TITTC BCBANTON TITTT5TJNE WED'N'ESD A.Y JrOUmR. JUNE r?7, 1S94. MATCHLESS 1 J HAW PIANOS. STELLE & SEELEY, i34 WYOMING A2. SHAW, FMKKSON, NEW KNOLAVD FINEST LINE IN TP CITY TOR TITR PRICE, HKW AMD rTONl HAND A 1.1, TRICFB FLOUR And always have Good Bread. HANUFACTI'RED AND FOR HALF, TO THE TRAliF BY The Weston ill Co, EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS 1 THE BENUINE POPWJiS Punch Cigars HAVE THE WTU1.S G.. B. & Co, fmnrintnii nn Er.!i C'flsr. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. COMtT ISO" M. tQVAKR, DR. H. B. WARE rpfoiamst. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT firnrr? norma . fTOii.aoA.it 135 WYOMING AVE PERSONAL. A. P. Fellon loft yesterday fur r,nff.ilo on a biioineis trip. Mrs. -I. .1. Walnh has gone to Blnomii. burg to witiiuss the graduation of her lis. ler, Miss .Icsifl Mahon. from that institu tion. Profussov Parson Price, the uoll known New York voice, teacher, arrived in the city yesterday, aud within one hour watt at. work giving lesnona in vniro culture i'i bis aninmer studio over Powell's music store. WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Oeorgo Watfrn. jeweler of South Mai n Avenue, is in N'ew Vork city. Mrs. P. W. Tagnc, of North Main ave nue, war in Plymouth yesterday. Joseph Hughes, proprietor of Fairehtld'l hotel, hns returned from Pittnton. Richard Hnnlon, of North Main Avenue, is making extensive improvements n his property. Miss Evnngelino Wincholl, of Pittsburg, has returned home after a visit with friende on this side. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullen And daughter Alice, of North Sumner avenue, returned last evening from New York city. Rev. T. Ii Collins and family, of North Hydo Park avenue, has returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives ia West Virginia. Miss F,miolie Evans, of North llyde Park avenne, left yesterday morning for Mil lersville State Normal school to attend the Commencement exorcises. Daniel Mohr, sr., and Daniel Mohr, jr., of Philadelphia, who have been Visiting thebomoot relatives on North Stunner avenue, returned yesterday. There will l i a meeting of the Hyde Park Choral society thin evening in the Welsh OalTiniatio Methodist ehureb, which every member should attend. Mr. and Mrs. John VV. James, of BellO vue, loft on the 1 .40 Delaware, Laoka wanna and Western train this morning for Now York city. To leave on the City ol Paris for Wales. A delegation of tho Hyde Park Conclave Improved Order of Iloptanophs, visited the Taylor conclave on Monday evening. The delegation was moHt hospitably enter tained by their Taylor friends. The Republican league of the West Side will meet on Friday evoning of this weak. The execntlvo committee iiavo about An iBhod negotiations for routing a desirable suite rooms on North .Mnin nvetmo. The oxenrsion train of tho young people of tho Plymouth Congregational church will leave the Erie ami Wyoming Valley railroad depot this morning at H ,'fO o'clock Street cars leave the terminus of eacli Hyde Park lino at 7.40 o'clock. One of tho features of amusement in connection with the Cbt-Upeilou society of ihe Washburn Presbyterian church is a base ball game between the benedicts and the bachelors of the society. Tho benedicts number many SZ -college men in their ranks and they will no doubt put up a good game against tho bachelors. Mrs. Kev. N. K. Jones and four children, of Washburn street, left on the 1.40 Dels, ware, Lackawanna aDd Western train yes teiday morning for New York city, from whence thoy w ill embark on the steam ship City of Paris for Beanfort, South Wales, to bo absent three months. Thy were accompanied by Pr. H. H. Harris Mid his mother-in-law, Mr. Samuols, of Taylor; Mrs. .leukins, of Taylor; Mrs. Lewis, of Jacksou street, and Mrs. Will lam Thomas, of Lnserns street. Thomas Stephens, a young lad who re lides with Ml mother, a widow, in Priggs row, had his log br ken yesterday. Ste phens is employed as a mulo driver in l:riggs' mines, and while riding on one of tl. animals It suddenly became vicious Hid tho boy wns thrown from its back igatnut the side of a car with great force. The blow fractured his leg. Dr. George B. Reynolds wae summoned and sot tho tone. PIANOS 1 ! I i r in il GOOD BREAD -USE THE- SNOW WHITE HIT K Graduates of the Scranton Rlh School Cement Old Friendships. ft VERY INTERESTING EVENT The Banquet Wns Preceded by a Business Meeting at Which Officers for the Year Were Eiocted and Plans for the Future of the Asso ciation Discussed Names of Some Who Were Present. Tho annual meeting ot the High School Alumni association and the re ception to'94 graduates was hold list 'Veiling at the Ncruntou P.ioycle club houso. In addition to tho alumni and grsdnatee a number of the young la dies' escorts war presout. A business meeting of the old alumni was held preceding! the serving of re freshments and duueing. Professor M. J. Donaho and Charles House, the retiring president and secretin-, offi ciated. The following ofllcera were elected to serve during '!4; Miss llattle Smith, 7, president: J. M. Harris, 'Si, vtoe-prewident; David Oweue, '93. recording secretary: Miss Agues Bc- ) land, 'Si, recorder, executive committee, Hon, Job u I Mjuinnnn, .7; Hiss Caff rev. 79; Ueorgu li. Davidson, '80j Professor id. J. Donauoe, '81i Mrs. W. A. Qallanher, '88j Miss Sarah Rogers, '84; Henry Konnedy, '88 H. J. Beamish, "80; Miss Lllllnti 8hiv- 'lly, '87; Miss Lena Minnloh. '(8j Ely Harris, '80j Miss Ella Osluud, 'm, Andrew Fine, ".H; Mill Amy Howell, "Oil; Miss Dowd, "B3s Miss Btnma Falkowsky, '04. It was inggested by Professor Dona h - that the now recorder compile a c uiplte class list since 'HI), the classes previous having already i-een secured and placed on tho minutes. A NEW DEPARTURE, At each annual meeting hereafter a paper Will lie read on tho etnas of tea tears preceding until 19117, when a paper on tbe elms of the twentieth year preceding will real. !'. ich sncceejsng year after 1S97 papers wili lie run! by members of clashes of tho tenth and twentieth years preceding. Miss Hermans. '89 j Miss O'Boyle, '8S; C. E. Daniels, 'sy. and .T. Harris, 'si, w-ro appointed n committee to confer with tbe school bonrd and arrangs for the setting osidn of a nom in the new High school building for tho DM of the association. Charles E Dtniell was the toast master of tee eTeniog, Tim address of welcome was made by Professor Donsboe, The tossts made and the responses were as follows: '"Mission of the Republic," J, M. Harris; "The Business World," George B. Daviison; "Our Frinnds, tbe Lndy Teachers," Charles House; ''The Threshold of the Future," Tbomai -I. Donah os; "Heart Cnlturtf," Prof-esor George Howell. Miss Sarah McDonald. mad" an ad dress and lvn6rson Own, ''.It, recited "The Miser." Some of those present were: !is:ws Anne. Jnde, Kffi Thomrnen, I.ila Frable, (irace Wiochell, Emma I'alk- I owsky, Jessie Kellow, Lizzie (!arlyon, Margaretba Bcblmpff. Mary Harris, Anne I Oibbons, Annie MoTigbs, Kathryn Fits- pa trick, Janet 0. Jones, Hndget Judco, Agnes Evans, Mame Coleman, Sara I,. Rogers, .David Owens, Clara Neimycr, Amy Howell, Belle Doud, Helen Mott, Anne Jones, Carl w. r. Neuffer, Ells P. ( island. Anna Bartholomew, Anna Drei her, Kate Mulltn, Charles House, Mrrv Hastings. Magsie Durkiu, Miriam Miller, Andrew M. Fine, Sarah McDonald, Maggie McDonald, P. A. Carroll, Ells O'Uoyie, Qeorgina Kittle, Orace Wlnchell, Sarah McDonald. Kate Mullen, Ella nT.oyle. Maggie McDouuld, Eizirie I!. Oaughan, Agni-s K. Boland, Lillie Rechsteiner, Mary Calfrey, Mis. (tnorge Simmon, Mines Anna Djuiesher, Lena Minicb, Helen Moir, Anna Bartholomew. Ijila Osiand, Margaret Durkin, Annie Jones, Janet Joues, Lillian Shively, Licsle A. net ma ns, Relen Mort, Thomas A. Donahoe, John J. Kechtold, Florence BslriSgel, Victor Honzel, W. F, Tebbetts, Wilkcs-Parre; J. M. Harris E. O. Worden, Ooorg Howell, R. W. Davis, W. H. Konnedy. JOHN RGSEN HAS BEEN F0l'D. He Arrived in the City Wl'h Hli Son Yeatsrday. John Rosen, whose reported dinp- psnranco m Jsew i orK cranle l so much astonishment in this city has been heard from At 0 50 yestrday after noon the following telogram wns re caived in this city from Now York by his relatives: John Is here alivo. Don't worry. Oeorgo is hero. LODM BlTTOMO. Later in the day the folloix'inir mes sage was received from Now York: John and son, (ieorjo, loft on 7.45 for homo. I,in is BiTToxii. Mr. Rooen. accompujied by his son George, and George rasshold, ofPirts ton avenne, r.rrived 'innw at 12 00 this morning A Titint Nr: rnportT met Mr. Rosen's ion as ho was engaging n cab nud learned that all the founda tion there is to his father'. disappear ance is that h'i got lost in New York. He wns staying at 17.1 Spring street and started away for a short aftrnoon walk The result was nothing more or los than what wonld have hap pened to hundreds of younger men with morn active mind''. Yesterd iy at 2 o'clock, nlthnugh since his disappearance a vigorous search was made without finding him, Mr. Rosen walked into tho house alone in tbe most matter-of-fact way, and seemed to be far less concerned than his friends who wore worriod almost to death ahont hi:n. FrJJOYf.BLE D"NCijNG PARTY. Olven bv Miss Hunt and Rvorett Until Last Evntntr. A dancing narfy was aivoti Inst even ing by Mies Hunt for the Missen Stan ton and Miss Holmes, of Honesdals, and by Everett Hunt for his Yale olnss. mates, Mr. Ilelo and Mr. Lee, at (iM Jefferson avenne. Amnnrr tho guests were Miss Arch bald, Mias Amenta Arch bald, Mist Welles, Miss Jli.ir, Mi Conrsen, Miss.fermyn, Miss Susan Jernivn, Mi-s Simpson. Miss Parke, Miss Kingsbury. MUs Mott, Miss Decker and Messrs Decker, Archhal I, Blair, Ryle. Whltto. mors, Sanderson, Merrill, p..sr, Mott, Chase. Torroy.W. P, Kingsbury, Bslln Pintt, Wright, Walker. VETERANS IN T f NTS, The Graid Atmv at Oettvhsir Lw Faron on ths HijadinB. The diminishing remnant of the yast and gallant host that went forth from tho mountains and Valleys and cities of Pennsylvania to the defense of the Union during the dark days of tho re bellion, will re-assemble on the his toric battleflold of Gettysburg on Sat urday, Juno lift The occasion is that of tho annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, and for a week the veterans will live over again their war time experiences in true armv stylo, The green heights ol Cemetery hill, thickly dotted with tho white tents of tho old soldiers, is an imposing spoctaero In itself, while a continuous round of drills, parades, ABOUT FESTIVE BOARD eeremonies and eamp-lifa frolics ren der Gsttyshnrg a most attractive place to visit during the encampment. From .lone 27 until July 6, inclu sive, the Heading railroad will soil special round trip tickets from all points in its territory at a vory mate rial rodnction from tho regular ratos. These tickets will he good to return any day until and Inolndlng July 9. On Sunday, July 1, there will he special excursion trains over tho Reading road from Philadelphia and nlso from Read ing. The low fares afford a rare op portnntty to visit the groat battlefield of the rebellion, and those desiring in formation regarding tickets and trains can obtain the s.ime from tbe nearest Ronding railroad tide t agent. NORTH END BRIEFS. Tho North End office of the BoRAM-ron Thiuunb Is located at the Lewis DrngHtoro where snljeeriptoits, adverttsomonti sna com munications will rec dve prom ptiittention. John Wolf, of tho register otilse, ia spending n week's vacation Si Lake Ariel. Major aril Mrs. Fish, of North Mnin avenue, ore entertaining Mis. I'agett, of Norfolk, Va. The death is announced of Silas Knight, of Mevlort avoune, who was formerly a well known brakoman on the Delaware and Hudson railroad. Thomas If. James, tho Wayne avenue painter, has withdrawn as candidate for delegate to the Republican county con vention in favor of Luther Edwards. Tne remains of little Prankio Kauff were tak"ii trem bis parents' residence on Ras! Market street by the lt.-lf train yesterday morning to Honesdale, where interment took place. Thomas Ray, of South Wales, who has crossed the Atlantic for the benefit of his health, arrived at his sister's, Mrs.Thotn:i:i T, Jones, on Monday right. Mr. Rav ro ports a v.-ry pleasant voyage, William Bldridge, teamster and of the Niagara Hose company, endeavored yoa- (eraay witn nis sssietante ip work a west em hers- and attracted considerable at tention by the enporings of the prairie steed. The following ladies and gentlemen ar arranging tho ice cream nod strawberry social at the Welsh llstitist church on July 8: William Pu.-h, Bll Weeks, David I'bii lips, Mrs. W. R Owens, Mr. nnd Mrs Jehu, M. Jehu, Mrs. Kp.te Griffiths nnd David Thomas. Rev. fi. W. Wat kins, Mr. and Mrs. Beale, and Mr. and Mra. (,'liappell have re turned from the commencement exercises at Bncknell university, which they declare the moat brilliant they have ever wit nessed, this year's class being tho largest v.liich hits been graduated, from the uni versity duiiogtts history. At one of the sessions Mrs. li. W. Beale road an excel lent paper in the ladies' section on the "Educated Woman n', Home." Mr. Wat kins acted as ad ill licutor In the debating contest, which was of a high standard of merit, The funeral of tho late V.'illiam Evans who was killed nt theCayngn shaft en Friday, tool; piece yesterday. Although nt the time announced for the funeral the thunderstorm was at its worst, a large concourse .if people assembled nr the house where tie- old Welsh hymn was sang by the hundred- gathered together. Services wers afterwards bold at the Welsh Baptist church which was crowded and many were unable to obtain admis sion. Revs W. F. Pavies, pastor mid J. E. Davles. late pastor, now of Plymouth Baptist church, conducted the servicos, and, among other things, reference was made to tho fact that tho funeral of the deceased took place on tho dav be had ar ranged his we lding. In leaving the church the membere of the Baptist Church sun day school, Thomas Jefferson Lo Igo of Ivoritee and the Silver Lodge of Knights Of F.agle headed tho procession. A special feature of the funeral procession was that all the tams. except on", wero composed ef gray horses. The interment took place at the Washburn Str-et cemotc rv. The flower-bearers were Wnliam J. Hwynne ami W illiam Bowon, and the pall -bean r Thomas J. Pavies, William Edwards, J. M. Jehu and William M. ThomaH, all inti mate friends of the deceased. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. I All advertising matter, news items and new subscriptions, if left at the follnvrlns business places, will I promptly attended to: Zang's earner snop, wostpranrs store, i. w Humph rey's pharmacy end A, J Hulderlg's. Flank T?hmbo went to Peckvtlle yoster- oev on no ;mesi. Mrs. M. Koi inson n-'d her son, Phillip, went to i sice Carey yesterday. Tho Citizen's band paraded the main rnnroiiKi::aresoi rnw sine last eveninc. Pittston avenne Was turned Into a river during the storm yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. William Baker, of Mnplo street, reiurneu rrom ,-ew ork yesterday aiternoon Dr. J. J. WnKh's fnther, who lives nt South ( anaan, who has been visiting hi snii, returned Mme yesterday. The St. Joseph Catholic Beneficial so ciety, held a picnic at Central pnrk last evening. A largo number of prominent. people wero present. The first annual picnic of the Haydn Oleennd Social club will take plRco at l entrnl park on Jnly 23. The Stnr orches tra will nvnlsh rhe music. The first annual picnic of Company A, Patriotic Uuard, will tnko place nt Cnntml Park garden on Tuesday, July 24 Tho ill 1 J : . , . -., . . uiuaic win no uirnisneu ov rianersi nand The funeral of tho Into Mrs. Jacob SnAr took place at the German Presbyterian Cemetery, ot l et.r burg. yesle-day. A large number of South Side friends ot tended the funeral. Albert Cresler. of Pittston avenne wont to New York yesterday in order to sail for Fans, trance, today, in th- stonm-hi Prieeiand, Ho intends to mako his horn, there for tho future. Father Aust's picnic, which taken pluc looey nr i-urno i ure garoen. promises to bo one of tho most enjoyable events of the season. Musio will be discoursed by Qntn's band and fhedypsy orchestra. Otto Robinson won tho 100-yard race at tho Comet Social club picnic at Control pnrk last Monday, bentiiiB William FickOS by about three ynnis. The BO-ysrd race between Henry Leyh and Albert Quthelns, both of Cedar kVCUUe, was won by tho lat ter by Ave foot, (tlivr Burke, a prominent young man of the South Side, died at his home on Pig street at an early hour Sunday morning after a long IlloosS. The deceased be longed to tbe William Connell Hose nom. puny, who will attend the funeral in a body. I he interment will be made Hyde Park Catholic cemetery this morn ing. Mr and PT-s J nynt.'s Anniveran Tile fourteenth anniversnrv of Mr f.,.,1 Mrs. .1. Wyatt wns celebrated last evoning ni im it nome en .--anoerson av.-nue. JVI nyatt was pn sontori a handsome v:i"o; a snioKitig tray was tne gilt for Mr. WJ iy- aft. Among tho guests were Misses L. II-II l ielo, S. Rains, J. Ziinnierm M. Shotdi ird. S. lom.rov., I. I.f nan. Lewis, L Coursey. F. Corwin. il. Mansoni L. lloltham. E Krag-r, and Messrs. J. Banner, T. Kichords, C. II. ( 'res-swell '. - -. v. ... -li lol.nor. Oliver Dav. C Ivnii.hf M n Wh at!, H. Whyatt, If. Christian a'nd Dow. Injured on ihs Sail, Jar"" Danner, of Ptroudsbnrtr. a middle aged man, while on his way to Oouldsl oro yesterday fell off the train end received ratal injuries. Ho wns taken to the Larka- wanna hospital. He sutTored oonousslon of the brain and hud his left arm broken. DIRD. MITCHELL In Scranton. June 27, 1Crnn- the 2-year-old daughter of Ira Mitchell, "f lilbson streot. Funeral notice later. VAKLEY. At Jossup, TuosiHy. June 2D Margaret, sged 1 month, daughter of Thomas and Mary Val ley. Funeral to morrow at teruoon nt 2 o'clock. Inter ment in Dnnmore Catholic cometery. , IN ON 8 III Over One Hnndrd Hew Jersiyitcs Arc New In thi City- THEY CARE ON A PLEASURE TRIP Last Night They Visited the South Sido Steel Works and Inspected Them Today They Will Take a Trip Over Ihe Delaware and Hud son Gravity Road to Honesdale Memb"rs of the Party. Tho New Jersey Coal exchange mem bers many of them accompanied by tboir wives, the whole party number ing 120 persona, nrrivod in this city Inst evening and are iinurtered at tbe Wyoming. The travelers are on pUas uro bent nnd are from Nawark and vicinity. They arrived on a special train of five coaches ov-r the Jersey Central road, which left Newark yen terday morning, District Passenger Agent Swisher, of the Jersey Central, and F. II. White.of 'ho Wyoming, met the train nt Upper I. 'high, where a stop was made lor dinner and a visit to Prospect Ledge, Tho view wns so grand nnd the air so line that the train was deleyed in con tinuing the journey nnd arrived here mi hon.- and a bait' late al 7 o'olook. After snp;,ic at tbe Wyoming a visit was male to tho South works, where, under the guidance of Eugene Thayer, agent, of tbe jeraey Cenlra!, who has conducted many parties through the mill, the prooesi of minnfsctUN was stndied. The pnr'.y wee taken to and from the Works on their special train. WILL 00 TO BONB8DALB, At H :I0 o'clock this morning the Honeeilale and gravity road trip will be made, returning hero f or dinner Dor ing the afternoon tho visitors will in spect various manufacturing plants, the mines or points of Interest, as thny may elect, until I BO o'clock, when thoy will leave lor Wilkes-Darre. They will be qoatered in Wilkos-Barre at the Wyoming V Hey house tonight and in the morning will go down the Red Ash mine, leaving for N9wark in the afternoon. This is the eighth excursion of the N'ew Jorsey coal exchange and their second visit us a body to this city. Thoy were here about eight years ago . I'hO lout trip was made two yearn ago lo Jeddo, Wilkes-Barro and Niagara Kalis. Many of tho present party who were Interviewed by it TRIBONB reportor had notbon in Scranton since the visit of eight years ngo. They were loud in their pruis of tho metropolitan ap pearance of the city and the men who had brought about tho change. There wns a general expression of disappoint ment that morn time had not benn ar ranged for their stay here. HBMBBR8 OF THE PARTY. Tho party is composed of the follow ing: Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. (lee, Miss Maud Mil ler. Mr. end Mrs. F. Tegen, jr., Kev. John Hondlny, Miss Hnndlcy, Mr. and Mis. J. Bets, Miss Schmidt, Miss Cnrrie M. Crank, Mr. nnd Mis. I,. T. Mulfoid, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mills, Mnster Mills, Mr. and Mrs. William Tnylnr, Miss orkefair, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Uenrio, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. I ledgers, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Van rIorn,Mr, and MrcHoleomb, Mr. and Mis. E. It. Bolcomh, Mr and Mrs. C. B. Con&nt, Miss. H. E. Conant, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Sale dar, Lewis Brletenig, 0. P. Glessle, J. W. Mcliok, J. o. Olnttlng, Q, L, Bobenetein, U M. Rret?:, I".. A. Floury, J. L Schwartz. .1. Craig. (I. Anlick, A. Allgsker, I). Whit noy, F. E. Jones, B. C Keuser. D. Mer chant, ):. Stevens, W. W. Hill. A. Kanf hold, W. S. Seiger, S. W. Freeman. o. S. Hayes, O. M. Douglas, A. P. Bartlett, c. s. Hoffman, W. H, Crosior, J Bnrlow, C. Heath, B 0. Reiser, A. BtolL H. Finch. II P. Wil son, O. W. Williamson, P. Dlrich, E. M. Sterling, A. S. Hague, p. Blewitt, C. Ler inauu, J. J. Schmidt, F. S. Wilson. J. Remer. I. W. Searing, A. Mc Kenaie, B. Dlrich, K. U strempie, J. N. Lannlng, E. It Drake, W. M, I airier, John Newton, F. U. Sawnrd, E.L. Irving, Fred Andreas, A. M. Titus, W. E. Bergen, it. E. BpottSWOod, P. Cart, Horace Crank and K. White, of tho Hlno.k Diamond: S. It. Beidelmnn, of the Lehigh Valley Patl- r.iad company; A. H. Boss, ot tho D.-ln-ware and Hudson Canal company) A. D. Melville, of tie- Lehigh Valley Coal c im pnny. 1 A EUSP FOR SEATS. ThA Fall ef linbvlon Will Hav Tromen dut Andioncon. The diagram for reserved seats for the "Fall of Babylon" opened nt !l o'clock yesterday morning, and before noon nearly every saat lu the lions was sold, both for Thursday nnd Fri day evenings. The few remaining seats will surely be sold today and the probabilities am that an afternoon per formance will he given on Saturday, announcement of which will be made in totnurow's papers. The admission to the galleries for to morrow and Friday evenings will be 23 instead of 85 cents, as advertised Tho I'enn Avnu Church and Sunday school will go to Lake Ariel Friday, July IS. Ticket ", ftO cents; chil dren, eO cents. A VfllUatilF PUBLICATION. New Book bv Rev. I). C. Hujjhas, D. D . of tbe West Rids. The Hov. D C, Hughes, D D., pastor of the Jackson Street lUptist church, lias written au excellent theological work entitled "Studios in the Hook of Mark, Critical. Exegotical, Homiletioal and PrHOlloal," A representative con cil. Com tri ling nbout twelve or more Npaintthcbcstistfie cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to he "just as good," but vvhen you paint insist upon haviii" a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It cords no more p,rr fallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times B8 long. Look out for the brands of White Lead offered you ; any of the fol lowing; arc sure : "Atlantic," "IlcymeT-Bantnnn." "Jowett," "Daris-Cbambern." "Fabnostock," "Armstrong fc McKSlvy," For Colors. Nntieinal Lead Co.'1 rui c White Lend Tinting Colors. The-;" rnlorn nrc sold in onc-pninel rnns r-irh ran be ne runVk-nt to tint 23 pounds -f strirtlv Pure white Lead the desired shade; (hej arc In im sense rndy-mburn pamts. Lnt u combination ot pertiHtlv pure colors in Ihe handiest (una lo lint : tn. th Pure While Lted. Agi.d nsn) topussnd dollsit have been saved property-owners by having oim hook "n painting Snd cntir-.nril. Send US n postal card and m boih Ms. HATtONAL LEAD CO., New Yuik. different dnnorainstions meet annually to work a syllabus or routine of work for Sunday Fchools and for tha next six months the lessons for school work will bo the life of Christ ns comprised in the four gospels. -Mr. Hughes, who hns bad extrnsiva experience in theological studies and researches, especially during his pas torate of n large church in New York city, has written t lie book specially in view of tha lessons referred to as for some oonsi lera'blo tiroo he contributed special articles to tho lloineletic Monthly for tho benefit of teaehera and biblical students, Scrn-iton' Bualnosa Intsroat. TM TaiBORl Will SOOn publish a caro fully compiled and cloHsitiml list of the leaning wholesale, bunking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton Sna Vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our public build mgS, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of loading eitisfns. No similar work has ever given an equal rep- ri seuinuou oi r',aiitoiiH many muiu tiiea. It will be an invaliuiblo exposition of enr business resources. Sent to prrnous outside the city, copies of una nannsoine wont will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The rircn latlon Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well ns the city at large. Kopro-etitatives of Tan TniBUNS will call upon THOU WHOSg Ramks are llESinEO in this edition and explain 11s nature more limy. Those desiring views of thoir residence; ill this edition will please II AVC notice at tho office. Hay ilia Wehr and got the iosl At Qnernsey Pros, fundi ft Weera's and Ballantine'a Ales sre the hi st. R, J. Wauiil Anent. 83 Lsckawai na a venue. pill Si ft v w I V Vif Wehttvo REDUCED Pricos on BABY CARRIAGES. onr stock is too large. You can buy ;t good Baby Carriage for tho price of ;t, cheap oim. Fr Wedding Presents or Fnr- Dishing for Sntnmer Cottages, we have a full ami complete line. Lamps, Dinner and Toilet Sets, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyomino; Ave. Homestead CORN, PEAS, SUCCOTASH, LIMA BKANS, Jl.50 Per Dozen HOME JFRSEY CREAMERY BJTTER In 5 and ,r lb. Pails. ERS roeoived Daily from iho Homo Poultry Farm. 0. DITCHBUEN, T- .... ...... , A. W. JtJRlSCH 435 SPRUCE STRFF1 BIOTOM1H AND BFORTINO GOODS. Tleto-, Oinrlron. Eclipse. LovelL Iinmenfc nni 1 n eer n neeiw SCIENTIFIC HOUSE SHOEING AM) Tin: TREATMENT OF I.AMF. MKR8 OF HORBFa To these branehee I devote ehei.t ntten lion every sfternorA Offlee anl toflrosttho BLUMB OABBIAQE WORKS. IIS IHX OOUBT, HOBANTON.PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Graduate f tbe simerloan Veterinary Col THE CELEBRATED PIAWO Lffl Rl lrr'-nt t!-ft Me-t Popular rS l,rrrr.rt I, uvsuins AHiitti '.'.irerooms : Oppcittn Colnnihiis MomiTnent, 'On W 71 irrt p?":cn Av. SorCtntOHvPfl D OOP tlnnlnc nml wldntinR all ilnne nway x With bj I tie .1 B0 ef HAKTMAN'S I'AT- knt Paint, win -u e,,,.i-t ..1 ii,i;,,.di nts welt-known to nil it esabe appUsa to tin, ckIviiiiImhI tin. sheet Iron roolh, also to iirtck awelllnn wliieii will prevent, sbsolntelv any ornmbUni, eraoklBg er breaking ol the brlek. It will outlHKt tinning ol sny klml ly limit j' yeiirn.iuiil it'n eont Vhh not oxeeoil mie- Bfth fnatof theoost of Unalng, Is nil iv tbo joii or pound, Oontrsote tasen bv ANTuMO UAUTMANM, W BlrohBl 1 h srft sat t.m L.V. mm You Heed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder yon at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black vSerge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Martin & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. I DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT I "T" r I his week, as extra effort to Values. I I 3 1 Im 1 11 Wn R Y s a All our $3 and $4 Trimmed Hats, cut to . . I All our $5 and $6 Trimmed Eats, out to . . All our $8 and $10 Trimmed Hats, cut to . . J 200 pieces Satin Striped Lawn, with col ored figures, worth 15c, cut to . . . 150 pieces Black Satin, with small colored figures, worth 18c , cut to A !B ttjL uj fru fca THE LATEST The "Victor" We have 'em in both stores; all sizes, cloth and silk. Christian, The Hatter 1 32 SPRUCE! ST. 2o b.wii . AVUNUE. It's a Great Shock to fho foifts who are rlilmine they unrleraeil ill others to flad that wlwnai the ipit rata rr hln-ter w are giving custom tbp bin flt ornurh opportuntti"" as thpip. A strirtlv lllqtt Orade Mcht-vielghf IVheel. 1S04 i:.ttrn. -1 Mo ali. lis pattern, piso ivhrni, for 7. 1894 pattern, rioo Wheel, for aSO esxK, rbe"-e prices mnkp th leiinosR nt eu-- -t'i FLOREY & HOLT Y If. 0 A BUILDING i cycle Pants, Hose, Gaiters, &c, Sweaters and Belts at SPEC1 Om''j .r CONRAD'S 'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSEFUL OF SHAME." KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN WITH APOf SO I .retsii on we have made r an give you Special $1.98 2.98 I 4 98 I 10c. 12 'c I Wi: hsv ;i sm.it I lot of those KmVir orien, lionjht at llnnVrnpt Rsle, rloie st. less tlnn HALF VALUE. Vrol d- w- to S A Fine Diagonal Worsted Suit for Men, in colors black and blue, for Another Advornt of Ansesthene Oils BBNWOpi) W 1RDF.1X: GBNTLRMEH It aff,.rr1 mr rpa; pl.-n-M . to atatf that your n.w proopu of PTtrrtlnc teeth nla grajul ...--,. It ly oaae, nnrl 1 hHrtlly recommend It M 11. I alneerrly hnpp tht .-!,. - will tpt vt merlta. V ..em rraprot fully, CAPT. K. IIRVAVT, Soriuin, fa, Henwood k Waraell, DENTTKTS. 316 Lackawanna Av VTill on snd after Miiv II malro s grout rsdoe tfo:i In the prices of platen. All work gamr sntee-i QrHt-eluHt. in avory uarticnlar. Scientific Eje Testing Free By Dr. Shiraberg, The Spoelallat on tlm l?v Hwdachm aeif Narvouino8 relieved. latest and Improved .Stylo of Bye Wlaaawi and Siiectaolaa at tha Lowest Prleea Ut ArtlSctal ty !a..rtl lor JS SOB SPHUCE ST.. op. Old Post OrTIco Only $8.08 inm mupv isLjx cj