THE SCIiANTON TK11UJJNE THURSDAY MORNINO, JUNE 2S. IHVH. "No'fecr of . failure in makingi brer.dand pkc if you use Ught, 7ho!:son'.e food, f " Pure '' and FOR ONE WEEK We will sell our entire stock of Sew and Stylish HUMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at 303 SPRUCE STREET. Jorrman& ioore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Grenadines and Haskell Cheap. fears & Hap 415 LAGKA, AYE, si Jk Pave your COLI.AItS starched in the o!d v ay, whon you can have tliom dono with soft, Dliablo Buttouholoa tor TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna V ME LAUNDRY ' If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of nHHnMaNHMniBMHmonDM goods, and our prices are very low. 127 Wyoming Ave. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE (Under this hoading short lottors of intorost will bo published wnon iiuuoiupauiud, fur imp lication, by tho writur's nam, Til i: TillUL'N'IS will not bo held rcsoousiblu fur uiliuiuua horo expressed. Stru&gl Will Pn Continued. The following telegram has boen re ceived by the soliciting committee from the Phillipsburg region regarding the strike. PniLl.u sBClio, Center county, Pa ) June :J7, Ib'.il. j Thomas McMhec, Scrauton i Operators decided today to pay not muro tba:; 40 cents gross ton. Struggle will be lontiuued. Michael T. Convav, Treaiui iT Ballli Committee. In view of the above decision jlenirfl. Ikdhce and IfeDermotl rcqoMt timt tliu miners ut the several mine in this di-tnet win a soon is postibln appoint oproinittses lo fake up subscriptions on pay day. 'i'hi-y hope that tiie miners will respond promptly Md liberally, snd tiolp to win this ;r at Mruirgle. Ail money to lie forwurded to liichael T. Conway, Plllillpslmrg, Center tounty. AlcflitKK ami AIcDebmutt. Scrauton, Pa., Juno ft, M'jl. STRUCK BY A STREET CAR. rhomaa alalia Stp in fcVc;it of a llov ins Car and tc Ii jurlis. Thomas Alalia, of 617 Sottb Wash ington avenue, aged about 50 yenrs, nn employe of the Earlmr Asphalt works, was struck by a street car on Nortb Washington a.veuu.9 near Larch street, yesterday afternoon at 4 30 o'clook. Malta was one of a gang of men who wore working on the street .repairing the asphalt . When the car bore in fight the inon got out of the way and Walts, for some nnknown reason, step ped back on the track and wa utrncfe by the car and dragged a few feet. As far as could be Jearnod no bliiiue at taches to the tnotoriti'tu. Thu injured man was nut on the car and taken to Dr. O'Malley'n efflo', where Dr. Walter lleedy attondod him. Aside from a severe shaking up, no bones being broken nor any internal injuries received. lie was taken homo in the Lack.i Tttiiua hospital ambulance. AFTfA SCHOOL. Jrund Vacation Exouraiao to Niagara FaUt. On Thursday, June 2Slh, the Erio lines will run a personally conduc ted excursion to Buffalo and the Great Cataract of Ni agara, affording one of the grandest vaca tion sight-seeiug trip, for school teachers, scholars and the general public ever or ganized at extremely low rates. The traiu composed of tho best day ronchea will reach tho Falls at 4 p. m., and roturn following day, June ti'Jth, loaving at 4. p. m. and Buffalo city station at 4.!H) p. m. Train will luave Carbondale at 0.5') a. m. Bound trip only f3.0'J Children between five and twelve years oue-half of the above rate. Leave Scrautoa via D. & II., atS. 40 a.m. Williams 4 Mc An ulty IlilTTEE 0 III Ciiiirman Pokc!! Issues Call lor tlie Repub Hcin Organization. BAKES REPLY TO IR, FELLOWS Meanwhile, Secretary Browning Mails Circulars to tlio County Committee men Asking Them to Get Together Two Weeks Earlier Than the Date Set in the Chairman's Call Review of the Whole Situation. The following official call for a meat nig of the Krpubliean county commit toe wua issiv d last ev- uitig: SiaOQVABTIM or-TBtBxFi buoaji lotnras Comjhttke. Beranton. Pa., Jane 87, 1891, J.emtjeis ot the louuty committee are hereby requested to meet at the Central Republican Club ro am, ou VVaihinittou arenas, on Balurdsy, July 14, 1894, at a o'clock p. n.. for the purposo of llxing a time and place for holding i lie county convention, and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the "Hf in,;. U. W. PowELU Ail. : : Chairman. David J. DAVIS. Assistant Hecrotnry. OUAUUtAN POWEL'g STATEMENT. In refiieuce to tho interview with PS-Mayor Follows in yesterday's I K1B0SB, County Chairman Divid W Poweli, over his own signature, has BQi plinl the following statement! Kx-ttjr.yor Follows having state 1 that my aellon endangered the parti 'a in terests etc., 1 wish, in reply, to states few Words and to give tho public u few facts in the matter. As to the calling ot tbe county convention 1 ikuro to say that uot one member of either the executive or tbe connty committee has spoken io me or requested mo to call a meeting of the coin- mutee tor tnat purpose. Not one ottbe many candidates, with thu exception cf iur. l eaows i;ui--ii, candidates who are certainly entitled to some consideration and who are aspiring for the nomination for county OfQces, bus requested me to m use a can until recently. Ou last Thursday 1 (lid receive from the hands of E, ii. House a petition signed bv sixuen members ef the executive com mittee requesting me to call the county committee together on Juno 80. Before the petition was banded to me two of the Signers came to me and said they hud Mijued their ua'ues to such a petitioa, but I need not give it any consideration on that Since 1 received the petition tbrco mute signers expressed themseives in the same wny. beside:', three Of them stated that there waj no date mentioned on tho petition when they signed, bnt was afterwards added, and if uot greatly mistaken in ilr. Fellows' own handwriting. These three nun are willing to sigu a paper to that effect it need be. According to section 1, rule 8, of the Republican party rules, it is the duty of the county committee to designate the time aud place for holding connty conventions, etc., and not that of the executive committee, as Mr. Fellows States, with all duo respec; to that. body. Tne county committee is com posedof 148 members. If Air. Fellows thought it necessary to petition me for a call of this committee why did ho not get a iii ijoiity ot this committee to sigu? The ObairmaD In that e ase could uot very well refuse to call them together. Taking all these things into considera tion, 1 dc nied it advisable to deter the call until such time as I could confer with most of tho candidates, and some of tho memoen ot tne county committee to have their views as to the proper time to tunko a cali, Since then I have called upon a number Ol the candidates and members of tho county committee, and they immedi ately expressed themselves satisfied to have a meeting of the county committee called on Saturday, July 14, at 2 p. m. In accordance with the wishes, I have called a meeting of the said committee on the above date. In conclusion I would say that in this I do not think I am exercising the powers ot an autocrat or that I consider mystlf the whole committee, as Mr. Fellows iuti mates; neither do I bolive m ono man dic tating, regardless of others' iutersts. I am always willing to abide by the will of the majority, when properly obtained, if any one is at present jeopardising the best in terestS ot his party, it is the person that is trying to force an improper isoue. ANOTHIR MEETING GALLED. A circular hearing tho signature of "J, W. Drowning, secretary of the connty committee,'' was yesterday moiled to members of the eouuty com mittee notifying and requiting them to attend a meeting of that body next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the rooms of tho Central Republican club. It was based npo;i the alleged refusal of Chairman Powell to grant the re quest of tiio sixteon members of the county executive committee whe re cently signod a potition desiring that u meeting of the county committee be called ou the diits sp?oifitd. WRE PLEASID WITH SCRANTON. Two Visiting Dftliffations of Coal Deal ore Looked U Over. Two delegations of coal dealers which arrived here Tuesday eveniug left the city y-storday. Tho New Jer sy Goal exchange departed at 4 30 o'clock for Wilkes 11 irrd and the Utica aggregation left for JJinghatntoii. IJjta parti -j vi.dtod the Sonth works Tuesday evening, Yesterday the Nw Jsrsey men sreot to lion ' dale and over t in gravity road; the Utica party de voted tho day to Inspecting many of the mines near the city. Tbis morn ing the New Joisey men, who are stop ping at t be Wyoming Vallty hotel nl Wilkes-Datrc, will visit the Red Ash mine of tho Lsbigh Valley Coal com pany and will leavo this evening for Newark. While hero many of both parties ex pressed their pleasure at tho hospitality und entertainment accorded to ai and the benefits they had derived from their stay in the city. WANT RECORD AMENDED. Motion Sladeb- F. L Hitchcock In Court Y s',mday Colonel F. L. llilchcock, as attorney for tho Pastor's union, mado a motion before Judgj Archbald yesterday to allow an etnendmsnt to he'iuade in the record of Alderman Post in one of lbs cases brought against McGarru'n & Thouios for violutiug the Sabbath law, The defendants took out a certiorari and the motion wasmailo lo return the copy from the docket in order to amend S. 13. Price, for the dofend ants, denominated the action ot Colo nel Hitchcock ns a straugo'and nntiuijal procediiig. Dnt the latter quoteq a proo'.'deut ou tho records of Wyoming Bounty where a similar autloti was al lowed by Judge Kittsur, who it i well known, is one of the most learned judges in this slate. Judge Arehhuld ressrred bisdecis on. AN ATTRACTIVE PARCEL WAGON. It Has Been Put on tbe Ko id bv Pr. p.i etom of the Fair. The enterprising managers of "The Fair" ou Luokawanna avetios yester day placed n parcel wngou ou the road that lathe most attractive vehicle of the kind yet seen in tn oity, It wiib constructed sti-oiully for the firm by atodeubuker Drod., of South Bend, Iud., is of the finest workman ship and paiutud m an urtistio mauiier, The wagon is coverod to protect pa ckages from the elements, portions of the side snd buck being of glass. Acrcf-s the sides aro the words, "The Fair," in large gilt letters. THE MISSES COURSENS' TEA. QiVon for the Stanton and Mils Holme, of Honeedalo. An aftsrnonti tea was givon yester day by tho Missel Coursou at 015 Mul berry street for Miss Ilolmes and the Misses Stanton, of Honesilale. The following were among the young ladles present: Miss Archbald, Miss All gnita Archbald, Miss lilair, Miss Hunt, Miss Seybolt, Miss Romalne Seybolt, Miss Louise Sevbolt. Mies Dickson, Miss Mott, Miss Welles, Miss Decker, Miss Basset Miss Nellie Mattes, the Misses Kingsbury, Miss Jermyu, Miss Susan Jeriuyu, Miss Jones. INVESTIGATING DEfiCLFS DEATH. Coronet 'a Jury Listened to Much Con tradictory Kvid'-'DO. The adjourned Inquest to Inquire into tho manner of George Deacle d death, who whi killed at the Murvine shaft on June 19, was rssnmed last evening at the residence oi Mine Inrptetof Edwin Roderick, at Providonoe, osfor- Cor oner K iley, Attorney A. A Voeburs nopearing ou behalf of the relatives of tho deceased. i'birty-two witnesses were examined, and contradictory evi dence was given. H. M Miller, tho contractor vlio em ployed Deacle, stated that he visited tbe pluos on the morning preceding the acoident and examined the plaoe and went twenty feet further into the workings und found the plnce quite safe, I nt gnve orders to the mti to put Is extra timber as a iueasur of precau tion He went again at 1 3U the same day and examine ! it again, but as the mon had not reached that particular sp it the timber had not bo.n placed so he repeated his orders and directed them to render tho plaoe safe, The acci lent tool: p!ac a few minutes nfter midnight. In cross-examination by Mr. Vosburg, ho stated that Deacle was In charge, as he thought he was the best man to undertake it. A large number of witnesses, gave evidence to Ine effect that tha place was perfectly safo it orders had been properly carried out. George Abbot, the nineteenth wit iiees, thought that the place was not safe, and said that Mr. Miller gave no instructions, and further that Mr. Miller knew that tho place was dan gerous. JoHepli Allison said that the place was unsafe from the first and wantod more timbaring. Willitim Hayes bad exominod tbe place the morning nfter tho accident and found it unsafe. The roof was sounded iu his presence and was "drnmmy," and whore prop were fixed they wore insufficient, One of the mine foremen hud told him that it was not a safe place. The j. quiry was adjourned to Sato day, 7 80, at Coroner Kelly's oHiee. Mine Anna Roon E itertalne. Miss Anna Roos, who va3 recently con. firmod as n communicant of the Jewish church by Rabbi J. l'enerlicht, gnve a parly last evening nt 521 Pine Rtreet to her Sunday school frionds. Refreshments were solved, games played and the eveniug very pleasantly spent. A nn tuber of older people were pres ent. Tho younger guests were: Misses B, Morris, T. Morris, L. Davenport, it. Robins, F. Dnllrotf, S. Driesen, I. Good man, K, Uallen, C. R os, E. Fry, J. Roos, F. Levi, E. Morris, N. Roos, P. Room, M. (iross, J. Foster and M. Feuerlicht, I, Rous, E. Goodman, Sol. Drioson, 8. Nye, L. Laudau, D. Liudau. G. Brown, II. Gross, A. Moses, Emil Roos, L. Roos. CITY NOTES. City employes will be paid Saturday. Very few arrests are being made by the police. Many school teachers received their pay yesterday. Tho policemen drilled in the armory yesterday afternoon, Amateur photographers can flud some tine landscapes at "Woodlawn park, Green Ridge. A lull dress rehenrsal of "The Fall of Babylon" will take place tbis afternoon at 1 o'clock on the stage. Both the common and sdect councils will mopt this evening. Thn joint streets and bridges committee will meet at 7 o'clock, The annual examination of students for entrnncH to Yale college will take place this morning, beginning at 0 o'clock, at tho School of the Lackawauna. A ii advertisement inserted iu yeUorday's TniBUNK by a young woman who wanted employment bp tight live answers beforo 4 p.m. TnsTRIBtnrfe is the place to ad vertise. The high school committee of the board of control will meet this eveniug at 7.31) o'ch ck and examine the preliminary plans prepared by Little & O'Connor, of New 1 ork, for the new high school. Mnrrtage llconses were granted yester day by Clerk of the Courts John li. Thomas to Thomas F, MoMahon, of Buffalo, N. Y., to Maggie J. Morrow, of Scrauton; Ed ward C. Smith and Unry Jane Anderson, Scrauton. William Grnmnn, a grocer of Capoueo avenue, was In Jeesup Tuesday during the storrn. lie was arranging a box on the. wagon When a bolt struck and killed hia horse. Ho was knocked unconscious. However, his case is not serioitB. James Dnnnor, of Stroudsbtirg, who was taken to the Lackawanna hospital for treatment of injuries recoived while ou his way to Oouldsboro by being struck by a i ratn, died yesterday morning at 3 o'clock, His body was taken home and tho funeral will take place this afternoon at o'clock. T.he picnic of St Luke's narish and Sun day school will be held tit Lake Ariel Sat urday, Juno 80. The train will leave the Erio aud Wyoming station at 8.80 a.m., stopping at Dunnioro. Tickets can be se emed at the station; childreD, 40 cents; adults, 78 cents. All muuiDure of the Sun day school fro. At U.jO yesterday morning Anthony I.oughnuy and iliss Mary Uiglln, of Car. bon street, were married ut St. Petor's cathedral. Mr. Longhhey was attended by John Mullen and Miss Higlin bv Miss Jenuio Biglin. Mr. and Mrs. Loughney have gone ou a wedding tour to New York and points on the J I ml Upon their return they will reside on tho Vet Side. J. XV. & 3. S. Miller, wholesalo meat merchants of this city, secured four at tachments iu tho office of Prothonotarv Pryor yesterdajMagainst William Gilroy, a butcher doing rniRlness In the Seventh ward. Tho total amount of thu sum rep resented In ihe attachments approaches nearly 8,500. Afterward executions were i-"tied aguiust the realty ot Gilroy. Frank Holgate also i-ecured an execution on an attachment of $l,5w. The property of Gilroy will bo sold at sheriff'a sale. Tho literary programme at Elm Park church this evening will bo ouo of un usual interest. Dr. Pearc and II. H. I'eidleiiiau will speuk on their respective departments iu the university. The Misses Lillian Millies and Mabel Schlager will re cite. W, It. Peck will read "Tho Ad vaucc," which will be uu uuusually bright, newsy and interesting number. Among the nunicians who will contribute t the evoii.uu's programme nro Mrs. Vauwy uvaH-i ego ttuu m. . uouvs, uaritoue. Open All at Lehman's Spruce street Db. C. C. Lauhach, dentist, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latent improvements. Eight years la bcmuiou. CHARGED WITH All Jolin Muni, Jr., and William Hill od Trial for That Offense. EVIDENCE THAT WAS ADDUCED It Is All of a Circumstantial Character. Mary Van Sccten Returned Not Guilty Italians Who Neglected to Pay Their Board Bills-A Lloyd Street Shooting Affray Recalled. Tobey Case Still on Trial. John Monk, jr., and William Hull, two Carhoudale youths, ware on trial in oyer aud terminer court before Jndgt) Arohbald yesterday afternoin charged with setting fire to the house of John P. Phillips on tho night of February 10. About 10 o'clock of tho night in qu istion John Hughes saw a light near th Phillips' place aud at first thought it was the dicker of a mining lamp. Hifl delusion was uub uiqueutly tiismUet upou beating shouts of "fire." Immediately ho ran lor tha seme of the bins and discovered the rar walls of Phillips' house on fire. The flamei had begun to lick the siding and bad mounted about tlx feet High along the hoards. There waa about a toot of snOW on the ground nod be SOOOpid bandfulls ol it, aud with buckets of water, tho lira -.v.:a pat our. A paper shoe boxwsi found nt tho baseboard of too bouse inside of which was enclosed u cigar box, which had the appearance of having been satu rated with kerosene, A pint bottle was touti I near the boxos. It was empty, but showed that it had been filled with oil. John P. Phillips and his wife testi- tied that kerosene appeared to have ueeu uberaily uiid on tne hoards, SAW TI1LM BUM AWAY. Adelbert Coogau an 1 hia wife mot two young uijii running away from Phillips house, bnt neither could rec Ogulse the defendants. Testimony was intro meed that tiu bottle found waa filled with medicine by Druggist Kel ley for one of the defendants, showing that it belonged to them. TUS make, up of the evidence for the common wealth is entirely clreUUtStautuL Kx Judge Kiuipp and Joseph U'llrien rep resent'.-1 the defendants aud tho dis trict nttoruoy the prosecution. Chief J. 'f. McAndrow, of Curboiidale, is the prosecutor, the defeueo will bo heard today. Mnry Vim Scoten, of Patagonia, was before Judge Archbald iu tho morning to tell why alio used force in uu inter viw with her landlord on March 17 It was a case of simple assault an I bat tery and the jury found iier guilty as cinirgcu in tn- lu'iictmoiit. Mutton Csmpsnello und Niccolo Pl zirro, for ten months prior to April 10 boarded with Antonio B.irbariui,' In Peckville. They took n train for Piiil adelphia on the above date and left iheir landlord aud an uupsid seven months hoard bill. Ho set out for Philadelphia in the morning and succeeded in capturing and bringing them hack. Tho charge of carrying concealed weapons waa also brought against them, uoionvl r , J. t itzsnu mons prosecuted them und Atterney West, of Philadelphia, looked after tneir interests, ihe jury found them not guilty of tho first cjunt, but guilty of defrauding their boarding boss. Judge Gunster suspended sontouce ou their promise to settle. LLOYD STREET AGAIN. The afternoon waa taken up with a shooting case that occurred ou tho night of Jau. ,0 on Lloyd street, that stamping ground of riot and drukon iiesa. John Uncan charges Killam Buesa ntid Peter Uncan with discharg ing their revolvers at him and ihto a crowd of paople. Tho lury retired on the cats shortly before adjourn ment. xeiterday morning whim court op-ned tho jury in the Literaa case re turned a verdict of guilty. The Tobey case was still on at ad journment yesterday afternoon. It is one of the most tedious trials ever brought in Lackawanna county. The only important pieco of testimony ad duced by tbe prosecution s. far is tbe fact that looey purchased a pin from young Fred Luther, paying u trivial sum therefor. A number of jawelers wore put ou the stand, but their testi mony was of no account to eithor side A number of character witnesses wero sworn. PERFECT HEALTH. Impure Blood and Evil Effaots of Win- tor Driven Off That "tbe blood is tbe life," is an old and true saying; but it anulvs to tmre blood only. Pure blood iu spring en ables the system to resist tha Inroads of disease. Hood's Sarsanariihi insnive pure blood. It is the ideal spring mam iciue, Take it according to directions and relief is curtain - onntlnna ntn, . and it will effect n complete, cure, as long us a euro by hum in means Is poa- sioie. In View of the (Ant that Himd'a Ren sapurilla is the most efficient spring lueuicme iu suuuid always be resorted to nt thin epn.nn luh.n strengthening aud invigorating remedy is ansoiuieiy inuispeualUlo to the thou sands whose strength and vigor have been seriously impaired by the severe and protraoted cold, of winter, and Whose enfeebled vhnlltv randum than. an easy rey to tho euervatiug' inilu- eucas oi eariy sprmg. To vurr tnanv iui.oiJa iha inmt,v ,o' -j t i - - - vvu..a V. spring is anticipated with feeliuge of dread, as n season of gloom aud die- Hammocks Extra list, with Pillow, $2 WORTH $3 Picnic Goods Raspberry Vinegar and 8yrOp,25o. bottle; large bottles Lime Juice, 35c. bottle. Lunch Salmon,Piokled Oysters, Clams and Lobater. all perfect goods. Baked Beatia, I Oc. Kop's Cheer The ideal Temparanee Drink. Over 0,500,000 bottles sold iu Ldbdou in four months, Buy Your Berries NOW. E. G, COURSEN. 429 Lacka. Avo. tresa; of languor and depression of spirit whioh effectually deprives thm of all enjoyment. To sueh we would eay: Take Hood's Sarsaparilla as your spring medicine this seaeon, and in a marvellously short lima a change for tbe better will eusue, cheorfulness and health will succeed depression and dwtdair, and those azure-hued imps popularly known us the "blneB" will disappear us if by magic. Taken ouce as a spring medicine, Hood's Sarsapa rilla ever afterwards finds a place In every well-regulated family at this eason. SOUTH SIDE. Funeral cf Oliver Burko, of Meadow Av e'.uo 7isterday Morning. 'Ihe funeral of Oliver Burke, of Meadow avenue, was hold yesterday morning at 0 o'clock. A solemn high mass uf n qui iu Was bung at St. John's church, celebrated by Rv. F. P. Walsh, assisted by RiV. James Moffat, us duacon, und Rev. E. J. Melley aa Bubdeaooo. After the mass Fathor Walsh deliv cred tho sermon, of which the text was, "For my yoko iB sweet and my hurdon light," Matthew xi, 30. The pecnliarly pathetic death of tho young man, whose life waa a model, and whose premature death easts a gloom above tho circle in which he was wont to mingle, furnished Father Walsh with a theme that wus u wor thy tribute Thu sad cortege prcceedod to Hyde P.irk Catholic eoinotery, accompanied by the Willium Cmuell II jju com pany, of which he wus u member. - eHrtt'V-I.'iAUJEN HUPTI L5. Married with a Uasi ut Si. J.hj'j Chuion by Bev. E J. Melley. The m irriage of Misa Rose G. Brady, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Francis F. Brady, of oW Gsuet street, and Mich ael J. .Madden of Manistee, Mioh., waa solemnised yesterday morning In St. John's chnrcli at 8 o'clock with a nuptial mass, celebrated by Rv. E J. Melley, A number of frionds at tend d the m isi aud witnessed the nuptials. Misa Lizzie J. Brady, bister of the bri !e, attended bur, and Martin Cannon was groomsman, Tho bride wore a costume of cream Lsnidowne en train, trimmed with ribbon aud lace to match. Siie woro a wreath of orange blossoms and bridal veil and carried un ivory bound prayer book. The bridesmaid's cosUmiu was of cream cichuiero trimmed With rib bon to inatob, Sao wore a cream leg horn hat and carried a bouquet of tea rosea. The groom and beat mail wore the customary blaok mils with white vests. During tho muss Misi Kttij Raar don played the organ and rendered Mendelssohn's wedding march in beau tiful style. Mits Susie Little sang aa an offertory. Millard's "Ave Muria. ' Attar the mass the bridal party par took of a wedding breakfast at the bride's homo whero congratulations were showered upou tho hippy couple, After the reception drive was en joyed to Wilkes-Bgrre, returning at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon. Iu the even ing un informal reception wus hold at whioh numerous trieudi called to lender wishes of prosperity and bid farewell, At 13 10 this morning Mr. and Mrs. Madden left for their luture hoiua iu Manistee. Before arriving home however, tluy will have spen. ten days st Niagara Fills and othor poiuts of interest along the routa. SOUTH SlOt JOIflHCS. Miss Dora Matiley, of ilawiov, io paying a visit to Mits Ehaa -koran of Cedar ave nue. T. W. Tirney arrived homo yesterday from St. Charles' college. Ho will spend his vncutiou with bis auut on Stoi.o ave nue. Tho storm on Tuesday did considerable damage throughout tbe county, but in -where was felt so severely as ou thu Souih Side. The work that has been done dur ing the past six weeks on Birch street, Stone avenue and other thoroughfares ou the bill baa beju rendered useless by tbe cloudburst of two d iys ago. The picnic hild last evening by Bev, Father Aust congregation was for the purpow of helping to defray the expeuscs of a new pulpit, which will cost three or four hundred dollars, a detachment ol the Knights of tho Holy Cross, and Pui- nskio (Juards were iu attendance. Qotbs band played iu the pavilion, and tho Gip-y orchestra iu tbe ball. The picnic was a success. T. J. O'Connor, of Fig street and Cedar avenue, who was taken ill at the South works on Tuesday morning, died early Wednetday morning. Tne deceased was only Ut) years old, and leaves a w idow and four young children to mourn hia loss. The funeral will take dace at 'J a. in. ou Fri day. Branch 85. Catholic .Vutual Benevo lent association held a special meeting last evemng aud decided to uttend the funeral iu a body. Pallbearers were aleo ap poiuted. Commonwealth Shoo Store, Washington Avenue. Fino shoes; latest fada in rnssot and patent leathers. Some entirely new styloa in ladies and gents. The Groan Eidia Wheelmen will giye a lawu festival at their club houso on Wyoming avenue on Friday even ing, June lU). Tho Lawrence baud will he present and discourse excellent music dur ing the eveniug. A hearty invitation le extended to all to attend. And Right up to Date. . . . JUNE We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE. Best Seta of Teeth, $8.00 Jrelurttua Hi polnWa txtrnctlng Weddings 1 : i" u uy uu ii.mviy ucw iij ItfjS. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. lli ioillNU AVli Muelo Sexes Exclusively. Best made. Play any deeired number of tunes. Qiiutscui & Sons., manufacturers, IdCO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrlal organs, only S and tlu. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. OJL STOVES - AftE SEASONABLE H i PSamaan 'Tisllie season now. We have the litiest line iu the cily. From SOc. to $13. H. BATTIN SeCo. 1 26 P. nti Ava. , Scranton. Glove WE . . . . W CLEAN THEM . 128 Wyoming Ave. BELIEVE That the natural outlines of the foot should he preserved rathef than interfered with; if you believe in comfort and fit as well as style; if you believo iu shapely shoes for sha ly feet; if you want service, theu put your money, as .. ell as your feet, in our shoes. We show and sell tho grandest and greatest line of Tootwear that ever adorned aud protected tha feminine or masculine loot. Ladies' Beautiful Itusset Tipped Ox.fords, all sizes, $1.00. Ladies xtra Quality Eussct Blucherettes, $2.00. Misses' Best Quality Russet Goat, spring heel, button, $1.36. Child's Extra Quality Patent Leather Tipped, button, 75c. FIN MIC k Ml Ell 137 AND 139 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters, SCRANTON, PA. Q. L. G ALLEN. REMEMBER- -Every purchaser of 1 worth or over receives a chance on the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT. THERE ARE ANY PEOPLE Who have found experience to be a deai teacher;, especially is this true in buying SHOES. When your experience teaches you that you can buy BETTER SHOES of us than at any other place, then we will have your shoe trade. Our shoos won't cost you any more than other shoes not so good. Russet Shoes of Every BANISTER'S, BROWN'S TEMPTATIONS YOU CANNOT RESIST THEM. What we refer to principally are: Ladies' Suits, from 85 cents up. Ladies' Shirt Waists, from 25 cents up. Child's Straw Sailors, 25 cents up. Men's Yeddo Straw Hats, ventilated, 75 cents. (I!tter than thoH4 sold elue whero nt s.unu prie . ) Men's Yeddo Straw Hats, 65 cents each. Men's Laundried Outing Shirts (two separate col lars), $1 each. Boys' Sweaters (two colors), 50 cents each. A splendid assortment of White Parasols. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. Here We Are Again This time we offer a $2.00 Leghorn Hat for 89c. Remember this ij the finest Leghorn Hut made. Silk Poppies for 10 cents a dozen. 50 different styles of Flow for 10 cents a spray. In our CLOAK DEPART MENT we will sell a $6 Coat for $2.98. Capes for $1.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.98, worth $8. STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY LS, FREE OF CHARGE During thu Summer. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. BI HATS '8 Men's best grade Caseo Calf, lara and Congress, London aad French toe, $1.90. Men's extra quality Russia Calf, hand welt, lace and Congress, $3.00. Youths' extra quality B Calf, tipped, button and bfllfl, $1.00. Infants' best quality Tan and Red Coat, button, 50c. Description. Cof - LatofclJf0?.?? ta' 99 For