The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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JUNE 'JO, 1894.
Scranlon Tak(s Two Sum Urn UtMBl
fflUMBt Even a ftf,
Harrieburt; Defeated by H.iileton,
Pottsviilo by Allentown and E.iston
by tha Reading Club Standing of
lha Clubs National and Eastern
League Results Pertinent Basi
Ball, Cycling and General Sporting
QXrvA8E ball panes
1 , played yesterday by
j J the State league
.ir-'.i cln'tM did not ma-
tsrisHy cbni( tii
" standing of any of
''' 5 the clubs iu tho
eagtiv, t.tcepr, possibly, to strengthen
tbe oneness of Scrantoo to maintain
her bold to fifth pine?.
The follo'ivim: table gives the per
centage! of tbe olnbt.togatber with tbe
nntaber of uam is won and lost by eiic!',
and their itandlog in tho ciiainpiontmiji
Won. LoHt.
Barrlabarg 89 io
Allentown BB in
Hnaleton 99 IS
IVr C't.
,8 13
Reading 98 99
Boranton 91 -3
PottovlUe 17 91
Altoona 17 99
BaitoD 7 i3
HarrMbarg at Bcranton.
Aliouim at Haslston.
Pottsville at Eaitnn.
Reading nt Allentown,
The RalDmukJis Wert Vjry, Vary Etsy
for Scran'.ou.
A crow! of about "iiiU persons saw
the h"ine team take two names from
Altoona yesterday afternoon by tbe
corei of 10 to B In the first, and 11 to 9
in tho uoond game of suvau innings
The result w.iro not duo so much to
the credit of the home team as to tin
utterly demoralised and raijed work
of tbe visitors, who in their present
coudition would he veritable pie for
the amateurs of the Yonng Men's
Christian association, bcuibjl, AI
tootia's pitcher, started the first gam
in fairly Rood form, but lot heart after
livi itininus had been played and
twirled only with the intention of rin
Inhing the agouy ijui-.-kly as possible,
lie was also assigned the box in tbe
second game, bat after the third iu-niu-j
simply tossed tho ipbers over the
plate. At the b it he was more effeot
ive, and, with Third Baseman Hart
man and Center Fielder Walters oon
trl bated toward the rnn-gettinc
Probably from lack of interest the
field playing of the home teum was
only of a mediocre quality. That tbey
did plenty of stick work dating both
games does not In any measnre re
dound to their credit. It was merely a
two-old-oat proposition wait for the
ball, give it a SWips and then canter
ovt the bags,
.Mr. McGinnls, the ronnd-bodied,
red-faoed, bappy-golaoky little adju
dicator of bas: ball, coutribnted anew
to tin opinion that he will go down in
to hibtory as a rank and dismal f alnre
in hia chosen calling, Although the
orowd hooted and yeiled when Tow
Headed Donogbae lounged In from the
second b.:,' to make those mild kicks
for which he is noted, it was apparent
that Bcranton rot the best end or most
of the decisions Hsrtman and Bonibal
also took decided exceptions to Mr.
UlcGHnnia1 mandates in the earlier
boars of the afternoon, but finally
accepted their medicine as inevitable
mi 1 submitted With very wry faces.
Mabony, Scranton's recent addition
to the pitobing end of tbe team, occn
I led the box in the secoud came. II
is from St. John's college, at Syracuse,
He has a very larg.' list of curves and
does not sesm to confine himself to one
more man another, Ho was touched
upalittlo livelier than u really good
pitcher ought to b, but Aid Well, all
things considered. Appended are the
Uetiiled scores:
First Game
n. a. ro. a. k.
Hogan, c. f i -j j n
etzel, Si 1 . ii 4 n
Patoben, c l i u ("
Rogers, rf l i a 6 a
Pnelan. sb l a 3 u o
Btalta, l. f 3 a :i 0 1
Massey, lb 1 9 a
Westlake, 3b a 1 1 0
lJodsou, p 1 1 0 1 0
T-tu 10 10 -M U 4
n. B, po. a. r.
ot--, c 0 9 5 0 1
waiters, c. f 0 0 1 0 0
Ponngman, b. s 0 0 0 a 1
Bartman, :i! 1 3 1 1 g
Donoghne, 9 b 0 1 1 0
West, lb 0 0 n 1 0
AlbenbgCk, 1. f 1 1 B o 0
iriflitli, r. f. 1 1 g n 1
Bcbelble, p 3 1 0 1 1
Total B 9 !f 0 ,j
Cote oat for nut touching third.
Hcranfon 3 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 3 '0
Afroona 0 1001011 3 a
Batned nine Sersatoo, .: Altaooa, 9
Two-iws. hits hogan, Patonen, Massey
Cote, Barlman, tirifflths. Throe-UiVi
hits Bnrtman,, Scheibie. Balk-8ohsibel
Stolen bases Rogers, Phslsn, 9 staitz
Cote, Bchelble, 9 Double plays Massey
to Pnelan, Donoghne to West, West to
Donoghne. Btruek out By Bodson, 81
HcbeiosLa, First base on balls By iiod.'
t-. a. 4. Hit by pitcher PateheO. i'ase(l
balls Patoben, Tlmeef game 1.88. Cm
piro McQnlnnass.
St cond yuiue
B, It. PO. A. K.
, Hogan, of ;i :i a 1 g
Wetael, 9 4 8 s 1
Patcben, rf a :i 1 0 0
R igers, c 3 :i 0 9 0
!': clan, 3b... 113 10
StnltJJ, If 0 0 10 0
Massey, lb 1 1 7 -a 1
Wo t lake, 3b 3 B 0 1 0
Mahooy, p 1 1 1 0 0
Total 14 i 91 10 "3
i It PO, . E.
"te, lb 0 9 8 0 0
Walters, c f. 1 i c q n
Yoongnsn, h. h 0 1 a ,1 0
ilartmn'i, 3b 1 2 4 0 1
Donaghne, an 0 0 j i 1
w.'st. r. f 0 1 0 0
Asbrabaeki 1. f 0 0 0 0
(.lintiiF, o 0 0 3 1 1
BoheiDle, p 0 0 1 1 1
Totnlri 3 5 31 a 4
Bcranton 1 3 1 B ( 111
Allo-na 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 3
Barnd rutis Scrantou, .1; Altoona, 1.
Two ban Mta Wstas), Rogert, Pnelan,
Westlake. Three base hits Westlake,
tolsn bsses llnK'an, Wetael, llarlnian.
Double playe Rogers to Phelao, Bogan to
Msstey, YbDngman to Donoghne to Cote.
RtrOOk out Hy JVlalioney, 0; by Wciiciblu, 1,
First base on iialis Mnhuney, 4: Boboible,
1. Passed balls Oriffltbs. Time 1.55.
At Husk-ton
Hasloton 0 0
Barrisbarg.. 0 0
Hits Haslstoa,
rors Bssleton. 3;
9 a 0 1 2 ii B10
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4
14; Harrlsbnrg y. Br
llaniuburtf. 7. llat-
teries Jordan uiui
At Allentown
A Hen (own .,,.1 0
Pottsrille l 0
ton Alli'Uiown, 4
iloore, bprofel ami
0 0 1 0 8 97
0 0 0 0 8 04
PottarlUa, 10. Kr-
Pottsvllle, 8. P-m
uuil Millina; VViUuu
and bii'.id.
At Beadlng-
ileiuliug 1 0 0 2 0 1 J
Eauton 0 0 0 0 0 1 u
'J 0- 8
0 ii- 1
Bite I! aline-, II; Bail n. 10.
ftoimiaif, -; Easton, 4. Batteries Jobn
son ana Qoodbart; Cnnunlngs and Lnvoili.
A: I'lr.v'ojrg
Plitubnrg o 0
lliooltlyu :( o
0 0 3 0 1 0 4-7
II 1 1 C 0 0 0 -11
Hits Pittsburg, 10) Brooklyn, is. Er-
r, n Utshurc. 5: Uroo Itlvit. 3. HaKerics
Killen, Raston and Merriti Kennedy
cm) Kioslow, UOipire-McQnald.
At Cliicpgo
h.u'Ro 0 0 0
New York 0 1: 0
Hits Chicago, 0: N
Chicago, C: v Y
00020 88
0 3 1 0 a x-o
1 York, t. Errors
rk. ". Batteries
Tern-, Butcblnson and Slttrsdg
ami rarren, 1 mpuo Lyncn,
At Louisville
Louisville .3 0 0 0 a 0 a 3 0 0 311
Phila'e'p'ia.9 3 0 ! 10031 0 0- 0
Bits Lonisrllle io. Philadelphia 98,
Errorsr-lfonlsvllle B, Philadelphia 1, Dat
.terles Bemming and Earle, Carseyand
Brady. Umpire Gsffney.
At devclaud
Cleveland 8 3000 0 0 1 u is
Baltlmoro 1 0350110 0 u
Bits Cleveland, IS; Baltimore, 19, '
rori Cleveland, Baltlmoroi Batter
ies Knaus. Cuppy and Zintmerj Mnllaue,
Inks ami Clarke. Umpire Stage.
At Cincinnati
Cincinnati 0 01 01 0 1. 9 x 6
A'ssbington ..0 0000 1 0 0 a 4
Bits Cincinnati, n Washington, 0 Br
rors Cincinnati, 41; Washington, 8. Bat
teries Chamberlain, Vaughn and Murpbyl
Maul and iicauire. tJuiiiire Kmslie.
At St. Lords
Stljouts 3 119 0 0 0 3 111
Boston 9 10 0 13 1! 819
liits Bt. Louis, is; Boston, IS, Drrors,
St. Louis, 10; Boston. 3. Batteries. -Ctorkson
and Miller; stivotts and Ryan.
(Jmpbro Burst,
9; .Springfield,
: S;ir!!igf!elu, 0
13 (first
Buffalo, 5; Troy, o, (Brstgame.)
Buffalo, 10; Troy, 0 (second yaiuoj
Tiio No. 0 School club defeated tho Sa:n
:ur Avenue stars by a score of 14 to u yes
terday. T.ia Eeefe will join the Cincinnatis
about the end of the week, iio bss ac
cepted their terms.
Buck Bwing has fallen on.' so much in his
play that Cleveland crnn.8 are ciniuoriiig
for a new right fielder.
Gaffuoy made his reappoarsuce ts a
league umpire nt LonUville Tuesdsy. Phil
Towers also officiated nt Pittsburg.
Aufinn l Btiii laboring nnder tho i:n-lu-oiisiori
that i: will sseure Pitcher Car
ter of Yale as soon as tue college season
According to the ofiicial avfltagM tho
New York clu'n han but three men iinieiiL;
the first fifty batsmen. Tbey ars Doyle,
Davis and Van Haltren,
Anson is the only league captain to ob
lerve the rules strictly. He ha-i forbidden
his playsrs to say a word to tile umpire,
preferring to d j himself.
The Electric Social club Wlfl play the
Bcranton Athletics a gams r.f bnli at the
Hollow grounds on Sunday nei: for 10
aside. Gamu called at 3 p. BJ.
here is harder bitting and bigger scores
In tho league games this season than for
many year. It hints the public, Judging
from the vast crowds that, are attenuiog
the games.
The Bellevue Pounders c'oallsnga St.
Thomas' College club to gaim of ball on
Jnly i at U o'clock. Answer tbrongh The
Triboitb, Morgan Morgans, manager;
i.i ..--o Liewisa captain,
i ) is si theJeaturOs of tli playing i f the
lias 9pn : basii rum,, a i of Dan
Broatbers, "Wiiut do you pitch to
Brouthersl" was asked of Bntenison. "f
send in a straight ball," said Willie, "and
th"n 1 pray."
Fisher has been loaned to Buffalo by
Cleveland, and pitched against Springfield
yesterday. Cleveland bought him of
fciiffiilo last tall Tor $1,000, but didn't find
him fust enough. Fisher, pitched for
Boston theemiy prtrt of Isst season.
Tbe base ball club of Nj. 181, Young
Men's Institute, O'Connell council, of Mi
Hooka, challeges any cmb of any council In
the county to a game of hall . tho Mt
nooka grouuds. Answer through The
Tribdkb. John Egan, manager; P. F.
( InslCk, captain.
The Electrics, of Taylor, aud the Unions,
of iiyde Park, played a Very exciting
game yesterday on the Riverside gronnds
at Taylor. Tho latter won by a icoro of
11 to 10. Scoro by innings:
Electrics 3 o 4 o 0 o I 10
L nl-nis 0 3 0 5 3 3 X 11
Jet i i',ett was laid of at BtLonh and
lined 823 for iudiffersat playing llisil'.e
Is one of the kind that goes ana, not one
that is Imposed for effi ct and then r-.-iiut(id.
alaaacef Tebeaa thinks a good
deal of Jess and the lattsr knows it, but
T. beau Will taiie no fooHsbacM even from
his favorites, mid Barkettis at times just
a little bit inclined to perpetrate fo
M of a mote or less marked type. Pitts
bar Chronicle-Telegraph,
The Philadelphia nmungompnt is male
lug strenuous efforts to get new players.
Tuompson has rejoined tho team and is
playing with one hand wrapped up ill
bandages, elements wfll scarcely be able
to play again tLis senson, one of the small
bones in his right foot being brokpu.
Never In the history of base ball has any
dob been to unfortunate la the matter of
numerons accidents to its o lay bis as tbe
Pntlsdslphlsi have luon this year, In the
beginning of tho s"asou the i'luiiiilHlphias
lin t what looked Ilka a likely pennant
winner. The club Is negotiating lor
Chard and Boyle, the Cincinnati battery,
now with the Atlanta Bou there league
club. Catobsr Boyle is a brother of as
Philadelphia player ot the same name.
in a letter to a friend in Harrisborg,
Pitcher Meuney, of the Barrisbarg elnb,
tnys: "The storms pabUsbsd la the news
pHperstlmtl told .Manager Arthnr Irwin
of the Philadelphia club, thai I had a sore
arm an absolutely Without foundation.
My arm is ai good and strong as it over
Was, uud PrssldeBt .Meyers knows it. I
shull COntinao to pitch iu every other
g line, audi hope I will win all otthuin.
as 1 have le t lost u game this Reason . 1
did not care particularly about going to
Philadelphia, as 1 had promised Manager
Bornls to play iu Louisville if 1 could get
my rulniiHc from Barrisbarg, I don't think
li win wanted me very badly, as he bit i
mated that ho did not wont anyone to -
con playari for his club but Himself, ami
he ssemed lesions Of the tact that Colonel
Rogers had beau negotiating for mo with
out consulting him.'
In an interview yesterday Manuger
Irwin i aid he did nol consider the Pemi
nylvania league a fi uitf ul recruiting fild
for iho National league ond dcclured: "Wo
don't want Pat Aleiiny. llo-woulilu't last
tonr days, sad yoa couldn't ot him into
fs it company wim Krappiiug iKa,kH.
Barrisbarg is on jottug t he saaaatipa nud
i getting all the advertising possible out
of the rush for his services. Meany is a
Philadelphia boy and used to hang urouud
tho park there. What do I know of
ilouaia? Nothing, nave that hn is very
fast on his feot. It is ubsuru to think that
Voa can jack winuers out of tho minor
IsagUos. They must be seasoned in haul
campakTbs hefors thoy become valuable.
IllUStraUOBS ot the truth of this are
plentiful. Take Philadelphia's experi
ence for Instance. The Phillies
Del shanty from Mm Wheelings,
tho greatest seoond baseman in
state league then, bat when n
the big league hn used o scop grounders
With his chost, aud no was virtually off
the team for a year. Now lo,k at him,
he in one of the stars of tho country."
JIatMtt Not Partleolarly Rip d Kaci. g
irain.- t Tiei.
Pnit.Ann.pniA, June 23. M.isco'
was, sent a mile against ins own reoord
of 2:o7 this afternoon at Point Braaie,
but the best the speedy paeor could do 2:ti).i Turner would not drive the
gelding ior n ssoon I milo ai he said the
horso hud done i'.'i b"St for to-lay uud
that ho was n little off, riimmoui was
a rank favorite in the 9:10 pacing class,
and won easily in straigui bouts. Iu
tii 9:32 class the favorite, Nominator,
took the race in one, two, three. Sum
mary: First race 2:10 piciug, purse (800.
Bimmons, by Belladonna (Barnes), first:
Bndd Debbie (Hunter), second. Time,
Secoud race '.Ml class, purse 1890,
Nominator, by Stranger iTrtmble), Brat;
iko Wilkes (Ernest), second. Time, 3:3i.
Pixtv grand stsad seats were ordered
yesterday by tho West Lad club of Wilkes
llarre. The special train frtho lantern parade
ill Wilkes-Bar re will leave llriilge street
depot at 7 o'clock Monfl iy evening.
Beadquarters will i opened tu tho
Wostmluster on Wednesday morning, at
winch time competitors will be given their
u s. Brsndt and H, A. Allen, of tho
Riverside wheelmen, Nei7 York, sent their
entries in yesterday. They are both class
B riders.
Entries exceeding sixty in number have
been received and among them every town
of importance in Pennsylvania ana New
York is represented,
A. L. Hanker, of Plttsborg, lent iu his
entry ysstsrdsy, Ho is a brother of
Seorgs Banker who is now in Paris with
Zimmerman, and fs onotf the beat class A
mli-ivi iu the country.
The number .' entries in toms of the
leading races Is as follows: One mile
state championship, 3S; two mile handi
cap, class A, SO; one mile five county
chsmpionship, SO. .
Tho seu'.s iu the grand stand will b
suitably covered, The diagram will open
at u o'clock Saturday morning. The dia
mond prizes will Also be placed on exhibi
tion there at the sams time.
Winans will make a desperate effort to
win the one-fourth miio state champion
ship race, and Qllraore and Newman are
out for the one-halt mile statu champion
ship race with good prospect a of success.
Tho judges appointed to award the
prises to the cluo having the largest num
ber of men iu lino on July 4, and the club
making the nest appearauce are Mayor
Council, A. P. Duffy, Captain E. E. those
and a. J. Colborn,
Gardner's new Remington racing w heel
arrived yesterday. Gardner will be the
probable v. inner of tho uortbeaiternPenn-
van in cnanipieulilji race i.ireoiy won
tins race last year and is
goad form this season.
tlulug in very
Nelson, the Springfield man mw In Eng
land, wbonppealed from ihe N. C U. de
Cision not to grant him a license, has again
been refused.
Tbe use of wheels by letter carriers in
Buffalo Is being favorably considered. Tho
poitoffice In that city is a: present allowed
tfl.OnO a year for car fare.
The liders suspended for riding in the
Clifton Wheelmen's meet at Baltimore are
said to have been warned by the refo:ee
before the races were Gta. ted.
Divided skins are very objectionable
garments iu Texas. Tue citv council nt
El Paso has passed an ordinance prohibit
ing ladles from appearing on the streets
attired iu them.
The current number of Cycling devotes
considerable space to the arraugemonts
being made for the Bcranton nuot and also
contains photographic reproductions of
views otiout tho city.
Bicycle polo mn-t bs a rather more on
psoiive pastime than even tliou.-nil pony
Variety, for it is said that at a recent
mutch iu Dublin, at ths Araby bazaar,
only one machine escaped injury.
Her Majesty, the. queen of the Nether
lands, is at loggeruoads with her royal
mamma because she r. fusos to saactlou
her majesty's riding a bicycle. Possibly
tbe royal mother does cjclinj
"piito respectable."
The race committee of tho Metronolltan
Association of Cycling clubi, who were
not backed tin In tboir decision to liar
negroes from tbe IrvingtOQ-Milbnrn race,
bavs resigned ai i a new committee will
itako charge of the August track races.
The West End club, of Wilkes -llarre,
will be compelled to replace about 1500
worthof miscell iucous prizes du.iatid for
elais A events st ill" state, meet which arc
not allowed under the rule i. The olub will
give Jewelry of i q;:nl value in place of the
mercbandlss withdrawn.
Cyclist ' slaa
must be v-ry mystifying
itcd. Wh n .n a mnle ,i
to the nninttint
cyclists begin to
conve.-so iu n I uid tone
iifoio n rmwu of non-cyclists, and tell
it men "freealogoOf" being "baked" and
i nch like, no wonder the outsiders begin
to doubt whotheror not ttMyarein the
Fiji Islands.
.lack Rolfe, on old lime racing man, uoiv
In Australia, ha ieci) giving some Inter
esting reminiscences of old iimo. Hii
firet race was when he was id years of Bge,
and Jack Keeu was oucof thecompetltois,
it wnsa scrstch ev nt, and she mounts, of
course, I) in "shaker', thirty of them lining
Op on tbe road. Toe puce may bo judged
In tho fact that the starter also acted as
checker half way, driving in a trap and
beading the furious scorchers. Rolfe wen
the event
Boeklsn's Arnica 'lir.
Ti'.e test salve in th world for Cats
Brnlssa, Bores, Dicers, :ali libeani, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. ChUbtaiUS
Corns and nil skin Eruptions, aodxiosl
lively cures Pllee, or uo pay rwoirea It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money ici undid. Price 31 cents per
box. Kor sale by Matthews Bros.
E. J. Baldwin is report oil to havn won
180,000 on Roy R Baota Anita's victory in
the American derby,
Bandow, the strong man, will bo In Now
York in Jnly, and i pleased that. Romul is
has agreed to n contest of strength, for
whiob be (Handow) has posted 110,000 with
the New Y'oik Herald,
Peter Maher and Frank Oralg, the
"Barlsm Coffee Cooler," imv, been
match, d to iiht a limited number ot
rounds iu Boston the latter part of next
month. They will Qgut for upurso of
Cure for linhdnolie.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Hitters lias prove 1 to be the very
best. It effects a pormonenl cure ond tbe
most dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its Influence. Wo urg- all who aro
afflicted to procure a bottle ami give this
remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual
Constipation Electric Hitters enrea by giv
ing the needed tone to the boWelS,snd few
canon long resist, the nso of this medicine.
Try it once, Large bottles only Fifty cents
nt Matthews liros'. dreg store.
Thk nw trial el Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup will satisfy any one that tin,
lung-healing virtue of tho pine tr.o has
now been refined into on Sffsclive and
convenient cough medicine. Sold by all
dcalerti ou a guarauteo of satisfaction,
"Wilt thou be mine, angelic girl I"
He askoo in mi lling tonei,
"1 feel no wurinly toward yim, Ueorge.
1 wilt," said Miss K:ij niea.
Chieaio Tribunt.
R'ant of all kinds rost that mnefc, 9
cpt Liituutiotif Wuntcdwhioh are injei ta
ilocnli Vi'ontefJ.
s75. uo i wSTvSSTHjb : i ;v"in oiTnt nv
. looomnetoot widaowako looaranoo solle
it'irs; well eotobltohcd permanent budnesn.
Addreu or Inquire second floor, 8M Lick
wunaii -viw. ti r.Mi'.n. I'M.
I'.elu Wjntctl rcmaliss.
v ' strong clrl for general honsoworkj
nue: no a ,ooii washer and ironer. 614 Pino
Help Wanted Male.
..rAXTKl A tlOUH ill.' IX'lllli: APPLY
U13 Plttib n even 1 1,
Inrtltntioa Etefr u nn I
qntred. Liberal Indncetnents to
AN' IAl.
bond re
tho relit
hi in. auaross, uie oast irn
Phliadolphlo, Pa.
uranco m.,
ipciji! Notices,
!.. tin ,
IKior.t', I'AMl'III.MlS. MAUA
I'te., b nt.ei er relsnind nt Tut:
TniBUNM or.iej. (Juiek work. Beosonawo
corner tinracs Itraet and l'rai:l:!in ave
nue. Twenty tieksts tor JU.ja (jood
tatio board.
YJ ulile persons can Bnd Brit cluis heard
with minll family m la:v;e, iry bouio, 1 1 '.
and cold baths, Free iprriaae to dey-'t and
church Thrco-quartsn of a ntil from sta
tion, lfeaitny locatity. Address boa HtOtsrks1
i '(Wr-A gold hair pnTwrnTwali a
I i prongs. Finder will bo suitably re
warded hy r turnlne the sanio to Colonel 111.
ELBlpple, Third Nations! bank buikfiag,
Mo.ivy to Lan.
p its. sums rrom ii ii u to (9,000.
Bit OWN, Attorney, COS Sprnce street.
l-roposa'. i.
kJ i one I at la i tliee i" the
R icretari of
uie oi ranton Diara oi oooiroi until r.UU p. m.
Monday, the Vth day of July. ISM, for t e
construction nml completion of a twe-roem
lobool building to be located on the corner r
Blacker avenue aud Beech street, Klnoteeatb
v. ani, iaaocordanco Ui plans and sneclnca
tlonilnthohaniVof I L. Wflliami, irebitort.
Ti e sum of f IV) in easli or is r titled check
shall be enoloacd with enoh proposal, which
sum is to be forfeltod to tho school district iu
cose of or oraisilob to execute coirtrset
within ten days If awarded tho lame. The
board rone rv oi t!io iiht to rej ,i any or all
t.ics. llv order ut the l.iurd of control.
EUGENE i). i BLLOWS, becretary,
Bcranton, Pa.. Juno 29, ispi.
celved at the oHI -o of th iceretarvol
the Bcranton board of control until T.:iu.p m.,
MoadAr, July l, 181)4, to fumlsli ftOWl school
desk', to Oo fui'aisbsd In siieii iinaattties and
at inch tiniisia may bo reqolred bysuld
board of control, iiius to statu price ot dilf r
nt sizes, eample deik 'o bo exhibited. PifSy
dollots In cssa or rorttfled check to acehm
pauy each bid to lie fcrteltedto Utedlstrlot
m esse of refusal or omission to execute cons
iracc.witnin ten uavs, ir award u tue isone.
liy order uf t U hoanioi' i ontroL
CK-MFD l'ltOPo.S.M.S Wll.L BE
Cj oelved at tho office of tho City Clerk,
Bcranton, Pa., until T.alo'eloek p, nv Thnre
lay, JulyS, isji, to coootruct literal lewcri
with the usee wary breaches, bsslus, lamp
boles, flxtures and sppllancoa InBllex, Mln
eral Carbon and Gordan streets In secordanes
with plan, nroflleenl spectflcathms Bled in
tho omce t ity i Tort..
Each prnposnl sha.l he .icfiiiiponied hy eash
or certinod chooh usthesumol one hundred
In CS ii" the hldder to whom the contract
shill have been awarded refuses or omltl to
execute a contract for tli" von: in accofdince
with ;iim and specifloatloas therefore, w.thiii
t'-n days from duto of award, the onnloenra uc
eompaayiua bis propoiMl shsil boforfoit d to
tho lis) of the eity of boranton. Tho city re
serves tho rinht to reject any and all bus.
By Order of city Cuuneiia.
M. T. L iVULLE, city Clerk.
Bmnton, P . Jiini X. l:'l.
A VW S.WVV .-v-. n.
1j Notice Is hereby given that a rnla
III., liu
bean granted to ihow canse why Jane i.. Ds
witc. oxoenrnx or tuo last will and t stannnt
or MiUI dec., shull nue be dlscbargcd lnun
tin dstloa ami liatdlltti not her appointment
application will bo made t have s.iiii rule
mule iihsoluto and ihe executrix tUacharged
July 2. UW.t S ii. PBIOci,
Attorney for exooutl'lx
Situation j W..nLcc).
i-' years ot age, to wo k in office i r any
kind ot work. Good education, Addreu w.
Ki, Tribune office,
O married, fin
t c 111 i iroekmnn. inn..
iteady situation, city of country: am sober,
honest, aud can eive bistol rotsrenes-i if ro
yal rod. Address Harry Silvers, Blairetown,
IS. J.
l williiiK to do most any kind of
driss B.. 'i ribnne otlir.-.
N't I .MAY,
work. Ad-
WOUld Wkit ti. oat
. V gent boV. 15 veal'-; old,
tome K-nu in won.- co uq mat ne might must
hie mothor, who is a widow undlnneodi A.d
iressK.ll. S.. 1U7 Franklin street, Damn-re,
j v ior :ima 1 einlarou or n.ihy ai a ri so rtu-
U" fimiilv
n alio co inn uloworkl wages no
ohiaet bnl
a comri rtaoio noma is aeiired.
M A. C Trillion I 'lie
eld 'Llrl. Want work with !
1 1
fanvly .h s in can m: k : her li m Co;
do any kind of work. Aduross A ii., Trlbuue
JNiatTs Ssrcr,,
iiesui 'SVaaai ap
dss ?rt rv';i
Great Slaughter in Prices ail during the week in all departments.
The Great Bankrupt Stock of Pomphrey & Morton and the Great Sheriffs Sale
Stock from .New York will be disposed of at prices never
known in thi3 section.
A good many folks can't, figure out why wo are not ia jail for stoaliug. Thoy know wo can't buy
goods and loll them as we do, "but wo do."
To pais up and down tho street and see goods marked 50 oants, which you can buy here for 2,"j
oeutl, is easier than picking up a quarter on the sidewalk. You don't even have to stoop for it.
You don't kuow what you are missinj
will save you money ou every article.
316 318
We ofier Extraordinary Values to close out
LOT NO. 1. Fifty 26-inoh Cotton Gloria, F;ist
llluek rarao;on l'raiiics, Umulsoiuu Ciirvod
Handles. .Sale price, 7c. each.
LOT NO. 2. Fifty 26-iooh Twilled Gloria, Nat
ural Ilitntlles; large variety of Knots, Loops
and Straight. Special iirice, 89c,
LOTH. Twenty -five 20-inch Navy Bine Twilled
Gloria, Natural, Loop and Knot Handles.
Bednced from 6L2S to (,H)a.
LOT 4. Twenty-five 26-inch Hlne Silk ami Wool
Gloria, Fine Natural Handles. Prico,$1.2fl.
LOT 5. Fifty 26-inch Bine Silk and Wool Gloria,
finely finished with Dresden Ball Handles,
Bold every where at $1.85. Sale price, $1.50.
Furniture Up
By the most
Hotel Waverly
nitropran Plan. Firit-oloin Ilur ittiictiofl.
Depot for IJsriiiiu;- a Kagel's TsanMSDSSf
IE Cor, 15th indHSti, Pliildi
Itoet dssferabls for rssldsnts ct N.E, Poi a'
sylvsala. All sonvealenosi for travolers
to Slid from Eroml Btoset iiitti, u and thu
'i'welftli and Slsrltot Btrset .tat:o:i. in
kiraliiu for vidting Ssraatonlaas aud ps
lie in ttiu ABtltfSOita Kpkiuu.
ir stooi mm iy wills
occurred Saturday night, June 16, in the store
Davies & U:inm, The damages allowed us bv the insurance companies permit us
IN6S. All oods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make.
There is no smeil of smoke or firo about them and they are equally as good as be
fore. Sale Begins Saturday, June 30
and will last about 30 clays, as the goods WILL and MUST EE SOLD as quickly
as possible.
Here is an unequalled chance to proc'ure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur
nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price.
Boys' Waists, 12c.
MEN'8 Sllli ii, formerly sold fcr sio.,
M?N'S SUITS, JiriK'j ly sold fcr$l6..
IslEFi'S PANTS, formerly sail ior Si..
BOYS' 8UIT8, formerly so:.! for S3...
fi U ' ti
wm ,frs -''-"v
.. . Tin
the Last Week, but
Don' t care what you waut,
Lackawanna Avenue.
LOT io, About a dozen left.
White Handles. 8:j.,j()
experienced workmen in the city.
Ml Ml
Oak Bedroom Set!
We Bell Furniture as cheap as
any house in the country that in
tends to jjive honest value for the
money. Try us.
205 m m
230 Lackawanna Avenue.
damaged by water from the recont
Heckwear GIm Away.
..liOW S4.75
..NOW 58.25
K.0W $2
..NOW $1.35
One, uf the
just so it's in our line. Wo
WaWtW ' mm
Season Numbers.
LOT fi. Seventy-five 26-inoh Pure Silk Twilled,
Changeable Colors, in Navy, Garnet, Green
and Brown, Regular $i number at 3 each.
LOT 7. Twenty-five 22-inch China Silk,in White,
Navy and Blaok,Gil1 Bibs and Fine Handles.
Former price, $2.35j now 81.90.
LOT 8. Fifteen 22-inch Sarah Silk, the best seller
of season, in White, Cream and Black; White
and Black Handles. Special price, 82.75.
LOT 9. Ten 22-inch Small Silk, with raffles, very
stylish, ia Navy, Black, Grey and Brown,
$3.25 from 1.
Wliito Morie with
each to close.
Opp. Couri; House.
explosion and fire, which
of our neighbors, Messrs.
Boys' Suits, 74c.
Urtkrwear, Hats, Kandkerohiefs OL'tir.g Sliirts, Laundcrad
Shirts, SuspenJcrs, Si'.k Vtsts anil ar.d all gojds that are
damarjeJ own pries.
You ure liitereiteil in Wodilliijr
Presents, wo. would like to
liuv vnu Ball Hlid txamiim
ntir '
fnpir. It in Intnoaaibla
II am 11 to Bnd a better
in- Xf H i f in
y t
bortuiectof geoJs
ia il VisJ? fir our liu." thiin wo
liiivo io oiler, aud our cnsli syotem
RUa:iuteeB you thi best vulusble pro
Oarabla, Gt onr uovr price list, at
nay rst?,
cefnro you gpSA PJ Sj ytJJ It will nt
!!. iv HA W ou:iliint
o." w h.i; w K&y 4&flr B ar Aoing
ihrOQhnot tiio Ntor in uvsry lirt
lent. Diniuomlij will prov 11 profitn
lilu inv8tiaent thi'di) days. Thoir rapiil
rise in vslurf is sire mid certain, uud
If yon wiint to t the lnwost jiriceo vr
touched ml
tlute bril-
Cull Dialer in DISIBSttdS, WatchiM,
Juuoiry, Eio.
Cor. Fenn Ave. anil Spraca St,
W5:r.t Is WSoro Attractive
Than a pretty face villi a frcbh, hright
I complexion? For it, uso Pououi's Powdor.
swa .dsn, esiras A .7
ii! ?! ivJ MXi Xf
Si ijs& LTwi a