The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1894, Image 7

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The rocet.t openm.? of the CoT.uell
Deal company's now Lawrence
solliery near Duryen, calls the atton
tioa of tlio Pitteton (r izjtto to Dnryea
na one of tbe iirotroissivo uod rapidly
Rowing coal town of Lnierno eonnty,
"Where but n low years ago there
stood no more than a down or so of
houses," It soya, "hundreds may now
be counted, anion.'; limn uot a few
whioii oompare favorably in sizj,
architecture and surroundings, with
thoi of the minen in onr own town.
S. finely tquipped collieries, til 1 in
operation, now surround the town,
nud almost every day witnesses some
addition to its importanoo, To the
residents of Doryaa the present situa
tion and the pleasing prospects for the
future must bo particularly gratify
ing, while to PittatOD, whioii raotlVM
no small eliiiro of the town's trade,
Poryea'a prosperity and growth is
properly r yarded as a moat desirable
addition to our own importance as the
teial cuute-r of upper Luzr..l"
William 11. Dimmick is quoted in a
Tort Jervis paper as baviug said that
Within three mottthl Port Jervis nud
Btrondibur, would ho connected by a
trolley lino passing throngh Milford,
Diufimau'd, Baibktll and all inter
mediate points. The line he says, will
be constructed by u Philadelphia com
pany, the lame that now controls the
trolley lines of that city and of CM"
caifo, and otlit r linos in varioiu pai'H
Of tho country, BttantOD auiou;,' the
rest. A charter hai been procured and
the work of constrnctiou is to beyiu at
ouce, and will, so Mr. Dimmick af
firms, ba prcsecuted with such energy
and rapidity that within three mouths
the farmers of the Delaware valley
will be lending their produce to mar
ket on trolley cars, wnile trains will
run hourly between Milford and Port
Jervis and once In two hours between
Port Jervis aud Bashkill.
The true inwardness of tho recent
charter granted to ths Falling Springs
Water company, in which vx-CouiuiW-aioner
Tom English, E B. Loug and J.
II Hosier, together with Fierce and
Georgj II. Butler, of Dorraneetoo, ae
inti rested is said to be a revival of the
old Hoyt se'nemj of fumiahing pure
river water from tbe Buaqaebanna
-hove tbo mouth of tue Laekawanna,
jo water companies down the valley,
n e. purpose of tbe company is to build
cribs in the river from which to I cure
a constant aunply of good water, the
s :iae to be forcjd by means of bull
pumps to points down the valley, tlu
luaiu Hue to he laid on tho east sido 01
tho river. Bigineers are now making
the necem irj surveys, and it is intrud
ed :o begin work as soon as nosaible.
Chattel Law, of PlttstOU, h:n discov
ered whut is laid to he a sure cur) for
eleotrolybis, otherwise tue acenmnla
tioa oa the interior of pipes, tubes aud
1 oilers of deposits of mineral and rust.
Bia remedy couusu simply of a o.irt
riduo containing a secret metalloid
which has t .e property Of attracting to
itael! the oxygen of tbo water, the by
tirogeu eioaping in the form of bub
bles. Last year he had the opportunity
of introducing the cartridges into the
Udlers ot tbe famous ocean liner, tbe
Campania, with thoroughly satisfactory
ranit. That great essi bia thirteen
boilers and used only 600 pounds of
the Law metalloid diuiug the emirs
The tendency among the great trans
portation lines to Increase their com
petition for the profitable patronage of
enmmer excursionists Is shown in the
t-up -ioritv of each year's railway
I'.uile books over those of the year pr
teJliig. 0o notable Instance o( this
improvement ie aaen ia "Summerina
oh the Laokawanna" for l j i, the
handsome annual isju'd by the passen
ger departmant of the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western railroad. This
year's edition makes a daintily bouud
volume fully comparable, in quality of
idusiratioHs and neatness ot typogra
Pl y, with tho finest magazl lei.
Many of the scenic attrac
tions thus pictured .ve f;.
tnilinr to Scrantoniatu Due view
'Oi Little Weblog Creek," is ai
lifelike a day, s0 less realistic ate
tho views of Woodward breaker nnu
t!:o view from die bluff, overlooking
Lay Aug tunnel. Tho latter, lull
page photogruvnre, is like a pugo torn
directly from nature. Nay Aug park
lotti above and below ihii faJ are
mirrored with rare fidelity j and simi
lar I'oims of interest all along tho line
receive corresponding ationtion. When
it is added that the volume contains all
the statiitics, maps and other inform i
tion necessary to the most exacting
tourist, its value to the publ.c is uot to
be overestimated.
Mixoit Indc-.trial Notes:
Passenger trniJlc on tbe Lehigh Valley U
the henvi Ht iu history.
Lehigh Valley vaasongor engine No. 8J
1uh been equipped Wfth a now style speed
Tie Baldwin locomotive Works Is build
ing two large consolidated eng.uoa for tho
Buitalo and Susquehanna y '' m,
W. H. Taylor hns been Appointed master
mechanic fur the Wilkes-Borra and East
eru road nud will locate at Btroudsborg,
The Nineveh branch of the Delaware
and findjon is Uoliiit more business at
pro-cut tban ever. Thirty train-, nro run
Tlie Now York, New Ilavou and Hart
ford road has placed an fr ier for ton pas
MDger angines witn the iihodo Island lo
comotive company,
Tho Delaware and Hadaon company will
drive n long tunnol from B Idy Crook r.hntt
or mm sink inothpr shaft to get coal on
tho DolpU tract in BUkely.
New York, Ohio and Western engine No.
17 haajoat enlarged from the Mlddletown
(hops rqnippad with a now valor gearing,
which in known as the Lewis valor gear,
B, 13. Rogers, Lehigh freight agent at
vNuveily, has heon promoted to tbe posi
:lon of freight agent at liufTslo, and W. S.
- Nevins, the agent at Buffalo, takes hi-i
place at V, iiverly. The change takes place
July I,
Within the post month tho Wosting
limiRo Air liinko company has received
orders for brake equipments from Uuate
mala. Thoy have also received orelora
lrom several Braailiat) systems for brake
CiinipmentS too.
The Trnction company, of Allontowu,
iim stopped off loerteeu cars throngh
which were employed thirty-six motormeu
and coniluctoiii. Tho cars which wore
run nt. very short iiuervuls thus (ur, now
run at longer intervals.
Dccnu'o of the constantly increasing
pnseii(er tralllc, through ami local on the
Lehigh Valley railroad, tho United .States
Express company, will Within the coming
Week put on two through trains composed
entirely of express cars.
'i he motion of Thomas J. Emery to pre
vent tho New York, Lake Erio uml Wout
art) Railroad from burning a ?70,000,uo0
mortgage on Its reorganization lias been
deuied by Justice Iunraham, of the su
pioniH court of Now York.
'1 he Reading collieries lu Schuylkill
rounty will. It is sn&OUQOOd, shut down
July 3 nud remain idlo the balance ot
that woek. Since soft coal uiiniuc has
been resumed ia tho wast the extra de
mand for hard coal has suddenly ceased.
Tho Heading is now fide tracking a great
deal ot coal. Sjft ooal from West Vir
ginia is delivered in Philadelphia al IS. SO
per ton.
The friends of George II. Valliaut, vicij
preeident of the Erie, will regret that be
oas entirely lost the Use of his limbs aud h
moved about only in a chair. Some weeks
ago ho suffered an attack of paralysis, aud
more recently a second attack.
The first six months of ISM the Lake
Shoie road bus been operated on 05. VI per
cent, of its gross earnings, against ,' u j, r
o nt. in the corresponding six months of
ltS'JJl; the .Michigan Central on 71.71) per
cent., ngniust TO.O- per cent last year.
The Chicago and Alton has created trou
ble again in the Western Passenger Aseo
elation by shortening the ruaning time of
somoot Its trains botweeu Kansas City
and St. Louis twenty minutes. For some
time past all linos have made common
The Reading company's chutes at Maha-
noy City contain less coal tban anv time
Mtico they were built. During the re
cent Increase demand for coal heavy drafts
were mail" upon tho immense stock iu the
chutes and upwards of tv.-o-thmls of tho
coal stored (here hue boon shipped to
'i hoy do quick work iu the Jersey Cen
tral shops at Ashley. Engine 306 ot that
system was recently sent to theso slops
for general repairs aud just one week
from the time it entered the plaee it
was returned to the road thoroughly over
hauled, repainted aud in every way ready
for service.
On July 1, six months of tho coal year
will have expired, with the b.'stsix months
to come, anil most of tho coal buying will
have to be done la this period. It is the
belief of many that only a moderate re
striction will be required after July 1, nud
tiiut higher prices are practically certain
to be uiailo for August deliveries.
"In Three States" is the name of a
handsome little book just issued by (Jeu
eral Passenger Agent Charles B. Lee, of
the Lehigh Valley railroad. Tho work
has an illuminated cover representing a
scene at Mattes Chunk, and a number of
other scenes from along the system are
scattered through tho book, which aho
contains descrij tions of poiuts of interest
reached by the Valley.
Jones. Simpson & Co., of Raymond col
liery, aio working better this mouth than
for some time past. This, says the Oly-
pbant Record, is ouo ot the banner col-
lieries, and puts on the market the best
oradeof coal, it is a paying concern aud
that is largely duo to the wise manage
ment and economical watchfullneaa ot
those who have the uctive control of the
Climmctu Deirw.
It has been estimated that the Inven
tions aud discoveries of tho past fifty
years have destroyed 01) per cent, of the
world's accumulated capital ami thrown
out of employment 40 per cent, of its Wage-,
earners, tho one being tbe property ren
dered valueless by new avenues for com
merce, supovi.r methods in machinery or
tbe discovery of better or cheaper ma
terials iu manufacture's, and the other, the
workers thereby displaced and Compelled
to readjust their relations to physical or
mental labor. Tbe victims of the merci
less march of this marvellous period may
well long for tho "good old times." The
SWittly-moving procession bus left them
v.'ith impaired fortunes or obsolete voca
tions. Steam and , electricity, inventive
genius and discovery, have added to
wealth and opportunity n thousnud-fold
more than they have discovered.
Sh-uld Pel:! tho Vy,
CMnmcey C Heyrw.
There are times when the shibboleth of
party is a device for fraud or a shield for
scamps, Rascals may capture tbo ma
chinery, and the voters be helpless in their
toils, Then the educated man should
point the way to the rescue of tho city or
the state. Smashing political machines
never kills a party. It oftea loads it
ii:ron:,-h defeat to pure methods and sub
s.ipreut victories.
Eyspppiii and Indlcsstlon
In their worst forms ar. enred by tbo
nse of P. P. P. If yon aro debilitated and
mn down, or if you need a touic to regain
Hi sh 'UKl lost appetite, strength and vigor,
take P. P. P., and you will be Btrong and
healthy, r or shattered constitutions and
lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke
Root, u:i l Potassium) is tho king of all
: P. P. 1'. is the greatest blood
purifier iu tho world. For sale by ail
dmggists. e
Ranks Among 'he Eit.
.Yilllfro'. Xfii's.
The 8caiNTo:i TniBumc'8 third anniver
sary number, Issni d a day or so ago, was a
dandy, An Illustrated history of it3own
pr igr s was very interesting reading and
its other admirable features made it an
Issne that many Beruutouiane will tile
away for future referencn. The Tribune
ranks A t alongside of tjie best nowapo
1 eru iu the state.
Mrs. M. Ecrakrbirqbb, Beaver Dam.
Wis., nrritesi "We have used Ur. Thomas'
Bolectric Oil in cur family for Cough-,
Colds, Croup nud Rheumatism. It cures
every time. '
I've a secrot iu my heart,
Sweet Marie.
A secret I'd impart
Now to tbre;
Yon are getting (pilot passe,
Bo I Wish you'll g the way
Of "Comrades" and "Homo Day,"
Sweet Muriel
Brooklyn i.'wjle.
ftnc-;:i and Tonli.
NW i'onK. Ji.iipSM. The tendency of
prices at the stock exchauge Wan down
ward today, the big et:i;;o against the
Pnllman Palsco Car company, involving
ns it does nearly the entire railway system
of the west, and the unfavorable May r -
porls of the Pennsylvania, Krle and Rend
ing companies havo created a more bear
ish feeling. Linden changed front and
sold i if some of the stocks bought during
tbo past few day.-. The drop in sterlitiL'
exenangohai nearly wiped out the small
profits on gold shipments and ought
to put an end to th export move
ment at once and rob the bears of one of
their main arguments. Tbe tendency of
sterling is downward. As usual o( late
sugar win tbe most active slock and ni ter
rlalng to 1.08k fell to c and rallied
to H.OOK. Tbe deojlne Was das to reuii--satons.
tn the railway list tbe grangers
Union Pacific, Louisville and Nashville,'
declined .V to U per cent. Speculation
left oil' weak with prices anywhere from
K to IK PW cent, below yesterday, ex
cepting Manhtiltnn winch gained IV,
Totul sales 1 IB.7IW shares.
Tn.- folloinag aompiate tahin nnowmir the
ilny's BnetttatMIIS in netlve stocks is supiiiieil
and revised dally hv Laliur & Fuller, btock
bToliore, UU Wyoming avenue:
Open- High- bow cios-
inc. iwt. t, n(,
Am. rot. on tlU 7'"ii rrtf sin
Am sugar. InlV llt'U OllU 100
Can. So "
Cen. N.
Ohio & M. w lev.. joAu mn jnji,;
Q.. 11. Q 77(2 7H 17 77
Chin. Oas 711 7SW 7sU
col.. Hpoi.Val T "
pTVa 'H JSw wt
i). o, f t'l mi 2
tfri im V-& lyl ; A
i. e. Co :;':;s wii mi asr
UakeShore IW lif-tf I) ia;
I.. N j4 1 4I UH
Banbottai lit IU no mi
Mlw. Par -M Ti . KU MU
Nat. Load HM IM iJsS' OB
N. t,m n. E M tU au
N. Y. Oeuti-al W'A H7K 974? 7
N.Y..II.4W 1U2 UU ff" in'4
N. V..B. a w in, II-', lint im,
if. s. ft Co HH BB -a zai
North Pne " ..." .... "
North Pac, pf it MU II i;',j':
Kiiiuha i 'M ;l no
I'ae. Alail Hfi 14 UU 1;
Rook unaM N tsii
U.T li 11 iuii
1UM lOU Hti IHOh
im uU im
U U UU 111k
i.-.u, 16)1 i:,ja liij
Obloaaro Qrata and Proviniom.
ScnAKTon, June 18. -rTbe following 'inota-
tlons lire euppiiod an. I oorreoted daily by ia
Bar A Fuller, Btock brokers, hll Wyomin.- uvi
uuo, WHKAT. .inlr. Sent. Dec
Onenmg ISU tfiu NiU
Hlgnest , fsB nii mu
Leweati m mn 61
Closing MM i tnu ti3)4
Oponinit ., 4tiaj 41
Highest 4H'.i
Lowest iom so"), ....
Closing 4PH SiU
OA1 s.
Opining 01 t:r'i
Highest ''' ma
Lowest , BON MS
Closing BOM low
l'i IRK,
Opening Kir) Xi
Highest ISS1 U75
Lowest IJiK) 1.117
Qosma ISO) 1-70
Opening MUI IH ....
Highest B!0 tU
Lowest (.I'.i li" ....
closing i;70 C8I
tHOltT HI11S.
Opoulng 650 Kg
Highest itVi 11,17
Lowest im) CU ....
Olosing UU W5
New York I'roduce ."Market.
NlW York Juno 88. I-'louh Dull,
WHIAT Fairly active, firm, to, lnrfer;
No. "J red, store and elevator, 604ja(ihC.;
nlloat, OtWafilko.) f.o. U, 6lVa03o.i nn
graded red, o.aii,c. : No. 1 northern, 08a
BSJg'Ca; oitiouj closed steady; No. 'J red,
Juue, OUCj July, 60JjC.; AngUSt, Cc;
September, OSVci December. b&0.
conx Dull, tfrtnj No. 2, iSatoKo.; e)e
vator, i&ttM)iCj afloat; options closed
ste-ady ana UUCbanged to c. under
yesterday; June, 45,'nc.; .inly, 4So
Auiiust, jii' ,f.: September, 460.
Oats Dull, easer; options, dull, lower;
Juue, 50a; July, 40a; August, 84fc;.
September, BSjio.; spot prices, No.
5i)a51c; No. 2 while, 5;ie. : No.
'J Chicago, 68e.j No. 8, BOc; No. li
white, hi i-ijiiV.'--. ; mixed western, DSat2o.j
white do., oL'aMe.; white state, iiioii.'.
fiUV Steady, dull,
TiEKcao Bkev Doll,
Cut Meats-Frm; pickled hollies, 7,'c. ;
do. shoulders, tjc; pickled hama, 10a
Lard Qniet, steady: vesteru steam
closed at 7.06; city, OWe.; July, 17.10;
September, .7.S5; refined, dull, nncnanged,
Pohk Moderate demand, firm.
BuiTxa Qniet, leas steady; state dairy,
19al7UC do. creamery, l.'ialf'.c. ; Ponn
svlvaaia, do., I5al8jc; wsstorn dairy,
lVniSc.; do. creamery, I4a18Jic.; do. fac
tory, 0at4o,; elgina, 18a18j(c.; Imita.
tion creamery. Italia
Ciiekse Fair demand, steady.
Eoos Quiet, eaay; statu and Pennsyl
vania, Ual.'ic; western fresh, Ual3e.j do,
per case, 4'.' tS r&
Philadelphia Tallow Mavkat.
PhtLASixPDXA, Juno 28,-Tallow was
dnll and unchanged. Prices woro; Prime
city in hogsheads, 4tfc; prime country, in
barrels. lc. : do. dark In barrels. 4a4Vfl:.
cakes, -;'ic; grease, 3i'4'e.
Kakes th Week Stromr.
I.vkiv. I'a. AnHIOS IRtUTjuAnnnmar
I took throe bottles of Hood's SarSAparillu
and it made me stronger. After my bah)
wns Dorn iu February I was unable to taki
a step tor thre months, but after taking
Jlood's Sarsanariila I ffalnnd in sl-renolh
1 feel t'.ie best now I have for eight year.-.
Hood's Pill.; euro all liver ills.
Mothers! Moibcra!! MothrU!
llrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
nsed for over titty years by millions o.
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and is tbo best remedy for dl
errhcea. sold bydtuggists In every pari
of the world. He sur -and ask for "Mr"
Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and tako no
uo other kind. Tweutv-live oents a bot
tle. WBAK MEN vour aitenti;vj
mm h iiiiBlf it' i nt
(.ireut LTogllah Romdyt
OM S-1 If YI3U SUFFER '"' ?
MHTMM. nOSllMC 1 'i'1 VOUJ U--
biiity, Weakness of Body and Hind, Sperma
torrhea, ami Impoter.oy, and all, tha:
arise from over-lndnlgence tad lelf-abuss, :t
Loss of Memory and I'mver, Dimness of Vis
km, Premature Old Age and many other dhs
eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an early grave, write lor a pamphlet
Address QRAy MEDICINE CO., Buffalo,
N. Y. The si-iciflo Medlalne in Bold hv all
druggists at $ per package or six packages
lor o,or sent by mail n receipt ot money,and
with every (COU order V" GUARATEr.
a rove or money refunded, t. -Mmmimm-.
ty'On account of coonlerfetts wo have
adopted tho li How Wrapper, tbe oaly genu-
inc. Sold in Bcranton bv nattkewa Urea
nil omut
Nurvoui piiMBM) K.niiiff ill mor
Partailt, Sloop) wtsmnw. NlRhtlT Kmln-
lloilStCtc..('iiUtHU y j:i-t ntiuAjs, srivctt ttjfor uiid
MitbrjMunurMiV.juid (litlckly u'it rowtlir rostorvi
l.ut Manliitoel in i'l'l orvniiit. Etutflycarn illni i
Mckat Prlee 1.00 ftparkaflrt. six rorfttVM with
wrlui-it "ii.ii nuii'i' tur W MOMfj ri'fuinl-i(. Don't
h't nnv nnnruiotifloq drupirl i you ony rttna '
imitation, lniUton ii.t no iM,iJiniii'i'.iirr. n
hohnSDol got It. wo will n-i It ir innil upon reralp
tifi-i'. I'imiiltlut In pnk-ili iivfl.iini iny. Aildri'i
Orlo itul Ml 'Mr.,! '( Prtt tM0 III., r "i i : ,
SOLD In- Uttlht m Bi WholoHila and Rotal
prnu&itA, SCKANTON, i'., titd v:wt Lend
Druggitti, Cfioonoro pt th;
HiOKfaT MtrjicAL AuTtoii7ir;
IMIAI.I'II Bit rnrn I
wonderfal toon to luflicren
nom colas, MreThraat,
iDflnenfji, Branehllla,
n,-lfi t'M'iai. jit.m '
1 nmmiafrriw Anefil,'iei,
, . . iviiiht, , curivi-uieiiv n cs ri j
.ii ,,.,,-4.-i.n.iii,T io iiri on 1,1 fi iniii' of C"! i
(oniimici I7m Kflket PerniBnenl I'm-. .
HKili-fnetroriKHnnnlei-il r money ipriinrted Pric
Mete. tMaLfreoat prnmUta, iieiristerea im ,'
CO cen 11. MCiSSM, Stir., VuM SSXiA
.. ouMj:xja.'irria
HEfJTHfiL Ti"V' 1 ' if ost remedy to
.i."'iii:l. i.'.l Si, roe, I'. ii i, '' .0.. U'.e.,-i-',-1't,l
MrforPIUek rrleactfcVt"rnrrtai i
Wgaorbymall prepalil. .,i.;. .C.,K..,... BAJ .
Cor niiIc by Matthews t'.ros. uiul John
II. I'lielp.
Zmp(m FraserveU
Eoinovcn PreeUes, rimpij,
Livtr Moles, t-ilncMioar't,
OJaburu and Tan, end re
mores the akin to lurrl-l-nnl
freshncts. prodiicli'fj n
clear and hmlthy cor.v
lilezlnn. Fiinerlof t-JPlll.'r
nepentlODB and peribetlr htrralesa At r.U
otunEliitii.e-rmalleft ior iO-.-ta. Bend lor Circular.
VIOLA SKIN GOAP I' iimpi; IonsmMMi ,
,kln url(vlng Sivv, aMOMltil For llio (rillrt, mill wlth'-ia &
rW&l lor tu nurwiy. Alooliml uui delio-it; tucUi.
a. C. BITTNER A, CO., O.
Fi r by Mallhevr llros. and Julm
1. Phe.ipa
Lfldles Who Value
A refined comnlezion niuat neo Tozzonita Vowi
dor. H produces n soft mid beautiful skin.
St. Paul
T., ai I
'1 (ixiis ,li hae
Union Paatla
Wabasb n'
Western Union
W.U 1
V. L. E. pf
f ud AMacie a well
- -v."- ' - .
fMv Wi.t
t.T'.T VT. iv,
X-' 4' vt-'; ; , I&4
J "r 1
1 1 ' 1 .' . , . t-
Jlanufncturiirs of tho Celebrated
100,000 Bbk Per Annum,
Gity Musio Store,
- WiOiltu AVK, SCKAiii'tia
Dkckisr nuoTiraa tw
1 .' Inrjo 1,1, . o( , ,
attbic, i.i-j.
Booms 1 and I Comroonwealtta Bid's
Hade at tho MOOSIfi and BUSB
Lafflin ft nana Potvdor Ca's
Electrle Batteries, Fnsei .'or ex'dot
Ing hiabts iNifoty Knse and
fiepannoChEr.M':al Ca.'sHili E::plos!ve
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Havo renioxil their ollico to their
141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151
ni!TKli UOB CO.,lac-i. cpltsHIX')O,O0n.
MK8T 81. BO 81' ti IN TMK WOULD.
"J dollar so l J a dollar tarnid." k
TalSlndlas'galld French iJomjoiuKldr.ui
ton ISoot OsUvSnd freo any wh. ro In tho U.S., on
-rrm reei'lpt nf Cah, Mouey Order,
or IMal Nolo for fl.'iil.
1" ; i.i - . . r wny tlm hoot,
Old in all r. ..I itoroi for Wii uir.loi (Ills boot
oareufss, tiicrcfurc we ffsar-
ii-. r. lha Jit, ttiite and irrnr,
uiul if uay ouo In hot Haddllrii
mi will reinnn 1110 m.i;py
or oend anotBSt pair. (Jrcra
o or ( .morion,
wldthH (.', D, K, Sc BI.
M 1 I" " nnrl holt
io win nt you.
luuua KREE
DexteFShoe Co.,
nov-rriN. IU1S4.
Special lirmt to Dialm-
F. Rfihin WI312MU
ves.'"..i rt ,i A: , ,1 li,LV-.
it:c 'e iTMawrrrTrii
Weight D
sjr on
'I havo found the CE.'U
. malt EXTRACT superior to
it ull otlicrs in the market, In all
conditions whefl there has been
an undue loss ot strength nd
IH 1); . M ....
HEILMAX, lit. Lou!3.
indltson Co..
- .-sa
Il 1 lau-lin t,i new XOSK
Bank of Scranton.
fi A PIT AL ?K
SURPLUS, $250,
Tlil linnlc nOTr, to depositors every
faslllty warranted by timir balenoes, tmbi
ness ami reapunslbUlty.
Bneelal attention etvan to business in.
counts. Interest paid on time deposits.
IflLXlAH CONNRLI, President,
4iLO. II. CATLIN, Vice-President
William Connell, Georse n. Cntlln,
Alfred Hand. Jamec Arehbald, Henry
Itelln, jr.. tVllllain X. k.oitn Lutlicr
; L1
KatiGnai Baax of ScraataiL
CAPITAL $250,900,
SURPLUS $25,000,
BATJEli niNESrresldcnt,
V.V,'. WATSON, Vico Prosklsnb
. L. YiLHAtj, Cashier.
BAJITiBbBnrM, JA mi: '.! Rvkro r.T
lRTIMO A. PlKOIt. PlEtll I I'.. ''lM.l:V.
Joaapn J. Jsruirtr, at, UsusRKib,
cms, p. AvxttBwa. Joiim t. Poitrna.
v. w. Waxsoa.
Thin bank InTltOI ii'. "itrouo of L;i,i;:u...
men a: , Di ms ;luc rally.
Largo Medium -and
White Clever,
Choice Timothy and
Lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Cone D
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
vs v .. tho Wapwdlepen Mills, Lu
eeruu eonnty I'a.. uud at Wil
uiugtou. Ut'luwaru.
General Agent for tho Wyoming District,
n3 Wyomingvc, Scranton Pa
3h,nl Kntlonal Bank Buildiug.
TITOS. FOKI. Pittston, Tn.
JOHN B H.Mi l II A 80N llymonth. Ps.
K. W. MULLKIAA, Wilkes-llarrn, i'a.
Agents for tho I'.i' Uioicol Com
I euy u liltfh Explovivos.
I -"' " " :
' i:i I?, r &' ri err. -a t. ! : '
Ms .
l)U-..a' I:i"i-''l' iti ba r.-iauvi-dtoSil
, tMTauiuu, l a. unat up
posite couri-huiito Bqnare)
"j Ui. A. .1. eu.N ;;;.:. t,;im i uthiiu.-tm
tZ. v"BU1r "'am Kproise strait, over
mnoke I dmi; storo. Hesidoncn K! Vlue st.
."!;'.''': M.SUtoUS. m. and S hot aud
sj)to7.a0p.m. BunrUy, I to I p. m. .
)ti. W. li. ALI.KX. Uffico" corrLaei5.
- , wanna and Waahlnttonavee,i over Leon.
aril bhoe btor.'; oUico hours, lu to 12 a. m. nud
' f p'. "Ven'uja ut lesiiieuce. luS
Vi nslimgton iivo.
) ' '",:,':'' Praotlot limited to hi
tllu J'-i'o. Kar. toss and Throat;
, ttace, 1 Wyommguvu. Resido.ico, Sgs Vine
. street.
I )K. t.AI BATES. IM WathlDetou AVeu'n. I
XJ Uluce lioui-s, 8 tu 9 .ui.. t.UMta uiul i I
w p.m. Kesldenceaug MedUon uoau
lOHS U WBNTS5, M, U. innew St and" ii
O cniinoav.-uultli building: residence Tit
HMiaonave: oSloa boon. Iff to 0, t to i f to
e; Hiuidayu'i.'iO to I. evenlugsat rtwdonoe. A
pi-olHlty made of dii eeaes of tLo e u, uu, UUM
anatnroat and gyneeoleti
1. - w KRS,
j T JI. a BANCK Law aud Collection of-
! . lire. No. HI. biiruco nt., opposite Forest
, Honsu. Bernnton. Pa.; collections tpeclsltf
1 tnroufrtiout Pennajrlvsinlai reliable oorresnoniF
i ei.'H 111 every county.
! I l;s-',i;''! ."A: ui AtWrnovs and (Unto
. ol'S ... .. v umn r...... ....... i.i. 1 fi.t
- , WD .,.,,
n o.':auiiituD avo.
w . 11. .....
BoRAI S B. Hann.
w. h. JaaauKJa
; r T neya and Oonnselors t Law, Ropubucaa
MillrtiU'.-, V uiihinetnn nve.. Seriinton, I'a.
J pATi'i:::-.)., a WILCOX Attorneys tud
; X Cpnnsellors at Law; oUloostl uud a Library
liuildixu. bciauton, I'a.
RosWBLl H. rATTsnsoa.
i jVii.i.iamA.Vi.cox.
I.I UKl) 11 .1 VI. ivn r"u7' 1'. , v",' rr"
J torncys and PoiinM-Uora, Cit
Imildiii liooins ill. JO nnd Jl.
K. Il'iYLL. Atiorni y it-Law. .0sj9 uui
::u, port building, Washington avenue
-M- ,M;;:i,V l.:v oi.oea in Pru-s
bulldog;, vm asblngton avenue.
DRANK T. OKI.LL, Attornoy at Law. Koooj
A?Jr:it','fJnton. Pn.
:-'.1LT(j:' V.. loWKY, i'Att'y Vaiin
(i a. von sToitcit (,...;,. ?'wSi?s
; - ' 1 ,1 ., v. 11, huhij.
I AMES W, OAKKOBD, Attorney at Lew,
" reoir.iBl. tl and OS, Cpmmonwoidtll fl'g,
SsJ ul'I.J X' BDAB. Attorney at Law.
1ii nnrtieiiat., Boranton, rs.
f A. WATBK8, Attorney at Lav, ia
i.ll1!jJ.l'L1l,iia""',raBton. i'a.
-11 1 'I'll. I "llio-eilor nt i.nw. Ollico,
a . rooms oi. iJtMouintinwealth bnildW
6 ' li. I'll! iiLli, A"onioy at Lair. Couy
nmiwalth btitlaiiiir. Horanton, Pa.
t - t O.MLI J 1 S. ;,. S. , UC8 '
1) ,aiii'Lou,l-E. Attorney-lAKMii nev
XJ Mated on real e-.tateeeiirjty.os8pnii5M.
! i Kli '.A.M. AttoAvai-lw.&v
XJ, oinlni; avenue. BeraBton.
IJ ion. i'a. jn-i'i;in:s lioyB and s;irLs for eollejte
6r fcu ... si tborongbly trains young children.
Cutuiuiiuu at request.
Kkv. Thomas M. Oanv.
Walteii H. Btrat.-
aud BobooL ii- Adoras avenue tfnpui
rceolvi l at ail time Next tens will opeo
April u.
Iil-.M is i s
UW, A. TAPT. U.D.S , 104 North Wash
inirton Ave. Bpeelalty in Porcelain
Bestoratlona. Crown nud Uriilc" Work.
( ' C. LAUBACU, bortteeo Dentist, No, lii
v . Wyomlns ave.
B. AI. STRATTONj .lllea Coul Banbsneai
'Phi; UO'i.'I'.LIC baviui-a ami Loan Asso-
I cistion winioan yon tn ney on easior t-nn?
and pay you ieitur on Investment than any
oilier n;ioc;iHtlon. Call on H. N. CAI.LI.N
iil'lt. Iiniio Hunk liiiildiiw
vj snu AurKorymen; etoro lv ushintftoa
ivennsi sreen now,l0 Hortb Main STenttSi
UHANU UNION 'IK a t;o Jonm Bras,
r08. KUETTBU Bi) Laafeaxranna aeenna
ft Srrntvton, I'a.. rnannfr of Wire ilpraen
tHlK Wl-.STMIN.TlCH," ' th'iu Wyommji
I ave, Rooms boated wttb fteam:
in Improvetai nts C M.I'ik man. rop,
'iM'i: i lk air.
ISJand l-i Franklin are
. ..... i.i..
1 nue. iiatea re.; i.'liaMe.
I'. y.u:o
i'. Zirouir. Proprietor,
i '
bs'l'oil ASTER HOI EL.
It , unnuvm, .
- ..,i ft. ori'T
biilociitb street, om l.loeii cast of L'luuuw.iy,
at Union : toars, Kiw T, r
Ameriran plan, fain per day and upward.
'OYNB HOUttK, Knroneaa pun; ood
v ioon etiiea day M nigb:. liar 'an,
1 lieu Wita tiiu bout.
i- It. TOYNR Proerlatot
OCRANTUN HOUhB, nsarD., u'i- yV. pa
O longer depot, CnnonetodontbeBnropeaa
plan. Viotmh Koru. Pvoprtetar,
, . IM Mt ,-1-V I'IMI '... .
v I sou nnod Out.-I in Alleuiowu. I'll.: rata.
ti ami :
160 nor day.
o hoi i'. DAnWnn, i roprietor.
I AVIS A HUtT, Architects KoonIS -l.
J :'."i snd M Commonwualth h'ld'u, Hcrantnn,
1,1 L. WALTER, Arcbiteet Lilirary uoiidi
1 j. Inn, wvoinlna avenna. Boranton.
i ' I. BROWN, Arch R Arcbiteet, fries
V bntidtna1ft1 Jldiinton Ave.,:-, -rant. -li.
; :- i' oi x.
J) mILi plcnlos, nartiss, receptions. wed
dinas ana eo icort work furnished. For tr:ui
::'i'iu R, J. Barter, conduetor, it,' Vryonlng
in-.'.. o'"i- L'u'lieii'K iiinsie store.
It lumber, Trice bnlldlnft Bcranton, Pn.
J I supplies, envi lopes. papor biujs. twine
V. uri'iiotuu lo0 Wn.'.LinBtou uve, Bcranton,
I'en IT.'-- l.lVtKY. UKl ('spouse avenue.
Fii-statass carriages. IX L rOOTE,Agt,
Fuuorsl Dlroctor . BnbaUner,
I lata tie alers in Woodware, Cordsge aod
uii Cloth, TO) W. Lackawanna svenae,
JiZKA i i.n a at bUNH, bnlidera ami coatrao1
jtir,. Yanbu Corner Ollye at. aadAdanii
ava.ieorner Asnst and Peaa ave,, Bcranton
TLo omtmrs NewBavea
New York Wiuorooins No. SO
Fifth Avt'iuio.
e. a ricker & co,
Sole elsalora in this section.
OITFICK-l-l Adsms Avo Tolephons BTd'G
Eureka Laondry Co.
Cor. Linden St. and Ad.'.ms Ave.
All kinds of Laundry woik snsrante.'!
Hie bent,
Locomotives and Stationary -Engin
General Ofii.te. I0EANT0N, PA.
mmtmum ccji 11' 11 1
SMeulfness :u-.l i oi .
timk TAnVe iv ai .
Trains leave Bewttoa :.,r 1 II
l.en, 2.1.1, 7.10 p. in.
For Aihi!.t.o 1 :f .0 ,. -..
For New 101k, ,
fexoreso) a. m , 1 .
parlor can, a.;;j a r .
For liai th Cil
hkm, lvv-ioN a: .j
ViJil. list, (. ,i
Sunday. :; 1 , p. m
..,,r l'"s' 'I t, O. I'A.N I
k.-0a m., 12. ., 0 i .
For Reeling, 1.. , mo 1
i ,ru' " "' 1
Fer Ktlevflle, ' 4
mil' , V'- , " V'
atrei t. north rtvi -. .
Lin,, 4.:i, (erpruss wl ...
p. m. btiaday, 4.:ii a. in
Leave Philadelphia,
. no. 100 aud 1 3 p
Through tiekols 10 all
may be bad on so; , .,,
ticket agent at ;h t
Sen. Sunt.
kiiil II
i.'.oS, llo and 11.8(1 p, m.
Far Bonesdale (irom Di Ii
and weatara depot), 7.00, .
in., 8, 17, 5.10 d,
For Carbondalu .-, '.
6.40, 7.00, 8.30, 10.10 a. m .
0.20 and ai p. in .
MS a. m., S.I'and il i"i , .
Fust fldrnreei to
rondaek mountain . I'
points 5.1(1 a. i.e. arriving
Baratoaa ii.80 p, m .anilleavlii
p. in., arriving at AI tinny h;
WjUi l.-'.') IU . II'. I BostO -
The only din-' ! i .a
si;d Boston. "The Li I
of AmsTloa" to tbe Adiro l-i
"orts. Ilo f.i v, u I i
Time tali'.'-s sbo rtn ; i ,
srvics between .:l , .
rare and Bndsoi . iw
oil D ilawan and 1 ds
11. U. )UUM., .1. w i
6ee(id Vie'e-I'ro -id' '! I
1 unit hi 1 1.
Train leaves Bei ,'
New Yo;-k via. 11, i, i(
2.3S and 1 1. 3'. p. n, vei ;
11.00, MJ0 thru., ml u
Leave f'r.o i
Barre via lx. L f, li.
a m . LS9, 8.60. 0.07 i
Leave Bcranton for 1-Pott-viiio
and all p
Meadow aici poti .
v.. oio s.m., v. a ie .v. iu i:.
UJtj, 4,10 p.i, v . i.
IMBa.m,, i 0
Leave Beri
ReadinA Harrl .
point t via I), i H. U. R.,
p.m.. vis O., L. i; V. ..
Ual f ia.
I.ofier;crii:o:' I f
Blmirii. Ittll i. Q
points via 1). A- II. II B.
p. ne.via TJ. I.. A- w ,
Louvo Seranton . r :
agara Fulls, Dotr lit, i
weit visD. 11. R, :.
p. m.. via D; L. .V W.
lunotlon, e ' i ,.:. l
H it., n.'lr. ie.
For Elm rs and tha wi
1). A II ti I: '' ' id ... i :
L. W. K.K., ,8.i
Pullman p ir'or .
cars ou all t: a ai i
Wilkes-Bar:-.! ami N .
Buflnlo and Bnopi n ion ' i .
C11AS. S. LKE. il-ti. Pa'
oitt !i Bethlehem. Pa,
Trains lea s -.
for New xork and ah
6.16, sou ami 0..i; m.;
Express i...- Basl u, I
and tbo South, i l", t.'JJ an
und l Kl p :
Waabtttgi .n snu w l i
TobybanB , :.e
Eipr ss lor !' o
Comma. l; tli. 1 .
Buffalo, I'AOA li IS n, in. s
dose conDectii ms ai Bull
West, Norlhwe-i -i.o .- 1
Batb aecniumod.ii io-1.
Bingham! ,n as :
Nieaol on uccouunodatii .
6 to ,'. m.
Blngbainton si i Elm i
Express ior Cortland,
Uttea and Itli bfld :
Itbaca, fci ai I
For tfortbnnib rian
Piymonth, Bloomi I .:
rJoss oonn 'i.'
WllUanup ' El -Innoa
and the Boi a,
Rortbamberlnnri nct ii
OM MS a. m anil LJUandiu
Nanttopae sua intern -.
and ILfl : -
stations. 8-Viiind 8.4! o. in
Pullnun parloi and . I
sxpieas trains.
for detail diufoni ii
etc. npoly to It. I. "
S l,iuw.uii'S;.
N'BW VORK. ONT '.. i
TIM I! IA111.1 IS l'i I ' i
Trains lruo s. ranto
8.U0. 0,Soa.m. ai-'l o 1 p.
l or Hancock J an -t
p. in.
Trains lea re !' .in
ton. iio.ii! i.tnl :' ' i m
Trains l.- ve t -:. i o-. . i li
V ','i a in. and 8.M. . : p
17BIE VM W) . -Vj
Trains leave Rcrsnl a f
tern tediate points on thai
a. in. and .'.'! i in,
nnf ley an 1 local poll I i
t&it m.
All ihe i 'i-'
itdin Rom sjole,
. ii additional train
Lake Ariel at ' p.oi. ..n
ton from ilio Lake :,t .- i . .
Traina lenvo tor Wilk
and J. ll t. in.
Ailaniic Reflni
hriM ini
v-t..l ..
L'nsood Oil, Napthas niul Gas
lines of nil grades. Ajtle Qreti
Pinion Urease ntul Colliery C
pound; also, u large li"" ot I'.
rnlliiiB Wax Caudle
We also handle Hie FfftBOns CROWM
ACME OIL, the only family safety
boning oil in tiio
YILUAM MASON, Mann.j','.
Office! Cosl lischsuso, Wyomina Ay
Wor.s at 1'iuj Brook.
JliammauD and