THE SCEAKTOtt T7UBUXE -THURSDAY" MORNING. JUNE 28, 1894. BASL BALL Ecraatoa celebrates Its Return Coma by a Victory Over Mloont The Mountain City Lads Could Barely Toucti "Our Own Tommy" Allen town Takes a Game from Po'.tsville, Hnzletown Lowered a Notch by Harrisburs, and Easton's Hold on Last Place Clinched by Reading. Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern Lcaguo Summaries. Notes. tlm result of Yes terday' State losgue base ball Ksraos, tlii positions of several of tho clubs iu the championship race Iihh u-en changed Allentown again taking second place, pnabing Haileton into third pkico, and Soranton moving null ybvfuiu uu.-i- ' tion into fifth place, Lut by ;i very narrow margin. From present appaaraneM tne order of tlm today should ha tho same order in which they will flnlsb. the first sea son, wfcioii cecum on July 7. 1 following table gives the per ca itagea of tii clubs,to;;tber with tho Di nb .- ol gam u won nud lost by eacii, an 1 their sticuiug in tho champioushlp Won. Harrlabnrg 82 Allentown 'A Haslaton 21 Reading Bcras iw Potttvilla i" Altoona 17 ICaston 7 Lost. Per ft. 9 10 IS 2a 33 20 20 SI .73U .888 '.468 .159 .43!) .184 BCBtDULB rOB TODAY. tUuoDd i.t Hti-aaton. i Two games. I PottsvlUe it Allentown. Beading at Knstou. i ii ,ii;ar;rat ilazleton. HARD LINES FOR NOLAN. Zli Old Assoc! t a ;.n.:td His Curvss A'.l Ov u: Grounds. " : ; n ilis ' 1 th iir r.'tnrn home by administering a terrible de teal to AUood yei duty at the ball park. Noli i, tho x-Seranton twirler, was civ atrial iu the ba-xbyAl toona and proved noeqn 1 to the task ol . down Soranton bate roan. In met, hit lute associates seemed to be determined to drivu Mr. Nolan out the business irom the sav . which they attacked bis aliened onrvas. Massey waa tlm most vlndiciliv?. In lii bat be made four single, i me run la'cbcr. nud jles, adoo ..... and a home run, Hud Bojinn single, I inble and triple. Ta n members ol theolubcon tented iliemiel - with singles, of ol -iti sixteen .wsre lo all lecuved. fax In the lead, and lie ball i often and hard, that after i)xtb inning the game began . . .... langbter was witneased by abont 500 person. HOOSON 0OU1 D HOT PITCH. Hodson was sob ilnled to pitch the game, bnt his tomaon waa not on good v ri is Ith blm and be did not don his uniform at all. In his stead, Old Boy Ptanagban'a graeefn! form dtenrated t'je pltoher'a box. Tom maso was in good f irm and had no trouble in winni ij; the ame from audi an opponent as Nolan. Mark Koran, of I'rr.vidence. iate of tho Entiton clun, umpired. His work ' as not wholly aatislaetory, although he evinced a praiseworthy dedre to do what waa jnst and right between the players. Altoona presented a somewhat d1t ranged team. First B.isemau Hggan and Beeond Uiseraau Uuttermor left the club last Siturday and their places havii not yet been filled. Pitcher West covered first ysster di.y and Captain Alex Uouohne came in Irom left field ami put up a brilliant Rhine at second. Asiienback, who proved himself u clever fielder, covered left. A BRILLIANT PLAY. One of the most brilliant plays ever seen on the grounds was made in the third Inning, Yonngman, of Altoona, was on tbli (.when West went to the bat. ilr. West drove the ball over Fluna ghan'a head with terrific spued. Uj in the air went Thomas left hand and he touched the ball and broke its force, Captain 1'helan saw Flnnaghan's mov and rub I in to back up the loiv? pitcher. When the force of the bail was broken Pnelan jumped in the air, ranght the sphere and hnrled it to the home plate where Catcher Rogers put. Yonngman out. While; the play was being made D nouu?, who was on secoud, reached third Rogers made a feign to throw the ball to iseond t eatoh West. Iu stead of doing so be sent thi ball aaiu ing to third. JJinoiiui bi;n his jour nay to the home plate when Rogers made tliti mot! ! to throw to secoud, and too lata tound that he had been tricked. A SPRINTING MATCH. Bis only salvation waa to run home, nnd be started at the top of his speed, with estlake after him. The latter eteat and put Alexander the ' ofli li u feet from the home Plate. pi iys IWai ined ?reat entbml asm among the spectators. Score in detail: SHUN TON. pa i 0 o s 2 1 10 a o He ran, 0. f.. aei, a. . . cneii, o. I !. if... Jr. Boi pl . ion, itb i toils, i. I i y, ib v. . itlake, 8b Flannigan, p Total jS '.: 27 M 3 AI.TOU.NA. u, i, pa a. k. c t l c i i a i a Walters, a 1 1 1 I 1 2 Yonnsman, s. s o 2 l a l Hartman, 8h , I S W ft 1 Doi i gbna, 'J b 1 t U o l West, lb o a J3 o 8 .. . n back, ). f 0 0 3 0 o Griffith, r. f b o o o Nolan, p 0 ooao Total I 3 27 17 9 E . ton 4 1 1 I 0 1 I 8 4-18 Attqopa. o i 2 q o i o o o 4 Earned runs -Pyrantel 8, Altoona it. Two Me Pita Itogan, I'atchuu, Kngoie, 1 snagl .' lla ley, tlarlnian. Three base blti iu, waters. Homo runs Pati ben, nasartr, IMplbn liosea Wetxol, pMtcnen ley, J 'uolme 8, West, 2, j p)i . i l.jlan, Urt Ulan to Oo:ioliuu to crft.. liilocU out By ' Ul Flnnagan 8, Nolan 0. I list base on ball By FlanagbaU 5, Nolan 0. HH by pitcher Flanaghan. Time of game 2:U5." Um pire -Moron. OTHER STATE LtAGUE RESULTS. At Alloatown- Allentown....O 0 000-008 14 Pottsvilte 0 oooooiool Hits Allentown, 11; I'ottsville, ft. Kr rois Allentown, 2; f'otUville, 4. But tetis Baldwin uud Kelly, Fox, Hutjhes at.d Dtyfiins. At llazleton Haztoton 0 0 3 0 1 0 II 0 0 0 Barriabnrg....O 0X00700 x 8 Bite Haslaton, 10; Harrislmri,', S. Er rors Ilszletoo, 3; Harrisburi;. i Bat terios Fee and Moore, Meauey and Wonte. At lteadiug Roadiut' 11 0 0 S 0 0 4 0 222 Eatou 8 1 1 0 0 8 1 3 0-10 Hits Reading, 28; Eiiston, 11. Errors Reading, Oi Hasten, 7. Katterlee Oulds and Uoodbnrt; i'lock and Kaub. NATION L LEAGUE. At Cle"eland First gamo Clovelaud 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0-6 Brooklyn 4 1 0 2 1 0 2 0 x-'.O Hits Cleveland, 11; Brooklyn, 13. Er rors Cleveland, 3; Brooklyn, & Batteries Young and Zimmer, Stein and Kingslow. Soeond garuo Clevolaud...."0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 Brooklyn 'i 0030000 x-5 HltS-rClevelsnd, 1T; Brooklyn, 11. Ei-rors-Clevelnnd, 4; Brooklyn, 4. Bat rerles Clarksoo and CUonnor) Dunb uud Dsiley, Umpire Stage. At St. Louis St. Louis 0 00000000 0 New York....0 1 5 1 0 0 0 4 x-11 Bits-St. Louis, 5; New York, 14. Errors St. LouK 7; New Y'ork, L Batteries -Hawley and lliiler; Wettervelt and Wil son. Umpire Buret, At Cincinnati Cincinnati.... 0 l soo o 3 o x 7 Philadelphia.. 0 0 2 00100 0-3 UiU-L'inclnuati, Pi Phlladelphi S. Er rors Cincinnati, 3; Pbiladelpme, 4. Bat teries l'urrott and Vaughn; Woyhiug and Cress. Umpire Emslie. At Chicago Chicago 0 0 5 1 1 1 0 5 013 Baltimore..... 1 00 2 0010 04 Hits Chicago, 19; Baltimore, 8. Errors Chicago, 2; Baltimore, 3. liatterios Oritllu and Schrlver; Hawke, BoblttSOtt uud Clark. Umpire Lynch. At ritth'ourg Pittsburg 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 4 x-ll Washington ..0 l 0 0 l 00204 Hlts-Plttsburg. 14; Washington 19. Er ror. Pittsburg, ni Washington, 7. Bat toiie. liumbert, M ick and Merrittj Mer cer and MoQnlre. Umpire ilcCjaad. At Louisvills Louisville 1 010100003 Boston 8 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 213 Hits-Louisville, 11; Boston, 17. Er r i:s Lonisville, B Boston, 2. Batteries Hensfee and Unm; Stivetts and Hyan. Umpire GanTney, EAbTLRU IECUE. Wilkes-Barre, lit Springfield, 9, Erie, 10; Syracue, G. GLINTS MOM THS DIAMOND. Msssey's batting yesterday was some thlng terrific. Uis homo rua was a tre mendous bit. The Nn. 9 school clnb acoept tho chnl lenge of thr Bnmnar Avenue Stars; nt 10 o'clock, Thursday, on tin Johusun Lake grounds. B. Luuthuur, captain. Hognn had hard In s while away on the ti.p. He hit tbo hall often, but was uu sble to bind it safely, YVsterday ho did some of bis old time work with the stick. The Actives, of Green Ridge, challenge Union Bears, of Uunmore, to a game of hall on the Stove Works ground. Answer through Tue Thiui'.ne. The Actives cha!- lenge anvclub under 17 years of age. Firt come, first served. The Actives liave won ten uud lost four. E. Youug, managor. Iiodtiou Is not likely to go to Louisville, as he cauuot agrae with Manager Brnl on the salary he will receivo He has been offered 100 a month, hut decline to ac cept that salary. Ho thinks hi9 services ure worth more than tbat to the Blue Grose Colonels and will not sien unless the limit is raised, yesterday the tduO draft which Manager Barnie gave for hn release Was returned to this city uuhonored. Although Mansgsr Swift at the meet ing of tho Base Ball association Tuesday night, expressed his readiness to stop down from the management of tho Scran ton club several of the stockholders are anxious to see him retained at the helm. Said one of thotn yesterday to a TrIBUKK reporter: "I would he loath to see Swift give up the management of the club because be is the only mun thus far wbo lias made base ball nay in this city. He made money fur the asso ciation last heavji), although he had to start out undor discouraging .circum stanced. 11ml his counsel been listened to the association would have cleared at least S'.euo more than it did last year. This year his position has not been an enviable one. He has hail several OOOfllct lug elements Jo couteud wit'i, and aside from this at no time had absolute control uf the team. Enthusiastic and well mean ing, but ndsguideU persons have end) av ored to ite, him to sign certain players and Others have been as freely rec ommend' d for Instant release. Thoo people be has been forced to oppose at every step. I am in favor of giviug Swift absolute control of the team for 0110 month with power to sign or remove such players rit may thiuU proper. If he then fails to give the Scraa ton club the position it is entitled to have in the base ball world, let his resignation hn received and acted upou at once." Whoever is responsible for it, this fact is patent to lovers of base hail in this cily : tho Scranton club has far hoen a dis appointiuieiit. if a hydra-bended maaage ment exists it Bhould be abolished at once. It can accomplish no good. The men. ager of the clnb, whoever ho is, should have absolute control of the club and the public would then know just where to place the responsibility when tho club fnils to atchleve tho results that It should. There could he no nhirlilni; or shitting el' that responsibility 11s we peo today in this city. The TbiBUNB bus thus far studiously avoided attempting to give the stockholders of tho Beranton club any advice concerning the muunor 111 which it should conduct its uifuirs und it breaks through Its osual reserve now only to say, "give us one manager who managui," NOTES ABOUT COMING MEET. Work will begiti ou tho now graudstaud this morning. Over fifty entries have henn thus far re ceived. Eutries will close this evening. The Humbler racing team of Now Y'ork lent their outrics by telegraph last oven ing. A mocting of the club will hi held this evening to make final arrangements for the rates. Bert WirUwire, of Catbondale.will enter the northeastern rennsyivania champion hip contest, as well us the h.df-milu open raut. The disgram for the giandi.tsad will be oi,:ocil 1 it baturuiiy muriumr at U. fi. Pratt's stationery store, III I L tdkawauaa avenue. Tiuksts fur a . . . a to the groiiudi will alsu ba ou sale theru, The Slnb will ruu a special train to Wi llarro on Monday eveuiuir next I b train Will leave Bridgo street depot at 7 p, in. A meeting 01 the club will bo held ut 0 80 o'clock, after which thev will 11a- nulo to the depot headed by the Liwrouoe luiud. Ail wheeliuen who are not mem bois of the club are Invited to join iu the t In and rarUctjiato Iu the lantoru parinle to ou iieiu in wnges-uarro on thai even ing. . Tucklen'a Arnica Salve. lib best salve iu' the world for Cots Bl iBore Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fevor Sores, Tetter, Chappad Hands, Chilblains, L'ornH and nil Skin Eruptions, autl posi tively cures Pil or no pay required. U it k'uarautoed to itive ifrfect satisfaction SI mousy 1 of Hided. Price 115 couts per Dux. f or sole uy juattnews uros. NOW CARE FOR THE AGiiD ! Bam ins With 11 s DaMUtatiag Weather is Here. The Btst of Thought and Caro is Duo to tho Old People For Them to tic Strong and Happy, Refreshiio: Sleep is Necessary Palne'a Celery Compound Must Mow Be Tr.kcn. Young people iin the flush of health are apt to forget tbat thj aged need help more frequently thau they, to (ragd oil: wetikuess aud to OUSCk diseaao. Because there are no symptoms of any specific disease they think nothing can ho done. They forget that tho weaknesses of weak n sses, a difficulty uf the slow organs of digestion aud siilmiiatlon to prop erly feed the nerves an I body. The one grant need, as hot, dohiliat ing weather comes on, is for new, rich blood, free from the poisonous humors that invariably result from a slagnant Condition, The certainty with which Paiue's celory compound quickly sotida ttew mm.. LgWll C. CltOSSES. Wood to every part of t;te body is shown bV a stronger oulse, fuller heart beats, aud a brU'liteui'ig of toe spirits. Sleep becosgtl sound slid refreshing, and rhenmstism, scialios, neuralgia, and other results of an underfed ner vous aval etn ..disappear. The "world of worn out, nervous, feebl men and womeu is indebted to Professor E lward E. Phelps, M, D,, LL. D ; of Dartmouth medical school for the discovery of this great nerve regulator und blood ptu ill -r tho beBt and final fruit of a long life devoted to the atndy of weakness of nerve tissuos, unv its natural remedy. Paine's coltry compound gently stirs the workiugs of all the vital organs, feeds the nerves when waste in tlwir tissues kuB exceodetl the repair, and tints relieves nervous prostration, dys pepsia and disorders of the liver, kid neys anil heart. It builds up wasted bodies, frees weak nerves and uervo centers of irri tability by supplying licit, abuudaut blood to build up the worn-out tissues. When there is general debility, lassi tude, 11 loss of appetite nnd a lack of intorest in life that comes at this sea son; wbeu one looks wretched, and feHa so all over, this great modern remedy goes straight to the souroe of the weakness und Immediately gives strength and a vigor of miud and ho ly 3nch us must follow perfect nutrition of every organ and part of the body. Tho lives of thouisntls of men and women past middle nje who think it time to stop work, might be prolonged to many yrs of usefulness if thov would only use Paine's celery com pound, the great modern blood und nerve restorative. It will give new life, ambition and cheerfnln-ss, 11s it did to Lwis c. Crouen, of North Co ll oe ton, N. Y.i wbo writes: "Paine's C elery Compound ins dono uie n ..real deal of good. I have bson afflicted with insomnia, nervous chills, Iojs of Strength, and poor digeatlon for some time, also loss of memory, and all of tnesu troubles are much utter now. I have gained in weight siuoa I com menced its usa and sin uiuuh better ainl stronger in every way, I shall recommend the compound to all others." The Ideal aid ibs Real. IFeeMnfffoa efdr. "And all tbsee p.iems 011 June," she said, "do they How from your looll" "No, madam," replied Bardby, "It is simply haul work. Wiiat yoa regard as pontic inspiration is simply n matter of poetic perspiration." Cure far boaduche. As a leinedy for all foruH of Headache Electric l'.itter bus proved to ho the very best. It effects a permanent euro and tlio umst dreaded liubltual blck headaches yi'id lo ils influence. W urg" all wlionro efflletod to procure a bottle und give this remedy a fair trial. In of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giv ing the needed tone to the bowels. and few canes loug resist the nse uf this medicine. Trv It once. Large bottles only Fifty ceuts at Matthews Bros', drag utore, Hist' ileal Ldncune'oa. Mrs. Wickwiro Wasn't it Bhakeepeare who said thut "appaiel 1 ft proclaims tho mau," or something of that sortr Mr. Wioknirc 1 don't remember, but probably you a e light. 1 suppose they bad clothes loud ouough t make procla mations In bis day the same as now. a dttOMBOittl Journal. Tut ruuT trial of Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Byrup will satisfy any one that tliK Inng-beallug virtua ci tho nine 'tree has now benu it lined lato nn effective and convenient COOgb ttiedlclns, Sob! by all dealers on a gnarantee uf sitUtaotion, Inoorpjr.stlon. VTOTICBI8 HEKBBY GlVBH THAI' AM Is a iilleatioa will to miidu to tbiOovor- nor if fenqaylfooU on rrldar, Ju v . Hid, by WUrlam II. Tavlor Oeania L Cr ntlAl, Claries B. T;;eloaor. LuvIh It. ."Unaniuy. ira j. jL-au-lny. William H Boyd, jr., and ioward P KwBsburr, under tint uet or a .imn.v eu.i;:,. 1 "An uitt.uin. side for the meorpbrauon and regnlatlon uf oeriam oorporasions, apnrovsq uie -nth naf of April, A. I). 1HV4, Hlul 'he hev. inl sapplt moiiiK th'.'i'ct.i, for the ehurtorof an Intended eorporatten lo be caneatne rrsnRLnOoal gompapy, tbs obaraater nnd object uf whioh is "mlaiog, vr pariaesnd sell lutcoal ami doing such ottior pu.ilnetis nece-sarily P"iriteti'' tnorownn. Rtt'i lor tnes.. pnrposss to lir.vo, poss'ias and en joy all the Hi:ht, b u 11U uud privileges of said act ot ntisjiiibiy uud sopsla- ui'.'iita thereto. WATHON DJIBLj Solicitors. Kcr nton. I's.. .lune, -'7, Usui m 1 1.1 11 ir ' 11 111 1- 1 M-a,w Sheriffs Sale. B viuTui; w wbitb, XB cotloii'i. and uttaehtueiits, act of lrti;:i. I, sued out of tliu t'l.urt ot ( ouiin. 11 IMietriof Lackawanna county, a:,d by spjolal order of ...ri t (nirr to me oireoteu, mere win oeei. nosed to nubile sulnoa Tliurnl.ty, the ."tii day of Junb, I".'! at U o'clock 11. 111. ol said duy, nt the shpn of William Gllroy, t'apouse avenue, city of, lackuwunnu county, n lot of ii'csli meat; Raimt tl.iv. June vs. isui. ut lo o'ciook a. ui.. t thoslion or illnitii (I1I10T. 11,111m .r. Laokswanne county, Pa., a into, freata meat; and on the nan ' day, Jmiu is, ll'4. at II o'clock a. 111., at the shop of William Gtlroy. delimit nit. In the unoiisb of T.iylor, Kaekawamia rounty, I u., 11 lot of fresh niout. Sult'iii and taken in SMBl ion at the suit of John llotgutii t aL vs. William llilroy und re turunbloto Beptnttlisr term. UjM, JOHN J. r All BY, Slterlff. Sheriff s ofllce, Scruuton, Pa., Juns'JT, ISM. 1 CENT Connolly & Wallace A Word. IPantK of all Wnds cost that wticft, eepf Situations M untefi.whivh are inssrU Cgenlu Vi'.intcd. UhTILOU PEU MOJ1TH, CITY OU COCNTltY O to coniisit.'tii w;'l,. awaka insurance sol iters;; well ssUUlSbed permanent nusiitts.. Addresu or in.uirc n.-cotid Hour, ill Luek wannti -iv.'.. K.' iunton. l'a. Help Wonted Male. UBEMAK WANTED - '"bXPEKIe'ncEU Bremen with small family o live in ruums at works, at M, T, KEI.LUK'O Laeku- a .11..'iiiiKn WorKB, ."J Adams avenue. ;1 R to 5if wu. kiy paid sober, reliable mau. MJ call i-urlv fodav. Kojm IS. over Ulobo store. VU AN I'KL-llAN AGER I'ui. r'l.s A N 1 La I Inrtltntion. Kef r ncn an I bond re Liberal ladncemonts to the r elit 111 u. Address. 1 lie custjiu Assurance (.0.. Phitadeli h u, l'a. Kor SM X)It BALE A LARGE SELECTION OF 1 tlie latest styles of buggies, snrrlss, pbaetona. carts uud wa irons of nil Kinds of niv own make., at M. T. CSLLKB S Lackawaiitni (.irriai;u iv o:l;s. ' lor Rent. ;u HUNT STORE 511 LAI KA WANNA Ave. Inquire of HENRY g .t,Y, 4:.'i Laotawanna Ave. ARE WIN OLA C(t' I AUK, I'Ult.v'ISHElJ, i to li t with baru. il-J I'uau uvcuuu. Special Notices, 1 0 YOu'WAltT TO ENOW HOW TO l apeoaiate sucoeKufully tu lho Stock and (Ir an market. 11 so, writs lor our littlu ui.iuual, muilod flue. Tells all ul'out It. F. Evans & Co., Blalto Bldgj CMgagq i BLANK UOUKS, 1'A.MI'IU.I.I . MAtlA 2inoa, etc, bound or rebound ut The Tu-inuNu orlicu. (juick wurk. Uessouublu prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE BAD AT lit, corner bitriu-o street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty uiual tickets (or ,1 Uuud tablo board. Boarding. CUMMEK BOAI-DINd-FOUK RESPECT O able perbuns can tiinl Urst clasa board with small family In la ge, uiry house. Hot und cold baths. Free carriage to dep"t and church Three quarters of u luilo fi om sta tion. Healtuy locality. AUdr. ss boi tj.CUrks' Summit. Lost. TnALDBAlB PIN WITH WHITE Xj prongs. Finder will be suitably re warded by retui nliur the same, to Colouul E. H. Hippie, Third National bank buildini;. Money to Loan. M ON FY TO LOAN ON FIRST MOKT gaes. Bums from 51,0 0 to J3.WA lUioWN. Attorney, 608 Spruce street Proposals. CEALEU PltOPost LS WILL BE HE O coived at the otHce of the secretary of tho Soranton board of control until 7.30 p, m., Monday, July , 1804, to furnish 2,(X)0 sehcol (WsU-b, to Iw furnisl.ed In such quai.tities and at such times as may be required by said board ot control. Bids to stub: price of iiiff ent sizes, sample duuk 'o be exhibited. Fifty .lull. 1! , In cash or certified check to nccum. pauy e h bid to bo forfeited to tho district la case of refusal or omission tu execute con tract within ten days, 11 award d the same, By order of thi. liourdof controL tt.CtiF.Ni-. P. FELLOWS, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE BE coived at the office of the City Clerk, Scram 011. l'a.. until 7.S0 o'clock p, in. Thurs day, July D, 1894 tu construct lateral sewers with lb" necessary branches, basins, lnmo holes, II xtuie and aiipliauceu In SUex, Min eral CarboU and Uordaii ntn ots in accordance with plan, nrotlloinl BjAM-ificatiuns filed in Olrt ftttl.-a , f 1 ill- l'l,.i-lx. Each proposal sha I be accompanied by cash j or cei'tiiK-u cueca 111 tue sum uf one nnttdrsd dollars. In ca the bidder to whom tho contract shall have been awarded refuses or omits to executs u contract for the Work In accordance with plan and specifications therefore, within ten days from date of awa- d. the enclosure ac rnmpauyiuir h s proposal shall be forfeit d to the uo nf the city of Scranton. '1 1 city re serves tho riyht to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. li. T. L LLB, City Clerk. Scriinton, Pa , June . ISOi tegJi. j ...... ....... . . . ....... 1. , 1 r. ... .1... ... ..... . ... t . qtenwra t .m biici,; ... octniiio.i, ewua.J 01 1. K .i t:it:t, Mm" oi 1 con.) lYliuia, oi.-ce:ineiI . Lettsrsef admlolsbration upon tin-above n m id aetata bavins ossn granted to the un- Cersifined, all persons havinu alalms OT de mands sfrainst the said estate will present th"Ui for payment, nnd thoso Indebted thereto v. please uiske iiniaediato pavnient to MEIKloX P. i Hi 'MAS Adnitnlstrstnx, 11)05 Churfh nvenn?, ticriinteu. l'a. v. Qatmisiii TnoHAa, Attorney. Repnbilcsn Bnlldlnc, Situations Wanted. DITTATION WANTED BV BABBCB, o purrledi Urst class workman, wants steady situation, dty ot country! an sober, honest, and cun clve boat of reference If rs yuirod. Address Ban y Silvern, lila.ratown, Si. J. SITUATION WANTBO BY YOl'NU MAN, I j willinx t 1 do uust any haul of work. Ad dress B, 'i rlbnne ofticp. BTRONO, WILLING AM; INTELLL lent bey, 16 years .id. wonldlue to get Home kindot work to do that he might as 1st hm mottier, who is 11 widow and iu need. Ad die. SI-'. 11. 8.137 Pranklia street, Uuouioi'v. l'a. N AOEDLADYWODLU L1KK TO CARE j'V tor snail oblldrea or baby In a respecta ble taanlly Gsnsodonaediaworki wages no olijcct. but a 1 omfortabio homu Is desired, tl. A. C, Tribune UfBae. (tlTC TldN V AN t I'll ' It V A (1 nil' UE p speciabl girl Wants work with it grsxt fain ly ehe can lit k j II her hi 111" C.iU doitny kind oi worlf. AdiiVSSS -' 1'., Tribuue offioe. Positively GREAT BANKRUPT SALE Great Slaughter in Prices all during the week in all departments. The Great Bankrupt Stock of Pomphrey & Morton and the Great Sheriff's Sale Stock from Now York will be disposed of at prices never known in this section. A p;ood many folks enu't figure out why we are uot iu jail for stealing. Tuey kuow we can't buy goods and tll tboin as we do, "but wo do." To pass up and dowu the street and see marked 50 ceuts, whioh yon can buy boro for 25 ocuts, is easier than picking up a quarter on the sidewalk. You don't even have to stoop for it. You don't know what you are missing. Don't care what yon waut, just so it's In our line. Wo will save you money on every article. GROSS, 316-31B Ma.ire ITon Seen Taffeta "Fin de Siecle." Black Grounds with Handsome Colored Print Work. The latest novelty out. They are not likely to be with us long. CONNOLLY k WALLACE Furniture Upholstered By the most NO TrHE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. COR. LACKAWANNA AND ADAM3 AVENUE. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. Fir.t olaas Bar attaehoA. Pcpot fur Boruuor 4t Luuol's i'aauuwusar Beer. l Cor. 15th ind Fittiert Sti., Mik Most desirable for reil.lenta of N.L. Ponn', tylvanta. All conTculeiicas lor travelers to and from Broad Btroet station and the Twelfth and Markot Rtreut station, lie suable tor vidtiug orantor.lans sod pe tie la Uie Anthracite Benton, T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR, BUR STOCK JJR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and lire, which occurrad Saturday night, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griffin. The damages allowed us by the insurance companies permit us to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be fo3. Sale Begins Saturday, June 30 and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly a3 possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-class Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one -third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. I MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $10 MF.N'S SUITS, formerly sold for $16 REN'S PANTS, formerly sod (or $5 BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3 ! iM SIGN OF THE C vl'.XT DDOlt to TUB BUIVNBD UAVIBS & GRIFFIN BPIIiDING, FOSTER &. CO. the Last Week, but FOSTER & CO. Lackawanna Avenue. Moire 16c. k YARD 209 experienced workmen in the city. FANCY PRICES. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Hot? We sell Furniture as cheap as any house lu the country that in tends to give honest value for tho money. Try ua. Hid. & Co. 200 aid 207 mm m. 230 Lackawanna Avenue. DAMAGED Neckwear Given Awaj. NOW $4.75 NOW $8.25 NOW $2 NOW il.35 BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. One, of the Xliem ? WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. 9 BY WATER I Boys' Suits, 74c. Underwear, Halt, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and all goods that are damaged at your own prioa. itaiiiiiKiiHii y fB Yon are interested io Weddine; ( HOB Presents, we would like to a 12 i.'.v you cill and szamina din ntnok, Ft is itiiwissibln ;u"" r M. Is B Ji sortinantor goods in Q XiaP' W our line than we buve to oiler, uud our cash system Kuiinntees yon the best valuables prc cnnibls Out our new prloe list, at any rate, psfors yen ff 0 It will st (asal Rive IHs 1 I W yon a bint of what wu KhaaV B are doi nt; tlironshnut tlie store in every depart ment. Oismonds will prove a profita ble investment these days. Their rapid rise lu value is sure and certain, and if yon want to -et I lie lowest prioes evr lit to -ec i ne lowsst prioen ith TODAY touched in I these bril liants, buy FREEMAN, (noli Dealer In OUmnnds, Watolim, Jewulry, fi(0. Cor. Penn Ave. and Spraca St. miuiiiniiiii A Handsome Complexion la one ol the greatest oharni a woman oaa poibern Possum's OuurLusioa Posroaa gived It.