All the News to THE TRIBUNE daily, without fear or favor. Premonitions Of UveHnGM are in the air. Read development- in THE TlilliUNE. EIGHT PAGES 56 COJUIYtfiS 8CEANTON. PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1S4. TWO CENTS A COPY. m"1 THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION N THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS IE ANCE ii II CHAOTIC STATE Great Confusion Reigns in the Chamber ol Deputies. SANTO SAYS HE IS AN ANARCHIST In an Attempt to Decide Upon a Can didate for President, Deputies and Senators Come to Blows- Casimir Pcriers Chances Appear to lio Ex cellentRioters Still Pursue Italian Residents of Lyons Throe Sus pects Arrested. Park, June 2 n MEETING of Republican metn A here of the annate and chamber lr rtnpniles WM bold thin nftrr- t-Tu noon to decide upon n can fl Mute lor president to lie voted, forntVei nuillea tomorrow. The proceedings were cbarnctemod throughout by an iiideac-ibuble noise and continuous hraw Deputies ami senators sbouiertut the tops of th-ir voices over one another's heads. Some demanded vote withont debate. Plows were eiobanged by several membeta and ink stands were thrown abont freely. Fin ally eoui- of the calmer membeta pro posed rccer and n motion to adjourn was carried. A large number remained in the bait, however, and affer a short period of rjuiet. Senator De Verntnac, who pre bled, naked whether th meeting de sired to vote. The tnmtilt w-is re newed immediately, and as it whs im possible to restore order, M. D1 Vern inau declared th masting closed and left the tribune. Free fighting onsned for fully :. quarter of an hour Evntnstly tho hall was cleared. The cor. Ilitt was provoked by the aoeialiita and esiro radioali in order to prevent a decisive Vote. The chances cf M. Casiniir-Porior are regarded as greatly helped by tbe dtf9nsion in the ranks ol the Repub lican senators, (t is expected that of tho 800 votes cast on the first bidlot tomorrow. M. Casimir Premier will reo-ive -100 His supporters are con fident that he will tiavo at least 3."0 votes. D'pny a'd Bris-on together way possibly net 280, At a plenary meeting of nil the Re publican senator this afternoon, in order to decide upon a candidate for the presidency, in meoesaion to the late President Carnot.a vote was taken with the following reanlt: M Oaalmlr Psiier, 144; M. Dnpny, i"; M Pris soii, C; M. De Frsyclnet, 4; M. Con suns, 2; M. Arago, 0; M. Lonbet, 3; M. Cavaignac, 1. SANTO STi:,I, DEFIANT, LYOK8, June 20 Santo, the assassin of President Cam it, was again brought up this morning for examination ho fore Examining Magistrate Rsnoist. He declared bimaelf to he an anarchist and strongly in favor of a policy of violence. Replying to qusatinns Santo said that he acted upon bis own initia tive, and ihat he had not been engaged in anv conspiracy to mnrdr the presi dent. The magistrate, however, is not con vinced that tho prisoner had no accom plices, as it has been ascertained that when he stoppjd at Vienna and Mont pelbr he bad several suspicions confer ences with persons snspectod of htdng in Isasue with anarchists. When Santo arrived at Vienna on Saturday, on the way to Lvons, ho slept nt the house of an anarchist and afterwards started for Ly. n at H :10 o'clock in the afternoon. The police investigation has alreadT led to the Rrre-t of three persons at Vienna who are believed to have been engaged in the suspected conspiracy. The authorities bore believe that Santo was nn sg"nt of the anarchists and that hu was entrusted with the task of Murdering the president and carried out instructions wnich ho ro crived at various towns between Cotto and Lyo:is. THn Mnns at WORK, in spite of the efforts of the police and military to prevent it, the rioters snceneded in wrecking and pillaging several morn Italian houpes this after noon. Complaint, in made that the authorities are not. snfhViently firm in dealing with the mob, it being alleged thet io many cases determined and ef fective efforts to disperse tin mob not not made until after the injuries to the houses of taliana is done. PARIS, June 2fi. rnnuarkabln inci dent was reported from the Elysee palace today. Among those who wit nessed the arrival of the body at t"ie palace were the head servants of the president's household, including his coachman. The latter was greatly at tached to the president, and wns so effected when he saw the coffi i carried into the palace that he fell insensible and afterwards died from the shock. ACTION AT PKILliPSRURG. Wfirton & Rons Off-r to Pay Rates Al lowed bv Altoona Convention. PfUIXiPfiBtTRQ, Pa., June 2' There was quite a stir among the miners in this place this morning, when the following notice was posted In front of the coal offioo of R. B. Wigton & Sons: "As the convention held in Altoona yostorday gives per mission for resnmption at such mines where the men can get 48 rents per grosa ton for mining, wo hereby ngreo to pny the above price, and those who are ready to roturn to work at all onr mines at this prien will Hud tbe mines open tomorrow morning, ,lnne 27 1304 Signed R. B Wigton fc Sons, per C E Slmrpless, superintendent. " Tbe miners' leaders have not yet acted on the matter, but will probably do ao during the night FRflSTUS WIMf IM CONFIDENT. He Is Si-re His Counsel's Arguments . Will Canse Bis Release on Ball. New Yohk, June 80. Erattni Wi man said thia morning that ho was confident that hi counsel's arguments which prevail on Judge Barrett to maku ilia stay permanent pending ap peal and that he would 'no released on bail. Ho reteivod a number of letters this morning, he said, ail expressing con BdenOO In his integrity. HE SHOT AT THE STRIKERS. Fimxutatvnev Onaid Fires Five BhotS at Fteaing Men. PCNXB0TAWNBY, Pa., .Inn SO The new men quartered at Anita were taken to the mine this morning without incident, No coal was mined how ever. This afternoon two of the strikers got noucar the company's property than the police on guard thought necessary. They wore ordered to move on, bnt instead of doing so showed tight. Tho policeman draw his revolver and started towards them. The strikers ran end the guard fired five shots at them without taking ef fect. Tho incident took place in full view of th Fifth rogimont's camp. There is a meeting of miners in pro gress tonight to hoar the reports of delegates sent to the Altoona conven tion. Local lei tors nru nut in favor of resnmption, If the men accept the Bell, Lewis A Yates Co. 'a offer, the mine at Waleton, Adrain, Eleanor, lleeeh Tree and Hel vetia will start to work. Two-thirds of the striker in this region are em ployed at the above mines'. A large number of soldiers are off duty and were in Punxsntawney today. Several arrests were made for disor derly conduct. ur;ui Close of tbe Great Music Festival in New York Prizes Awarded Competitors. NriW YORK, June 26, The seven teenth annual saongerfest of the North eastern Sangerbund was wound up this afternoon with a grand festival at Timer perk, Sonth Brooklyn, The awarding of the. prizes for competitive ringing bad been annonnoel for 4 p m. , bnt was delayed until nearly N o'clock by the closeness of the different organ ic itions in point of rtprit. Tne names of the julgo had bean kept, secret until today when thev were announced as follow: .1. Hans Deiler. New fjrlejna; L Krgntt, Cincinnati; .1 Mpsenthal and Frank Datnrosh, Nw York, and J. Polelki, of the Chicago Musical academy, Chicago, following la ii summary of the priz s nn 1 the winners: First. prize Large Stelnway grand piano, Jnuger Maeiinerehor, Philadelphia. Second iiraeLare silver enp, Arinn so ciety. Brooklyn. Thirl i -A Wreath of obd silver. Orphans, Buffalo, I'i'iie above are the first eUUtS societies., Hconfl class societies, Orst prise Small Rtelnway grand piano, Williamsburg Saeogerbuud, Brooklyn, Second prise Solid silver cap,Harmo- Ote Society. Newark, N. J, Third prize Solid silver wreath, Arion, Jersey City. Fourth prise Solid silver cap, Ariin, New Haven, (,'onn. Fifth prise Life else portrait of Wag ner, Qermanla, Newark, s. J. Sixth prise Solid silver enp, Saen?er bnnd. Washington, 1). O. Hsventh prise Life size portrait of Schumann, Liberty. N'ewark, N. J. Third class societies; II rat nrize -stein-wny sqnare piano, Syracuse Baongerbnnd, hvraca-ie, V. Second piizi! s did silver mp, Brooklyn Mannercbor. Third prise Solid silver wreath, Sch- waeblscber Saengerhnnd. Newark, n. j. Fourth prize Solid silvor enp, l'.n,t -rachi. Newark, JC, 3. Fifth prize Large picture, "Rnhmeballe Deutscher Music," Arbeiter 'Maenni rchor, EUlssbeth, N. J, sixth prise Life sised portrait of Liezt Kreusenacher Saengerbnnd, Philadelphia. Seventh prise -Solid silver cup. Oon OOrdia society, V-aterbnry, Conn. Eighth prise Solid silver enp, Oam briou saengerkrans, Philadelphia. City and country organizations, special prizes. First class Prisn, Hootnrtven bust, Brook lyn societies Second prize, banner, Bndson county, Nov; Jersey societies, the festivities atUitnerpsrk lasted until iate tonight and included choral singing and dancing. At least ten thousand peoplo were present nt the closing festival, THE PUL LBAIpOT. Not a Compsny Parlor Car Will Go Out of Cincinnati Today. Cincinnati, June 2" Tim strike of tho Pullman employes at Ludlow, Ky. , is but the peroursor of a boycott of the Pullman csrs on every road in this city, beginning at noon today. This means that not a sleeper will go ont of this city today on any road except the Big Four, which doss not nsa Pullman cars. The manager, of the Pullman shops in Ludlow. Ky., has posted A notice that ail striking employes who do not promptly rotnrn to "work will be dis charged. Twenty-eight of the strikers returned, Chicago, June 86. Two vestihnlod trains on the Illinois Central railroad left today on schedule time with ont any interferonc on tho pnrt Of the mom Ders of the American Railway union or their sympathizers. All the coaches worn chained, locked and sealed, the train consisting of throe Puliman coaches besides the baggage oar and engine. On tbe plat forms of each conch stood detectives of the railroad prepared to resist any attempt which might Ire made to CUt the Pullman oars. Wh.Minhton'. June 2fi Tho pro posed boycott ngoinst tiio Pullman Pnlaoe Car company has not up to this time had any tffflOtOQ the railroads on toting here. Both tho Pennsylvania and Mm Paitimora and Ohio Railroad companios have sent out a train since noon, each of which hare hauled one or more Pullman cars. WASHINGTON GOSMP. l"rer,idont Clevnlaml will lnirvo Washing ton on Saturday next for lliay Gables where be will upend a week with his fam ily. Secretary Morton expects to leave Wash ington this week to visit, his home In Ne braska. Be contemplates n brief trip to Kurope fn .In ly. Written: replies of Senators Ilutlerand Pettigrew to th" senato commit toe's pm tions deny ownership of and speculation in Sunr Trust stock. SlIoIOB HILL'S Fl Vigorously Opposrs Income Tax Features of the Wilson Bill. HE IS OUT-VOTED AT HYERY HAND Aided by tho Republican Side of tbe Senate and Four Democrats the Member From New York Wages Bitter War Upon Populist's Mis- chevious Theories Froceedimrs of tho House. Washington, l). c, June 20. SOME eight sections, covering about eighteen pages of tho tariff bill, were disposed of in the son ato today, all applying to the In come tax. and twelve more remain to he gone through with before that por tion ot the bill will be completed. Dur ing the first half day ir. Hill, of New York, was again tho central figure of opposition to the finance committee, and at one point he almost succeeded in getting the better ol tbe committee. When the tariff bill H as laid before the senate, the pending question being on the in come tax provisions, Mr. Hill with drew an amendment which he had of fered before the adjournment on Sat urday to stri?:o ont the exemption from taxation of the incline of United States bonds so exempted by the law of their issuance, and Ire suggested to make tho clause read "tho irhi.'ipa! and interest of which are, by the law of their issu ance," etc. 'i t en Mr. Bill stated that the reason wny he bad offered his amendment lust Saturday (which he now admitted should not be agreed to) was to call the attention of the people to the fact that aix hundred and thirty five millions of property were of this clause takon out of the taxable property of the country. He then offered an amendment to in clude within the exemption the bonds of state, county, municipality or towns, and he made an argument in support of that amendment Mr. V"st argued against tho amend ment and a number of senators on both i-ides of the chain her took part in the debate, AMENDMENT RVJItOTRD. Finally the discussion was closed and the vote was taken on Mr. Hill's amendment. It was rejected yeas, 25 , nnys. 80. All the Repfabtlcdni voted lor it, as well as throe Democrats Gray, Hill end Pngh. Two of the Populist senators Allen and Peffer voted against it. Another Populist. Kyle, and Mr. Smith (N, ! ).' were paired with Republicans. Mr. Irby is C ) voted with ids party. Then Mr. Hill moved nn amendment restricting the exemption of state bonds (not county or municipal). Mr. Hill also made an argument in sup port of this amendment, and when he had concluded, tbe argument In sup port of his amendment was continued by Sermtors Gray, (Del.); Pngh, (Ala.); Csffirey, (La.); Hoar, (Mass.); Haw ioy, (Conn.); and against it Mr. Lind say, (Ky.), and Mr. George, (Miss.) The vote was taken and the amend ment wes r' jected-syene 27, nays :'') Four Democratic lenators who had been hitherto faithful to their party ranged themselves on the side of Mr. Hill. They wore Senators (Irsy, Delaware; Morgan nnd 'ugh, Ala bama; and Cafforey, Louisiana, But Mr. Morgan, who would have voted for Mr Hil I 'a amendment, was paired with Mr. Quay (Pa,), who as a Repub lican, Would also have voted for it, and ao two votes in Its favor were lost. Be sides that, Senator Irby (S. ( ), who has usually been found voting with Mr. Hill voted with his party, and tho Populist senators also voted with tbe Democrats, In this way Mr. Hill faileil to get his amendment adopted, bnt In came dangerously close to it. Mr. McLaurin, of Mississippi, mov-d to reconsider til" Votes whereby some days ago, the salaries of the p: iib-nt of th" United States and of United States ja lges were exempted from n soma tax, but whether Mr. HcLauren will wait tin the bill sb.-.ll be reported to the senate or not to fake notion in the matter remains to be decided The provisions as to corporations occupied the remainder of the day's assion up to 6.18, when the senate adjourned. APPROPRIATION BILL DIBP08RD OF. The bouse today finally disposed of the general deficiency appropriation bill for the year eudiug June 80, 1H94. It was agreed as the result of three hours discussion I o appropriate, I(M), 000 toward the payment of the julg ments on account of Indian depreda tions, which aggregate 514,000, The changes made in the bill, added, net something like 100,000 to the total ap propriations c irri 'd by It, making it. in round numbers ;J5.hf)0,flO0. in tho morning hours n senate bill wns pns.i"d On motion of Mr. McGann (Perm, 111.), making Labor I)y (tho tirst Monday of September) a legal holiday. Also a house bill on motion of Mr. Tickler (Rep., S. D ), providing that in all claims arising under the pension laws of the United States, the oath of a private or titui commissioned officer shall have the same force and effect as that of a eommissiotiud ofli cers. M URDERl; A IDENTIFIED. Ths Slavor of M-s. Reed rrovos to Be Alfred B, Hunt. ClHCAdO, June 26. The mnrderor of Mrs. Oarrle Reed yesterday In the office of tho Thatner Lumber company, and who afterwards committed suicide, was today Identified s Alfred EL Hunt, a resident of thia city. He murdered her because she refused to got a divorce nnd marry him. TORNADO'S PATH IN KANSAS. Disastrous Bree?i fiwoepa th Villas; of Kalffhler, Wichita, Kan., J one C. The tornado that struck the village of Keighley, Butler county, last evening, is known to have caused loss of life, though the telegraph wires are b! ill down and de- STURDY GOT tails of the disaster are moagre. E I ward Tburtnan 'was crushed to death in a stable, M::tiy person were pinned under falling bouses and aerinnsly in jured. Two general stores, the largest hnild ings in the village, were entirely de molished. A freight train was stand iiigoti the Frieoo traok at the tiinw and sll cars wer r iiftod and turned Upside down. ANARCHISTS AT LIBSON. Placards Oramunrllnsr the Act of Santo Aro Posted In the City. Lisbon, June 27. A nnmber of pla cards were posted In various parte of the city lust, evening bearing tho le good: "Ravachol, Vuillant and Henry mo avenged ; juetloe baa been done by Snnto's arm." The placards wore town down bv the police, who later nrrested six Span iards who ere huspecteii of being tho authors of them. INSANE WAN AND fl RAZOR. T.iseph Whitsatt Muid r uaty Assaulto Hln Wife and Dmurhttr. VlNRLAND, N. J., June SO. This af ternoon Joseph Whltsett assaulted his wife ami daughter, fatally injuring tbe latter. Whltsett with bis wife, daughter, Jennie, a school teacher aged HI and son, Alfred, aged 18, reside in this city. This nft"rnoori Wbitsott quarrelled with his wifo and daughter und chased thoin ont doors with a blacksmith file and razor. Whltsett threw bis (laugher on the ground and Ottt hor throat, in a horrible manner. T he gash is seven indies long and very deep, extending over to the right shoulder. The girl is fatally injured. JWbitsett then turned to bis wife and lant her terribly with the file. Seeing men approaching, he ran into the house, looked the doora and set fire to the building. The firemen got him out before the Banes reached him, bnt he begged them to throw hint back. The house wa destroyed. Whitsett'n son Alfred says that his father has ben in sane tor several weeks THE LUTHERAN LEAGUE Proceedings of Harrisburg Conven tionRev. E. L. Miller, of Scran ton, Elected President. Harkibbcro, Pa, Jane 20 The or-ganizitlo-i of the Luther leagu.i of Peuneylvanla was completed this af ternoon by the convention which has been in session at tho Kethlehem Lu theran Tabernacle since yosterday. A constitution was adopted which does not differ materially from that of tho New York league. Tbe Objects of tha new organisation are: First To encourage tho formation of young people's societies in all the Lnther- anohurehesin the state and to organize such into central or district associations wherever practicable. Becond To stimulate tbe various socie ties to greater activity in their respective churches. Third To create a strong bond of friend ship among tbe members of the various societies. Fourth To facilitate tho introiluetion to soy society of s member coming Into its hoii'ls from another. Fifth To protect nnd guard the yonng people against dangerous and vicious in fluences surrounding them. Tbe officers for the year are: Presi dent, Rev. E, L. Miller, of Soranton; recording secretary, A L. Huugerford. Wilkes-Bnrre; corresponding secretary, Le-mder Cotton, of Pittsburg; treas urer, i r, John W. Hay, of Harrlflburg. The attendance of deb-gates today was very large a: d the proceedings were full of interest. The ooi vention adjourned tonight to meet next year nt Reading. AT THE STAKE. Death of thi Lsd Who Waa Tortumd bv Comrades at Camden. Camden, n. J June 90. Charles Benny, the 18-year-old lad who was burned at the utak i by bin comrad on March 1ft last, died today. Rvory nt tempt was made to save the littio fel low's life, sirin grafting being resorted IO without, avail, and ho died of ex haustion rffe- n long and brave strug gle with death. Penny and his comrades were playing "Indian" on s lot and the boys tied bi:u to a stake and pasted paper and sticks abont his legs, On" of ttiem set it afire and th flames curled up about Penny's body, burning hira so that tho fle.-h dropped oil. Bis screams brought assistance, hut. not OUtll he was terri - bW burned, Three Ol the boys who tied him to the stake and started the fire, Johnny Daegan, William Eldridgo and Thomas Crown, were arrested on June 8, were nrraignd in tho Camden court, plead ing guilty to assault They were sent to the reform school. Tlia boys will probably he re-arrested but it is a qu -stioti in tho minds of the lawyers whether they can be re-indicted ami re tried for manslaughter. MURDEfl AND SUICIDE. An Aged Catcher U a c Knife with De moniac Eno: CHICAGO, June 2I1 Joseph Wisfer man, a butcher, li. years old, while erased With drink, fatally stabbed his ago,; wife last night He stat bed William Taylor and Jo seph Miller, who interfered, nnd then OUt his own throat, Wisterman will die. HEBRD OVER THL CT.BIE. Tbe Vonzenlan war department has or dereil uew fortifications at Qttayaua Vieja. The Boers Ot Pretoria, the Transvaal capital, are angry with the British and are prepared to resort to nrme. Kain has fallen in Hong Kong, and the sanitary authorities now believe that the worst, stage of the pestilence is ovor. An axploalou took place in a mine nt Legallcau, Asturtas, In Spain, The dead bodies Ot eight, mineis have already been recovered and fifty-seven are still missing, The grand Jury at London failed to i in dict General llowstnn, who recently caused the death of a man named Ilurtou by striking him iu the eye with an umbrat Ir. Howston was set at liberty. In connection with tho discovery of mines under railroad tracks over which tho czar is exported to travel, it Is now stated that nn infernal machine has beou discovered in a cellar near the St. Peters burg palace. corora OF THE LEAGUE Soventh Annial Gathering of at Tenvrr. A LARGE flDRBER OF DELEGATES The Visiting, Members of the Or ganization Heartily Welcomed -Fifteen Hundred Representative Re publicans Present Address of President Tracy Received With En thusiasm Sympathy for France. DrNVRS. Col.. Jnna 2(1 I1F,N the seventh annual conven tion of the National Republi can league was called to order lit 10 oVioek thia tnnruin.r kha Broadway theater, handsomely decora ted for the occasion With the stars and s'ripes arid a mass of foliage and grow ing flowers, Was filled to overflowing with 1.000 delegates and representative R 'publicans from every state in the union. State Prosii'.cnt (ioudy welcomed the delegates in a lengthy speech. Provi dent Goody's remarks on silver secured but slight und scattering applause, but protection was more fortunate. His allusions to (Jov. rnor Wa ire irrA ma ceived with durisive laughter. A voice from Oregon cried: "Serve him like w did l'ennoyor." William Mason, of New York, responded on behalf of the delegates. He congratulated Colorado iuthrowing wide its silver portals with such abundant hospitality to the delegates to the national convention. This wel come to tho heartiest neec of f and the retention accorded the dele gates uiieri an witn intense gratilica tiou, Such a reception could nover be forgotten. rtiKsiDKNT tract's bpbioh, At tbe noon hour President Tracy rose to deliver his annual addrss. His reception was most cordial and heartv. Ho spoke with eloquenos ami in a most pleasing manner. In the course of bis remarks Mr. Tracy said: All the recent elections, wherever held, have been showing constantly Inoreaelng pluralities for hVpublieau candidates, up to tho judicial election In Illinois during the early part of this month, where a Democrrtio plurality of T,OU0 was wiped out and tbs Republican candidate earned the district by over 4,(Mn plurality. We must not, however, be lulled into seeming security by these overwhelming successes, nor overlook the fact, that although won derfully lacking m statesmanship, the leaders of the Democratic party are replete with rnlitieul annninn and .I,-..,. .' The leaders who have so long and so successiuiiy lotigm tne osttle of tbe Re publican party, mast soon give place to jot'.' ger men; let us prepare to assnme the responsibilities of leadership while wa may yet have their counsel and advice; let your deliberations be so mied with wis dom and patriotism that tho voire of this convention will echo ovor every moun tain, penetrate every valley arid find a welcome in the heart of every Bepnblioau In the land. Let us go forth from tins meeting lull of strength, full of faith, lull or fidelity to Repnbllosn principles, and then inspired by tho glories of tbe past and the hope of tho future, the Re publican National league will continue to march at tho head or the invincible army of patriotism. SYMPATHY FOU FRANCE After tho call of states, Mr. Jansen, of Nebraska, asked for a suspension of tho rui 's lor the purpose of suggesting action on the part of the National league in extending an expression of sympathy to tbe republic of France, tie presented resolutions William L. Taylor, of Indiana, rea i the txt for a oablegram. Mr. Sperry, of Connect! cut, wanted tho committee to prepare suitable resolutions, Tho convention voted to instruct tho president and secretary of the league, to draft, a ca bltgram, Adjourned, RACES AT POINT BREF2E. Fast Track nnd Hot Content Dalichted the spctatnrs. Philadelphia, Juno 20. The sec ond day ol the summer meeting of tho Philadelphia Driving association at Point Breeze saw a falling off in the attendance. Those present Were givon a good day's sport for their money, however, -is the track was fast. In the 2.17 class they saw the best contested heats evnr trotted at Point Breeze, In the three heats trotted in this race the winning horss In no in stance was more than a yard ahead. The race was Unfinished whnn darkle ss came on and the winner may be any one of tho first four horses. Judge Austin opened favorite in betting. In tho unfinished race from yest'T- day in the 3.86 class Alexils, Queen ol Upland and Verdie were all favorites 111 turn, but Alex-ds finally took the rase in straight heats J. M. D. was tho favorite in tile 8.84 class and won easily in Straight heats. The spectators were given a surprise in tho 2 84 pacing nice by nn Unknown outsider winning. Mand Morrill and Flying Nig were the favorites in the rBc, bnt a horse named Qranger, whose very pedigrno is nn known, onm to the front and won In straight hnts. The summaries: First race 8.20 class, trotting, puree two (anflnlsbed Mouday); Alexis by Prince All (R. Grady), llr-t. Qaeon of I'pland by Bpaulet (T. Grady), second; time, 4. 18, Becond race 8.34 clnss, trotting, purse 11,000. J, M, I), by Favorite Wilkes (BraW- ley), first) Bappy Lady (Turner), second; time, " 31 Third race 8, M class, pacing, purse MOO, Granger, pedjgne unknown (Myers), tirst; Maud Herri!! (Browley), second; time 2.1NV Fourth race 8. IT rasa, trotting, pursn WOO (nnflnisned), Billy a., ny Bay Tom, jr., (Shllllnglaw), first) Judge Austin by McCurdy's Harabletoolan (Smith), second; time, 8.1 T)', INVESTIGATION PROMISED. Immia-rant Inspector CoakllnRr to Visit Anita Vine Piinxsiitawney, Pa., Jnne 2ft. A committee of miner this morning oalled on Superintendent Robinson, ot tho Bell, Lewis & Yates Cd. They wanted him to pay the fare of the new men that they captured from the po lio bHck to Buffalo, This the superin Republicans tendent rofused to de, but said that ha would eecure them work on th Buffa lo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad work train. The offering of another oomproraise by the Bell, Lewia and Yat company ha greatly encouraged tho miners. Immigrant Inspsotor Conkling will this afternoon go to Anita mine to make an investigation, it is claimed bore that the company has violated tho immigration laws. THE ALTOONA CONVENTION. Peouliar Rsgilntions Adopted at tho Meeting of rtlners. Ai.ToONA. Pa,, Jnne 2ft -The mlnrs convention adjourned at noon today after adopting a resolntinn condemn ing tho sheriff of Jefferson souoty for failing to do his duty and calling np n Ooyernor Pnttison to withdraw tue troop from the Pnnxsntnwnev region It was also resolved that all miners who resume work at the compromise price shall p.yy an asaoaament to keep tiiose who do not go to work, that tbe dead work scale shall be arranged by the miners of each region to meet their own condition, that tho same differen tials that existed prior to the last re duction shall prevail and that no opr ator who goo to work at the com promise rate shall sell coal to an oper ator who will not pay that rate DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Forecast of Today's Proceedings a Hnrrishrrrp The Business of the Meeting Mapped Out. HarrIBBCRO, Pa.. Jnna 2ft The Democratic state convention tomorrow will probably ho mora productive of good results within the party ranks than any gathering of the Pennsylvania Democracy for years. v(Tilli"im M Singorly, proprietor of the Phila delphia Reeord, will be nominated for governor by acclamation and with bis selection will come n com plete unification of tho hitherto warring factions. Mr. Bingerly's rocent efforts at harmonizing the Harrity nad Mc Aloer forces in Philadelphia, he not being allied with either side, will now be rowarded by a restoration of har mony such, so th leaders say, as will bring out the full party vote in Novem bv and moat probably be the means of permanently cementing whut has been an ominous breach. Democratic and R 'publican politic ians alike declare that the selection of Mr. Slngerly is one of th9 mot diplo matic political moves ever offict.ed In the K'ytnn state. Governor Patti son and Secretary of he Common wealth Harrity are credited with hav ing evolved this method of unification There is but one badge being worn by the delegates, and that contains a pic ture of Mr. Singerly. The convention tomorrow will met in the opera hone at noon. State Chairman Stranahau will call the 411 delegntea to order, and Robert K Wright, of Alleutown, will assume charge a temporary chairman, other temporary officers will be: Secretaries Benjamin N. Nead, John P. J. Sanson derfer. or Philadelphia; William E McAney, of Titnsville, and Thomas Allsop, of Allegheny; reading clerk, (ieorge II. Hoffmann, of Philadelphia; sergeant at arms, Benjamin F, Brine, of Philadelphia; and Tftomas Mullen, of Pittsburg. Attorney Mineral Vf U. it !. of Lancaster, will be per manent chairman. Mr. Singerly will be placed in nomi nation by R. Jones Monaghan, of West Chester, nnd the nomination will be soconded by Delegate Crosby, of Erie, and aiso by James M. Peek, of Phila delphia. Too other nominee who will be chosn by acclamation will b?; John S. Rilling, id Erie county, lieutenant governor; Davi l F. Uagee, Lan castor, auditor general, and Adjut ant General Walter W. Greenland, of Clarion county, secretary of inter nal affairs. The two CADdidates for comrressmnn-at-large have not yet been definitely selected Hannibal K. Sloan, of Indiana; A. A. Plnraer, of Venango; Major T, Brent Swearinger, of Allegheny, and Gerard C. Brown, of York, are prominently mentioned. .Messrs. Brown and Bloan were tonight Selected for these nominations, but Mr. Brown declined to srve. It is probable that Major Swearinger and Mr. Sloan will be the nominees, Ex-Mayor W. A. Rose, of Johnstown, wnsapokan of for lieutenant governor today, bnt it was stated tonight that he had been suc ceeded by Mr. Rilling. A majority of the delegates are on the ground tonight, and, with a brass band, they aro enlivening the Btste oapitol. Thor i mt one contest and that is from Allegheny. The two names certified as having been Regally elect ed are James McCnbe and Patrick MoNsrnay, The contestants ore George S Fleming and T M. Brophy. The credential committee will have to set tle the dispute, BRIEF BITS OF HOME NF.W5. Tho Democratic state convention ot Maine nominated Charles F. .loiinson, for governor. The original Coxey army's supply of pro visions is so low that, meals have become scanty and Infrequent J, S. Morris' Sons, hardware men of Hi as ton, Tex., have failed with liabilities estimated atfi4T,U00, and assets sufficient to satisfy them. Black diphtheria is raging in Middle town, N. V, and there is great consterna tion at Chester, where forty cases have developed within two days. The first Northern I'acitic through pn- songer train since ,Tune I arrived at Ta coma. Wash., .yesterday morulrig. Here after trains will run regularly. The British h1h Lac mane, bound from Ualontta for Ban Francisco with a cargo Ol jute and gUttUiaSL has been cut 14" days, and shipping and insurance men are iie coming anxious about her. Receiver Knight, of the Massachusetts branch ol the Iron Hall, hns notified fifty run lodges that unless they make good their shortages of from fc!f to IO,dOO they will be forced out of the order. WEATHER FORECAST. E CLEAR I wHniNOTo.s..Inno ao. Forecast I for N'etlticsdaii: hor CdstSrtl B ftnHsvltWNio, tAtmdse snotosrs in the it fterntion; SoUtS "'inrfs. 'or rFesfers HinnsvIvana,'AoMrt sltijhthj xvuAoi r, soutitttiSst rciiids. FIHLErS SPECIAL SALE 1 mi mmm W. -T -t . - -'. j MfjrK ' ft: ' r - ,;-.. 4-mm Wehave retjelved from our man afacturer somo special job lots of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, All perfect ";oorls at cut prices. The quantity la limited ami cannot bo duplicated. 10 dozen Gowns, solid embroidered yokes, at o8c each. 0 doz-n Gowns, assorted, at Si. 13 lOdozsn Skirts, with 5 tnc:s, 62c. "i doz. Plain Skirt, csmbrio rufiD,75C ri dozen Mnliu Skirts. R-inch embroid ered rrlfle, at Si. 10 dozen Drawers, embroidered ruffle, 50c. 10 dozen Miases' Gowns, embroidered yoko, 75 and 85c. ft dozen Infant' and Children's Whit Dresses, 65c np ALSO, SPECIAL JOB LOTS OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S Shirt - Yaists 49, 75 and 98c. olO and 51 2 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS1 Wholesale and Retail. I . A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Comfort-GiYing Shoes The only kind that give it, for the summer, is our "Service ft Kurafort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reiilj & Davies ! 1 New Store New Goods Suitable for Wedding and Commencement Presents Finest lina of Silver Belt Buckles, Veil Clasps and Other Novelties in the city. Ep-Wstoh Tor OPENING DAY AN NOUNCEMBNT, A Souvenir Pres. ent (;iren FRF.F, to overy lady caller. if you buy or not. The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. MUSLIN UNDERWEA nl1,' '- as. , i.. " J. : :M ; OILCLOTHINB ""I SW fOSbkk. I "-", I J. II