The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, June 27, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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-.ra.--r. -C aw in oft or
TmC flnil i!f AfiHHU.C'tTC
Msxcy's first ltapnlw ma to mil an
sistnuott, but the discovery that Mr. Dye
hart not wholly lost oonBolonntem rletsr
ml hiui. Bv the aid of wiiio, whioh he
wus ablo to procure without evoiting
nuy suspicion as to the u-in lie would
mnVo of it. heTOCooodedinredtuioitafing
tho ctrielfeu nan. After swallowing tho
coDMita of several glawei Mr. Dyo was
able to sit, or rather to reoliuo, upon the
Rottt Qud to speak. His first dread was
of the portrait. His tirst nttoranoo wan;
"Turn the aoonrsecl thing away from
Maxey rnovod the easel, but even then
the fatat eyes wotlld orcasi Bally wan
der in that direction with n look of .m
r:tsT innpicion, as if lie mote than half
MtMnuted that It wis able to turn hack
upon him of Its own volition.
The somber Dye was utterly crushed.
The theatrical air and oratorical flonr
i hen. which even in bis moat corneal
TnonK'titf. be had never wholly forgotten,
had vanished, but the despair in his
face was deep sr than ever,
Ho asked Maxcy to draw the center
tidifo, on which had been placed the de
canter of wino, oloser to him that he
might reach it without assistance Pre
quently nervnns trenior would sha';e
his whole frame, and then he would
scizo the gla's and swallow a mouthful
with the despi rate energy of a man who
was fighting his last fight Meanwhile
he talked rapidly, fiercely, like one in a
"Why do yon have that here? Why
Was it necessary for yon to scare me to
death' You certainly could suspect noth
ing, You told nio that she drew that,
face. I should have seen through the
humor of that joko. Ha, ha, ha! lirisht.
of von, wasn't It? Yon are so much
raftier than you look, sir. But you
weren't crafty enough to detect mo in
playinn a part the iirf. day I came hi re.
Say, you never would have believed that
1 had been in this house before, would
yon? Didn't- I do my part well? Ak
Belfry if I showed the least tremor, tf
i faltered hi my step, when I saw the
house into which ho was taking mo, I
im strong, but cannot hear everything.
Butthepictnrc? You bought it of conrso!
of ooonw yon bonght it! Why did he
hsvu his fane drawn Hire that? It's the
expression I am tnlking about The eyes,
the eyes! There! There, it is around
again looking at me. Turn it about T
toll yon: tar., it about 1"
"T have turned It 'about It is not,
looking at yon," said Mtwcey nervously.
dm mskfo
i hi- i. ; w i r
"The eye, the eyett There!
Mr. Dye glared i at the back of the
picture that there col. Id he no doubt
that he thought he saw the face still.
Then he uttered a horrible oath.
Aye. grin on, grin on, Will you? ho j
cried out defiantly. "You can';, terrify '
me. Wot now. not now. I rear the liv
ing, not tho dead, not the dead. "
There hurst from Ids lirts a long peal
of hysterical laughter.
It Was more than Masoy could hear.
Ho went, out Tor ir. Lamar, andwhon
he had retnrnod with him locked tl"'
door to prevent his wife and Kit.-r from
Lamar examined tho shalduR, cower
ing wrocjc upon ihe sofa, and Maxcy,
impatient, of delay in his decision, one
rlcd nervou ly:
"XVhat'-' the matter with him?"
"T (',honM say he'd been drinking too
mneh. "
"Is that all? I thrmght it delirium
tremens. "
"There is not a groat d"al ff difT
eneo," said Lam ax after listi ning to
souio of Dye's voheni n nti n .
"He. is crazy. We must get r-y-r- away
from here at, once"
"Nol" cried Maxoy, "bo shall not go,
not If you say he is possessed f a
thousand devils, He shall not. go alive !
unless ht has b Id the truth and all the
The truth? What does hi- know?"
"He know? every! hing, He know,; my
wife's parentage. He knows the secret
of Hint affair on the sea mod Be known
this fiuv; that Annette has sketched, and
if tho power remains hi him he shall
Mr. Dye heard and evidently partly I
oouMirehendcd those words, fi r bo cried
out :
"Ripht, Mr. Itfaxey, rightl Make him'
tell! He's s scoundrel! Make him tell !"
Maxoy sprang toward him and seized
him by the arm, as if bo would drag
his secrets from him by physical force.
"Speak out now, old man," he said,
"for tliM tim" for playing with mo is
passed. Twill have the truth now. Von
recognize tho Jew's face. Who is tho
.Tw? What are your relations with
"The Jew eh? You want, to know
about tho Jew mid my relations with
him? Relations is a prrtty word. I will
tell you, Mr. Maxcy, my relations with
him. I was a whining our. Ho was a
lion. "
"Go on quickly, " whispered Lamar
in pfaxey's ear. "Humor him. He is
ripe for a confession. Make him talk
while be can. "
"Why did you fall down whnn I told
you my wife had painted tho lion's
face?" "
"Why? Because she never saw the
;' m kri i
t Jew, He was a crafty man. Hornlod
hor destiny, but he never showed himself
never but once, and then Thowinol
Give me tho wine! Why will you keep
j that accursed thing In the room? Take
J il out I say! Take it out of my sight"
: Dr. Lamar promptly removed tho
easel, and Mr. l)ye seemed to broatllO
easier, fttaxey asked another question;
"Tho Jew, the lion, ruled ier desti
ny? What was his name?"
Mr. Dye hen! close down and answer
ed in a whisper:
"His name was Felix Rosenfo, and I
killed him!"
Maxcy shrank hack.
"It tiu'tles yon, does it?" went on
the wretched Dye, "It makes yon draw
away from me? You did not know the
Jew, or you would feel more liko hum
bling yourself beforo wo. Aluaannni in
be crashed and gronutl nnn trampled
audorfoot and despised and seat, upon,
and then the time may como when even
the omrwill turn and rend the lion!
Bay, myflnofollow" he turned toward
Lamar "you're a good judge. I1 n'i
that so?"
"Undoubtedly, " said Lamar eucour
iiKingly. "I'lidouhtcdly that, is vi-r'
true. Ho spot upon yon. and you killed
him. Very good, Hn had been grinding
yonnndorhis feet for a very long while?"
"Gentlemen, this will lo a private
affair between us, strictly private, Wo
will review this enso together, and wo
shall judge together whether I did wolL
There shall In' no judge, no jury, no
hangman's rope about this, will there,
"Decidedly not."
"No. Well, put it down first that a
very )o";j tine ago I was u merchant's
clerk, and PnJix Rosenfo was that mer
chant's private secretary. Got that
down? Well, I stole money, and ho
found if out That was the beginning.
But, it Was not the end: no, por rh(. endl"
Mr. Dye talked in a rapid, feverish
manner ai d olntohod tho sleeve of Max-
ey's coat His faded eyes had so much
! the appearance of a maniac's that she
artist could not, help an involuntary
i shrinking,
I The wretch's manner was variable.
1 A fierce outbreak was succeeded hy a
period of comparative calmness. Aftr
' his Inst sentence ho suddenly burst out
with a peal of forced laughter. Ho
pointed to Lamar n;id Maxcy in turn 08
though th y were the most obvious ob
jects of mirth.
"What a pair of simpletons yon OTO,
gentlemen I Do ydn bxpoct me to go on
and tell yon nil about my affairs with
tho Jew, with my dear Felix, the lion?
Oh, no, not at all; not at all (becoming
serious). Ho got mo under his feet, and
there he kept me, grinding his heel round
andTormd andronnd and never lotting
mo g . The more I did the more I mu,:t
do. When ho had woven such a web
around mo that- be held my honor, my
freedom, my life, in his hand, then he
was satisfied (becoming path tic). Now,
gentlemen, don't bo unreasonable Don't
ask mo to confess how it was that my
lif" got into his hands. That's a dead
matter. Popplo gave up looking for a
solution." long time ago. Don't let. us
rake it, np at this late day and harry
np people's sou's needlessly. Resides it
doesn't concern any of ns."
"Very welj," said Lamar, "let it, go.
It amount.; simpfy to an understanding
that this .Ti w involved you in a crime
the detection of which would bare
hanged yon."
Mr. Dyo canght his arm and suppli
cated him.
"Oh, my good man, don't tnlk that
way! i on hurt my feelings, for i ye pot
them, had a
my lost card.
I am, and besides that. s
Rste- m my confidence, and
I'll whisper to yon a secret When I got
reduced to the Instoxtrcmity audi want
only ono more drink to entry mo off, I
kimw re. ambitions detective to whom I
nn soli my knowledge. How does that
se"in for n plan? It can't h tug mn thon,
for I shall 1
deti i. and I Shall have had
i my whisky. "
Mr. Dyo suddenly
ncamo mirthful
and ohnoklcd.
"This is tcrriblr !"mnrmnrcd Maxoy.
Mr. Dy immediately grow fioroo
j "Bnt it isn't for any regard of him
i thar I k-cep silent. Don't mistake mo
j there, Lr.t fyr that hCOnrsod Jew I might
1 i lay have boon well and respcctahlo,
: with a home, a wife, children, perhaps.
I How do' s it turn out? My wife dies of
a hroki ;i heart I am an outcast. Tho
, only child I ever had she whom I rear
cd from hi r infancy f cannot took in
j thofneo, I am n broken, tottering vrrel oil,
and all through him. Do you wondnn
Mien, that I kil
dor? There was
d him? Do you won
that e.ffnir on tho sea
j road. I told him 'ha; Rh km w a part
I of the secret 11' goVhito with rngo,
j and I cringed before him. He held me
to blame for it Cnrsehiml What had
I dona? 'I have kept yon alive all theso
: y(ars. Von have lived on my bfinnty,
yon miscrkhln car!' he said. Yes, gen-
tlomon, bo called mo n, cur. So I was
i lo, yon eouiiei r Diamo mm tor tnn
Ho was right Bnt it enraged mo tq hoar
him say II. I knew I was. Im! hOMnadO
mb so. Oh, to have strangled him then
and there! Then be said, 'You gO homo
and come again when I have thought
about it. ' That iMWhal I did, jnsl v h :t
ho to'd ine; always his slave and his
"Then when I come again ho says,
with that devilish smiloW his: 'It taul!
right I'c, my hoy. We most write a
letter from that Hapguod woman. Bho'd
bo likely to belicVO i" her. We mU8( got
her out of 'town to some lonely place,
The Homersct road will do. 1 have
thought it all out." 'What, for. what for,
old Jew?' 'Because it, is noooBHary.
That's enough. Let us brini; her to Ihe
sea road Tuesday night I will lie in a
sleigh, yon on foot. She will wait, hy
tho side of the road. You will walk
past If all is well, yon will giVo me
tho word as yon ro me driving hy. If
all is not well, you will not give motho
word, and I will go up the road a piece
and ton and come hack till you say to
mo go on.' 'Yes, res, all very well,
devilish Jew. hnt what for, what for'''
'Are yir. Insane that yon ojuestinu me?
You do your part. Leavo mo to mine. '
'Will, woll, my sweet F!'x, I have
dono much for yorli No doubt mylavo.
for you is very gr ,'a.t, hnt am I a mon
ster? Am I utterly without soul? Has
your tyrrnnons hool crushed oat every
spark of tho man i. m ? Will I deliver
up an innocent girl who tmsta mo? No;
a thon aid ti-oi -i no, old Jowl' 'Are you
going daft, Don't, yon know whet my
power is? Have yon forgotten Dale and
the res?' 'I forget, nothing. BorlOVO ntO'
yet. my memory isvory, very good. Ah,
proud Jew. some flay that memory may
cost you something. But now you shall
b, defied.' 'You fl n't mean todofyiuo.
Yon want, somethiug. What do you
want?' 'Your promise, your solemn
promise, that, she shall not bo harmed,
else l am done. ' 'Harm? Who said harm?
You wrong no. I do not wish her ill.
I wish only to talk to bur, Oh, I shall
rako excellent oairo of ho ! I shall Iki
j kind and gentle to her. Of that you
I have my promise, Dyo, old hoy. Gf that
you may rest assnrod. ' 'Old Jew, yon
smile. Bnt 1 ant sorions. This is no
whim of i.iin.e. I'll hoar yunr oath,1 He
swears it then Felix Roseufel,the Jew,
lays his hmid In mine and swears ho
will not harm an innocent ehild
"Whnl next.' Wo are on the road,
and Micro she is alone Once we try,
Twice we tr . Passers always, At last I
My hand is waved. That is tho signal.
Third timo wins. Sleigh stops. I hear
nothing. I am relied with a terror. I
; ought to look back, but no. I am a cow
ard, i oomn to run. w nai are you run
ning from up the white road, in tho cold,
with the snow all about yon, cur Dyo?
Go hack and watch over thnt innocent,
child. Yotjr cowardice killed yourwifoi
ruined your life, Kowwhat? Go back
and watch over that, innocent child.
Tho Jew Is merciless. Tho Jew is un
scrupulous, What are his promises?
What arc his oatlw? Go back nndjvntch
over that innocent child It rings in
your cars till yon no longer dare go on.
You turn hack. Dyo, the coward, turns
hack. No Jew there. Only 111" white,
cold road and the dash of the water.
What is this in the -now? A shawl!
TI. r Bhawll Loot: well at it, with strain
ing eyes and nxhoking breath. Where
is she? Where Is she, coward, fool, dupe,
idiot, whoro is slio? ' k) to the cliU and
look over. Gto close, close up, and look
over. There! Do yon hear that? That is
the wafer. Tint tiiat other that moau
ing, fcoblo nttcrouco? Tint Is a spirit
He has killed her! Do you hear that,
Dye? The Jew ha killed her! No won
der yon put your fingers in your ears
and mul Run, run, run! Across the
field and up the road, to stumble, to
fa1!, and then push on again, with your
fingers in your enrs. Yen cannot shut
it out You cannot drown its cry. Tho
: Jew has killed hev, and her spirit moans
and wrings its hands, and all through
you. Romomber this, coward Dye. Look
book over your past life and think of
the ambitions beginning and the pitiful
end. Good family, talents, education.
But still where are yon? And all through
him. How long, how long, shall he go
on despising you, trampling on you?
He, with his devilish face and black,
black heart? Wait, good Dye. Wait.
Do not bo impatient The moment comes.
She is not rlead Sho lives. She lives.
"Dye, yon must watch the house,
the house in the cadet street. You must
1 tell the .Tr-.v all who go in and out Oh,
yea, you will do this for the good, kind
'Jew. tho swoot, amiable Rosenfoll
! Yes, hut you mast do more. She is get
j ting well. You must come up with him
j tie long flights of stairs to keep watch
I while h" gee; in. Do yon romomboi' that
' Dyo? Do von remember his devilish
cunning ate' his plausible airs? Do yon
j remember the soft knock that is not an
: Fwerod, ihe creaking door, the cautions
voic. whispering, Watch here that no
One comes upon the stairs while 1 go
in?' What will you An, Dyo? You have
whisky in your pocket What will yon
do? Drink! Drink for conrogt ! Why
not call for help? The Jew is trapped.
He is ther". Drink more and deeper.
You mnst have oonrago, Shi What is ho
doing? Did yen hoar that gasp? Stop in
alittlowayaudlook. There! Tho paper
flashes up tic. paper in the grate, mid
ther.' ho is nt tho .ire looking at her I
The second timo is better than the ih-st.
She is black in the fnco from his chok
ing hands. 'She is dead now, Dyo.' Soul
He is dragging her hack upon the had
Qniclt! lie calls to yon. 'Alight!' what
Is ho doing! A match to:.-, ode him while
he arrtU'.g ! r dead hands! Devili. h,
devilish cunning! Whit a monster is
this Jowl A stop on tho stair I linn
qniekly, Dye, and lock tho door! Bs
capo! Wlid"? How? By tho window, to
tho roof, ;md so outof tho roach of nil
pursuit. Tie ro is pounding and eollipg
at tho doorl They will break it in!
Quick, quick, now! WhowiH go first?
Tho Jowl oh. ye :, the Jow, tho great
and important Jew!
"What is your life worth, you cur,
hesidohis? no moves in society. Where
are yon? Thowimlowisopon. Ho stands
n pon tho sill. Ho is climbing, lie will
escape. Nol No! At last, Dyo, the
whisky lie. lotlO its work. Yon are no
longer a crouching sj phont strike
now! Nov.- or uovt r! See him struggle
to keep his hold! See hiia losing
strength, bit by bit against thoso fear
ful odds! H cannot long hold ant Dye,
you have n giant's strength, If yon are
old and worn out, through him. before
your time. Go, cursed Jowl You have
torn his tle.iporAto flttg rs from their
ho' 1, and there, ill tho darkness he is
going down, over and over, to the end.
The Jew ''"ad! tie Jew is dead!"
Mr. Vye rose up. His oj.-s. which
had more nud more, on he went on, as
sumed a sti ndy h'ok ahead, fixed on tho
vacant w il! :" front of him.
B 'h M ' the physician accom-
inacou-,1, ie . nev.-r v: .ni lil"o4
Is " bad. it maks things easy for Coa
Mini;, lien. Bnl thcro's a cure lei il in Dr.
Plwoo's ("il'ie. "'heal niscovory. A pos
Itlvs .-are -nel only for Weak l.nys. Hpit
ti il; at I'le' il Uriiac!.i;i, Ailhni.i and all
lingot in 'dr.
ie -ill i. . il l:,
Oois diseases
hi. hnt lor t Ollilllinpliou IUpIi
nges. It's n asunable. All
sod on tainted blood
on pior.v is nr.Tt'
Babruom Davis, of nimpMawflM, Mrmm
qo , M..vnn'- im roitowK
" V.y flpuphlcr. iliss Hiw
enco B. DsVIs, hwl ie,'n
nflllatcu for tuvoral i sn
with a DSIIgn nml lm
trotlblo, ici'l tririt se enu
reinifltcfl but DOOQ st'ein-
cd to do bar ktiy seod. f
bought l bottle of vour
aoldcn Medical Discov
ery 1 nail 'Pellets' nail
i iiuo need nivinir lliein
Rcoordlnff to direotlons.
Fi.oiiKNca K. Davis
fur she win past ilnlnir
am l liiinr. mul now she m
pcrfectlv well nn'l the conifh it imm,
i :im thankful ie you for such wonderful
nodidne." SjIU by nil uiedliar.o deulors.
rt' WL Strength-
m m iRjOrlAHllKOFFS
:..a S'f
'(m f t v. t on
m ?4? . II rCKUBEU
i v p.
XT NJpifflMBran
I i
ponied him simuitauoonsly, caeii with a
strong grasp on an arm. They did not
know what ill his delirious state he
might bo Impelled to da Tie only spoke
out mockingly;
"Jew, Jew, Felix RoSOnfol, the Jew,
risen;i out of your place in the cold
water and dare to say that I have liiil!"
Ho was silent a minute. His body bo
came rii'l and then convulsive.
Their combined strength was barely
sufficient to hold him. Tlis whole frame
l amo contorted, and crying anting
terrible voices "There bo comes! There
he comes! lie is there on tho carpet,
wet and dripping P' ho Ml hack, froth'
Ing at the month.
To BE OOtri'lNUBl).
WEAK MEN your attention
n, IM . till' IV fir
I.; i oat Cngllih Renodyi
Gray's Specific Medicine
l. jity. WlrnaM of Body nnd Mind, Hpormtv
torrnea, nud unpotenoy, and uli dtieajNMtbAt
ni'ihM from ovor-iniUilKonr!' und self uhutit. in
Lom of Hemorrftud Powor, DitniMH of VU
Ion, HtoinattiroOld A90 Mid ninny other dl
cmmi that lond to Lnwintty or ( Dnsanptlon
mul an oariy jrniTOi wrttofor n pamphlet.
AddroM Gray medkine co., mhjtiiIo.
N. Tho Hpooiflo Mdlelne mid by ull
drunitfs at $ por pAokagOi or six pnokagoi
wo t ' 'iit by mail on reoolpt of nonoy.and
with ovory t&OO ordor Wfc KUARAwTtE
1 nr or nvnny rofnndod -HimmmBmt -u -
in icoonnt "f nounterfeiti wo Imve
idopt i ihe Yellow Wrnppr, tho only genn
ln - N-M in Horantoti I v Matthewi fvtA
romenrly Afty y.'.'ir thii wondtrftil rem
edy besprnred itself tho liost, qmekmt, nf
est nud Miroet Antidote for iiin m lie world
It . tl" utt.l uffoetnA beennee ol the itlnakit'
Inn action f the body, eddlns t me to the one
and liiclttng to renewed and Inerefteed vliior
it lumlMiriu rttallty ,f ihe payaloal atrno-
tare, and IbronBhtUe neelthtnl etlnalatlon
and tnmaed action the causa ol th PAIN
la driven away and a natural oondlUon re
ti.rei!. It In thuntbn the KEADY Bt LIEF
la an admlrabl adnnuid for tho CURE iK
I'AlN ami Ithnnl inn rlek of Injury which
ti hure to resell Irinii the liaeof many of the
Mheidled nate rvmudleaof thoday.
in mini mi dlelnoe to atop pain we ahonld
nvnii! Buen us ct Inlrry u tho ayatein.
Opium, Morphine, BthorrC icalue and Chloral
to. pain b) deetroyina ilie aenae .'f pi raep
lion, whon the patient losee the power ff
fet'llnR. 'tlniis tin- most deatraenve prae
tloo; it mmkn th.-aymptoma ahnta up. and,
Inatad ir removinn irnut'l", breaka down
the oVmarb, liver nn1 boweli. and. If ivin-
I in Mi-it torn lriiRtb 01 time, kllli fin nor vet
nnit produce l cal or uenoral iMralyaia
There U no neewilty t-.r u-'!!:: thOMi un
eertniu nt'i iit-, wlrn a p,nitiv' roni-ily likn
moat , xp ni l-it in-,; pain q leltar, without en
tuilinii tbe leatt dlfnouity m tufa it or
A l UK VOU A 1 l.
C 1 1 yn w -)yi PpT'? "1 1? ' n f
uulililiul L-Uillj.kUllbj
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus,
Alialf toa tea; omful ol Ready Relief hi
II im!! tnmlilei-nj water, rotieatod i;h olton
h 1 in- dlaeburrfi b ooiiiinuo, mid a nannol aat
nrnted ith Kendv t:--!1"! planed over the
atomanh and bnwi-lo, w-ti afford ImmeJiate
c-iirt nun lomeff nl nenre.
iv 1 nir 1 1 a t ai)-o infill in half n tnmblor of
water will In a ton minuter rare Crampa,
Kpaeni , Hour Ht ni-inh, Heartburn, Nnrvoua
neoa, l ! pla HtK'ae, Bin. Hnadn 'ho, Diarrhea,
Ik i-ntirj, Colin, flntulene) i nd all Internal
til II t. A NI)l' VI 1.', 1 Kl Kit AMI
,ti 1 1: n.j: itMi.
Not only enrea tbn out aniwd with Ihia
terrlltln 'n to unltll'M 111 n-Wly-HOttlrd ill.
iric'is. wbi-ro tho .Kitinriaor Ario exlvti, imt
If people expoeol t it ill nviry niortiiun,
on ceftliiint of Iwd. akn twnntr "r tliin y
Iropa of tli. Rn,.fin wntcr, and net,
aay. a eracki-r. Ilio) 111 eaapo attaeki. Thfi
muni tie dnnn turo 'i n out
I hi-ro U int a ri'iii'-dltil a.'nnt in thn world
Ihnt wlil enr.-IVvL-i-und itUHand i i othnr
Mnlarlona Hii oua aided uj RADW Y's
I' 1.1,-1. s.i qutok iin llrtDWAY'S BRADS
:.!!(:. Prr Bo t!. ? oi.l h Dmgitl,
I tie GfOot Lii
For tii rumor a4 dlanrdern of the Ktomneh,
Liver, Bowtila, hidneyo, ninddi-r, orvoua
blatiwe, l.oei o: Appnilto, Hoadx'hi-, Cue
tivt,.,",. IndlKeetion, Billnuaneai Fever, In
lb, in hi nt ton hi ine Bownia, rlle and all Mther
.I rAiiciinoutanf h ' ntnrnalV irara. Purely
ceir table, oontainmis o inrronry, minerals'
,.1 di leterloni drngi
I rice, 21 oouta per box Bold liy nil drug.
ir. Radway'a Pillihraa ottra for thfa. sonv
platnt They rratore atrentth to the aionuob
aud onabln It to partorm ta fttnotlona. The
aymptoma of Dyop innla ataappear, and with
thorn tho liability of the it-alrm to oontraot
dlaeaana, take tba medtolne Rooordltvi to
itii tioni,an t ohaarru what wt my of ''Folae
.iiiil t roe, 1 csj,. otina diet
I Bond a l it.' r -.tunii ti lH RAI'VAY
ACf, Lock nixi:uri, Nnw Tori, for "Faba
.1111 1 Trilo " ' .
What is More Attractive
lllian 11 protty facn with a frosh, briRht
complexion? For it, unr. Pnzznnl's Powder.
Y.fe . KiWUV 'III
,!. ',V.r,iV'.:, ty A all others in tho market, in all
i-.S'mtU 1 conditions vd.,l there has been
'I f'"? - 'SL'JiiiMil '- it I nn undue loss of Uronirth and
ml IT'S
11 PILL&.
n Bud jtointoli Remed j
i lu vi i- vac
Da. Hans flctUtAK, Bt Lonln. t; Hendltson Co.,
1 ft i4 I'r.mklin bt , Now York.
Rbwer F.- Hendltfton Co..
15a 1
E. Robinson's Sons
ITKDnfartnrere of the Celebrated
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum.
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
JJnilc at th- MOOHI0 and RVSBe
Liniin i"- Rand Towder Cn.'n
Blectrla Batteries, Fusot for explor
ing blasts. Bafety Kum and
RepnunoChpinii al Cii.'s riic;h Explosives
Maloney Oil and Manufac
turing Company
Have rfiiiovoil tlioir office lo their
141, 143,145, 147, 149, 15)
Ilny-nr $0 Nihr-il Flnih PnltT dtrttW
( .Mill l. Willi tUi etrvl MU w.
inniKi, r..,,,, atea-n Hint t.Uirtk. Kid- cfViMiM
nnl.iilaja'tiial. Flitl'llt't PA1DM MMMf MMPWW
avltanee. Tf..min ntr. V-euri tt. nllurt wti.I U ( noii
.., Ui,..-... t ...,.,i. Maf.renm
,a "jijNf irm It-Ui.iM li-re, Make ii-l Mil'''"
."Ir" i JPirtrih-iH.'li,' M..-,'nie 1, sold tike lowM
V '.Vi Hlllino liAt fornur Urtn H1F.C UlUMtiktM
f i I'lf. of Uti'stilf-'l,-ii -i.i sti'" niMi-nesl.
OXFORD MI'U. CD., 340 Walitiih AlAV, Chlcngo, III.
v'y, Mt'W ,!ti-;nnt , barkl by tve, tnn e, .
I mKlnpfoatoud mo-i.M hiMk, ilInttrniM from I
! liffffom i'H' rilnciiKxI.O ft hy nmil Wricn llnl Siirinn I
Itnd f-tviiryffcll, Oor MnRlC RmGV WW I
I mill Wi WOm KfHi-rii in., i niraco,
L .. . MZW:'it I'll " 1 1mv0 f01lnd tl10 GRmT-
feeds anil
ficorns 1 Ml 2 GommonweaUh Bld'g,
Third Nation!
Bank of Scrantoa,
SURPLUS, $250,000
Tlil hnnk ofrM to dapoiiltors rrrrj
l l.lly i,rn,i.i,dby lln lr llalitner, buaf
' u't rminiMlblllly,
BlItWlHl Ullri.tlun X; I.. ,(..,.
r,,ini. Intorcti iiuld ou lime dopodtt,
WltfviAM (onxhi.i, Prenldeni
OKO. II. I.'ATMN, Vlr.'ri-ldeni
WILLIAM H. I'Kt K, Lliulileft
IVIIllnni ,:::, ,.:i, Oeorn n. Chtlln,
A If ml lod. .lunieii lirlihxld, Hoary
IImiIm, Jr.. VVIllUlU T. I.utlier
atfrf' a5aWawLw
Con of thn tirat qunliiy f ir domeatle uiw,.ina
rf i ll hly.-'s. il.'livoioil 111 nuy part of tto titi
I at !i,w. it prico.
Cidevh l.ft at my on-n.
j ! Roar room. Mrst flwr. Ttiirl Nntlouat Dank,
reeaive prompt attention.
spei lal oou'iai-tH wlU bo made for tbe Ball
anil delivery ul Kiu-kwhnat CoaL
L . L
Thn nbovo brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants,
who will accept The TmntiNit FTOUR coupon of 35 on eaoh one hundred pound
of flour or .10 on each barrel of flonr.
Eernnton P. P. Pricn, Washincton avenue I
I.-.'. MislKl I 1 ,;. 1
Dur.more F. P. l'ri'-o. Oold Modal Prnnd.
Dnnmore K. D y.anlay BnperlatlTa Hran-1.
Uydn Park Careon to Iavia Wiu.htmm St.
Hold Medal llrand; J ecpn A. Ik . rs Main, Superlativ" Drand.
Or. on Hidite A UUpsncer.Uoli Medal llrand.
J. T. McHale, Superlative.
IVoTidenoePeunor & ChappeU.N- Main aye-
nun. Superlative Mrandit). J mile. pie, w.
Harkol utreot. Hold Modal Brand.
Olyiduiiit -.tames Jordan. Bnperlatlvo Hr.m l.
Pei-kvlllo Mhnffer A HnperlatiT.
Jermyn O, u. wlntera On tip--raitten
Arch I .aid Jones. S mpson fy Oo., Qold Medal.
Carbondale B. s. Clark. Hold Medal Br-md.
Uoneedaln I N- Foster & Co. uoU Medal.
Minuoku- M. H. I..yollo
"No star wa3 ever lost we once have seen,
Wo always may bo what we might have been,"
Scranton, Pa.
22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
That wa will GIVE you beautiful now pat
torns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal werjht.ounoe for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
Merc ere
.hy niall 1 r.sld. Vi'ltll
'trunc flnu ar I cn Ulintl. do oiuer. aoaiosa saai - .,-.. ., VIHWV w,. , w.
For Sale In Soronton, Pa., by H. C. SANHKHSON, Druggist, enr Wnghington
md Snrupe ttreeto,
'iABk for D. KOIT'S VMSWTnOYM. I'TXXiS and talto no other.
WJgr Send for ciroulnr. Vrlvt, ipl.00 ier bos. boxea for 500a
I .,i Kill)
byO. SI. UABItlR. Ilmcslat,
flometlniw nseda a rellshls, monthly, recnlstinR medietne. Only haratloM 04
tho purest drufis should be noed. II you want the brat, get
Dr. Peal's Pennvroval Pills
iCA .
f n
Tiiev are prvxnpt, saie are ceriain in renuii. ine crauineiin-. i-enini never aisap
noln't. Seat anywhere, tt.uu, Adaresa 1'bal Mseiuum 0e Cleveland, O.
Foraale by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Dr. ED. Grower
Philadelphia HprolnliKt, and his nwrnolated.
atatl of Kiinlisli Ulil Oorman physicians,
nn- now permanently loeatM at
Tho doctor la a graduate oftho nnivnrsitv of
I ennHyl viinuijforiiiorlv demonetrator of phval
dloay and aurgery at the Modleo-(lrurRlcal
college of I'bilniieiphia. A ipeoialty of
;.""!',,' Norv'!i. kin. Heart, NVonili and
Blood difeaaea,
The araptoma of which are dixatneea, lack of
ooiilldi-nrv. Sexual wnaknuss in men mid wo
man, ball riaiiiK in thn throat, apota floating
beforo the eyes, loss of memory, unable to ecu-
eentrate tho mind en one luDjoat, oasily
tOI tied when suddenly spoken to. and dull,
dietregoed mind, wtiieli untlta them for per
forming tbe actual duties of life, making hap
pineaa Impoeetble; diwtroasing tho aotion of
tin, heart, causing Hush of heat, depreaaion of
apirita, evil fnmlieiliiigs, oowaydioa, f-ar,
di' i, ins, melancholy, tiro easy of company,
feeling M tired in ttm mornint; at when retlr
Ini;. lack of energy, nervouinoM, trenibting,
1 1 lalon of thought, depression. ciuwtlpatiou.
weakness of the limbs, otc. Those ap affected
(bould consult 11s imuiiiliately and be restor
ed to perfect health.
Weakness of Youn Men Cured.
If ynu have been given up by your physician
call upon the doctor and Iki examined. Ho
cures tin- worst cases of Nervous llelnlity, Scro
fula, Old Bores,CatarrhPllee, Female Woakuese,
Affections of th" Kyo, Kar, Nose and Throat,
Asthma. Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip
ples of every deeeriptlon,
fonsultatlons free and siricWy sacred and
i confidential. Office hours daily from '.'am.
to!) p. m. Sunday 9 to 2.
Itom (At A. l TVitaine, Aot.i. ivj.
The Flour
"Cnirjvoo, Oot. 81. Fhe first oflrei al
asnomioemtnt of World's Fair &
ploman on flonr baa been made. A
medal has been awarded by th
World'a Fair judges to the flonr nattu
factnred by the Waakbnrn, Crosby Co ,
in the xroat Wasbbnrn Flour Mille,
Minnenpolls. The committee reports
tho flonr strong and pore, and entitle
it to rank rb firet-clnea patent flour for
family and bakere' use."
Taylor .Indpe A Co.. Ool4 Medal: Athertoe
& Co Superlative.
Tluryea Lavi r.-u.-o store Co.. Oold MedaL
MooicJohn McCrindle. Oold MedaL
Pitrstoi; M W O'Boyle, Qold Medal.
Clark's Green Frace & Parker, Supcrlattra,
Clark's Snmmit-F M. eunK, Oold Medal.
Dslton-S B, Finn A Son. Gold ilodal Urani.
Nicholson -I. K. Ilnrdinc.
Waverly-M, W, Ullssft Bon, Gold MedsU
Factory ville Charles Oardnr, Oold Medal.
Hoplioltom N. M. Finn ft Hon, Oold Mlftl
Tuliyhanna Tohvhaiina . l.ehih Lumbjr
Co.. (.old Medal llrand
Oonldaboro 8 A. Ad-i'ns. OoM Medal Bran A
Moscow Qain ft Clements, (ield Medal.
Lake Ariel Jamea A llortree, (iold Medal
Forest City-J L. Morgan ft Co., Oold Med
N X lrM ! : t i
Ki..OlliJW'"V NMW O VV t ,,t,MI...-,r,
oasei sueh as Weak Mcim rv, Leof Brnln Power, lleadaelie, Wakotitlnesa,
Lost Munliood.Nliihtly Knilssi Nervousness, alldrulnsnnd lotl of power
liHliiiierallveOmaiisof either sexauedhj overe-tortlnn.uthriilerr,.rii.
evi'--slr-' ll"e "T lebaeoe. opllim or unuiinni--, nmni U'WH ,e inHmiui wm
.i,.,il.,,n. 'ennln. Can lie eairleilla Test porkel. VI Per h,,i, f er ..
a 5 order Tt(.Bln written piurnnli-e f,5r"
3RKOf1?,,3EB3 Tho only enfo,BtiroRn4
,'.....(. , 1 .... J 1 u
ever offorod to Ladieo,
eppecially recommend
od to married Ludios.
I run Avenue.
" .....
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and