The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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' II Foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co
Punch Cigars
B. & Co.,
fmprintol in Eioh ClftRf.
8arney, Brown & Co. Mfr's.
COVBT HOUBJt syt ii.iv
WaltJr E. (Jhnse, or life New York
World, is visiting frienda in the city.
Mrs. S. Simou nnd daughter, Flo, of
Loi:k Haven, are vieitiug at. the residence
of F. L. Wortnser ou Penn avenuo.
Rt. Rov. Bishop O'Hara visiteJ PittUon
yesterday und attended the commence
ment exercises of St. John's academy.
Rov. E. L. Miller, of this city, ha been
elected president of the Lutheran League
which was organized at ilorrisburg on
Terrains receivod in this city announce
the safe arrival at, Southampton, England,
on VYednL-sdn-, of Jir. uud Mrs. Everett
Misses Anna Carbine and Kate Flaherty,
of Green Itidtre, have returned from Mans
field, when- they attended the commence
ment exercises at the .State Normal sehool.
R. B. Brunuage, of Wilkes-Barre, has
been appointed deputy internal revenue
collector for tho Luzerne, Carbon aud
Northampton district, vice S. L. Lacior,
lire. S. D. Vanbuskirk, of West Lacka
wanna avenue, aud .Mr. William Bowie,
of Ocnldsboro, are visiting relatives In
New York an-t Atlantic City. They will
be absent sevoral weeks.
A party of 6chool teachers composed of
MiRses Margaret McAndrew, Mary E.
Lynn, Sarah O'Connor. Mary Furral'l and
Margaret Mitchell left yesterday on a
pleasure trip which will include a visit to
Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto, Can
Boles Coverninc the lirbavlnr of ra-eeiy-urs
in the "Cage."
When you wish to take an elevator ring
the bell until the ca'e appears in sight. It
Is true that in most instances elevators
move up and down continuously through
the day, so that there is no absolute need
of your ringing; hut don't neglect to ring.
The elevator man will appreciate yemr at
tention if no one else does. It is natural to
suppose that he loves the chattering of the
beil. He may not thank you in words, but
he will remember you all the same.
When the car arrives at your landing
stand immediately in front of the door.
This will prevent persons in the elevator
from getting out too quickly. Besides it
gives you an opportunity to ohserve hu
manity hindered in its progress a sort of
tudy Of arrested development.
Don't notify the elevator man where you
want to stop until you have passed tho
lauding. Then say suddenly, "I want to
get off here." This will cause the elevator
man to reverse his car suddenly, turning
the stomachs of the passengers inside out
and causing them to think a gnat deal of
Don't leave the elevator in a hurry.
When you reach your lauding ask the ele
vator man if ho is suru he has made no
mistake, and whether or not he is certain
that number so and so is on this floor. It
may try the patience or the nusengen, but
patienco is a virtue and sbou hi be exercised.
It is always a good thing to smoke in an
elevator, or at least to let your cigar smoke
while you hold it in your hand. Many
people are affected as if by seasickness in
an eWvator and t he smell of tobacco smoke
may prove a counter irritant.
If there are any ladies in tho car of
course you will not neglect to indulge in
euch loud conversation with your compan
ion as will convince tho ladies that you are
a deuce of a fellow, don't yer know. If tho
ladles do not enjoy your talk you will en
joy It yourself.
IMt be possible stick your fingers through
the wire side of thoielevator. There is no
doubt a pleasurable sensation in having
one's finger broken off-; aud besides, it is
tho business, of tho elevator man to warn
his passengers against danger. It will be
interesting to see if he is attending to his
business. Boston Transcript.
Work tone by the Peausyrvanii Oral SobOOl
for Ibe D:af.
It Wilt Be Opened in November.
During the School Year Which Has
Just Closed Sixt-Five Pupils Were
Instructed Manual Training Will
Be an Important Feature of the
School Work.
After a prosperous and enceessful
yer the Pennsylvania Oral school for
the Deaf oloseil June 15 and tin sixty
five pupils departed for tiieir homes.
I' is exp voted that when the school
opens this fall with the new girls'
building completed and ready for
ooenpaney that the list of scholars will
number nearly 100
It Is gratifying to note that when
the scuool closed not an accident h id
occurred during the school year,
neither had therj bleu a serious case
of siekuifss. Daring the year tho girls'
sewing elms was Btarted and the boys
j were given instruction and
tainuieut by means of a shop. Next
season it is proposed to establish a
j manual training department tor the
' toya au.l from year to year the depart
! luent will be extended uutil a uututr
', of trades can be learned by those who
I a', tend the school.
I A visit was nude to the school by n
; TRIBUNE reporter yesterday and it can
I hardly be comprehended that the large
, Institution of today is the outgrowth
of practical ayuiputhy on the part of a
few Scranton woman to msisc a few
deaf mutos in this city. When Henry
Belln, jr., visited Philadelphia twelve
years ago for the purpose of studying
to.' methods employed ior teaching the
deaf no thought was entertaiued for
any other tluu a -i,.i school. His at
tention, however, was called to the
oral method and Mr. Belin beeame so
eutuused with its practicability that
the method was eventually decided
Tile first school was Itwrttd with
twelve pupils Sept. 10, iu the
chapel or the German Methodist
church, a memorable pi ice for the be
ginning of many notable undertakings,
Miss Mary Allen, of Canter, a pupil of
Misi Banna Lrarret, wiio started tho
oral mntliod in Philadelphia, was eu
gaged as touchnr.
The bour 1 of iu lb85, appro
priated 1,000 toward maintaining the
school, and Miss Garret, who was en
gaged the previous year, became both
priucipil and sole instructor. From
i this foundation grew the $20,000 con
tributed by private citizen and the
breaking of ground in 1888 for the
present magnificent bnildiogs, three
in number, and connected by areaways
and covered porch's.
Miss Garrett resigned her position in
1801 to establish u home for the train
ing in speech of deaf children before
t'nev uro of school age. In bor stead
was engaged Miss Mary B, U Brown,
:rom the oral department of the Ala
bama Institute for the Doaf.
Mis') Brown is still the principal of
the school, aud was assisted during th
past school year by the following staff
of teachers: Miss Jean Christmas,
Miss M. Pofell, Miss Frances Heea,
Miss Auna M. Richards, Miss K. L.
Bryarly. Miss Ada King, Miss Connor
and Miss Church. J. F. Geddes has
instrueted the boys in wood working.
The nurse is Miss Virginia Moore.
To the credit of Mrs. C V. Sohuellor-
mann is the healthful condition of the
institution and the pupils, and the
comforts of home surrounding the
The bonrd of officers is as follows:
President, Hon. Alfred Hand, Seran
ton; secretary and treasurer, Henry
B-Un, jr., Scrauton; directors, Hon.
Alfred Hand, Rev. 8, C. Logan, D. D,
William Conuell, William T. Smith,
Charles H. Welles, E. B. Sturges, Hon.
L. A. Watrss, James Archbald, R. J.
Matthews, B. G. Morgan, Henry Belin,
jr., Scranton; Rev. T. F. Coffey, Car
boudulo; appointed by the governor,
Samuel Hines, Scranton; Hon. C. E.
Rice, Wilkas-Birre; Thomas Ford,
Pittston; John Jerinyn, Judge F. W.
Gunster, Scranton; John B. Smith,
Recently the girl pupils have been
quartered in the main building and
the boys have occupied the addition ad
joining and to the south. Wheu
school opens in November the girls will
be located in the now addition to ths
north, and the uiaiu building will bo
devoted to offices and tho purposes of
the staff of teachers. The new addi
tion in process of construction is being
erected by Conrad Schroeder, under
the state inspection of G. T. Matthews,
it is of native stone and of the same
nninber of square feet as the southern
addition. Ail throe buildings aro of
the same style of architecture and are
connected by arseways and
Mucii might le written or euid abont
the remarkable sucoess in teaching the
deaf und actual mutes to articulate,
but two cases are sufficient; a little
girl but 0 years of age, as innccont of
the moaning and nature of sound. eg
any Object without lifo, could articn
Into u vocabulary of fifty words Juue
15, after being in the Institution but
one achooi year. What ths fall 10-year
course will accomplish can be easily In
fer! ad,
At tho beginning of the term a bny
18 years of age entered the sohool. H
eaine from a backwoods home where
during ths I at few years he had been
used as a veritable beast of burden by
his ignorant parents. In winter he
was harnessed to a sledge and hnnled
fuel from the forest, His work in sum
mer was of a like nature. When re
ceived at the school the stairwny and
its pnrpose was as uuknowti to Lim as
it might have been to a enr
age. He showed the same ignorance
in regard to other commonplace
thltiKS. Wheu he deported for tho
summer v.icetioo he went as a human
being, HIl former stooped shoulders
had been straightened, his crushed
spirit had been fashioued anew, ho hud
been tiinght the purpose of articulation
nnd could speak a few words. The
next nine yean will result in teaching
him to make fci: thought! known to his
follow beiugs and he will go out luto
the world with n purpoae iu life and
the endowments for earning a living.
The County Coramltt-e Meeting Will B
Held on Jlly H
Tbo trouble over issuing the call for
a meeting of the Republican eouuty
lorBinltte- to Cx t !iue for holding tho
county coiivcution is ar an end.
Secretary J, W. Browning, wno is
sued tho call for tbo meeting on next
Saturday, yesterday withdrew it und
accepted the date fixed by Chairmen
Powell in his call published iu The
Tlillil V.Rtnrituv in,, mm,, a'!....
call fixes July 11 as the time for hold
ing theeonmiiuee mooting.
The Addiilonal Contributions Rtcelved
for Its Support.
Sinoa last report the following con
tributions have I'oen received: Miss
Merrill, $5; S C. $1; Scranton Repub
lican (printing), Uj G. S. W., ifo; C. S.
W . $20, Previously acknowledged,
187.00. Total, $220.65.
Further contributions may bo sent to
Rev. Rogers Israel'or to A D Holland
or to William A. Avery. Applications
lor admission to tho Summer h m may
be made to Rov. Rogers Israel, Wyo
ming avenue; A. D. Holland, 000
Spruce street ; 0. B. Dermal), 281 Frank
lin avenue; Mrs. G. L. Dlckion, 521!
Jefferson avenue : Miss Elizabeth Sherer,
723 Madison avenue, or Mrs. J. H.
Phelps, 710 Linden street.
ah advertising matter, news items and new
subscript! us. if left at the following business
places, will be promptly attended to: Zang's
barber shop, v, est phial's store. D. W. Humph
rey's pharmacy and A. J. Maluorlg's.
Tho Bcranton Athletic club held a regu
lar meeting last evening.
St. John's school commencement exer
cises will be held this utternoon,
Professor tins Smith has moved to Birch
street, ou this bide, iroiu tho central city.
The Bavarian Beneficial association met
at Storis' Hall on Al.ier street last even
ing. lii's Kate Ordnuug, of Buffalo, late of
Bcranton, Is visiting friends on Wiiiow
Druggist L. 1) Powers, hns hi coumu,
Mr. Harry E. Brown, ot Bethlehem, as a
.Mr. and Mrs. "rid Hover, of Cedar ave
nue, lost their 5-niouths' old child, Frank,
Wednesday uiubt.
T. O. McCoy and M. A. Sweeney, ol
Chicago, are visiting James Couuery, of
South Washington avenue.
Mr. und Mrs. Joseph II. McNally will
begin housekeeping on Orchard street.
They have just returned from thtir wed
ding tour.
The funeral of the lateT. J. o'Couuor,
which was announced to take place this
morning, la postponed until U o'clock to
morrow morning.
Tho handsome 3-story house of Mrs.
Miua Ujbmsou ou Cedar avenue is ox
pegged to be completed and ready for oc
cupation by August.
St. Mary's Glee and Dramatic association
organised a luaenerclior, of which Profes
sor Ackeiiiiaun is leader. They will meet
every .Monday eveniug.
Kev. William Wuudorlich left yesterday
for Germany where be iutouds to make
hia home. lie was accompanied to New
York by Diu;;gist Korunehur.
The cost of Druggist Terppe's now
house, which ia being erected ou the cor
ner oi bit cli street aud Cedar aveune, will
be 110,000. It will be a hsud'-ome 2-tory
brick building. The brick laying is being
done by Mr. Stipp.
July 4 will be celebrated nt the Central
Park Garden. A base ball game will be
played in the afternoon and a grand dis
play of llreworks will take glace in the
evening. Admission will bo free, and the
public are cordially invited to attend.
Patrick MuOolre furnished the music for
the dancing ut the eelect party which win
given by .jr. and Mrs. Lavelle Wednesday
evening at their homo on tho corner of
Brook streot and Stono avenue. Refresh
ments were served early. About thirty
coup'.es were present.
The commencement exercises of St.
Vary's Herman and English school on
W ednesday evening proved such a gratify
ing success that "they were repeated last
evening for the benefit of those who were
uuable to itain admittance the niahtbe
fore. Professor Johnson presided at the
piuuo. The programme was rondered in a
most clever aud pleasing manner by the
little tots, who showed evidence of careful
training by their teachers. After the en
tertainment a social und danco was held
Th choir afterward terenaded Rev. Father
A sun rise was tendered to Miss Katia
Rosar last evening by a largo number of
young friends. The affair was very ea-
Joyuble. lue dancing was continued uu
til uu eurly hour, and some pleasing molo
dies were rendered by the Ornheua Quar
tette composed of tho following: Fred
Hughes. John Hughes. Ueorce Siumon
and John Stetter. Those present were Mibs
Aggie and Jlamie ilaggerty, .Mamlo Con
way, .liadw Kennedy, Katie McNirhols,
Minnie Flanifihau, Mamie Rosar, B. Eugeu,
Lida Burrett, " Kate Fleming, Maggie
junrpuy, Kato uavigan, birah and Alug
gie McDonald, Annie Rief, Ellio Regan.
Mamie Collins, Maggie Hopkins. Marie
Docherty, aud Niel Buddy, James and
rrank JlcDonald, Daniel Jordou, Paul
Seller, John Martin, John Brogau, M. J.
Carey, Putrick Qrifliu, M. T. Uowloy.
Marti u ilaiiley, John Coyne, Joseph
..oiau. dttiueB uevine, dailies 1-lyuu,
William Luxemberger, Edward O'Malley,
iinum liume auu i routines: u tiara.
Mrs. Mary Goodwin and Mrs. Jones, bolh
of Waterville, N. are visiting friends
on this sido.
Rev. L. C. Floyd and family, of North
Hyde Park avenue, are summering at
ucean urove.
Mrs. Henry P. Steward, of New York
city, has returned homo from u visit with
friends ou this side.
Rev. John Wintsrh will conduct services
in Boers' (lull, 301 North Main avenue, to
night. All are invited.
Mrs. Sarah Jeukins, of Pnilad ilphia, is
the guest of hor eistor, Mrs. William Grif
fiths, of North Sumner uvoiiuj.
D. J. Thomas and daughter Rebo, of
Pittsburg, have returned homo after a
visit with friends on this side.
Miss Bertha Powell, daughter of County
Treasurer D. W. Powell, Of North Sum
ner avenue, is visiting friends in Phila
delphia. Joseph Kine, a huckster, was arrested
yesterday on North Main avenue for boing
drunk and disorderly by Officer Jollier,
lie. was taken to the station house and af
terward received a hearing by Alderman
Johns, who discharged him with a repri
mand. A pleasant, lawn party was held on Wed
nesday evening at th home of Conductor
Barney McGill on Tenth streot. Among
thoie present were Mii-ses Bridget and
Kale McCarthy, Ray and R-a Beckett,
Agnes Nealle, Laura Nealon, Jennie Jones,
MaggiH Blavln, II. Urav, Hello Slaviu, Kate
Sullivan, Mrs. Frank Powell, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Rittenhouse, Mr. and Mrs
Mulronoy, Mes-is. J. McCarthy, C. Lamb
P. Murray, M. Ritchford. P. S. Ruane, W.'
Powell, George Zinlell, J. McLaughlin, J.
Lightford. J. Collony and Mrs. M. Lynott
and Miss Maggie Gavin, of Pittston.
The funoral of Mathias Audrews, aged
68 yours, who died at his homo on Hamp
ton Btreet ou Tuesday, took place yester
day afternoon from his late home. Un
dertaker M. F. Wymbs convoyed tho re
mains to St. John's Qerman Catholic
church where Rev. Father Fricker ofil
ciated. St. Johu's Catholic society, of
which the docoutfo'd was a member, at
tended In a b"dy. The floral offerings
were numerous and beautiful. Interment
was made In St. John's .Jermyn Catholic
cemetery. The pall-bearers were: Johu
Wagner, Anthony Deuuebaum, Mathias
Flesch aud Mr. Kramer.
By the ktnduejs of the Epworth league
of the Simpson church there is uwaltiug
the people who can reach the Hampton
Strent Methodist Episcopal church this
evening a most excellent treat. Somn
weeks since this leacuo gave, for the bene
fit of its own exchequer, an entertainment
which they termed "Ye Olde Polices' Con
certo." This was lieteued to by a packed
houso and all were delighted with it. This
is to be repeated tonight as a "benefit''
for the Hampton street league There are
no reserved scats. a'id tho admlulnn l in
cents and tho crowd Is expected to be
grea henco the early comer has first
choice of Si ats. Ice cream Will be sorved
Iu the parlors promptly at the oloso of the
Buy ihe Wsbsr
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros.
William Hull and Ttionus Hunk, Jr., Tell
Their Stories Id Court.
Charged with Taking Some of Mrs.
O'Connor's Household Goods.
Michael Whelan Became Excited
and Talked to Colonel Fitzsimmons
with Vifsor Closing Testimony in
Tobey Ctfse Heard Given to Jury.
Before Judge Archbtld In the main
court room, the trial of William Hull
and Thomas Munk, it,, the Carbun
dsle young m-n who are charged with
arson, was resumed yesterday morning.
The entire morning session wh con
tained iu listening to tstiiuonv far the
defense. The evidence offered was for
the purpose of proving an alibi.
William Hull swore that on February
10, the uight the tire occurred, in com
pany with Ehvurd Udell, he went to
the lions- of his grandmother and re
mained there until nooll the lies' day.
The lire did not occur until 10 o'clock
on the night of February 10. Hull's
testimony wns corroborated by bis
fathoi nnd mother, his two brothers
and by Edward Odell,
Thomas. Munk, jr .twore that ho was
living with his aunt at Simpsonville on
February 10 About 0 o'clock on that
evening he returned from work and re
m :iued in the house for the remainder
of the night. His story was substanti
ated by Mis. Mary Dly, his ount,
and by bis cousin. Attorney Joseph
O'Brien made the plea to the jury for
the defense in the afternoon. He
spoke an hour. District Attorney Kelly
addressed the jury for tho comiuon
weaJth. Judge Archbald dulivaed his
charge nnd at 4 45 the case w.u given
to tho jury.
Before Judgo Uuuster in court room
Ro. 2 a case was tried trial drew a large
attendance of Dodgetowu people. Mrs.
Sarah Collins was charged with lffiving
stolen a quantity of the household
goods of Mrs. Mary O'Connor, an a?ed
lady, whoso husband diid licit October.
After his death she stored hor house
hold goods in a barn aud went to livo
with her eon. On the same lot with
the barn was a double house occupied
by Mrs. Coliius aud Mrs. O'Brien. Oa
March 27 the barn was burned down.
The allegation is that several days
before tho lire Mrs. Collins romoved a
quantity of Mrs. O'Connor's goods from
tuo burn ani stored them in the attic of
her house. At all events, on officer
armed with a search warrant found the
goods iu tho attic, although Mrs. Col
lins declared they were placed there by
Mrs. O Brisn, vihn oouutded the other
side of the house. Colonel F. J. Fitz
simmons conducted the prosecution
and Attorney Charlos . Oliver the
A large number of witnesses were
examined ou each side, the tnajorty of
whom were very garrulous It re
quired the combined efforts of the
court uud attorneys to hold them down
to the case at issue. While addressing
the jury Colouel Filziimmous some
what criticised Miohiel Whelan, one
of the witnesses, intimatiug that hu
was u witueas for revenue only. This
brought Mr. Whelan who was sitting
in the rear of the court room to his
"I'll makd you prove that Filzsim
monel I'll make you prove what you
said!" he shouted. Right at that point
Tipstaff Hitter Interfered and Mr.
Whelau subsided. A moment later
Mr. Fitziiramons referred to Mrs.
O'Brien aud the Ire of that worthy
ladv was aroused.
"It's not trua yer honor! He
know's its not true 1" she cried as she
held her babe with one hnnd and
dramatically punched holes iu the au
mosphere with the other. At 3 30 the
case was given to the jury which had
not agreed when court adjourned.
Prosecutors not appsuriug in theto
caBes verdicts of not guilty woro tak
en and the costs placed on tho prose
cutors. Autoluo Mukaluskey and
George Drosoobage, assault and bat
tery, A. Lotzklonovuge, prosecutor;
Powtll Plenovsge, Antoine Mukulna
kvy and George Droscabage, assault
and battorv. William Boras, prosecu
tor. The closing testimony in the case of
C. L. Tobey, charged with larceny n d
receiving, was hoard yesterday. At
torney John F. Scragg addressed the
jury for tho defendant Btid Attorn y
, C, Newcouib for the prosecntiot'.
Judge Purdy charged the jury whicu
retired at 4 o'clock
The North Knd office of tho BCRAMTOM
THIBUNI is located at the Lewis DniK litoro
wbere subscriptions, advertisements and com
munications will rcc lve prompt attention.)
Tho Father Whitty sociotv have ar
ranged ou excursion toNowY'orkon Au
gust It
The Excelsior Hose compauy have ar
ranged for a clam bake on July 4 ut
Fi ear's grove.
Charlos Berry has commenced btisiuess
ns a cigar manufacturer ou North Main
ii venue next to Teal's the jeweler.
Hector Davies has been elected ou the
committee promoting the ontertaintneut
at. tho Welsh Baptist church, July 3.
Mrs. McLoughs, who met with an acci
dent at the Bull's Head hutel. Is now al
most recovered aud will return home to
Washington avenue today.
Tho committee of the joint excursion to
Farview July 14 request their friends to
secure tickets nt au unrly date so as to al
low nriaugemonts being completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Corson have left Provi
dence for Binghamton to take up their
residence in that city, Mr. Corson haviug
been appointed to an excellent position
under Messrs. Hill, McLean aud Williams,
of Biiuhamtou. Mrs. Corson is a daugh
ter of Mrs. Humphreys of Wayne uvouue,
aud her many friends greatly regret her
A civil case was heard before Alderman
Williams yesterday wheu Ben J. Davis, of
the Garfield House, sued George Crump
for 13 balance of rent. Crump leit the
house on December B. lb'J3, and the actiuu
wss brought to enforce payment. The
defondant presented n bill for worg done
as ortfer.d by Mr. Davis which amounted
t --I'.. The alderman gave judgment for
SI3 with interest since December uud
costs. Defendant gave notice of appeal.
A largely attended uieetiug of the
Father Whitty society was held iu their
rooms lbst eveulug uuder the presidency
Picnic Parties,
Excursion Parties,
Athletic and Other
Societies, cm havo POSTERS of thB
nust attractive kind, anil
of the bast workmanship,
pi lr.ted at short notice at
of P. T. May. Among other business all
the captains were elected to the board of
investigation. A motion that the major
and captains be exempt from dues was
lost, but It was decided that the librarian
bo exempt. ome discussion took place
upon the report of the bugle corps com
mittee, from which it appears that the
bugles would be ou hand in a few days.
The committeo will moot on Saturday
Tho Y'oung People's Temperanro society
of the Primitive .Methodist church of Mar
ket street. Green Ridg, held its semi-annual
meeting on Mouduy evening, when
the following officers were elected: Presi
dent, George ihowthcr; vice president.
Miss Magglo Lewis; secretary, Thomas B.
Savage; uasistant Kcretary, Mra. Minnie
Russrll; chaplain, Robert Cuthbortou;
treusuier. Miss Elizabeth Cathbertson;
ushers, Mrs, Mugcde Llttlejohu uud James
Atkinsou, and Miss Ida Savnge, organist.
The report was read and showed that the
society was In a healthy financial condi
tion. The members contemplate the rais
ing of (I (JO towards the reduction of the
church debt, which is a moH praiseworthy
object to work for.
At Laur.l Pill.
Don't miss the Caledonian games at
that ll-CiilM' Minnie mill urutl
park, Laurel Hill, ou July 5. There one
win see uu Kinus or auuetic sports done
by the beat of athletes. A number of
snecial features will ulmt hn ulmwn i
there will be no lack of diversity of entor-
iMiiinioni. io sameue?s ao.iut this, out a
continual chuugo of programme from the
Sl.irt to th e- ,1 If fa a tt.ull.Vnnn.ti (-., ..,
that, the Caledonians are the old reliable
caterers to puuiio tastu and thut what
ever they undertake to du, is done in the
best, nl fashion l.iiilrim, f..r liu l,un.l.
tome street parade ou the 4th of July, of
.l.:n.,..11..! l - ...all , , .
iu iuii particulars win oi puuusueu in
u day or two.
7 -
We have REDUCED prices on
BABY CARRIAGES, as our stock
is too large. You can buy a
good JJaby Carriage for tho price
of a cheap out).
For Wedding Presents r Fur
nishing for Summer Cottages, we
have a full aud complete line.
Lamps, Dinner and Toilet
Sets, Etc.
n6 Wyoming Ave.
$1.50 Per Dozen
In 3 aud 5 lb. Tails.
Eggs received Daily from Ihe
Home Poultry Farm.
437 Lackawanna Ave.
A. W. Ju risch
vletor, Qendron, Eclipso, Lovell. Diamont
and Other Wheels.
To those branches 1 devote especial atten
tiou every afternoon.
Ofllce and forge at the ISLUJIU CAURIAUE
Graduate of tho American Veterinary Col
t rrtscul ihf Moit r-tipnlsr and rwferrrd hv
fiti-.diii arises
Wrorooms: Oppesite Columbus Monument.
Washington Av. Somnton.0,
t OOF tltinlna ond aolderlnff all dono away
" with by tot use ol Hautmanh ' at-
KNT PAINT, which consists of InmwAI ....
well-known to nil It can bo applied to tin,
Sulvanized tin, sheot iron roofs, also to brick
wellinira, which willpruvor.t ulisolutelv any
crumlilirtr, cracking; or breaking of the
brick. It will firming ol ny kind by
many yeurs.aiid It's cost duos not oxceod nuo
fifth that of i bo cost of tinning. Is sold by
tbe job or Oontructs t.iKnn by
a.njomo UAUTMANN, BJ hirch St
Fi -r. tr' ,f . . .
1 .'7 .
You Need Them
And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be
wilder you at their immense stock of thin
goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool.
Our novelty in summer goods is a
Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and
Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for
Martin. & Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
I the Fflfthinn
This week, as we have made an
extra effort to give you Special
All our $3 aad $4 Trimmed Hats, cut to
All our $5 and $6 Trimmed Eats, cut to . .
All our $8 and $10 Trimmed Hats, cut to . .
200 pieces Satin Striped Lawn, with col
ored figures, worth 15c, cut to . . .
150 pieces B'lack Satin, with small colored
figures, worth 18c , cut to
We have 'em in both
stores; all sizes, cloth
and silk.
Christian, Ik Hatter
412 SPKL'Cfc ST.
It's a Great Shock
to the folks who aro clalmin? they undersell
ill others to find that without the leust fuss
nr bluster we are Hiving oustomirs tho ban
tfit 01' such opportunities as t
A Mtrlotlv iii. 'i Grailo Lie et-Weight
Whi'.-i, It!) pattern, : r s)l 10 eoah.
IH;:1 pntteru, 91 0 Wheel, let W.A.
I SIM nttem. MOO W heel, torlSS oath).
These uncos make tho business at our store'
Pants, Hose,
Gaiters, &c,
Belts at
. $1.98
. 2.93
. 4.93
12; c.
Wo have h small lot of thort Einbroi a- K
etiee, bought at Bankrnnt bale, to U!
close nt lee th-tu HALF VALU:.
A Fine
Worsted Suit
for Men,
in colors black
and blue, for
' i Imi llril
Clothiers, HoiiersFurnishEra
Another Advocate of
OK N'T L KM KN It nn..rls mp grrnl
j pi. h-iui to statn tlmf jour new prorcm
i of extract 111 l? tni'th ir.m 11 i-i-mul .ni-rn.. la
uiy . OHse. ami 1 beurtl Iv n cum m curl MM
all. I ilneerely hope thut uthcn uin
taat its merits.
Yours rcsprcirnllr,
CAl'T. t. l. BBVAMT, iiorauton, Pa,
Henwood k Wardell,
816 Lackawanna Ava
Will on and nfter Jluv iiihIcb rt Rreit redan
tloa in the prices of pletse, All work i;uae
evnteeu flrst-cluss in ovurr um-iicular,
Scientific Eye Testing ires
By Dr. Shimberg,
The Kpo-lillst on tho Kye. Headnohes neff
Mervousmvw rolieVed. Latest and Improred
Stylo of Bye Olaaaea and Spectacles at the
Lowest I'rioes. Beet Artificial Kyee inseruxl
ifor !.
tot SPRUCE ST.. op. Old Poet Oftlosv