so palnftil that I could not sleep ut
Sight, and could not work In tho day time, and
when I did lay down and get Into a little doze, U
I wqulil move Just a little, it would stsit that
tsrrlbls- sensation, and
Blood Would Start
(rem the eruptions on my leys and body. I had
to wear bandages all the time. My eyes were
badly swollen, my back III terrlldo condition.
One physician said It was weed poison, another
lexeme, and the last told me It was
Nicotine Poisoning,
and that r would have to go to u physician who
made u speciality of my disease. (I omitted to
say that I am a cigar maker by trade.) But
Hood's Sarsapurlllu had been recommended,
aud I thought 1 would try It. and I am heartily
thankful that 1 did. 1 can truly say that Hood's
Sarsapsrilla has effected
A Perfect Cure.
I am free from sores, have a good appetite, no
dull feelings, uud that contluuul tick heidache
Is gone. I bis wonderful cure has only cost me
live dollars. This small amount of money has
rid me of all my sufferings. I am still taking
Hood's Barsoparllla, my faithful friend which
baa snrcd mr Ufa. I cannot praise It enough."
'i M, A. Booth, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion.
hi This Relets to Men as Well as
The Great Danger of Burning Down
the Human House How tho
Fire Starts.
"Bernard Palissy has gone mad,"
said everybody ; "he is burning- up his
house to bake his pots."
It wus so. Wood happened to be
wanting while a batch was in the oven.
But tho tiro must not go out. He bo
an on the garden fence; he ripped it
to pieces nnd threw it in the furnaces.
Then the furniture of bis house; then
lhe pots wom baked, lie was sue
cassful at last. After sixteen years of
toil, study, experiment and poverty, he
bad had discovered the secret of mak
ing earthenware previously au Ital
ian monnpily.
Yon have heard that atorv hfnr ?
Very likely.
Yes, yes; hu there is another sort of
house, worth n million cottages like
l'alissy's. You live in ouo yourself.
Aud. multitudes of them are burning
up, some slowly, some fast, bnt burn
ing, burning, tumbling into cinders,
dust antics.
You don't aea the point? Well, yon
will presently. A blind man can't
miss it.
Kesd what this man says; "I was
discharged from the U. S, Army, nt
Washington Barrack, D. C, on the 11th
of last month, on the port surgeon's
certificate of disability; disease pro
groslve eiusciation ; weight at that
time 1W pounds; former weight 10(1
pounds. I had been under treatment
lor five months, taking inaltine, emul
sion of cod liver oil, etc Seeing Pas
kola recommended for such cases hs
ininn I tried it sud in a short lime
cained eleven pound. Yours. Henry
Chilton, Anacostia, D. U, April 10.
And this one: "My laughter had
stiffen d several months from loss of
appetite and general debility, 8he had
wasted awny. and nt the Hime time she
begun taking Paskola weighed only 112
pounds After using it for two weeks
she had gained eight pounds. She is
gaining in health and strength daily
and can eat and digest hearty food. As
a flVsh forinioi: food, Paskola is super
ior to cod liver oil or other prepara
tions for the like purpose Wil lism
Boss, Bridgoton, N. J., April 11, 1894
Another example: "For 26 rears i
have been uiiBble to eat any fish or
tueat and scarcely any vegetables. I
have tried many doctors and patent
medicines without end, Nothing
availed until I took Paskola. Five bot
tles of that have worked wouders. I
can eat anything now. Eating is no
longer a torture; it is a pleasure as na
ture means it to be. In four weeks 1
hove Brained fivo nounds. Churlns V.
Isaacs, 413 Main street Worosster,
Mass, March 9, 1804
Now we see tho pint. Thss peo
ples' houses, their holies, were burn
ing. This is no metaphor, no figure of
ppseoh; they were actually burning.
Atk your doator: road vnur nhrni-
ologv, Life is combustion tiro.
ineiuei is food what is not eon
sumued is the ashes. The stomaoh is
(be furnscf. Indigestion, dyspepsia,
an disease, is euuer a lak ot food or
witti food iu plenty it is the clogging
of the furnace.
But shall the firo po out ? If it does
you die. Nature knows this and
makes a fight to s.tTe ,yon. She pro
ceeds (like Pilissy) to burning the least
necessary parts of the house. The fat
goes first, tbeu the muscles. Preseutly
you ere nothing but skin aud t one. If
help doesn't c.ime by this time Naiurs
bums the important organs. No help
yet? Alas, no fuel remains. The chill
of death creips on apace; frost settles
on the hearth; the houso la uoiuhabi
tublo. You die of hunger.
Salvation lies not In drug. Druas
nr.' only pokers to etir np tho cxniring
embers. Thoy don't mukedierit, they
Won't burn, they won't build.
Can we teed the body ? Can wo sup
port life? Can we k.p the house
warm until the digestive evstem
(through rest aud Nature's ageuoy) is
order '!
Yes, by the use of Pm;kols, as the
above cases prove. Paskola, a fond,
full of nourishing qualities, pre-di-gested
by a new process, enter the
blood strenm without disturbing the
Btoniach (onw helpless aud cold) aud is
at once assimilated by the woru and
wasted frstne.
Fresh energy, new fl?sh, revived ner
vous power, increased strength, im
mediately result. Appetite succeeds,
other foods digest, uud the threatened
life building again stnuds firm.
Will the wan, tired, weak, emaciated,
consumptive, dyspepsia cursed, uiou
and women of the United States try to
understand the value nnd rationale of
this discovery and cousent to be helpsd
by it?
A pamphlet on food and digestion
will he mailed free on application to
The Pre-Digested Food Co.. 80 Heads
St., New York.
O lay's SuirHr Drals.
Aiivunu IWewae,
American public servants should not put
themselves in a position to bo suspected of
yielding to tho temptation to yole iu such
a way as to put money in their pockets.
Lawmakers should l o especially careful
not to become involved in speculations
which might Influence their votes, lu fact
they should not .speculate nt all.
Wucn Baby was sick, we gave her Costers,
When she was u Child, she c ried for Cfctorla.
When sho became Miss, oho cluug to Cistorla.
When sho had Children, sho gaVOtheJU Custorla,
HEART LAKE, Susqu.hanna Co.
TJ. E. CKOFUT Proprietor.
fplllS BOUSE is strictly temperance, Is new
aid well furnished and OI'K.VKD T i
'i ll i; :'tu ti mm.. 1.I.-AI,
--- WUMAV. 1111. 1 BAJt UWU .S U 9
located midway bitwoon Montrose ant Scrun
tpu, on Montros aud Lac.iWuun Railroad,
six miles from I)., 1 & W. K K. at Alford
b allon, and Bv I miln, frmn 1 ....... ..a-
punlty, eighty- live; three minutes' walk f rora
It. H. station.
J KICK l i i . 1 I sis.
A ItitiiM.. i. I " n i i . . uu.IIIhm m il...
... ... u I , III kUlfl
respect tho Adirondack aid Catiltill Umin-
Hue groves plenty of shaln and beautiful
BCiimo-Y. i. in. n ..... ..... O. ....
celled In beauty aud cbeipness.
imiciuK (lavinon, swims, oroqun gr euqas,
&c. Cold Fiirlng Water and plonty at MJik
........ v, ,u aiu uer nueK. ,,or
dsy. v
iixrurslcn tickets sold at all stations ou D.
b, r w. lines.
1'ort.f meets all trains.
IIUmsnillilllHSilllllBllllllliiiigiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiignHig,,,,,,,,,,, r
1,200 DOZEN
Ladies' Ribbed Vests
Value 25c,
for 25c.
Remember, The Fair
For a Few Days Only
100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality, 30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00
50 Smyrna Mats, best quality, 16x34 inches, ,75 .50
150 Moquette Mats,best quality, 18x36 inches, 1.25 .90
50 Moquette Mats,''1 18x36 inches, .70
25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed, 36x72 inches, 1,25 .90
75 India Rugs, fringed, 27x60 inches, 1,50 L10
48KasmerRugs, Vu'uodfor 30x60 inches, 5,00 3.00
Akt squares
2x3 yards, ail-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain,
2Kx3 yards, all-wool, -3x3
yards, " -3x3
z yards, " - -3x4
406 and 408
We Have Placed
an elegant Quartered Oak Sideboard
(with very large French, Bevel-plate
Mirror in the top, elegantly carved
and best workmanship) in our Show
Window. Its value is $80.
We have decided to reduce tlie
price $5 per day until
it is sold. Dont consider too
long, as the next day it may be gone.
Price Today, $50
R2fbrrgerarto?feS!50c. week or
Mattings j $2 Per onth.
An Onyx Finished
ohHsrs or over.
A 100-pU'Ce Dinner
or over.
Lacka. Avenue.
C!ock vritb (50 pnr-
Set with $75 purchases