THE SCRAimW TRIBtnTB WBDNBSDAT MORKmG, .TUNE 27, 1894. JUNE SHOPPING THAT Munmer is in onr midst and H I. lmpwntive demands oonfront us, does not in th lt)Rtt. pmnnr ns. It )R our business to b pvt)pari for mcri mergenciflR and to prnvidn tho com forts for our patrons wiio make 01 whnt w r Public PsnffHcrori. Dress Goods Tberu aro tow Miquo-.tions wliirh tho bopp'T will iipprrintn ,md nil nmte rtnl) v in ssisottuuj Knmmftr pownH. Buy the Stylish Goods Get tboso pntUrOR whiob nrn moit suitPil to your liunro imd station. Aud by r11 ui.'xis buy whnt. will mnko yon oorafor.tabte during the hot puinmer days, Come with whatever nizw pnr!t yon ran commend and your moat refined taated will om a tuned. Covert Cloth Serge, Cheviot Serge, Colored Suitings French Novelty Dreee Oooda in two tone effeote obeckt and stripes, All wool Twills in '1' ins, OrnyR, Browns, Hlii, Heliotropes and Changeable Ffrct. Challies and Organdies We are xhowinc; tho linnet assortment of Imported Challlea and Organdie that can be found to coninin all that oau, be asked for in tble most popular fshric. Summer Silks PconomirRl ladiel of nod taste will find i' n most advantageous occasion. An in&pwolinn f,f tho variotM styles is fOrtain to prOTU of morn than rtrdl nRry Interest, i.yona Cheoked Teffetai Ponttllaaad Zephyr Crepes, Printed Japanese silks, Fancy Halr-Hne nnd ITigared Hiiks. Kyery yard nf these goods are desirable qualities and ivtw ordered for the season's trmtn. Coed, pathlonable and Beautiful Shirt Waists Percale and Lawn, Printed China Bilk vTaista, Cbambry Waists, Full Lann dried Waists, Launilrifd Waists in Mnen ' ttVcts. .All inn Novelties of the ai j. Pretty Designs, Exclusive PssiKnsatid 'h richest for tho money that cau bo had. French Sateens Oome With the reijnlnritT of tho sons- ons. jovely bi ever, Always new in dcaun and soft offeeti Brocaded, figured, p'ain end fanoy Colors, lUila bin for the old, enchanting for tho young, at prices whro competition has fnrred them. GORMAN'S ARCHBALD. Mrs. T. J. Henly and diuijrhtnr.N'orn. Mr. Miehael Walsh, Mrs. P. F. Spell man, Misses Mary Foote, Alio" and AKne Sweeney, .Tennio O'Bovle and kingpin Carroll attendi-d the eom !nDerant "xnrcists of St. Cecelia's HoadRtny yesterday Min?i Tnresit and Ratio L.'illy, of fftnrel otrnet, were in Scranton yster .".ay. Mrs. M Kearney has Ihovod into her new dwelling on South Railroad street, Ex-Commissioner Wiiliatn Frantl! wa in town yesterday, (Jharir Rockwell, of Providence, called no business inon hsro yesterday n'ternoon. The Dnuu'THtic eonvantion at .Tor nyn yesterday wa Ktiondi-l largely by r'.i7.nn of this boronuh. The rt-nlt, wliii disappointinj to some, was the Mdnral outeome of tho trianc ilsr ri valry that had heen in projras amontr the Arcbhald eandidatR for tiio pat fsw wekii Kinh of the three oandi c'ntfs had dflf4;ats at the convention, utiii if it wr possible to unite their tulr foraeR it is likely it vrould tak more than one ballot to effect, the nom ination cf Mr. Burke, As it was l. nA just enonffh delegates to maite hid nomiDStinn. Mr. F-"aley, of this piac. was Mr. Hurke's moat formidable rival, nd he made a fry oreditahle li,,'i.t, l onsiderlng the short tim he had boon in the eampmgn. The Carbondale Traction comjiiny has a force of rnn etrinsio a fped virein this boro jh an'', they expect to 1 sve the work don oeforo Friday, It Is said the company intends to build a pavilion at tbesouthero tertnluut for the scconimodation of thos who may have ocsasioo to wait for earn on the Curhoniliiln or Scranton line:). A yet no effort has beeo made to connect the line at tlifi gravity track, tiie agree ment between the Traction company nodth" DfUwareand Hudson company not having heen signed, The delay is sal I to he ilne to the Delaware and Hudson company, which is not satis fied with tho terms proposed by the Traction people. During the past two days the ferjnton 'fraction company has heen ballasting its track ns far as the Archbald boundary, and it is likely ibat carp will be miming so far next Sunday, . So many conflicting rumors have oeen current rturintr th p.ast woek con corning the Bale or trntiRfar of th iaindale line that it in diflicult to gnt at the "Xact trnth. It was given out that the road was sold last Thursday, but i hi was denied later. Again it was said the saje was mad yesterday morn rig and again it ia denied. A member ttf the company told THR Tkiiuinr cor respondent yestnrday afternoon that the road had not been sold, but he In tlttiattd that it wnnld very willingly ho parted with provided that some ro sponslWe purchaser could bo found, who would give the company what it noked. There is an air of mystery about the oiiiiness that lends color to the rumors that have been so widely 'circulated within tho past few days. Four B1g Buccprr, Having the needed merit to more than mrkogood nil the advertising clnimed for them, the following four renv'dios have h'sobed a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Codghs nnd Odlds, osrh bottle guaranteed Bleo trie Btt.tenv the groat remedy for Uver, Ptiitracii and Kidneys. Untklon'a Arnica "'v. . liui hexr. in the world, anil Dr. Kiug'u Now Life Pills, which aro a perfect pill. All thesi remedies are guaranteed to do Just what is clnimed for them and tho dealer whose name is attached herewith Will be glad to tell yon more of them. Sold byMstthews Bros', drug store. " GSXXOePOT Highest of nil in Leavening Powci . ?f3 Arm !31 . AB&mmm rips BURKE FM the mm Nanwl for Third Tinr: bj thd Ponrtti District LfCislativn Convention. FIRST MM DID THE WORK Mr, Purko Received Ono Mor i Vote Tbrm His Thr'-o Opponents Com binorl Somo Humorous Plmsor. of tho Convention Motion to Ad journ for Dinner Precipitated n Lively Row Convention Adjourned Without Adoptinp; Resolutions The Commillpe Was Lnte. ejMcfsl fo the sjuffiafos TVfhaae, JCBMYN, .Inne 20. THE Honorable Michael J. Bnrkaii no tyro at tho great American game of politics. lie proyed that today when for the third timo ho wan nominated n the oandtdate of the Democrat for tin Fourth distriet for tho r.tatn Ingisla ture. Tine there were many Demo crats in the district who did not look with favor on Air. Durke's ambition. They thought that two term at Hr rlebnrg was quite enough for him. but Mr. Bnrke was diplomatic and won on the first ballot, having just tho necas sary twenty-seven votes. Had another ballot been reqnired it is very proii utd that Mr. iinrke wonld not have Keen nominated. The conventionwaa held in Enterprise hall, where it was called to order at 10.45 this morning by .Tames Pidgeon, ol Carbondalc, chairman of the district standing committee. P, J, MoCor mack, of Blakey,wai chosen ohairinan of the temporary organixation He was an ardent champion of Candidate J, !). Cnmmingi of Olypbnnt. John Rellly, of Dnnmorei wn named as Booretary nnd P. J. McDonald, of Carbondale, and Jamee MoAndrew, of Wintnn, sistant secretaries. After tho Hat of delegates had heen called and eonimit tee appointed a Feoloy delegate moved for an adjonrnment nntll - p. m. That started tho fireworks. BOMB rUBVlD OUATOUY M. Foley, of Jeffi rson township, op posed the motion with great earnest ness, 'ilie yeas and nays were called and Chairman MeOormack decided that tbe convention wanted to adjonra. Then tbe Bnrke men howled fore dl vision whleh they didn't gt. One Borkeite mounted a clmr In the mid dle of the hall and deolnrod in ear splitting tones: "It's not according to parliamentary rales!" No one paid any attention to him or teemed to care whether it was parliamentary or nor. Mr. Dnrke was sawing the air clos to the chairman's platform and d manding a square deal while cor pulent Mr. Peeley, divested of his coat and with iweat streaming from his chubby fsen, exhorted the chairman to stand bv his decision that the convon- ventfon had expressed n wisii to ad journ. Mr. McCormick did stand bj his decision and after tho shunters bad exhausted ihemselves, the obiarmai i-iniied, propelled a stream of tobacc juice in the direction ol Delegate Ya! ton's shoe and went to dinner. The Bnrke delegates were hot. To; knew that If th convention leleoted candid. ite before it adjourned the Hon orable M. T. wonld be the man. In an adjonrnment they saw a foal conspir acy to wretttbe nomination from him They were fearful of the conteqnences, as well they mi.'ht. WORKING ON THR DBLBQATR& Immediately nfter adjonrnment Mr. Peeler want to Gavin's hottl in bis shirt sleeveH and went ti work. Del I egntes were tnlke l to, and in the par- lor of the hotel n conference was held between Mr, reeiey and mus ,i iuc AndreW, tipother Archbald oandidats frr the nomination. Candidate Cum -mings' friends were also Interviewed Ar a result of all this work it wih in portd before the convention recon vened that a combination bad been af fected that wonld surely bent Bnrke The candidates were all to allow their names to go before the convention for the first ballot. It wns believed thai tho vote would h then so plit up that no choice wonld result. On second ballot them wonld be soni" one dropped and then tin opposition to Bnrke was to focus on Feeley. The plan failed beoanse Mr. Bnrke, foreseeing what woiil l recur, did seme miet figuring and found that he Wants ! twenty-seven delegate! to insure his nomination on tbe first ballot Hes- cured just that number and they went up to the scratch and voted for him amid tho open-eyed amai iment of th opposition. It was n grout day for the Honorable Michael. THE CONVENTION RE ASSEMBLES. At 2 10 p. m. Chairman McCormsck mounted the platform to call the after noon session to order. Many of the delegates were In the hall and others were out on tho sidwnlk. MoCor mack thrust his head through a win dow and rent tbe air with n sharp, shrill whistle; thereupon the tnnly delegates Hooked into the room. The committeo on contested seats reported in favor of seating Joseph Alexander from the secind diRtrict of Pell town ship. His seat was contested by Mich ael Brcnnsn, The yenH and nays wore called on a motion to adopt the report and Mr. McCormack deeided that it was adopt ed, although there wis no percopfible differeneo between tho volumes of sound that greeted the call for the yeas and nays. A division wan called for whan Thomas Walton, of Archbald. who was sitting in the front row with his coat ofT and his shirt open nt the throat, jumped to hiR feet. "I dispute tho right of the gentle man to a division," ho said. "Wheni comitteo is appointed its decision shonld bo final.'' 'Gentlemen, take your peats," firmly spoke tbo chairman and there the mnl ter ended. There was no division on that question. Alexander was soated and voted for Mr. Foeloy. On the question of making tho tem porary organization p im inent thor Wat more friction. Although no op -I.ntr-st U. S. Gov't Report 0 posing candidates were named many delegates voted against continuing the temporary organization in power, and when Mr. MoCormaok declared him self and his associates elected there whs a howl. Another division was akd for, but tbe chairman decided i hat it could not be allowed Unless on position candidates were named. H made a speeob saying lie was ''no man's man," bad no interest to serve and was desirous only of being Impartial! U. W. Cooney, Orator Foley and M j J Larkin were nominated for chair man, nut nil decline:! and tho tempo rary organisation stood for want of opposition, although several of the del gates deolared that Chairman MoCor maok had 1 n carrying things with too high a hand. Mr McCormsok treated th"pn nup'rsioiiH with silent contempt and called for nominations for legislature John McCalv. of Car bondale, nominated M. T. Bnrke, of Carbondale; P. H. McGeever. of Fell township, nominated Miles J. McAn drew, of Archbald; Thomas J. Ntalon, of Olyphant, named J, B Cnmrnlngs, of tho same plaos, anil M, J. Larkin, of Carbondale, placed in nomination .lames J. Feeley, of Archbald. NO MAN R MAN SPEAKS When the nominations were made Chairman McCornsok, whoa few min utes before had proudly declared that he was "no man's man," claimed the attention of tho convention and with out going through the form kitty of va cating the chair madi an eloquent Speech seconding the nomination of Mr. Cumminge, l was a most un usual preceding, but it went. A voto was then taken and resulted as follows Bnrke, 27; Poeley 11; CummlngS, MoAndrew, 0, That gave Mr linrko a majority of one over his opponents. Tho opposition Was dumbfounded, surprised and crushed while Burkitos rent tho air with their cheers. Xbe nomination was then nude by acclamation and the dele gates began to crowd out of the lull but were cnllnd back to listen to a speech by Mr. Hnrko Ho thanked the delegates, said no net. of his wonld ever cause his constituents to blush, deciar;'d that be wore no corporation collar and pledged his bet MTort to prevent the fourth district from being divided in the next apportionment, RESOMJTION8 WBRB LATE, The convention then dissolved by mutual consent, without motion, nnd us the delegates were leaving th hall the committee of resolutions handed in its r -p irt, but no action wns taken onit, The resolutions beseech congress to do Something to remedy the present nation .1 ills nnd commend President tMoveland for hi firmness. Governor Pattisoo and Mr. Burks aro also com mended. Mr. Burko's candidacy is not likely to awakeu mnob enthusiasm in por tions of tim dislriot. Oi'ieisina- a Young Lady. "She would be n pretty girl for but ono thing." "What's thatr asked Charley. George Her face j always covered with piirp'" nail red blotchea Charley Ob, that's easily enough die. posed of. Us.-d to b- the same way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day, nnd gol I id of it. in no time. Qeorgo What was it? i barley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course of P. P, P. I tell yon, It's iho boss blood corrector. The governor i.nd rheumatism so bad that you i ould hear him holler clo u- across the country very time he moved. He tried it, nnd yen know What an athletic old gont he is. uow, If somobody Wonld give Hiss Daisy a pointer, hu would (hank then after wardi. All the drug stores sell it Remarked by it. (J. Joiner, of Allen P. ()., Hillsdale, Mich.: "Nothing gave my rheumatism such quick relief ns lir Thomas' Eclectric Oil believe It infallible for rheumatics." s JTORE closed on-account of the damage to the Stock, which is now being adjusted by the appraisers of the Insurance Companies. THE BELL CLOTHING SIGN OF THE BELL, 230 LACKAWANNA AYE. NEXT DOOR TO THE BURNT DAVIES & GRIFFIN BUILDING. FOREST CITY. A social will be held 'his "veiling in the sohoul room of the Breat-yt-riaii church by the fourth division of tho Ladles' Aid society. A social will also lie held this evening iu the Baptist church parlers. K v. j. Madison, formerly pastor of tbe Methodist Bpisoopal church in this place, but at present stationed at Wau amlw, Is visiting his many friends here for a few day. He is tho guest of Benjamin Maxty during ids visit. William M. Evans, of Scranton, was visiting hi daughter, Mrs. Glynn Mor gan, Monday. Tho members of St, Agnes' shurob, Uev. Father Coroner psstor, intend celebrating the ever glorious Ponrtti by a mammoth picnic. A ploasaut lime is anticipated. Pelican Athletic club races postpoued from July I to July IS. The Forest City Drum corps rendered some excellent music on Alain street Monday ezening, Thomas Morgan, of Scranton, has boon the gnvst of his three sons, Jhn, A. L. and Glynn Morgan, for a week. Jobn J, Manning, of Soutli Gitison, was looking after his business interests in this borough yesterday. Superintendent V. A. May, of Scran ton, made his official visit to Forest City yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Purple spjnt Monday evening with Carbondale friends. Mrs. J. McCabe's new residence on Delaware stroat is noarly completed. Poreet City has nn excellent base ball team and would b pleased to he ir from any nearby team iu regard to arranging a game for the Fourth of July. A farewell reception will be given to Uev. D, P. Lappnns and family by their uiany fri. lids at the Baptist ehnrch Friday evening, Juno 20, 1'Jl Reception committor, It H Randall, rloward Johns, Jobn Golden, Simeon Mack. W. It. Blakeslee, John M. Brown, John Mazey and W. H, Wil denberger, II Edward Taylor spontlust evening With Carbondale friends. M00SIC. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist Episcopal church will hold a Ira wherry ami Ice cream festival to night (Wednesday) on Mosteller's lawn, opposite the chinch All aro cor dially invited to come and have a good time. David Bhirra moved from Scranton Monday, into Jamen Colder wood's house. Mrs. K-rr will load tho Woman's Christian Temperance union Bible reading, Thursday ovening, Juno 2S. i:i the basement of tho Presbyterian oburon. Rev. King, of Taylor, preachod in the Methodist Episcopal church last evening. Mrs Davies has decided to have an operation performed for the removal of a tumor. Tbe drawing for tho bicycle for the benefit ol Mrs, Thomas V7ier will takn place July ?. Tickets, BO cents. NICHOLSON. At the home of the bride's parents, Albert Cooper was married to Miss Georgia Ls I'.arre. The ceremony was performed by Uev. Grant E. Van Woert, of the Methodist Episcopal ohurch. A'ter a bountiful repast was served the couple left on Xo. 1 for Nuw York city. A. P, Benjtman acted as beet man and Mis i Warden, ofSoran iob, as bridesmaid, Miss May Wilbur returned homo Monday after a two woekh' visit at Blngburaton, John Weaver's horse ran away ami, running through a harn wire fence, cut ting himself quite badly. . . Burdock Blood Bitters tnken after eating will relieve any feeling of weight or over Iiilliic.s ol the stomach. Sdd everywhere, Alien Baby traaslrlr, wo pare iter ratnrtfx Whoa she was s Child, si i cried for Qutoria, When ah became Mlaa. she clung m Castorta, when Khe hod Children, she gavothem cusuu-ia, WE WILL OPEN OUR June FIRE SALE MI NOOK A. The picnic of ta Ancient Order of Hibernians, No. 9, yesterday iu Min ooka groVe proved a complete success in every detail, owing to tho untiring efforts of tbe committe in charge of the affair. A cake which was eon tested for was won by Miss Anna Connell, who succeeded hi collecting t8ft U Tonight will occur one of the grand est socials of the season iu tbe temper ance hall, it being tho first appearance of the Minooka Snorting club. Yesterday John Mulderig was nr raignod before Justice U'llara on a charge of assault srfil Pattery preferred by Mrs. Thomas Mo Manns. Mulderig waved a bearing and entered bail In the sum of i"iun for hi apuearanue ut court. Minooka parties wishing to got THB TRIBUNB can have it by applying to onr usws boy, Edgar Davis, or by notifying the Minooka agent. MisReaAnna und Jennio Lovering, of Greenwood, attended a party at Dunmore last night, given by their t rl end. Miss McGowun. ot that place. They apent a pleasant time. Yesterday afternoon Simon Hiners Beld, doing business on Penn avenue, Scranton, was brought before 'Squire l i'Hara to answer lo the charge of laroeny, prof erred by Jumes Smith a former resident of Greenwood, but now of Pittston. Smith alleges that last summer hi- gave the sum ot $10 to Hinersllold, who is a kind of n steam ship agent, to forward to his parents in Uushiu. Smith alleges that Hiners field kept the cash. HliiMi'fleld en tered bail In the sum of 291) for his appearance at court. After the Grip BUT. WAS S5ck, Lifeless, Dull I1I-T SOW IS Healthy, Happy, Lively This Decided Change Brought About by Taking Hood's Sarsaparitla. ''. I. Hood i Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen- I wish to certify to the follow lllg facts: My little girl. Lllla May Quthrie, had a sevem attack ol the grip, and gt some what better, hut she illit not seem to get licht Midi. She llnrered along from day to day, pner, .ak ami languid. Wo consulted a leading physician, and lie snid It was tho drop f the rip (till about her. We gave the medtCUlO he ordered, but she seemed to get More end More Delicate. she eon;. i scarcely eat anything, and what little he did take teemed lo do her no good. Her loali was soft and net healthy, and she was (lipid and dull with BO ambition. Wo were very much concerned about her. No medicine reined to have any effect until about two months sgo e commenced to give her Heed s Harsaparllla. she had not taken hall a bottle beforo she began to eat heartily, and we eoulrl see a decided change iu hi r. Today she Is in the full onjoyment ot Perfect Health. Her flesh Is Wild, her appetite good and cheeks rosy, her sleep sound end refreshing, and her Cures I'lrlts high, She Is full of life. Mud as Ullsolllov. ' us as she can he, All this Improvement was i ought about by taking Hood's Harsansrllla. My wife olns with me in rccnmmendlncthia med" 'inn II I the liesl ia the wn l-l for lauHhm an Hie item, N. P. ' H; Ci i ii hi I . Ih:i:h ille. I'enn. Pe sure fo net Homl's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills euro all liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. BY WATER HOUSE fnniiiiigiHiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniir; H SBasssssssssasBfesasssajMsaessBisssp 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. THIS WEEK ONLY. 1,200 u I h h L Ladies Ribb EGYPTIAN THREAD Value 25c. SALE Id i o 0 m Remember, The Fair THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. filMDIIII!RUIM(FI!flIE;ilRBISIUMj-fSIRIIIIIHCB;eMggilligitlTi;i3a3!aiISaB(S RUGS AND ART SQUARES Isj For a Few Days Only FORMER PRICE. NOW. 100 Smyrna Rugs, best quality, 30x60 inches, $4.00 $2.00 0U amyrna Mats, best quality, 16x34 inches, ,75 150 Moquette Mats,best quality, 18x36 inches, 1,25 50 Moquette Mats,8UBWa'S?,,0d 18x36 inches, 25 Ingrain Rugs, fringed, 36x72 inches, 1.25- 75 India Rugs, fringed, 27x60 inches, 1.50 48 Kasmer Rugs, r ,for 30x60 inches, 5.00 ART SQUARES 2x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, $6.00 3x3 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, . 7.20 3x3 1 yards, all-wool filling, cotton chain, 8.40 2Kx3 yards, all-wool, - 6.75 3x3 yards, " - - - - ,8.10 3x3 yards, " .... 9.45 3x4 yards, " P - . - 10.80 ICERR h SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. We Have Placed an elegant Ouartered Oak Sideboard (with very large French, Bevel-plate Mirror in the top, elegantly carved and best workmanship) in our Show Window. It value i $80. We have decided to reduce tlie price So per day until it is sold. Don't consider too long, as the next day it may be gone Price Today, $60 Baby Carriages 5()c. Per weet or Refrigerators " Mattings J $2 Per month. Au Onyx Finished ohasss or over. A 100.pl8os Dinner or over, DOZEN (0 r Pi H H I ni n 5 ed Vests for 25c. .50 .90 .70 .90 1.10 3.(T $4.25 5.00 6.00 4.75 6.00 7.00 8.00 mm Clock with J.i0 pnr- ?et with pnrohsses