THE SCTiANTON T&iBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOUNLNdr. JUNE 21, 1H94. 5 u My Fig Cake is splendid; in fact," says a young housekeeper, "it is almost too good. It seems as though I were making cake all the time for donations or church fairs or some committee. I tell them if they will foil rw the recipe in your cook hook and use. Cleveland's Baking Powder they can make cake just as nice as mine. I am sure I never made such cake before. Thanks both to Cleveland's baking powder and the cook book." The recipe book is sent free on receipt of stamp and address. Cuvelaxd Baking Powde Co., Si & 83 Fulton St., V, FOR 01 WEEK W"c will sell our cnliro stock of New and Stylish TRIMMED HATS at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Come and see them at NEWMAN'S 303 SPRUCE STREET. Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Grenadines and Haskell Black Silks Cheap. lean 4 Hagen 415 LACKA. AYE. DON'T Have your COLLARS itarobed in the old war, when yuu cum have tlmm dno with soft. piiabio Buttonholes for two cents each. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of gtjods, and our prices are very low. 127 Wyoming Ave. SWIFT SAYS HE IS TIRED. It Willing to 8tp Down and Out of Managoment. At last evening's moetins of the stockholders of the Lbiae Hull Rasocin tion Manuuor Martin Swift wus pres ent. The mutter of the position of the Scrantoti club in the State loiiijU" nice was taken up and soveral stockholders expressed theuioelve-i warmly oa the subject. Manaffor Swift said ho w;w tired of directing the clnb and was willing to retire from the poiitiuu of manager, He did not state, howovcr, a9 to when he would hand in his resignation A dispatch received from lf irrisburtr last night Bays: "K K Meyers has de cided to transfer the llarrisburg Base BhII club to Atlantic City, where State league game! scnadulsd tor ILir rinbiirg after July 4 will be played. Poor attendance is the reason for the ibuuge." USUAL WEEKLY V. W. C. A. SOCIAL. 3um, Mono and Ic Cream Featuroi of the Eveniug. The rsgular weekly social and enter tainment for women and girls wns beld lust evening at the Young Wo man's Christian asaociution building and was no exception to the usnal huc eeea of thoso enjoyable and couim'jnda bio affairs. Ouuits and muiio of an impromptu nature wore enjoyed during the even ing und iee cream served at 5 cents por plate. The (fames used were those given the association by Williams Bros. nd M. Norton, Althongh the Yoting Woman's Chris tian ossooiatiou are frequented these hot days and evenings by many girls and women, a much larger number would make use of the ussociatiou if its apart ments were cooler. This fact otlsrs an excellent opportunity for some charit ably disposed person or persons to equip tbe main floor with electric funs, It is probably a correct supposition that many aro deterred from usiug the rooms on account of the heat. Who wants to do a charitable act" CONVENT GRADUATES Class of '84 Receive Their Diplomas from RL Rev. Bishop O'Hara. EXERCISES AT COLLEGE HALL Miss Anna C. Colligan Awarded a Gold Modal and Miss Charlotte Phillips Received the Silvor Medal. Those Who Participated in the Exercises Pupils Addressed by Bishop O'Hara at Close of Com mencement, At Collage hall beginning at 10 o'clock yesterday morning took place the twenty-second anuual commence ment of. St Cecilia's academy. Node scripliou can give a true conception of the maRnifloflntslmpHoity that marked the exercises, There was nothing to lay claim to elaborate gramlour, simply because tbe artistic taste o.r tho Sisters of the Immaculate Heart was so refine ly blonde,! us to betray no desire to dazzle. The operetta. "Tho Hunter's Daugh ter," wus tbe opening number on tin programme. Floreen, tho hunter's iluughter, and her companions ride at aro and hounds. She becomes lost in the forest, and led by the firelight of f a woodcutter's homo, seeks there shelter f.r the night. Iu hope of gain ing n reward which he supposes will he offered for her recovery, tue woo l I cutler held her a c iplivo. Her brother, cogieoeri, discovers bur retreat and aids her to escape, Edward U'lttiily as Kiglebert was exceedingly line, us also was Harry Wah us the woo l cutter. Tho singing of Miss .Mary V. Dunn rovealed a voice ofolearness, training and range. After uu overture by a quartette of the pupils, tiie lit. reverend bishop placed wreaths of flowers upon the ids of the pupils of tbe elementary, junior, preparatory and senior depart ments. CROWNING THE GRADUATES. Then followed the crowning of the graduates and the presentation of di plomat, A gold medal was awarded to Miss Anna C. Colliuan for excel lence in music. Tho silver un-diil for proficiency in Christian doctrine was merited by ninteeu, nml lot were cast to determine who should bo the recipient, Miss Charlotte Philips drew the medal. i:t. Kev. Bishop O'Hara and Rev. J. A. O'it-illy, reator Of the cathedral, I lieu went upon the stage, und Father O'Reilly made the following awards: Crowns of Honor In the the primary, elementary, junior, preparatory and sen ior departments) Tr.e Misses ilabie Thatcher, Vivian Burnett, Marguerite O'Kellly, Alice Qninu. Lizzie O'Hara, Mary 0 'Boyle, Annie .Mari-u, Elizabeth O'Don neli. Jeunie Marks, Bnsan liuruH, Qertrnde Wnld, Marguerite lliiuster, Mary Uohlou, Catherine Foots, Agnes Ljftuj, Catherine QaUagber and Adelai !e oiover. Radges of Honor The Misses Agnes Cal laban, Tere a Sweeney, Ellen Burke, Anna May Barr tt and I, rette Clarke, Harry tVahl ami J.ihu Dawson. a silver medal In Christian doctrine, compel d by the Misses Mary O'Boyle, Catherine Malum, Eva Barrett. Itise Walsh, Mary McCnnn, Alice O'Connor, Catherine Molvlhill.Mary OTJonnell.Anna Bawlev, Badie Coleman. Annio Donnelly, Mary Kllcullen, Ten-sa Nallln, Mary Lynn, M iry H iron, Sadie Ruddy, Margaret Horn i Charlotte Phillips, Loretta FUnuagan. It wa drawn by Miss Charlotte Phillips. Crowns of honor were conferred on tho I above. I The following young ladies having j completed the course of study pre scribed in the Acad -my and distin guished themselves for amiable und cor I net department were given the higheft I i.ouors of the Institution, namely, a crown, goio meaai and diploma: The Misses Anna Coliigan, Teresa Culck, Mary Dunn, Mary Loughlin, Mary Toohoy. CVcllia S Schroeder, Kose Campbell and Mary Cusick. DiDlomas iu the course of stenography and type writ nir wore conferred on" the Misses Mary A. Lougblln, Catharine L. May, Mary E O'Reilly, Margaret L, Con nelly, Mary C. CU3ick, Catharine M. Mfcbon; diploma in the business course to Miss Jane Biglinj a cold medal for excellt-nco instrumental music to Miss Anna Colligan. MI8B LOUOHLTN'i RECITATION. Miss Mary A. Loughlin delivered a rntatlon in French entitled, "LeB Adieux do Mario Stnnrt.'' It was Spoken fluently and trippingly, and gave evidence that Miss Loughlin is a French scholar of no menu ability, A selected inarch was tir-st given by an orchestra consisting of Missel Anna 0, Calligan, Miry Farrell, Mary B Gaugbu, Mary A. Loughlin, Kate Mul Viblll, Mary Murphy, Adelaide Oiover, Cecilia S. Schrosdor, Marv O'Boyle and John Colligan. Tho 'piece was played on stringed instruments and re oeived rspturous applause. Mias Cecilia S. Schroeder gave an essay on "The Educational Principles of Feneion." It was a polished compo sition that contained thoughts and views which appeared deep for one of her years, but yet her essay proved that alio was well grounded iu tho subject chosen. Tho sacred chorus. "Ave Marin," was a heantifnl creatiou and it was sung exquisitely, Jt was dedicated by the pupils of St. Cecilia's academy to his lordship, lit. hv. William O'Hara, B.D. Miss Mary F. Toohoy jrave an jssay on tho life of tho 'Maid of Or leans." The language wus in French. Mies Colligan played Beethoven's sonata, Op 9, and loft a good impres sion. MiSS Rose Campbell spoke on "Whore Bhall Wo Find a Valiant Woman';' It was tin essay of beauti ful thought! and beautiful language. The orchestra played "Liberty Hell," from Bonis, and was heartily encored. Miss Mary C Dunn was accompanist, Mary C. Cosiek gave a very splen did recitation, "Joan of Arc." Her gestures were not overdone nor the Inflection or her voicn infsorno of the stirring passages. Sue acquitted her self throughout tho most trying do livory with marked ereilit. Tho triple Valedictory was delivered by three of tho graduates, Miisos Mary C. Uunn, Teresa L. Cusick and Annie O. Colligan, after which tho class of graduates sang chorus. Eight Hot. Bishop O'iiari addressed the class Very briefly and tho commencement of 'Mwaia thing of the pist. Tho culmination of the school year in St. Cecelia's Academy was t source of pride to the interested ones. Th- Picnic Parties, Excursion Parties, Concerts, Athletic and Other 1 Societios, can have POSTERS of tho most attractive kind, and of the boat workmanship, printed nt short notice at THE TRIBUNE OFE Bisters are glad that tbelr endoavors have been appreciated, tho parents feel thankful that they have furnished their children with the necessary equipments to fit. them for life's battle, and the right reverend bishop is proud that his efforts everywhere are crowned with success. A visit to the academy wus made by the cb'rgy after the exercises aud .an inspection of the work of the pupils was made. Tho clergymen besides Bishop O'Hara who attended the oomiuoucemeut, were: Kevs. Thorn is F. Coffey, of Carbon -dale; P. J. McManus, Green Ridge; W. J. McManus, Providence; R J. Walsh, Moscow; E. J. Melley and James Mof fat. St. John's. South Side; J. A. O'Reilly. P. J. (iolden, M. J. Millane, J. A. MoHugh, P. J. (i ilnnan, aud Fathers Rosurio aud Botuli, of the cathedral. Tho decorations aud preparations at college hall for the commencement were very beautiful. Tho stag) had the appearance of a woodland loene, and before the footlights worn placed banks of hot house plants. On eithor ."Mo were draped the starry folds of the American banner. CLOSING OP ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. InUiOBtlmc Exorcises Participated iu by tb Fuplis. The second annual commencement of tho paroobial school of St. Paul's parish, Green Ridge, was hold last night iu Church hall. For many weeks tbe pupils nmler tho direction of the sifters rehearsed studiously for the event. The only drawback list night was tho lack of room iu the hall to ac commodate the throng that had come prepared to enjoy the programme, Aside from this inionvenieuoo tho peo ple were thoroughly satisfied. Tho entrance march was played on two pianos by Mioses Doretta Foy, Mary Bushnell, Annie O'Malley and Annie Backus, After a greeting glee by Misses Doratta Foy and Annie O'Malley, the salutatory was delivered by Miss Catherine O'Horo, Tblsyonug lady reflected great ability in elocution and her stylo of composition proved that she is well read. Much upplausi followed her effort Tho conferring of eerlific.tes was then made by the venerable Kt. Rev, Bishop O'Hara. Miss Sarah Loftus and Catharine O'Horo were tho two proud recipients of the certificates. Ruv. P. J. McManus also presented them with gold m 'dais for proficiency i i English composition. The address to tho pupils by the bishop, was a fatherly exhortation, and was also tho remarks of the pastor, Father Mc Manus. REMAINDER OF 1'KOOIUMME. Tho rest of tho programme is as fol lows: Forest March, Trio Doru Musters Henry Urat'tan, Thomas Fahoy, Misses Helen Smith, Madeline Xalluan, Julia Halligan, Agues Patterson. The Waves Minims Accompanist, -Miss Flftabotb Sweeney. Annie Backus. The Harvestois, Boys' Drill, Pianist, .Miss Elizabeth Sweeney "Sileut Influences," Essay, Miss Sarah Loftus Bpiuning Wheel, Song aud Recitation, Pianist, Miss Nellie Walsh Pantomime, 'The AngelUS," Juveniles. F.lsiro D'Amore, Pianos Misses Nora Caddeti, Angela Blewitt, Florence Tyler, ilury McLean. Operetta, "Woodland lirolto," Scene 1, Piano, Miss Lhzsbeth bweeney "Different Staudpoluts," tssay Miss Mary E. OHara Humorous Interlude, Boys' Dialogue. Cantata, "Ivy tjueeu," Seniors aud Juniors, Accompanists Missss Anna O'Malley, Margaret Harrington. Hecitation Miss Angela Blewitt Operetta, Scene ii. Overture, Lustspiel Kola Bely Misses Margaret Harrington, Doretta Foy, Elizabeth Sweeney, Nellio Walsh. Ring exercise, (boys; Piauo, Miss Nellie Walsh. Operetta, Scene 3. "Joan of Arc," recitation Miss Mary Bushnell. Operetta, Scene 4. Valedictory Allegntory Miss Sarab Loftus, Closing chorus, "(iood Night" Lorenz Accompuuist, Miss Margaret Har rington. Kotiring March, Accompanist, Miss Margaret Har rington. A DBMQHTVCIi OPERETTA. The operetta which was rendered piece-meal, as will be observed in tho programme, was u delightful innova tion. Tho commencement was participated in by all tuo children of the school', and under the churgo of the Sisters Ithe pro gramme was carried out without a ripple, The vast number present spoke nothing but words of praiae of the eveniug's exercises, CITY NOTES. Tho polico will drill iu the armory this afternoon. The teachers will roceive their salaries at 10.80 this morning. Tho Lackawanna delegation leftyostor day afternoon for tho state c uiveutiou. A reargument in the Carbondale annexa tion case was refused yusterday by Judge (muster. Hsieklah Peters, recently nppoiutod to the police force, went on duty for tho first time, last night. TwCnty-one aldermen of tho county filed tbeir bonds yesterday iu tho ollioe of l'ro tbonotary Pryor. Anthony Loughuey and Miss Mary Big lln will bo married at St. Peter's cathedral this morning at 0.80. City Engineer Phillips wns on tho South fide yesterday and couferied with citi zens about the Nineteenth ward sewer. Tho drill companies of the "Fall of Babylon" will meet for drill rehearsal at 4 o'clock this afturmon aud tho full dress rehearsal will begin promptly at 1. By a collision on ths Delaware and Hud son Canal Company railroad at the foobof Linden street t 0. 80 yesterday morning, live gondolas were thrown from the track. A good sized crowd weut to Fnrviewyes teiduy on the excursion of the congrega tion of tho Becond Presbyterian church. The rain Interfered with tho enjoyment of tho occasion. DemetriUI PuraaJleff, a native of Mace donia, now a siudout of Priuoeton col lege, will speak in the Providence Presby terlan onuroh wis evening on tin present social, political and religions condition of his native land. Drs. Ooolldge and Clark yesterday sac-co.-sruily performed a dimoult surgical operation npoo Mrs. Alieu N. Lsete, who, under tiie Influence of anaesthetics for twenty minutes, suffered no pain from tho operation. She is doing well. The supervisors of Old Forge township,' backed by the auditors, have offered A re ward of 100 for information that will load to the arrest of Or teens Medals, tho mur derer of Emmanuel Lora No clue to his whereabout has yet been discovered, Marringc licenses were yesterday grauted by Clerk Of the Courts John II. Thomas to Patrick PoX, of Carhoudale, aud Margaret H, Coggins, of Olyphant; Peter Burke aud Mary wiiknowsltj. of Scrantou; Anthony F. Loughuey and Mary A. Bigliu, of Scrau ton, aud William Dolau and Mary Burns, of Scrau ton. Subacriptions received sinco last report by Messrs. McOhooaud McDermott on be half of the miners on striko in tbe Pbil lipshurg region: Old Forgo Beneficial fur.d, 150; Avocn Accidental fund, 5D; Capons ! minors, ?.'; lfooslc Accirteutal fuud, J5; total, ?loy; previously acknowledged. S3; grand total, S7o5.83, Opan All Might at Lehman's Spruce street. 1 11s SEVERE An Italian Employed 011 Eluilmrst Boulevard Killed by LiUblalng. BOLT PASSED THROUGH HEAD Body Vns Taken to Letchworth's Undertaking Establishment in Dun moro Two Houses in Dunmore and Two on the South Side Struck by Lightning Dnmago Done to Culverts, Sewers and Streets by Surface Water. A most severe thunderstorm visited this city yesterday afternoon at 9 o'clock, whiah did considerable dam age. An Italian laborer employed on the Blmhurtt boulevard was killed by lightning, In tho morning hours the heat was oppressive, but only ouo cass was re ported of a person overcome by tho heat. That was Thomas O'Connor, who is employed at tho South works and resides nt Cedar avenue and Fig street, He was prostrated while at work and had to bo removed to his homo, Hi condition is not serious, About 1 :id p, m. dark clou s rolled up from tno east, accompanied by 11 ishes of zlg z ig lightning that terri fied women and children and did much damage about the city an 1 its vicinity. Soon the rain began to fall and for uu hour it descended in torrents, flooding sowers aud gutters aud tearing up im proved streets. An Italian laborer 00 the Elmburst boulevard, at a paint near th ill fated No. 0 breaker where Engineer Don nelly was killed by tho lightning dur ing a recent storm, whs killed yester day. The bolt st: nek him on the top of tho skull and bored a hole through his hoad coming out under his shin, Tiie body was taken in charge by Un dertaker T. P. Litchworth, ut whose establishment it will remain until friends are communicated with. The dead man's wile aud family live in Ualy. He is apparently 40 yeurs old. DAMAUK TO BOUSES. The houses of John Powell and John Rellly, on Xhroop street.' Dunmore, were hit by lightning, The Louses stand 'J00 feot apart, and the one occupied by the Powell family sull-re I the greater daraige. Mrs. Powell was sevorely shocked, but when medical assistance reached her she was found to be out of danger, although suffering from hysteria. The damage to rjoth proper ties will not go above 800. Telephone wires were knooke 1 out of order and many trees were killed by the current, flie downpour of rain was unpre cedented and the streets nt low points wero totally 11 .oded, anil many of the collars. It was as severo a storm as visited Duumere 111 many years. The home of Miciiaol Crampton at Crown avenue and Beech street, this city, was also struck by lightning but no one was injured, although the inmates of the honse were badly frightened. Tho damage to the build ing waa slight. Henry Fruohan's house at SchimpH's court aud Ilirch street wns struck by ligbtuing. Slates were stripped off and tho roof some what damaged. DAMAGE BY WATER. A. large quanty of filliug at the Pltts tou avenue culvert was carried away aud many streets on the South Side were badly torn up. At Wyoming avenii9 and Liudeu street and Adams avenue and Linden street great bodies of turfaco water formed, which cov ered the sidewalks. The I'helpg street lateral sewer be came blockaded and the water formed to a depth of soveral feet at Washing ton avenue and Phelps slmst, slightly damaging the property of Neal ltuddy and Daniel Kullagber. Tbe efforts of property owners to keep the sewers open prevented a gonernl flooding of property in tho neighborhood. MR. FELLOWS TALKS AGAIN. Says Chairman P, well'j Action Eadan gora the Farty'a ! Interasts. Ex-Mayor John II. Fellows was asked by a TbOUNE reporter yesterday what action would bo taken by tbe lU'piiuiican committeemen who pe titioned Chairman Powell to call a meeting June 111) for tho purpose of de ciding on a date for tho county conven tion. "A majority of the committee," said Mr. Fellows, "signed tho petition and no matter what Mr. Powell's opinion may bo individually, he has nothing to stand upon while iguoriug the request, He is nelthor the autocrat nor the whole of the committee and wbou ho re 'uses to maintain tho wishes of the majority he jeopardizes the best inter ests of his put ty. "The statement tiiat Boveral signers endeavored to retract their uutiou bu fore Mr. Powell stands iu its owu light. Consider the perBounlity of these men and then consider the statement that they are two-faced. It is idle. " THE COUNTY EXAMINATION. Pupilo Who Wora Awarded Diplomas for Prruoincy In 6tudl-a. On Saturday. June 16, a final ex amination was held at Liberty hall, in this city, for pupils Iu county schools who had completed the common branches. The examination was con ducted by County Superintendent Tay lor, assisted I y Professors M. W. Cum mjngs, E, D. Bovard, H. H, Martin, O. A. Gay und P. It. Coyne. At an 111 journed meeting held lu the court house, yesttrday, the committee finished marking the papers and H a m mocks Extra b;z with Pillow, $2 WORTH $3 Picnic Goods Iir.Bpberry Vinegar and Syrup, 25o. bottle; largo bottles Lime Juice, 350. bottle. Lunch Salmon, Pickled Oysters, Clams and Lobster, all perfect goods, Baked Uonns, I Oo. Kop's Cheer The ideal Tempsranss Drink, Ovej 5,500.000 bottles sold in London in four montliB, Buy Your Berries NOW. E. G. COURSER 429 Lacka. Ave. awarded diplomas and certificates of rank. All those who made an averairs of 80 pr cent, (no mark being low0r than 05 per cent.), were awarded the com mon school diploma. Oat of the thirty-six candidates, fourteen were successful. They are as follows, given In the order of their rank in the class: First, Mabel U. Brans, of Dickson City; second, Mary A. Noalou, of Oly phant; third, Anna Colvin, of North Ahitigton; fourth Katie Holphin, of Dickson City; fifth, Mary Flynn, of Wlnton 1 sixth, Nellie Murphy, of Oljr- phant; seventh, Sarah Buddy, of O.y pliant; eighth, Lillian 1' timer, of Dick son; ninth, Mary N. Scull, of Elakely; tenth, Amy Williams, of Msytisld; eleventh, Hutu A Gardner, of Mos cow; twelfth, Mary (Jromwell, of Clark's Gtreeni thirteenth, Jennie IT. Dick, of Moosic; fourteenth, Alice Cm:..:., of Mavlield. To other members .f tho class certifi cates Were granted, showing their standing in each braucli. Honorable mention is made of the following mem hers of the class, each of wiiom made an average ot 75 pr cent, or more: Jennie Williams, Annie Dawler, SiUie Price, Jeaiiie Morgan, Sophie Siuipkins, Blith Watklns, Lutle Johnson, Auuie Joyce aud Susie Harris. MICHAEL EARLY FOUND GUILTY. Will Spend One Year and Eight Months in the Penitentiary. Tobey Case Still on Trial, Michael Early, the young man nc cnted of robbing Quiseppe Calabiso, was found guilty by the jury. His attorney, H. L. Taylor, made a strong plea for clemenoy, and Judge Arch bald then Imposed tin sentence of ore year and eight months at hard labor in the E.stern penitentiary, El zi Zing did not appear to proseoute Catharine Zoti), and the costs w in placed On her. Thomas Coyne and Michael Coyne, of Minooka, were indicted for aggra vated assault and battery on Mrs. Mar tin Coy 110, of tiio 3am place. It was a quarrel that arose at a wedding and the parlies aro all friends. Through the udvico of tb"ir attorneys a plea of guilty wus made Mid thereupon t lie de fen lantt wore seutonced to pay u fine of $0 and costs and thirty d ivs iu jail. The cases against Frank Leader and Walter D Frank for larceny by bailie were quashed and tho costs placed on tho county. George R ipncinus was charged I y Constable Philip Williams, of Dickson City, with assault and baltery. He was foil ,d guilty and a-jntouaod to a tine of ftO and costs. The jury found Eoword Humphries uot guilty but di rected him to pay two-thirds of the costs. Msry I? ichmin n - J her hutbindHs T man Usobmsn for using "striking" srgumsnts one evening at their home. The costs wen divided. The case against Tony Literas, of the WestSide, for keeping a disor derly house in which Chief Simp sou Was prosecutor took up the after noon. The jury had not returned with a verdict at adjournment. The charge against Jewelor Charles L. Tobey for receiving siolan goods was discuss';. 1 all of yesterday before Judge Purdy, of Wayne couuty. AFTER SCHOOL. Qracd Vacation Kxcureion to Niagara Falls. On Thursday, June SSth, the Erie liaes will run a personally conducted excursion to Buffalo and the flri-at Cataract ot Ni agara, all'ordiug one of the grandest vaca tion sight-seeing trip - for school teachers, scholnrs and the general public ever or ganized at extremely low rates. Tne train composed of the best day coaches will reach the Falls at 4 p. m., aud return following day, June lil'th, leaving rft 4. p. m. and liulTalo city station at 4.:l p. m. Train will leave Carbondale at &80 a. m. Bound trip only ja.oij Children between five and twelve years oue-h ilf of the abovo rate. Leave Scrautou via D. & H,, at 5.40 a. m. Popular FricMs to Prevail If there is ono thitig moro than nnother that the Caledonian club, of this city,cxcel in, it is in luuuing everything in connec tion with their games, which nre to be hold nt Laurel Hill park on July 4, It is ponular prices, The admission to see, we might Well say With Barnum, "the great est show on earth,'' is only 88 cents. The grand stand is only 15 cents, while the dancing until ti O'clock is free. Surely these are popular prices and then to rap the climax the grand pionifl in the evening is only to b 10 cents. Everything of the best, prices and all. Tho Graen Ridge Wheelman Will give a lawn festival at their club houjo on Wyoming avenue on Friday even ing, June 29. Tho Lawrence baud Will be present and discourse excellent music dur lug the evening A hearty iuvitatiou is extended to all to attend. I Heiaby Uivn Notice to all hotels, restaurants, drug stores and speak oasies to secure their government tax on or before June 80, iv.14, and avoid penalty. WlLMAD LHAIQ, Deputy Revenue Collector, Father Aunt's Picnic, Wednosday, 'JTth Jane, at Central Park All refreshments of the teason. Dancing, Kame. slmotiug gallery, ten-pin-alley, and all attractions ot similar (iccfednim. Mimic by Uuuth's band and the Gipsy orchestra. Up And Right to Date. . JUNE Weddings We have Artistic Designs in Wed ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA. AVE, 01 DECil Best Sets of Teeth,$S00 Including ths painless extracting of tuolh by uu entirely new prtf SjSSS, S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 1UO it). li U AVI- DIuslo Bozaa Exclusively. Pest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., nianufaoturera, 1030 Chestnut atroet, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only 5 and $10. Specialty Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new muos. OIL STOVES AHE SEASONABLE PC mmm 'Tla the season now, Wo have the finest lino iu the city. F"rom SOc. to $13. H. BATTIN &Co. I26 P-nn Ave., Scrnnton. WE . . . . C3T CLEAN THEM . OSLANDS 128 Wyoming Ave. Gloves III BELIEVE Thnt the natural outlines of the foot should he preserved rather than interfered with; if yon believe in comfort and fit as well as style ; if you believe in shapely shoes fur shape ly lcet; if yon want service, then put your money, as well as your feet, in our shoes. We show and soli tho grandest and greatest lina of Tootwear tliat ever adorned and protected ths feminine or masculine loot. Ladies' Beautiful Eussot Tipped Oxfords, all sizes, $1.00. Ladies xtra Quality Eusset Blueherette, $2.00. Misses' Best Quality Russet Goat, spring heel, button, $1.35. Child's Extra Quality Tatent Leather Tipped, button, 75c. 137 AND 139 Completes Outfitters, lliMl UJJUIIUIW I S. L. GALLEN. EEMEMBER--Every purchaser of 81 worth or over receives a chance on the Beautiful PARLOR SUIT. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE Who have found experience to bo a dear teacher; especially is this' true in buying SHOES. When your experience teaches you, that you can buy BETTER SHOES of us than at any other place, then we will have your 3hoe trade. Our shoes won't cost you any more than other shoes not so good. Russet Shoes of Every BANISTER'S, BROWN'S TEMPTATIONS YOU CANNOT RESIST THEM. What we refer to principally are: Ladies' Suits, from 85 cents up. Ladies' Shirt Waists, from 25 cents up. Child's Straw Sailors, 25 cents up. Men's Yeddo Straw Hats, ventilated, 75 cents. (Bettor than then snld elsewhere at s inn prlos.) Men's Yeddo Straw Hats, 65 cents each. Men's Laundried Outing Shirts (two separate col lars). $1 each. Boys' Sweaters (two colors), 50 cents each. A splendid assortment of White Parasols. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LAOEAWANNA AVE- Here We Are Again This time we offer a $2.00 Leghorn Hat for 89c. Iiemsmber this is the Quest Leghorn Hat made. Silk Poppies for 10 cents a dozen. 50 different styles of Flow for 10 cents a spray. In our CLOAK DEPART MENT we will sell a $6 Coat for $2.98. Capes for $1.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.98, worth $8. Furs STORED snd INSURED IF ALTEKKD HY US, FREE OF CHARGE Luring the Summer. Jes BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. next dime bank. BI HATS DUNN'S Men's best grade Casco Calf, lano and Congress, London and French toe, $1.90. Men's extra quality Russia Calf, hand welt, lace and Congress, $3.00. Youths' extra quality B Calf, lipped, button and bals, $1.00. Infants' best quality Tan and Red Coat, button, 50c. PENN AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. Description. im$Jk0M1 teU53' 99 MM MM