The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 28, 1894, Image 1

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    All the News
without fear or favor.
Of liveliness are in the
air. Uead developments
l Columns.
Qe Will Lead the Democratic Hosts as Can
didate for Governor.
Meeting of Democrats at Harrlsburg
Yesterday Nominations Are All
Made by Acclamation Heated Dis
cussion Over Knotty Planks in the
Platform Adopted No Scramble
for Offices.
For Uovornur-W'ii.uAii II. Si.nuliilv, of
For I.ioutonat-Uoveriior-John S. Kiluno,
of Erie.
For Auditor General David F. Maoix, of
For Secretary of Internal Affair! Adjutant-
licOcral WALTKU W. Ull.LXLANU, of
For C'oUKretsuien at-Largc Ex Senator llAN
niiial K. ButAKB, of Indiana; ex Jude
Josli'H C. BUCBIB, of Union.
IlAitKiisuuiiU, Pn.p Jnne 27.
THE Democratic statu convention
today performed its work with
dispatch. The 4j1 delegates
were callsd to order at 12, 10 p,
in. and forty minntis later a recess
was taken nntil 2 25 o'clock. At 3 B8
o'clock the convention adjourned line
die. Theabienco of uuy opposition to
the slated candidates was the primary
cause of tho expeditions transaetion of
business. Tiie speeches, too, were oil
Ibort. All of the nominations were
made by acclamation.
When State Chairman Stranahan
brought down his gravel an assemblage
of about 1,200 greeted bitn. Flags and
buutiug were tastefully displayed
round the auditorium, aDd in ono
corner of the balcony a brass band
was stationed After the usual pre
liminaries Chairman Stranahan an
nounced that the temporary officers of
the convention, who were selected
yesterday by the state executive com
mittee, would assume their duties.
These were: Temporary chairman,
Hou. Robert E. Wright, Allentowu;
secretary, B-tijtmin M. Kead, Harris
burg; assistant secretaries, J. P. J.
Senaenderfer, Philadelphia; William
McEneny, Titnsville; Major John D.
Worman, Philadelphia; Thomas All
op, Allegheny; reading clerk, George
H. Hoffman, Philadelphia; ns.'istaut
reading clerics, P. W. Joyce, Pittsburg;
John B. Bitter. Allentown; sergeant
at arms, Benjamin F. Bryant, Phila
delphia; assistant sergeant at arms,
Thomas Mullin, Pittsburg; N. L. But
ler, Harrisbuig. Mr. Wright spoke
briefly. Committees on permnnent
organization, credentials and resolu
tions were chosen, aud the convention
then took a recess,
During the recess, the oommittees
on credentials and resolutions beid
secret bnt lively meetings. The cre
dential committee took up the contest
from the fourth district, Allegheny
and settled the matter "by unseating
the sitting delegates, J. J. McCabe
and P. Melnerney, who were denomi
nated as being "against the state ad
ministration," and seating George S
Fleming and T. M. Brophy, the con
testants, who are favorable to Mr.
Harrity. A. G, Crosby, of Erie, who
subsequently nominated Mr. Hilling
for lieutenant governor, was chairinuu
of this committee. When the commit
tee met It was agreed that nono but
contestants and their witnesses would
be heard.
William J. Brennan, the Allegheny
county chairman, who was also a mem
ber of the committee, tried in vain to
make a speech in behalf of Messrs. Mc
Cabe and Melnerney. He then begun
a tirade against "the ontrageous pro
ceedings," bnt finally apologized for
bis rude remarks and gave notice that
he would submit a minority report to
the convention. Mr. Brennan made a
motion that the contestants and the
sitting delegates all be admitted to the
convention and that tbey be give a half
a vote each. This was r j cted by a
vote of 45 to 5.
The committee on resolutions en
gaged in a somewhat heated dispute
over the ninth plank of the platform
which was characterized ns an attack
upon the American Protective associa
tion, The plunk originally read: "We
re-assert the old Democratic doctrine
of equal rights and religious liberty,
we are opposed to all secret political
organizations which strike at freedom
of conscience, and we declare that no
party can justly be deemed national,
constitutional or in accordance with
American principles which is animated
by a spirit of politicel proscription or
religious intolerance."
T. F. Emmons, of Easton, a mem
ber of the resolutions committer, object-id
to the wording of this portion of
the platform. He declared that the
reference to secret organizations was
likely to be misconstrued and might
cause feeling among Democrats. Mr.
Emmons held that if the resolution was
aimed a. any particular organization,
it should sty so direotly. He moved
that all after "religious liberty" bo
strioken out, bnt his motion was de
feated. The outcome was the omission
of the words "secret political," sad in
this form the plank, with the balance
of the platform, was submitted to the
The committee on credentials was
the first to report when the convention
reassembled nt 2 :25 o'clock. A majority
report recommending that contestants
Fleming aud Brophy be seated was
presented and carried, Mr. Brennan's
minority report in favor of Messrs, Mc
Cabe and Melnerney being defeated.
There was a quarter of an hour's
heated debate in the convention over
tbii matter. The committee on
permanent organization recom
mended that Attorney Geueral
William U. Hensel, of Laue
oaster, be elected as permanent chair
man of the convention and that the
other temporary officers, with the ex
caption of Mr. Wright, be continued.
& 111
This was adopted, and Mr. Housed was
condnoted to the chair by H. S. Steel, of
Northampton; Georgi J, Bennar, of
Adams, and Bernard ftlcKenna, of Al
legheny. The applause which greeted
tho attorney general must have been
gratifying to him for it was niven In a
generous quantity. Mr. Henwl ad
dressed the convention at length.
When Mr. Hensel had couclnded the
committee on resolutions, through the
chairman, Arthur G. Dewalt, of Le
high, reportod tho platforro.which was
accepted. In addition to tho platform,
given below, this reference to Presi
dent Carnol's assassination was read
by Mr. Dewalt aud adopted:
The convention sincerely deplores tho
death of th e president of the French re
public and desires to emphasize its sym
pathy with the endeavor to perpetuate
Democratic principals in foreign lauds,aud
it hereby condemns all tendency to an
archy and asjassiuatiun.
The nomination of candidates began
at 3:05 o'clock, when B. Jones Mon
aghan, of West Chester, placed the
name of William M. Singerly, proprie
tor of the Philadelphia Record, befote
the convention, for governor. The
mention of Mr. Singerly's name was
received wltu loud and prolonged
cheering. Maurice Wilhsre, of Phila
delphia, chairman of the Philadelphia
couoty committee, seconded the nomi
nation of Mr. Singerly. J. Ross
Thompson, of Erie, move! that the
nominations close, and at 8:24 o'clock
Mr. Singerly wus chosen by acclama
tion. The balance of the ticket was eleoted
without delay, all tho nominations be
ing made by acclamation. A.G. Crosby,
of Erie, nominated John S. Rilliug, of
that county, for lieutenant governor,
and District Attorney Jotin M. Gar
uian, of Lnzerne, seconded the selec
tion. Mr. Garman's remarks were par
ticularly sever in their denunciation
of Republicanism in general and the
speaker was frequently interrupod by
applause. Mr. Rilling was nominated at
8.35 o'clock, Tho other candid. its were
then chosen in this order: Congress
men at large, auditor general and sec
retary of internal affaire. H. Eget
Spryker, of Union, and J. B. O. Cowan,
of Westmoreland, respectively nomin
ated Hon. Joseph Bucher, of L'iwi--burg,
and ex-S:'nator Hannibal K.
Sloan, of Indiana, for congressmen at
large, the seconding speeches being
delivered by W. W. Ryon, of Northum
berland, and Matnew Savage, of
Clearfield, state superintendent
of punlio printing W. Hayes
Grler, of Columbia, placed the name
of David F. Magee before the conven
rion for auditor general, and O. C.
Bowman, of Chnmbersburg, seconded
it. Assistant District Attorney Pagan,
of Allegheny, wonnd up the nomina
tions by offering Adjutant General
Greenland an a candidate for secretary
of internal affairs. The adjutant gen
eral of the Pennsylvania National
Guard was chosen without the for
mality of a seconding speech.
The concluding net of Permanent
Chairman Hensel was the miming of
Judab Isaac, of Philadelphia; Judge
Elward Harvey, Lehigh; Patrick
Foley. Pittsbnrg; Matthew Savage,
Clearfield; Sheriff John J. Fahey, Lack
awanna; Albert Brodhead, North
ampton; W. A. Marr, Schuylkill, J. Q
Wayne, Washington, and Tuomas R.
Elcock, Montgomery, as a committee
to notify the candidates of their nomi
nation. The convention subsequently
decided that Mr. Hensel should be
chairman of this committee, and tho
attorney guunral addod his own name
to the list. The convention adjourned
sine die at 3 53 o'clock,
The Douiocracy of Pennsylvania renew
their expression of fnitli in Democratic
principles and their unfaltering confidence
that these principles nro efllclen' for good
fovernment, municipal, state and federal,
he derangement of business, tho disturb
auces but ween labor and capital, i he, re -duotiou
of wages, tho uuequal distribution
of profits In economic operations and
the gross disparity In social conditions
which havo resulted from the oper
ation of Kapublicnu lawn will
continue so loug as those laws
aro unrepealed. Thu McKi nicy tariff bill
Is in full force aud operation. The enact
ment of that tariff in impaired inter
national exchange of commodities
and reduced revonues arising from dutioe,
which, with vastly increased expanses
through Improvident appropriations anti
cipating iuttiru revenues led to u deficit In
the income nucessary to the support of the
government. Democratic administration
left 103,000,000 surplus in tho treasury. A
Republican successor, in four yean, con
verted this to a deficit of 3U, 000,000 .
We declare that tiis conditlou lias fol
lowed tho Republican administration and
that the business depression has resulted
from vicious legislation, for which tho Re
publican purty is solely responsible. To
Correct and relievo these :i Democratic
president and a Democratic congress aro
pledged! and their efforts in that diroction
are entitled to the support of patriotic
citizens regnrdlessof party.
Wh again endorse aud approve tho dec
larations of the Democratic national plat
form of 1802, upon which a Democratic
president and congress were elected, aud
We dosiro nnd.leinand legislation In accord
ance with that authorutive declaration of
party principles.
We declare that the consistent, courage
ous and Inflexible determination of a Dem
ocratic presidout to maintain the credit of
tho government terminated a llnancial
panic and restored coulidonco and com
posed disturbed values We aro opposed
to the reckless Inflation of currency to J40
por capita demanded by liepublican state
conventions of 18'J3 and 10)4; and while
we favor the circulation of constitutional
mouey, gold and silver at a parity of value,
we are unalterably opposed to any debase
ment of the currency or to the deprecia
tion of any doller Usded by the government
to the people.
We heartily aoprove and indorse the
upright and sagacious administration of
President Cleveland whioh has ful&lled the
pledges of his party and boa satisfied the
expectation of the people. Tbecourse of
the Republican majority In tho legislative
branches of the state government is de
nounced; thu administration of Governor
Pattisou is approved aud commended.
We deplore all differences between em
ployer aud employe, and wo depreciate
the resort to force for settlement of ques
tions that should be determined by peace
ful arbitration. Wo recognize the right of
every citizen to the free enjoyment of his
property, aud of the privilege to work
when, for whom, and at what,wages ho
will. It is the duty of the stare to main
tain for him that right. The highways of
the commonwealth bhould be open to all
who lawfully tru verse them, and the path
to proper employment should uot bo ob
structed by any unauthorized power.
None the loss we condemn tho insin
cerity and inconsistency of thoie who
clamor loudly for protection to American
industries, nud yet seen every occasion
and loao no opportunity to supplant it
with cheap, importod paupor labor. W
denounce the hypocrite who preteudB
zeal for tho improvement of the social
condition of Amei ienn workiugruen, uud
vot displaces and evicts them for client
ignorant of our laws and foreign to our
institutions. We stand for the riglitlul
enforcement of all the laws of the Com
monwealth enacted to protect the lives
aud preserve tho health of wage-earners,
and to secure for them the prompt and
regular payment of their wages in mouey
of undiminished purchasing power.
Wo reassert tho old Democratic doctrine
of equal rights and religious liberty; we
are opposed to organizations that strike at
the freedom of conscience.
In accordance with thu recommendation
of the Democratic Natiouul committee,
the Democratic state, county and city or
gamzatit us of Pennsylvania aro advised
and directed to further, by every means
in their power the institution of regular
Democratic societies in evory election dis
trict and the union of such societies in the
Democratic societies of the state aud the
National Association of Democratic clubs.
William 11. Singerly is a native of Phila
delphia, where bo was boru on December
27, 1S32, and where, with the exception of
a brief period, ho has lived ever since. His
father was Joseph BiDgerly, one of the
originators of the street i nil way system of
that city. After giaduating from the
Philadelphia high school in 1830, Mr. Sin
gerly spout ten years in a produce com
mission house and acquired a thorough
commercial training, lie was afterward
engaged with his father in the man
agement of hn street car Hues,
and then went to Chicago, whore
he was in business for himself
as a commission merchant. Recalled to
Philadelphia br his father to atsume the
management of the Uerinautowu Passen
ger Railway company, ho proved a highly
successful manager, in 1877, he bought
The Philadelphia Kocord, then a feeble
journal, wltb a circulation of less than
ti.OOO copies daily. Mr. Singerly immedia
tely strengthened it in every department,
introduced aggressive methods, aud made
it whut it Dow is, tho foremost penny
paper of the Uuited States, with au aver
age circulation of about lOH.OOO copies
In lbS7, upon tho retirement of Governor
PnttUon from olllce, Mr. Slugerly took au
active pari in establishing tho Chosluut
Street National bunk, of which ex-Governor
Pattisou bocntue tho first presidout.
Upou Mr. Pattison being called for a sec
ond time to tho governorship of Pennsyl
vania Mr. Siugttrly succeeded him as pres
idedt of me bank, a position ho still holds.
He is also president of the Chestnut
Street Tru-t aud SavingB Fund company,
aud has larijo Interests, la a number of
commercial, inunulacturing uud other es
tablishments. Mr. Singerly bus always taken an ardent
interest In politics: aud no man Is better
known in Democratic circles throughout
tho state than he. Ho has uever held of
fice, howovur, rxcopt the honorary posi
tion of commissioner of Iftdrmount park.ln
Philadelphia, as a uou-salai iod olllce, v. hlOO
requires bin to devoid coiicidei abhi liuiu
to the wants of that gn at pleasure-ground,
in the presidential campaigns of 1884, iSj
and 1KW), Mr. Mncerly W1S especially act
ive, always supportiug Urovor Clovo laud
with all the vigor at his command.
Chosen as Cbief Magistrate on ttie First
Carnot's Successor Selected by the
Electoral Congress Caslmir-Per-ier
Receives 45i of tire 851 Votes
Cast Demonstration of a Socialist.
Precautions to Prevent Further
Outrages by Anarchists Scene at
the Great Hall of the Palace.
Versailles, June 27.
THE electoral congress, called to
elect a presideut of the French
republic to sncaeed the late
President Carnot, began Its ses
sion in the palace bcro at 1.10 o'clock
this afternoon, M Cnallemel-Lacour,
president of the senate, presiding. Tho
great hall of tho paluce was crowded,
and the gullerics were thronged with
spectators. Nearly all the members of
tho diplomatic corp.t were present
among tho latter.
Great precautions were taken at Ver
sailles to prevent anarchist outrages.
All tho entrances to the palace where
the congress met were placed under
i-troug military and police guard.
Every person entering the arounds and
buildings hud to bo identified and Un
dergo a strict exatnlnatiott if his Iden
tity was not well known. The route
from the railroad station to tho palace
was lined with detectives, and the rail
road itsolf was closely watched. The
trains conveying senators aud deputies
from this city wero also guarded,
The (jallories around the theater In
which the election took plaoe, pre
sented a brilliant scene. They wore
thronged witb women in fashionable
attire, women seeming As mueh inter
ested -as tho men in the proceedings,
Just before tho balloting opened, a
Socialist deputy shouted: "I demand
the abolition of the presidency I''
Another deputy cried: "Down with
dictators: " Thero were otker cries
from various parts ol' the hall wbieh
were lost in the general hubbub. U.
Cssmlr-Perier was not present during
the proceedings.
Much confusion prevailed through
out the session.
M. Chullerael-Liicour, after a sym
putbio reference to the late President
Carnot, read the articles of the consti
tution relative to the olection of a pres
ident, aud then declared the assembly
open. The casting of the first ballot
immediately began.
The total number of votes cast for
president was 851, of which G were
cancelled1 because of irregularities,
leaving $15 Valid votes. Of these 451
were cast for M. Caslmir-Perler, 191
for M. Brisson, 99 for M. Dnpuy, 59
forG-neral Fevrier, 27 for M. Arago
and 13 scattering. Necessary fur a
choice 128.
After reading the figures M. ChaUe-cel-Lucour
said: " M. Casimir-Perier
having obtained en absolute m ij rity,
I proclaim bitn president of tho Froncb
Republic "
After Challemel-Lacour read the form
investing Caeimii-Perier witb the
powers of the presidency, ho made an
emotional little speech, and then turn
ing to the new president embraced him
heartily. Casimir-Perier wept. He
had uot mastered bis emotion when a
delegation of journalists was admitted
to congratulate him, but he mauaged
to thank them warmly, adding: "Gen
tlemen, I belong to you. Discuss me,
but never forget Fruuce aud the re
public while doing so."
The Soolalist demonstration after the
d eciaivu vote revealed such bitterness
and destieratlou as even the extreme
Marxists had rarely displayed before.
M. Jean Paul Pierre Cmiuiir-Perier was
boru in Paris Nov. 8, 1847. Ilia grand
father was president of the council under
King I.ouis Pbillippe, and his father was a
minister under the first presideut of the
Republic, M. Thiers. During the Franco
PmStian war, M. Casimer-Perier served
with distinction with the volunteors of
the Aube, who were called to the dofeiiBe
of Paais. During the eeige of Paris, he
displayed so much bravery that lie was
mentioned In the order of the day and
decorated with thsCross of the Legion of
In February, 1671, he became chief of
the cabinet to bis father, the minister of
the interior, Who, in ordr to open a polit
ical Career for him, resigned as counsellor
general .. the Aube in April, 187t. At the
geueral elections of February. 1870, us a
straight Republican, ho was elected to rep
resent Nogeutsur-Selue, and voted con
stantly with the mfijority formed by the
Left Center and the Republican left, which
refused a vote of cuunnunco tu the Uroglie
ministry. In the electiou whioh fol
lowed the dissolution he was leelected,
ami when the Republican cabinet of De
cember H was formed be was appointed
under-secrctaiy of state in the depertmeut
of public iusWuotion. Later ho beoanio a
member ol the RepohUcau Left, and in
18SJ he jolued t!w Republican uuiou.
When the chamber adopted the law ex
cluding all inemfi&rs of former reiguing
familioi from public ofllce Uu resigned his
seat, being unable to recunoilo his
family duty aud his Republican
icutiments. Later on ho was re
elected itnd became uuder soeretary of
statu In the war department iu 1(83. In
18U0 he became view president of the
chamber. Unly a few Weeks uc;o he wus
prime minister, but his cabinet was de
feated upou a labor question anil resigned.
He was then elected president of the
Chamber. 'He is regarded us a strong
mill ami for some time has been regarded
as the most prominent rival of M. iadl
InttmCtee That go Had Eooueh of Poll
tlo In 1801.
Lewisbuiici, Pa., June 27. Judge
Joseph Buouor toss Seen at bis home
this evening. He said that tie would
nut acvept the nomination for congress.-man-at-lurge
tendered b'im today by
the Democratic State convention,
Judge Buober gave as his reason for
declining the fact that be got enough
of potitios when he was defeated for
re election by il. M, McClure In It 'I.
Increase and Redaction In Pennsylva
nia PoatofHooe.
Washington, D. C, June 27. The
following increases iu the salaries of
presidential postmasters in the eastern
district of Pennsylvania have just been
made in the annual re adjustment by
the postomce department:
Ashland, from $1,700 to $1,800; Athens,
$1,000 to $1,700: Bethlehem, $2,403 to
$2,600; liloomsburg, $2, 000 to $2,100; Bloss
burg, $1,100 to $1,200; East Ktroudsburg,
$1,800 to $1,500; Forest City,$l,loo to$I,200;
Freeland, $1,300 to $1,400: Haverford,
$1,600 to $1,700: Hazleton, $2,400 to $2.5011;
Jenkiutown, $1,000 to $1,700; Lansford,
$1,0110 to $1,100; Lawistown, $1,800 to
l,900i Manhelm, $1,100 to $1,200; Marietta,
11,500 to $1,800; Muuch Chunk, $1,800 tu
$1,900: Mini in burp, 1, '200 to $1,300; Mount
Carmel, SI. 000 to $1,700: Newtown, $1,300
to $1,400; Olyphaut, $1,100 to $1,100; Or
wigsburg, $1,C00 to $1,100; Parkersburg,
$1,300 to $1,400; Pottsville, $2,600 to $2,700;
Scranton, $3,200 uo $3,:t00; Shippensburg,
$1,700 to $1,800; South lletblobem, $2,300 to
$2,400; Spring City, $1,200 to $1,300.
The offices In which tho salaries have
Uicu decreased on ucoount of a de
crease in business in the same district
are as follows:
Ambler, $1,500 to $1,100: Ardmore,
$1,700 to $1,300; Berwick, $1,000 to $1,500;
Catasanqua, $1,700 to $'.,900; Coatsville,
$2,100 to $1,000; Danville, $2,300 to $2,100;
Dowuiugtown, $1,200 to $1,100: Duncnniion,
$1,200 to $1,100; Elkland, $1,200 to $1,000;
Hughsvllle, $1,200 to $1, 100; Jermyn. $1,000
to fourth class; Lebanon, $2,000 to
$2,500; Mochanicsville, $1,400 to $1,200;
Htroudsburg, $1,800 to $1,700; Sunbury,
$2,100 to $2,000; SuKiuehanuu, $l,7il0 to
$1,1100; Tamaqua, $1,800 to$l,000; Thurlow,
$1,500 to $1,400; Towunda, $3,800 to $2,100;
Watsontowu, $1,400 to $1,300; West Grove,
$2,400 to $2,210; Wrightsvillo, $1,100 to
Resolutions Adopted at tne Denver
Meeting Silver and Female Suf
frage Favorably Considered.
Denver, Col., Juno 27 The Na
tional Liague of Republican clubs this
evening adopted the following resolu
tions! Tho representatives of tho National
League of Republican clubs of the United
States iu convention assembled at the cap
ital of the centennial state throw their
heads iu sorrow and humiliation at the
spectacle of incapacity which the Democra
tic preeeuts to our country and deplores
the calamities which the giviug of power
to the present administration has brought
upou our people.
We congratulate the American people
that this administration wus compelled by
public opinion to abandon its un-Amei icau
Hawaiian policy. In contrast with the
ehamef til record of the Democratic party,
we exult over tho record of glory which
tbo Republican party has made. Its
achievements and its triumphs extending
over thirty yeurs establish it as tho most
masterful, enlightened uud prudeut or
ganization that has ever exited.
In tho face of present disaster to our
country, it is with increased solemnity
that wo once mori renew our allegiance to
the Republican party and proclaim its
cardinal principles. We believe in a free
ballot aud u fair count and we demand
stiph legislation as will lusure to every
citizen the right to cast one free ballot iu
any election and to have that ballot justly
count' d and cast. It is a noteworthy
fact that the Democratic party lii
congress consistent iu notning else was
uuauiiuous on tho repeal of the federal
electiou laws, thus openly confessing the
party of fraud. We declar.i our belief in
the doctrine of protection to American
labor, American industries aud American
homes. We also believo in such reciprocal
trade with nations us will increase tho
market for the products of onr farmers,
factories, forests aud ininoi without in
creasing the competition which tends to
lesson wages aud degiado our labor. We
denounce the proposed vicious and destruc
tine legislation known as the Wilson bill
aud flarue-lly appeal to liepublican Uuited
Kates senators to oppose its passage by all
honorable means. Wh believe in the uso
of gold and silver as money metals, malu
talued on a perfect parity aud inter -convertibility,
We do uot believe that thero
will be a permanent return of prosperity
to our country until tbo full use nud high
est position of silver shall bo restored and
we favor such legislation as will bring
about this result.
The Republican party is the constant
friend of the toldiers and sailers of the
Unlou. The pledges of the Democratic
Jiarty to tho defeuders of tho republic be
ore election was false and fraudulent and
have been shamefully disregarded since
election. Wo condemn unsparingly the
treatment now accorded the helpless,
mained and crippled defenders of the flag
and to the widows nud orphans of our dead
patriots as uufair and cruelly unjust. We
are most heartily in favor of the prompt
admission into the Union of the terri
tories of Utah, Now Mexico. Arizona aud
Okloboma, and we condemn the policy of
the Democratic administration iu exclud
ing aud depriving theui of their rights.
We demand that new safeguards be in
corporated in our immigration and nat
uralization laws to movent unworthy im
migrouts from landing on our shores and
obtaining citizenship.
We ngeiu commend to the favorable
consiiK-iatiou of the Republican clubs of
the.Uuited States, as a matter of education,
tho question of .grunting suffrage to wo
men. We congratulate tho women of
Colorado and Wyoming on their possession
of the elective franchise, anil wo cordially
invite their co operation lu the work f
rescuing the country from Democratic
and Populistio misrule.
President Tracy was re-eleoted as
president of the Republican league of
clubs today. A. B. Humphrey, of
Nebraska, wus re-elected secretary.
Cleveland was chosen as the next
place of meeting and the convention
adjourned siue die.
Conrad Schrneder, the Successful Pld
dsr, Will Begin Work at Oaoe.
Thu central t for building the new
Hotel Jermyn was awarded by John
Jermyn yestenViy to Conrad Schroedor.
Mr. Jermyu declined to give the par
ticulars of the bid or to state who wore
competitive bidders. He said work
would begin at once and chat the
struoturo would bo completed during
the winter of 1895-0.
Antonio Riszeuto wascouvicted of mur
der in the tlrst degree nt Pottsville last
evening. He stabbed a companion named
Farcuna for making uncomplimentary re
marks abutti his wife.
The Colebrpok furnaces, at Lebanon,
which have been Idle for Borne months,
will bo put In blast next week by the
Isackawanna Iron and Stoel company.
Tlio two furnaces will give employment to
eevetal hundred men.
Over Five Thousand M;a Aro Already la
Voluntary Idleness.
Result of the First Day's Boycott on
Pullman Cars Looks Serious for
the Railroads Men in Illinois Cen
tral Car Shops Strike Out of Sym-pathy-Filteen
Roads Affected Al
Chicago, June 27.
T S a result of the first day of tho
A boycott of the Pullman Car com
pany by the American Railway
U U union, there are over 5,009 em
ployes of the dill -rent roads out of
Chicago now on strike. The attempt
to run Pnllmnu curs bus resulted in
tying up the yards of the 15 railroadi
ceuteriug here. Of the Illinois Central,
Wisconsin Central. Chicago, (Jreut
Western, Baltimore and Ohio, Chicago
and Northern Pucific nnd the lines in
tersected in the Western Indiana sys
torn are tied np completely, the only
trains run out being made up anil
manned by officora of tha road. Lite
tonight the awitcbrnen of the Pan
Handle and Northwestern roads alsi
Strikes will be declared within tbo
next two dtys on the Fort Wayne, the
Pun Handle and other Pennsylsni i
lines, the Chicago and Northwestern,
Chicago and Altou. and Santa Fe. The
latter road was partially tied up today
along the line on orders issued by th
unjon officials but the men in Chicago
will not be ordered out until tomorrow.
Ouo thousand men employed in the
car shops ot the Illinois Central road at
Burnside, nnd 130 employes of the
shops of the same company at Weldou
went ou a strike this afternoon because
of thuir sympathy with the Pullman
strikers. Only a small minority of
these men are known to be members of
the American Railway Union.
The American Ruilwuy union has
sent a notice to all parts of the country
guaranteeing to all railway employes
not members of the union full protec
tion and support and all the rights of
membership iu case they take the side
of the strikers.
Grand Master Sovereign of the
Knights of Labor, has issued a niani
ftstoto all Knights calling on them
to unite In rendering all the aid in
their power to the members of the
American Railway union in their
present contest-
Officers of the National (Juaid Honora
bly Siecbcrged
H.viiitisBTita. p.i., June 27. Tbes
orders were issued from headquarters
National Guard tonitjiu. Second Lien
tenant Charles S. Wood, Company B,
First regiment, is herebv gruntetl leave
of absence from June 20 uutil August
1. 1894.
The following named officers are
honorably dieoharttcdi First Lieuten
ant Martin I. McGowan, Company F,
of the First regiment, rusigued June 8;
Second Lieutenant Willium F. Jone,
Company F, Sixth regiment, resigned
Juuo 6; Major Edward D. Luniley,
snrgenn, Twelfth rudiment, resigned
June 7. Brigadier General John W.
Schall, First brigade, is nuthoriz-d lo
hold elections to fill the Vacancies
caused by the discharge of Lieutenants
McGowan aud Jones.
Excellent Racce Hold at the Track at
Point Bre,z-.
PHILADELPHIA, June. 27 Lovers of
trotting were treated today at Point
Breeze to one of the best day's racing
they have ever hud here. The weather
was warm aud track fast, - Four fa
vorites won whioh sent the crowd home
happy. Four races were decided in
straight heats and iu each the favorite
won. In the 2 17 class Billy A won
two heats yesterday and captured the
third and deciding one at the fust at
tempt today. The summary ;
2.17 class I'urse $000, Billy A. by Bay
Tom, jr., (ShllUnglaWI hrsi: Judge Aus
tin, (Miller) second. Time. 8.17W,
8.20 cUs Stake $1,001), Ambiiy by Hep
tagon, (Corn well) first,: UraylielJ, (Eruesii
socood. Time, 2.17.
2.10 Class, pacing Purse 000, Rebus by
Chestojt'ood, (Parberry) lirtt; Frank
Dorisoh, (Evens) second. Time, 2.1(i,.
2,21) class l'urse SOW, Oobwcbi bv
Whips, (Trimble) first; Brunhild, Milieu
secoud. Time, 2. lf!..
Will Not Fay Over Fort? Cents Fer
Qroaa Ton tor Dlae'ng Coil.
PHILADELPHIA, June 27. At a meet
ing to-day the coal operators of Central
Pennsylvania passed this resolution:
That tho operators ol' the Central Penn
sylvania district will not pay over 40cents
per ton of 2,240 pounds, or S3 cents per tou
of 2,000 pounds, but wiD ugree to atvau.v
this rate to 60 vuiits prr, gross ton, or 45 cents
per net tun May 1, u;.. provided our miners
give us the evidence on or before Muroh 1.
1MID, that (tie other coinpotiug regions Will
pay tho same rate. Our uiiueTs are to ac
cept or decUun this propopsition on or be
loro July 2, lbtU. Tilts resolution shall be
postid Immediately nt the mines of every
operator in Central Pennsylvania district.
All the mluers iu tho Fatmyra district.
Ohio, went to wolS yeefvrdey on a com promise
sate of 07!,, cents per ton with
day wages at $1.!5.
A cyclqu swept over South Dakota
yesterday, killing Ax. perilous and doing
great damage to propel ty.
i i e n '
W.vmiimUm.n. June 27. Forecast
far ThxisJay: tor fiutern
Prnntjfrauin, skotceTI in carta
moMiiny; jnouably fair during
tht duy; (CMMtwet urfHde, Foe Hestcra
FcNiwikmiia, air, tiurimy-, souft winds.
We have reclved from our man
ufacturer some special job lots of
perfect goods at cut prices, Tho
quantity is limited aud cannot bo
10 dozen Gowns, solid embroidered
yokes, at 98c. each.
6 dozen Gowns, assorted, at $t. 13.
10 dozen Skirts, with 5 tucks, 6ae.
5 doz. Plain Skirts, cambric ruin?, 75c.
5 dozen Mnslin SMrts, 8-iaoh embroid
ered mill-), at $1.
10 dozen Drawers, embroidered rnfflB,
10 dozen Misses' Gowns, embroidered
yoke, 75 and 85c
6 dozen lufarts' and Children's White
Dresses, 65c. up.
Shirt - Waists
49, 75 and 98c.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail,
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Reilly S Davies
Comfort-Giving Shoes
The only kind that give
it, for the summer, is our
'Service & Kumfort" Shoes
in colors and black.
Lewis, Reilly & Davies
New Store
Suitable for Wedding and
Commencement Presents
Finest line of Silver Belt
Buckles, Veil Clasps and
Other Novelties in the
NOUNCEMENT, A Souvenir Free
ent given FREE to every lady caller,
If you buy or not.
The Jeweler,
. 08 Spruce Street.
h w P