The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 29, 1894, Image 1

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EIGHT PAffr Xai!.iqnW8
Over Seventeen Lengths Ahead with Every
Han Fresh at the Finish.
Under Favorable Conditions the
Crews Start at 6 42 The Harvard
Boat Collides with the Three-Mile
Post, Giving Yale in Advantage
That Cannot Be Overcome Har
vard Oarsmen Collapse at the End
of the Race.
NlW London, Conn., June
fALE won tb varsity nice tonight,
defeating Harvard by over savn
teen length. The start was
made at 0 48, The oondltloal
were very favorable, altlaiuli a ftesb
brmzj came up with the boms betwen
the mil and two and a half mile fi r.
The official tiron is as follows: Four
milen, Yule. 88.47; Harvard, 24.40.
It 18 estimate! that 80.000 people
saw tbe The observation train,
with thirty-four cars, r.tood on one
side of the station, freighted and ready
1 DOB" cook.
to steam np the track, half a doz.m
passenjier etoauiers lay at the dock
ready to plough up the cr.urse. and
along the river rode at anchor 100 of
the costliest, speediest and hiindsomist
ploRsnre yachts in America.
Yule'j boat ws in the wator and
manned first at Q.J'). Ilaravard rowed
lively to place and both arid is backed
slowly inm position. At 0.41 referee
Herman O.lricus culled out "Are you
ready." nud at C:42 tho word was
given. Sixteen oars cleaved the water
and Hamrd'l light-freighted boat
showed a head first. The start
was the most remarkable pl?c9 of
rowing in the race. Not a
splash was perceptible on th"
side of the either boat. Harvard's
lead was aggravating short. Ten
seconds were all the time allowed th
crews. Then the shells slid at along side
by side. For o minutes a vocal volcauo
might have been witneHHo ! in red hot
eruption. Then the observation train
dodued behind a knot knol! on tbe
bank and in the uncertainty of seclu
siou the yelling stopped.
Y'ale won the race before the first
half mile was covered. The eight set
tled into steady and magnificent form
a hnndreu yards from tbe start and ex
cept once held it till the finish.
The half mile stake found Yule lead
ing by a length and a half and steoring
for the middle of the stream. liar-
Juardv T"8 ,byinF way toward
tbe bank and lcsir.g ground and
courage through poor steering. The
Cambridge men started the race with
n sembUno of form and retained
it for a mile. Just beyond tho half
p. a. Johnson (yale.)
mile the surface of tho river under
went a cnpricious change. An nlmojt
Ttppleless sea smiled upon the crews at
the start, but before they were fairly
under way the wind stiiTeued and a
formidable head wind fought agslnat
the boats It staved for a mile and
With ilsexit it took what little appear
ance of skill Harvard exhibited or team
rowing. At the first mile flag Yale's
lead had lengthened into the winning
one of fonr lengths.
When the boats had pssuod the mile
and a half post, -Yule was six lengths
to the good, and at the two-mile led
by ten lengthi, and Harvard's cox
swain was steering in the most erratic
manner. At the two and a half mite
flag there were twelve lengths of shin
ing water between tbe two shells, and
the Harvard men hud gone completely
to pieces.
Close by the 3-mile flag the shells
entered the floating alley of boats and
salute upon salute greeted every
foot of the passage. Yale had gained
another lenuth wheu the 3-mile pout
was left behind and settled down for it
(ure, if not brilliant finish.
Eight beads in tho Harvard boat
were bobbing about promiscuously.
The Yale crew ceased leading on the
last half mile and shot down tbe home
stretch for a gracetnl exhibition.
2a wind bad stopped altogether
and tbe finish was smooth us the
oft-spoken of mill pond, A deaf
ening din greeted the conquerors
and they piddled about for some
'.me to bear the plaudits of the assem
blage and to see the Harvard crew,
Jit i.
Every man in the Yale boat appeared
fresh uud in One form and of course,
jabilunt at thrf victory. Five of the
Harvard boat partially collapsed as
th- ir shell crossed the line.
Harvard had the great disadvantage
of only having selected and arranged
her eight four weka ago. Yale's
fi(ht lus not been changed since April
1, eave to put Kogers, a better oar," in
ff 1
1 Si
1 r? .
'" if- As.-- llf
as the place left vac tut by the ab3snce
from college of Loagicre, a clumsy
but powerful oar,
Oxford has made a bona-fide offsr to
row the victors of the Yak-Harvard
race next September in England. This
is i concession never Defore made by
the Englishmen, and thorefore has
raised Yule's hopes higher than ever
The statistic! of tho crews aro as fol
Affo. Lbs.
F. A. Job noon, "M.S. (captain) stroke. 23 Id',
K D. Treadway, "M, Xo. ? aj ITU
W, K. Cross, 1G. No. (I It)
A. W. Dttsr, 'SO, Na j lil ll
A .P. Rogers. "M, S.. N'o. 4 ai loo
W M. U-ard, l)fi, Ko. 3 IS 17D
H. C Hr.c-j!ub, "IW, .S'o. " 1 177
R. Armstrong;, ti, S., how M 18J
OoXswaln, F. K. Oluiateud.
J. II. Knapp, tM. substitute 21 182
W. U. Sunt. I, IW, substitute l'J ljj
Average sga -f yours I months; average
lH'iirht, i foot U) iuclies; uveruyo weight,
I, J).j nuaudtf.
Age. Lbs.
A. M. Kales, '90, stroke 21 uo
E. It. Pennessr, Dd, isu. 7 21 195
I. Davis, "W (captain). Mo, t 22 170
T. U. Stevenson, '10, Xo. o 20 170
K. IL Towtisi nJ, DO, Na 4 It lOn
K. H. Lewis, TW. No 8 20 169
O. Bollard, '."!. No. 2 22 ISO
J. Pardon, bow 22 ij
Coxswain, 1'. Uay.
t. M. Forbes, DO, substitute 10 ' IH
F. Davis, Jr.. H6, substitute 21 Ul
V. N. Catuurou. '06, substitute 22 100
Average age, J years, 9 mouths: nvoraire
heigbl. a feet 10 inches; average weight, lbl
Another viotory was also scored for
the blues earlier in the day when the
Yale-Harvard Columbia Freshmen race
was rowed up sireoin from Winthrop's
Poiut to the navy yard, over the "J mile
course. Tho fiaish was made iu the
B - M SfT
-' --t--'- i, a
following order: Yah', Columbia, and
Y'ale took the lead at the start, but
Columbia spurted aud led till tho mile
and a half, wheu Y'ale braced mugufi
cntly and led by two lengths The
average Yale stroke was 44, Harvard
48. und Colnmbla 42, while Harvard
had than practically stopped rowing.
Y'ale led by two lengths with Har
vard ten lengths in the rear. The sea
was somewhat rough, but wind and
:ide both favored tho oarsmen. The
lime ub given by a member of the ref
eree's parly is as follows: Yale, 11 15;
Columbia, 11.24, and Harvard, 1 1.Tj6
A Comparison of Tlm Made by Tale
and Harvard
Cott racing had a small beginning In
America. In tho nlass of '14 of Yalo were
seven young athletes who thought they
saw glory on the water. Theso seven
young men organized the tirst college boat
club in America. This might have been
called a class rather thau a university
club. Without onything like a racing
si oil the young Elis rowod in pleasure
boats, and aroused the enthusiasm of
Harvard men so quickly that a boat club
waa organized at Cambridge in 184&, tho
vear following tho organiz ition of that at
Yale. The oarsmen of both colleges were
now thinking of a race,but under the thou
conditions such an event was difficult to
bring nbout.
Pleasure boats wero used until 1852. In
that year th elgbt-oered barge was intro
duced and rowing, receiving a fresh stim
ulus thorcby, was soon firmly established.
For six yeare the bulge was used. Then
Iiarvurd took the lead with a racing shell
of white piun, 40 feet long and 28 inches
wide amidships. It was of six care, and
weighed io0 pounds. Compared with tho
present neat little craft it was as the bi
cycle of twenty years ago to the present
racing wheel.
In 18J8 tho first college regatta was or
ganized, but the accidental drowniug of
Ueorge E. Dunham, Yule's stroke oar, pre
vented the holding of tbe races. Browu
theu bad a crew aud was entered, A reg-
alar training system, was adopted by the
three crews the year followiug, and con
tests have b. eu held ever hlnce Cornell
uud Columbia coming to tho front, Prince
ton organized a crew aud was successful
iu bunting her rivals, but the lack of wator
und the expense of going daily to Trenton
or Philadelphia rendered crew training
next to impossible, und rowing was given
up with pangs of regret.
Iu 1876 Yale and Harvard signed their
first agreement for u series of eight
oared races on a four-mile course. Siuce
that year eightoou races have been rowed.
Oi these Yale has won eleven aud Har
vard seven. Harvard was more thau a
match for Yalo no til 1886. Hut Ynle has
one every race except two since und in
cluding that year. In 1891 Yale's long
succession of victories wua broken by Cup
tuiu Perkins' crew, which beat Yule n few
Tho record of the 'Varsity contests siuce
thoy have been recognized factors iu col
lege life follows:
Time. Loser's time.
ear. Winner, M.s. M.S. urns.
IW Yalo SJUS S7.8B 31
1S77 Hnrvard 2ilM '.'U) s
isTs Harvard 20.41-14 21.2V 44W
lsTlt Hnrvard 22 16 (8.08 1 4:1
W8II Yale M JR i&t 42
81 Yale Cgls ft 17 4.
Ul Harve.' d 20.47 20.BOM U
WlM Harvard 24.28 25.68 1.83
I8M Yale 20,81 89.46 15
888 Harvard 2,r 26,86 IMU
1886 Yalo 21. 11)1 iUVM 21U
1887 Yale. 22.58 8.10)2 llS
888 Yale (0.10 21.21 1.14
1889 Yale "l.:io 21. ro 25
1690 Yale 21.29 21.41 12
1891 Hnrvard 21.211 21.67 84
662 Yale 20.4H 2UJU MM
Yule 21.20 2140 II
l' to lhSii llurvard's supremacy on tho
water was unquestioned, nud tho old John
Hurvard could well afford to carry a broom
Bt full malt, Hut a new era had begun iu
the science of rowing at Yale. "Hob"
Cook had come to the trout as a muster
niLrcmnn nvA no far na Hnv..,1 hoa Kan
concerned Yalo has ruled the sea almost
unoroKen e.uce.
It is hard to eay whether Cook would
have been so lucky had his crews dared to
try their strength and skill against Cor
nell, for Courtlier line aliAron liimaalf rr. Via
a leader in the art of rowing. But Cook
has been sufficient for Yale's purposes, for
Yale has steadily ullected to belittle Cor
nell's emewy arms.
Four Hundred Miners Escape by
Climbing Ladders Placed in
the Shaft Rigging.
f Dedal to the Scruufou 7i'6ane.
Plymouth, Pa., June 28 At 1
o'clock this morning the crank on No.
1 hoisting engine at the Lance No. 11
colliery of the Lsbisfh and Wilkes
Barre Coil company at this pluee. The
piston rod was driven through the v y
liirder head, thus rendering the engiuo
useless with e carriage half way up
the shall. At the tiino there wero
between o'JO and 400 men
and boys iu the shaft who
had to climb the ladders placed on the
shaft rigging in order to get out of tbe
mine. Lnokily all got out in a short
time and the uffair was not atteuded
by any serious accident.
Superintendent, Lewall of the com
pany, stated to a reporter that the mine
wonld uot bo able to work before Mou
day next, as it would take some time
to make tbe necessary repairs to tbe
Mrs. Halliday Liaves Idontlcollo for th
Danneroorn Prison.
UoNTtOILLO, N. Y., June 28 Mrs.
Hnlliday left hern hero this morning
at 0 o'clock for Dannemora prison iu
charge of Sheriff liarrisou lWcher and
Deputy Sheriff John R. Iiioe. The
party was taken to Fallsbnrgh station,
five miles from here, by Leander Dur
land, a Monticello liveryman. From
Fallsbnrgh they take the Ontario and
Western railroad to Oraycourt, thence
the New York Central to Albany, the
New York und Canada to Plattsburgb,
and the Chateagnay railroad to Dauuu
morn. The prison r was not at all violent
and entered the carriage willingly.
Dnring last night sho acted quietly,
though she seemed somewhat wakeful
during the early part of the night.
When present in court yesterday she
did not seem to comprehend Irom the
proceedings that sho was to be taken
away, nud no one took the trouble to
inform her until the time nrrived for
her departure.
Tho vineyards of Jerez, in Spain, are in
fested with phylloxera.
The Urst instalment of 1.500,000 pjsotas
has been paid over to Spain by Morocco
en the indemnity fund.
Striking miners in Hllbon.Spain, paraded
tho ro-idence portion of the town yester
day, threatening tho populace.
Turkey has stopped the stoamer Science
at the Bosphorux, and demanded that two
NordODfeldt guns abroad, destined for the
British war ship Cookutrlce, at Loollno, be
delivered u:.
The Peruvian government bus ordered
the supporters of the revolution to bo ar
rested by wholesale. Great Britain bas
'.flkially recognized President Justitiano
Uorgouu's government.
The anarchist Luborie, who was aireat
ed at Montpelier on Monday, has con
fessed to the pollro that tbe murderer,
Sauto, dined with him on Saturday, when
the aesassiu con tided to him the object of
his trip to Lyons.
Lord Rosebery iu bis letter to ttia "tt
gambliug league, who protested uguiust
horse racing, says: "My position is simply
this. Like Cromwell, whose official posi
tion was higher thau mine, and the strict
ness of whose principles cannot be ques
tioned, I possess a few race horses, and I
am glHd when one of these happens to be a
good one."
Fifteen Strong Arguments Against tbe In
come Tax.
Tho Senator from New York is Op
posed by Six Republicans in His
Hopeless Struggle Against One of
the Objectionable Features of the
Wilson Bill One Democrat Votes
with Him Populists Join the Dem
ocracy. Washington, D. C. June 28,
N spite of the oppressive and ener
vating host wnich prevailed in the
senate chamber all day, the ses
sion was continued for nine hours
and when adjournment cum at 7 p.
Ul, there Weru only two sections of tho
tariff bill undisposed of.
All the income tax sections which
had remained over from Wednesday
wore gone through with, and then nn
omnibus motion to strike them nil out
was made by Hill. This was the im
portant vote of th day aud the deci
sion was against the motion by a ma
jority of sixteen 23 to 40. Only two
Democratic senators. Hill, of New
Y'ork, aud Smith, of New Jersey, voted
for it, whilo three Populists and six
Republicans voted against it.
Wheu Air. Hill submitted his motion
to strike all sections relutiug to income
tat out of tbe bill, lie epitomized his
objections to the income tax, as fol
lows ;
First An income tax has no ie;;iilmafe
place in a tariff reform bill. It is unjust
to those who desiro to support a revisiun
of the tariff, but who cannot consistently
or conscientiously favor an income tax.
Second An income tax is neitner a Dem
ocratic nor a ltepublicun principle aud has
never been approved by ihe people at tho
polls, but is one of the doctrines of the
Populist party.
Third It iB an unnecessary tax. The
debate tins conclusively dmounti ated tho
tuct that the needs of the treasury will
not require tho proceeds of this tax.
Fourth It is a direct tax within the
truo intent and meaning of tho couitltu
tion, aud uot boiug laid in proportion to
population, it is unconstitutional aud
cauuot be enforced.
Fifth It is unequal, unjust and sec
tional iu its design.
Sixth It Is the reival of an odius war
tux in,a time of proforfnd pesce.
Seventh The exemption of nil incomes
not exceeding H" 1 ; is uu exemption un
precedented in the history of income tax
legislation here or ftuy where in tho world,
and stumps the measure ns tho most of
fensive species of class legislation.
Eighth--It is uujust and iudofeusible in
its discriminations, it unnecessarily and
Injuriously discriminates against corpor
ate investments by individuals especiuily
small investments.
Ninth It is retroactive in its operation.
Tenth It usurps those fields of revenue
Which properly belong to the states. Tar
iff taxation being exclusively under the
coustitutiou the province of tho federal
government it should mainly confine Itself
to that method of rulsiag itsneccssury rev
enue, without encroaching upon the
rights, prerogatiTos aud ruveuues ot the
Elovonth Its provisions are Inquisitor
ial uud offensive iu thoir character. It is
a system of taxation adapted to a monarch
ical government, but uusuitod for n free
Twelfth It violates the conf titution be
cause it usurps those revenues derived
from certain domestic corporations which
the states tliomselves have created and tho
revenues of which corporations tbe states
have set spurt for the use of their owu
state governments. Those revenues can
not constitutionally be destroyed, dimin
ished or interfered with by the goueral
Thirteenth Tho absorption of these log
itimute state revenues by the general gov
ernment as here proposed will necessarily
lead to the increased otreo taxation by the
states and ndd to the existing diroct bur
dens of the people.
Fourteenth The proposed tax is double
that recommended by Secretary Carlisle.
Fifteenth It will duplicate taxation,
create friction and promote conllict or
contention between tbe goneral govern
ment and the states; is contrary to the
ostnblishod policy of tho government, is a
step toward socialism and is unwise from
every point of political experience.
mandeuson's amendment.
Mr. Manderson, Nebraska, asked Mr.
Hill whether tbe paper which be had
read was an indicineut against the in
come tax features of tbe bill.
Mr. Hill It partakes of that nature.
Mr. Man ierson 1 want to add an
other count.
Mr. Hill There is ample opportunity
for a great many more, but in my de
sire to be brief I left out a large num
ber. Mr. Manderson The connt which I
would add is: "It creates a ciass to pay
u part of tbe expenses of the govern
uieut and is tbe first step townrd the
creation of a privileged few, consti
tuting a moneyed aristocrncy which,
contributing from their abundant rev
enues or incomes to the support of the
government, will rule it."
The question was then taken on Mr.
Hill's motion to strike ont all tho in
com" tax suctions of the bill, and tbe
motion was r jsctid yeas, 23; uays,
40. There were only two Democratic
senators, Hill, of New York, and Smith,
of New Jersey, voting in favor ot the
motion, but it was stated by Mr. Smith
that bis colleague, Mr. MoPherson,
would vote in the same way if be wits
present. Votes In t lie negative wer e
given by the three Popnllst senators,
Allen, Kyle and l'ett'or, by Mr. Irb,v,
South Carolina, end by six Republican
senators Messrs Huusbrough, Mit
chell, Oregon; Poltigrew, Power,
Shoup and Teller.
Only Whites and lilacki May Boom
American 04tlans.
Washington, D. C. June 28 In
reference in tho refusal nf 1 iii.,1
States Circuit .Indue Colt, at Boston.
to uram nuiiirunz.kiion 10 a native
Japanese, officials ol the state depart
ment declare that no othor derision
was possible under the law.
Suction 2. 109 of the ravised satutes,
us invariably interpreted by the su
preme court of tbe U&ited Stutco, re
stricts nataralii ition to free white
persons uud pets, ns of African nativity
or African desoent.
The only question therefore that is
presented wnon persons npply for
naturalisation is whether they are
white or black, the brown races of
Aria and Polynesia being forbidden
American citizenship. In this con
nection a nice question will arise
if Hawaii is annexed to the
United States ns native Hawaiians are
thought to be clearly without the pale
of naturalization under tho law us it
now stands and congress will have to
make u special exception iu their favor.
Southwestern Minnesota and Eastern
South Dakota Are Swept by
a Fierce Hurricane.
Minneapolis, Minn., Jane 2s South
western Minnesota and eastern Dakota
suffered death and destruction last
night by a series of windstofms al
ready mentioned In these dispatches.
Details of the damage done to life and
property, which have been coming in
slowly, show that ten parsons were
killed and twonty or thirty injured.
Tbe following is a list of the dead
nnd injured so far as heard from to
night :
Killed Sam Roach, Washington, S. D. ;
Charles Meitke, near Sleepy Eye, Minn ;
Mr. Unldau, Maligna, eliuu.; Mrs. G T.
Hicks, Pipustoue, Minn.; Miss Jennie Lind
Kli'oui. of St. Puul, ut South Darwin, Minn. :
Mrs. Sanders, Litchfield, Minn.; Miss
Johnson, Larimers, N. D. ; Henry Khody,
l.urimore, Jf. H.; Miss Nina Swift, near
Abordeeu, S. U.; Uaby Walchesky, Gleu
coe, Minn,
Injured Mrs. Hiakesley, Washington,
S. D., seriously hurt; John McCnbe. two
carpenters ana several children at Henry,
8 D. : John Weiss, Cold Springs, Mitiu. ;
Mrs. Jobu Weiss, fatally: John Winkler,
Jacob's Prairie, Minn., fntully; Hen
sell, do missiug; Jouu Kchmidt.Sleepy Eye,
Minn.; Mrs. Jobu Schmidt and four
children, ono fatally; O. T. Hicks,
Pipsstoue, Minn.; seriously, Mrs. Mohan
nab, Pipestone, .Minn.; fatally, Mrs. Hick
man, Benvllle. Minn,; seriously, Mrs.
Zsske, Renville, Minn.; Johu Sanders,
Mrs. Johnson, Jens Hansen, Litchfield,
Minn.: Mrs. Brat tz and baby. Forest City,
Minn.; Editor Husendll, Aberdeen, S. li.;
Mrs. Wiliiatu Barlette aud son, Charlie,
Minn.; Mrs. U. Lemku i ml daughter,
Uertlin, Minn.
The storms travelled from southwest
to northwest in parallel lines, and
there were three of Uiiusual s 'verity.
Thawesternmost arose in South Dakota
and traversed the oust oud of the state,
striking Alpena Mellette, St. Lawrence
and Aberdeen iu its route. So fur as is
known the storm did no damage to life
or limb, but caused considerable
damage to property oni crops. The
central storm was terrific. It was first
beard 'of at Pipestone, Minn., in the
Southwest comer of the state, where It
struck about 6 p. m. Its record there
was one killed, one Injured and serious
damage to property In its course. Its
path was from 400 to 000 feet wide.
The northeruiost point it. tbe cen
tral part of the storm's path apparent
ly was Collegeville, in Steams county,
wliere tne tlamage was priuci pally to
the buildings of St Jobn's university.
Minneapolis what was ap
parently the tail end of this blow. It
swept across tho city, dipping down
to the ground near Lake Harriet and
next iu New Boston. Telegraph wires
are down iu manv directions aud full
particulars are difficult to secure.
John Howard's Feet Burned by Thieves
Who Want Mousy.
PARKER, Pa, June28. Early yester
day morning -three men broke iuto the
general store owned by John Howard,
two miles from this city. Howard
sleeps iu the store and before he could
offer resistance ho was securely
bound and gagged. The robbers
finding no money ordered Howard
to tell where it was. lie refused to
answer. They then held his bare feet
over the rlxmes ot lamps until be weak
ened under the torture and told
where $170 would be fouud.
The tnieves took this and a quantity
of goods and left. Howard received
other brutal trentment and is in a
oritical condition.
They Eioaped from the KUwaukea Jail
and Stole the Yacht Splash.
Milwaukee, June 28. The pursuit
of the four convicts who escaped from
the Milwankee jail two weeks ego has
ended iu tbe woods of Michigan. They
made their way to Manitowoc aud stole
Banker Scbuette's yacht, the Splash
The yacht wbb wrecked at 3 o'clock
Snuday afteruoon on the Michigan
shore, and three men drifted ashore on
the overturned boat.
It is thought that tbe fourth man
lauded ou the Wisconsin shore in the
vicinity of Stnrgeon bay before the
boat put across the lake. The conviets
are in the heavy woods of Michigan
and it will almost be impossible to up
prebend them.
The first carload of California apricots of
the season of 18U4 was shipped oast from
Fiesuo today for Minneapolis.
A number of the leading planters of
Houlsiaun, Arkansas nud Mississippi have
called a couvent'ou to meet iu Vicksburg
on July 18 to devise ways and means for
selling this season's crop of oottou seed.
The Illinois Democratic stato conven
tion endorsed President Cleveland's ad
ministration as fur as it adhered to the
Chicago platform, and no further. It also
nominated Franklin MucYeagh for United
States senator.
The Democratic stato convention of Ver
mont nominated Q, JW. Smith for gover
nor, E. N. Hullard for lieutenaut gover
nor, J. W. Gordon for secretary of state,
Charles Clark for treasurer, aud E. E.
Sargent for auditor.
President Janney. of the Huntington and
Hroad Top Railroad company, was in re
ceipt of advices yesterday to the effeot
thut all the mines iu the Broad Top region
have resumed operations and that a .large
number of the Cumberluud und George's
Creek miners have returned to work.
The miners in tho region of Cumberland,
Lonaconing, Barton and othor places help
meetings this moruiug at which thoy de
cided to call the strike off, declnring thut
they were ready to go to work at 40 cents
a tun when the companies were loady.
Strikers Meeting with Inditkrent Success at
Various Points.
At New Orleans the Trainmen Claim
to Have no Grievance St. Louis
Switchmen Join the Strike The
Santa Fe Road Tied Up Rock
Island Succeeds in Running Trains
on Time.
New YORK, Juue 28
O FAR the railroads hetweeu this
city and Chicago have not sut
fered from the Htrike of the
American Railway uniou to pre-
veut the running of Pullman cars. The
truins have been run o I tini) and with
out interference. What wi" he tbe
result tonight ou tha Erie is, how
ever, uncertain. Their Chicago
conuectiou is out, nni while
lust uight's train came through
all right and proceeded east on
time this morning it is not so sure that
the next train out, which leavus Chi
cago) at 2 0j p. m. today will be un
molested. It is run over the Chicago
lied Western Indiana road. The local
officers of tbe company do not expect
any difficulty, but say that no oue can
tell what will huppeo during a strike
und that in any event this train will
linvo to proceed slowly over tto
Cincinnati, Ohio, June 28. The
sceued about tbe railroad depots today
indicate that little effort was being
made to interfere with iho makiug up
of traius. When tho 8 o'clock train on
the Cincinnati. New Orleaus and Texas
Pacific, railroad was boing mado np at
Ludlow, Ky,, there were some signs of
troublo, but no outbreak. The pres
ence of several United States deputies
seemed to doter the men from interfer
ence. northern PACIFIC blocked.
Minneapolis, Miun., June 28. The
railroad siiuuiiou is-one of Uncertainty.
There is uot a wheel oa ths Northern
Pacifio moving in this city to-day.
I'.uuiois fiy thick aud fast about tile
uuiou depot railroad yards to tbe effect
that tbe other lines handling Pullman
cars iu this city are to be tied up as
fast as official action can be taken by
the men.
OBMAOO. Juno 28 The members of
the American Kailway union iu New
Orleans ure ovldeutly not in sympathy
witb tbe action of that organisation yes
terday iu ordering out the men on the
Illinois Central railroad. Yesterday
President Debbs sent a mesaage to the
secretary of tbe local lodge Ot the
American Railway union in New Or
leans, calliug out the men there, say
ing: "Wo are working for the Illinois
Central aud not for the Pullman com
pany. We have no grievance here,"
St. Locis, Mo , Juue 28. At aseofot
meeting of railway switchmen early
this morning, it was unanimously de
cided to eund by the Pullman em
ployes and the American railway
uuion in their fight against the Pull
man company. At 12 o'clock tbe
switchmen left the engines and notified
Depot Master Swan that they wonld
handle no more Pulluuu oars nntil the
strike was declared off by the Ameri
can Railwaa union. The men are
qniet and orderly.
Chicago, III., June 28. The Chicago
and Northwestern road tbis afternoon
succeeded in sending out its Ouinhn
express without molestation from tbe
PHILADeLPBA, Jnuc 28. Officials of
the Pennsylvania Railroad ojmpauy o
not anticipate that the boycott against
Pullman cars will extend to Philadel
phia or uny of tbe eastern cities
reached by the Pennsylvania lines. So
far there has not been ths slightest in
dication of any attempt to prevent the
movement of Pullmau cars in the east.
KANSis City, Mo., June 28 The
Sauta Fe roud is completely tied up
here. The switchmen are orderly.
Shipping and Steel Trnde Are Seriously
EDiNBUiion, June 28. Only GOO
Scottish miners are now at work. The
strike is seriously affecting the ship
ping and steel trades.
The railroads are reducing the num
ber of trains run daily owing to the
enormous decrease in mineral traffic.
Delegate Joseph, who sepresents New
Mexico iu congress, regards it as certain
that tjio senate, as well as the honse, will
pass the bill admitting tho territory to
The quantity of Indian corn imported
iuto Alexico from tbe Uuited States aud
eutorod at the port for the year ended
March 31, was H3.8S5. 701 kiloerams. valued
,at jS03.3t)U.
The natives of Wosteru ludin, according
to consular reports, have a preference for
goods of American manufacture and are
willing to pay mote for an article made In
the United States than for English or other
Representative Cummings, (Dem., N.
Y.J yesterday took to the white house the
bdl making labdr day a national holiday,
nn t President Cleveland immediately
signed it. The pen and holder was Bent
by Mr. Cummiugs to Samuel Gompers,
resident of the American Federatiou of
Chairman McRae, of the house commit
tee on public lauds, in bis repert on tlie
bill to forteit (he granted lands of rail
roads not completed within the time speci
fied, says that it fs not last to hold Hie
government to the same doctrine of laches
as a private Individual, since the govern
ment can act ouly througn alow and com
plicated processes of legislation.
ICLEAR WASBiNOtos.June28A foreeosf
I for tYiday: For Sister-
I 1 ftnnsylrania, ytnerallg fair,
9 variable uiiiidi. For H-V-don
I'tnnsylvania, fair ejectpt probablu thun
der storms t'n nvrtnero potften, toutheil
Wo have received from our man
ufacturer some special job lots of
perfect floods at eat prices. Tho
quantity ia limited and cannot bo
10 dossn Ovvni, solid ombroidored
yokes, at Cj3c. eaoh.
6dozn Gowns, assorted, at Si. 15.
10 dozsn Skirts, with 0 tucks, 62c
5 doz. Plain Skirts, cambric ruffl ,75s.
B'doatn Mnslin Skirts, s-inch embroid
ered raffle, at Si.
10 dozih Lrawtis, embroidered reffij,
10 dczu Misses' Gowns, embroidered
yoke, 75 ana 05c.
6 dcz?n Innnti' nud Children's White
Dresses, 65c. np
Shirt - Waists
49, 75 and 98c.
010 and ll L: .
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly k Davies
Comfort-Giving Shoes
The only kind that give
it, for the summer, is our
"Service & Kumfort" Shoes
in colors and black.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
New Store
Suitable for Wedding and
Commencement Presents
Finest line of Silver Belt
Buckles, Veil Clasps and
Other Novelties in the
tr Watch fer OPENING DAY AN
NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Pres
ent given FREE to every lady caller,
If you buy or not.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street,