THE STANTON TBIBUNB-ttlDAY MOUSING-. .J I J SE 'J. 1Sh. Scranfon ttitmt PonnsHco daily in Scnton. P., y Thc 7. ..UN' PUBLISHING COMFAN V C. P. KINGSBURY, QENCnAL MANAOIR. fORKOpnoKl Tribunc Building. Fhahk Cn.r. Maniqir IKTCRED AT THi- POI.TO.HCr AT BCNTOH, M.. CCUNU'C.LASS MAIL MATTKN. BANTON. JUNE 88, 804, REPUBLICAN STflTS riCHfcT. For flfoemior; DANIEL H. HASTING OP CKNTBU. I.kiitt lui.'t (Inwrnori WAM ER LYON, ai'AbLEaauxv. Jur Auditor 6( iieraJ: AVOB B. MVUN, or I.AKCASTBR. Secrtiut'it oflltrnat Affair! JAMES W. LATTA, OV I'l i . i. A l i ; i.l'i; IA. Jbr ( bnpffMmtfi -t-ai CM.IVHA A. GROW, 0 BUUQTJBHANHA. GEORGE r. HUFF, Of WlTM!M!i:i,AXI). Election Tim -, Nov. B At 'i ll': ... .1 tji ivnusr. vuiiia's De mocracy, Editor Siiiijerly res-mMee, to ii certain extent, "Yu Anoieut Mariner," drifting lu a dead ouitu mi. -rounded by a Liuostly crew of political cadavers, Let Harmony Prevail. It is Fortunate that opon mora care ful coi ilderatloD ttioaa r. ).';:sii't for tlic c;i!.i'.:: of ii meeting of tlie Repub lican c ii iitv.committee for tomorrow liny receded from Unit call. Tnere Is nothing in u difference of a fortnight's time tbat would juatify the f riotlou nod possible division which might re sail from the holding of two meetings, ouly oue of which hud been regularly cullid. Fair play is dear to all, and i! nld hi exuetid with scrupuloas fid lity, Uns fair play to the regular " flie rs of the Republican organisation in just us essential ns it is to anybody tine. Tite county oommittee, at its meet ing two weeks front tomorrow, will, it i. io tio espeote i, approach tlia const i erallon of a date for the nest county ronvantiou with prudenoa and caution. There are many candidates to bo con tidered; ami many different idoas expressed and, if possible, bsrmonlzsd. O.icf a data is fairly ehosuo, it should bo ii cceptvd without quibbling, A causs which ntt-d a special date in its bahalf to save it from defeat U gulf-confers edly weak. 'i'HB Tribune has gone on record in tiiut-.t just ia opposition to "snap-1 conventions, and goes no rsasou to recede from tbat position. If this county oommittes wants u abort 0 impalgn, lot it a iy go, frankly, if, ou contrary, it wauls a long ono, time, loo, ebuuld be announced clearly and in iima to give opportunity for reason ;;i !o preparation. Wo much mistake the diapotition of tho irussss of the psrty if they are so greatly concerned in the success cf any taau or yjt of in ii in the convention as to prefer tbat to a harmonious and united party after ward, leading up to a wholesome vic tory at the poll?. vita reference to the discussion cir ri! on over their respective signatures between ex-Mayor F-ilov.-.i and County Chairman Powell,, it strikes at, is drifting somewhat sway from tho main iscue. Ii :j the county committee, in r.ny event, which muj. discbarge tho next official action in the sUcsesslon of events leading to thu fail election. Un til that notion ia definitely announced, it is to I e doubted whether personal differences between individual Repub licans are of sufilci'.-nt consequence to cai.sti'.ute an acceptable interlude. Collector Herbixo's '.urn down of Elitor Maloy in tho matter of the J-ji-nty colleotorship for the Laiserna and Carbon district", iiifasorof Riohsrd B. Brnndnge was particularly orae in view of the petty persooutions wiilcii Jlr. Maloy had enlf red at tha haiids of Carbon faotions anxious to disir' lit him. It 13 no secret that Jlr. Maloy had obtained tha most solemn of iif, surances tint he would receive this nppolntment These assursQoes did not coma from Senator Barring liinsif, but they did some dtreotly from 8eus Mr Herring's political master, William V. Barrity, I; Is a new Illustration of the uncertainties and deceptions of politic, Kit tor Mulos' H not be blamed should he begin to evince a certain measure of coolness iu his fur-thi-r advocacy or Harrityism, Hfpson Ree;ardmis Immigration It wi.l lie several vein s before tho de mati of the California Republican pli tform for tho complete exclusion of for i-rn born immigrants will be heeded in this country. Such a time may newr gome We doubt if it ought ever tocome. Su.:: a policy would bo an ix reme one, almost as illogical as lias been t'ao abUSS of tho words "American hospitality" by whioh they have been made to warrant tho no checked kfiux of foreign paupers, criminal.-, Vagrants and lunatics. A sufficient protection will have been achieved when immigration is hon est, y r Ktricted to include only the sober) industrious, law-abiding and Bef-snstainlng Immigrants from the old wo; id. We need all of those we can i;t. Their blood and their brains uud their brawn, mised with our own, go to inako the sturdiest citizenship that wo have, As a graft ou a troo sometimes bsstbi iffeetoi rsnewing and augmeotiog the tree's original vitality so tho addition to our Yuukee population of tho stalwart, honest im migration of Europoun countries quickens the pulses of our national life nud makes us a sturdier, broadnr minded uud hetter-duveloped people. This is altsady roved iu a thousami insinnoes. It is proved in the lusty titisensuip that has developed among the Scotoh-Irish in this couutry ; and among the QfOtOll and Welsh aud Irish and German elements Another geners tlon will so it de-uiuiistratsd with reference, to tho better class of PoS and iiungStiane, Russians and Italiaus R presentstives of the best elements among these imuiigrunti stand today Upog an equal footing with the I ire most of our purely Yankee population. They ore lOJOQg tho leaders iu our politics, our soclsl Hfo, our pnsiness una our religious activities. We could not do without them and we woul 1 be better off had we more like tbeiu. Tho whole troubU has been tbat the ntcry aguiost tha unfit loflux into our citizenship has beeu digtorted by dem agogues IBM a Hweepinz reflection on all foreign-born classes, until it hm been difficult for the rospectablo class of immigrants to distinguish tho truth It should be made clusr to them, tbat they, as much as any other, are jeop ards I by tho unchecked Inpour of t;; oriminals and paupers of continental Europe, They, lilc th intiviBtA, ru by this Indiscriminate 11 od, Imperilled in their worksbops,tbelr offices and their homes. Those o( them who have oome biro honestly, Intending to stay, owe it to t.'temslves as well as to their adopt' ed country to help bail out the unde sirable elemsnt whioh his leaked through our Impsrfeot restrictivo laws; and to then help ootton and caulk the dan ger-breeding cracks. Those who do not know wiiat this "new Carbondala" that thoy talk so much about really Is should not fail to got a cony of tho magnificent indus trial edition issued last evening by the Carbondala Herald. It will explain tho subjset better than anything else that we .;now of. To begin with, there is a newspaper part of twelve pag IS, or ity-six columns practically till made .-it home, and containing oarefully worded expositions of all the vsrled interests of ths bustling Pioneer City its mines, manufactories, railroads, store?, hotnis, banks and prominent business men. Then as a chef A' oeuver, fit-ro is a dainty souvenir portfolio of photo gravures em toned and calendared paper showing many of tno pretty and imposing public buildings and homes of modern Oarbondals. Tho Issue was one of the most creditable achievements ever contributed to the local literature of Northeastern Pennsylvania; and we must heartily congratulate onr sprightly young contemporary unon this convincing evidence of its ability, enterprise and success, Candidate Lyon Is Frank. I huving been asserted that Walter Lyon, the Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, had. while statu senator, favored the repeal of the speo lal Sunday observance statnte apply ing to Allegheny county, and was, therefore, adverse to a wholosoms ob servance of thu weekly day of worship and rest, Mr. Lyon has addressed let ter to Edwin K. liart, ona of tno dir-tc-torn of th Philadelphia Sabbath asso ciation, explaining his true attitude. The letter will not pleaso everybody, but it i nevertheless frank, straight forward and BXplioit It is as follows: 1 believe in the Christian Bab bath; and believe that the Sabbath, should bu the same curuuubout the state, and that ttio laws regulating it should be uniform tbrougfaunt the state Under our present constitution nil criminal laws must no gen eral, uud the special law relatinn toAlle- gbeny county couid not now bo placed upon the statute books. That law nn poseda greater penalty for violation ol the Sabbath in Allegheny oountythan In any other parts of ths state, and was an taken advautage of for tno purpose of btai kmall and private persecution that it became objectionable to people w ho aro Sabbath observers and favor ju.,t laws regulating it; and many thousauds of p.-o. pi from Allegheny comity petitioned ;Ih legislature for repeal of the law so e.s to briutf Allegheny county exactly within tbelawB of it;m with the other counties of the state. I advocate tho re peal, and am now in favor ot it. Ag to your inquiry, as to whether I favor the modifi ation of ths act of 1704, in the di rection attempted by Representative Fow and others at Barrisbprg in 1803, 1 can only say I do not know what this modifica tion vriis. I entered the senate near the end of the Si wion and nui nut familiar with any legislation tbat b as been proposed upm the subject, except tho repealing act Whioh i have just msOtlOUed, i beliovo in a just enforcement of ail laws against crime, ami Includs iu tiiis category tho lawsagalnst unnecessary worldly employ ment -.Hi the Sabbath, The Hiiuimury power given magistrates iu the act of lTili is ob noxious and should bo amended by con ferring jurisdiction up'-n the courts of quarter sessions over offenses against tho Sabbath, as over other criminal offenses Instead ofailuo of ft. I would increase tho penally to any amount necessary, by making a maximum flue or imprisonment or both, In th- discretion of the court, ami punish tbovlolators according to the gravity of the defence. You ask if I am in favor of excepting railroads from Um act of 1 794? I answer, no. As to USWspapera, I believe that the Sunday p iper bus come to stay, and the great majority of the people aro lo favor of them, but their nil- should be so regulated that deliveriesshould bo made early in the day, aud crying aloud their saloon tha streets on Huuuay should be prohibited. It vill be observed that ?ir. Lyon dots not bids bouind evasion, Hs speaks ri'iht out. Thu oljction raised to Sunday nswspapsrs by mo?t persons is, first tho frothy qnalityof their contents in many Instances; and secondly, tho noise and turmoil croated by tho hawking and crying of thorn upon the public streets, Thu first ob- ,j lotion cannot bo oared by legislation, since it would involvo nu unoonstilu tionnl censorship. As to tiie second, there Is a spirited differenos of opin ion. Mr Lyon speaks his mind frankly, TbOSQ Who do not agree with him m;is, nt least reifpoot his can lor. If Sunday papers, which aro mostly mad) on Bat Orday, weru distributed (jiiiitly early I an I iy morning, the plea of civil din turbanos could not be raised, whatever might !" said with reference to the spiritual side of tho question. THE WlLLIABSPORT Times is tho la test good newspaper to adopt tho good newspaper rule against anonymous sommunioations. It "does not intend to longer assume responsibilities which do not boloi.g to newspapers; it says What it bus lo say in plain English, as its thousands of readers nro aware, ana givi s its reasons for so doing, It now denies to correspondents privileges which It does not iiuMf claim, and Will not hereafter publish communica tions unsigned by writers' real names it holds tbat if the motives of corre spondents nro what they should be, and what they write is worth printing from any point of view, correspond entu will not obj ict to having tuoir names attached to their publiaiiod ar ticles." This doctrine is sound to thu core, Let every tub staud ilstly ou its own bottom. There is no other honest attitude tbat it cm take. THEM is always danger of getting lobrSidsd, Dr. Wellington II Loiicks effectively counteracts this tendency to ftjpr as it efteiete students of t-nrrent scandalous disclosures by saying this honest word iu behalf of tho iguored hone-st men of tha land: 'Am-rican Oltll uiship is ths best in character and Iq epirit to bo found on the face of the earth. The efforts of the strong and thu faithful ure about us aud our vic tories are not to be overlook!. Whils utteulion is oallod by the dally press to friueu: crimes and betrayal of trust, wo must not forgut thoso hosts of toil or who are holding thslc places and discharging their duties wltn humble fidelity, T ey shrink from no task and ia their attitude they make a firm stand for the right. Tncse Hive, permanoney to our institutions," It is well that crookedness should get Its full duo of publicity. Nothing kills it more effect ively, But while the ugly side of things Is being hold up, it should not be forgotten tbut there aro yet plenty of boUSSt, ioithlul and law-abiding Amerieans io all portions of our land. There is no eall for moral dyspepsia just yet. It is believed that the most ambiti ons politician in Benin ton does not envy Caeimir-Perier the recent honor conferred In his el ctiou to tho presi dency of Franco. Au executive situa tion over the month of a volcano oar nes with it a dogrse of uncertainty calculutod to wither the ambitious of the average office sssker, and to an ex tent reconciles th ordinsry man to the serenity of orlvate citizenship, S THE Coffee Cools. Tbsboard of ii9nltli or Philadelphia at h recent meeting adopted health rules tor tho cue of Infants during the hot season, which can be observed with favorable r.-sulis elsewhere, The rules embrace the following excellent suggestions : Bathe the child one,- n day In luke-wnrm water. If it is feeble, sponge it all over twice a day with lake-warm water end vinegar. The health of a child depends much upon its cleanliness, Avoid all tight bandaging. Have light flannel as the inner garment .".mi the rest of the Clothing light and cool, and so loose that the child may have free play for its limbs. At night umbos it, sponge It and put on a slip. In ihu moi nliiu rem ive the slip, bathe the child aud dress it in clean clothe, if this cannot be afford ed, thoroughly air the dsy-cloth-ing by banging it op during the night, The child should sleep by Itself In a cot or cradle. It should be pat to led at regular hours, and be t.-.ught early to go io sieeo without being unread in thu arms. Without the advice of a physician never give it any spirits, cordial, car minatives, Honthinir syrups, or sleeping drops. Thousands of children die every year troin the use of thrsu poison". It the child frets and duos not sienp it U either hungry or olue ill. It id It needs a physician. Never quiot it by candy or by cake; they aro the common causes of diarrhoea and of other troubles. Give ih i child plenty of fresh air. in the cool of the moraing and;y I vening have it OUt of doors for a little; take it to tie- shady side of bnmds streets, to t uu public squares, to tho park, or make frequent excursions to the rivers, or to thu au! tarinm. Wbouever it eeeius to s;;:t from th- bent, let it drink tre -iy of water whioh has been boiled ana cooled by Ice. Keep it out of the room In which wealth g or o Hiking la goins on. It is the excesslt o heat that destroys the lives c-1 ji infants. e Keep your hones sweet and clean, co I, and well aired. In very hot weather 1 r tin-windows bo open day and night Hi your cooking iu tho yard, in a shed, iu the garrot, or in an upper room. Whitewash the walls every spring, and sue that the cellar is clear of all rnobish. Let no slop collect to poisou the air. Correct all foul smells by chloride of lime. This article caa be got from thu nearest druggist, who will itivo the needed directions for its ns.-. Make every effort yourself, and urge your neighbors to keep the gutters of yooretro -t or of vour court clean, if, uufortnnately, the child must be brought up by hand, it i hould be fed on a milk diet alone t hat : -, warm milk out of a nursing boitlo. Goat's milk is the be.-,t, and next to It, cow's milk. Be sure the milk is unsbimme I; have i;. ii. fresh as possible, and brought very early In the morning, Before nslng th i pans Into which it is to bs poured, always scnld thorn with boiling suds. Iu very i.or weather, scald tho milk ni soou n comes and at once put away the vo holding it :n tin? coolest place-. in th-. house--upon ice if It can bo afforded, r down a well. Milk carelossty allowed . i stand In a warm noon ipjill ami b comes unfit for food. If the milk should disagree, a tablesp wnfnl of limewater m iy b- added lo each bottlefoL. Whenever pure milk oennot be got, try the conden sed milk, which of ion answers admirably. Tim nursing bottle muel bo kept perfectly oieao: otnerwiie tne mua win turn sour, and the child will be made III. After each it should U emptied, riuseil ou', t-iken apart and the nipple and bottle placed In clean water, orlu water to which a little Soda On tren inldeil. It is a good plan to have two nnrking bottles, nud to use tbem by turns, The best kind i.i too plain bottle with a robber nipple and no tube. Op not wean the ohtld jnat before or during tbe hot weather; nor, as a rule, until after its seaon l summer. "If the child is suddenly attacked with vomiting, purgiug, and prostratiou, semi for a d.-ctor at one. In the meantime nut the child for a few minutes in a hot bath, then carefully wipe It dry with a warm towel, and wrap K ia warm blank ets. If its bands and teot are cold, bot tles filled with hot water end wrapped iu flannel should be laid against thsm. A mush poultice, of u .j mode ol flaxseed ii.ivl, to wui.-li one iin .irie-r part ..' mn - tard has boeu added, or flannel wrung out ot hot vinegar ami walur, ihonld be placed over the belly. Hy drops of biainiy (a a teaspoon ful of watsi maybeglreu every ten or tifteeu miu utes; nut if the vomiting persists, give this brandy in equul parts of milk ami llioe-water, it tho diarrhoea has just be gun, or if It ia caused by improper footi, u te.i-p i.mfui of e-nsior oil, or of Liu spice. i syrup or rhubarb, should be given, if the child has i i iu it 1 partly on other feed tao mother's milk idouo must now b' used. If tno child ims been weaned, it should have pure milk with ime water, or weak beef tea, or chicken water. Tin child should bs allowed lo drink cool water sparingly, but not ico water. Ml The scarcity of snake stories thus far this seas iu has boon tho causa of considerable comment iu the journal istic fraternity. Notwithstanding the healed statu of tirn elements, which usu ally brings a large crop of yarns in referenoo to serpents of various kinde, the Stoek of talis thus far bear thu uu inistokabl - stump of warmed over ma terial. With tho exoeptlou of o west ern contribution, which gave an ac count of the. rapid ride of a bicyclist who bowled, along ths highway will two snakes tangle i in the spokes ot the Wheels ot his m tehtue, a lirst ciass snake story not h"n proluced, 1' is evident that the enak.s of t i -present age is taking toomuobsngai sud water In "bliu,"a practice whioh has n demerallslng eff ol 0( u'iou iu muse of the replih s sea It is pleasing tO Hide that the work upon the Berauton and Blmburst bogle v.ird moves merrily along. l''iveor six niileH of th road have wen completed ou the Blmbnrst end of tno ime ami work upon the bridge over Nay Aug falls is already QOder war. As t'ao en torprlss begins to assnms tangible form tho benefits of thu new road b - coma ssora appstant aaoh day, Than seems no question that ths bonlovard StOOk will bu among ths gilt-edged sc c iritlesof tho future. 10 4 Tha rsc.ut numtier of Cjfoiiqa con tains a charming article by Editor T. P, Byder on the sceaio attraatlons ol WUkes-Bsrre, coupled with photograv uresthatdo ample justice to the'sab- joct. Jdr. Byder is one of the promin ent cycling enthnsisets ot tb-s oonnty sent and knows both bow to find the plctnrerqun spots of the Wyoming valb-y and also bow to describe them, when found. a Joseph Olennon. of West Pittstm;, who has just, wi;h bis partner, Mr. Hughes, agreed to contribute Kli) towarl the p.iving of M.dn Htreet in ! Ittston, does not ngr with tha opin ion that before Pittston sbonld have decent envois it ought first to iorin it self into a city. ''They talk," says he, "about Scrunton and other places be coming bug . nud prosperous cities by annexing villages clou by, but if they did they first made great ImproVi ments in streets and bnildinss, and we cannot have a city hero until wo do the shim thing.'1 Mr. Olennon is about right. Ihi.util Kfot Lie Do m u. t. Qcranton Record As long as wh have laws for the enforce ment f e ipitiil punishment, they should not lie dormant, but should bs put in oper ation, a fact which most assurnrly would have a salutary effect i n those who are so ready with their death-dealing weapons. gingerly as a Humorist, Wtuhington Po$U The following joke Is from the pen of Colonel William Slngerly, Democratic can didate for governor ot Pennsylvania i "A downtown man Who owns a hornless goat calls it Oleomargarine because it is no butter." Well, Wo Bhon'd Say So. " WtukingloH Hss. Undoubtedly Mr. Hinci-rly could edit tho Riato ,t Pennsylvania with ur.-nt ability, but there may be some difficulty In elevating him to the gubernatorial tri pod. HISTORIC Pf!LLELS. Like nrent Kapoleon, Coxey aimed r At fame, and on it glned His eagle eye, but now be knows As Nappy did, tno awful woes Of innocuous dcB uo tndel Brooklyn piaglt AN IMPORTANT UIFFtHeftCi. Beneath tho biasing sun he toiled All day upon a yacbti But after hours he couldn't work lie said "Twas too blamed hot" -AVk- York Herald. Furniture for Summer Cot- Rattan and Reed Parlor and bitting Hoom Suits, Couches, Rockers and Chairs, D-.L ni n 1 j rorcn onairs, itocxers ana Settees. awn Swings and Canopies Baby Carnages and Re frigerators. 131-123 H W4SH1H6T0M W W ICE CREAM Do you make your own Cream? If so, bnyaTEIPLB MOTION White Mountain Freezer. "PROZEN DAIM I IBS' A book of oholoe receipts for Ico Cream. Sher- list's Water leco aro pooksd in STsry PwTl8o. a full lix, of Refrigerators,Water Coolers, Baby Carriages, Hammocks, CO. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest io toe City The latest Improved for nlshiwis and apparatus for kcepiin; meat, bu ttor and og'S. e?3 TfToialoa Ave, BUY THE FURNITURE Firewor!( I Bonne CQUBSEN, CLEMONS W For many years this Piano lias stood in tho front rank.-). It lian been admired so niueh for its pnro, rioh tone, thai it has become a Bt&ndard lor tone quality, until it is considered the higiicat com. pllment that can be rilu' lll'y I'inno to say "It resembles the YEDER." Mro now have tho mil control of this Piano for this leotion us veil as many other lino Pianos whi(-l) (i an-selling :il n'.iUy reduced prici'i aiul oil easy monthly payment! Don't buy until you seo our goods and got our price! , GUERNSEY BROTHERS' 1EW1te7 Tv7 2 AriW.r,' t., vi '.;,. :3 'v .' wv..., ' wnntiwuouu'UlOUC UUCS III I Hill. 0' au LiOeiaO Swisses witll nlpQt. rut linv A, .!-. ,.i mL I - , ...v.v.n. - .xLiji uuto, xieju Ul1UVii icltCI than the seeds of a grape, and Swisses with the larger dots and floral designs, all in their pure white airiness. Over aivtv 'styles. No such collection elsewhere. Mm And other Lingerie 1 ai SUCil Vei'Y OW nriPPS and HI Slirh a lnrer arriv s . I::- of designs. Special sale of Gowns at 49c. anc that are the greatest value we ever offered. PAIN'S COLUMBIAN EXHIBITION FlKfclWOKKS, ROI KtDTS, CANDLES, SIINBS, BATTBRIBS, BAUCI8SIKUHS, DISVIL AMONGST THE TAILORS, VEttTICAL WHEELS, WHISTLING JACKS. ALSO A FULL LINE OP Fire Crackars From Baby's to the largest Na 9. Also ivietor American Ci'.nuou Cruckers io nil siz?s. Parties, Soc-iotios, Citios and Towns desiring to yivn displays cun suvo money by coatu'itin:; in. icl: cueam, candv, etc . at bottom prices. 9DD( ;i unsiLLin muuL II I 'HW' A . 314 Lacka. Ave. SO A Fall Assoitscut. L etier iwm Books i j o OUR SPECIAL: A ."lOO-pago 10x12 Book, bourn) j 111 0l0in siiecP L)acli w comers, i yutiraiitucil lo givo sulil'iclion, c i &QC, I : E STATIONERY Am RNORAVINCk tJ fl n IItiIOiC! etaiionira and Encr-.vsris, 317 Itaokawanna Avo. Dr. Hill & Son Albany IS fct teetb, l-eat not, f for (Old fnps ami troth witoout platen, ealled erosro sad oHago Wort, cull f r pi-icivi nmt rt-fernnoi-i. ITOKAIiOIA, ir estrae(iag teesa without (niiu. tu ollivr. Mo-as. OVKH FlUbT KATIOK.IL HANK. rvl. C. A. UUILDIIVJG. e n iifii i mm 3 est Tliinls - - i sn - c loat in 500DS Chiffons, Jaconet, Duchesse, Batistes and Sateens. What a can buy now at 5 cents per fast colors. now found upon our TJ-A THS 6 .;'..( i'l y A I'.-ivii a 'P'fs H ' jj ioi v-'y, .'' tt ;) wesrn .iSbw. ' of A yiklJlKsMw tendlBg NJirSV:- ' .,y Syjr-.-;J-, coniWotoMue. I'peu vnmg Call or svud tom for oetaTogoes. 1 Iter wm ?s1fi2illltSili!liUi!jlCii8UKillssUltlli!l!nini:ultKll YOU WILL- 9 PMflllll I yiUW Tbo comfort and coavenience of our LA-SKA till you h.ivo ono iu your lionii. Tlu-y comumo very little ico and will keep fresh meat for throe weeks iu the hottest weather. We hove many styles and sizes. ITE k MM C Economizers 513 Lackawanna Ave. PIERCE'S MARKET Fanoy Homa-grown i RED RASPBERRIES, i STRAWBERRIES, OHEEBIHS, &C. Do not wait latnr than tlltl wet to buy Strawtiorriia for c.iunintr. PIERCE'S MARKET j and Get the I ' Best. wSSfTEHUE- Ginghams, Dimities, handsome dress you yard, and warranted counters I IS S3c. ' ' COLOMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY, ;li:i.i J . ; . ii t'm I: ,-v-l- ' I ill" a -ii.ii- fur londlnK Whouls of ad aredosb prepared to guarantee natisfsotlon. Those in. to pnn-iiMc aro Invited to eall tad examine IS IT NOT A BEAUTY? 1 na na THE GAITER S STS Globe Sloe Store I 227 LACK A. AVE. Ml Evcii-iss PowrII THE OLD RELIABLE Tolpflnhian HBUieooiiiao Will be held by ths Caledonian C'.ab, of this city, at Laurel Hill Park ON JULY 4 A largo number of nttraotloos art down ou tho bills and ft good liun ta iy be expected by all w!:o nro present. DAISY DAWSON, tlic Cliampion Child, only 7 years of unc will sivo a grand entertainment well worth the )tici of iidmiitslou. ALL THE USUAL GAMES A the Delegates from nil parts ot tho United St,it.-s and Canada will bs pivsBiit, this will undoubtedly be a gain day. Street Cars every throe uiinntes. Admission, 25c, Children, 10a Grand Stand, 15c. Dancing Free All Day Grand Picnic in the Evening. ADMISSION, 10c. Wedding Riiio:s. The best is none too good. Ours are 18-k. n siZ3S aild wei&llt9- LLOYD, JEWELER 423 Lackawanna Ave. tft Inserted in THE TlildiUNE at the lute of ONE CENT A WORD. ! : 7) v -";!.(. , 1