TTTE F CPAS TON TBIBT7NK- FKTPAY MORrN'G. JUNE 21), 1894. "- . . S"l-vo Mrou: , t atufM: fteawnci: if ' U.ui55" ': OJ ' 'XZ V 51 i "Tut uf Aioi.eCT g . ' . -,7T ' II i" 'r ascan'iM CHAPTER XXII. THE KlVElt OUBTEK& Tlio soft breath of u summer wind from the distant bilk rustled the our tains In the artist's chamber. The river glistened iu the sun. .'.iU Moxey, radiant and exoitedi Mrs. Maxey. tremulous and nppivhentivo, p when the artist opened tho door leading Into tl parlor wid ushered iti bis guest "My wife and my sister, Miss Max t v: "iv Uiwy.i. Mr. DoriisU'iii. " The 0 'i genth man i.i the black coatglanoed at tho two young ladies with his little twinkling eyes and bowed. ' iii meet you, Mrs. Moxey, tnosi happy. atl you, Miss Maxey, most happy." And so they met, the lawyer and the itrtist's sister, as everybody believed them i,i In1. tin perfeot strangers. "Be wattd, Mr, Bornstein," said Maxey. The lawyer accepted the proffer- 1 1 chair by the table, Tin1 rest followed "Have you prepared your resume of thi r reythe case, as you intended?" tl Maxey. Somehow his hair had ris ii to an alarmiug attitude, and his ' ', :- ei.mpletoly disorganized two infallible symptoms of a state of ," me i rvous tot-siou. "1 have got down a few notes, en tin ly free from technicalities, Mr. Max ey, which 1 trust you will find cover tlx principal points. 1 meant to have ni) cl rk make a fair copy of it, tut Innth vi the time. You inajr Hud my writing u tri backward at first ii t, Perhaps I had better read off the headings myself?" "Nothing wonld suit me better," said Maxey. He had chosen for himself a comfort able chair by tho window. sat together on the so fa, Miss Maxey held the young wife's hand. The lawyer drew from bis pocket a u ttlj folded package of inftnusaript As he sun othed it our in his lap he cast I - inkliug glanoo around upon his auditors If it rested longer and more lifluautly upon the face of the artist'.-si tor than, she alono kni w why. i may say to you, Mr. Maxey, bo fore b giu, that there may bo some tl rs in this document which yon now hi ar 6 r the first time. You may be at a loss to know how I obtained this in formation; but, uuf ortunately, -I shall ui il a ile t" satisfy you on that point, for the reason that I have given my pi tuis uol to betray the, uamoof my Inl rmant I havo alio added a few un ary sentences for the purpose of brii dug tlx 'I cument to u finished ilose, That is all I desire to say byway of prefo i . Shall I begin at once? Very well. Tho document is headed 'The Forsythc Case,' and thus it reads: "Twenty years ago Ansel Forsythe dthy m -reliant, who persisted, in spite of the ravages of a terrible dis ease, in carrying on a great and profit able business. The rheumatism had t ;-t- d one of bis legs out of shape and i de him a helpless wreck at 43. Ho sii fei rig 1 Ides from a nameless . which wasted him away bit by bit and bn tight him each year fearfully near: r to the grave, Personally he was anabli t. havo an active superintendence of his affairs, atel the work was done I n ki 'i and ambitions yonng man v ho had formerly been his private sec ; ta .. . a man anscrupulons and with ool any religions convictions whatever, but who, for tho reason that he came of h ancestry, was nevertheless called the Jew. "1 he Jew was undoubtedly a man of preal I denl -, for he managed the mer chant's affairs to such advantage that tl" ;. rospen -1 beyond his expectations. For thai reason the Jew is said to havo c mi Idi red the property which grew up and r hi caro as morally his own. "The merchant had remained a bach elor until v. il along in years, when ho married a fragile beauty, who died in giving birth to a female child. This child was called Ethel and was her fa ther s idol. In the will, made Immediate ly ft r her mother's death, he settled all his prope 'fy npou her. This wits de cidedly not to the .lew's liking, but ho wn ti circumspect a man to permit I feelings to be seen. He played a very di Bp game. W . m i to ' hild was not mote than a year old, he persuaded the merchant that ho ought to marry again. The poor d irmed man would have been littlo likely tu have followed his advice, but great pr nurowas brought to bear upon him. Mi dical men were found who did not scruple to tell him that marriage would undoubb dly prolong ins life. Ho thi u oonsi nted to the sacrifice. "All this while prospective matri mony had been to him a sort of abstract idi i, but this decision narrowed it down to a reality. And it now occurred to him that to many one needed a wom an. IL ro ho was, an unsightly, twisted creature, morbidly sensitive to his own di e ts. Who would marry him? Noth- pi r, said Die Jew, than to find a desirable lady. "He proved this by presenting to him the next day his own sister. Miss Rosenfel was very young al most a child in years fascinating, and, they told him, as pure as tho driven snow. At any rut , -lie soon showed that sh had no objections to making n sacri lice of herself mi tho altar of Hymen. She became Mrs. Forsythe. "The next month appeared a new cod icil In the merchant's will. A third of bis vast property! in tho event of Mh death, was to bo left to his widow. En vious people say that tho Jew made B bargain with his sister whereby sho wot to receive this third and leave hini free to gain if lie could the other two. How f she actually assisted him may never bo known. "It was evident that the merchant could not live long.' After his second marriage lie foiled rapidly, One day a shocking thing occurred. Littlo Ethel, the merchant's idoL then 18 months V"--1 1 rniSb SSMpsnON old, was stolen iut mysteriously in the rfead of night almost from her nurse's arms. The house had been broken into and many articles of value had been taken. So the object of the kidnapers appeared to be self evident. They had stolen the child hoping to extort vast sums from the merchant as a ransom. The dying man was wild with grief. He commanded tho Jew, the medium through whom ho transacted all his business, to use the most effective meas ures for the immediate rescue of his darling. But, though much money was expended and a vast amount of work performed, every claim of a discovery of the missing one proved, when hunt ed up. to be an imposture. The Jew had on infallible test of which the world km w nothing. An accident had necessi tated the amputation of one of the Iocs of the child's left foot. "The merchant's hope that he might still see his child kept hiin alive for years, but the time came when the phy sicians said that he must die. Home weeks before his decease he called his lawyer, im old and trusted friend, to ask his advice in a most important mat ter. As the result of that advice the merchant for the third time altered his will. The lawyer mistrusted the Jew, but flw merchant to the la hold blind ly to his faith in his integrity, stilltiie counselor persuaded hint easily enough to protect his child iu the strongest manner. The will as then framed pro vided that tWO-thirds of his fortune should go to his widow, and the other third, with the exception of a stated Sum, given to the faithful Jew, was to be held in trust by the lawyer and other honorable gentlemen for his dnughtor EtbeL If, at the end of !!0 years, ghe had not been heard from, her share of the property, which amounted iu nearly $000, OUO, was to go to various chari table institutions. This will was made on April 14,1875, signed and seale d in the presence of witnesses. Un April .!1 of thu siune year the lawyer was hastily summoned to att nd Mr. Forsythc, who Was dying, and who, apparently in per fectly sano mind, told him that, having decided at the last moment again to ill tor the will, he had done so iu a codicil, which he only desired him to examine as to its legality and force. Tin-re could be no doubt about that. The codicil had been added in the Jew's handwriting and was countersign d by three servants iu the house, who, in the eye of tho law, were disinterested witnesses, It was cer tainly legal, bur the startling nature of the alteration alarmed the lawyer and aroused his darkest suspicions. It re voked the provisions of tho previous clause regarding his daughter's legacy, reduced tho number of years the money was to be held for her from lit) to 10 and made tho provisional legatee, in the event of her not being found at tho ex piration of that time, instead of the charitable institutions, the Ji v. himself. "The lawyer did not let this pass without remonstrance, but the dying merchant refused to alter the testament. "I owe everything to my good Felix,' he said, referring to the Jew. 'Why should you envy him?' But so certain with the lawyer of the oxcrcise of undue influence upon the merchant's mind that after his death ho hunted up a dis tant relative and persuaded him to dis pute the will. The case was tried in court and resulted in a triumph for the Jew. The will held. "imtel Forsyte died April .'3, 1S75. The Quart decided In favor of the legal ity of the will in October of tho follow ing year, and on that day the Jew dis appeared personally from the field of w:ur and transacted such business as it was necessary to transact with reference to the Inist property iu the hands of the executors through his solicitor. Mr. Forsythe's old lawyer naturally drew a sigh of relief when matters assumed this quiet state, from which they did note em likely to emerge for at least; 10 years, Rut he drew this breath alto gether too soon. The moment the status of the will was settled by the court a now complication arose. The same Im postors Who had before appeared and new ones who had come into the posses sion of the necessary facts began to im personate tho lost Ethel and to set up successive claims to the property. Most of them were so ridiculous on the face that they did not merit sober considera tion. Others were more shrewdly plan ned and gave tho executors much trou ble. If falso witnesses could have per jured their way to wealth, the property would have been wrested from the i xeo utors long ago, but fortunati ly the Jew's secret was a secret still, locked up in the breasts of half a dozen people whose interests bade them not to speak. When the left foot of the claimant was bared, tho chances of BUCcess vanished like smoke before a high wind. "'A peculiarity,' said one, 'of this child's ankle renders your claim defect ive. The real child had a malformation which you do not possess. ' So they had brought ascrippll sand joint dist uses by the score. Unfortunately for them, they believed what we told them too implic itly. After the examination by our phy ridan and the positive manner in which he told them that there was no founda tion for their claims, there were few WA0 dared risk the penalties for perjury by .bringing tho caso to court. Our pri vate tribunal generally settled the mat ter. The few who dared to risk a legal trial have had the leisure to repent their folly in a prison. But all this took timo and work and was expensive. Tho will expressly stipulated that the costs of research and legal protection should bo taken from the trust property tself, and in 10 years there expenses alono have more than eaten up tho interest on the money, so that tho trust property to day does not amount to quite $100,000. "So matters stood on the 21st day of April lapt past. On that day the skite was clean. There was not an unsettled claim pending. The last 'Jthel Forsytho had been disposed of, and there was nothing most to bo done. Ten years hav ing elapsed since the dato of the will and the lost dimghter not being forth coming, Felix BOsenfel hud a clear titlo to her property, The lawyer expected daily a call from ids solicitor. Tho duys went by, and ho did not come. The pn pen were prepared, the property was ready, but no Jew. He did not conic. In fact, there was a groat hue and cry raised about this matter, for the Jew had disappeared as suddenly and com pletely from his home and his acquaint ances as if, unseen and alone, he had, like Elijah, been translated into heaven. He had gone out cue nighton an errand. Ho had never returned "Meantime what was to lieeonio of the Forsythe prop! rty? The will was dear and explicit on this point. In case of tho Jew s death and the nonappear ance of the missing heiress the trust funds reverted, us before, to tho charities. The trustees only awaited proof of the Jew's death to lift this burden off their shoulders. Then, like a thunderbolt out of a el ar sky, a last and most danger ous Ethel Forsythe appeared upon the scene. This girl had been brought up by a certain George and Mary Stevenson iu the country as their own daughter. They now declared that in her infancy the child had been placed ifl tlieir hands by u certain Leander Dye, who had paid them royally for her support. An affi davit, sworn our by Dye before a justice of the peace, averred that ho had stolen the child from Ansel Forsythe's house iu hope of a ransom, had been terrified by the results, of his deed, and had been afraid ever since to produce her through fear of tho Jew. "So far the oase was simpler and more straightforward, but not more plausible, than some of its predecessors. But the physician's test threw the executors into confusion. Miss Stevenson's left foot met the requirements of the case. The third toe had been amputated. At once there arose A dispute among the execu tors Some were for admitting her claim without further Inquiry, but the good sense of the others prevailed, and the rigid iuveatigation ensued. A choice list of the best physicians iu the city was tuadn up, each of whom was to make a separate examination of the scar left by the amputation and return to the executors his opinion ns to its ago. The opinions varied greatly, but the average result was oertainlyof a character to justify our worst suspicions. Tho general verdict placed the date of the Wound within a year, and there WSJ but one voice to tine belief that the am putation, instead of being the intelli gent and careful work of a physician, was the bungling performance of a per son ignorant of the first principles of surgery. The physician who hod operat ed upon the real Ethel was dead, but his standing and knowledge of his pro fession were nndmfbtedly of the frost or der. Hero at the outset was a flaw in tho Stevenson case, but could ! followed up information was obtained which let the light iu upon the whole mystery. Whilo the exocutors Wi n getting over the shook of( the firt.t astonishment cuusod by these develop ments and were preparing to proceed to extreme measures the last of tho For sythe impostures came to a sudden ter mination by the flight of all concerned in the conspiracy, "Such is the remarkable Forsythe caso as wo know it and as the world knew it a week ago today. This is the outer and surf. ice history. I havo added n brief statement of the secret history as tlie i vents of the past few days havo ntade t hem known to us. "Ethel Forsythe was stolen by tho Tew himself. From the dav of her ab duction she led a forlorn and unsatisfac tory life. Sho was brought up under the false namo of Annette Dye. She travel ed about tho country, believed and be lieving herself to be the daughter of a moral coward whom tho Jew had suc ceeded in getting completely under his thumb. She might havo been the daugh ter of that moral coward still had not an aceidt nt revealed to her a part of the truth of her situation. She commit ted the Indii en til in of telling this knowl edge to her pretended father. He flew with th" startling m ws of her fatal in formation to tho Jew. At first the Jew was paralyzed with fear,hut he wa.-. too determined and unscrupulous a man to permit the schemes of years to be dissi pated to the winds without a struggle Ho took prompt measures, terrible means, desperate means! "It is perhaps useless to inquire into the Ji w's motives for using the precise method for the removal of the heiress from his path to which he resorted. At any rate, he wrote tho letter purporting to come from the Hapgood wdmata and caused the unwilling Dye to aid him in his nefarious work. But he swore a sol emn oath to that poor, weak gentleman that his only purpose in bringing the heiress to the sea road was to frighten her a little, and that he would not harm a hair of her head. Think of the utter depravity uud unscrupulousness of a mind like that! Observe, gentlemen of the jury, the grim humor in the postscript of his letter, in which he says, 'I may be late, hut 1 shall not fail to keep my appointment. ' "The Jew was a monstrosity of heart h rauess. He could have chosen no safer method for a deed of violence, as tho event proved, and if ho had been suc cessful In his search of her pockets for the letter he hud written, which she carried in tho bosom of her dress, clews to the perpetrator of the assault would have been ntirely wanting. But with all hi; trouble his first attempt was un successful. He tried again. In tho sec ond trial he wus thrown from the win dow of the roar room of the upper story of Co Ballavoine place while trying to make an escape ly way of tho roof. "The investigation into tho causo of the disappearance' of Felix Rosenfel failed from lack of evidence. Tho rea son lay in tho fact that the only per3ou WOMEN IN SOCIETY often need the strengthening support of general touic and nervine. An- yon "euk. nervous, or idling t Then Dr. I ierco's Kavorita Prescription brings you special help. For JelicnU' women, for all the derangements disorders, and di eoses of tho ex, it lessened pain and Ss Uevcs iliiiiplswni ii backache and bssring- down sensations. The IUCCSM of " Knvorite Prescription" in curios ell the functional di rangsments. painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of women, warrant its iiiakeri in aiuiranUciita it. Your money is re lumed u no ucncUL in received. Mr"- I .1 II IU h M. II 1 Ml- KttsoN, of ,S'rtii(;lldi, S. Ijahvta., writes: " I can not nay enough for your llr. Pierce's Fnvnrlta rruarrlptloD. Par years I suffered from Irreiru iBrit)' and uterine llii- ntlity, dui now i red ns '-li db I ever did to my life. Thanks to you for your ' Favorite Pre- Miss IlitNDicRSON. scrlptlon. PBERCE er.u CURE. besides tho criminal himself who held the clew to the matter would nut speak. Thin person was Mrs. Forsythe. It is en tirely outiiido tho scope of this simple statement of foots to entor into a de-' scription either of tho character or tho life of this oorrupt and unprincipled woman. Somo time wo shnli know tho whole truth. Already enough is known to make us hold our breath with won der and horror. This woman led two lives. In one life she was the model of respectability and virtue. In tho other sho had no scruples and no decency. Tho mystery is how she was ablo so long to hide the fact that sho played this dual role from the keen and suspicious gluncu of society. The reason can idouo be found in her oxtraordiuary ability and cuu uing. This woman was a paragon of de ceit and duplicity. There can no longer bo any doubt that poor Forsythe was de ceived even as to her purity. Miss Ste venson is her own daughter, and the people who brought her up told ono truth when they said that they had al ways been paid large sums for tho child's board, though tho fact that this money was paid Leander Dye, or that he even know them before the necessities of the conspiracy brought these precious people together, is entirely improbable. "Mrs. Forsythe alono knew of her brother's connection with Leander Dye. She alciio knew that Mr, Dye had been with him on the day of his disappear ance. Sho alone suspected the truth. Tho use which slio made of these sus picions has already been placed before you. After years of secret hate uud feur and bitterness, when the wretched Dye, in a moment of frenzy at the thought of ids own degradation, dared to strike the blow that rid him forever of his un scrupulous master, he fell at once by virtue of this very deed under the tyran ny of a still sterner hand From being u tool hi tho grasp of the man he be came a tool in the grasp of tho woman, and the woman was less luuient than tho man. "In a private room on the second floor of tlio Forsythe mansion, on Livingston street, on the bOth day vf January last, tho unfortuuuOc child, who for the pre vious two weeks bad beai known to tho household as Mrs. Forbyiho'snione, took ether mid submitted to be operated upon with a cold stool chisel and a redhot curling iron. Sir. Dye, who assisted at that operation, was prostrated by tho effects for days. No more need be said for the fortitude aud strength of pur pose of the woman who plqyed the dnal rule of saint and sinner. "On the Ut of Jiuio Leander Dye, after placing his valuably knowledge of tho facts iu relation to the real Ethel Fomythe. iu the hands the authori ties, died at the city hopitaL Immedi ately following his confession tho body of a man, which was recognized from some papers In a pox'kot to be that of Felix HosenfeJ, the Jew, was found en tangled In the piles beneath tho win dows of tho house ait 20 Ballavoino place. "On the 8d of Juno the executors of the Forsytho will, with the lull knowl edge and agreement of the representa tives of the charitable institutions, which would otherwise have profited by the legacy, drew up the papers that will nniko over, legally and formally, that portion of the i'orsytho estate remain ing in their hands to Ethel Forsythe, now Mrs. Julian Maxey, and her heirs and as,siKiis forever. " The lawyer's voice ceased abruptly, and there wus silence in the room. Tho rivor glistened in the sua Tho summer wind rustled the. curtains ut the windows. Miss Maxey smiled. The artist looked in a grave, wistful way at his wife. p As for Mrs. Msxey, thero was a bright light iu her wonderful eyes, As Maxey went through tho narrow passage between the two rooms ho mtS his wife for tho first time alone sinoe the reading of the lawyer's document By the light of the gas jet ho could see her bright eyes shining through tho tears awl a feverish glow rising into her beautiful cheeks. She threw her arms about him in a long and silent embrace. Bhe spoke, but she did not lift her head from its resting place on his shoulder: "Dearest husband, it is all yours I For your sako it is the greatest joy of my life!" "Well," said Maxey, "why should you cry about it, then?" "Oh, my dearest husband, I don't ttoW) but I can't help it. " "Neither can VsaidMaxey. "Deuce take it, I believe I am its big a baby ;.s you are!" At the very moment when Max' y gave way to tears Dr. Lamar sat with a grim, contemptuous expression ubo-. t his lips at his desk, his dry eyes fixed upon a stained and almost illegible bit of writing before him, the reading of which he had just finished The letter read: Mr OsAB BUSBAO If you but knew how your cruel words lieu 1 lust saw uu hae tortured uie iineo, you would oh, I know you would haw forborno to utter tiiiun. There bss not been a day nor an hour In my lonely exile since when tbey havo not been with me. Oil, Eustace, I dkl love you, uud you have so cruelly inlcciidt'Mtuod mrl Are you Windy Ciiu yon not see that tf was for your take, for yours alone, not mine, that I fuughtout that wri'kli eil llulit for ft future? What could 1 dot t'n lortuuato iptootatloni and unwise manage ment had ruined mine. I know how iroud and SJnbltioUS your mother was. It seemed so sasy to retrieve it all I1711 simple plot which would harm nobody, bec ause they could not know that they were robbed. Besides what are poouln like th' sn to yon and met For your Sako 1 w ould have node through ten .timet worse and fought a thousand times more des perate battle Hum this rather than have had you spenk to me us you spoke to nil that Bight la the carriage. Bat all is not lost You were beside yourself, and 1 1, too, said that for w hich 1 bitterly repent Von told mo that your life vru ruined, that you had lost yuur hokt upon favor, that your practice was slipping away from you.- Come, then, with mound lay the foundations of 11 greater fortune In a dis tant place. 1 will go anywhere with you, Eus tace, to the end o? the world If uee:l lie. Ijfo oilier Woman will ever lovo you as 1 have loved you. No other friend will evur OglU your bat tles and sehume da) and night fur your ad vancement and your greatness as I will light aud sohltne. I know what my power (stiver men. 1 1 1st still great. It will make you great aud fortunate above all competitors yet, Eus tace, If you will emui w ith me. Theso are no rain w orda uttered In a moment of wilduesa. It Is tlu1olomu truth, for I knew It bettrr than you. Anil 1 nm not penniless, dear Eus tace. I liavu enough left -cuough for us both -enough to build upon, and I will make It a foundation for your future tf you will come with me, dear Eustace. I do not ask you for a sacrifice; I do not ask you fur a uiarrtuge vow; I ask you nnly-for yourf elf and your presence and your love. I will glre you everything, my self and all I hve. and ask for nothing In re turn If you will but come wltb mg , dear Eus tace. Come; eh. oomvl The light Is fading, and I cannot see to write. I am go Impatient that you shall get this and understand all that 1 olTor you that 1 1 hall hasten to the post with It myself, leaving unsaid 10 much that I might say till I shall see you. Do not stop to answer It 1 not cause to HOT goodjnr to tMa.h tun- arum me wblon you win not regretr but come on tho wings of love and passion to your FOSTEIXB. "What fools men urol" said Lamar Within, himself. "Timo was, I doubt not, when this bit of writing would huvo filled mo with a fovcr and .1 fire that would have burned down all before it I should havo sacrificod everything "l should haue tacrlflctd t verything." and rushed lfko a fool to my doom. Thank God, 1 am no longer yonng. No. Matters of this sort shall come into my life no more. I will devote myself from this time forth to my neglected business, I will build up my practice, restore my self to favor and succeed, and then" He stopped. The thought of a sweet smile, a frank aud kindly hand, a warm womanly presence, in which ho had so often in the chambers above tho river forgotten the worry tuid care that op pressed himj stole into his heart, and somehow it oheered and comforted him. THE KIsD. During the last four months of his sickness the principal food of my father, Gen. GRANT, was Bovinine and milk, and it was the use of this incomparable food alone that enabled him to finish the second volume of his personal memoirs. Dr. T. H. DOUGLAS, General Grant's physician and friend, cordially en dorses the above statement as an unrivalled food, suit able for young and old. Bovinine Is endorsed by more than 25,000 physicians. Sold by all druggists. Ti VOViXIXE CO, A" Ji IV YORK. Dr. EX Grewer Tlio T'lillndolpMa Specialist, and his nnriatei) stair of EuKllib and German phvnidnns, nro now permanently loeated at ail SI'HCCE ST., BCKANTON. Tnt' doctor is a urndiml,. ,,f thn TTnlrernihr of Ponnsylvania.formerly demonstrator of pliysl olocy and suriiorv at tbe Medico Cbirurntcal College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chronic, Nervous, Skin, fleart. Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which nro dizziness, lack of Confidence, sexual weakness in men and wo 111:111. bull riling In the throat, hpots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con Centra to the mind on one subject, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, iiMrcsBcn mum. wnu n mints mom lor per fcrminir thu net mil duties of life, making hup- fiuess impossible: distressing the action of he heart, cnusing flash of heat, dopression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thouglit. dopression, constipation, weakness of the limbs, etc Those so iilfctpd hhould consult us immediately nml be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. ; Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician I call upon tho doctor ana lie examined. Ho cures the worst cases of Nervous Debtlity.Scro ! fuls, Old Soros, t'utarrhPiles, Female Weuknets, 1 Affections of thu lye, Kur, Nose and Throat, I Asthma, Deafness, Tumors. Cimcors and t'llp 1 pit's of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and ; confidential. Office hours daily from Ba. in. to V p. m. Sunday V to g, MT. PLEASANT AX RBVAIIa (Valnr the best qnallty fur domestte nse,am of all sizes, delivered In any part of tbe city t lowest price. Orders feft at my of". . NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUE, Boar ropin. first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for the salt and delivery tit lldckwhoat CosL WM. T. SMITH. BLOOD PQES3NW I edy, undir ftltrmtr, Uriel w " Maeln Rem b SWOeilUciL il. I lib rtotnit,,iouii.frebr mill ftlkeanetflsei t .nt lilmltit.,! Inn -St unit wlmltmnu I isd IbreunlM!, Our if.' (Fred Grant's) $1150:00 Given Away !pg On August 15th, 1894, to consumers of Gail tit Ax's NAVY Long Cut TOBACCO. ALSO 50 HbEGANX GOLD WATCHES. 75 HANDSOME MANTEL CLOCKS. 100 ELEGANT NICKEL WATCHES. Save your Empty Paper Wrappers. Your Dealer can furnish full particulars. t "S 1 1 1 "i2 1 P'mie'iKSS f'll-'i'W-Wl''11 ' Aw Jiam mil SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo brand of flour can be had at any of the following merehaat who will accupt TheTribunk floor coupon of 23 on eaob oas hundred pounds vt flour or 50 on each barrel of flour. Bcranton-F. t. Price, Washington avenno I Gold It! tidal Brand. Dunmore F. P. Price, Gold Me-IM Brand. l'Uninoro-1. D. Mauley. Hnperlative Hran'l. Jtydii Park C'arrou 3c Davis, Washburn Ht. Gold Mudal Brand; 3 senh A. Jlours, Main avenue, Superlative Brand. Oreeu I(lili('i-A.L.Mrieni'ei'.iiuld Medal Brand. J. T. SI. Ule, Huperlativa. 1'iovldnnce Fenuer & Onappell.N- Main avn- nuo, Superlative Brand ;C. J Gillo,pia, W. Market utroot. Gold Mudnl Brand. Olphant -Jauits .Ionian. Superlative Brand. Pivlfvil.'o SihItT & K.lsr Superlative. Jormyu-C, U Wi tors ft Co. Hupoi alatiro AN htiald Jones, S inpsjn Co., D lid Medal. Ciubondale-B. S. Chirk, Hold Modal Brand. Houesdalo -1 N, Kostor & Co. Gold Medal. Uinotika M. 11. Lavoilti LOUIS B. SMITH in Choice Confections and Frnits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. IRON and ST NOUWAV ikon lit. At DIAMOND BXTBA SPECIAL BANDBRgON'S ENGLISH JtOSSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STEEL UUItSE fellOES TOE CALK TIRE MACHINERY SPUING SOFT STEEL ANVILS BELLOWS HOUSE NAILS WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. tittenbender &Co.f Scranton, Wholesale aud rctuil dealers' in Wagonnislters' and Black-Smiths' M'PPT.triN YOU That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounc9, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau :i7 1 a u aw Ik. ...... 1 ......... 1 A will, 1 e " bfOn other. AdaVati XfcRVE SEJElVc., Uaaoulc Temple, CmcAUO.Itl For Sale in Sorsntou, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drvj$i8t, ow 'Washingtor itirl mortice streets. IMS. BOCOBaB7 PENNYROYAL PILLS, Ask far SB. UOII'S PBSsTnOTAL PIT LB and take no other. 1ST Send for circular. AiOTT M CHEMICAL CO.. - FiirNnle byC. 11. IIAUIIIS. Dm EVERY WOMAN mm 2 fJonetUnssnoeJeerollabl.!, ine pure-it nrugs snouia be used, 11 Ton want me Deal, get Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, sato and certain In resalt. The reailne (Dr. real's) Bsyerlisaya aoint, Uont anywhere, fl.UO, Address FtAL MtaiGISB (Jlarrtland, 0. lor sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. from lac X. V. Trittmt, A'c-tU, JML The Flour Awards "CniCAOO, Oct 81. Fhe first officii! scnonncement of World's Fair di plomas on floor has been mads. A medal has bean awarded by tbs World's Fair judges to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, in the great Washburn Flour Hills, Minneapolis. The committee report the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank as first-class patent flour for family and bakers' use." MEGARGEL & GONNELL V lit I I 1 r. AGENTS. Taylor-Judge & Co.. Gold Medal; Atberto Se Co., 8uperletlve- Duryen-Lawrouce Store Co.. Gold Medal MooMt-John McCrlndle, Geld Medal. Plttston M. W O'Boyle, Gold Heist Clark's Greon-Fraoo & Parker, Superlatlva, CStrk's Hummlt-F. M. Yonne:, Osld Medal. Daltou-S. E. Finn 3c Son, Gold Medal Brsxi, .1 1 l . m .1 C Harding. Wavtrly-M-. tv. BUaa & Son, Gold MadaL Factoryville Chtrlss Ganlaer, Oold Medal. Hopboitorn- N. M. Finn 3c Son, Geld Medal Tobyhansa T phyhauna & Leliigti Lumbar Co., Geld Modal Brand. Gouldsboro-S A. Adsms. Oold Medal Brand, Moscow Gaino ft Clotnnnts, Oold Medal. Lake Ariel-James A. Bortree, Ool, ModaL Forebt City J. L. Morgan A- Co., Cjld Meds. l PARLORS OVEN FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.Mi SPECIAL ATTENTION oivkn TO Sl,"IV (PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CREAM. IV AGON WIlEELf AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STKKL SKEIN'S R. R. SPIKES SCREW & Conneil ann. Avxvtn; 'NERVESEBD8. Thin wosdvrpjl rta47 esi inlrW locur allntrtcu dll KNOW? oancH. seth ai Weak Memory. Lunof Brnlii Power, llesdacue. Wakefulness. LoslMansoOS, Subtly Gailsslens, Kervou&Djss.alTdrnlB&andloiBof power lBt!eiiorstlTetirumof cltliersiMoaiisedby oTereirtUon.ydiilUrulerrore. excessjTo une of tobacco, opium or ItiSAjalaBla. which lead te Infirmity, Cpn. auniiitlon'orinaauliT. I'an be carried I a TSt pocket. S)k perboi.6 ISrHi n fll onto! wo rlw vrrlltrn uliMj'UUtce to ell re 1 ,r h.l.l l,v ," .,ri, v'l.i. A ii f nr I L Ulkf The only safe, suro snA reliable Female FILB over offered to LadioSf especially recommend ed to married Ladies Price $1.00 per boS tt boxea for $5.00 lovuluud, Olilcs, 137 101111 Avenue. anntMy, reguistlai: medicine. Only banalSM S&4 Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue a ntt