THE S CI? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1894. L Suys the nnzleton SnlinI: "Work 00 tbe famous Et)?rvl tunnel is fust approaching an Interesting point. The tunnel proper bai now b.'uu drivon to it point near tho EberT ale breaker, atid it down 100 feat lower than tli Eborvalo Hum h. or, a distune o( 030 foot. . The tunliel will lie driven as fir as tli" eitnnl ruuiiinu between Koi. 2 nnd U Ebervale, ami will ha oompleted about the first week of AflgtUt A lMnoh bore hole is. now being put down at the point where tho tonne will end) ami which is eipeoted will piny an Impor tant part in tiio gigantic enterprise, Parties who have eagerly the progress of the work were at Iokb to uu'lerutond how the tunnol and drowned ont initios WOQld be cou neeted without loss of life, but the pro jectors have arrived at it happy solution of the question by putting down the boro hole. When tiio tunnel and hole ire completed a luriro And powerful dyuutnite cartridge will be put down tbe bOre hole and exploded witit a view to breaking down the pillar between the mines and tnnnel, tims making tho Opening for the water which for many yeiiiM filled tbe nines at Harleigh and Bberrnle, thus prerentlng tbe shipment of coal from either colliery until the washery of tho new Ebervale Coal com pany was put in oper iti in. Tlie Jeddo branch of the tunnvl will bo cotnplet id about the latter part of August. Tiie tunuel when completed will coat In tbe neighborhood of $'J,000,OUO. Alter the water is removed the mines will bj cleared up an I all the coal avail, frost, the ioside removed, after which the out crop will boHtriupjd. Know ing onm claim there is coil enough at Bbervale to keep the place iu operation for iif toen or twenty yean. The Irnin records show that 1,139 fewer loaded sari were received and forwarded nt Indianapolis' in tho week endud Junp "i than in tlie week pre ceding, says the Journal. This, on its face, would seem a very unfavorable exhibit, but a little investigation show that Od'par sent, of tbedeoroti was in Coal tfaffio, and with ihren road's the Biu Four, tho Cincinnati, Hatniltoa and Dayton and tbe swoop and the other 10 pet cent, in export business, less fleur, cernaliue products ami pro Vlsipni have bsen shipped, it bciiiK an iff v.iik in abipuiuits of that character. Tho higher prices for corn und oats have considerably increased east bound shipments to Pennsylvania, New Yoik and the New !'. . .'and status, and the ton nage and poultry now goiii forward is no small item. The shipments of cattle, hogs and homes are heavier than usual in June. West-bound ton nage averages well with that of some Weeks past, but it is still 78 per cent, below that of 1892 and 30 per cent. Jighter iiian in 1898, June,1898, tbe depression with ti.e iron industries be gan to bo felt and the shutting down ot so many manufactories greatly lessened the deniaini for coal and coke. Auo'her thing which cuts largely the into west bound business is that tho railway compauies are bnying but few rails and uro cutting down, ss far as pos sible, the purchase of railway supplies of all kinds. a There seems very little doubt now that the old South Mountain railroad, which was ubaudoaed ten years ago. will be bnilt. Tho ro: d is graded au.l nearly all of the masonry completed. All that is require : is the rails and bridges. It starts at Harrlsbarg and touches Lingelatown, IWnville, Rend? ing, Slatlngton and terminates at Port land, Northampton county. Tho road os laid out is 138 miles long. It was purchased by Contractor James March, of Lebanon, who obtained a clear title from the court last October He has suld his interest to a syndicate of Maryland and Philadelphia capita lists. Minor iRSCtTMAL Xotks: The Pennsylvania company hss put on a line of Pullman cars between Toledo und New Yolk, The Laurel ilill colliery, which has boon idle sinew the ilcod lome Weeks ugo, re sumed Monday. All of Coxe's collieries began working tcu hours per (Jay Monday. This is a re duction of two hours. Tho Tomhicken cilliory of tho Cross Creek Coal company is still idle, with no immediate prospects of resuming. The Lehigh Traction conroany will con struct a branch rood from Jeanosvllle through toleraine, the work to be Leguu immediately. Alloutown advices are to the effect that tho coal trade on tho Lebigh Valley rail riiad is heavier at present than at any time during tho past yea r. Vice President liai tihorue, of the Lo high Valley railroad, is reported as laying that the movement of genera, merchandise over that road of late has bueu greater than ever before. All breaks in the Lol.igh canal above BabyRaway Beefsteak Ruliy very sick With eczema when three months oM. Hail home doc- tors and sp planets. Dot worse all the lime. AVl'.eic'ls)dvi'.i'.va.',lieef- .steiik. Rairgono, Exnoo tedium toille. Welt six mouths lefnre we irieii i;i: ri i iiAs. : fuiih in them hut in two monthr he wis entirely cured, Jlor I i-pnt on bin leiw and plenty of hair. iliw.l-lSASK BARBBTT, Winfleld, Mien. Baby Bad with Eczema Our liahy boy, four mouths old. hart hurt ease of eczema, Head was a solid lore, Face anil Imily bartiy affected. Itching terrible. Three (colors dirt not help him. 'Hands tied sixteen Weeks. Mit tens on his hanils to nr.iotit his Scratching. CCTIOCRA ItSMKDIES cured him, tut we recommend them io pi hers. Q. 11. ft J. HABBIS, Webster, Ind. Baby Itched Tesribty Baby three mouths old broke out with white pimple on red surface Rotting lerrible, scans on head and face, 1'seil every thing fur live months, (ire'w .worse. Purchased Ooviovba it i.m nii ks, used them, and in Jhreo vfeks there was not u sore or iiiniiilo, not even a scar. ', Jlns. OSCAR J.U1KS, Woodston, Kan. Baby Suffering Agony Baliy bad eczema, worst form. Baffled the bat doc ton here. Was In agony eight months. Ho- Kan wlthCuttottaa ur..n eons, in two months the awful diseasi bad ceased Its vciigc.inre. No trace con ki na seen, mv darling bov was urea. J. a.. nk no kuriiiii.iud. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS And Its cures nre the most ro. waikalilo ciloriucd by any blood and skin raniudjr of' modern times. Parents remember that cures made In Infancy aresncedy, peruuuitut uud ecouumical. Bold throughoul the world. Price, CuTfcDM, tOc. H04?, 26C. IIISOI.VKNT, 1. PoTTHIl UllUO jjin C'iieh. Conr., Hole I'npn., Boston. W" How toOurePkln UUcaaoa," froo. BABY'S Skin ind Pcalp purll'u d and benulllled is Cutlcuruboap. Absolutely pure, GENERA IRD US IS EaBton caused bv tho recent Hoods, have oeeu repaired, and now the idle boatmen ro again at work, They lost a full month by reason of tho break iu the basin. sinco its inception, 11 vo years ro, tho Pennsylvania Belief department est of Pittsburg hss paid out l.bbo.Ul.'JK, of winch tllT.TlO.ti'J was for accidental deaths aud for death from natural Muses, JoSe Oh Wood, general mannL'er of the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, In uonpany witn t. n. Kiy, cniet or motive power, snout last week in a thorough in spection of tho Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and l nieagOi It is announced that there is a marked feeling of on,! :. :.. among tbe higher railway officials or the import ant as ri'k'ards the rule pituutiuii. und rntes. it is thought, aro better muiul.iiued than for a long time. Colonel L ilraude II. Cannon has re turned from Europe, lie says he believes the mauaiieniont of the Delaware and Hudson will be compelled to sustain tho Wtlne of the stock and keep up tho stand aid of tho property. The Now York, SUMinehnuna and West ern railroad tunnol through trap rock at the Dalisadet. ona anil oun-oiehth milM louj, and built in less than two years at a cqei oi one, ouu, is uunl to 1) ouo of tho most successful engineering feats ever ac complished. Conductor George tfoniclo's train on tho uentrai from Bcranton ibis forenoon had a special car attached lmviiiL' on board a largo delegation of the Lutner League of Northeastern Pennsylvania bound for the big Lutheran convent i n at Harriaburg, Mauoh Chunk Daily News. i'ii Saturday forty. live loaded coal trains pai ted cast over the Valley railroad thron'li Mauch Chunk. That was the heaviest coal train traffic on tho Valley for any one day this year. Tho total uuin per of trains on baturday passenger, t : :t and coal east bound, wus ltG. Np branch of railroad service hai felt more seriously tho depressed times than tho telegraph department. A division nperinti Udent says there is not a day t hat there areuot eight or ten applications f r positions iu that department and a largo per p,)iit. of the applicants have ex cellent indorsements. , The Reading Railroad company is mak ing a reduction ot (ares in Philadelphia to compete with tho trolley hues, aud is run ning bel line trums around tho city to r air mount park. The Beading company has also iu contemplation a reduction in tbe price of mileage books over its system, and also iu WONcinglMU'l and package tickets, The Vanderbltt lines, at their usual sum mer meeting; declared their usual divi dends despite the bard times, The state ments presented at the meetiscts showed thai all of their roads bad suffered Ironi tie' general depression in business, but taking all things into consideration, the exhibits, for the six months reported were more favorable than had been expected. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity' of coal and coke originating on und earned over its lines oast of Pitts bun: and Blrte for tho year thus far has been il, 109,239 tons, compai ed with 9,867, 888 tons in th' oorreapoudlng period of 1898, ii decrease ot 8,408,679 tons, of which 4,901,488 tons were coal, a decrease of 8, 053j V ion-, and 1,197,636 tOM of coal, a decrease ot 1,888,972 tons. The coal washery of tho new Eborvale Coal company is in profitable activity at lust. One hundred nud twentv-tive men are now employed nud about iio tons of uoal are prepared for market dally.bnt the pvodoct will in a SUort time bo increased to 850 tons daily. The culm banks from which the coal is being taken yield from BO to li'i percent, the latter average being realized Lilly from 'the lump banks. Whsn 8i Many people aro taking nnd deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, why dou't you try it yourself ? It will build you up. Hood's fc-ursnparilltt will make you strong, Ho 41 I i I cure miusen, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. Try a box. NOW IS THE TIME TO BEGIN. Altoona Ti iounc. Why Is municipal government in tho I nited states so notorious a failure? Why i" it that taxpayers are plundered bv the extravagance of corrupt or inefficient officials 1m it not because of the Indiffer ence of citizens who are so wholly tnken up With their private affairs that they think they have no time to devote to tho public welfare? Ia it not because there is notsnffi i"iit patrioiic sentiment existing among voters to load thorn to take active measures to promote the interests or the municipality? How can n cure be wrought, and a netter stato of affairs in angnrattdl Will it not be by the deter mination of the citizen to abandon his elfish devotion to bis own affairs aud to make some sacrifice for the public good? Mothers! Mctlnril! Mcthsn!!! Bin. Window's Soothing Byrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while toe thing, With perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain; curei wind colic, and is tho best remedy for di iirrhd'a. Sold by dtnggists in ovory part of tho world. Ke sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup,'' and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot-tlo- Mns. Jf. EOBAJniBltlOKR, beaver Dam, Wis., writes; "Wo have used Or. Thomas' Eclectric Oil In cur family for Cough.-, Colds, Croup and hhouuiatisni. It cures every time." FINANCIAL ANp COMMERCIAL. Stocks und Bondf, New Yoiik. June 86. There was n change for the better In stock olrcles to day, the result of tho publication oi pres ident Cleveland's vld'ws onVthe financial situation. The first effect oi tho publica tion waa the cessation of the foreicn selling. The European traders turned up as liuers which caused Ueneral EleotrlO, Erie, the Grangers, Louisville and Nash villo, Union Pacific and Western Uuniou each' to score guins. J. I'i rpont Morgan's statement thut tho simation abroad hud improved uud thut the for rigneri wore simply waiting for a better condition of affairs hero before branching out, was not without its iullu eurc. in the afternoon Missouri Pacific, 1 rdl o. Qeneral Electric and Lead all rau i ff to per coat., but tho general market closed ifrm. business was light, only 1U2,0U0 lharea having been traded In dining tbo day. While tlie feeling for the moment Is bullish, .tbe operator! uro not all I to ex;end their lines until tariff matters are disposed, Speculation closed Una nnd ) to 1 per cont. higher. Tus foUowing complete table auowinc th day's nuetuations in active stocks la supplied ana revlaod dally by Uiinr A fuller, stock brokoas, 121 Wyoming avennei ).ca- uicii- Low est. Wi mi ml 111 LT. est. Am. Got on Am .SiiKar. A.T..'iH. K Can. So Can. KV J ( hie & N, W... M ml ma, mi mi is I'JiS (J.. Ii. tc ii TM 77U Vll'a OolC, Has TsjJ Til 7TZ c. nt. ij... I), ii 11 !)., I,, W D. ft Oi r'.rie U. E. (V) Iak Shore I,. A N '..!.':. "an Villi, l'ae Nut. Lead N. Y. ft N. K... , S. Y. Central I'TtVi N. Y..O. ft W UM N. S..B. w, I?. S. C Co North l'ac Worth Pae, pf... llniaha Pe. .Mall Heudlnir Hoi k hdand R.T st. Pan! T., C. A J T. xns Pae..;. Union I'aclnc lot, V. estoi n i.'uion w.Js U K W. ft L. . pf "i BOM SHU I'. ION ISM AU iau ,.18W ml isag MR Uvi i;'t ii" Stt v. M UM ii jHs Wi MI wu, ,,U1N IM lilfl 1ST .. WM Mm iu ,.im ihQ iuC iijij ., Uff ia '5!j ma .. a asd arm m .. s?s mi ia I'M l7 U, V.ii mi nw liB r: mi ssx; m ia tSL ii ) law 18)2 n iiw iiti ii ii um ml if, KG tsw osU em m,' H'7s IdU lOK M mi &'jv ssT5 r,u5 ls ls BB s su sti nil wi . i.m y w isu . KM hlli roU Mi; )lli 1IM lei IIU a ids m tt Chlcaso Oram and Provisions. Scraktor, Juno!.'!). The following quota tions are supplied und oorroated dally by La Bar ft fuller, stock brokers,r.'l Wyoming ave nue. WHEAT. .tnlv. Sent. Dec Opouiua- Wild ttllfi Mi Highest il'itj iv.'SH IkVtf, Lowest BW lil'j Wi, Closing BM Bl lift OOKK. Qpeelng MM 4fii Highest 41 41W Lowest It'U 4lta .... Closing 4o. 41)4 OATH. Oneiiinit asid !10Vl .... Highest :mi niw Lowest Iisti 'Jll2 .... Cloetns nu uuu POBK, Opening J2v IM Highest niB lint Lowest l."ll ll Closing 1SBB 1268 UARU. Opening f7(i UK'. HigheMt (170 (iA .... Lowest 887 688 .... Closing v lio: 688 ... BHORT BIBS, Opening KB 887 .... Illgliost MB 887 .... Lowest 888 t"i .... t'losiui; Wi 668 .... New York Produce Market NlW Vow;. Juuo 0. Flouu Dull, easy. K WHEAT DoU, lower with options; No. 2 red, store and elevator. Osjfe.! allout, 03J4C; f. o. b 68'a6Sjat ungraded rd, &8a63Wc.; No. 1 northern, 88)10,1 options dosed dull nt MaKo under yesterday; June, 6UJ0 July, BUJXc; August, ii'iJic,; September, O60.1 Deoember, twe, ilonN Dull, stonily; No. 1!, 4."ic. ; olava tor, i&Xo, afloat: options were very dull and nocoanged; .luue, 4880.1 July, isjjc.j August, iiv jt. . September, 4(i:',c. Oats Dud, lower; options, dull; July, ; .c. ; np others JfC.J Juuo.ftlc. ; July,4!lic; August 80c; September, 84Xc spot prices, No. BOaOlat No. a white, BSct No. :.' ( hicago, 89c; No. !1, fide. ; No. U white. Die.: mixed western, SdaSUc; whito do, and white state, friioTo, BUT Dull, steady, Tiebcsd Best Dull. CUT MbaTS- Quiet, (inn; pickled bellies, T! '.; do. shoulders, 840,1 do. hams, lU.'i'a lOKc; middles uommiil. LARD-rQuiet, easy; western steam dosed at 7.10; city, 0(a8c; July, $7.08; September, 87.20; refined, dull; continent, 17,40; South America, $7,!3U; compound, Mi alio. Pork Steady, Butter Fair demand, fancy firm; stato dairy, !2al7Wo.; do. creamery, lSalSc; Pennsylvania, do., lSuisc; western dairy, lUaloc; do. Creamery, Halbtjc: do. factory, liiiHc; eluius, 18al84jO. iiniiatiou creamery, UalbWo. CUCISB Fair demand, steady. EGOS Dull, weak; stato and I'enusyl VSUlu, I2al8c; western fresh, llal'Jc; do., per case, (Safi.76. Fhiladelphla Tallow Market. FBIIJtDILPHIA. June SO. Tallow was dull and unchanged. Prices were: Prime city in hogaheadf, 4Jbc; prime country, In barrels, 4c; do. dark in barrels, 4a4JiC;. takes, 4fi, grease, 'Ae. Why do 500,000 i Peop!e take Bovinine every year ? Because in disease ordinary foods are not assimilated, and thousands would starve in the niidt of plenty for the want of a suitable food. Because ' BOVININ The Original Raw Food is the only raw meat food con densed by a cold process by which all the nutritive ele ments of selected bppf .nre preserved in exceedingly pal- ataoie lorm and ready lor immediate use, and : Because it is prescribed and recommended bv more nhvst- j r cians than any other food known to tlie profession. Soif hy nil druggists. rm BoyzNam co., jvutv york. Ekoosoid t thc HlSHMV Medical Authositiis SErfTiiOLlNHfltER jJSfewmliA CATARRH '! r a . l.MMi.Eli will euro von. A Inniirnn, lleonehltlii,' 7.'V flKAV rFVillt. -!ir,rA V -yx WlflM frrrl e.f An ellificiit . - , icuictiy, cctnTcnieni Ko carry In pn"liPt, resilT to use mi fl ret. Ipniicarion Of colli. innuiineii i n i.not'ls j-eriniinclll. 4'nre. riiiilsrnciKininiiiraiitecdorninricyrcfiinrlcd. Prlre, ! rl. Trial free nt Dnmulsis. Iteclsteroil mall, W nts. I. P. CUJEMlN, Ulr., IhiW Rivers, ins, D. S. I otrrajar: Mourns MFWTHfll Th0 ""rest mm snl'cst romoily for nic.fl I nUL nil ..inn (iinmiHcs. Bcieina, ItebJSall Ilhe'.im. i.M RorSS, Ruml, Cuts. Wnnderful rem MjrforPII.KJI, Prlce.ieSrtil. nt llruii-D I ss gjalH .ir l.v iiiuil' in-f iiil.l. Adilrei-niniitiiivii. DHLW Fur sale ly IMnttlioivs Hrosi uud John II. Phelpa m j . . incite a Man of Me: TDK IIIIKtT HIMDOO REMGDY . . . 1 1 . .... i AB01 K RESULTS In iki iitvii, OarN nil rM'viim mmmun, raiiiag piinu.rv Parefti. all nolM unai . Nlvntlv RmU. ilou,omoaiiaM by peat abuMi,MTas vigor aadslsi MMraak(morMai.and qotokljr hut luralr n-stonu I. .i-l Imi1i I in i M uryi.iinir. K-islly ..;i riled In run solcat apaosaija. .six i.v .yo(i with , . . ( .rr or inohi..)- rtTiimlril. Pnli'l III 1. 11 V IIIIIH llll'illl !! Ili;il-;.'.t I .. I Mill nu,, ,,( , liaHation. lnilitonhTlnlJIIAPtl noneothor n In. luMiiut i..i it. iM. win H-iuiit i.vimiil nponrea In' i.l i'ii 'it, I'uiliplili t lnii nli'il iMivr..p frcf. Vi llrliltUI ........ I to , l'rof., I hlra,:u, III., urouraprnt.. SOI. I) by Matthewi Bros., Wboleuls and Retail Drnollll, SCHAN'tuN, PA., and oilier Lead iiik Dragiists. On. KCQRA'S Fenovci Freld, Plmplnj Mulct t:lto'. ,tili;J la bars and Tan. aud r,-. siorts the skin to In r.rllil- -'('fuL.l ciear ana noaifiy com-':ca. fy-V)r-. Jilcxion. Fniierltirtosll ifco ' Jircpanitlni and tameUj hnrmle.-a At nil MOWS) or mailed io; 50d a bend lor Clroular, VIOLA 3KIN 80AF li ' .ply lnnrjrl.l. u i Un purilvl&4 p .p, DD-'ltiiM fir tLe tollH, vai irlUi-mt it rival I thu Lurmy. Al.yilulrl t uid uui i&HoUfa NaaV ttel. 11 ,lm,-Wi, Pr!8 J3Cl.l. G. C. BITTMEH & CO., Tc.!.edo. O. Fur niilft by 3Ialtkcni I; i ..... nnd Joliu U. X'livliK, .OMKMNNI 4 jr ,REGISTI.RED. I f '9fea l. r r i GW',-:. THE OLD RELIABLE Poiorlnnion tUUiUUUIIIUII GAMES Will be held by the Caledonian Club, of thia city, at Laurel Hill Park J ULY 4 A large number of attractions are down on the Mils nnd a good timi may be expuoted by nil who are preaotit. DAISY DAWSON, Hie Champion Child Dancer, only 7 yeara of hub, will ivo u grand eutertalnmeut well worth thu price of adtniiilon. ALL THE USUAL GAMES A tbe Dolegatua from all partB of tbe United States and Ctuada will b present, this will undoubtedly be a gnl a day. Street Citra every throe niiautoi. Admission, 25c. Children, 10c. Grand Stand, 15c, Dancing Free All Day Grand Picnic in the Evening, ADMISSION, lOe. JULY 4 A few of the entries recMved lire TAYLOR, TAXIS, THUS, KENNEDY, WELLS, Ete.,Etc. 50 Racing Men to Compete ALL THE FLYERS COMING. GEO. P. TAYLOR will attempt so make a track record of 2.1(), riding u milo agaiust time with pace-makers. Sea Canary in Fancy Riding. VHB ADERS National Bank of Scranloi CUGAlZED b CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000, BAHUEL HINES.rPrestdint V . W . Watsi i.n. Viw Presidsa& W1LL1AM.S, CujliUir. D1BICTOM. PAVFT.r. Hints, JAJ!E M; Eri;iinA nT Jiivino A. Finch, PhirceB. FlUtS jorara J. Ji nuvy, ii B, KaMKBiR), CUAS. 1'. JlAllucws, John T. 1'ultIStt. W. W. WATSO PROMPT, ENERGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Thin liank lnvitcn tho patronsta ot buainui hivii i.i. 'I Uruin v-u rvly. DUPONT'S WINING, BLASTING AND SPOUTING POWDER IaQufnchinaat tho Wnpwiillopon Mill L ihtuo r-nmity I'.i., anil at Wil miUb'tuu, Uvluwaro. HENRY BELIN, Jr, Gcnoral Agent for tho Wyoming District, 118 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa Third National Tank lluildin AllEXriKS. THos. FORD, Pittstpn, r. JOHN It H'Mlin k SON; Plymouth. E. W. MULLIGAN, Vilk.8 l;iiiro. Pa. Acciito for tho lti..'iuno C'hamlosl 0om tauy'u Uluh Ks..i,. Tbo GENUINE New Ilavon "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. Now York Warorooms No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. BICKER & CO,, Sole dealers ia this section. OFFICE-m Adama Avo., Tolcpbouo D'l'd'n THE BEST? B1CYCLB8ACBS AT THE SCRANTON Driving Park TR "7 THE TRIBUNE lood 'Hen Deserve . so . BO GOOD BOOK NE of the strono points of The Trib une's equipment as a iirst-class printing es tablishment is the fact that it has a superb Bindery, thoroughly supplied with up-to-date machinery and managed by skilled workmen. For neat work promptly clone and at prices that are fair and square, it has no superior in North eastern Pennsylvania, Preserve Those lie tares Don't Spoil Those lul ticflromes Neatly Bound The Tribune will promptly preserve any of the art series pur chased by its readers at prices especially moderate. I twill make special rates on the binding of any or all parts of the World's Fair Series America lllnstrated Mtichrome Series Or Any Other Series And do the work so thoroughly that you will simply be de lighted. FOR ALL KINDS OF BINDING, STITCHING, RULING AP OTHER WORK OF SIMILAR CHARACTER, TRY THE TRIBUNE BINDERY FOR PRICES Good Clothes BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1)H. U. EDO AH DEAN lias reinoTeil to Old iuwitn Vtruct' Bemuton. PC (Just up D1vL' lonnkll, daica aui WaahiniEia Frn,!X ; coinor mos Btreot, ovur om ldrUK,bior,)- Keuidunoo, Vina Bt. Omu, hi.urui to 12 a. m. uni V to una i .'Jt.. ,.,iu p. , HumUy, 2 to 3 p. m. T)H- w- ALUCN, liffleo'" corTTZZZ 71. J" nJ WuBhlneton uvos.: over W jrd .Loo itore; olBco hours. 10 to 12 a. m. ami vhino,;; ivre ) '!: S L , fSy- P"""' limited U Ills 7n.Z ?5" w tli0 Eye' E"r- Noo Throat: ofllro li. Wyoming avo. HoBiaouoo, ta Vine I) r ,' iAIE' 125 WnsUlngton Avuuua. x J Office hours, S t., a.m., to a and I t' " Mil. ItiiM.l. i.ii,. ;uu Madison av uua IOII.M L. WIC.NI'Z, M. Ii.,' uitl,,,, and if O ( ommonweairh huil.llng; r.Bldnnoo 711 flliiillBoimvo; olHce hours, lu to 12, i to I, 7 to Il 2S?un l? -v-'nings at rcJdonco. A spot laity iimdn of d,l.,,s of tho eyu, car, uoua SBfl tlirout and Kynooologt, LAW1 KBa 1 II. C JIANCK : n Uw and Collentiou of. O . fliio No. Ill, bpruuo t, opposllo ForiiHt Bonsa Beranton, fa,; eoUeetloasa spociaity throughout I'unnsylvuulu; roliublo corrospuud- CIltH III L'Vl.l'V fi.tllitv 1 .1 U'2J ,',A-NUv'"',oejrs and Counsel, , .... u a.i.a '..,,)',- teuiuioDwcalth liulldlng, WuehingtoD uvu. 1 . II. J1.HKI'I, Boraos E, Hawd. w. li. Jkshih', Jn. lA'i'AKD WAItltKM & KNAPP. Attir ht,lMi5SrW1OL9l,2Ln,,,0r,t Lav- Ht nubllcau liliililiiiif, Vashliigtonuve.. Scrsiiton, I'n. lJATTEKhDN A WILCXT AFtonToyB and J .(oiiimullorsatLsw; office 0 aud o Library Luudiii bcruntou, Pa. RpSWILt, TI. PATTBttSOB', n.l.lAll A. l I Li Oi A IjJbkd hand, william j. hand, av JL tornoys and Counnellors, Coniuiouwualtb building. Romns III, a) and 21. W? .,YljK A""r 'j" and Burr Inillding, WashiBstoii avenue i; K?"?V. M- HKKLY Law olliiiu in 'i.niiiiig, iu asiiingtiin armiiu. PRANK T. OKS1LL, Attorney st Law. Kooin i,aiAxnhJgLg:rnton. Pa. HILTON W. LOWgy. l AtryT'lirwiishiiiir 1A1IMW OAK' nlil), Attorney" t Law, roniK (B, nt and K, fommouwedth b'Pg. SnmUB..' EL,liAlt' Altoni'iy at Law." '- !."'.'" " Bprecest., Srranton. l a. I WATItliS, Attorney at Law, 42J i i. L.'.ckiiwnnnu an,,.. Berantoa. Pa. IJ P. Sil l i ll, (Joutuullor at Law. Office, I . rooms .11. 55, M Ci.iuinouwealt!i buildluif. ( It. PITCH Eh, Attorney at Law, Com yj tnonwealth building, Hrrnntoii. PsJ t. COMEQYB, pj Bpruesst I ) .JWLUOWt. Attorney-Loans DM 1 ' """''I "" real ei.tute peurily.4ih spruce. I F. KILL.i.M, Altornov aL-LawT'Tii Wy" i oramff avenue, HerantoB, KCUUULt, (JCHOOL OP THE LA( KA A'NA. S 'T;,: !r 1 iidn ' PKSflW M'& 1'orcoll.lgl M DUtinessi icroughly train vouug cblldroa. Lataloguo at request. Bit, TnoMAs m cams, WALTLIl H. BlKI.L. Arms WpKOKBTEB'e KIMOBBOABTGN and School, 412 Adsuis avenue Punili April? tlmoa- Nzt to,m WU uwB lKN I'lSlTS f ' '-AUltAl II. ouigeon Deiitiit, No, IU y ' yi lning nve. i. M. V, I lux ..ffle7vri,VhT,n"ir7- I.OA.NS. TS.S 1 1 ' ' . ' l1 " ' BstIbcs and Loan visse- elation v.-l II loan ou in mey on cinder terms pa pay you better on tavutrasct than any 1'ehI agtetgiff s- CALLi-s- SEKIJS. rj. K. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen. FlorUtl l- and Nurserynu u; etore 140 WashblctOD avenue; greou house, IJjj North Maiu svenOel fclore twephoBj 72 TKAg, GUA.NI UNION TEA C.,,)ou Hrot" WI11K St'ItEKMj. IDS KUETTEL, 5ij Laekawaiiia avenuo. " s. ranton. Pa., lna-mfr of Win. Kcreens BOTBM AND ItK.STAl'lt ANTS. 'PHE VVESTMINbTEB. 217.iliFWy0m7mj A avo. Koomi heated with steam: all mod ern Improvements. C. M. Tiiuma h. Jroi. fpHH ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 Tranklin ave I n j . Kates reasonable. PZiEOLin, Proprietor. It-LbTiiLNsTEIt HOTEL o . W' C KCHENCK, Manager, buteenth BtroeU one block east of Broadway. at Union Square, New York. An?cr,ri,i I'1""- Si' 50 per day and upward. pOYNB HOUeE. Euronosn plan; " good V, rooms Onou day And night. Bur ' sup plied with tho beat r. H. COYNE. Proprietor C' KANTON HOUSE, mar D., L & W. pa ' luugiT uepoi. ioaaucteu on the l.uroi plnu. Victor Kwh. Proprleti ( 'HAND CENTRAL. J'l.o larSiwt and uiet 1.1 eoulDne-t hotel in Allontuwiv l-. . . . .j t- and A nnr inv vittoii ii. FiAHNr.F, Proprietor. A IK HITKOTK AVIS A" HOUPl', Av.'lilt..,.t.'"n"om's"2l. : i nnd 2l ConniKinwealtti h Id'u. Seranten L. WALTBB, Architect, Lihrary bulla ing, V rowing; avenue. Seranton. D V L. BBOWN, Arch B. Architect, Price 1 building. 120 Washington Ave., Seranton. SIISCKI I.ANKOtS. a AIT.K'S OUCH F.STRA - MUSIO- FOR i) balls, nlcnlcs. nartios. recentinna. .ui. dings and concert work furnished. For tormi addross IL J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming nve., over Hulbert's music store. II OltTON I). BWABT8 - WHOLESALE lumber, Price building, Scrnntnu, Pa. MEQAltOEK BltOTHEUS, PlilNTLRd' supplies, envilones. paper linga, twine. Warohouso. 1J0 Washington uvo., beranton, Pa. UOOTE'H lTvKRY. im Cap'ouae avenuo. J First cln-ii cai i lagi's. P. L. ! OOTE, Agt. Funeral Director and Emleilnn r. i mi an i p. BBOWN T co, Vhoijk J salo oealsrs in Woodware, Cordage and nr. cioth, 720 w. Laokawanna vmuo. l.KA FINN 'Si N8, builders an I contracv J-J tors. Yards: Corner Olive Bt. and Adams ave. ; corner Ash st. nnd Ponn ave . Seranton. flKITKit HHOB CO., tne'p, Capital. $1,000,000. IIF.ST Nil , in SHOE IN THIS WORLD, "J dollar taici i a dollar iarntd." k This ;.. idles' Solid l'reneU DoogolH Kill But ton Ioot delivered free anywhere in tlie receipt nnm, uoney urur, or 1W.M Note for tM. Kauali ciery WSV tho boots sold In all retail utorea for $2.50. We make this boot ourielre, therefero we guar and If any ouo in not satlsflcJ we will retinal tne pjoafff orsrndniiotherpslr. Oiwrn loe or i onnnnn aensSi C, l E, St KR. 1 to S nnd half iltes. iSfnd your flee; vltl nt you. Iiiitral.'d Cata legue FREE Gexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. .MASS. Eureka Laundry Go. Cor( Lindon St. and Adams Ave, tonai iloL'eit bguAiut, All kinds of Laundry work gusrante ' the best, mm THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO rCRANTOX AND W1LKEB-BABKE, PA., JIANUFACTUKERU Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF ti J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anttracita coal usod cicluslvoly, lnaurinj cleuullni.Ks and i-onifort. TIMt TAIILK IN Elfl KCT MAY 120, 189J. Trains loavo Scranton for PlttHton, Wllknu. ! oi iw7 - !.- .. 12.60. 2 ej, m s n ' To, ;05 " m- butluy8, U.W a. m., For Atlantic City. 820 a. m. For Now York, Nnwark und Ellzaboth. R20 foxiin s,, a. m.. 12.50 (oxpros. with Bullet parlor car), J.JO Uxprone; p. m. Buudoy, 2. 15 BiK, Kasto end Philadelphia, ia a. m . bu,nl.!,2 .(,UX00,,t WSPW p. m. 6.2oar fe'a Bjffi 0cEA'' guovk- ctc- For Pottavllls, H.'.'On. m., li.!On. m. HiiturnluB. Wave Now York, foot of Libert? ffftiifSK rlvrr' ft1? (eipressj a. m.. 1.1(1, LOO, 4..f I (oiproHS with liuirot parlor car) p. m Sunday. 4.111 a. ni. I.oavo Philadelphia, Ucadlng Terminal. S.90 B.O., 2.00 and 4.3 1 p, m. Sunday, 0.27 a. in. lhrough tickets to all points at lowoat rat l may be had on apiillcatlon iu advauco to tbe ticket agont at tho Btation. 11. P. BALDWIN. J. II. OtHAtTRB. Utn' fM ABnb UBLAWABB AND HUD son RAILROAD. Cotnmeni Ing May 20, 180 trains will run as follows: Trains leave Brjdjre street Station. Seranton, for Pitts- 9 B Bm '-''. ;''':-"' 1 '8. 5.16. 8.I&1 8.U tW r anil II :.a , in. r'r For New York and Phila delphia, B OO a. in., 12.10, ; .:i", 2-SH. 4.lfiaml 11,80 p, ,. For Bonesdale c'rom Delaware, Lacks wsnns and Western depot), 7.0J, 8.), 10.10 a.m., 12 ui 111.. 2. 17, 5.10 i. ni. For Carbondala and Intermediate stations. 5 411 : 1,1 j. Ill III . IO mi... ,i a: r ,,. t.,20 and 01)5 p. m.j from Bridge stroot Di not. j 2.M ... ni.. g,I7aad 11 ill i. m. Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England points, no a. m.. arriving at Albany 12.45. 1 Saratoga 2.20 n 111 .aud lonvuie Seranton at 2.17 p. 111.. arriving at Albany at IM p. in., hara toga, 12 55 a. tn , and li,stou. ;.'! a. m. 1 he only direct roul" betWoen the ooal loldi and Moston. "Tho Leading Tourlita' Root of Anterli a" to tho Adirondack .Mountain re sorts, Lakes Qeorge and Cliampiiilu. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train ear vies bel ween its Uoua on ail divisions Deln Warn and Hudson system, may bo obtained at all Delaware and Hudson tlckol offices. H. ti YOUNii, J. V BDRDIOK, Bscotid Vice President (leu. Pass, Agt MAV la. lsj.1L Train leavea Rcrant.111 for Philadelphia an1 Hew York tie, U, A; B B it nt n.ui. 12.W, 2.83 nud II 115 p. rn via D., L. & W. H. B., 0 04, b.lw. 11.20 ,i. in., and LgD p, in. Leave Beranton for Pittston and Wiiki Barro via D., L. ,V V.'. it. It., ti.OJ, aOS, 11 2) a. in , i.mi aw.a.oT. , n p. m. Leave Beranton for Wnlte Haven, Baslston, Pottsville and all points on tho Heaver Meadow and pottsville brunches, via E. A w. V . ti . 1 '.in., v a D. & H. It. R. at B a.m.. 12.11, 2.US. S,J0 p.m . via !.. L. A; V. K. K., 0.00, S.oj, K.20 a 111., 1.80, .'t.'io p.m. Leave Beranton for Bethlehem, Eatou, Reading, Harrisbiirg and nil int'-rmediaU points via I), aj B. H. R., sam .12.1 '. 2 . II. JJ,via D., L. It W. It. 80,00,6.08, 11.20 ,u ui., l.l p in. LeaieScruiuon (orTunkhattnook, Towa-i . Elmtra, Ithaca, Geneva nnd all it points via D. A B. K.B.,0.OTa m., 12.10 and Wil p. m.,Via D. I(. & W. R P... -"it a ui.,l.:n p uu Leave Seranton l..r Rochester, Buffalo. Ni agara Falls, Detroit Chicago and allpol iti west viaD. 1' H. R. F... 0.07 :,.m.,12 iO.B.lJ 1! 8i p.m. vb D. L. & W. 1!. R. and Plttstoi Junction, s 'li m 1410, 8 up. in , via E. A- W. U.K.. 3.41 n. in. Fbi Elm ia and th 1 west v. a Bai iniano 1. via 1.. II. u R 0.0; .i.m., I:; 10,11.18 p. m. viaD- L. ft W. R.H.. ,8.08a.m., 1 ID and ti.'7 p. m. Pauman parlor and sleeping orL. v. chair c irs en all trains between L. & B. Junotton or Wilkes-Uarro and NOW York. Phllad lp Us, Buffalo and Stiaoen-ilon Bridge BOliLIN H. Wll.llO it. (leu. Supt. East Div. ClIAS. s, LF.E, Sen. Pasi Ag't, Phils. P 1. A W NONNEatACHEB.Ass't O.'h Pass Ag't, South Bethlehem Pa, DELAW .'. Tit, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Beranton as follows: Express for New York and al, points) ESSt 1.40. 2.50, 5.15, B on aud 0 Be a, m. ; It K and 3 50 p, rn. Express fur Eastou, Trenton. Philadelphia sad tho South, 5.15, B.OJ aud 8.5! a. m. ; 12.5 and 3 .80 p. m. Washington aud way itations, loop. m. Tobybanna aocouiiuoiiatiou, 0 lu p, in. Exnr ss f. r Binghamt u, Oswego, Elmlra. Corning. Bath. Dausvlll", Mount Morri i a-ia Buffalo. 12.10. 2 15 a. in. and 1 21 p. in., making 1 lose connoctioas at Buffalo to ull poiuu lu the West, Northwest and Sou'.hwest. Buth accomui1 idatioti. 'J 11. m. and way stations, 1J.37 p. m. Nlciiol ou uccoinmoJatinii, at 4 p. iu. sua C 10 p, m. Blnghamtnn and Eltnira Express 0 05 p m. Exi rcss for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswogi. I'tica and Richfield Springs, -lj a. in. aud 1.21 p. in. Ithaca, Mp and B ith fa. m nnd 1 21 p. in For Northumberland,Plttston,WUkes-BarTei Plymouth, Llooiusburg Ud Danville, making close connect I at Northumberland for Wlillamsport, Hsrnsburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South. Northumberland nd mtermedlate stations, .!, KM a m. and 180 and Ml p. ro- Nsnticoss ana intermediate stations, s. m and 11.20 a. m Plynioutb and intermodiatj itations, UOend 8.5S p. in. , .. Pullman parlor and slsspiug coaches on ail express trnins. . . . ., . t or detailed luformail.ei, po ''.let tun tab ' etc , apply to M. L Smith, city ticket orHci, i .. Kawannaavsnus, or depot ticket oinc TBW Y-'lfK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN i RAILWAY (O. TIMS TABLS IV imCI SI'NDAY. JI NK 21. Trains leave Bcrkntou for Oarbondale at S.30, 10.58 a. 111 . and t) 1 1 p.m. For Hancock Junotton, 10.55 a.m. nnd ti 10 p.m. Trains leave Hancock Juneiion for Scran ten, ii a.m nnd 2 08 ). in Trains leave Carbondala for n nt 7 24 S.m, and 1.84, 5 34 p in. E HIE AND WYoMlNl) VALLEY HAIL HOAD I'ralns leavn Seranton for New York and In- termedwte points on the Erie railroad .it 888 a. ni. and 3.21 p in. Also for Honesdile. Hawley aud local points at 485, 2.15 a.m . and 3.21 p.m. All the ulove uro through trains t.i and from Honssdale, .,u additional tram leaves Seranton for Lake Ariel at MO p.m. and arrives at Seran ton from the Lake at 8 15 a til and 7. 15 p.m. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at 8. 10 a, m. and o. U p. iu. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturera and Dealers in Illaminatin aud Lubricating OILS Linseed Oil, Napthaa end Gaso lines of all 1. 1 .i i'- Axle Qrttitso, Piniou and Colliery Com ponnd ; also, a larje liuo W l'ur rafflne Wax Candles. We nlso haudlo tho Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only fnmily safety burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Office: Coal Exchange Wyoming Avj. Works nt Fine Itruok. General om.:e, SCRANTON, FA. s